3 [) a -- SECTS, Ba amen Sa PORT rr PROV] NCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 18783. WHOLE NO. A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY ..BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS. --$!1 pér annum x id in ad- Yance if not $1.50 will . No on taken for less than six months; and no. fiajgaper discontinued until all arrears RATES OF ADRVE TISING. For each line, first insertion ......,. Subsequent insertions, per line ..... Caids, under 6 lines, per annum BE" Lotters containing money, when ad dressed to this Office, pre. baid and rogestor- «ed, will be at our risk. .. 3 7 1 N, b, and charged according to the space they ac coding to the space they occupy. jved for illo pein instructons, willbe inserted fordid and charged aiccodingly. No rtisment wiil be taken uutil paid for. A liberal discount allowed to Merchants | N! and others who advertise by the year or half-year. B@5™ These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grawmes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, "Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of cvery style and color, executed prompt] ly and at lower rates 1ha1 any other establishment in the County. 'BE Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them, J. BARD. 1. PARSONS. Professional Cnty, Ds JONES & MALTORY, Physicians, Surgeuns and Accoucheurs, © Port Perry. £25, avr. Alison's Drug Store, Queen-st. Gout CORONER, As E. MALLORU, ounky OBtario.. % M.D.,C.M, D® BRATHWAITE, 2 3 Port ry. -* RE Coronor for the County of Doman 'hysician, Surgeon and 2 nor cougheur, Prince Albert. DH MARTIN & DEGRASSI, Lindsay, : 2 DiS MeGILL &, %, Physciang, Surgeons, de. &e, Offioe "Residences, King st., Wa, WL M'RILL, M.D, FRANCIS RAT, M.D. . F. MCBRIEN, M.D, M. R. (', |, Guy's Hospitaj, London, edit Fie 'Liye Rn. % H. L., Oshawa, {5 FAREWELL, LL. B., County C [) A ttorney for Ontario, Barriste pr, Attorng Sofie t * and Notary Public. Office lately oc- eupleu uy 8. H, Cochrane, Esq. ., Brock street, Whitby. YMAN L. ENGLISH, LL. B., Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney, Conv ey ancer, &e. - Oshawa. Oftice--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office. G YOUNG SMITI, LL. B,, Burrister, At- A. torney- Ww, Solicitor in Chaucery, and Insolve ney, Notary Publle, &e. Offica--MeMiilan's Block, Brock street, - Whitby. AMERON & MACDONNELL, Barristers J und Attorneys a' Law, Solicitors County Council, Ontarie. utlices : Court House, Whitby, © WF, J. MACDONNELL. M, C, CAMERON, 2 A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Office in the Royal Arce, Port Perry. AMES LAMON, AHATROY 5 at at Lav, Solicitor in Chancery,' Convey: &e.--Land Ageat, &c., Bxbridge. Ofics an Parish' 's Block, Main Suredt, Uxbridge. oh BiLINGS, Bairister, Attorney at Heitor in Chuncery, Notary Fike Jonveyaneer, sc. Office over Ross' Sigre, Port Perry, il C. N. VARS, PHC DENTIST, Oshawa, Ont.-- Dental Rooms over Mr, Atkinson's Drug ©. D. WAID, DENTIST, Uxbridge Village. operations performed with STE oN one care, warranted to give pe or no charge, and at prices which defy, competition. all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy Del P. Greggs, Port Hope; > Byme, 'Whitby ; Jos, Gould, Esq. REMOVAL. tomers for the 1. 'measure of patron: bestowed i ding g the past Ten * years in wi es his profession as DENTIST 5 i locality, Reta in- the: public 8 Joop, that he has his office to Fors Pores, over Mr. T where happy to M a Jcense von all all who may require h his professional rriage Ses rr hee . | November 11th, 1869. WANT TO SEE WHERE HE Parties will do well to call and see the largest sisting in part as follows : N. B. Port Perry, September 18, 1873, A7GOOD PROVIDER ALWAYS LOOKS our AHEAD FOR ARTICLES. CAN GET THE BEST AND CHEAPEST, AND AS W.T PARRISH Has always, and Intends to have the name of Selling Goods in his line CHEAPER THAN CAN BE GOT AT ANY OTHER PLACE !! stock of Stoves to be seen in thé County, con- COOKING STOVES, HL 0, Comin, 5 Lote; BOX STOVES. No, §, Western Hom No, 10; No, & Westérn Tome Black Giant, 0, 9, No, 9, Huron, 36, Black Giant, No. 0 No, 9 St. Clair, 3, Black Giant, No. 10, No, 8, 8t, Clair, 25, Black Giant, No, In, No. 9 Panama, 1, Black (Hant, No, ¥, No. 9, Queen. 8) Black Giant, No, #, No. 8 Quel n, 'Orester, No, 10, No. 9, Conquest, ronside, 25, No. 9, (No, a Conquest. Peerless, 28, ®, oy Not 9, PARLOR COOK STOVE, COAL STOVES, N - No. w coal or wood, pean] American best, No. conlor wood, ire slde Burners, No. 4, , 5 hole, vr Heaters, Lively Times, &e,, &e. Sole Manufacturer of Boulton"s Hot Air Drum, also Round Elbows, Spacial attention paid to Job Wo.k and Putting up Stoves. Parties wishing Bavetroughing wi ill do well to give me a call. W. T. PARRISH, Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Twelve Years Expericnee, Ole over Mr, Gordon's Store, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE-- PRINCE ALBERT. January 8, 1873. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEE FOR THE CCUNTY OF ONTARIO. JR, AND TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the BE public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &e¢, It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favorme with their Scles or Col- lecting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &e., at the Onskrver Office Prince Albert, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 18th 1872, a OF THE DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario, ; FOR THE YEAR 1873. Ns EH HEHE RE RE = |e ]s 1% 2 | IgiZF "131% 13 No.11 2 11 1 112 No. 2| 8 3 3 No. 3| |17 4 No. 4 Es 5 No. 5} 6! No. 6] No. 7 Z. BURNHAM, Jupek. Whitby, Jan. 1st, 1873. (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry, Office, the Scugog sii HENRY CHARLES CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auctioneers! 7 FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, duct Sales anywhere in ASIC ny Parties & their Sales in our hands ma; oy gn t ig attention being given to 14 their @. En of Ag- Hotels Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and prosperty ot the Village and es rhood, and with direct re- ce to the comfort and convenience of the attention paid to the Table and the Bar. table Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadiau Hotel worthy of public patronage. i HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869, "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests, -- Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ostlers always in attendance. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention X to the requirements of travelers and guests. The barsupplied with the best wines, liquorsand cigars Good gianiing, . DAFOE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SE JENNINGS, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. MASON, C Dusehul A. ProPrIETOR. This ITotel has undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will | have charge of the stables. 25 Whitby, 20th June, 1870. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company Eas Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farn Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. ead Office--The old Jleistry Office Build- ings Dreck Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., HE MAY. HE Subscriber ha f bik LL iBastiber Ju ving removed the whole b His New Premi Built for the purpose, Now presents to the Public the largest and be stock of Harness, Saddles. WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, And everything in his line, ever offered to the # Publicin the North Riding cf Ontario. He is determined to Sell as Chea; ay as any other House in the Trade. 2 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! Thanking his customers for the liberal support accorded him during the past eighteen years, he wili do his utmost to merit a continuance of the same, . JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, June 18, 1873. 17 PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, C. KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. ---- 4 pil Subscriber having now fully equipped bis new and extensive Livery Stables with a complete supply of superior Horses and Carriages is prepared to furnish first class Livery Rigs ON MODERATE TERMS, : MoRERZE Port Perry, Aug. 6, We, CASH OR LUI THE OSHAWA CABINET coy ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE In Casi for the following sizes of LUMBER! Delivered at their yard in Oshawa. [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED. | Oak or Asn, 1 in, 13, 2 in., any width, BurteazuT, 1in., any width, Rock Eum, 1 in., I} in., any width, Common Water Erm, Lin., any width. Basswoon, 1 in., any width. ." 1} iu, 5, 8, 10 or 16 in. wide, A tin., 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, or 21 in. wid a. Ping, Lia, 1}, 2 in., 12, 14, or 16 feet long MarLg, Beech, and Biren : Fin, I}in, yin. lin, 1] in 2in., 3} in., 5n., Plank. 23x23, Square Scantling. W. H. GIBBS. President. Oshawa, Feb. 5 1873. THOS, H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in Victoria. ders left at this office, or at hisresidence will be punctually attended to. made. Remember--IWALSIE, the North On- gio Auctioneer. JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head Stones of great variety, with evel geeniion of NM IN PORT PERRY] NorthOntario; Mariposa, ete. ., in the Connty of Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- Debts collectedin Can- nington, or otherwise, and prcmpt remittances V. H. McCAW, ER: PRACTICAL fchmaler and Jeweler | ---- AS now opened out in his place of busi- ness, WSEROYAL ARCADE! AE e County, consisting of 1 Silve JEWELRY of the Bosh unlity and Latest Styles 1%, SILVERWARE of the ption 11 "CLOCKS | Choos ! and an en of Fancy Goods | ang Wind Writing desks, Dressing Cases, &o., &e! for Ladies and Gentlemen, ? IN BOOKS. Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, and a full assortment of School Books. IN STATIONERY! A Large and varied Stock, all choice quality. 'The best British and and American Maga. zines and other Periodicals. PRICES : The very lowest at which such Goods can be sold. REPAIRS. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description, repaired with neatness and dis- patch, and warranted. W. H. McCAW, Port Perry, Aug. 27, 1873. 37 NE Wik darren W. E. YARNOLD, P. L. SURVEYOR, B&™ Terms, 8G per day."®a CHAINBEARER EXTRA. et ee oe asa SEDANS SE LESS AS AD | i i ! as NOE = STORE, DWELLING, &C TO LEASE OR SELL. AnExcellent Opening NIE Subsersber offers to lease or scll his Store in the Village of EPSOM The Store io in good condition is well es- tablished and has long commanded a good business has a general country Store. There is a Post Office in connection with the Store. Ad?%oining the Store there is a good Store- house 40x80. There is a comfortable Dwell- ing House attached and an acre of Garden with an excellent young Orchard. The location is one of the most healthful and pleasant anywhere to be found, Parties wishing ty enter on a comfortable paying country business will do well to em- race this opportuni pes" TERMS EASY | "Gg G For particulars apply to the subscriber.-- If by letter pre-paid to Epsom P. O, J. C. PILKEY. Epsom, Sept. 17, 1873. 39 FARM FOR SALE. HE Subscriber offers for sale that excel- lent Farm, being composed of the South half of lot 18 in the 8th concession of REACH, Marble Work, suitable for Cemeteric at short notice. Granite. 0G Parties will tage to withhold 1, on by J.C. nd it to their advan- eir orders until called WILLIAMSON, Agent. Saatetion guaranteed, and all work war- ted, iy 10, 1872. 3ere 27-1y WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, Cc. Ww, INCORPORATED Capital 2409099 HON. JOHN GENERAL AGENT. MONEY (PRIVATE FUNDR,) LYMAN ENGLISH, November21. 1866 The Late Fire. ag undersi| ned desire desires to return sincere while'in busi CHAS. THORN, V.S,, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica-~ M 20, Ill. Gold Medalist for the best exam- tion on Horse Practice. Author of a First Pris Essay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept, 18, er Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- pared to treat all cases entrust is care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs, Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. . IF" The Veterinary Stables may be s found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Facto Port Perry July 21, 1871 30 HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other i depastinghis oF She Qo spument, + dri hy procul Pv DES, Spevification anfl other Documents necessary ti ts Ba "prepared oa receipt of of ts of Trvoption' the Hodel of the Inven Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, C.y ' F OR the Qf te townshinsol Brock, ous Sido Soot, Parties en! r Sales ren the the hie aso: being fo me may WM. GORDON, his numerous friends and Sus; inform 3 3 t he hi Opened a SHO In the Store rectly pl Ld hs Destroyed by fire, and woul tinuance of their patronage. * I have a large S& of BOOTS& 3] Also %pterbend hers "Alerdeen C Toloan on good Farms, at 8 per centinterest Barrister, a N eg Own Manufacture, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. LRimgite us a call before purchasing elses BICHARD WaRRINER. Port Perry, Sopt. 18, 1872. one hundred acres--70 acres cleared and under a good state of cultiva- tion and well fenced, On the premises there are an excellent Frame Dwelling House nedrly new, 18x26 with a first class cellar, a Frame Barn 36x60 nearly new, and a vigor- ous, Young, Bearing Orchard. An excellent Well and a never failing supply of choice water. The property is within seven-cights of a mile of the village of Port Perry. As the proprietor is desirous of going West, immediate possession will be given, For Terms, &c., apply to the Subscriber on the premises--or if by mail pre-paid to the Port Perry P. 0. DAVID PURDY, Beach, Sept. 30, 1873. j 4 - FARM -FOR SALE. R SALE, CHEAP--the east half of lot 9, in the 1st concession of the TOWNSHIP OF ELDON, Containing One Hundred Acres, more or less--sixty acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, There is on the lot a good log barn and dwelling house, also a never | miling spring of water. This property is conveniently located being only one and a jot miles from Argyle--two miles from the of the Midland and Toronto and Rail! and four miles from the ¥, ways, Vian Village of Woodville. Reason for se!ling--ill-health of the pro- prietor, : Title given.) For particulars as to price and terms, apply |'to the undersigned. ille. 40-3w A.C. CAMPEFLL, Eldon, Sept, 23, 1872. to * |'Fhe other agreed with alacrity, and 1| waving, roared out. A DASHING BXPLOIT. When the revolution of 1830 get in Alexandre Dumas, then a very young man, and seeing nothing in life but one series of tabl , took put to him--what did it 1 mean. this flag and the gans. He knew all the people, and told the story of the last few days. It was insisted that he should stay a short time, and his share in the more stirring scenes in the capacity of a skirmisher. He | | tells the whole story in his memoirs, and his account seems an anticipa- tion of thio best portion of Rabagas. But his narrative of his expedition to Soissons to seize some powaer will be found one of [the most stir- ring bits of adv enture in modern times. He had heard Lafayetto say that if the King were to march on Paris there would be no powder to meet him with. Alexandre conceived a bold scheme, and proposed to the General to set off for Soissons--a town he well knew--aud seize on the magazine there. Lafayette ughed at-the idea, but. consented ive him a pass to General Ger- ard, towwhich Dumas cooly added: "And Wwéecommend his scheme to you." oll. General Gerard he with some di uty obtained a re- quisition address: tho authorities for the powder. In 8 ho inguni- ously interpolated the Words ¢ Min. ister of War" --u rank whieh, no one but himself had conferred om, the General. With this official dé ment he returned to Lufayette, and persuaded the old patriot, to write him a sort of letter of introduction to the citizens of Soissons. recom- mending to them "AlexandreDumas, one of our combatants," as a fit per- son to whom they should hand over the powder. Then our horo--for he was such on this occasion -- prepared himself for as spirited and dramatic an adventure as can be found in tho books of romance. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon of the 30th of July, 1830. As he was hurrying away, he met a young painter named Bard, was only 19. who He asked him to join. Alexandre sending him back for his double-barreled pistols and his horse, set off himself for La Bourget, then the first post on the road to Soissons, have something to eat, and he was carried off to the house of an old friend, where a hasty supper was got ready. A number of old com- panions, who had been boys when he was in the little town, gathered round listening oagerly as their old friend declaimed and r d be- tween every mouthful. As he dash- | M ed in for them, which he could do admirably, vivid sketches of those he came to explain the object of the present expedition ~ ¢" when I an. nounced «that I meant to capture, single handed, all the powder that was in a military town, containing 8,000 inhabitants, and a garrison of 800. men" --they looked at him doubtfully, and thought he was crazed. This was, of course, wel- come to Alexandre, who always de- lighted to put himself in a theatrical attitude, and be the centre of a dra matic sitnation. Me turned to his companion, Bard : "What were my words when I proposed this expedition to you ?' 'You asked," was the reply, was IL inclined to get myself shot with you." "And what do you say now ?" "That I am ready still." All were confounded at such gal- lantry. One of his friends now stepped forward, and offered to get him into Soissons, a8 he had a friend at the gates. Then Alexandre, al- ways anticipating his D'Artigan, raised his glass, and drank to his return to them on the next evening. "Iave dinner ready," he called to the host, "for twenty people; and it is to be eaten just the same, whether we are alive or dead--here are 200 francs." The other answered that he might pay on the morrow. " But if I should get shot?' "Then I shall pay." A shout arose. tior|" Dumas drank off his wine, and which bas since obtained such a disastrous notoriety. Arrived there he exhibited his Lafayette and Ger-- ard letters to the Postmaster and demanded a chaise and horse for his mission. The postmaster was friend-{ ly and even impresse, and supplied him at once with what he asked.-- lle went out to buy some picces of calico, red, white, and blue, which were sewn into a tri-color flag fixed to a broom-stick, which latter was tied to the chaise. With this ensign they started, in hopes of getting | into Soissons about midnight. Tho postmaster shook his head, but as he miracles had been performed during the last three years that it might be | possible." As they hurried through tho various villages the flag caused the greatest excitement. Ilis fellow traveler declared that all was going splendidly, but that they ought to, have some sort of a ery. «Shout away, then," said Dumas, | ® "and while you are shouting I'll take somo sleep." The only difficulty was, what was to be the cry, and with some hesita- tion the now well-worn and battered Vive la Republique, was decided on. Accordingly the young painter, his head ont of the window, and his flag On the high road leading to Paris, they met a traveler of some 50 years old, who asked for the news. "The Louvre is taken; the Bour- bons have fled : Provisional Govern- ment established--Vive la Repub- lique! the excited painter poured out. The gentleman 50 years old scratched his head, and continued his journey. For the next stage they had an old postilion, who per- sisted in going at a steady trot, and at every remonstance he answered doggedly, "Leave it all to me, a man knows his own business best," Dumas at last, from chaise win- dow, laid on the backs"of thehorses, with a stick and made them gallop. In a rage the man pulled up, swore he would unyoke his beasts, and The'best Boar in the Province! WM. SPENCE, Contractor § Builder' 11 orders addre: @. Orothers, Epsom jr) will receive hi attention. October 31 1872. Sunderland P.0., Brock. NG, &o., & ments, executed in the Utica, July 15th 1878, uy all best sty! a STONE: WORE, PLAS Brion LAYING, fi thon do depart ~ | puss ber would take this oppor- informing all whom it may Fike for SERVICE, at his place lot 23, in the 11th ssion of actually proceeded to do so, Dumas fired at him with a blank cartridge, and so scared him that he rglled on the ground with terror. Alexandre then put on his huge posting boots, and mounting, galloped to the next) post, Thoy soon reached the old familiar Villers-Cotterets, the whole town as may be imagined, being thrown into intense excitement by Reach, one of the BEST BOARS in the Pro- vince. He is about 5 months old, and isa large well-bred animal. 8 Saviee, One Dollar, arose WILNON, Lot. 23, 11th con, Reach. theapy of the chaise with the tri-color and the excited Alexandre Dymas, Late, as it was, every house in the place poured out its inhabi- Reach, Sept, 3 24, 1873, tants, who rushed to the Post-house. A th d eager q were and we might add, the act-drop fell. It was now about 11 o'clock. The horses wore put to, tho chaise was Waiting, and the bold trio Dumas, 'Burd and Iutin (who was to pass them through the gates) drove away "on their daring espedition. By one o'clock they had reached the gates of Soissons, through which they were allowed to pass, "the doorkeeper little dreaming," says Alexandre the great, "that he was admiting the Revolution." They went straight to the house of Hutin's mother, where their first business was the manufacture of a sagaciously remarked "so many huge tri-color flag. She contributed. her blue and red curtains with a tablecloth, and the women of the "household, were set to sew the pieces together. By daybreak the task was completed. The pole, of course gave no trouble, as the one" from which the Bourbon white flag was floating would answer " The flag- staff," as Dumas says, " had no pol-| itcal opinions." The plan which they had arrang- ed was really Quixotic in its extrava- gance, and indeed seems almost in- credible. Making allowance for Du- mas' bombast, it will be seen that at the most he had only been guilty of the novelist's exaggeration; and though at the time the story of the adventure was all but scouted, it could not be disproved of its facts, whioh were given with the most minute details of dates, names and plees. Bard and Hutin were to take flag and contrive to get into the cathedral under the pretence of see- ing the sun rise from the tower.-- If the sacristan made any resistance he was to be flung over the parapet. Then having dragged down the white flag and set the tricolor float- ing from the tower, Bard was to hurry on to lend his aid to Dumas, who wonld be engaged at the powder magazine. Such was the dashing plan of these three men. They started at day break, and Dumas made his way to the Fort St. Jean, where a small pavilion, close to the gateway, was used as the magasine. stealing round climbed up with delight and wonder Bit when | " ITurrah for Car- [ He dared not attompt the gate, but the wall about him, and began to wall. When he had got to he saw the two soldiers staring wonder at the strange flag. cathedral, then eocking both of his gun he leaped down and st betore them. One was named Cap- tain Mollard, the other Sergant Ra~ gou. 5 : He advanced on thom, presenting his pieco and made them a courteous but hurried speech, explaining who he was, and his errand. He was Mont. 'Alexandre Dumas, 'son of General Dumas, &e. He came in i of the and there was his order, signed by the General, which he presented with one hand, holding his cocked gun in the other. The pair were much taken back and knew not what to do, when Colonel D'Oreourt, who was in command, was seen ap- proaching. The matter was ex- plained to him, and after many courteous phrases, a treaty [was ar ranged, by which the three officers promised their neutrality, and en: gaged to keep within doors. Thus the powder magezine would seem to have been captured by Dumas single- handed. It has the air of a very brilliant achievement, and .the pie- ture of the hero "alone. in the fort, his finger on the trigger of his gun, courteously but firmly controlling bis three opponents, is a most dra- matic scene. When writing the account of his adventure, from which wo take these particulars, however, Dumas forgets that in the official report furnished to the § Mon- iteur twenty-three years before, he had stated that three ot his com- panions were waiting at the gate. (Concluded next week.) 'Josh Billings 0 on n the Duck. The duk iza foul, Thare ain't no dout of this--naturalists say so--and kommon sense teaches it. Thay are bilt something like a hen, and are up and dows ike a flag footed pb. Thay kant kakle like 'he ach, ur kro like like the rooster RT like the pekok, wor skream like the goose, nor turk like the tm « the quak like a rute dokte. an their bil rezemblez a Velarnary sur- gins, They hav a wooven fut, ana kan flote on water az natural az a sope bubel. Thay are pretty much all fethers, and when the fethers are all remov- od and thare inards out, thare iz just about az much meet on them az thare iz on a krooked-noked squash that haz gono to seed. Wild dux ave very good shooting, and are good to mis also, unless yu understand the biz. Yu shud ame about three fut ahead ov them, and let them fli up to the shot. 1 hav shot at them all da, and got nothing but a tale fether now and then, but this satisfied me, for I am crazy for ull kinds ov sport, yu kno_ Thare arc sum kind of dux that are hard to kill, even if you au hit them, I shot one hole afternoon, sum three years ago, at sum decoy dux, and never got none ov them.-- I hav never told ov this before, and hope no one will repeat it--this iz confidenshul. A yp and affectionate wife in Lanchester, Pa., overheard an ac- quaitance remark that her husband was too fond of loo. She waited up for him that night and when he came home demanded to know if he been spending his time again with Loo. The unsuspecting husband ad. mitted that he had and without giv- ing him time to explain, she went for him with a fire shovel. The husband does not remember how the interview onded, but ho could never convince his wife thatloo was a game of cards. and always plays euchre now and gets home betore ten, | Hashuqua is the name of a' town in Noxwhee conuty, Missippi. The champion postal card writer of Charleston, 8. C., has reached 2014 words. GEE «Pilot, you needn't wait : Tonger; it is starlight overbead."™ $¢ Yes, but we ain't goin' that way. A Bridgeport minister uses postal cards to invite delinquent U cautiously,and took a peep inte the fort. He saw two soldiers busy hoe- ing in a garden at the corner. He lot himself down again, looked over | Used the truth with at tho distant cathedral. He saw |88lity. distinctly against the sky a dark| outline of some figures; then the white flag after being tossed about in an extraordinary way that could not have been the wind, finally dis- appeard. ahd the tri-color took its placo, . Now was the moment; his companions had done their work.-- | sixes He slung his double barreled members to prayer meetir A prudent clergyman, to accuse a citizen of lyi