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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Sep 1873, p. 1

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Fs J. ) nt Tem a SAW PORT PERRY. W. T. PARRISH. pw oxaiserigs wr em These' Til wal ih alt oases be . slyle and color, RE Biamniy hel al Eyre Hd Establishment in (this County ! BAR a PORT PERRY, July 9, 1873. eros00 v "a TOT OF a will will do his utmost to a complete. supply of , Professional Carve. SSSA cs Al BE of Ontario, we $ geo ,.and Avipurhent, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. of Twelve Years Experience, QFren over Mr. Gordon's Store, QUEEN STREET, PERRY. i-- PRINCE 'ALBERT. x pp +Qffice--over_ Allison's Drug Store, R. 3088, M.D CORONER. "Drs, MoGILL & RA Surgeons, ey &cf Office and . M. witioox, WiLL F. MeBRIEN, 3.1. GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, J. E. FAREWELL, LLB, COUTNY CROWN ATTO AUCT TONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF Anahi AND TOWNEH IPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Qollecting, &e, It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Scles or Col- ARRISTER. ra i and No- ig sy wea ied hf S. I AN ENGLISH, L, veyancer, oy Oshawa. oe opposite the post office. Te Tar] ih 'Attorney-nt-Laj Ancety, "and Insolvency, Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free ining 's Block, Brock harge tarig. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., at the Onsenyer Office Prince Albert, and 'at the Standard Office, Port Por: CAMERON & MACDONE elicitors County Council q . | Prince Albert, Sept. He '1872. P, A. H AT at Tw, and § Avira act B3 r] jer OF THE DIVISION COURTS County of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1873, &s Oe. areein Notary Publ A Sept Oct'br| UERK of the Third' Divisio Rigel ome w aol Jar'y es =| March sew w= April tions' me with the ® ol skill and eare, J atvant feds 0 Whitby, Jan. 1st, 1873. hic dety Somes di U kinds Ale ver na 'Marriage' T.icenses (BY AUTHORITY.) T50 at' Port Perry. Office, the Scugog HENRY CHARLES | November 11th, 1869. hotels Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. 'The Subscriber having les leased the above Hotel has fitted up in a style in keeping with the sapidly | increasing business and prosper Village and, neighborhood, and with dire: ference to the comfort an pub) public patronage. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. YY ee "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B PLANK,.. Port Perry, Aug, 6, 1873. lic. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Néither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of WHIPS, THUNES v4 [45 ign sf tte ing of Ontario. PE ER CU a a ou ROLPH." is, d, MKENZIE, PROPRIETOR. ---- HE Subscriber having now fully équipped | T ril g now ful 1 sane his new and extensive Livery Stal Carriages is prepared o Kirnish first Livery Rigs| ON 'MODERATE 'TE, io '€. McKENZIE. CONDUCTORS! i J hi Subseriber bef: eter ae settin ng out on his Spring Business tour would embrace the present Bt opoMunity of returning his most sine cere than. liberal patronage during the past three years in which he has carried on tl Lightning Rod Business s to ns numerous patrons fdr their Tle feels much pleasure in stating that > Pie many hundreds of buildings on. which jhe las AVING rohan he above hotel, and has ' put his Rods there is not one instance mn whiclr furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors they have tailed to prove perfect protectors | and cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- against the dreadful 'effiets of the lizhtning Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ~ Careful stroke. While neightof ie buidlings have been ostlers always in attendance. 8 struck, the proper DAFOR UT?CA G 00D accommodations. AX to the requirements of travelers and guests. | The barsupplied with the best wines, liquorsand cigars Good Shiting, Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, J. JENNINGS, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will have charge of the stables. Whitby, 20th June. 1870. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company HS Company is now Hh now fully organized and is 10 accept risks on Farm Buildings and the ir contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have-now an opportunity of doing so either by ap] to the Head Office, or to ny of the local of the Company. Our rates low as those of any responsibleMutual Toon as Company in Can ada. Head Office--The old egiiy Office Build- ings Brock Street, Whit 27-1y WESTERN ASSURANCE comp'y TORONTO, OC. INCORPORATED .. ... convsnnees Capital = Preside: Vice-P: Secreta CHAS. THORN, VS. MEER of the Veterina Gold Medalist antion 5 on Horse Practice. Ruthor ofa Fe Prize Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 1 oa ih rn begs to announce that he has taken up ho residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- to treat all cases entrusted to his care in the most s Siniral and scientific manner. t the Medical Hall of Messrs. Al ders & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. EF" The Veterinary Stables may be found en Lilly street, Opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry July 27, 1871 HENRY GRIST, TENT SOLICITOR NO DRATGRISHAN, ga J a a t3 of o Giarmmont nud | Gra nts of th L. FAIRBANKS, in AN, JAMES EAL. Oshawa, Feb. 5 1873. he wings, ments necessary to secure Pa. n iL pated 0a receipt of the on. : uctioneer, Valuator, FREE Soott, sh th mo Shenton be Th -- ~ Let me say bowever that it is not enotigh {that bui'dings be roded vnless it is dons en scientific principles it will serve no good purpose. To secure the advantuges of these most valuable' protectors they must be properly pat wp, amt this can only be done by experienced hands. 1 would now say to the public in general that [ am now prepared 10 enter upon anoiher season's tour through this and the neighboring counties 3 that my business facilities have been largely increased which together with my thorough experience will enable me still more promptly and e fliciently to meet tne orders of all who favor me wih their patronaze. My motto shall still be good work aud the lowe st possible remuneratives prices, All orders punctoally atiendel to. W. H. LEATCH; Prince Albert, May let, 1873. CASH DOR LUMBER -- 0 ------e THE OSHAWA CABINET CO'Y ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE In Casn for the following sizes of LUMBER ! Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED.] OAK or Ae, 1 in, 1}, 2 in., any width, BurresNuT, 1 in., any width. Rock Erm, 1% in., I} in. » any width. Comox WATER Kin, 1 Basswoob, 1 in., any width. ., any width. . 1} in,, 5, 8, 10 or 16 in. wide. 66 4 in., 12, 14, 11, 18, 20, or 21 Ping, 1ia., ao. 2 in., 12, 14, or 16 feet long Mare, Beech, and Birch : Fin, 13 in, 13 in. 1§ in, 1.§ in. 2in. : 33 in. gio., a3 i 3 3x23 , Square Scantling, W. H. GIBBS. THOS, H. WALSHE, TICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in orthOntario; Mariposa, etc., in the Sony Ww Victoria. Residence--Canni dersleft at this ules or at his fesdenc wi punctually attended to. 'Debtseollectedin nington, or otherwise, and Brompt re remit 0. Remember-- WALSHE, the North tario Auctioneer. JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones variety, with every description of Marble en suitable for Jenreries, supplied at short uotice. Also Peterhead and "Xburdoon | Parties will find it to their advan- bse to withhold their orders until called adv. J.c. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- ranted. January 10, 1872. gre | Lie ow how to pi ' + Dotywen der vindgswinailiesint | iL | Righd in hig letlo sthomack schmall, © Potateoked fy denisbric | i rie is 3 determin dq Ll Hal. Gin oy ss iin, just'cover éxpensés, that is 'all Task, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED D in, drs, o of, 1 Bérmiting mo to, ovine Top Golesi bre i He valpieo Nesey Si Lory Und'grawls me ofer eforywhdre; | # con! iinuance of the =Aro yo a literary "Itloman, sir? My husband, Ww man, editor of theuddvanced Thinker ; 0, a literary gen. Ihave' living with me, I have mere] for. th qual is; all. ; My family would, never rders, T do not pretend to fie a hg 0 'oft my 'gests, sir. IELT * Mr. P.~How often do youhaye hash ? i Mrs. D.--Bir, this is nots; board- here, sir. Sometimes we may havea Und achlebbers me--but vot Lense? , "fg piecé'of mutton that is left over ~Dokyas my schmall young, baby. : /Avotnd my head dot'lestle ati 70) | i Vas schquezin' med nibesnd watm-- Qh | may Sta ace art '| cat smal and served up warm ; but haslisheves | An +My. P.--How much, do you, sks lot, when one of your boa--: T mean family, goes out of town far i 1 Mrs! DL Well, you knot, sir, this ' #UliE nota' boarding-h d, as 1 Stetn ir te: Milin, uid Ay all te or ini oh rior Horses 'and class "Blossom Tink, saged Twenty S0NCO. 0ifig in want, of a hall hed-room actly satisfled if you would Sesanes for the summer, and having pre. pared from morning papers § 2 8c! i 'tule of advertised \seemed not unsuited to his i sets out upon.a tour of exploration: The following gre his experiences; | «- | Me. Pink being supposed in cach, Enter Mrs. Acrid, a small woman case fo be waiting either in the hall | With a wasp in her voice. , or in the parlor, where he is con.| Mrs. Al (very volubly)--Good fronted with the lady of the house'; | Morning, sir. You're the gentleman HOUSE NUMBER ONE, Entor Mrs. Stecltrap, an. Amazo- nian female in black wrapper, and with a stane-cut face, who folds her arms upon being seated, and: gazes into fp depths of Mr, Pink's lamb- 34 Lightning w destroyed, and precious lives ificed, the buildings which have rod- | ed have been-ag'sufe in the thtnder storm as in | the calm, Mr 8. Sto eltrap Lapparently, under the impression that Mr. i hopelessly deaf) --Oh, yes; I have a That is, I shall have one week after next. could make you very comfortable if you wouldn't object to waiting. r, P.--T understood your hall bedroom was ready for immediate Mrs. 8.--If you wouldn't object to sleeping with my son for a fow 31 The late Admiral Farragut was very 'much attached to him. Ile is a very nice and agreeable young man ; sells gum-drops and fig-paste ne ha sia very ploa- Bvkabog les, 1 Yr han? . But I am afraid he might heard of Bishop Van der Velde dream about his profession during the night, and then it would be pain- | : . fal or mo to be obliged to te booms, I Was Miss Van visken May I take a look at booms. I have money enough to live on comfortably, but the fact is I like company, and if T can gota few friends to live with me, I ask nothing better. You will under: tand that I am not in this business to 'make money. So that I can just make accounts balance by the end of the year, and have money enough to |. look after to keep me from thinking of what is past and gone, I am satis- i .|fied: In truth, I am losing money |. Hr. 2. (io himsold, aes atin all the time, but what is that so long as my guests are comfortable? So that you see it's impossible for mo to make deductions for transient ab- © Mrs. 8. (drawing herself up)--The | sence: Next May I shall probably break up house and go to live on the Van Vickenbooms estate. Oh! you'll call again, sir? Good morning. -- your dining-room ma'am ? Mrs. 8.--O, certainly. understand that I do not pretend to be a regular boarding-house keeper. My relatives are quite angry with You will (Leads the way into the back par- lor, where three charnel-house tables are being spread with the conven. tively considering the tablecloth)-- I wonder which are the stains and which is the tablecloth. What kind of steaks do you have, ma'am ? best of porterhouse! The best chops, the best coffee, the best vege- tabtes to be had in the market. £ None of your cheap stuff upon my Arcadian, When the Bishop of New RR Jersoy dined here-- Mr. P. (who observes some pea- nuts and dates in a dish on the side: board)--How about the i Chae Mr, P.--Payablo weekly, I pro- + Mrs. 8 PH advance, don't Tot Toots as as a business. You' see Ihe SE NUMBER TWO. 'Mrs. Dowdy, sans shoes and | tains, whore his troasures lie ippers, and with a soiled flannel |conled, and: the daring visitor figt 0 obvious beneath her dress: wdy WOArs a smilo of gene- | my; expe apd make. both ends " i On that account I never make any deduction for temporary 'ab- references. Mr. P.--Thank you; the exchange h fof opinions : is sufficient. I will call again to-morrow. HOUSE NUMBER THREE. that wanted a hall bed room? 1've back, price $10 per week. Terms references given and required. Gas twenty-five cents per woek extra, whether you use it or whether you don't. No visitors of any descrip. [tion allowed, on account of the num- ber of recent murders. My carpets |' are all new. Can have your hoots blacked in the house it desired. Use of bath-room without extra charge. Breakfast at géven and a half, lunch at one, dinner at six. Best chops and steaks in New York, sir, I broil mine--none of your fries for me. Dessert can't be beat. The Maison talk like a boarding-house keeper, do would never forgive me if I did. My family is one of the genuine old Te is my uncle on my mother's side. My father was General Van Vicken- A Legend of Killarney. are roproduced as in the olden time. | decpest part dry-footed, and rid with him into he '(was living, was | a: literary gentie- Sonn con thniabls sir. 'Mi gin ock boarders' Have, you, ma'am? oof Mrs, Dye (soveroly)s-T beg 'you | Gout » | pardon, sir; I.never take boarders, |...) My house is not a boarding house'; | 4 | my guests are not boarders. Ido| not pretend to keep boarders. The, "|few' Indices and "géntlomen whom I take{ ow in rag our iid high; xockifonp the! Jakes iustias the ann, began ta the the ae ayniaing, il ing house; we are all like one family ep damsels ior A front' a pr clothed in. white, sohttbring) wr} flowers around; thon(n group young Hehe To ig | fortnight? veil and ar oa, naire till the whole vs ning Ho, wore, a glitfeying holmet; whit§ armor, and the Ey iy Sheknew not wat Xe I am sure you would be per: join' Tier lover, bud 5 stopped back a' few pices, | end ning; made a big' jump off-therottt.l 0'Donahue rushed: forward » catight her in his arms before she reached the water. gathored-arctind' "the 'Chief and, his bride, and all guifk' Beneath the wavesy-nor: has the lovély Melcha been seen from that day to. this. Explosion in Danbury, '. {ried down all on board: got a very desirable: one, fifth story, | wi sm. octane pi XOT APREAR I¥' THI FIRENEN'S PROCESSION, invariably in advance. Best of ! -- The, firemen had a parade on Sat-- It was afine affair, but the abednde of afr. O Clarence was déop- ly feltnot only by the! department, but.by the public. faithful services at the business meot- ings and festivals and his: splendid bearing on parade has given Mr. O'Clarence an enviable position 'in the hearts of his countrymen, are sorry he was not present Satur-- ay. But an unlooked for and very painful accident deprived him and us of a great pleasure, The night which preceeded: the last anniversary of our independance he took home $25 worth of fireworks for a splurge on the next night, | He calculated ho had glory enough in [3 that package to fill with gratitude and admiration every tax-payer in North street, and his wife, after care- fully examining the lot, was equally confident that the neighbors would, seo something that would "make their eyes bung out," as she pensive Doree don't set a better. I don't The fact is, T don't pretend to keep a boarding-house. My family The next morning O' Clarence got out the bundle to look over it again and feed on the anticipation. There were cannon crackers--several packs --and Roman candles, blue-fires, pin- wheels, rockets, and tHe like--a very creditable assortment for any' fam- ily. AL. Wickford's boy: from the} next house was in, andesat -on the floor holding a piece of lighted punk in his hand, and had both his eyes and mouth wide open enjoying | the O'Clarence was sitting on his | that they had long haunches, holding a pinwheel in his explaining ' to Mrs. O'Clarence how cheaply they could | were no! be made in China, and how superior | ers" in ingenuity and industry were the Chinese to all other races. them know. how 'it happengh" O'Clarence remembers -- were two open pi , One of the legends of this beauti- ful lake, situated in the heart of Iro- | land, is, that once every seven years, | on a fine morning before the first Mrs. 8.--The best ices, the best | rays of sun-have begun to dispers jellies, the best pastries in the city. [the mists from the bosom | Délmonico himself don't keep better. | lake, the O'Donahue con When Governor Dix Jooked at rooms [over i on a beautifyl must in somo way i the punk in amopg #and in the general Interest rgot that if was afire. At any rate there was a endo i hiss right under Mi. O'Clarence, fol- lowed in the next instant by "tor nado of sounds and sparks, gentleman at once shot toy rds ian i ceiling ina blaze of vari lights, while the air | ches his ancient residence, ything turns to its former state of magnificence--his' castle, his li- | balls, industrious yj A whcels, insane bach K brary, his prison, his pigeon-house, | & Those who have courage to follow {him over the lake, may cross the opposite moun- receive. a. Jibgral gift in return for WM. GORDON, nderland P. 0., Brook. pte 3 léges ign He Ml war laters: om Eontiomsin residing | pn/* 8 Side, and for, many years arm {of Midwankeods in daily of the ar val visit, Ty hi {Sent on years irpaskes Tn g in ; -{|Sheavas born: dnd reared fi Ne a ns fon feeds dnd bore hin" fo isoveral of whom iting and comfortably settled: - teen years go her hushi, on his final voyage to Cn word tro m, his yi Has' éver beth received ship undoubtedly foundered ar Knight struggled on a fow ar reared her children, sho x at home at the time ¢f her:n tune, and in dog so, exhausted No last remnant of property lett hy husband, and finally broke de health under the accumulated: of years, misfortune, and pa Her youngest son, just 'married, nished her a home hrs ; atid icf ruta 'her clter a longer: "Her othor Shildron one © | turn dechied to burden th with "mother's. support," thing towards procuring her. She finally came on ghe toy per, and was knocked do lowest bidder for h was for several years broken hearted erotik, 1 more. than knit stock os in tending children: becoming £0 utter] had sold oft her fur; a time to * kel door," and among otheFd her. husband's old townsman and: 'acqu used it a few y od it to picces ws ad ton' this he found a'secret/dra paid up insurance policy Knight's life for fou: lars. Boj informed her that her one hundred dollars premium just before & the preseitation , p payment. ; tog ith each, Kind attentions prossing Tet to eo thom, 'and 'Thars" home, ete.} ete ough, however, té sions for wha pendence The ir

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