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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Oct 1873, p. 4

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CLS ME LEYY Es : lic of the fine properttes of well- selected, cocon' Mr. Epps has provided our 'breakfast tables with a delicately flavored be- ~ werage which may save us many a doctors with Water or Milk. Each package is --% James Epps & Co Homemo- pathic Chemists London." MaxoracToRe oF Cocoa.--We will now give an account of the pn cess adopted by dietical 2 in Euston Cot Shane TO RENT! WOOD SHOP Lumber Room, Paint Shop, "Benches, Patterns, * Paint Mill, And everything in connection therewith ne- cessary to cafry on a large business. The Shop is in connection}with the Black- smith Shop of the undersigned. To a first class man liberal inducements 'will be offered. For particulats, apply to W. HEARD, Manchester. 43 Manchester, Oct. 7, 1873. DATLY 'ARRIVING FALL AND WINTER GOODS! OF 'Superior Quality! I ) ; AND DAILY ARRIVING AT TRENDS ig PORT PERRY. 00k, STATONEY bill, Service Gazette. Made simply, Latest Styles ?, AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, PORTHBLAT HE Subscriber in tendering his hearty thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage, would inform them and the public generally, that his stock has been replenished with a choice selec of Goods of the latest styles, newest patterns and best quality which he offers at the le west possible figures at which such goods can be rold. In FINE GOLD JEWELRY; Chains, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Brooches, &c., &c. Goldine and Fancy Jewelry in great variety IN BOOKS: Large Family Bibles and every variety of Beautiful Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, &c., &c. All the best authors in Poetry, History, Biography, &c. A large and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. Ab excellent variety of Albums. In tionery :--Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, &c., &c. A large assortment of Legal Forms 'such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Lenses, &c., kc. Writing- Books, Paper and "Inks of the best quality. Faucy Goods in great variety. Berlin and other fine Wools. Everything on stock will be sold at the lowest possible figures, _ The best Scwing Machinee in the Domin- jon furnished at prices which defy competi- tion. Ladies' Work Boxes. Po What all the Pel CHOICE GROCERIES--FRESH. ok. 3 ks The Best Cuts of the Best Fresh 'bestowed tipon him since commencing busi- the above conditions may be met at his Store FRESH OYSTFR§--the best LIE FRIST Ova: Tat 1am Agent for the famous ents manufactured by R. S. Wilson of Toronto.-- Pianos, Organs and Mclodeons, Violins, Concertinas, &c., of the best description, 'Remember the place--Allen's Emporium, | opposité the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. $@~The Toronto Main-- daily and weekly PR, the Toronto Gross--daily and weekly for Sale. THOMAS ALLEN. Port Perry, September 24, 1873. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ! REPAIRS 29av SBA WY a a posa and Cartwright, and to further meet the rapidly increasing demand for the Cayuga Chief Mower, Plows, Fanning Mills, &e. As manufactured by Brown & Patterson, of the the Whitby Agricultural Works, and all REPAIRS for these Implements, AN ACENCY Has been opened by Brown & Patterson AT PORT PERRY, For the regular supply of all the above at | the same prices as they are sold at the | Works. All Repairs for the Johnston | Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Points, ! Land Sides, and all other repairs kept con- i tantly on hand, | WM. JOHNSTON, AGENT. Remember the place, East of Thomp- son's Hotel, Port Perry. Oct. 1, 1873. NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made at the next Session of the Legislature of Outario, for an Act to construct a Railway from Port Perry to Goderich by way of Uxbridge, New- market 'and Orangeville, 'aud also further powers to the Bowmanville, Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Railroad Company, and for power to construct a Branch from some point in the County of Durham to the Northern Railway, in the County of York, and to change its name, and for amendments to its Act of Incorporation. 41 JOHN FOWLER. Sept: 23, 1873. 42 WwW HITBY & PORT PERRY RAILWAY THROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO TO Port Perry, Lindsay, Boboeaygeon, and Fenelon Falls. HE Steamer "ONTARIO" will leave Port Perry Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 11 o'clock, a. m., on the arrival of the morning Train from Whitby, which con- nects with the Local Train from the East, and the Express from Toronto, on the Grand Trunk Railway, arriving at Li y; ot 3 o'clock, p. m., Bobcaygeon, at-5 p.m.; Fen- lon Falls, at 7 p. m. i Fenlon Falls on Tues- ¥y y Saturday, at 6, a, m., ar- riving Lindsay at 8 a. m. aad at Batt Borry in time to connect Train connect with the Train comécting 2,00 v 1-25 Hi Bd sees 1.75 § ickets can be had of the G. T. 5 THough ick can be had of the : Freights at low rates. F' PBs fin Agents, - Al be obtained pil lsrmution am hy ap. 7|B, B. KIMBALL, JAS. HOLDEN, CL Supt. Man'g Director. September 9,1873. © © J © 40 FIRST CLASS Meat and all of them at the HE Subscriber in returning his sincere ness at Port Perry, would take this oppor: one door west of Thompson's Hotel, Port a BONGARD. TEAS-PURE. Lowest Possible Price. T thanks for the liberal share of patronage tunlty of informing the public gefcrally that Perry. 41 Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1873. FORE. SALE OR TO RENT The Anglo-American Hote © PRINCE ALBERT. HE iber is giving up 1 and T offers to Sell or Rent her Hotel, the Anglo-American, The Hotel is well ar- ranged and in good condition with an abund- ance of accommodation, extensive and com- fortable Sheds, Stables, &c. Convenient wo the Hotel there is a capital Fruit and Vege table Garden, This is an excellent opening for a com- fortablecountry business. "The been long and Anglo-American k t this whole ly known section of country. has g! For particulars apply to the subscriber on premises. ; MRS. MOGGRIDGE. Prince Albert, Aug. 1873. HONEY TO 10 Mortgages Wanted. 37 HE Subscribers have large sums of money . placed in their hands for investment on Improved Faims, Village Properties, and other 3ecuritiesin this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers can depend on getting their money withthe least possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- est figure will be allowed. We are also appraisers for the Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largest Monetary Institutions in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500,000. Instalments re-payable in from 2 t0 20 years, Lands Bought and Sola Several good Farms for Sale. K3~ Agents for several first class Fue I ance Companies. Collections made and » general agency b ness transacted. $65 DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "ila JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS General Agents. Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Building . Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872. Superior House & Lot for Sale ! HE Subscriber from weight of years, being unable to attend to his garden as he has done in the pasi, now offers to sell his premises IN PRINCE ALBERT! The premises consists of two comfortable, conveniently located good dwelling houses; three querters of an acre of Garden highly cultivated and of the best quality of soil, well stocked with a choice variety of fruit trees in vigorous growth and bearing well. A fine selection of shrubs and flowers. There is a good well and cistern with pumps in them. Parties wishing to purchase an excellent and comfortable residence will do well to ex- amine the prem'ses. Terug Easy. TiTLe INDISPUTABLE. For particulars, apply to the Subscriber on premises, TO MLINSON'S! LOCOASINE For Preserving and Beautifying THE HAIR! And rendering it DARK & GLOSSY. As a hair dressing it cannot be surpassed. As a preventive for Baldness it has no equal. Try it! Try it! 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Manufactured by We Me Taggar, A Medical Hall, Prince Albert. Jewelry Emporium ------ PORT PERRY ¥ ONTARIO, Opposite White's .Carriage Factory. Fine Gold Watches ! Rlgin and Russel Levers ! Fine Gold Jewelry ! Brooches ! Far-rings ! Lockets! Wedding Rings! Ladies' Gold Guards, Bracelets, Gold Plated Chains, &e. N. B. This is the place to which you should go if yon wish to get your Watches and Jewelry repaired to give you satisfaction. Prices moderate. LOTS OF Whitby Clocks to Hand! JOHN DIESFELD, Practical Watch Maker, Queen Street, Port Perry. June 4, 1873. Rewovat! Removal! HE Subscriber would embrace this oppor- tunity of thanking his dumerons customers for their liberal support during the past 24 years in which he has done business in the vil- lage of Borelia ; and would now inform them and the public geneially that he has moved his place of business to the Store lately occupied by Jones Bros., in the business centre of PORT - PERRY, 'Where he hopes by Moderation in Prices, WwW. Hepinstall, r |LATE OF BROOKLIN, he and 10 008 | epuntry | pleasant in the the HARRISON HAIGHT. Prince Albert, Aug. 27, 1873. 37-td HOTEL,STORE, .and Dwelling Superior Material, Good Workmanship, Fair Dealing, and Attention to Business, To secure an increased share of public patron- age. My Stock is_choice and complete, consistin / » i. |} of Bureaus, Sideboaids, Tables, Chairs of a o } Tr # a h ec mu | kinds, Pictures, framed and unframed, ; ? hi ture Frami A. Repaid 7 a done on the best oi Men pairing Furnitare UNDERTAKING in all its Depart- ments. - Having constantly on hand a selection LER customers on the shortest notice, Yo wunply A Capitalf Chance for entering upon a Comfortable od Profitable Country HE Subseriber having made up his mind to 0- o Tetire from business, offets for sale el Store, a comfortable Dwel! [ouse an oro of Land in the. vi VILLAGE OF UTICA! TOWNSHIP OF REACH. The hotel is comfortable and commodious, in order and does a Tepular and profitable ness. There is a g supply of outbuild- ings such as Driving Sheds, Stables, Barns, &c. The § joins the Hotel, is well establish- nd is od ed, i og 1 ying bushes asa general Funerals fully supplied, and s al Office is connected wilh ve: There Is no other store oF hotel age, First Class Hearse The D g House is convenient to the store provided when, required. order, | Suitable Lumber aud Producetal change, * 3 Agent for Tomb Stones and Monuments. © JOHN NOTT orchid 'of abundance of | pital pb HA 9. ihe stock may be Joc lg on ware &ec., na good" emer 'Souter ties wishing a comfortable payin g coul ou Jusiness thet y bo a bet-| The location is one of the most healthful and eed bp 20 ; to the subscriber on the P. 0. FOE. such hid store. Al ~ TOWNSHIP CLERK, {ISSUER OF [BROCK STREET, WHITEY I RE Watchmaker & Jeweler, tomers and the public merally, here in the future he will be foun ts with anythingin the way of old and Silver Watches. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, SPECTACLES OR FANCY GOODS !! Having now in Stock 2 laige Sssorimen of beautiful Goods to_select from, which w ill be sold at Would that he Yespectfilly hee leave to announee to his numerous.cus has REMOVED his place of business to OSHAWA, w , most happy to supply thelr wan Fine G the lowest prices, an (= Please remember the place,-- WILSON'S NEW: BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. OsuAwA, March 5, 1873. PORT PER RY CARRIAGE FACTORY! 12 TIE VERY BEST DESCRIPTION OF Buggies, Wagons, &c., &c. Nothing but the best Material used with First Class Workmanship, Latest Styles and Best Finish, and prices as low as such work can be sold. 3 omers and the public generally for .their "liberal 1 wauld only add that vy still further increased future be able to excoute all orders still more Thanking my numerdus cus: and rapidly increasing patronage, facilities for business, 1 shall in the promptly. iN Port Perry Carriacr Facrory, G. U. WIITE. April 16, 1873. FIRE & CONFLAGRATION IN SUNDERLAND ! No with-tanding the late disastrous fire, which left much of our fair village in 1 Ww. PARRISH, oper.ed his Hardware and Tin Stop in the Village of Sunderland, better prepared than ever to supply the very large and increasing demand for such m2rehandize. I have on hand STOVES of every variety and style, in Parlor, Coal and Cooking Tinwar---an endless Stock, cheaper than ever. Every manner of Eavetrough- ing done in good style of workmanship. = Pinduce taken in exchange for Goods. REMEMBER the Sunderland Hardware and Tin Shop, is the cheap: st place for such Goods anywhere te he found east of Toron:o SunpErLAND, Feb, 18, 1873, = J. W. PARRISII, PUMPS! UMPS! You can get the best and cheapest Pump in the Province At J. IRV INS PATENT PUBP FACTORY IY) BORELIA, --- - See the - Prices. FORCE PUMP- A complete Pump and Fire Engine with Hose and Coupling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pamp~ at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pampx at 40 cts per fool, Common turned Suction Pumps at 35 cts per foot. Cistern Pumps, a complete Pamp, from $3 up to $8. Also every other description of Pump at ig Equally Low Rates. Pump-making in} the largest factories in Ca: ada and the nfident that he can perfvetly satisty all that will favor him Ae TT ------~------ having had long experience In Un'ed States, the subscriber feels co with a call. All orders for any of the above, whether by Please Address, Borelia, Sept. 29, 1870. JOHNSTON'S SELF - RAKING REAPER ( ¢4 E | "= |] K We offer to our customers for the coming Harvest, two distinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most-useful improvements of the day. JOHNSTON'S SINGLE mail or otherwise promptly attended to. JOHN IRVIN, Boreria. AWARDED FIRST PRIZE AT Provincial Exur- BITION HELD AT : T ORONTO, T1870. y. a The "King of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials and in the bands cf the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self Raking Reaping Machine, it bas more good points and lvss defects. and bas met with more snccess and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offired to the public. Cayuga Junior Mower, Ve were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Progineial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading Machines manufactured in. the i 'we unhesithtiagly challenge 1H Province ; and with our recent imp gly ge in g tion and ison with competing Ma , we are satisfied that such investiga tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Farmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. gay Send for descriptive catalogues. i BROWN & PATTERSON. 3 gg dy \ if: oH Wurrsy, June 93,157 Fail M. 0. DONOVAN, ge #35 Maker! "NEAR THE TOWN HALL, Carria : 0 GOOD tof Buggies tly on hand made {rdm best material, Work are Marriage Lic ! Note or B ssoult ale to 1 the arriage 3 1 €NSCs . 3 _-- ii of November, Gonvoyancas, Commitiioner, 8%, ; ica, August 13, 1873. JACOR DAFOE. Orrick -- MANCHESTER, G3 2 8 'made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing [Zr ALL WORK WARRANTED. ' PORT PRR] And that in fatore his busivess will' be oarried on at Port Perry and Prince Albert. | Ho hopes by this arrangement and. the in- cl thue secured to be able more fully to méet the wanta of the rapidly increasing popula- tion of thie highly prosperous scetion of country. Candies, Biscuits. Cakes. Bread, Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Lobsters, Sardines, Fruits, Toys, &c. liberal terms. Prince Albert end Port Perry, SELE-RAKING REAPER, "YEE STREAM. YHE undersigned would thank his A 3 > fm for the g __TtmTm and liberal patrons estowed npon him OULD inform ti in the past ; and -- 'beg to a them W that he has ® fhe public and the public generally that he has Aucti Thanking hisn on RY 9 reased business facilities which he has CHAS. HISCOCKS, Baker & Confectioner, Wedding Cakes made to order. T'EA MEETINGS, §c., furnished on SHOPS-- Prince Albert and 'Pont Perry. CHAS. HISCOCKS { November 27, 1872. 50 PRCLANATIN INHA BITANTS Northern Reach THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, ° Patent Medicines, &c., IS AT THE Buen NBANK Stork GEO. FLINT. Greenbank July 20,1871, 29 TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENT, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISKMENT OVER ROSS' STORE, PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. 4 ENSED for theic liberal patrobage in Tos to secure a still further extended Sale Bills drawn out and Blank nighed free of charge, i All orders addressed to J, C. Pilkey, Ep~' & som P, O,, 'or left at the Onserver Ori Port Perry, will be promptly . "J. C. PILKE & SE PE ¢6TROR THE BLOOD IS THE mr of See Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23, CLARKE'S World Famed Blood Mixture, Trade Mark,--" Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recom- mended, 4 For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, aud sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cures Ulceratad and Sore Legs. CuresBlackheads, or Pimples on the face. Cures Scurvy Sores,. Cures Cancerous Ulcers, Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandural Swellings, = Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever causc arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and free from anything injuri to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value, Thousands of Tesfimonials frofn all parts. Sold in bottlos 2s 2d each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11s each ient to effect a p t cure in the great majority of long standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout tlie world. Sole proprietor, I. J CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne," Burbridges and Co., Coleman Street, London. Newberry and Sons, 37 Newgate Street Lon otes 1 Epsom, Sept. 9; 1873. don. Barclay and Sous, 95 Farringdon Street Lon don, Sanger and sons, Oxford Strect London, And all the London Wholesale Houses, AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal. --Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Druggists. » Lymans, Clare and Co. Torontp.--Eillot and Co Wholesale Druggista " Shapter and Owen. Iamilton.--Winer and Co, Halifax --Avery, Brown and Co, Dr. J. Walker's California Vins egar Bitters are a purely Vegetabio preparation, made chiefly from the na- tive herbs found on the lower ranges of tke Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- nia, the medicinal properties of whieh are extracted therefrom without the uso MONEY 70 LEAD! ---- HE nndersigued has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at 3 5.5% 8 Unusually Low Rates of Anlerest. £09 4 8 0 the borrower. Land for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Debentures Bank and other marketable Stocks, pply to . JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &ec. OFFICE--Over the Dominion Bank, MeMil- an's Bleck, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby 3pril 10, 1872. thi: AVING gecured the sole Ageney in ocality, for the sale of LAZARUS & M 18! Celebrated Perfected Spectacles and Eye (Glasses; they are very popular and have been a speein! manufacture of the above firm for many years. These spectacles will assist the sight most brilliantly, strenghten and pre- serve the eyes, and are very easy and pleasant to wear, We solicit a eall from those needing aids to sight. Our full assotment in gold, sil~ ver, steel and ghell frames, will enable us to fit all conditions of the Ye, give satisfaction to all who favor us with «a call, ~-W.H. MCCAW, 1 Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., x AGENT, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Aug 27, 1873. 5 MUSIC LESSONS! RS. E.M. PRINGLE, Port Perry, desires to state that at the earnest solicition of friends she has agreed to give Music Lessons at the homes of several pupils living at a distance from Port Perry; and as her time is not yet wholly occupied she wonld be pleased to hear, from those who may wish to receive music lessons at their homes. Address, ifby letter, S. E. M. PRINGLE, Port PERRY. opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. March 6, 1873, MRS. E. MDP. The Confessions of an Invalid, PUBLISHED AS A WARNING and fur the benefit of Youne Musnand ohn Sh ult 4 un N. RVOUS DEBIL- A 1D, et i wr ping the es undergoing considera le quackery, and seul free of charge. Sufferers are invited to address (prepayin 3 a gen (prepnying pos'age) NATHAMEL MAYFAIR, Box 153, Brooklyn, N. V. # Psychomancy, or Soul Charming" How either sex may fascinate and gain the love or old, make fore money al work fr us in their spare En 7M or all the tine, than at any lee. 0 Addrass 45. STINSON & on Particulms fie 5. Loahs can be repaid in any manner to suit Alsosseveral Tmproved Farms, «and - Wild 1OR- Music pupils always recelved at my residence | andafectigusof dug, pesson, they oh in- behind, as is the case with ntly. i 1 ? 3 ERI mo ponies Td w a Mar) e Gui A of $ Et " R Hints to Ladies, &. {eer xcitin bok" ns 3 ol noes 100,000 sold. - Address T. WILLIAM & CO. gs, and allays irritation South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. : - thus removing the cause R570, Soper dag. Lge wanted! AN chs the complaint. of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled suceess of VINEGAR BiT- TERS?' Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient ro- covers his health. "They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Renovator amd Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been | | compountied pe remarkablo qualities of VINEGA® sin healing the sick of every disease manis heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving - Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Ss The properties of Dr. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS are Aperient, Riaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Lusative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudontic, Altera- tive, and Anti-Bilious, RN. H. McDONALD & CO., Drmgzists and Gen, Agts., San Francisca, California, and So: of Washington and Chariton Sts., N. Y. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. 0] CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand= ard preparation, as has been 'proved by the hundreds of | testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many promi ent, _ physicians to be the most. reliable reparation ever in: troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complain and is offered to the public sanctioned by the experienc of oyer forty years. 'Whe! dom fails to effect a sp cure in the most sever 'cases of Coughs, Bronchitis Croup; 'Whooping Cough - Influenza, Asthma, "Colds Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side Liver Complaint, Bleed at the Lungs, &e. 'W Balsam does not dry up | Cough, and leave the cause ) §

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