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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1941, p. 1

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I } 1' TIIIIIUNBS EIPIB:: ~.r • .,. I f ' ··'~!,; -._ ;" ' ( ·oenounce PoiHical Feud I • ' • • ~ Jlivo1ving Men Employed l Under Municipal Bodies ,, Memorandum F rom . .j Hon. T. B. McQueaten Said to Conflict With F ederallnstrucliona on Unemployment Insur- ance ¥01CE RESENTMENT IN TOWN'S BEHALF Mayor- Rowe Declafts Municipalities T o o Often Made the "Goats,. in Scrap Be- tween Province and Dominion Concem for the rl&hts of the .labor1Dg man guided Whitby Town OOuneil at Its meeting, ThursdaY eventn&. Auaust 7, ID res"Pect to con- filctiDJ ·.InstrUction& . receind ~ the Dom1n1on Unemployment · Ili- llirm'ce Commt"'on and the· Bon. S'. B." KcQueiWl, onterlo· ~ c1 JDUDiclpa1 arra1ra. 'Ibe- oouncu decided to·ao ahead and tnsure em• )lloJeeS wlio are cl&sslfted·u tniUr:. able by The u~=~~=~~ 11DCe -Act, . 1MO, and I\IRtliUOill" 1ftlm acJIL · .1111'. qa811ten nc.Sftit Weed Patch Yields Ton of .Scrap Iron For War Munitions BeNDt weed euUiq efferta within the mlllllcl.-i llml.. of Whltb7 belped te tumlah raw ma&edal. for' th-. tools which Prime MIDiater ChurclliU want&. ODe n~ area, eft the Ilea'- track, · came · unc1er the e,e .,· COUDdllor WilHam Bird, ehalrmui or Ute sane.. Com- D11Hee In Whltb7, aDCl he pt. · a crew w~c· there. The &&DC had . DQ& ~eel ._.,. far wh~ 0.11. bro.P' a qli&D· u~ , .r e111 .,.. ..ap to Jlrla'- m .u. Mr. Bird W.4 ,_. Co•Ddl . -ben, there Willi ~ · oftl' a ton ef the metal. I& will lie IIOid for &boat .ZO, I& .... leulle4 OD Frld&:r at the Teq· 'BaiL' The -tal, IIIUD• elllilft ~. hu p~~e f«• want te cuacU&n W&l' ID4ulr:r pl&llta. - mil!i>!dde uys do-110 and io. 'rtle be _...;.., ted th _. .. _ . dares us to do 1i. WtiY,IhoWcl · ;...,.,.~a e ~en . - · - . in ~d by youna.er workers ~·- made· the aoat o1 tbJa 11011 ' Of1 thiDa? • . ant enpaed In vital ~'In this matter, the ~..aov- war Work.'.' . the _chief . PQI.nted out. • erDIIleDt luues instructi.ODI and In· "LlVlne &CCcaimodation near the ,. · tC!ims ua_ that we ~l"!'Pooalble &a plant ·u a~ · a -pfemlum: .Aa a iule, employers of temporary or c:aaual eeveral men oceup:r one sleeplnc ~ to see that the IDatructlODI roam. After work. they b&ve no c:On· are carrl~ out. ventent pl&oe to lo for rel&xatlon . "But h~e Is th.la memorandum .except the beftraP rooms. fr9m Toronto. It lmpll~ that. we . "Tholf find ~~enrqe rooma crowd· are peraona1ly Ua!Jle U we dQ aa the ed aDd men waitlnr far their seats Pederai Government. dJreets. •t tables ~17 drlnll: more than . :'This seems to be part of the they ' Nt or ' Intended, ln ISODle ecrap between the twO .aovernments eus m.eretj to teep parties of and it mlabt be wise to hold thlnp friends totether. in abey~ un~ they decide "That &OK or tb1n& often leacla to ~ong themaelves. pollee court · charves. Evenlnp . Concem for Worker. spent In Idle dr1h1t1na probably have On motion of Reeve J. 111. Joblln an effect 011 -worldn& etflcleney. and Councillor Threadaold, John R. _,__,_ · •--u · l"rost, town clerk and trea:aurer, .,.u____,.. ~- oa was ·wtructed to purchase un~- "With .• .J~e recreation centre, ployment 1naurance stemps for civic eobvenlent to men oU duty, a mm employees· not named, in the. seme could· 111 In and. read the news· motion .., permsnentf employeei ·- pailera or- aet & book. A canteen eoun'clllor ~cllold voiced tbe would · ~pply llabt lunches and ~ ~-~· concern "benraaes that don't tend to ex- ftl: •~=~~~~ to:tm ~ch a place ~uld be used tor~ _., •• o(rjwe.~d 111. ee~ of lee~ ~ the ·nations II' , Ji;Ot· ~." Kr. war effort. The men malting munl· k.':'l!!l!ililliDid 111*1"4 • '"the tiona ot war would probably ute to tltlDa they'll ut at the employment ltno'IV how ~~ ant' used. Th~y -want ~ ..-ould be to see .their lnsUr· to ,know about ~ltary aeroplanes ance boob. - . and allied subJects. "We have to deal fairly with these "Hundreds could aet • elear vWon · <Continued on Pqe 'l) <Cqntinued em ·Pa"ae 71 . Board Names ·New Principal· ·BUt . Seeks Contract ·. Rulilig Wh11e the Board ot Education at In reJard to cootraets with teach· ttl meeting held Wedn~ eve- era. . Ociptea of con:eapondenee ID lliha. AUIUit 6, named a new priD· the Cf10 have been submitted to the - cl&!a1 fl»' Brock . street · PUblic On~. ~lnlstrY ot Education by Bcbool, restanation of Alexander D. t>r. c . P. NcidUUvray, secretary of 8lbcialr trom thJ,t poet was laid the board.· . ,over tor future consideration. · Reply already received from. Dr. The new prtnel~ named Is WU- Geof10 P.· Rotrera. deputy minister Uam J. p~ Maffey, aon of Kr. and. of education. was not considered ' Kre. VIctor Maffey, 800 Byron ctettritte enqh. Stnlet South, who tor the put three "Ap~ntly," Chairman D. A. )'tplll has been prlnclll61 of a: 8. W1llbil remark~ to fellow board :No. 1, Plckerli!I Townablp. He wu mem~ at- the re.cent meeting, ~bly recommended by Inspector "thf¥ _eonb-ftcta aren~ worth the R. A. Hutcl\IDSOl'l. The appoint· P&Ptl' the;y _ant written on." •t· waa"lnade subJect to Kr. ~- Aecordlnf to) ·lhe standard form fey•a makin& proper arrana~u ot eontfact . ~ In em~oylna with Ule Plclterina school ,IOCtlon te¥~ra. Ill\~' enw~oyment under boiLnl concerned. It Wllf .stated contract ·Ia made ·au~Jiet "to "mutual Plat their apJ>Wal would be clven. ~t~ ~·, .tl)e ' boiLnl ~d .~e ClaiUJ Coptraeta . tea~r ~trned. . . Refusal ot ~ WlJitby Board ot · While' •~Una a new principal, - Education to' aqt . n ,·Mr. Blilclair'l' the WbJtby Board of Education's re- nelanation was due to rfforts .1M!· t~to accept Nr. Blnclalr'a real&· in& made to clarlf7 t.beir pos!UOD <QoDtlnuecl on PIIP 1) . ' '. ~ REfUSE r..N. BILL • TO REPAIR·SPUR .. AT Yf. WHITBY Council Finds Rent Paid for Unused Track for Many Yean Marked copy of Shakespeare's "Men:hant of Venice" might appro- priately be forwarded to offlclals of the canadian National RaUway fol- lowing Thursday evening's meeting ot the Whitby Town Councll. Prom the ISUIIlDler of 1921 untu then .• Whitby bas been paying an annual rental of $38 for a Uttle-used sld.lna at Port Wbttby. In fact, for sev- eral -yean past, the town has not used 1t for any purpose whatever. Payment ·of the rental Is supposed to be covered bY an agreement dat- ing back to 1921 or earUer, but no copy of the- document could be lo- cated through · a 8earch made on ThU1'3day by Town Clerll: Prost. Now, u one rewlt of the C.NA's aall:lng the town to accept· & bill for $'12Uii for propoaed repairs, Whitby WUI dlscontiDue rental tor the sid- Ing and has served notice that ·ft wUI not accept a bW for r~ the spur track whlch would be used to connect the C.NA maiD Une wltb sidings of the Brunton Lum- ber Co. Ltd. RaiiWIQ" Loses NEW PUMP, MOTOR·_ FoR WATE'RWOJilS .. Utilities Commission Will Call Tenders On Equipment Calllna tenders tor a new worts pump and a new '15 DOll~;...-: power electric motQr ~ au~lled at the put week's meetlnc of th~ Public UtlUtles oommlsslon ot Whitby. Chslmian C. B. Harper presided. Discussion of the need · for DIIW waterworks equipment was the IDle Item of business before the ClliDJDJII· . sloners. The need and probable cost of the new lnatallaUoo . ...... p~ted to the Commlllllon b7 H. L. Pringle, Whitby's munlcl~ ~· gtneer t.nd utlUties auperlnten~t. Whitby's waterworks &Jatem Ia served at preaent by two 11UD1P4 which each·deUver between 100 and aoo pllona of -.ter· a mlnu~. 'nie equipment. however. Ia ae~tlnc o14 and" the need of replacement Is con- 5idertd tieceM&rY. Cost of the ~w pump and motllr wlll probably not exceed •uoo, ~d It Is expected that firms manut&c- turtng such equipment will be able to supply Whitby's neecla.. on reas- onable terms. In addition to the hydro-powen!d pumpa, Whitby' watenrorka allo hu an auxiUary steam enatne which Ia kept ready al -aU times . for ~­ gency service In case of power ID· terruption. The Peace River District .of Al· berta has drawn setttemeni tarthe'( north than ln any . other ~t ·or canada. _ _..;..~---:-- SHAU,OW ST. CIA!& · Sballowllllt of the oreat Lakes 1& Lake st. Clair" with &";:maximum natwal depth of onl7 21 feet. '"m~u•u•'. Name Police Blottc4r ,_ ... ,. :y·~_>_. · ' ,• ·, ~ ·• ' 'f_ : ~ - ,..,., \ ~ "' .. . . ... ,. , ...... '8···· ~-~ . . ~ .. ' . • --! Mr.; -~· wu~· ' Sent~etl· ·:_:to: Seive . :Two · Mo.:.tbs~ ·. · '. · ~ · Council'S · ApJ)tqval · · . j.h.. tO ae' ~uctiDD ID the price be borno b)' UiOIIe who will eaD· d of' ml1ll:" tor CCIDIUJI!en, lnlU.tecl by a dlsirtblltlon centnt to .et U. mOt ~to cine authorities, -..·u en- tpe:r ~t." . . '- . : •, doraect at '111Ullda:r nlaM's meetlna Reeve J. 111. Roblin supportec~.<'thl cit the Wbttby Town Council. Or- mayor's ' news and ltat.ed · 'iJiii& ~ _C:on.umera In; Toronto and "there Ia no reuon -Wb.Y • .• peop~_~ ~t ~ eeekln&. to b&ve the Mut sliould not"ao · ~ the. d&Jry and' • Control Act ot Qntario &!!\ended so mlllt at two cen~ a quart lea , tlW\ that cOoswnlirs rAt:i form associ&._ ·Uie'J " now 'pay under a eoaQ>et.tU,w ~ tor the built ~ of m1lk. dellvery system of mercband'll~ . and . t.o aet ~d~ra~ tor, ~-- the pl"Qdyqt," . . • ' • ./. . ; under a c&lb ~ carry &Ys- 111oye to endorse the Tortlbto et• . ; . • . fort . at lettlpa reduetlona u.· iDDk · Whll.by 0ouno11 -endonation of a Prices fQr consumeril -..-~ ~ JWOlutloli t~ed t.O U)em by motion cit Deputy ~e L._ D. All . AB'-'~ "llw Clerk J. w .. aomers.- ot Toron· and CO\UlClllor Rober$ KI!Nee. · -.• to, .~ • apec:Sa1 note of the "Cash • an4 Carry" ~· · I ~ · G~ .• - · .- ~· :: "Coat of dlatributlna mut," May· London-(CP)_:Albert Sm.U~:: & itt P. T ROwe pobitell out, •:J s ' too workman at Woolwicb ·AIWIDal; l.n. ~~ ~~to eflol;1,. Ia &!!ned senteJ_wed to spend -amoatb IIM1~tl' at cu~ttcnrn· c;oat ·of dlatribution. ,ron h~ ~tly. ,._ poDYICted: aa ,. :,eoolumir. ant entitJeil to & Uttle a charae of be'alq! "be WU · tol4 r.p,r~ and the COOl~ of sef"lnc 'c:IJ!I· bY, the Judie that 1he ,mu'at. ~-.PM --·• -··~· ·· tomen who order a ten cent ~tie cost of hls apprehenaloll, OODlfS'•· eent· ~' .ever&! bloclta lbould not ance and maintenanoe In ~ ··

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