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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Sep 1873, p. 3

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AND AND BILL LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ---------- AT ARRIVING FALL AND WINTER GOODS oF Superior Quality ! AND Latest Styles ! DAILY ARRIVING AT TRENDRTNS, PORT PERRY. Port Perry; Sept. 24, 1873. lil el i Removal T the earnest solicitation of my cus- towers and friends, I have removed my BOUT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT TO THE VILLAGE OI PORT PERRY Opposite White's Carriage Factory, and at considerable expense have purchased and fitted np premises necessary for conducting an extensive business, Being satisfied that the business of the country is now centering in this place, I am determined to introduce a NEW ERA IN THE BOOT AND SHOE TRADE, I shall devote my personal attention to this branch of my business, and from my long experience I intend that if a strict at- tention to business and keeping a good class of goods can do it to draw the trade to its legi*imate channcl, believing as I do, that the Boot and Shoe business should be done by the trade, and not by Dry-Goods men,-- I am determined that no expense shall be spared to furnish the public with articles of my own manufacture, the best and most fashionable. Iam also about visiting the Eastern Markets to purchase a large Stock of such goods as are sold by Stores generally, and from my ability to select such goods, I think I am warranted in saying, that the 8tock will be found superior to those ordered threcugh Agents, on arrival of which due notice will be given. On inspection, the prices will be found to have a tendency to make it to the interest of the public to pat- ronize the regular TRADE. 8 Wanted al immedintel} four first class and the Rr wages will be given--would prefer one to make sewed work, y J. WRIGHT. Port Perry, Sept. 10,1873. 38 UMBRELLA LOST. SUND. SUNDAY, Teh inst, in Prince Albert, lo-American Hotel and the' encased in a Black Oil Cloth Cover.. The it at the office of paper. { Prince Albert, Sept. 16, 1873, 39 The ber}, Boer 35. 30 Prvmes ll Ro M 'Brown & Christian' {Test 2 Christian's rar CASH paid forany quantity of Hides| ~ and Tallow, in hn and the resi- dence of M: G. Robson, et, a Silk Umbrel- I will be guitahly rewarded by leaving : DISSOLUTION OF | - PARTNERSHIP! LL GOODS AND = CHEAP! In order to facilitate the Early Settlement of P 1 the Business CHEAPER! CHEAPEST!!! id 3 The undersigned have determined to A considerable portion of my Fall Importa- tions is already ro hand and alnfbst daily ad- ditions will be made to the Stock from this forward. : . As almost every description of Goods costs less money this season than formerly, I need scarcely assure. my customers thai I shall give them the full benefit of the reduction. Clear Out As usual, my object has been and will be, to get the BEST GOODS at REASONABLE PRICES and sell them at small profits, The whole of their In addition to the ordinary Staple Dress Goods, I am now offering a beautiful assort- ment of IMMENSE Black & Golored Silks STOCK !! At prices much lower than usual wholesale quotations, : : | In MILLINERY materials, RIBBONS, By the Port Perry, Aug. 27, 1873, IMMENSE ARRIVALS ee N E W FALL GOODS i gh JONES BROTHERS, PORT PER R Y. JONES BROTHERS. GOOD LIQUORS WwW. M. WIGHTMAN' S, ; ~~ PRINCE ALBERT. ¥ 4 to his Dry Goods and Grocery Store, wherg purchasers will find lowest possible rates. Don't forget PRINCE ALBERT, Jury, 24, 1873. WwW. M. WIGH Rid The habit of Reach and surrounding townships are respect- fully informed that the Subscriber has added a Cholce stock of Liquors the very NO ire, : Prince Albert PRINCE ALBERT CHEAP GOODS FOR EVER The Subscriber having a tremendous Stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Summer Clothing, &c., &¢., which he is anxious to dis- pose of FOR CASH Previous to the purchase of Fall Stock, has de- termined to offer the same at a Sacrifice for Cash for TWO MONTHS from this date. All parties having any spare funds on land please bring it. along and secure bargains of Goods. Now is the time to save from one to two Dollars on every Ten Dollars purchase. Save your money and bring it along as soon as possible as the Goods will positively be sold FLOWERS, and DRESS TRIMMINGS, the | assortment is complete and will be kept up throughout the season, i Special attention to Dress Making and Millinery. Clothing ready made and made to order in the newest styles and the workmanship guaranteed. A full assortment of Cloths, Tweeds, and Trimmings, ii BOOTS AND SHOES! Felt and Rubbers in all desirable kinds, 'Which has been fully assorted thie Fall, and all classes of Goods will be gold at XXXX XX O0OOCoOoOo0 XXX XXX OOOOoOoOd at a heavy discount. The public acknowledge that when the Subscriber says he is going to sell his Goods at a sacrifice, he means what he says and fo humbugging, and now is the time. 5 I. C. FORMAN, Noted for Cheap and Fashionable Dry Goods ! Prince Albert, July 3, 1873. A. BONGARD RT PORT PERRYI A BONGARD begs to inform the inhabitants of Port Perry and surrounding townships, that o he has established and is determined (o drive with vigor a general Meat and Grocery Business! In Port Perry, nest door west of Thompson's Hotel, where he will "always keep on hand a full Stock of CHOICE MEATS, FISH and GROCERIES of every description AT SUCH PRICES as will put COMPETITION out of the QUESTION!!! GREEN, BLACK, and JAP'D TEAS--RAISINS, CUR- TRY RANTS, SYRUP, TOBACCOS,-- HADDOCK, HER- RINGS, &c. FRESH OYSTERS--best grades--always on hand. . A. BONGARD. Port Perry, Jan. 15, 1873 SPECIAL. COST PRICES! ; | Coton Bags | Gin Bags | COTTON YARN, Cash for Wheat, Peas, Oats, Basley, and 'White and Color 'any quantity of 1 - 2 |WATERLIME ANDSALT! NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, &c. 600D DAIRY BUTTER FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES Ontario Carriage Works ! PRINCE ALBERT. ---- A VERY LARGE NUMBER OF THE MOST STYLISH BUGGIES! On Show and being built at the ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS, PRINCE ALBERT. These. Buggies are extra superior both in Material, Workmanship, Style and Finish, while the priees are such as cannot fail to satisfy all, An inspection Will secure their sale. pe. Call and inspect them. Haha y ! JAMES EMANEY. ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS, ® ; Prince ALBERT, April 16, 1873. T FJ : FT Ice TAYLOR'S, MANCHESTER, The Subscriber would take his nT of inlorming the inhabitants of Manchester and surrounding country that having leased the Store lately occupied by A. Gorbon, Esq., he is now getting on a ly d Stock of Cash fot Barley, Wheat, ©hts, Peas, Pork énd Butter: GEO, CURRIE Dry Goods, Groceries, &ec., &e. oy puréhased atthe best markets and on the most 'advantageous terms. Latest styles and superior quality in Pry Goods. .... Choice, Fresh Groceries. secure speedy sales'and quick retures to make up for small profits. JOHN TAYLOR. 2a Goods all New and Reliable, and sold at 'such prices for Cash, as wil HOTEL,STORE, dnd' Dwelling For Sale! BU A Capital Chance for entering upon a Comfortable S34 Pro Profitable Country 4 hE TN ly i up his mind to retire from business, offers for sale his Ho- B | tel, Store, a comfortable Dwelling House and an acre of Land in VILLAGE OF UTICA! TOWNSHIP OF REACH. The hotel is comfortable and commodions, ii good order and does a regular and iE business. There is a good supply of outbuild- ings such as Driving Sheds, Stables, Barns, &c. The Store adjoins the Hotel, is well estaliiets ed, and is doing a nying business As a general country store, The with the store, There is na other store or hotel in the village. - The Dwelling Hons is convenient to the store and is in good order, There is a thrifty young orchard of capital Sth on the premises and abundance of good water, N. B. The stock may be purchased with the store on pdvantaysony terms. The stock con- sists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware &o. Ly such as are found in a good general country store, For parties wishing a comfortable paying country business there could scarcely be a bet- ter opening or more profitable investment. The location is one of the most 1 pleasant in the Province, Pal and Tor particulars apply to the subscriber 9, the premises--If by letter bropaid, 19 to Utica P. B D. ARON OT ICE; All parties indebted to t Note op Book Account are a ire gums on or before the first nex uired to settle the ay of November JACOB DAFOE. - 35 The Late Fire. TRE undersigned_desire Toast to return sincere thanks to his numerous friends and cus- tomers for the liheral snpport he has received while in bagiess in this [ace and would also inform them, that he has Opened a SHOP In the Store recently occupied by H.T. Flynn Opposite his late Shop Destroyed by fire, and would solicit a con- tinuance of their patronage, I have a large quantity of Utica, August 13, 1873. Own ufacinre i a Mans ON 'HAND. y Ficase give us a call before purchasing else- where, RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872. 4 STORE, DWELLING, &C. TO LEASE OR SELL. An Excellent Opening HE Subscrsber offers to lease or sell his Store in the Village of EPSOM . The Store io in good condition is well es- tablished and has long commanded a good business has a general country Store. There is a Post Office in connection with the Store, Ad?0ining the Store there is a good Store- Touge 40x80. There is a comfortable Dwell- ouse attached and an ,acre of Garden ey an excellent young. Orchard. The location is one of the most healthful and pleasant anywhere to be found. Parties wishing a il a comfortable paying avwbiey a business will do well to em-~ S brace this ; pl 1 a EASY 1 ®n For particulars apply to the subscriber.-- If by letter pre-paid to Epsom P. 0, 40 0 PILERY. Epsom, Sept. 17, 1873. | patch, and warranted, Post Office is connected] BOOTS& SHOES JEWELRY of the ot Quality and SILVERWARE of the best description CLOCKS | CLOCKS ! and ani endless variety of Fancy Goods | Wrilog deg, Dosing Onsen 4 to, be, IN BOOKS. Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Jrooks, amid a full assortment of School Books. IN STATIONERY! Ave and varied Stock, all choice. 8 he best Dritish and and American Mags: zines and other Periodicals. PRICES : ovary lowest at which such Goods can RYWPAIRS. hi Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every with and dis- W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, a 27, 1878. [QBNTINT AS IMPORTED !} HENRY CHARLES H* Received a further supply of ar TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALR in Stone Jars, HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co, OTARD'S BRANDY. « KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. PORT and SHERRY WINE. ALSO ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. WALKER'S Extra MALT and RYE, WITH is A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, 3 Codfish, Can"d Fruits, Fish, &c.,&6. Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873. : TENDERS! OR THE ERECTION of a Wesleyan | Methodist 'BRICK CHURCH In Port Perry, will be received by the unders 4 : signed up to the 2nd day of October next.-- The Brick and Stone will be furnished by . the Building Committee ; all other materials to be furnished by the C 'ontractors. Parties may Tender for the Masonry and 2 Wood Work separately or for the whole job. Plans & Specifications may be seen and terms made known at the office of the unders 3 bY gigned after the 24th inst. : ; GEO. CURRIE, Secrerary ; Port Perry, 1873. 30-2w Dissolution of Partnership ! HE PARTNERSIP Hitherto existing a between the undersigned under the : name and firm of C. H. JAY & CO., as Iron 3 Founders and Manufacturers of Agricultural' ol Implements, and of Door Sashes and Blinds, has this day been dissolved by the retire ment of Mr. C. H. Jay. ] Dated Beaverton, Aug. 26th, 1873, | for James Proctor, deceased, } 2 C, H. DAVIDSON, ALEX. HAMILTON, GEORGE PROCTOR, Witness. -- N. F. Parsrsoy. The business will be continued by tie other members of the late firm under the, name of WM. SMITH & CO. MNETTOLON Mortgages Wanted, rPHE So Subscribers have large sums of mone; in_ their hands" for 3 Investment on DE Fax Vill other 3 cunties in "this avd adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. 4s we have fud¥s on hand at - Borrowers can depend gon getting their money with the lent possib Wanted to Purchase * Any number of Noisy, for which the high. est figure will be allo! We are also bon tor he Canada Per- manetit Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary [nstitutions he Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalvients re-paysbis in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sola Several good Fartns for Sale, 3" Agents for several first class Fue Iu © ance Companies. PRL tions and ollect 5 fgude » general agency "ar or SEHR BOUGHT. "tha JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS General Agent Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, Lick 28,81 con. Reach. ; ' Manchester; April 7, 1673. Li Reach, Sept. 21, 1873, Manchester, Sept, 17, 1873, v..} Port Pemy, Sept. 1010, 1973, 5 April 7, "i % : ) / . ! & . fi » * : : Lt . v. . = 2 ey . - wv wr conn ies a - ww or vig

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