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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Sep 1873, p. 4

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py life anew! ®'s Home Magazin. Actress. 18-19 a pal young the bt old country seat not far from D) Yin, Several of them, ladies as w as gentlemen, had already ac creditably on the amateur stage; 1 TREES RO hearty applause, Encouraged this success, they thought might manage one, of Shakespe ragedies, and their choice fll Romeo and Juliet. They succeed in casting all the female charac except one, that of Juliet herself, was offered to several young lad in succession, but they all persiste >. . ome one suggested an expedient Miss O'Neil, then in the zenith her fame, was an actress of unblej ished reputation, most ladylike ¢ I once saw as Juliet, She was th regarded, justly I imagine, as 4 most perfect interpreter of Shal the London boards ; beauty admirably jo- © fashionable young men of the ddy, | i uniyersal SpeG 1 her HY ns Hl en is to i AH ty, 4 vai! fi i st ETE brn wispy It co happencd that she was then in Dublin, and, for the time with@ut an engagement. Tho proposal was to write to her and ask her, on Her © terms, to co t h 18 i Rb ergorly ceeded to, and a letter di Patched accordingly. The part of Romeo had been signed to a gentleman of fortune sy family, Ms. Baohor, sof County Cork: jeune encore, as French eay, for he was still on right side of forty, and excelling hig companions in histrionic taleht; i ~-08-~the~invitetion had been given, came one of his in- timate friends. ¢ Becher," said he "take my advice before it is late. Throw up the part of Romeo. 1 dare say someone else can be top to take it." Sania * 19 BAGK Gut of the part? { Avila pray $2®o ou ink my acting! i not worthy to support Miss O'Neil's ?" { "You act only too well my gaod fellow, and identify yourself or} 100 perfectly with the characte 'O'Neil well ; there can't be a be Ko role. It is notorious that no ever played Romeo to her Juliet wi out falling in love with her. I'd be sorry to see you go to stage for a wife." ' "Marry ah sotress! and at age. Do you take me for a fool Ne An no ! br i hes a alow : ple ata po hb- oll jed EEE TY fos JOA, ein en he vid pad- f ppedred bn her singular seconding her rdre powers, and turning the heads of fhe y eo dsolll tor 5 Ps Ir Se. a v wo ] (PUR PERRI, god rE 1 mproved Faim Dor varies in this and adjoining Coun t the lowest current rates of interest. As re la d on gettil Te Ding ® Wanted to Purgs bi Any number of Mortgages, for which the hi; dst will be allowed. manent Building Society, the cheapest Monetary Institutions in Canada. SopBUNVERL POSIT 12; Lands Bought and § | Several good Farms for Sale, ance Companies. ! Collections re Py mess transacted. 1 | BEF DEBEN s General Agents. | Office in Mr. Ross® Ontasi 4 ow, iy PORT - ONTARIO, Fine Gold, Waiches ! : | Elgin' and Russel' Levers | "Fine Gold Jewelry !. ! Brooches ! oe Rarerings | © Lockets! tancl wl Wedding Rings Plated Chains, &c. Waitey LOTS OF Clocks to Hand! JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, June 4; 1873. [ ye dtlor ! fala Merchant Is now showing, in his new BRICK BLOCK, lOne of the Largest, Best As- t+. sorted and - 4 a ww 3s 3% Stock of PYWEEDS, Broad- Glothonnd; Trousering '& Vest- ing, Hats and Caps. Genfs' Fone &e/, ever shown in orth Ontario. ~~ = = All plated iors pups i ing elsewhere. a i | | | i 1d IB i § Mortgages Wanted. nds i en Village Properties, aud ave funds on hend at all times Borrowers can ol (ER TIT BAT Olin ton or Soho ai We are algo appraisers for the Canada Pe nd : st aid \ § Rand |b Capital $1,500,000, Instalments re-payable 2 AJ = old | 3 Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ny 1 , , JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, i 8 je Perry, Oct. 11, 1872. 2 Opposite White's Carriage Factory. Ladies'. Gold. Guards, Bracelets, Gold IN. B. This is the place to 'which you shoiild 80 if you wish to get your Watches and Jewelry repaired to 'give you satisfaction. ; Prices om y Queen Street, Port Perry. ay W. TRENBETH, CHEAPEST and onesof them had 4 Ram A son giving such information 1 i) Toad oo Tees giving will be suitably Fong ICK. EE CREO co RR OT! IS HEREBY \ \ Td : = oa mip to Porgbery, [8 here neve Cy L€, ou will figd ice lot rniture o ties 'we igh- Do t Org t the Big Sg r 1 partments. Coffins furnish- ed in one hots hotice. or ol ones. WAR, PARK. 373. ~ « uit 1a I yw . HE Subscriber would 'embrace this oppot- tunity of thanking his dumerons customers tberal- support during the past 24 and the public generally that he has move place of business to the Store lately , Joxgs Bros., in the buginess centre of PORT PERRY, 'Where he hopes by Moderation in Prices, Superior Material, Good Workmanship, A "Fei Dea ng E " andcAttention to" Busingss, |. To yy inereased shage of public 'obfrin- age. My Stock is choice and complete, consistin; of Bureaus, + | kinds, Pictures, framed and unframed, ae Ring) And Repaifing ¢ Furniture ol best 3 3, UNDE NGwin all 46s¥ Depart. ments, . 4 Raving constantly on hand a good selection of Coflins made up of Black Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &ec., &c., I am prepared to supply customers on the shortest notice. Funerals fully supplied, and a First Class Meoarse provided when required. Suitable Lumber and Produce taken in ex- change. Agent for Tomb Stones and Monuments. JOHN NOTT. TOMEINSON'S For Preserving and Beautifying THE HAIR! PR rendepin, it DARK & GLOSSY. 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. DIRECTIONS.-- Apply with the hand or a soft brush as often as the case may require, rubbing itdnto therootgof the Hair. v Manufactured by HF 2 M:Taggare, Medical Hall, Prince Albert. JOHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP CLERK, IsSUER OF # i Marriage Licenses ! Conveyancer, Commissioner, &o. Orrick-- MANCHESTER. $ TO $20 per day. Agents wanted! All classes of working people, of either sex. yo make more money at work for us in their spare ynoments Nha TE a EK gei Has Removed pisyosivess "to opposite the ost Wa males "% Jeweler description, which I am deter- LATE O BR 09 KLIN > mined to sell Cheap for Cash, their money with the least| or on short credit. . : their J} four hn hie'has done business in the vil- age of Borelia ; and would now inform hin Sideboards, Tables, Chairs of all Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. The trials and in the bands cf the farmers, Reaping Machine, it has more good points and less defects, and has mel success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offereil to the public. 3 ; - 1 Would tfully beg leave to announce to his numerous customers and" the public generally, that. lie hag REMOVED, his place of business to OSHAWA, where in the future he will be foun CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS? now in Stock a large assortment of beautiful Whi a "will be est remunerative prices, and warranted. P wb 4 ly ¥ ip a bef 0G Please remember the place,-- _ TOSHAW Osuawa, March 5, 1873, . WILSON'S NEW BRICK JOR T PRRR ke he WATE FACTORY! 1 ons, &c.; " &c. Nothing but the best Material used with 'First' Class Workmanship, Latest Styles a he jioend grices as low as such work can be sold. 7" sa Hh Us'customers and the public generally for their libers) pod rapidly increasing patronsge, I would only. add that by still further increased iliries for business, I shal the: fuiure be able to execute all orders still more promptly. ! {ese i v FIRE & CONFLAGRATION 2 - ne (i : ! . 3 i THE VERY BEST DESCRIPTION 'OF G. U. WHITE, IN SUNDERLAND | wg? April 16; 1873. EY fi I have on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in Parlor, Coal an Tinware--an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. Ev ing done in good style of workmanship. Produce taken in exchange for Goods. ) REMEMBER the Sunderland Hardware and Tin Shop, for such Goods anywhere to be found east of Toronto SunpeErLAND, Feb. 18, 1873. Cooking manner of Eavetfough- 18 the cheapest place J. W.. PARRISH. PUMPS! PUMPS! You can get the hest and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN'S PATENT PUEP FACTORY If = BORELIA, --a- L . See the Prices. FORCE PUMP- A complete Pomp and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot, Common Log Pamps at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. * Cistern Pumps, a complete Pump, from $3 vp to $8. Also every other description of Pump at iE Equally Low Rates. i experience in Pump-making in the largest factories in Canada and the royal RE le Youis confident that he can perfectly eatisty all that will favor him witha eal. for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise promptly attended to, Please Address, " JOHN IRVIN, BoreLia, TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S ESTABLISHMENT OVER RORS' STORE, PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. JOHNSTON'S OIE - RIRING REAR, 'We offer to our customers for the comiltg Harvest, two distinct Machines, which style and construction, embrace the latest in and most useful improyements of the day. AWARDED FIRST PRIZE = SRG nm, "= Phe "King of Reapers." universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested warrant us in sayiog (hat, as 2 Self Raking with more Hy Cayuga Junior Mower, or all the time, than at anything else. , Particulars free Address 6. STINSON C0. Portland, 'Mae, A WM. SPENCE, - Contractor § Builder BUCK LATING, StoNE. wor, PLAS onl a &c., in all theif departs ments, executed is Salt tyle. oi fe a style. Utica, July 15th 1873, Strayed Sheep? Re 0 ST TRE gt Di fromthe "premises of tho Sub. scriber, lot 17, 2nd conceseion Reach, about : 2 the 25th of July last, LL Sheep and § Kambs The Sheep have a -tar mark on their romp hi dn ear, "hers, were] Lambs with 10} JOSEPH KILPATR | eset, August 'We were awarded the 0 t in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading Machines manofactured Province ; and with our recent improvements, we unbesitatingly challenge dnyostigy (tion and comparison with competing Machines, we f Boi ) a tion will convinee every vpieludiced, mind, that Ww ! Farmer for 1871, built in Carringe BROCK S Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, heli in theo" are salisfied that such invest e. 0 e best- Mower to the sr Send for descriptive catalogues, BRCWN & PATTERSON. t e Dominion Wairsy, June 20,1871: % i Fe pe av ¥ ~ FRY PRACTICAL' "NEAR THE TOWN HALL, : TREET, WHI 0. THY | and 6.1873, I-dy 3 mebtaPBig res constantly on hand madéf, bestmaerial, Work A pod sof meltaPEnggie and dispatch, Particular altention paid to repairing I= ALL WORK WARRANTED, = : pap SS Prince Albert and Port Perry, Port Hope at ing thare with New York Central 'an Livy Leaves Charlotte (port of Rochester) at 9 p.m, except Saturdays when she at 2 p.m. for Brighton. Dealers in Stock, &c., will find this the chi a est and most expeditious ronte to Boston, Bl bany, New York, & TAILORING Port Perry, Oct, 30, 1872. MONEE 10 LADY OFFICE--Over the Dominion an's Bleck, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby 4 pril 10, 1872. she ns Maker 15" stantly. san witha Hints to eh patronage bestowed upon h and 4 ; i ast ; and on d 7 to oi Hi {PORT PERRY, And that in fotore his business will be and Prince Albert. rried on at Port P untrie CHAS. B } i HISCOCKS, | Wedding Cakes made'to | SHOPS-- Prince Albert and Port Perry CHAS. HISCOCKS L.. November 27, 1872. TO THE Er TUE PLACE TO * CE Ti Patent Medicines, &e., 1S AT THE Brnennani Stow 2 = { Greenbank July 20,1871. Daily Line to Rochester! THE SEW LAKE STEAMER * oa i % A rg every morning at T;3 IN O eaves Cobou ud 9 o'clock for Rochester, coffer ailw ys for all points Bast, West, and Returning, ec. For further information, apply to! R. CRAWFORD, Pour Hope or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE] Kings mere for the generous | - aker & Confectioner, | vio: , Biscuits, Cakes, Bread, Flour,| 'meal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits, Toys, &c = 7 | unwell; 2 order. | TEA MEETINGS, &c., furnished on liberal terms. 650 INHABITANTS Northern Reach 9, : ih siukin ed hol onan 350 Bok 00, bi vital og waste, a io] 'tivets i 5 out 'our. entire' eonntry during the Summeg and; {Autumn, and remarkably so during seas, 'sons of pusunl' heat, and dry: [invarl etompanied lypex irangements of the stomach and liver; - idnd other abdominal 'viscera. In, 'treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow. erful influence pea these various or- 'gans, is essendially 'necessary; There Bee ari + Jt Wake 'as 'they will speedily remove th - colored viscid matter with which tho 'bowels are loaded, af tlio same time stimulating' 'tho seeretions of tha liv, and generally restoring 'thossleal functions of the digestive ofganswc A Fortify tho jody zninst'dl Rt by pari i Hs {y deuins Vi Rr Brorers. No, epidemic edn' R of a system thus met, lin yspepsia or Indigestion. mead- ache, > in the Re Cou pt Tightness of tho Chest; Dizziness) Soar Eructations of the 'Stomach, Bad Taste- y : ; Dry Goods; In the Benth, Ditiens Attacks, Palpitas: Notwithstanding the. late digastrous fire; which left much of our fair village in Groceries, ids $e Mont, mation of the > ruins, the Subscriber, y Clothin 'neys, and a hundred Sn Da 28 3) toms; arg jth offsprings of Dy . P A RRISH Boots and Shes, | One bottle will prove hiijettor rm, fo oe oy LR 9 2 Hardware, of Js merits than a lengthy advertise- v # od BH FL a pe + i ' ment. 3 : Shih Has again peted his Hardware and Tin Shop in the Village of Sunderland, Tinware J : Lg 5 ! bers hen over 18 supply the very large and increasing demand for Stationery, i' somsrofta, or Kings FY ibd such merchandize. ngs, 8; as, s Goitre, crofulous Tnflanimations, Tudolent Inflammations, Merenrial Affeotions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Bore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Dig- eases, WALKER'S VINEGAR Bitters have shown their great cirative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. g For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit- tent and Intermittent Fo vors, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys nnd Bladder, theso Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases aro caused Ly Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Biseases,--Persons en- gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Gold-beaters, apd | Miners, as in life, aro subjdct wels. To guard of WALKER'S VIN- 1 S in, Hummers Lever name i a p and carried stem in a shot time by the use: 5 wape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are cf 1 rt and removed. No ifuges, no an- tem fiom worms alo Complaints, in young ed or single, e dawn of wo- manhood, sor the ta , these Tonio * Bitters display $0 decided a is or old, man HE nndersigned lias an to lend upon Farm an § Jpg § Unusually Low Rates | of Interest. bb 8,8 4 & » : : i Ar. Provincrar, Exai . JOHNSTON S hE Jans ann hie repaid in any manner to suit BITION HELD AT SINGLE : Also several Improved Farms, and | Wild T : . Land for sale, cheap, : RANT, Investments made prly to +, JAMES HOLDEN, , Official Assignee, er, '&e. -- "MUSIC LESSONS ! state that at the hus naroed | t Perry; and as ley Address, if by letter, - * MRs. E' M. PRINGLE, MRS. BE. HP. The Confessions of an Invalid, supplying the n,en; one who pi mse ah . ~cure. Written red hi on quackery, and sent fre, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Box 163, Brooklyn, N.Y. affections of an, = id il for 25 1s, togeth ree, by mail for 25 cents, toy Gui ian Oraols Dreame, ide, Egy hd Fd person they choose, in- » Iain sold. , th Bighth St., Philadelphia, Pa," amount of Money Town Property, at in Municipal Debentures Bank and other marketable Stocks. Bank, McMil- : _ 16 RS. EM. PRINGLE, Port Perry, desires to earnest solicition of friends 0 give Musics Lessons at the homes of several pupils living at a distance from or her time is not yet wholly to n, fi td ive music lesson nt 3 Port Perry. Music pupils always received at opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. March 6, 1873, PUBLISHED As A WARNING and for the benefit of Men and others who suffer from NI RVOUS Digg. ny LOSS OF MANHOOD, ete. , nancy, or Soul Charming" | How either sex may fastinate and gain the love | £001 a ible. nse the Vitiated Blood when- in the veins; oleanse it when it is "ul; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep ho blood pure, and the health of the system vill follow. * . R. H. McDONALD & CO,, and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, 'alifornte, ad cor. of Washington and ., N. Y. i| Sold by all Iron in the Blood sin kf Toc RAGE | MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, wy residence | Bi mental acquirement all | reams, book.-- JF & CO.

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