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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jul 1904, p. 2

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• Promolles Digeslion.C.heerruJ- ·~andHest.Contains nrlther Opauni.Morpbine nor Mine.ral. NoT NARcOTIC. ' CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have . Always 'ought -:Bears the Signature of • In Use For Over lhirty Years CASTO RIA • II lor uallut bnx, ropl\ a1ul axle grease moved thnt the d€'rk he in.q( rur.l.,l\ ~;1.1:1; Randcr<10n and llawilton, re- to write to the <-hnirmnn o[ tlu•' Hail- p:Liring pile driver, Ciiling in cut- 'VI' IaY Commission, Ottn.w:t, n11kinp: . v..rt on DrO<'k ro:u..l and eoncretl' tb~m to notify the Coun<'il o£ t),.. p ill\ ~1!1.[;~; w. Mo,..,ro\'"· rt'pairing Towoship_o( \\'hilby or tb~ir <leci- pilll driver. l;i:i.f>U; J. l.idl-(,.11, commi.l!.- sion with reference to the rrossin;( c;ionet• ro:~tl divi:~ion 1U, work witb in thi" township ht>iw.,~n lot.,. ~0 nnd l'ile driver n.t Greenwood l>ritlgc, 21, B. F., knOl\·n as Corhelt'M cros~­ ~17.70; G. David:lon, work done in inll.-Carried. ro:ul division ll, ~IJ8.!1~; W. J. l.le- Mr. Jlrown, ReConded hy l\[r. HRy- \'i It, cement pipe furnish6d thit! craft, move<l lhnl t hill e'ouncil do townshi,>. SI~.Ji; II. ll. Wiluur, op- now ndjourn until 1 h!' fint clny o( erai ing rock c•·~:shei· $9G.1iU; 1;. Hoi- Au~tust, nt lhn hour of 1.30 p. m. linger, 5 toi.sc wtone tlt'li\'t!rc•l on Carrit"<l. · Kingston roru.l $.16.50; J. lJ.,nderson, men ami team>< ewpluyed :<I.Jovolliog snow and breRking roarl:l in rood di- vic;i<>n>~ 3 nnd 4, SJ.70; J. U. Gurm:on, l>rt-nking roads and ,;hovcllin~ •now ro.td divi,.ion I, ::$:!.511; ~·. Slt,.,p, j;honlling snow l'l/'Ld dirision J, 11.- 611; .T. J.:mprson work dono in road di- \' ision :J. St'.&U ;· li. Tout, ~ ra ·t,•l nup- I•Iiml ro:\ll Uivision 7. ~ll.IH ; to. U;LV- i<ltoon, Hr"v"' and work donn iu h;... t.livisiou, Sltl.s:!; li. 'l'oul, \vork clone in •·o:ul di\'i>~iuu 7. Sl'i7.7;; ;· .1. U. tior- I Juan, \\"'Tl: dun~ in ruad divi""ion 1, ! ·>;ii:t,l:!; li. J~'a kont• r, \\'nrk iu nXLd division :!.I, Sill.;;;-,: t;. \\'hit••. com- mi~ionPr road divL,iun~ 3 and 4, \\'ork done in <"OUIM~t: t ion with rock !:CUail· Pr. ~4 ; wurk done in hi" djvi.~ion ~~.­ !l:i; A. T. J.aw ro•pairiu~ rock crw.b- ~r. S:!.:!5; \\". lJi>:on, Ill<' II employed on rodr. crush~r. t;l00.09; X. .Miller repjairin,g l\tonc humtut-r anti one De"' han<lh• tiOe.; S . Cnrhon, oJICrating ~r:ul~r :11ul movint-: same and re- vairi~ ~rnd~r 36:!.•~; W. Micbnll, '"tot·k don~.~ in ru;t.tl division 1:!, $llt. :- 45; '~ork on Markham town line, lll:trkhau• to I•ay on" hal{ 8:!.10. gr:~.Y­ el in his divi:siun ~1!1.70. !laving ~I'D iu C<'t'Pil•t of " el:tiut (or dqw- :t.I{PS lu a hur~~ Wluu:.{in~ to Dr. Fi~h. tile c~nuniltt~•~ rr.cowntcncl•}d tbnt t lw .s:.i<l daim IY~ laid ov~r until nt'xi mt~etiu~ of this council. AI,rlil-atioc \\"as rt'C:l·i\'t~tl (rom t.he followirr~-: Cur houusc..' 011 \\ir" lPIICt'- R . Puckrin Cur 2aC". pt!r rutl nn ao rutl.s on ~itlt~ linf~ b:•twcco luL~ fi n1.1d 7, c·on. ;l; n. Ward, for :!5c. p~r ro1l on !Ji. 1 rods on tiuuth line hcl Wttfln luis 4 :u11l 5, eon. !I; C. ltichard:iull, tor 25<'. p~r ro•t o:t 110 rocb un nor! h <~ide con. !J, bot ween lob tl nnd 25; 1-:. A. Coc!Jmn~. for 15c. per rod WTIITBY MARKETS. Wbent, red ... :-: .. '... 0 85 0 ~ Wh~at, white ... ... •.. ... 80 0 85 \Vhent, spring ... ... ...... 0 8!1 0 80 Wh .. nt, goooo ............ · 0 711 0 ·7G Ollrley ...... ...... ...... ...... II Ja 0 "40 Denns ...... ...... ...... ......... 1 25 1 liO Peaa ......... ...... ...... ... ... 0 110 0 00 Rye ........................... 0 48 0 liO B~kwheRt ...... ...... ... ·'· 0 45 0 50 Ollbt ...... ...... ...... ...... ... 0 00 0 30 Aleikt-, No. 1 ...... ...... •.•..• -l 50 5 00 Alaike No. 2 ...... .•.... ...... 3 60 • Ofl Red, No. 1 .... : . ...... ......... 5 50 6 GO Red. No. 2 ...... ...... ...... ... 5 50 li 541 Timothy Seed ...... ...... ...... 1 00 1 50 Flo•r, Ontario ... ..• ...... 2 50 2 liO Qgll'lie'a Hullbarinn ...... 0 UO 2 76 Chopped feed, cwt ... .....• 0. 00 1 !5 Cornme:tl ...... ...... ...... ... 2 00 2 60 Draa, per toll ..• ... ... 18 00 :!0 Otl ShortB, per ton ... ... ... 20 00 25 00 Bl'f'!f, by quarter per cwt 5 !!6 7 50 But<-.her'" Cow ... ... ... 3 .00 3 fL BukhH'8 Cattle ..• ... -l 110 -l 25 Export Cnttlll ..• ... .. .... 4 75 5 00 ~toekcr:. Cattle, go&dculor3 llO 3 SO Stockf'r"s Cattle, o{[ color 2 50 2 00 Hilk Cows ... ..• ... ... . .. :!:i 00 35 00 Clllves ... ... ... ... ... · ...... t on 6 00 Shl!l!\p ....•. •....• ... ...... ...... 3 liO 3 50 Lambs··- ........................ 4 00 6 00 HOf;A, li'l"e ""'i~ht ... •.. ... 0 00 • 'l5 HOf;A, light [Rt ..• ... •.• ... 0 00 • 75 Hoea. heavy fat ... ... ... ... 0 llO 4 50 HoeB, clre68Cd per 100 lbs tl 00 6 S.O Chir.eknll, per lb ... ... ... 0 10 0 1 i Duclr:.s, JlH )b ... ......... 0 11 0 ·lG G-. <lrfll'scd, per Jb ...... 0 ~ 0 10 Turke-ys, drosaed, per lb... 0 12 0 13 Butter, roll ... ... ... ... 0 1:! 0 14 Lord ...... ... ...... ...... ...... 0 10 6 •13 :.=======-======~==~==============~=~· on :son ru•ls 011 we>~t side or side liqe l><>t\•'<'~n lots :!:! and :!3" in con. :l; C. . F~llS. per doz...... ... ...... 0 12 G '13 · Pot:tto~ per bag ... ... 0 50 0 50 j ApplNI, per barrel_ ... ... 1 25. 1 50 THt.jllSD.\Y, .JFL\.' 1Hh, 1901. EAST WWTBY COU:NCffi. Coucril met la>~t week. All the m.,mbera pr.went. Roeve Ros>~ in tbe ~o.ir. !rlinut6S read and """roved. Communicatiuu" ",. rc rcccivl'd (rom "·· J. Ucvitt. M. Cm•dortb ·au<.! the Regi.strat· Gcnern). A petit1o11 wa:; 6it:uctl l>y W, "nile ond l:i otllcr.s re drain :lUd gravel on lot 13, con. :!. :Mc&;n!. Cooper :Lnol ::;t.:.cks moved that the reeve grant bi>l order on tho trc...,.urcr in h"or o( \Vm. ?IL~n­ - ning for ~6. ;}!. C•::.wfor:th for $1G, and J . Bray 1ur t;tiU, h.!rn~ bonll.1!et< tor bui.luing wir" !cnc,s.- Carricd. Mcs..rs. l.l..ulittle and Mother,i.Jl moved that th., ree\" !(rant hi:._ or- der on tho .trea!mrer in favor u( Jno. Luli.e for ~13.75, b..·inb bonus on 51i roW. o( wire fcnciuH ;Lt :!:ic. per rod. -Carried. • )lco;o<•·s. Stokt,s and :\lothc r~ill mov- .,d that tlw rco:V<.:':; unlcr on"'" ll'e- n><urer he granlP.<l Chad .. II . Good- ~ (uc fl!.:i, l..uiul( l'i" 1)\Unth'.s &nl- ar·y as cons tab!~. · !rom J!'Jlo. ,1. 19Qt_. Carried. . •Mr. Molht·r.:--ill ..c :"vc- nolt<'t' ~h .1t l_,e "M·ill, n.t tbe next wcetiu.;; of t;ournal, introduce a Uy- Ja \\' lO tfp('UIIlt il CUI· leo:tor of to.X"-" for th• current yeu.r. . On motion oC M""~r.,. titocl<" n_nd Coopt'r, the fullowinl( lllllOUntll,·- ~n­ currcd in r·cp;~iriug roatl'< und untl- 8t:"-'~ . \H•ro onlorcd t o b.• p:Lid- S. Ki- vell $:! . ..;>, W . ,\1~ Lean .'j.l:i, J . .tl.~nnn ,~.110, J . · if.,zzl<owuod :;Oe., H. 1-teld- . ing $3!.~~. H. Hamill $ ·1.(>0,. J. ~i>~c­ borou~h ~:!J.aU, 1.-. li iuv••r :;H.8a, J. Glover ~a7, \\'m. t'ruwr.ll S ill, 0 . Mc- .Gill &I;J, t•. lla r p:· r ~~·1, \I. Lane, flJ, C. W1bou :;< I.~U. J. ~Iulh•,rsrU tiOo .• A. Anui" ~ii , l; . llcc>~on >j4.5tl, H. Taylor S<l.75, Wm. Winnacolt ~:!1, J_ Hamillun :;;~.i0, 'lhos. J!nll $:!J.3U, )!'. Mc!"ull)' $~. J . J . 'l'<' rwillcgnr t;36.- 95. Gen. Hc pou•·n ·:;; tl.aU. T. ~ew­ tiOWC S6, Wm . .:.bnuiug $10.30, Jn<:~. l<{e~nlly SY.iti. J no. Uolldy l3Ul.o!O, lttl. \\'in11acot Slli.li-1, .1. llryunt t;5U.8U, SaQl. Glu\·er Slll.:..U, A . .\lorri" ~:16. 111, Tb. Sleep Sl:l, J no. Syk:!S &. oon f:!UJ.lti, G. llluu r" ;;,G.·lu. J oo. M;Ln- oin~ S~.5U, ~ . 1. Col" $1 UU, G, Allan f36.!H, ~\·m. Onni.<lou ;;:!1.:!5, Wm. Tbowpsou ~17.ri:•. ~ - Glov•r 814.:!5 , and Munic ipal \\' url<l, Cor vri11ting, f3.37. Council tlu·n "djou•·nc tl till the flnot Mon•iay irl Augu.st, Lllt!o to IJlQ~:l \ llt :!.30 p.u •. IU:,\Cll COli :\LH •• Wil110n Cor S3 for sbovo>lling snow on Ell&t Whitby town lioP., lot )5. On wolion of .Mr. Holtby, "" or- der W,L$ IH:lnlcd in (1\Vor of G. L Robson for $l8.l!O, beip;; pll\"ment for shovelling flnow. Oo motion of Mr. HoJiby. an or- der "'""granted in !:Lvor oCM. O'~eill for S~0.4J (or work on Nonquon bridge, con. 1!. On mo~ion of Mr. Holtuy, "n or- der was granted in favor of AIU..rt Uoh~on for S:!:I.G3, being hahncc ror Hhov~l.ling o;now and ~cncral re- JI:IiJ·nig. On motion of .Mr. L:m1be, an or- oiPr was .,;rnnted in f;.tvor u[ .lohn J')f:Lrks for S:!9.61 for wor1:: 011 cement l>ri<lt;c, con. 7, Jot 17. On motion of Mr. HoHby, lln order w:tS ~ranted ioo favor u( \\'m. Cook £or ~ti.uG, being 2-3 value of one re- <> i,.t.,t·c•l lam u killed by dogs. On IDOl ion of Mr. L..,miJ!', an or- •il•r """' granted in f.Lvor of Mr. .T. Mall'lin (or S:!. 40 lOr rl!p~irinJ.( cul- Vert on r..·a~t \\'hithy town line op- pc.•ilo lot J5, con.. l. On motion of lah·. Holthy, nu or- der WI\~ Rrnnted -in f01vor of .Toi.Jn HPron lor ~&.57 being , ior sl•uvullinK 8nOW OD-· 8r ... ll: '· towa-line, Qrue Ul be cha l"b"~ tl lo Droc k tuwn lint!. On WOliOD o{ . .Mr. ilultuy, llD or- d e r was grant.e.l in f,.vor ll[ .T. Hem- min~way Cur S7.0t to p;;y Jor gru- \'el fur division .-.o .:!.. On motion of Mr. 1"-'muc :>n or- der was gr<tnt.cd in La vor of W. '"'· Holtuy Cor ~IJ.iS (or a 1-:! days wurl.; on briolv;c 7 con. oJI;>OSitc lot 16. On motion of Mr. Mdntyre, a n order was granted in favor o( Jol>n Quinlan for $11.33, beinl,! two third:! \' llluc of bll""l' worried by <log~. / J•ICK~RJ:\G COli :SC!L. A communicatian \\" :t~ run1l frorn s~-c .-Trca"- of til3 Toronto t;encral H().~llilal, o;tnting I hal lh" per oliew :.llowancu of ru<liutcnnnce an<ltrcat- WI'Ill had bce11 n~d !rout !0 to SOc. A communication was read Crow J, K 1-'urewell, ,.., County r.t~lcurrttion. Oa · wotiun U. U. \Vill>ur was heard n•.:aruing ulloWilllCC fur ruo\ in.; rock cru.sher. A c owtuuoic<ltion \Vl\:i read fruru tbu Crown Luno.ls llcpartm"ot Btat- i~ I hat \\'. b:. Ynrnol<l, 0 . L . S ., hnd madu a cmrvt'Y of the or~iual ro;ul o.llowmoco between lol-$ Ui and 17 in coo. 3. o.nd tbat the 113Jne w:ua mu.rked b)· pormo.nent monuments, o.nd that the ~AAid •urvoy h now, coD- firmtld . by tha depo.rlwent an.l L. now fino.l o.ntl cooclu&v., UIH>ft olt partir-3, nn•l .. ball rrot IJ,.r~ufter l>e g_ J"almer for 15tc. pt'>r iroo.l on about W rorl,. on tioulh liq., lnt ween lota 2t Anti !3 in con. 1. The council now a•IJourncd to "'""t ngaln on llontlay, July :!ith, for the lrnnsaction of geqer.tl buaine~. \\'IIITBY 1'0\\':>;i; Jlll' COU:\Cll •. Urouktin, .July :i, 1904. The council of the Tuwn,;hip o( \\'hit by w ,· t pur.;uaut I o artjou rnllloOll.' All thc motut>cr~ prese nt except HeeVe Uri~ht. ~r. Uaycrllfl, :<ccoudctl by 1\lr. Brown, muv~rl th ll Coundllor Wm .Oku I.Je ci.Jainnan ill the allsencc ol lhc rccve-{'arric<l. Couuciitllr Okc look t.hc ch:tir. Mr. ll<ty.,raCl, .second•;d l>y Mr. Drown, mov~ol that the tre'l:sur"r bo aulhorilted to 1-(I'IIOt hi!i rheque in favor of U. Hollidur for l:;if.i on ac- count .:~alary ns clerk f"r 1~:14-Car­ ried.· Mr. JlnycraCI, secomlcd ur Mr. Brown. IUvVc tl Lito\\. tho lr~asurer be authorized to !{rant hi~ <'llCIJUe 1n fllVur o[ the folluwin~; pcr.:~ons for the und'l!nucntioncd awouut.,- \\" .. Okl!. to l*.Y ,ouwwuL .. ~iuu muuuj u, ,., ~. :;sG~.!iO; oommututioq wunu~ Uiv: :t, t<GUO; A. Uu~~on~ amO,iitt lt~ tla le ' with •·o<Ld machine, :;;•ti.J~; M. J. Holli- day, to (Ja} t' UilllllUtal i •.ua IDUUt'l't Uiv. 3, ~88.~U : \\'. II. ::ion I•·>. to pay com- •nulation utoncy, Uiv. ti, , ... tol.U1. - Curried. Ur. Moor,•. »eeond~d IJy llr. Brown, move d thu.t tb\! rt.>~Vc c;rn.nt bi:t order on 1 he u ·c:L.iu r<' r !or th" following amount:; irr Cn••or o( the t>Jr-<OU!l U!t hurcinuude r m e ntioned - Wru. An- der~on, r<'p:Lil in~ brio.l,td JJ.,t w..en lots ;.W u.n<l .!1, con. a: Uiv , a, ~~.'lli; Raul. Horn, 1 day culling wc•<HI" on th" Roach town lin~. full a~couut, 8.1.50 ; J(\:l. ::i. Lyud.,, t-o I~<~Y work· on ro!ldS, Uiv. ~. i)U; J nu. \\'illi~, to JlllY for t:1ki~ out ul•l al>ut mcnts, e tc., :Ll • ha marsh IJnul{•' • · ~11.75; \\'m. K err, sdf u;~u hors .. on roa.ts, Uiv. 7, ts~i.t:i; Ww. 'l'urtli((, team on roiul mucl>ine, Uiv. 'i, l;il.;!;;; John Colwill, 16 day>~ ou roads :llld hors~. Uiv. 7, S~L7~; Cl•:,s. Ac;u:s Lto~, 9 1-:! dll)':l l(ruvdling, lJiV. 'i, ~JO.t!S; JnD. Kerr, 6 Jay" gravcllin;;, lJiv. 7, i19.- 5U; K Uowl""• a clays ;;ravclli~, lJiY. 7, SlG.~; Gcu. I~ not t, (j <lax,; ~rav­ e lllnl(, Uiv. 7, ~l!I.;,U; L.,vj Tordi1f, G d11y:; ~;•·aveltin~. U1v. 7, ~~~.r.u; A. Hut~Son, ~ 1-:! tlny::r gra\cllinl(, Uiv. 7, ~8.13; \\'m. Uoyu~, ~ t --\ do.ys I{ raVelling , Uiv. 7, t;IO.Bt!; Wm. llob- in.son, :! 1-l! tlau ~rru-.dliniC, lJiv. 7, $8.13; A. Cook, 5 1· 4 <lay,o filling I( ravel, lJiv. 7, ~7.i!U; l,;.,u. Frankish, 8 1-:! day:< filling gnv~l. lJiv. I , S1l!.- Oniooa, per bus ... ... - · 1 00 1 125 Hll}', per ton ..• ... ·- ... 8 00 9 00 Strnw, per load •.. ... 2 00 3 60 Straw, per load ..• ... ...... 2 00 3 00 Hides. per <-wt .. ; ... ...... 6 00 7 00 ~pekiM ..• ... ... ... ... 0 20 1 00 Deacons ...... ...... ... ... ......... 0 2!> 0 60 TAllow, rendered. per Jb 0 04 0 05 PORT PERRY MARKETS. Fnll Wheat ... ... ... ... 0 85 0 06 Spriog Whellt ...... -· 0 80 0 83 G008fl Whent ... •.• ... ... 0 70 0 75 Spring WheaL. .....••. _.. 0 00 0 8S GOOIIO! WheJtt. .. .. .. .. • • o 70 0 73 Barley .......... .. ··-· .... 0 85 6 44 Kye ...................... 0 00 0 58 Ollu ...... ...... ......... . ..... o ao o 30 OuckwJreat •.. ..• ..• . .• 0 •o 0 40 LariC" P61l8 ............... 0 OJ 0 60 Mumm~· ro~ts ............ 0 00 . 0 60 Small Peas ............... 0 00 0 60 Blue peAR •• , • • • • .. • .. .. .. 0 00 0 65 Alslke Clover ............ 5 50 6 00 ·Red Clover... .. .. • . .. .. . . o 60 & 75 BeAn" btu•. . . . . . . . . . ... . .. 1 00 1 20 Corn Ensi!Rg-P ..... .. ..... 1 00 1 10 ~pies pllr barrel. ....... . tr.Xr.-: ··1 00 Hnr Live ...... ... ....... 1> oo o 00 Wool ...... : ... :: •. ; ... 0 9· ·· 1l P~toell per ba2' .. ... . ... 0 0U 0 50 UXDntUGE MARKETS. JButter .................. ····-- ... 0 JG 0 18 J.Egga .............................. 0 11 o 12 JDntl.'bers'. Cnttle ... ' .J 00 I 00 J Export co.tlle ... ... ... ... • 00 t 60 ,t Cal~ea ...... ...... ...... ...... ... s oo 8 oo :Sheep, per cwt, ... ... ...... S 00 3 60 : Lamb& ............ ............ ... 4 50 5 50 ; Sheep skina ... ••• •.. ... 0 25 0 75 Honfe hider~ ... ... ..• ... ..• 1 00 1 50 J,iYe bogs ... ~· ... ... ...... 4 25 I 50 Sowa ... ... ..._.. ...... ...... ...... 3 00 3 59 D,_... bogs ... ... ... ... 6 00 0 00 Red winter w.beat ... ..• ... 0 78 0 90 White when.t ..• ... •.. .....• 0 75 0 !10 Spring 1whent •.. ... ... ...... 0 70 0 83 Goose wlleat ... ..• ... ... 0 711 0 78 Darley ...... ...... ...... ......... 0 32 0 •o 01\t.s ...... ...... ... ... ...... 0 26 0 30 Pe- ...... _ .. _ ............... 065 0('15 :M:nrrowfat Peo.a 0 60 0 70 Rye ............ ............ ...... 0 50 0 57 Buckwheat ... ... ...... ...... 0 S5 0 46 Al,.ite ...... .................. ·- 5 00 6 50 Red CloYer .... -- ...... ......... II 00 6 00 Timothy ...... ...... ...... ... 1 00 1 50 HAy, per ton ..... . ...... .. .... 7 06 8 00 Flour, per bbl ...... -· -l 10 5 GO Salt. per pelt ...... ...... ... 0 05~ 1 10 Potatoe~~, bag ·- - -· - 0 M 0 75 Deana. bu&h ...... ...... ...... 1 15 1 25 OSHA W A MAHKJ>'l'S. Tour....._,. '*'"" OlaPIIIotle .,n,.. Dizziness! Do you find your- self subject to sud- den attack~> of dizziness \vith black spots floating before the eyes? It Means Kidne7 Trouble and that you require Gin Pille. The ~st known remedy for all forms of Kidney trouble. Gin Pills will Cure 70u. TMya<t Jli"'OIIpt•y,.nd doth~r worktlloroa&hly. All drua\.U s• cts. pu box, 6 bous for••-soor4ircd ,,..... The Bole Dru- Co •• Wlaalpe.C. M•- DOW & McGILLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office iu Hathleo~·s .block, Brock St., Whitbr. JOHN E. FAREWELL, K. C., Bar- rister, County Crown Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office-South wing of Court house, Wbltby. W. E. SINCLAIR, B. A. , L. L. B., Barrister, &llcitor, Conveyancer, etc., Ollhawat..Out. nllice, Slmcue St., 801ltb, next to ueaton'a grocer]'. G. YOUNG SMITBt LL. B:,~ Barrlat- &, etc Monev to JOAn. lllt'Uer of marri11g-e Licetisos. Offictt- Smith'• olock, next to tbe market, Wbltby. I DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attor· Dey-at-Law, Solicitor In Chancer)', !,. .............................................................. ~~Cenvev•ncer etc. (Jffiee--lnthe office lOUth of tbfl PoRt OIHce, In McMUian'a block, Brock street, Whitby. · W Western Bank of-Canada ESTABLISHED IN 18321 T ran.sacts Gelreral ba~klng business. Receives on deposit Rllmll of tl and upward§. Allows Interest in Savings Bank from dllte of deposit, Farmert.t' Sale' Notes For t~nty year!! we u • bllve a-tnm &pedal at- tentlnn to th11 collection of fArmANI' HRie notes. SALE BOOKS and .SALE NOTES furnished without charge. CALL .OR WRITE The WESTERN BANK E. D.;~:~:~:":;nager. OF CANADA : W. 's. ORHlSTON, B .A.. LL. B .• (Buce-or toT. W. Chapple.) Barriat• er, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc: or- fica oYer I. J. Gould & Bros'. BaDit:, Uxbridge, Oat. Moo~y to loan at lowes hAte&. W. ADAl\IS, Den~· t. Offk:e o~r J. Ferguson's, Dund St. Residell08 -No. '· The Terrace Byron atreet, Whitby. DR. J. B. JOHNSTONE. Dentist:. Graduate Royal College of. Deutal Surgeollll, Graduate of ehloago Col- lege of Dental Surgeons. Bboor Grad- uate Toronto U niYersit}'. Oftr Prill- • -gle'e hardware Btore, Whitby. Dr. Meldrum, Physician, Surgeon & Accoucheur. Graduate of Unf.,ersit}' of To- ronto and Licentiate of RoJal College of Phya.iciaM, EdU.burgh. Tile Terraoe, D1ron St. Phone •2. 1904 WALL PAPERS. lY04 COAL AND WOOD. • ••••••••••••• We have now received this 11pring'• good1. I am open to allow samples of a First rate stock of the latest designs in Wall papers. PriceP within the r!'ach of all. Write me or call at my residence on~~ block sooth of town hall. GEO. K. TH6MPSON, PAINTER AND DECORATOR, WHITBY. DRS. I<ENNEDY &. KEROAN, No. 1411 RRBLDY BTKEBT. DBTROIT0 Mlc:&. ' PEDLAR STEEL SHINGLES . "" W. B. WARNER, dfoaler In bani aDd 10ft coal, Cordwood Plat. etc. Agent for the PMple's Coal b,., Toronto. Office and l" ard, maiD road, j118t east or Midland Railway track. W. H. WARNER, Whitby. Nicholson I Seldon '11NDERT AJJ'ED.S, WHITBY, ONT. ELO"W'", Gr"ln and c,al Orflce, WmTIIY. O.STARIO. MONUMENTS Of all design& and m•terial lrept in stock. It will paf }'Oil to call at our worla!.. 1\n<l inspect Cor youraelf. Don't be misled by agents. We do not employ them, cooaequeotly We can and do allow the agent•a oom- mU..ion, 10 per cent., whlob you wUI certainly MY'e br purehaaiag from-. A call eolicited. Whitby Granite Co. orne. aDd WorD. ()ppoalte Poet Off'aee, WlllTBY, ONT. Tlw July mcelinl! of the above questioucd in uny court wi.Jnt..:.uove r . council wa.; hcl<l in lhe town Judi, A communication wu>~ r,,.,.l (rum )lancllL'S l'~ r. uu :\loudll)' lust, ull lJr. G. :-1. 1-'is.lt, claimi11;; ~Ill fur dnm- 75; Ch:l.!i. Dour"'• raiti~ ~tou~. etc., Ui'l. 7, i~; A. J . ISJ.Il'ncar, r~1•airinR c ulver t, Ui>. 7, ~1.1.i ; A. llb lop, ooll anti tcunl grilVclliut.{, Uiv. 5, t"Jl.l:S; Ww. ArJ.:..;ey, lo tillY l!r:lVc lling, Div. fi, ~4!); \\'. J . llaycrafl, tu l"' Y ~r.,v­ lllling. Uiv. 5, i)IM.Itl; Jas. Mathew- son, wor k on ru:LJ. auachiu ,•, Uiv. IU, ~lti.;JU; Frank Harris, l{rU\'cllinl,!,lJiv 10, :jiG ; Hobt . llo•ron, '"l>ai riug drain 11nd cut\·crU, lJiv. Ill, ~~0.37; Wm. HrL rri~, gruvc.l.ling, lJi,·. HI, >'; U.l$; HolJt. H••ron, to t•a)' l{ravolliu~;, Uiv. lU, •4K5~; to'. L . Brown, to pay (,!ravclli~, Uiv. lll, l;IIU; Tl"'"· Uo'l\·· n~y. to (la y work un ra;uls, lJiv. !1, t;3!1 ; ThO'I. Du!l, ~ !lay.-. g•·avdling, u.v. !1, :;;ti.r.u; w. 1'"'" ·-"' n. ~ cht7a ~ravellinl!', Uiv. ~. ~!i.!iU; Ira Urown, :.! duy .. ~mvelling, lliv. 9, ~G.r,u ; to'. '\Vbeat, Call, bushel ..... . Wheat, Bprlng, bWiilel .. . oou 0 00 0 00 000 000 0 00 000 0 00 000 3 00 0 00 0 00 000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 110 0 00 0 00 7 00 7 50 0 H 2 JO 0 00 ~ Price $2.25 per square of 100 square feet covering mt·rnbcr.; l.Jdng Jll't':!CIIt. U}\'I!S iUCUI'I\.ld 10 hor:.u in 1'i.:keri.hg }!' .. oau J :tflh\.i. \' roowan. clcrl.: of Vill1\ gt!. Drod.;, .. tat in;! that the Urock ~u~m- 'l'ho committee on ln.lil(e ll' " re- &:il 1.,._-..scd a rcsoluliun in:<trUClll\l! 110rt ,Jd Jccomrueru.lin;; the lvllowin:-~ tho c l<•rl.; tu notify the 1l.clle h coon- 111,ym~nt -Jos. r.:ur l.;, Cu r I month'<~ oil 10 t111 vu <litcl.t OJIJ"'~itc lot 18tuwu ,.u1,1,0 n of Hubt. Gius on !jtll. • liol! 1\c"ci.J :111<l Brocl.:, .:l~aued out. '[he committe" on :;h ""l' l.:illcu hy ~·rum \\' . S. Onui,.tvn. un l>eh.df dot-:>< rc1•ortcd and r.c-cuwwcn<lctl thu of Mr .John :.cl.;n.,y, C<Hj\lt'~Li~ tho (ullowiuc; payment - Ww. Will i-•u..,., council lo t:LI.;c th ' no:cc::;,;ury 11tcp• :! ,.hc-cp :LUd :! lamb.1 l.;illcd ~l!J. !II!. to OlH~ n. (ur ~cnt• ral us" l~. Ui. h con. 'l'hu couuuitlcu on Coutiny_, .uci()d, rc- t'O.bll'l'ly f1·om th" c"ntrc 'IP'ud. A llOJ' IC<I :111<1 n :CuLUUll' ndcd payment ll:i · cowmiltt•c "'"~ IIJIJIDintcu to iuVll'f· Cullow3 - Th" Municipal \\'urht, ::;,_ ti.gatc. Thoma,., I .lctLcr COJll'in;.t book ~1.60; Ou rnulion of .\lr. Munro, Pn or!l"r U. H. Uea\ou, rogictnniun of •luhen- "'"" !{rllllto•rt in fa vor o( the Guo!.l turu l.Jy- law s~; :! da} .. bCr ViU!{ no- RoalJg M achint!rY Co., unti C l:. llr \!~.:i [or lict.~:-4 rc court of r~ vision $0, o.n uc· tbc '"'w' o( t;;~ . bO. count uf t><.olary 11jU; .Murkar &. On motion o{ Mr. 1:1olthy un urdllr 'fhrl:ton, on llCcuuut .of pri ntiu~; vu- wa~ ~;ra ntc•l in fa vor u[ Jus. Uart- lt•r:<' l i•l lJI::i, lnl( tunc cui~ t< up- 1~)' fur ~5, [)0, lx:ing t• ·~ymcnl Cor 1•lit~•l Cur usc in cou.ll}' UL:, t oric~~d work rl\ Uoant uf l' r •ulu. s kt•lch now llcin:-1 pul.Jii3h ,HI ti9.r.o; On uwliuu uf :\[.-. lloltl>y 1111 ordt•r W . E. 'l.'aruul•l, 0 . L . .::>. , .l'orl 1'.,rq·, w a.J g r.iul . · ~ l in f ;avur ol 1'. Morrison for dl•fininh JiruiL :i u( lul :i lG an•l 17, for UUc. , l.J: iu;; l.t .d :utc~ us p~r ac- c on. J illl•l s ide r u:ul, :.n•l iroupo~ l.:t count {or , J.,,v,·llin;.t s now. .._tc .. t)40. On uLoliun uf .\lr. ~unro, n n onlcr· 1' lu.: t' Ollln1ill~t\ on ro.ul~ and britl- \\"IL .:i ..rraul l!t l in {aVOI' ur A . ~ny,ler ~C!:I l"C (JUJlctl and l'tJCOlUIUc utlt.•tl pay - for ~U. bei nc( £or cellar furui•h~d for 111.,111 " " folio\\ ~ - .II. \\'C!L hcra l<l, IJo- briJbc a t S.· a ~ ra Vt• ttl.~ lion. uu~ of l &c . .,,~ r rw l on 7J rucls wi•·c On motiou nf Mr. Hulthr an uruer f•·nt·o in £r ohl of lot IU, cor1. ~. 1;) 10.- """ " ~ra nlu:l in favor of Gou•l ltua)i.:l !J!i; L. Ucclby, l.Juuu ~ of l fw. I>or IMuc hinery C'u. Cu r ~Ji.ti~ fur tilu r od on 7a rotl~ wiro> func u in l'"rl oC U)Oilld.:i, lot :!I, Cull. a, ~JI.:!f1; John l•:rncr<:~Oil, On rnul iun of .\lr. Lawhu, 1111 or: bouu" of too. p~ r ro:l on ~4 ,..,.,,. wim d tJ J' Wa "\ ~ra nlc tl in favor o( 'f. Johu- f.,ncC un We.:il :4idt) or 1:.!, c un. ~. 'il:t.- alon fur liM fur lnvin.; I t·Wu killc<l (iU; T hen. Auuuu, l>onu:1 u( :!5c. per by Uug:~ :uul :! Ia rubs l.ialU .l tt~U Ly rod. un 90 rOtla wiru lt!UC~ uu \\ t•s l tlo~~- ::o id~: of lot lU, con. a, ~~1.5tJ ; H. Un ruolion uC Mr. l.nml>e an ord!lr l'ut·kriu, bouuli of ~5c. t•c r ru.t on """~ grunlu•l rn Caver o( l'c t l!r lJill- n rod" of wir~ Ccnc.1 on o. K. o( Jot mond for S:!.:!U £or ahovclliu~; •mow 7, con. ~. Sll.7!>; J . Au nan, bunu,. uf En~t Wbitlly town lino. t:.C . I"" ro•l on tia ro•l• wiru C••uc" On lnotion or Mr. Mc lnl) n~ . an or- uo " · 8 . uf Gn.ltUl\VUOll fLXHl iu ('OIL \ tlur wu.1 graulcl.l in (uvor of\\' . C<Y.)k :!, :;< IIi.~; J . Cul>•· r, uuuu" u( ;! ;"ic. per for ::;~.:.0 (ur t~huv.· llin~ onuw un :!nu rurl un r.u r•>d>~ Oil w . " · o! A ltona cou. "l'l""' ito• lui S I;! a111l 13. ro:o<l, t>u n. 3, $1t.5U; 'f. \\' ilsun, U On 111utiou uf M r. Munro nu urdur y.tnl" u( ~ruv11 l 11 l l lle, JIH yunl on "'"" ~ rnnlc<l \iu favor of John Uli~ hl ro.HI divi~IOII a, ~:!. IU ; Juhn C:ruorloOU, for ~:4o .Su, buint-t fo r t.Juil tliug ti4JWor <'G IIIlui s. .. iurwr n>t~tl divi··dou ri , WnJ"k }JiiH' l t ~.;.: : • braVt• . dorw in his tli vi.:,ion, ~~:.J.~:!; U . Cor- Oil lllolion uf :\lr. i.\lunro, an unl11r mat·t.:. ltl,tiUU feel c61lur huulltlr ut was lll':l lll<"l in bvur u( Thooo. Lamllc !> 1!1 ,,.. ,. M .• , ~ 1!10 ; Jt. Umrtou, work for ~7~ . l.Jo·iu,.; Cur fixin ;; l.J riol,;c al uu rud.: c ru:shur, ~IU.~O; .T. T..eli<;elt, l:ic111; ra Vt• s l at ion. work OUih' in rn<ul divi>oiun 10, S39.- 0 :l tuolicn uf M r. l.amhe au or- \(i:!; \\' . GiU!!o n, work done iu roatldi- tlcr wa" g r;11H<:d iu (,1\'o r u( J awc:1 1 vi>ion ti, ~Jli.S!>; tilt.'l:llUU Ur0:1., lock llriHl!S, :! dnyo J(r:,vo llin.,:, Ui~· . &, t~u.JII; \\'. Jlu~<~un, ~tillY:! Mruv., Uiv. U, l:I~ .5U ; H. UuCC, ~ <l11y.< l-l•· ay,•lli~, lJiv. 0, !iti.f•U ; Wm. Hoa r , I 1-:! daya gravcltiug, Ui" · 11, ~l.tlo; Unvid Gre1nt, to I"')' ~mvc lling , e t c. , IJi • . 10, lH7.- M; 1•'. 1 •. Brown, tu )Ill \' .:mvo· lling, c t <' .. Uiv. IU, t; IU ; lA . ::iJVal{,,, lu p:ty wurl.: on ·ro;ul~ Uiv. £>, S~ l.tiJ ; W . Wheat, goase, bushel ... nucltwhent, buahel ... ..... . Barley, No. 1, bu,.bel 8Rrley, No. 2, buahel Bo.rle}', No. 3, barlef Onbl, bW<hel ... ... . .. Graham flour, cwt ... Rolled wheat, cwt . .... , . Rye ............ .... .. !rlarrowfat peas ....... .. Blue PeM ................. . Common re:u. ...... .. ..... ._ Clo'ler S eed, red ... . .. . .. Al~till:e ...... ...... .............. . Timothy, best ... ... . .. . .. Lard, lb. le rtl ... ... . ... .. '£«~ dozen ... ... ... . .. Potatoe~<, bw•hel ........ . HaJ, ton, new ... ... • ... .. Port, I.'WI. lb ... ............ .. . Lard, lb., rend~red .. ... . Fl,ur, roller, per cwt Butter, lb ...... .............. . 0 80 0 ~B 0 42 o •o ons 0 02 3 00 • 00 0 60 0 70 065 065 tl 00 6 50 2 PO 0 '15 0 ·15 o •o 8 00 7. 76 OliO 0 oo. 0 18 JluJir· lay, :J --.day·l:l ... wir h road UladtiRc, U1v. 6, ~9. 1 u ; C. Al( n.>t ., us, 1 dr1y BOW;\1.\l>IVIJ.LE MARKETS. with road mac hinu, .lhv. r., ~J .;!5 ; lJ. " ' heat , Call, ... ... ..• ..• 0 00 0 90 ltouiu.suu,_ wud: "ir h ru:ul . ~uuchinu, .\~eat, Sprin~. .. . ... .. .... 0 00 0 90 llflll Jlllllllf;{ ID ndV!!rt , ~1.- . ~11 ; n. " ·h eAt, Red l· •fc ... .. . ... 0 90 0 9~ S JI<•n<'l'r, work on ru.L<l,, lJiv. 8, "' bpat, Goo.'1C, ... .. . ... .. . 0 00 0 70 :;> 11 .78 ; .Tames Kui~hl, l"rllinl( in Drtrlry, No. I, ... ...... ... 0 4U 0 00 c ul v!lrl, Uiv. ll, ~J; Jn:. . .::>. l. ynde, 881 Bllr~ey, No. 2 ... ... .. . ... 0 •o 0 140 yard:;. ~ravul for rond•. $1!.~0; Gen. Bllrley, No ,:1 .. . ... .•• ••• 0 00 0 118 Knoll, 5U yard:; gravel tor roud:l,, Unrlry, two ro\\'CU .. ... 0 IJU 0 40 ::;5; JrLs . Wil(hton, riHht of w :1y · to OntA, white ....... 1 ...... 0 30 0 Ill t•il, $1; J . :>\. Uohrn t, 40 yurd:I&O"ll'ftll Ryfl ··· ... ······ ............... 0 00 U 60 for roa.l,., $1; Jn• . Cro>:.dl , :Ill yArdsj BuckwhM t ... ... ... ... 0 00 11 t46 t!rllYCI Cur ro;ul~, ~J.~U ; .Ia:;. Coultice,j Pena, nl:>clw~e ... .. . .. _. .. . 0 00 0 00 bouu>~ :!1 . rotl-'1 wir,, f.HJc~. "I'PDSitl Peas, Cnnrtdtrtn fica~ li e:~ 0 00 0 CO lot Jl. cou. i, $5. :!5. -Ct~ rri~•l. PellA, Mumm"Y Drnut.e.~ ... 0 00 0 00 Mr. llrown, ~>econded by Mr. Hay- PrM, S mnll Bcnulie" .. .... 0 GO 0 liil cr!lft, moved thut llli:~ co uncil g lvo 11 l""na, nlue Denuti!'ll ... ... 0 00 0 110 l{rn nl ut Sl5 Cur l'•·av ~ lliul( thu r011d CloYer SP.rtl ... ... .. . ... 5 50 6 ilO tloulh (rum .Ur. Cruxatl's , und tbt Timothy Sec•l 0 00 0 llO Kam ., uu u>: JI!IOd111l u udcr the ""l"'r· Butter,.. .... ...... ... .. . 0 00 3 14 vision of Cuunctl lo r .1 .• J. Muore aoc El!llll, doz. ... ... ... 0 00 0 14 Wm. KHr, Comwissiooor.-Carried. Potl\loe«, b1i:<h ... 0 00 . 0 SO Mr. Moore, seconded uy Yr. llrown _Hay, ton ... ··· ··· ··· ... ... 7 f>ll 8 00 ALI!Sii&irRenewe" lalttruc you want to loot old P •"bea keep your rray hair. Jf Dot, thea use Hall's Hair Renewer, md have all the dart, riCh color of carl life rearorcd to your. lair. ·-~'"":"'~':!"._....'" .. I - -.. · - · . I CHEAP AS WOOD SHINGLES. PEDLAR PEOPLE· OSHAWA, ONT ~ • 1Let the GOLD DUST TWINS do your work,. • The Gold Dust Twins will help you get through your work in a jiffy. The greatest cleanser in the world and the house- wife's best friend is GOLD DUST OTn'R GB111!RALISvubblu lloon, wulllq clotka aa4 diallee, deulrla ....,._ USBS FOR ~k, oilclotll, allYCTWare aa4 tiaw.,., IIOiiaiUac lnaa .-k, GOLD DUST clc&Jialq balll room, pi~, etc., aa4 aaubc 1111 a-t eolt _,. Jlla4e bJ TRB If. IC. l'.&IRB.llfl: COJIIP.t.lf1', QkQo-Jiabn II P£JRY eo&P. • r GOLD DUST maltea hard w,.,., Amer!can and CAnadlaD Gasoline. Coal Oil. !'Mrles. llaclllne ·-ou, )(.lea Axle Gl'e:l!!e. BAnd-made aDd Factor..r Tubs aod Cburaa. Waahllla 'llac:bl-, Wrinae~ etc. • , New anol ~ond-band-bic1clea. re- pair& and IUDdriea. BlcyolM for hire. W. J. LUKE, Dundu etreet Wee~ Whitb..r. The Dominion Bank. · Capital (Paid Op) Resene Fnnd • $3,000,000 $3,474,000 WHITBY BRANCH. General Banking Buainesa Transacted. Special attention given to the collection of Farmer's Sale a.nd other notes. Savings Bank Department DEPOSITS~~~- "' P •Del INTEREST ~~~'::! .::... BlcbMt COMPOUNDED ~·si~ E. ~. THflllliTON .~ ..... _ ... IUM.AG~ '

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