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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1941, p. 4

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,, J many other relatives, attended the golden wedding of their uncle and aunt. Mr. and MrS. W1111am H. Smith or Uxbridge, on Tuesday, Rlbruary 18th. Many valuable and beautiful gifts wtijl the good wishes of all present were bestowed on the happy couple with the wishes -that they may enjoy many years of health and happiness together. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher and family. Miss Helen Jordan, spent Sunday with relatives in the city, Miss Glenys Stephen, of Kinsale, spent the week-end with her par- ents, M:r. and Mr.s. Fred stephen. Port Perry (M. Cockburn, Correspondent} PORT PERRY, Feb. 17-Tb.e- Feb- rue.ry meeting of the Women'.! As.soclatlon of the Port Perrt United Churfh rook place on Wed-- nesday afternoon, Feb. 5th In the school room. There were forty-ftva member.!! present. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Colbf>ar, de- votional leader, reading a Psalm. This was followed by a. h..."1DD and prayer. Tile president. Mrs Ge.:J. Jackson presided. After the bus:- :ness o ft.he meetmg had been con- cluded an Interesting talk. on "St. Valentine" was riven by .Miss 0 . Stovin. Then followed two Valen· tine Con~ts conducted by Miss Stovln. The winner.s were Mr.>. Geo. Rose first, and Mrs 'Ibos. Asher, second. A shower of kitchen towels were donated by members o! the association. A social hr..lf·hour was enjoyed during which refresh· served by Mrs. L Koch's flower group, Mrs. Wlillam. Chap· man, Mrs. B . Koch, Mrs. H . N(l· smith and Mrs. L. C01bear. Miss Grace Read, of Uxbridge, 1s I spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R«-ad. Congratulations to Mr. and ~ Grant Jeffrey on t.be birth of a daughter. There was a good attendance at the "Sports Night" which was stag. ed by the Rink Committee- at tlle Port Perry Arena, on saturday night. One o1 tbe features of the evening waa a Midget hockey l&m~ between Lindsay and Pori l'orey. Tb.e reault wu a tie 3-3. Quite a number of the spectators were fro:n Stouftvllla and other towns. Mr. and lllra. Herb ArbUCkle are movin& to Cobout'l 'Where Mr. Arbuckle has been a valued mtm• ber ol .the choir Of the l1iilted Churcb. for some Ume, an4·--'llra. Arbuckle has been an acttve mem- ber or .the choir and sujd.BJ' Sahool of. the Angllcan Chu:rcll for ~ We . wish tbem. every R&XeU and h_ .... Coagratulatloos to ..,., Qeolp PrenUce who celebrated her elght!- blrthd~ on P'lbruary nth. Lt.-coL E. A. Baker, Mauac~n• D1reetor af the Canadian Nattonal Institute ror too BUDd, was the BUm ope&ker at Pldel11o' Lodge AJ!, & A.M. oa TUesday even!Dg of last v.eet. Be was accompanltd by a large number .of members of Alpha Kuon1c Lodge; of Toronto • J.C.ra. D. P. Jact.Son, of Torollto. Ja spending a few daya with hrr parents Dr. and Mra. Lundy. M1s5 Grace Stone, or ToroDto, wa.s ·the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stone, for a few davs last week. · COrp. Dunsham, Lanoe Corp. Cos· tello and Trooper Read ot On!. Regiment, Pte. Graham of Army Medical .Corp., Pte.s. Hansen and HunUey of the 48th Highlanders were among those who attended. the ~~~-;-;4'-"~r:...."""""'...--+--l Carnival at the Arena lLSt Wed~ t nesd&Jr. , G. A., CANNING l __ . 145 Broek St. South rbithy Phone 442 '•.- Manchester (Mn. Crosier, Carr,) MANOHESIER, Feb. l'l-Mlsses Donn& CrOOer aud EUeen Slterrat.t.. of Ut1C8., were guest,. or Nr, r.nd Mrs; C, Gerrow la.st. Friday. Tpr. E. W. Cr.1sler, of 'Camp Bor- den, spen t. the week end with hb parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P . Cros!er. Many from h~:-e attended :Mr. Jos. ' Ward 's sale ilf tW stock and lmplements)lt. Uttca on Saturday. Mr. and ~ Chas. Gerrow vlslt· ed r elatives In Pf ckerlng on Sunday evening. 11 We are sorry to report. that Mrs. Barbara Lltmb !ell downstairs and FAJtM$ and MARKET CAR·DENS FOI£ .. SALE 10 ana, Scarboro TG\¥1lahip, ten minutea from Danforth A:ve, Market, Toronto. Deep rich loam, suitable f.,.. all kmds of garilen produce. · TERMS IF DESIRED 10 acres near Whitby, Koocl aoil handy to market. me show you this. It'• worth while. Let '96 Aeres, ~cheater district,. f~ .buildinga, productive aoil, rood neighborhood. Spec~al pr1ce. Early posseasion. ~ Wilen you want to bUy or aell a farm - See Ontario's Land Selling Specialist W~ A. ··LAWSON 1 ! 03 COibome St. W., Whitby- Phone 5'79, Eve~ingo 500 «i> . I -- 1HE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1941 fnictured her wrbt :recentJ:y. The Women's A.!i!loclaUon of th"l United Church Deld a SL ValenUne social in the: township hall on Fri· day evening. The ball and tables were very prettilY decorated and a splendid supper wu served. The entertainment eon.siated of a play by local young ptople. Vocal selec· Uon.s by Miss ~orene Croxall. Ux· bridge. The Lee $l.sters, Greenb&nt, llt~le Jean Samella and Isobel FleweU. Sc\1101, Elletn Skerratt and Donna ~er. Utica, and the mu· slcal. skit, "Tbe Quintuplets," by five local girls. A most enJoyable even· lng was .spenL Mrs. John Mastt:ra Ja not improv· ing in health 45 her many trlends would wish. · A number from here attended the IJons' Club dance at Port Perry on Friday enmina. Mrs. J. Batn. Toronto, spent t.he week end wit.h her mother, .Mr&. .1. Mitchell. Audley AUdley, Peb. ]8.-JOhn PUct:rfn is home after hla mness at camp. w. H. Westney a~6.ded the fun· eral of his un.:ie Henry at West Hill last. week. The late gentlPman was the lut of t.he .famlly of twelve children. We congratulate HaJTy Short upon receiving h16 winga In West- ern Canada. HIU'f,1 fonnerly lived b<re. Miss Helen PUctrin is dolng well and will soon ~ home from Ute hospital where me underwent an operaUon !or llppendteltls. "Onu;mere .. Farm recently sold a number of Jers-eys t-o go to Wiscon- sin at good fiJqres. At the latest reports, Mr. Jones. who was 1nJ\lf"!d. on the hiahway, is sun unconscious 1n the hospital. His wife Is a !J.ster of Mrs. Gard and Mrs. Dick Winters. U.S. ·Women Help On Many Front• To Aid Britain B:r GL&DY8 ARNOLD Canadien Prisl Slafl Writer Alwa:ra noted for tbetr inpn1ous Ideas, American women. aided. br American c:blJdren, from Los An~ gelea to New York are tumlng their attenUon to Plllna up comtort.s tn.: r.helter-<lftllers, alr raid victims and Brlt&ln'a homeleu.. SbiPI fill- ed with clolhlno and medlcal sup- pliea are a hl&:h mart: ot their ef. tort. From - Brltlah Will' Re11e1 Soclety coma the atory at an ap- peal for mats, ruas and. small bed- side comtort.a to be uaed in women'l biDets ot arD1J1 territorial. aenlcN. 'lbrouah the Boltoll tepzeaentaUve in Londcm. thJa: suaeeUon came """' Qijoe.n l<llubelll.beroelf when aated what Boetm. Dould clo '"Women are called. ·out of tbelr bedlto-llumsandooz'rlco ~ CODatant~.,,• IOl4 tho Queell'l ......... "Th... rup wouJd . pro- vide a bit of cheer and comfort for them. and cut down t.b8 ilumber or colda tram auck1D chDla. .. Tlctoll tO< tho Brlliah w ... RO- MOTOR M~tHANIGS . UR6ENTLY 'NEEDED FOR ARMY'S WORK 'TEXTILES Action/ • tn. Motorization of Modern Army Develop& Need for Expert. Toronto, Feb. l'l.-WhUe the need Js not presslng, vacancies 1n I:Jle Canadian Ar'Jl) ·for really expert drivers and !irs!;-cla.ss motor me· chanlcs are , open, and w111 remain · so indefinitely. It was revealed yes- terday by & Dl.strlct Headquarters officer. , , ~e enormous total of 32.000.000 lbs. ~f these and other Vital war materials already shipped t~ Brita~n.' South Africa. Australia . and the Canadian Government is Dominion Teztile's record · since the war started. The reason for this 1s that or· dlnary recruiting methods do not provide the number of men re- · quired, or ~ho will be. required, to drive and ma.intaln · Ule heavy vehicles now rapidly being turned 11.200 of this company's 13.960 employees buy Wcrr Scmngs Certificates regulcrrly. out for the complete motorlu.tlon o1 the army, at home and abroad. Numbera of men with some me- chanical abmty to start wtth aftl being trained in army shops. bu~ nevertheless, the reeruJ.tlng oUk:ers are very 'h&ppy when an expert walks into an .mllstment centre ana· announces he W&Dts to Join up. It sa~ so much valuable time, i.t was explained. In most branches of the Ian1 service there :ore several d1Jt1nc~ classes o! mo~or mechanics and drtver3, the .staff offloer polnted out. Regardless of tha recruit'• previoUs expencnce, he 1s gtren, after the usual bBSic military train· 1ng, a course m an army motor· "rehicle shop, llr m general drh-in& and ma.intenanl!e, so he can apply his technical knowledge to army net'ds. A brlei summary of the various requl.rements demanded of motor mechanics 1n th~ army may asst.st prospeeUve r ecruits 1n decJdlng •••v'l' •vca ... TlliiTI whet.ber they might be useful 1n "3", takes a twv-month course, md kha.kl, t was suggested. draws extra pay. Tb.e ordinary run - of. t.he-mill At the top of the list, it was ex .. pla1ned, 1s the meehanl.c. class 1, followed by les.iet' experts classlfl.ed driver 1n t.he army is classed a.s drlwer, lC {wh!ch stands for in· ternal combustion, of aU thinpl. His standing: hilS three classes, too, but he does not draw extra pay. How-ever, it. Is r.he first .step tQward t.be rating of driv@r-m-echanlc or mechanic, class 1. u .. 2" or "3". These fellows are as fam1llar with cutomoUve mechan .. lsc as t.he average c1Uzen b with windin& an alarm clock. They are expected to be able to break down a motor and p11t It together again. They undergo iil.l\ elght·week. course Jn the army. and draw specialist pay, 1n addJUon to PQ' of their rank, when quaUUed. · Next 1n order 1s the diiver-me .. cbanlc. He Is a first-class driver and a good, \)r at least fair, me. phanlc. able ~ mate ordinary re- palra to h1s .owu and perhaps other motor vehicles tr. a amail rac1 con.- 'IOy. ~e also1 Ia d&s3ed .. 1 ... .. 2" ot In addition to being a good driver (the best recr.tU.s are former hlah· WQ' transport drivers, who know what It reaelly means to drive ' 'aU the time .. and . battle at the cor- nen;), this ordinary felli'IW mu.u tr:now ho:W to .::eep h1s vehicle run .. nina'. Its 1 dally maintenanee, such ·u eHeeting battery and oU, and , . ·minor repala General cJp Gaulle's Joicu- .All, tb~ are the rep1ar drlV"eN Africa. · · ·and maintenance men, but now even Tbe "AJd to French Wo • the ordinary buck privates who rtcfc ban forwarded more Ulan .$11,000 alo~ in the anny larrtes to do the to Britain, whUe the Pollah .a....- fighting are- also being taught the ciaUons of two small cltles,. Wot- rudiMent.! of driving. That 1s to oester and Chelsea, Mus.. alGae prevent a lorry full of men or valu .. h~n l!t!nt over $12,000 to aid. Poibh able supplies bring stuct U the refuateL regular drl\'er ~omes a casualty. OSHAWA RELATIVE SHARES IN ESTATE Number of Friend. of Weiland Barrister Are Remembered in Will The Sunday School Lesson By NEWMAN CAMPBELL C'l1le tnternatlonal UnUorm Les- son on the abo;e topic for Feb. 23 16 Luke 81, the Golden Text being Luke 11:1, "Lord, teach ustopraY."J MEN OUGHT always to pray, said our Lord, and not to fainL The im- plication 1s that we need not de· .spa1r 1! we w1ll OZl1y seek the Lord In prayer. Then Jesus told a pamblt. about a Judge who f('8red not God nor resanfed man. To this man R. 11'1dow came asking to be avenged of an enemy. Tbo Judge refused to give her JusUce a.t first., but later, he thought. to ll1fO.Sel1 that she would always oe bothering him, so not. for the rlg.i:lteoumess of her a.ppe&l, bat fot his own seUish de- atre not to ~ bot.bered, he gave her her way. If this wicked JUdge would avenge the poor woman fOI' his own selfish reuons. Wl'f!ly the Good God will hear H1.s "awn elt:et" when they cry to Him, and aaid ·the Lord. llet ball, orp.DlJocl trr l'ob 30 ID -------.,-~'--..:.,.,------------­ Welland. - Announcement wu made recently oy Allan L. Brooks. K.C., promtne.'lt Niagara dlstriet barrister. Weiland. that the Ontario charitable Institutions share gener-- ously under tbe wUl of the late John Moore Hogan, retired contractor, Port Colborne. di!pos1ng of ooe of the largest esu.t.es ever offered foe proba.te In Wella.I:.d surrogate court. The late Mr. H(lpll. died at Port Colborne, October 2S. lfHO. By , a wUl made on September lt,. 1HO. an estate Of $2,106,3'11.26 cooslstlng almost en~ly ot · garernment and munJclpal bOn:Li and· Usted stocks, after proyidlng for speclflc legacies to relati\'es and frlf!nds , was lett to the executors for d.lvls1on &mOD8 Ont.a.rlo cbarltaOJe insUtuUon.s. to be named by thmt. Jesua spab this parable to rebuke thoae who b'usted 1n their own rlahteous:ness · and despl.sed ol.hers. Two men went up to the temple to pra.y. Be Slald. One. was a Pharlsee and, aettinc .u near thf! altar a.s n-.r t.he .altar r.s he could, be began bo&stinc of h1s cood.ness. I thank God I am not as other men, he said, even u th1s pubUcan. I llve a good Ufe; I fast twloe a week (the law requ1red hlm. to fast bu once a. week), and I Kfve part of all I pas~ MI6S In Uthe... Sa.ld P-eter, .. Lo, we have left a.1l, and followed thee." And Jesus an .. swered, "Verlly I say unto you, "'hent Is. no man t.hat hath left house, or pa~nts, or brethren, or wife, children, fo1 the kin&dom o! God's "'te, w!lo shall not. recelve manifold more ~ :t thls present Ume. and in the world to come me ever- lastlnK." Boston, ha"' ' tM,m IOWllc fut. Eftr1thlna )lu bHn .-.tal. 1zvm IDvltaUon prlntlna to prtaa, 100<1 and flowe'ro. ao,. and olrll In hll- torlc ·London costume. will ae.iJ flowers and art1.clea donated w swell tbe fund. Gethaa'a Effert. ""You.nc America Wanc.s 'to Help'" Ja a New ~York orpnlat.loo ot chU· drep. under the dlnlc:Uoo or J.1:r5. K-ermit Rooaevelt. ValentlDea 1n the shape of warm baby clotbl.nc. mer- coata and medical auppll• are be- Ing bought through thf!lr efforts to be shipped abroad to BrlUah babies. Girls In 3'1 New York public and high schools are aewlng ror Brtt.a\n. They have alJu.dJ' forwarded more than 2,000 &arments tbrouah tbe American Red Cross, the mat.er1Dl being aupplled this <qallla&llon. Oarmen~ include dresses ntgh~ .. ao~. pantle5 and aUpa. They are rna~ for chUdren trom ab: to etaht years old. In one school amen atrts crocheted 10 woollen afghaDJ whlch now are 1n uae in l.()ndon shelters. Another hlgh school m&de ao. a1x by four feet in size. A thlra ;roup had made 350 woollen coat d~s which w~re 1ent. to Enrland u a Christmas present and more are or• the way. Donr to Dour Women ha ve started "name· saeke" funds ln many eltles and towns. Dover (Hell's Corner), Enc· la nd, has been adopted by Dovt!t, M&ss.. and thoUsands of dollan se nt to aid the vteUms of 'llr raids and long-ranre ahelllng. But there are more t.han 2,000 such "namesakes" In Ule United States and most of them arc buay raising fundls . In one city reprt· Reo tatlves fl'om more than SO sucn funds have met for lunch and the monies raised were cabled to Eng- land at the end of the meal . Among thelJ1 were Mpre.sented Jpawlch, Newark, Annapolis, Norrold , Lynn, GreenwJch and Carnbrldge " Bundles for Britain," an organ- iution operaUng from cout toJ coa.st. . has ib name on arUcl<f'> ranging !rom "eau de cologne" to "victory" s tocklng!'l Recen tly · they shipped 15,000 ltemll ot clothing 9,150 kn itted garment.\ valued 1 ~ $40,000. Articles from this group In · elude many comfort.!! !or men a.lr rnlds precaution workers, fire fish>.· er~ and ob~rven The BrHish War ReHel Society ·~ selling brooches and clips with th·; "lion rnmnant" on 1L tor $1 The pin cost!!. 30 cent.s and '10 cenU g~ to the fund . - Other roree.s are not forgotten. This organization In New Yon NX'Il ~ 170 000 f or n complfl le mob ite h Q..:jpllal unl~ which noiY la aervlna .. ll:r. Hogan wu a eousln of Mrs. G. Toppings, Broc::k atreet east, and wu a frequent visitor to her home bere. A number of llfe tong frlen.d.ro and relaUvm or the deceased and of hb father, the 1&~ Michael .1. Hopn. share 1n •ub.sb.ntlal cub lecacle:s include: Mrs. Lelen, llonlnal. ll1ss Allen v. L&1UWl, """' CO!bome, lira. Agnes ToppJ.ngs, Oahawa, Helen cutbba tsou. Montreal. Jessie Grant. Montreal, Alezander Granl Montreal, ~ Kate Bu.ter, Port Arthur, w . .1. Baxter, Port Arth..ur, o.ca.r Schneller and Loretta Schnel· ler. TOroo.tto, Mrs. MarJ' Harknesa, Ttmmtn.s. 11.r1. Teresa x.neere, su- tatchewan, Kra. Jb.rY MacDonald, Montreal. W. J . A ugh tell. ehauffer or the dilceased. 'l'be ieddue ot tbe estate after payment of lb.LSc lepciea of apoo proziiQately $000,000 Is cbarled wilt the payment of debt.a and .aucoe.sslon duUe 011 · all 1~--ac.tea leanble 1n Ontario and ~uebee, which 4re es- Umated. to ami)Uilt to aboUt t500.- ooo. JI'OitCB JIAYOB INTO OFnCB Rea41nl'. Mich. (AP).-'lbe Job nobodY wanted-mQOI' or thJ.a cttJ o! 1,000 populaUon-now belong& to the man who alreAdy has tt.. Vot• en wrote Adelbert Hat:M Into of .. flee m. blaD'k- ballots :r,pterday &f· ter the dty fathers had unsucoess .. tully tried to e.U oft the special election becauae Ulf!re were no candklates t.b.la year. Mothera brougbt t.bek bt.bM to .I_. that He might loucb tbem. but wen "" ~b)' the db I ! ~ ......... to Hln. and a.atd : a,,...er UtUe c:hildnll to corne unto Me &Dd. forbid then\ not. !»< Ill llM II~ N il!w Ill -~ I The publican. wbo was despbed of hls fenow mtn and had many temptaUom, ISJd not even lift up his eyes, but atandl.ng afar orr. 611lote upon his breast, saying, "GOd be ·mere1fu1 to IQI!!, a alnner ." This man, eooaclous o! his sl.n, wa.s tbe oae the Father heard and answered. rathsr than the .sel!- rtahteoua PharL,..:-e, Jesus ..ald. So muc:h dlcl people love Jesus, that mothers brouaht. their babies to Him, , that He miaht just touch them. "'b.tt disciples may hav-e thoUKht it waa beneath Jesus' dig- JesWJ th-en tried to tell hJa fol- lowers about H1s com.lng trt.ai. scourging and 11eath, but they could not seem to understand. He then took the twelve and st.arted toward Jerusalem, and as they were nf!U'- lng the city a certain bllnd man. bearing the noise of many people !J&Mlng, asked wt1at 1\, was. When :bf!J told him he cried out lD a loud voice, "Jesu.s , thou .son ot David, have me:Cf on me.• 'l'be disciples tiled tc. huxh hlm. but Jesus heard him and had h.lm 1brouabt. before Him. When He heard the man's request. Be aatd: "Receive thy .,sight: thy faith hath saved. thee." .\nd lmmedlately hli receh-e<t h1s .sight., and ron~ Htm. glorifying God.' and all the people. when they saw iL. aave prabe unto God. nity to receive theae bable!! who PREDICTS BEST YEAR were carried 1n tbelr mothers' arms. Houston, Tex. (AP).-A lt per But Jesus called them to Him, SAY· cent increase in con.structlon vo1 .. lrl&: .. Suffer lltUe ch1ldren to come ume ln the UniUd States this year, unto li-e, and forbid them. not; fo: the hlahest level alnce the boom of &uch 1a the Jouadom of God." d&¥a of more than a decade aaa. Then He told His dt.ciples that b forecast by Tboma.s s . Holden unl-.s they received th-ese 1nnooent of New York, president or the P. Ut.tle ooes and became Uke them, W. Dodae Corporation. In an ac~ .. tbey eould not enter Into the king~ drus Holden Aid the defence pro.. dom. K!'&Dl launched last year by the A rich you.na man, a ruler, came I government, augmented by an in· to Jesus, beln& troubled because his I crea.se 1n private constltuUon woulc lite was locom;dete. "What shRll l bring contrnctan the mo.st pros do to inherit e~mal Ute? " he ask· peroua year since kr.Su. r 1HE WHITBY GAZETTE AND WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1941 CMRISPONDENCE fROM THE RURAL Cl 3·3A% - . . ' '.on a ....... - rnnt . ·: . c.lti41.- ,A IQo/ln'tf!i.,nt lor • Truit' Fun<# TOWD Kinsale -and Almonds Brock Road (llllla .. BUtb ileoll, c--.; Bract .Road, Peb. 11 . ..:...A very ~\ &ftem.oon was spent at the ichool laJt Prldai arternooo when • number · or -~ ladies of the com. muniC\7 atteDded. the Va.leD.uiie party ao abl.T put oo by th~ atud· ent.a. After \he postman dellvenkl th6 m.aD:1 Va~nUnes. lunc:h wu aerved aDd. everJOOI reported a aoo<lllmo. xr. IYt.n Zl1lDI1U. apent t.he weet~ eod at hla homo here. The ladie:l mf!t at tbe home ot lira. Wllaon lut 'qOL ll1ss Ann1a Oou!Hn· of 'l'Qnmto, Mr. and 'l\lro. ThOii>poon' and !amii:J Of w~ru~sor . ...,., Ylslt.ora at tho ·'J. Ka)'el homo lut weet. ltQU' cood1Uoa remalDI aboUt the ...... . Mill LU11an Barber. ,; are sorry to repor( toot ' llk:k wlt.h appendl· cilia and - tu.I!D to 'l'Qnmlo lut Plida)>. - .Ill'. and Kn. Aloolo Kea.at and eon., Gerald. Ylal.t.r.d ilr. and Krs. c. Hood on S&lurday. · · Tbo chllclren · Of, tho eommunlly are I&I<IDC advantaao Of tho ley 00Ddlu0n. or tbo roadi, and ue u.,-.. lXII 11m l btlna p.nd alelab-rldlnc. chriauan Pellow.mtp, .. lat unit. be- Inc 'the church. 2nd the homo, and 3rd, the fellowshiP between Chrli· tlana tbl'OUibOUS Uie wOrld In brlna:• Ina tho - ld to Chrlal Mr. 00111- lu wlth llrs. IloUKlu u accom· panl&t. contrlbutfd \wo · aolol. At.• ten<tance waa ~Qo:d ·at· botb. aervtcea. Kr& ar&wrord 11ac1 ihe ul!JifO.,t.U;81 to ,breall_hF , 1 .. II\_ .Uppln&, on ley ateps a~ Dr. 'l'l0011 Dson'a, ClaremooL INSPECTOR FOR ...,___,~ OHTAIItiO _., ,_,...., ...... .,.,.... ..... cfo ~~ -~~. OlltariD AP ~c.raq..~~ •• A numboi of ro!l.u~,;,.'aid) attended. -the funeral Burketon, of the' late .son. , ~· B. Lqoa Is couple or weeks ·With Burketon. . .... , A car, Ioadttd nesSe.s, oil ·

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