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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1941, p. 3

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' THE WHITBY AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGU$T 13, 1941 . . . :r4; . . , . C. ·· ·sa··-· ·~:~ .· ' . . . " . Gunner E. a. Anstey, .:R.c.A .. of Ponelon Falls, 1s vtsltlng ills patents, Mf. and -Mrs. J , Anstey ot ·Dunbar· ton. ""hlle on mmtary leave from :k..'ttein canada. v v v v ~ &Pectal meeting or the Victorian Order of Nurses will be held in the Public Library on Monday, August 1& at 3 p.Iil. All women of the eoD:amunity are requested to attend. . . vvvv . Miss Betlv MUrdoch,. outremont, .QuetHtc. iS Yb.ltlng · her uilcle and ·amt. Mr. and Mrs." s. P. Mtndoch. .v· v v v Misses · Ivy-"• L..Omn.x and !)Orothv JJeaner, 0! OShawB:kwho have been tlolklaylng tn Buffalo, hftd an en· joJable bip" home to Toronto by ~- .. .• All sales of ice cr!l8fh and sort drinks at the Red Croas booth at the s treet nlr thls eventni will assist in the local ·Red Cross work. BtU' your refreshments nt the Red Cross bOOth. v v v v Mr. Russell Bell, proprietor of Bell'.s Oarnge. who hns been forced to- move from his present pr-cmt.ses ::-wing to the buUdJng having been !!old, will move on AUgust 15th ttt his new location at 209 Dundas Street East. Just east or Dr. --M'c- Oilllvray's in the 2nd block rrom the four corners. Mr. Bell's new pre- mises are conveniently '· located near the business section of the town. v v v v Jolm H. Blow, son of Mni. E. R. Blow. Brock s t. South, has beeD appointed to a commission In the Special Reserve, R.O.AJI'., and left qn Aucuat tt.h ta report l.t the SchoOl ot Admlnbtration, Trenton, Ontario. smc:e leh he.baa been As· !lstant _o-nmt .. toner tor Tr&iDlnc tn tl>e Boy llcouto Al!ooclatloo, Do- mlnlon lk&dquirten, ott.Wa, et.ch summer traveUlnc' throullhout W@t- ern Canada. l'tevtoua to thl!l time he had been on thl! ttaehinl. ataff ot the P<epantory School, Opper canada eoueae. and tar one year l'r1!ielpal of llrOek ~~boot Schoo~ The third inotalm~nt of 1941 taxes will be due Port Whlti>Y. tn ttii he paduatecl F "da A 15th Th 11 m Arto fn>m Moto!uler Onlvorslty · on n y, uguat . ere wi be no extension and otnoo thOil hu, 11von tun Ume of time for payment. 60SPEL MIRACLES TEAGH BELIEVERS DIVINE METHODS SennonPoint of Rev. Walter Daniel at Baptist Church to hls dutJtS 'trl.th eoout :beadquar• ten. · Thoae who have not paid the first and · second •aomeone has said that the par- Y v v y a1 d % abies of our Lord are miracles," the inst ments may 0 SO now by paying 3 penalty. Rev. Wal"" Daniel of Claremont Nr. 'Ihos. :Wcbardson, employed Th fi d d · 1 be 'd Lf d 1 d his d 1 with the Me~Htan· Life Inilur· e rot an secon meta menlo must · pa1 oe ore ec are In sun ay even ng se•- - --~ th th'rd 'II be ed mon at Whitby Baptist Church, well as of Divine love. Even on the cross He was tempted bY those who hated Him to come down from the instrument or torture and shame. His refUsal to do so when He could have saved HlmseU was the ulti- mate triumph of His human life." Next SUnday. Jt was announced. the Rev. A. c . Dixon of Toronto will be the guest preacher at Whitby Baptist Church. ---- JOINT fiAIHERIN6 OFGHURGH WOMEN fHE MIXING BOWl a,. AHHf AllAH ~J ., .. ,. "··· ........ .. CAKE RECIPES Butter Cake ~ o. butter 1 c. fine . gran. sugar 2 eggs 1 ~.i. c. flour ':4. t,p. salt anCe· Co.', Who hU been in iU health · e I . Wl accept • "and 1.hat his mtraclel!l are parablN. j~=~==-:'ii:i:iii:::::::::::!:r~~~~o~r~~m~ _ montbs, left on TueBday ~ · am, therefore, preaching to you for Ute M:etropollt.an Rest .Hom~. at tonight. on the par"able. of the blind l!lintop. Bprlnp, New Yl>rl< Bta... PAY NOW man J..,us healed at Jericho as re- !e~':t:'~: :.!"Y :::; A VOID 3% PENALTY CHAR. GE eonted tn the 1sth ohap"'r or Bums' Church Guild Entertained by Mount Zion W.A. :1 ~ t.sp. baking powder 1.-i. cup mllt. 1 tsp. flavouring Cream butter, add sugar rradu- ally and cream well together. Add well beaten eggs and navourlna. mix well. Add, alternat.elJ, the mlUii and dry lngredien~. adding baklna po\\-der with last amount of flour. Eggs may be separated, 1f deslred, in \\'hich case, add beaten yolka to sugar and shortentnr and fold in stiffly-beaten wh!tea at the laat. -Bate in a buttered 8"x8" pan 1n &D. electric oven at 350 der. P .. tor •~ bout 45 minutes. or 1n layer cake pans at 350 deg. for 30-35 minutes. ·c- Oft lddl. .... "- to tlou• tiYethelolb -- bit youth ... _. . Luke's QoepeL !lien~ trlat that t1e may retum home mueh imprOved. In health. •· BJ:I&HA. RICHARDSON, '"lltia heaUrli of the man whom some told to hol dhls peaoe when he V V V V Tax Collector. CJ1ed for mercy was at ~e close of MilaM Wlnnte Boot. NDr'l. Qould- the. Sa.vlour':s earthly mllustry. He bum and ·~1 Wateon have re~ crJed .to the Lord as 'Jesus, thou tUl'Decl trom a wetll:'a vacation aJ)!nt son of David,' which meant that he, at Jlcttaor&'a POtht. · blind from birth, believed that th1s V V V V and Teacher waa the Mea- Mr. Jack Kean left la,t weelr: fm ~ a. t . $.RJw. e siah of God, the Hope of I8I'ael. UnlYenolty ·stmo•r Clmp. Minden, rM . C· ' ·!lflf} _!c.n. "Ch•lst's reply to that man's Ontario, where he· wtU apend the 'I C.,. ---II' .~~C..- .AJ_IC.. prayer, when be was brought be- ntxt ala Wfek!. fore him, was 'Receive thy sight: ' V y V y· thJl' faith hath saved thee.' mt-tbla ·~ ~qardhta Men from Whitby ' Haman Mean• Your purcllaul ot toe-cream and Now 11-:M- Kina __ _. Coun'-. "Note that 1n the miracles of the told. clrlnU •t the 8U'eet Pair th.li -- ... .......,. &IIIII wz Son or God how He used human evtmnc WlU beip Wbitby'e Red instrument.allty. He did. n'ot go to trorll. P&tnlaite t.ht Red Oro!a 1'--------------------------IJ the blind man, He ordered that he v y v v Brown .had • l~r~fi~~·( ' ' \ ". . . ' r ..:...__ came to the tomb "or Lazarus, he S.Q.M..SI Cko. Brotrir:e·c -~- apsinclated. be bf'OUiht by others: When he Two JOUDI lirll, -)ftue.s DeloriS Alex., who recently uitJ.1i -~ ~ · • .,._ wu4i recelted. a cable from commanded those sta.ndJnr there to Piuae· and Dcetty Clarke, held. a ba~ land with • c.nad.IUl'.~t. bet .buitiaiid. _Bpr. James WUde, say: remove the stone. With Lazarus re~ aa&r lut· .1reet aDd. banded th.e prv~ Alex. 1a well and ba4-&~.: -~' ~Uiilt'"•be·· haa completed hla alX stored. to Ufe, He bade others tore- ceed.a.. till, 111--to_ m.· CBatte . aDd He met his uncle, \VSIIII&.{~ weeiti• .lf.O.O. coUJ'8e and has been move the crave cloths and 6.Dbind ~. to· be torw.rded to tbf!. who toc:tk him to ScOtWlCI" Wfiin. prodioted to Lance corporaL his feet. .Bftnlllf Tllepani. · WU' V10tlma' · t;Jiey apmt an enJoYable week-end "The mi&slon of Jesus wa..s a re- ~d. · · vl!ltinl relatlm there. Mr. 11Dd Mn. w. o. Town havt vel&tlon of Dtvtl!.e Power wlng hu· V v y y received two Ietten frum thetr aon man lnstrwnenta and natunl 1n· Mr. J'OI. OOlllnl hal rectiYed a Jack Who recently went overaeas. struments then as now. IJeut. Jllckllon, CJl tht SalvaUon letter from. hSa eon IUch&rd (Dlck) Jack is wen and has met several "The Son or God used the power Army, hu been Oil a three•treeb' h +~ ~---- •- ....... .. wl'" which He WM endowed .. God boll w o ncen ... l' _ .... ~ . .~~.~ --.land boya from home. amonr them being •·u day" hll' . h9me I.D. the Weat. and. baa aattd h1a father to thank BW Lang. He has vlatted. Ola.arow, uses Ria lntlnlte authority. It was V · V V Y the Vbcount Greenwood .Q~ptel Scotian~: Leithwood, 01Ydesdale1 a power used to heal, to bless and to Mr-. aDd Mrs. J. lf. ltoblln a.nQ for the pat'Dtl he recet\'td. scottish port, and many other rora:tve and not to crush. 100. 8tuut; tren rfeellt IUNb. of from Utem and .which waa very points durfna' his leave. "ChNt's 11fe and example are a M'r • . &Dd. 1fti. t.iU. M&etParlane, at lesson on the use· of power and the their· OOtt.,e1 .. Lt.b ot IN.)'I", MU.s~ eternal eondemnatoin of men such WEDDINGS Announcement• .. Hitter who mas"'r • people .. he did Germany onlY to launch Tiii"wiirr:imlT'cciiL:iUBmwmiUi I them tn hatred aa:atnst the defence~ 'tarto, to Elmer R .C.A.P., Tmi19D, Mr; and 1lrL James 'toil, Nova SeoUL. appreciate donations at any les.s and the weak. D l-rine Powe• used clothlnr in 1ood repair to ;..IDclUded in t.he Bundle. tor Brit- "All ouf Lord's lUe was a display or God-power. His death was an . they are Pf0Pat'in8. Anyone example or Divine omnipotence as o~i: ;.iii;iJ;j,;l~;,;;; such to ofCer may tele~ ·• &'70 and one ·Of the mem .. will be pleased to c.u and It up. We llhlll bt ir_atetui co-operation. '<30.:t) ROI'ARY · l"alr, tonl1ht, lt. ..... Ashburn, Aug'. 12 - Memben of the "Women's Gulld" of Bums' Church were guests at the "Wo~~ en's Association" of Mount Zion United Church at their A~ust. meetin1 on the 7th, at the home of Mrs. Ray Wilkin. The president, Mrs. Wllson. led ln prayer and the minutes were read by Mrs. Hepburn. Hymn. "0 God our Help in Ages Past" was sung and the I-on call was answered by the word "Victory". • The Scrip- ture Lesson WM taken from Heb- rews -4-: 10-16, nad by a member. A reading was given by Mrs. Henry Doble, followed with ·a plano solo by Miss Helen Jordan. Mrs. c . Jones gave a reading, and :MIM Kathleen Wllson a vocal 30lo. Miss Gertrude Parrott also gave a rea.dlng. An "Observation Cont@st" was then conducted. The. meeting closed with prayer, after which a. I!JOClal hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Robert Parrott, president ot the Women's Gulld ot Burns' Church, on behalf of vtsltlng friends, expressed hearty thanks for the enJoyable afternoon spent with Mount Zion Women·s Association. \\'lth the wish that some time ere long they may return our vtslt. Butter Cake Variatloiia Ma.ple Nut Cake. Substitute Haht brown sugar for the granulated. Chop ~ e. walnut or pe~an nuts: flour them lightly and add Just IJe .. fore folding ln the egg whltea. Spread with maple k:lng. Spice cake. SUt 2 bp. c1nn.mou. . 1 tsp. allspice and nutmeg and l;i tsp. clov~ with the dry ingredients. Mix and bake as Butter CW and spread with Mocha Iclng. Chocolate Cake. Melt two SQU&ftl of chocolate. cool and add to .the shortenlna, SU(&r IIDd en ... yoJk mixture. Bake the batter 1n tltro layers. Fill with date flllJ.nr made as follows: Wash and cut up a package of stoned dates. Coot with 1 c. water untll soft. Add 1J. e. lUI .. ar, cool, and add ~ c. chopped nut meat.s. BRYANT TAXI Business re5umed. and we aTe agaln soliciting PJ.tronage in Whitby and district. Day D.nd night service. Prompt. Rellable. Rates Rea.s11nable TEL. !M 106 DUNDAS ST. W. (Dundu Luaeb) z~b~l7· ANGEL CAKE ...... 29· Calle HolM! Sc .... Qt.ss. Bu •. i Obituary GJ:LBI:BT BheDONALD FollowlnJ a tenathy mneaa, on- bert Macdonald, 41, died )'Uterday at hiJ farm home, Lot 21, Broten Pront, neftr Whitby. 'Itle tunenl will be beld at 2 p.m., <Standard T1me) 0 Thuraday, A\liUIIt 14, rrun the famlJJ rwldenee to the Union Cemet.ery, Death of Mr. llacDon- ald bereaved hla IOITOwlnc wUe, Ml'l. Plorence Bonnetta MacDonald. and family. ---- JAILED SELI.IN6 BEER I ! ChDeOlate Mstsllmallow ROLL Plain 'lr Su.rl.red DOUPHNUTS BREAD ... 11· - · 12· 2 Wra~'i!~"" 15c ORANGES IOibs.Zl ~!:: Dn. ]Jc DUe co a 00-renunu.c &1ll1D•. &II A a P Bread WID Be Wr&DDed Unslleed. CAUFOilHIA am. LUSCIOUS GRAPES z~b~zs. BIIUVS .... PEIIS. lc.Da Cut Wu or G~n .. ZO-O!.. l7c New ratk 6 Tlnli A&:P Garden Patch Jtfew l'ack I Sin• A.'lmer Cbalee New Pack I Slne lC-a1. 9c Tln u-o:-;. 9c TID Reel Circle COFFEE lllllld -- MeJiaw l'oaaalo .Juice N!~".:o. ·M&YONNAJSE All De .... z·~;~·l9c 1l;~~-ZJc A&. P .. Nl~~r · MEATS STE4~~=-~~~.2.~STS lb. 29c HAMBURG STIAK Exlro Leon BLADI ROAST Primo a .. l SHORT liB ROAST . PIIMI Ill RQAST lb. 17c lb. 19c lb. 2.1c lb. 2.7~ · BRISKET POT ROAST 0::~;:. lb. 16c GENUINE SPRINC LAMB LEGS I LOINS I FRONTS lb. llc lb. l9c lb. l1c_ VIAL ROAST 8onolou lb. 2.1c IIIF, BOLOGNA sllcod lb. 18c WEINIIS· Smokod Skinlou fineQvolity lb. 2.5c MAC • CHEISE LOAF slicod lb. 2.5c BEARS wi':~~· 3 it.:' ZO· OLD CHEESE •• Z5· COBNFIJliES "c"J:: .... '1· PLUMS < ........ m .... Z ·~ 15· LYON'S TEA e;:;, 1-'k!"· 44• MONARCH FLOUR ·~· 75c 5 ROSES FLOOR :.:· Z5· omoL z ~.:.r: 43c CAMAY SOAP 3 ..., 16· AMMONIA ...... 4 ·- 19, TOMATOES .. .. PW ........ 3 ~'; Z5c ·ROT SNACK ~ ·~-:.· 19, . PEARL SOAP 4 .... 17, SBOBTENll(G ~:; ••. 14, A & P SELF- SERVI CE FOOD STORES ( ' 11 • t ' I \ ', ' ' , ,\ I , 1 • , , l 1 , THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICL~. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 'f.941 PAGE FIVE --~~~~--~~---------~------~------~~~ PATRIOTIC SQC,IAL ' . . , . and Col.VJ.MUNITY ACTIVI['l.Si ) SENSIBLE RULES _Duke of Kent Scheduled To Visit :: Former Whitby Girl is Star At Toronto Symphony Concert WAR JOB SANDYM. ·~· . J~ W~t.son Receives Ovation From Critical Varsity Arena Aucli- ence - Rendered F a• .. HOT DOGS li'INANCE SOLDIERS' SMOKES Lean. for Halifax to Take Civil P ... t Duty. One of the busieR places al toniabl"s Le(lon-Botary Bt;reet. s..tldy 14. Prentice, resident. of Fair dlould be the WhJ.tbJ 1far Whitby tor the put 11 :veara, where Critics of Red Cross Work . ..;_ . Silenced by Victory Raps . . Hit•'~.-ff.~.lws . ..~ fOR HOME IIEAT Ontario County's ~lying SchoQl ; · ~, - ·s ·Fuel Supplieo May Need Patriotic .. Conservation · Soon I of Ontario to have H1S Royal Blah- ness come . here to ilispect · the atr 0 school. Ju.st whether arrangemerits ·q can be made to have the DUke of :~t Keitt come on trito the city" tor- a .:c brief visit Is not certain. H1a 'WOr- Ship Mayor Anderson w1l1 · prQbai)ly . moua Verdi Aria Su- perbly Eff rts ..-.~-ou...... .._.. ... he had. mlde m&nf clote frieDda .. O -·-· -· tllrM>Oh kOo lll~~ In .... _ .. ·-· •taM. .._. wDl .. - - - --· ~~·~- Fellow-Puse~ Silence B10ther of Up- lift in Tirade Againal Patriotic Serricea by Tappina Out "V" for - Vidary in Concert A#~IA.l.Ym.~~ in. ~."' .. · . f ·. 'Tbere wu a time when almost ·.Jai& .. _. --·ocanol· ~~==~that would burn fuel w .. la ~ · 'f01Q7. but chatter "' 1 c good enough tO heat Hia Royal Highness Will •...-• Element- ary T111ining Centre Northeast of Whitby on Saturday, August 23 be advised 'tn a few daYJ by ' Of... .;; nclals at ottawa. .l, to lt1Q' -- ,... Wllllby - cammunlf;J weitaro etrortl, 1 ..... ID Of interest to many Whitby cltl- lltl"riDc In Caaa4J.ta 11rme4 • lew da.1l for !laltfu: "here he li will ta1re • opeo1ai position In the r-.ens wu the appearance of Jean forees Word. ftem O'Pentu Royal o&nadla.n Naval Sen1ce and watson, brilliant young Canadian te &he effect that dtn ta All w-lll be &tti.ched to the olvll1an-etalt Here's a new way to sUenoe those cotralto a.s IIUest sololet at the Wllll are depen.dJDt _a tit.• or the doct$rard depot: 'tiho Ute to atr theb- off-color vlewa Promen8de Symphony concert 1n folks at home to see that. -~ varsity ~ena. lut week. Jean's ret ample n.ppuu of elftte:U• Mr. :hentice h&s been employed in pubUc places. 'I1ley tal:e pallia parents, ldr. and :Mrs. Jamu Me- and pipe tobacae. 'BTU)' ne at R. B. Colllns' 5hoe at-ore -In th1a not to ':;ay some~ treasonable, -~• 1tD.Jo71D1 -ioJdlht's taB ill u.e town. Recently. he won a naUonal ~ ...... Lachlan, Sr., n,~,ded in Whlbby for .shoe repair effielency contest which but they date around the ,_...lf:r some years durlnl which time Mr. !:fe:n;..~~.:::.: .broulht him - a sliver cUp u- the polnt wit.h a slilll t.ha.t could 'oe McLaChlan was chief engineer at · 11 -bol ·of his winnl ...... cbamplon· better applled. the Ontario Hospital here. Soldlen" and keep lbe Wrir f· ';iu- elf - Jean's appearance at the Prom- ron. Colbml&tee hot d.OJ' •t.aal P on. One of the rentry was on a bua enade eooeert was her ftrst tn Can- bUJ. In tbe community rue of Whitby,' na=li' thrOUgh Whitby recently. llr. Prentice bu been a valued ·lay· 1 • ada for 5ome time. She had re~ man Uld worker ·of St. Andrew'• had w1,_t.h btm. the usual stoop, centlv won wlde· praise from . halt b ted d Am.eftcan ·music critics at the in~ "TWO TWP· ~~ 0= _b!t;e J:e : a drlnke:,;:c.:~.. -, a oc~ te:tnatlonally famom Bethlehem 1 · trict u an ~.m&teur entJtrtatner, lea· Tbe talker. held forth OD m.w Bach Fe5t1val in Phllad.elphia. She turtna SooWih· character ·p&r!.a. Wtclfy -v":si~~ve~:n;re:e:d~: o~at:~U: TORONTO YOUTH u:· ::U:'o~ ~rn~t R\1&\l& th::: OD~ =d ~de.. tOT four encores after singing a · Ftnwiek where she 1s a Y .M:.C.A. ra~~porof~~urpr~:=n.in ~~~~~:e:~ FROM LAKE ONT :.~~:!tb:~ OntariO'& army of ..... lll this -- llH .... IQ&q that the drive for alum~ tuum utenalll . . ~t can- bt ,ap6l'ed frtllll- ·home ldtchena II jll!t a. ~--~- help out the poor almillnum. lndustry which ftDts to itock Canadian and l1n1ted etateil:· hooiG with brand new. 1 pols llld pon& Tba\ there II ~ at.ol.utelJ · no truth. In the itory llbould re- quire mue· emphula:. Aium- .Jnum 1s ...- lor tile &n- plre'a aeroplane bulkllnl pio. ll'f,Di. While DO apedal effort at collection or aluminum baa been •tore<! ·ln Whllb7 up !o the present the call Dl6J come at any tbite. · · SUiaest!oJu: that a <all tO Pl- aomce Ia !)l>ly a aales scheme ln dlsaulse b the 10rt of · th1aa that would warm Bltler'a heart. average houaehold. FUel was And .so wa.s -labour to tend the fwUace. Today, health and fUel and labour are too Important to pennJt of sacilflclng them to the wasteful sabot.age of poor I y handled, Inadequate equipment. Six are listed for the ~~=~::.~;0~- who wmts efftclent I; of hl.s own heating your home heating In (OOd worklrig or- that the.--e are no ruel- 1==:· unwanted draugbta . . Check surfaces and keep them remembering that carbon is or the best lnsulators against and that Its deposit on nue I "'~"e'! means waste of fuel. a:s many automiltte tem- 1 s;::::e regulators ·as may ·be re- B.R.H. the Duke or Kent. youna:~ est brother of KIDg George VI, _Will inspect the Ontario · County Flying SchOol northeast of Whitby on Saturday, Augwt 23 . . _Mayor ~. C. Anderaon, K.C., of Osha.wa, was formally notified that' the Royal airman .would arrive with hla ataff at Oshawa ·about 10.80 a.m. on the date mentioned. It Is ·understood that w&:rden J. A. :MacDoni.Id of Ontario County, Reeve of Mara To\vmhlp, haa been invited ·to join in a brief official His . ~al Hlghn... Is . to flst' Toro.D.ti) on Wednesdaf.\AUaust ' ~ · ,_. and has _been blvtted~ :ta1: orn~te. e. the .operilnt or the oan&i!Jan ~ •' "'. Exhibition on Frlday. -Aupd · ·,\. · no usu:rance. haa beeJl .:fe.. , '; by O.N.E. . olllclaJO that ·tile. · w1l1 do ao. ·n,Ls .~~-- -. the Dlike will n,~~!!>~!O .. ~wa on Sa~~. -A~.\'-~· aDd is exPeCted . to arrlvtl'·'here ; a\ .. 1o.30 a.m. Fonowtnr 1s a eopy ·iii -ibe reqelved •by ' Mato(·;AJticio~ ' ~:lf . . ' .. ' ~ welcome. to the Duke of Kent at I ~~:~~t~l~;-~ the Elementary Plying BchooLprior 1~ to the Inspection or R.C.A.P. per~ ·~~:onnel and Royal Alr Force cadets. It 13 also anticlpated that. Mayor 1 D.B.>:. Rowe of WhitbY. reeve of vn:iJ.t'bj and East Whitby ToWMhlps wiU I ~"'~~~ joiD. Oshawa civic offlcial.s ·and lfat ductor of the Toronto Phllhannon1c 1 LAC Jamea Prent.let, 100 of :Mr. Orchestra. for the evening was and Mrs. Prent.Uit, 11 sorvma wlth cesar Boore. <Oontlnued from Paae 1) thl Royal Oanadlan Alr Poree 1n tndUBtry leaders at the !llldlng tleld I ~~::0 "'<ilocbs<l tc,, ,.;W.·i.ooml,.. of the ontario county · PJylng 11 .... Centre. I t There 111 no use hef'Ung -----,--------- portion of your house beyond r=&~':_;~u~. ;_ ~.~~~~-~. h.;. ~_~'-~.<:. In the first half of the program clal pollee at Wbltby, and Norman E:uUII'n canada. Jean sang the operatic aria "0 Don Hunt and John Crawford who lived Tbtlr dauahter, Mrs. Thoma.a Fatale" from "Don carlos" by Verdi on the fartD drove down to the Shkw, lin. in Toronto. Her h\115~ IUld received great applause from beach In their car. A fraU canoe waa band, an officer of the R.O.A.P., the a.ppreclatlve audience. Her t-he on1y bOat left· on th~ •hord ncmUy. sent on IPtCial duty I In the - nd half and In the hea.vY aeas It waa c:on~ O-'ted Sta•- ID •onnec"'- '<IIange. group 0 !!Dng.S ....... o tt1dered iMpractical to UH lt. The ..u .,_ I<'V"" 1 • consisted of "Whert You Go" <David only other boat wU Under loCk and Britlsh commonwealth Air 1 11!-eth<e~~ oulon>. "WIU-o'·the-Wtsp" <Char- cha.tn. The rescuers picked up an I Tnollllti& Plkn. 1• les GUbert 8preM), "Think on Me" axe and smuhed the chal.i\. ntey ,Mr. Prentice's leaving Whttby- (ILidy Ann Scott), and "What b a carried It to the water lll4 .then "fot tbe dur&Uon." .. he aaye-wW Bong " <P~arl curran). . besan a atruaJe with the ll.t.e. be rqreUed. by inUl3' frlenda ln ,tbt Iruistent applause demanded that I E9.ch with an oar In hand, for town and ~trict. that she return for four more num- there were no oarlockS, they· 1~ bers whleh Included "m Sing No paddling out toward the ..nan •PICk PREP' 'HE. sruooLS More" and "Annte IAurle". : th6t could be ba"'lY seen •trun:llDI Jl lJ Throughout all her numbers Jean's : on the surface of the water. · . beautUul voice more than upheld I . :tad Ezhautflj . FO•R. ' .T· HI RD. YEAR the enthu!IMUc tributes she re- A1l they approached the fut tlrinl · celved from erltlc.s and publlc alike form of the boY, John Ol'awtortb . . In New York, :Boaton, PhilAdelphia, be'lleves he NW Jimmy twlee 10 OF WORLD s·TRIFE and other American cities. under the water. They nachld-blm Woa Gold. Medal and pulled hlm aboard totaUt ft• , . A student at the Toronto Consera hausted. Then began the pun bull: va.tory of Mualc for some year!!, for shore. It took & ~ong and d.ifft~ Jean won the Gold Medal for con- cult pull for them to defeat t.be ·orf ... traltoa at the Canadian National shore win~. Exhltiltion and later SAUl ln Can• Dr. F. A. Ouddy of WbitbJ at• ada under the batom of Slr Erneat tended . the bo)' when h' wu MacMlllant R.ealnald Stewart, and brought to shore, and ordered b1m Harvey RObt). She · wu presented put to bed far .everal dayl. Be in all~Waaner )ll'Oifl'aDlll wtth the ' was .sufferln& from ~oct _&J\d TOronto Symphony ~eatra and posure. ·her operatic debut was in "Faust" The provincial with the Canidian Orand oPera J. D. Sutherland Assocla,\[?~ , ._ . ,~.; ~~;c.\'1!~""- {b;;y:l,;;i.tf;<f'}r{i:j;~~ii=j =::::c1. ~~:uc:~:-:~w~~ stephens, risberman. With dorf-A.!Itorla Hotel 1n the Brahma hla son, Joeeph, an4 D. B. Ito ol --• al Intyre. , a Whltbl' lawyll', Rha.ptody for a v ce -- nt e cruised west towarda 8boa1 chorWI under the b&ton or Cesar According 'to the report ,. ihl po- Bodero. Then f~owed her triumph lice had rec:elv.&d Jt, thtJ, Wert Jook• at "PhDadelphla last ye~r and ap~ ina ror a launeh ~t.._1f_. on tire pe:arancea at· Carnegie Hall, New 1n the lake wtth ~ i.board. So.rd of Educalicm Pleued by Renoftllon Protram Report The voya.ae to Sbol.1 JI01nt- dltc'DJ'cl "' no craft; cm the water and thiJ ft. lell.slaUon RED A CROSS • · . . NOTES· · The Whitby Red Crass soclet:r made the followina ahlpment.s of auplles to headquarters last week: Jl'or UM A.rmY-225 palra .socks, 21 pairs of rUle mitta, 2 helmet-6, 3 ~~Carves, 5 aleeveleu sweaters.- · Ftlr the A1r Poree-4 .aleevele.sa sweatere. :For the Navy - 11 aca"es, 31 pa.tr.s of aeamen'a aock.s, . t turtle• neck r.wuters, 18 pairs of aeaboot stoekinra, 6 aleeveleu eweaterz, 12 helmeta, a pal.ra of mittl. The folJowln&' correction is made 1D last week'• donaUona: One patr pt · soCU credited to Mra. c . 0. Part should have been credt~ to th~ Whitby Ulllted Church. 100 Palll of 8odii lln!Ued ·~&y Jeffrey baa jWit com .. pie~ er .!DOth pair of IIOCli:a knit- ted " Rid crou SOelety. waa Jeffre) '\.~other one of the steady '4_evoted \{~)-Jeers 1n Whltby whoae el'(Or!s m.ie 1t pouible for the ret:• uta~ 8tream of auppliea aolrig for· ward to tbe ftalitJnr forces from the whltby Red crou, lurned to Port Wlllthy. '111& polleO pro\'lslon 01 munlelpal drove thm to OntariO ~. llld 1114." there le~ the true happmlnp. Provincial Oolatal>le Suthedllld· ln• -- Law Conned . The oaset~ and Ohronlele '"WJtb respect: &4 Dominion un• that the two boat., t.he ODe In which empiOJ!DID.t lna'Uranc~,., Ohalrman the boy se-t out and ·the one Whtch Willon sta.ted. "fi'e are nat operat· he. went after, ba4 bOt.h disappear· 1nl undet the provlnclal rovem~ ed. ment ot Ontario. Jimmy Blendell, the lad I'f&C\Ied. ..1 . th1nt. It Would. be wiae for lllll ~;!~~d 1s tl>e son ot Mr. alld l4ra. .!•~"" 1 to, -tlnue maldD& pnnlslon for 1 1 Blendell, 616 P&Pt A .. nue, tn:idra_.e _emplO)'HI. •• inltructed. to. He 1s a .student at Riverdale b1 tbe .f'e4tr&l trnemplOyment Jn .. COllegiate ]nsUtute-and leartled to IIUtai1Ce Cclnml"'rln!' awt:rn 1n the DOD JUnr, Toronto. Mt. W111ca.'l oplnlon 1VU lhared He Is a atrona bOy. ollDdllll II,. bJ Board Dllmben. toot tai and ntrblni flrtr . 01>1 n Wli poilltad out thet a inun1- hundrecl and thirty poundl. - 'nlo olpa! -.d' 1IU no ......, riclit "' ram:Uy Is . .sPI!!ndinl the I11IDIDtl' .at rt:tUse to Pill UD.eri:lplQflllent: fia.ur~ Joan Haven oottare on Ontario ance leYia, where llabJe:, tban to.re-- Beaeh. , .. _...t ot J'odert.l Bal" Tu Norman HUnt told tl>e Guetta '"' wpplles P\lrCllaaod. and Chronicle: "You couldn't hl.l'l At anJ' rate. th1 Whitby Board: ot got 'me out 011 tl:\at lab for twmb'• ~tion'a UabWtf uader tbe 17n .. five dollara or ~even fifty exca~ to emploJmeot lnluraDee ~.Aet. 11 amall. save a llfe ... Wltnessu state ~t. 8omt threl emploJeea an claafiie4 the ·offahore wind wa.s whlppinl up a. caiUal ,arkm &lid t.t1 DOt other· a heavy - and made the j<Jurnet .. empt by Pl'O>IaloaJ of the tn nry difficUlt weather. York, -ton and OhaUAnoop. Mr. llld lllrl. Wcloo<:hlln, an4 Dr. llld Mrs. Stan to!onfeanll'J, •~ Thomu were 1n the audlence at Tbuhlday's Toronto ~· ~ ~- HtL 1/oiJA · QoJlAAqaA Give us the job of looking aft~r the sen4· ing of cigarettes to the l:ioya overeeaa. Just bring your liat to us, being car:C!f~l to have the right names and addresses, clear• ly written (printed if possible) accom~ panied by·the neceaaary money, and we will see that they are sent overseas with· out trouble td you. . TIE BELL .~-TUI · .JuaCWeat ot Pool ori!Oo . · PBODoNI . '• " '.• point necessary for comfort. Depend on clrculation j)UIDps to lncrea.se tbe heat you dEorlve from t-he fUel you use. Check your entlre household for and erannles tbrouJh,, whleh escape unnoticed, re· I ::·~::~that double Windows B1s Royal Highness cannot accept l:n~itat101J,! for anY f~al reeepttonli, the -wire states, ' bu:; Mayor Anderson has wrJtten Otta- wa officials expressing tbe hope that His Royat -mghliess may find time to vlsU·.some of the lndu,stries 'on war wort. bere, partic.ula:rly General Motors and that arranle- ntenb ntlght be made- rot u1:e 'Duke to make a abort tour of ttie cttv so that the people mll-bt have -~ opportunity to pay trHJut:e" to htm and all that be represents. Hb Royal Highness, who Js air commodore of th~ R.A.P., came .to Canada especially _to .vWt and tn~ spect the varloWj Air Trainlnl ~. but aa .f)llfl of ·' the l&r~er. motor plants 1n ca~ sl · ~tuated here turning out mechanized Unit& for · .mllltary -Plll'llOl'OO. there 1s the pos- Manche!:ter, AUI- 12-Ten grand- slbWty thAt the Duke· of -Kent m.,- chUd.ren u well u SOlliS and dauah· motor tnto the Cuj· to 3ee t.hb part ten joined on Sunday, JulJ 27, tn of be auto mdul;tty•a war wotk. honoring Mrs. P. t.mb of thls And. 1f thtl- can' be ·arraupd U · community on tbe occasion of ll'er would giVe the people ·of :~_wa 8'l'tb. birthday. The riLD1ily. party an opportunJty tp aee the DUte ani1 included Mr. and Mrs. Howtt.rd give him a rou&lng welcome. ~-:· , IAmb, Mr. IIDd lira. Oharie!, Lamb, JAyor And~ .1n; abowln_l tile and Mr. and lira. Rlilsel Lt.lnb, all "'lell'am .frOm " ottawa to Tll<f or . 'Undaay': and !lr. · and Mrs. "T1meS, u bob.trr ~ &nlth, Of Burlttdh. . .to the Of clal;a.,.; oiJld y ••• :WHlT~BY . LE·,GIU-1-- · : -ON~ ' ' ' WEDIES.b'I:Y, . w: P:-J: o.Y....,., ·:c~:x~-~ Acting . undei~tari oi ' Blr.re. .. . ·,. . ~ ':.: / :.' J . • ·. "" (~ OlfJclala at the a1r]>ori • sta\O!l this mornlng that ·the Duke'a :vtdf:· here-Would ~ aa;air: ·&lr tcirceL'Dt:-- · ficer '~ .an ~mi-.'a.tcii.~ · rec:eptton ll:id beetr jilamled !ctrOlllm .. the Duke of Kent. :Wort< at<the school -would. 'be, catrtea·ozl i.i •. ~ and It Is expected that tlio) &11\ ~ore's. Ylslt·i wOul~ ; be,:a .. ~;._ line one ·and . J!fObablY nat: liat· more thal:l m b.Om'. .. . , ,)' The 'alt'pott • will ·· • be~. -~~~~!· to th'e . . .. ;. . •'• .-, ~ . AT FOUR CORNERS, , FOR· COMMUNITY WELFARE ·WO,RK• GIUD _ . .. . AIUIQE': s.lute Will be teken by Lieu~-CoL ·R. B.. Smitli, Offlcer·q, -. .a;;,l : the Secoac1 Batt.Jion of the Ontu;o R~ (Tank). .· ·' . . BANDS AND PAttlonc·:·.t=ioiTs . . . ·... . ' . ·::\ .... . Prla:e Awards For Beat Patriotic "floats: 1·10, 16; -S3· MERCHANTS. MANUFACTURERs ·AND .-FARMERS ARE ASKED TO ENTER ELOA TS IN THis ,PARADE .. ' . ~. • ' ' ' • . . -. . :..I". 'l" - .. . • .. . AU. PAR11CIPATING· IN PARADE.ARE ASKED TO MEET AT TOWN. . . PARK · AT6:30P-~' . I-.,·. ,: .,, 194·1· C,h·evrol't Coa" ..... :'\ l TO BE SOLD . FOR· · $1.C)C). · . 2ND PRIZE, GOOD~ $1Sf TJ:IIRD PRizE, GqQD~ ~5~ REFREStiMENT .BOOTHS THE · STR..-r ' . PROCEEDS FOR P Grind ' Prize J' ' . - .... 1-

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