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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Oct 1873, p. 1

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Ontario Obserur. . A WEEKLY rAmLY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, amy THURSDAY MORNING, Rly or ps BAIRD & ."paRsons.. J mes --$1 or aa if RATES OF ADRVETISING. ~ For each line, first insertion .. $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line 0 02 Cans, Wier § lines; per ampvih o .. 500 REF" Letters containing money, when ad ardeed to this Office, pre-baid and regestor- . ed, will be at our risk. Taavertimienis measured by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they ac-- "cording to the space'they occupy. 'Advertisments received for publication, without specific instructons, willbe inserted until fordid and charged aiccodingly. No advertisment wiil be taken uutil paid for. A liberal discount allowed to Merchants & No, 10, Extended, Nor & Western Home, -and others who advertise by the year or|No. 9, Extended, No, 9, Bt half-year. No. = Cook, No, #, St. Clair, B&™ These terms will in all cases be No.1 No: i Pin, oy, adhered to * No, 9, No. 8 Queen, No, 10, No. 9, Conquest, Job Dopaitment. Ro a No, 8 Conquest. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- Na. % PARLOR COOK STOVE. grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt | NO o Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Xe ® or ve rexlde Ball Cards, &c., of every style and | No. 9, oro, Ruttan Heaters, color, executed promptly and at lower rates tha any other establishment in the County. : of Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &c. printed can have them done to take home with them, J. BAIRD, II. PARSONS. Bv ofc ional Caras. = ~ns. JONES & MALIORY, Burgeans and Accoucheurs, Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. R. JONES, M. D,, CORONER, i E. MALIORU, County Ontario. M.D, CM, D* BRATHWAT D% R. WARF, Ontario, Tr coucheur, Thveiiors, pT Perry. Coronor for she County of *hysician, Surgeon and Ac- Prince Albert. RS, MARTIN & DEGRASSI, Lindsay. (V1, NO. 45. : ; if mot $1.50 will be . No ¢ taken for less than six months ; oi # discontinued: until all arrears |, § consisting in part as follows : COOKING STOVES, fo N. B. Port Perry, Scptember 18, 1873. A GOOD PROVIDER ALWAYS LOOKS OUT AHEAD FOR ARTICLES, WANT TO SEE WHERE HE OAN GET THE BEST AND CHEAPEST, AND AS, W. T. PARRISH Has aiwags, and Intends to be of Selling Goods in his line 9, Columbian, 5 hole, 9, Western Home, PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONT GILIPER TRAX GA BB GOT 1 ANY OTHR PLE Parties will do well to call and see the largest tock of Stoves to be scen ia the County, BOX STOVES, eens ide, 25, rons He rode 2, COAL STOVES, American best, Burne Lively Times, &e,, j&e. Sole Manufacturer of Boulton's Hot Air Drum, also Round Elbows. Special attention paid to Job Wo.k and Putting up Stoves. Parties wishing Bavetroughing will do well to giveane a call Ww. T° HE MAY aad PARRISH. AND GENERAL 4 NOTHING BIKE Leather! His New Premises | Built tor the purpose, in PORT PERRY, Now presents to BABNI8Ye SADDLES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, "| And everything in_his-line, ever offered to the public in the North Riding of Ontario. other House in the Trade. ZF SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thanking his customers for the liberal support accorded to him during the past merit a continuance of the same. JOHN BOTH. Port Perry, June 18, 1873. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, C. M' KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. PoE Subscriber having now fully equip; bls new and extensive Livery Stables with & supply of su! prepared to furnish first class Professional Carus. DENTISTRY. ER GR H. L. HARNDEN, L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Twelve Years Experience, Qe over Mr. Gordon's Store, Quecen Street, PORT PERRY. ft Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my | 10 Mutual I 5 Com: A ¥ RE. MCGILL & RAF, Physcians, Surgeons, whole time to the business' of Auctionoer, | * °° Renal Insurance Company ju Cada, £ &e., &e, Offic und Residences, King st, z : Collecting, &c. Head Ofiice--Opposite the Royal Hotel, : Oshawa, RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and Brock St., Whitby . WM. M'GILT, M,T, FRANCIS RAF, M,D. | October 29, 1873. careful attention to business, to give fuil "- L, FAIRBANKS, Jr,, x satisfaction to all who may favor me with Secretary, F. MCBRIEN, M.D, M. R. G " - gary pd pp their Sales or Collecting. Mospitat, London, England. a fi=re tote raiatarsiaie ta) a 4 : 7 : ng 2 bi : or 1) 1 ils dranghted and Blank Notes furnished y Outi, lj W.E.YARNOLD, [i fu ofc. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y x rem ee 4 5 Also Bill Stamps always on hand FARBWSS, T. County Ci - PA Ph mt ey Storaoe I P. L. SURVEYOR, 1 Arrangements can be nmde for sales &c., I o oO and x A Ty f | |atthe Opserver Office, and at the Standard TORON TO. Ww Rithy i Office, Port Perry. . W. M. WILLCOX Incorporated.........ooveeuinn. 1831. YMAN L. ENGLISH, LI. B., Solicitor in 1 REF Terms, 86 per day." ®A (| pico Albert. Oct. 25 1813 2 R---- Chancery, Altorney, Gon¥oyaneer, &e. i { pr API, Lok, Shy 281 Ca ital = osinwa. CHAINBEARER EXTRA. 3 THOS. H. WALSHE ap: ©OMee--Simeoo street, opposite the Post OfMee. | 1) ¢] h 3 > Pots = ~ wn ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township residont.. G. YOUNG SMITH, Il. B, Darristor, At- of Brock, T! horah, Mara & Rama in Vina Hi torney-at-Law, Rolicitor in Chancery, nN r or North Ontari 1a cte., in the County ecre! een aid Insolvency, Notary Dubite, &e. "CHAS, T HORN, vs S os | of Victoria. Reside Cannington, Brock. Ofee--MeMlilan's Block, Brock street, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, | Orders left at this office, or at his residence Whitby. . N Chicago, 11. Gold M st for the i bs Diy tually atte ded oo, Delits col- ; ¥ lest examination on Horse Practice. Author | lected 1m anning ton, or otherwise, and AMERON & MACDON? 25 olan of a First Pr ssay on Shoving. Gradu-| prompt remittances made. Remember-- Counet, Ontario. Offices : Court House, ated Sept. 16, 1867. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- - 'Whitby. : eel AMERO! " Dr. Thorn begs to announce that 'he has MS CANBY: mi NT Pore taken up his risidence at Port Perry, and is | = AHURD, Attorney at Taw, and Solicitor [ now prepared to treat all cases entrusted to | J O hn Tn M Cc D ona 1 a, Marriage Licenses in Chancery. Office in the Royal Arcade, | his care in the most skillful and scientific MARBLE DEALER ! J Port Perry. manner. All orders left at the Medical Hall . id [BY AUTHORI¥Y.] -- | of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. NEWCASTLE, ONT. ToD at Port Perry, Office, the Sa A A Lay ir The Veterinary Stables may be found | \ fONUMENTS, , Tomb-Tables, Head- | L House. ' nt, &o., Sige Oitice In Parish' s Block, | on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. J Stones of great variety, with every de- HENRY CHARLES. A Atkin Biro P. 0 87 scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- y » Uxbridge. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. eteries, supplied at short notice. Also OHN BILLINGS, Barrister, iedtary Fumie Law, Solicitor in Ghancery Notary | Public, veyaucer, ac. Office over Port Perry. O. N. VARS, L. D. 8. TH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- and as good as the best. Tecth filled "with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anwsth- esia, Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new «. block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King ~ Street, Oshawa. C. D. WAID, 7 ih seo » DENTIST, Uxbridge Titans All Dental _ the utmost skill and care, # Dorlortiod wie satisfaction or no charge, and atiprices which -_ competition. 3" De Dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy ns A, P. Greggs, Port Hope; «avd. 2. Byms, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq. REMOVAL. . hl ------ HE Subscriber would take this oppor- malty of thanking his numerous cus-- for the 1a ge measure of patronage in suing {he past Ton years in wh i 8 profession , a8 DENTIST in this locality, and would, in- x the e vitle generally that he has 7 a i removed his office to Port Perry, over Mr. : Carrie's where Tie will bo happy to Xaiton all who may require his professional es pesial operationg formed on the mn wpprovod pARGP) Ea warranted. -- Teeth extracted Fringe filled 'with the least possible annoyance and artificial teeth fur- hished and warranted to give satisfaction, J. D. COTTINGHAM. © Port Perry, October 15, 1873. on RICHARDSON, of Marriage Licenses Hic 1 . the 1st concession of Brock. TOffice-- HENRY GRIST PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMLN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs Di Specifications, and other Docuinents neces. sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention. Auctioneers. J. C. PILKEY, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! re Qe Was inform the public generally that' he § has resumed the business of friends for ors Herat en in the past, he hopes by strict attention to business and a constant regard to the interests of his patrons, to secure a still further extended patronage. Sale Bills drawn out and Blank Notes fur- nighed free of charge. All orders addressed to J. C. Pilkey, Ep- som P, O,, or left at the ver OFFICE, Port Perry, will be promptly attended to. J. C. PILKEY. Egpo Sept. 9, 1873. 38 " CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auetioncers for the County of Ontario, AZE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere in the County. Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being fom to their interests, G. Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. + All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P. 0, will receive prompt attention. Wm. Gordon, = the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Mariposa R@S™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me to their interests. < may rely on the utmost attention being given. I by ranted. terest, AS H* WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. Sept: 23, 1873. Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, January 10, 1872. November, 21, 1866. Carus. |W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED SO AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thauk his many friends and the public generally, for the Hberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the past five years. Having now given up the business of LIVERY RIGS On Moilerate Terms, C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Ang. 6, 1873, THE ONTARIO FARMERY and Churches, thereby support a Hog Insurance Company the local Agents of the Company. Qur rates will be found as low as those of any regpon- us Sinan, Temoved the whole ) 180 publ he" largest add He is determined to sell as Cheap as any eighteen years, he will do his utmost to uperior Horses and Carriages, Is Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully orgagized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses Those wishing to insure and have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of 'ADVER H. M:CAW, PRACTICAL Wible and Jeweler | wopehed ou § out in bin lace of busi- wy LOW'S ROYAL ARCADE! PORT PERRY, sgt in the. Beis Sky Watchds 'Fine Gold and Silver JEWELRY of the Best Quality and Latest dt Styles !! SILVERWARE ofthe best description 11 CLOCKS | CLOCKS ! and an endless variety of; Fancy Goods | Writing desks, Dressing Cases, &c., &c., for Ladies and Eon lenis, IN* BOOKS. Bibles, Hymn' ks, Prayer Books, and a full assortment hool Books. IN STATIONERY! A Large and varied Stock, all choice quality, > The best British and and American Maga. - ?| zines and other Periodicals. PRICES : The on lowest} at which such Goods can be sold. REPAIRS. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every description, repaired with neatness and dis- patch, and warranted. Ww. Port Port Perry, 40 Aug. 27, 1873. H. McCAW. 37 FARM FOR SALE. Fez SALE, CHEAP--the east half of lot 9, In the Ist concession of the TOWNSHIP OF ELDON, Containing One Hundred Acres, more or less--sixty acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is on the lot a good log barn and dwelling house, also & never tailing spring of water. This property is conveniently located being only one and a half miles from Argyle--two miles from the junction of the Midland and Toronto and Nipissing Railways, and four miles from the thriving Village of Woudville. Reason for se'ling--ill-health of the pro- prietor, Title indisputable. given, For particularsas to price ol termsy apply to the nl reigned, Tiaplediste possession A. C. CAMPBFLL, Woodville, 40-3w sont. 92.187 Elgon, Sept, 22,1870. B&F Parties will find it to their advan- 9 | tege to withhold their orders until called on J. C. WILLIAMSON, AGENT. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- . MONEY [Private Funds,] To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa, aQITNYIND IMPORTED |! HENRY CHARLES Received a further supply of TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALE in Btone Jars. HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co., and |and OTARD'S BRANDY. KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. PORT and SHERRY WINE. ALSO * ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. WALKERS Extra MALT and BYE. * wirH A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, Codfish, Can'd Fruits, Fish, &c.,&c. Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873. NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made at-the next Alsen Session of the Legislature of Ontario, for an Act to construct a Railway from Port Perry to Sorlerich by way of Uxbridge, &e. | market and Orangeville, and also Act of I 3r New- further powers to the Bowmanville, Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Railroad Company, and for power to construct a Branch in the County of Durham to the Northern Railway, in the County of York, and to change its name, and for amendments to its corporation. from some point JOHN FOWLER. 42 « sion Court. W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- Hd Lie. WII ¢ & PORT PERRY R.R. TIME TABLE. Ie TRAINS GOIN Stations. Whitby Junction... Whitby Manchest Ba nee Port, Perry TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Nob | Mixed Stations. No. 3. : i Port Perry... Depart oy p ringe be .. 8.09 2.39 Manchester 2,48 Office in Bigelow's Block, Smt x yrtle 3 NOR mie) Whitby i ce hours from 10 A. m, =m. 8.5 > Whithy Junction Arrive 7. 4.00 Hotels Ro CANADIAN HOTEL. PORT PERRY. HENRY FOY, - PROPRIETOR. prosperity of the Village and neighborhaod; and with direct reference to the comfort iv convenience of the public. Bar. Comfortable Stables and Ostlers. in making the Ro; 4 | of public patronage, Port Perry, June 16, 1869. REVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, Ha Every attention paid to guests. Careful Ostlers always in attendance. P2re= HOUSE, UTICA. J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Good accommodarions. and cigars. Good stal (ESTE HOTEL, BAINTFIBLD, J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR. A EIN HOTEL, WHITBY. A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR. This Hotel has undergone a public, Every attention = paid Ostlers will have charge of the stables. 'Whitby, June 207 1870: r The Subscriber having leased tho above Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and and Or of Aj Strict attention paid to the Table and the Neither labor nor Sapenss will be spared yal Canadian Hotel worthy ving purchased the above Hotel, has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors cigars, Stages to and from Uxbridge call daily.-- Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with ed best wines, liquors thorough re- novation and been fitted up with a view to the comfort and convenience of the Hraveling table and bar, while obliging and Loe - ator Statiol ns--Trains stop on Signal Passengers can make connections, Pas and West, by 1oav ing Port Perry at t 2.30 p- m. JAMES HOLDEN, Managing Director. B. R. KIMBALL, General Superintendent. Through Tickets From Port Perry to Toronto. can be pur- chased of our nt at Port Perry, at $l. Be nt Grand Trunk Rallway, at Toronto --from Toronto to Port Porry--$§L.i5. BALL JAMES HOLDEN or RINEA Al rector. BR neral Supt, Woe & PORT PERRY RAILWAY THROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO TO Port y Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, 3 and Fenelon Falls. ---- HE Steamer YONTARFO" will leave Port Perry Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 11 o'clock, a. m., on the arrival of the morning Train from 'Whitby, which con-| nects with the Local Train from the ast, and the Express from Taronto, on the Gran Trunk Railway, arriving at Lindsay, at 3 o'clock, p. m., Bobcaygeon, at 5 pm, Fen- lon Falls, at 7 p. m. Rejensms, .--Leaves Fenlon Falis on Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, at.6, a m,, ar- pre Lindsay tg 8 &. m. and at Port Perry in time to counect with 'the Train connecting with the Grand Trunk Nadia is mixed d going |, 'West, and Local and Express going indsey . . Whitby; to Lindsay... Eobeay Through Tickets can be had of the G. T. Agents Toronto, terms &c. apply to the Agents, Any information can be obtained by ap. plying; to * | the fort were his prisoners. hand that the powder was there, and 5 4 > YEeOR, +1 vie +s 1.75 §@F Through Freights at low rates. For B,R. KIMBALL, JAS. HOLDEN, C Sup'. Maw'g Director. | Geptember 9, 1873. 40 TISER. RIO, THURSDAY, OCT. 80, 1873, The Good of Bvil, Why hath every day its night? And every rose its thorn? And why is not the husky stalk As mellow as the corn ? 'Why comes the winter's chilling blast? 'Why falle the drifting snow, 'When summer warmth would better suit, And cause more flowers to grow 7 Why treads grim famine o'er the earth, To pinch and starve the poor? 'Why comes the pestilence to bring Disease no balm can cure ? And why doth war, with sword and plume, Go stalking through the land, Smiting the brave, and fair, and young, With devastating hand 7 'Why is it human souls are rent 'Wiih sorrow, grief and woe 7 And what doth cause the bitter tears Down Beauty's cheeks to flow ? Why aches the heart? Why dims the eye? 'Why throbs the burning brain ? And why, oh! why are pleasures not, As plentiful as pain ? God never made a perfect. thing Without a speck or flaw ; Perfection never yet was reached By any special law. The towering mount, the stalwart oak, The tender blade of grass, Through stages of developement Are all obliged to pass. Then what is man, that he should be From nature's laws exempt ? And why,should he resist her claims, And treat them with contempt ? The wisest men were children once, With mothers' milk were fed, And all the paths which they have walked, The angels once did tread, The blind man never sees the sun, Although the sun doth shine; The deaf man hears no melody In music most divine. Man's imperfection, 'tis, that makes All things imperfect seem ; And when we think we're wost awako, Perchance we most do dream, Let man learn wisdom from the bee, That by its instinct knows That honey from the thistle comes, As well as from the rose. As out of darkuess sprang the light, As oaks from acorns grow, So out of error truth shall come, And good from evil flow, ----e A DASHING EXPLOIT. (CONCLUDED.) Thus successful, he opened the gate and found his friend Bard. To him he handed over the charge of the magazine and went away to deal with the Commandant of the fort prompt him to set dawn such a jest WHOLE No, 821 I but a that tho presence of the four officers armed, and intimid* ated, was a fiction of the novelist.-- He admits howiver, that ho himself and the Secrotary--with Madame de Liniers--were present. On thé whole the adventure may be takenin faith, and reflects great credit on the great reconteur.--All the Year Round. door was flung open, and a lady flung herself among them in a par- oxysm of alarm. "Agree! agree!" she ecried.-- "Ob, this is another revolt of the negroes. Think of my poor father and mother whom they murdered in the island of St. Domingo!" Alexandre owned that the lady's mistake was excusable, considering his own natural tint (deepened by violent browning from the sun,) and the peculiar character ot hair and voice. But we may wonder at the insensibility to ridicule which could At the Linierick Séssions recent: ly, the j jury, after a quarter of ad hour's absence, returned into court; "We find him not guilty." Chairmah==i' Are you unanimods in your verdict ? at his own expense. truth was| Foreman--* Wo arb, our Wort he waa so filled with vanity that all | ship; we are nine to three." [Great the nicer senses became blunted, (laughter.] and he was even unconscious of the| Chairman-- This is not a proper roars of laughter these foolish con- verdict." fidonces produced. The Comman-| Foreman--¢We first decided your dant could not resist the entreaties | Worship, that the minority should of his wife. Alexandre declared {bs ruled by the majority, before' that he had infinite respect for. the |going into the merits of the case.~ lady, but entreated her husband to| We then became all unanimous in send her away, and let the men |the end. [Laughter.] finish the business. The,poor Com-| Chairman--* But how could you mandant protested that -his self-|be unanimous when you say yod respect must bo respected. He [were nine to three?" could not decently yield to a single| Foreman--* Your Worship, I took man. Alexandre then offered to|down those who were for finding sign a paper to the effect that the |him guilty, and those who were for order had been extorted at "the|acquitting him, and the minority mouth of the pistol barrel." agreed to the verdict of the major- "Or would you prefer," he added, | ity." "that I should fetch two or three of| Chairman--¢0, go inside; each my companions, 80 that you should |of the threo men who were in the have seemed to have yielded to a|minority 'are they of the opinion moro respectablo force ?"' that this man is guilty ? Go inside ' The Commandant accepted -this|and let thom agree about it. I don't prosposal, and Alexandre left him, | want to hear any more of your de- bluntly declaring-that no advantage | liberations; go inside and let, them must bo taken of his delay -or he |find that this man did not strike the would return and "blow all their | prosecutor." brains out," and that the whole| The jury then retired, and, after party must give their 'parole of |a few minutes, re entered and hand- honor that they would remain ex-|ed in a verdict of " not guilty." actly as they were. Chairman (to the jury)--"Gen: "Yes, yes," cried tho lady. tlemen, you have agreed to your Alexandre mado her a low bow, |verdict. You say that the prisoner but declared that it was not her |is not guilty ?" parole that ho wanted. The Com-| Foreman--¢ We do." mandant gave what was required of| Chairman--¢"1Is that the veriiot him, and Alexandre hurrying away |of the whole of you?" speedily returned with two or three| Several jurors--¢ Yes, your Wor- of his men, whom he placed in the ! ship," court. = Opening the window ho| Chairman --¢ Discharge the pris- called to them, and bade them in- |oner now." (Tothe prisoner.) "I form the gentlemen inside that they | hope it you cver come here again were ready to fire on them at the |you will not get off so easy." Liniers. He found this officer just | arising and discussing the news of tho sudden appearance of the flagon | the cathedral. Dumas laid down | his gun at the door, introduced him. self, and. made his demand for an order to remove the powder. The Commandant seemed, in fact, rather amused and smiled scornfully when Dumas answered that the party at Alex- andre replied that he would go back at once, and bring proof under their made his bow and retired. Ile ran back, found that he wag right, and returned presently with satisfactory proof that a large quantity of pow- der was stored in the magazine.-- But when he reached the Command- ant's office he found that the party had been increased during his ab- sence, and that Lenferna, an officer of the gendarmes, and Bonvillers, Colonel of the Engineers, were there in full uniform, and armed. The Commandant addressed him in a sort of bantering tone, telling him that he had sent for these officers, who, with him, were in command of the town, in order that they might have the pleasure of hearing M. Dumas explain his -mission. The young man saw that boldness was his only resource, and coolly told him that he had been engaged by Lafayette to bring the powder to Paris, or to lose his life, and that he insisted on the Commandant hand- ing over that powder to him. The officers passed on Gerard's order from one to the other with a sort of smiling contempt. «And so," said the Commandant, in the same tone--** so single-handed Monsieur Dumas--I think you said that was your name--you propose to forco me to do this. You seo that we are four." The young man saw that matters were coming to a crisis, and took a prompt resolution. He stepped back, pulled his double-barreled pis- tols from his pockets, and presented them at the startled party. "You are four," he said, "gentlemen.-- But we are five, If that order be not signed in five seconds, I give you my word of honor I will blow your brains out, beginning with the Commandant's there!" He owned he felt a little nervous, | Gi but he was determined. . «Take care," he went on; "I mean what I say. I am going to count. One--two--three--" At this critical moment a side 'loaded and about five o,clock they "eight o'clock reached Villers-Cotters, '| mandant Liniers, did, indeed, come first signal; an appeal answered by | Prisoner-- 'It is my first offence; i the significant sound of the cock- |and it will be my last." [Loud 4 ing of guns. The Commandant uu- | laughter, in which the whole court derstood, and going to his desk, |joined.] wrote out a formal order. Chairman--DBut the jury say you After this the rest was compara- | have done nothing at all. [Laugh tivley easy. Tho magazine was brok- | ter.] en open, carts were procured and Indianapolis papers often contain announcements like this: ' Lovers of scientific oxhibitions of pugilism and stout breeches are invited to a little 'tare' at the county clerk's office, this afternoon, at half-past five o'clock." -------- I --ees. A little girl was asked what was the meaning of the word happy. -- Sho gave a pretty answer, saying; "Juis to feel as it you wanted to give all your things to your little sister." -- rtm A Nebraska man, on his dying bed, remembered that his wife was smoking some hams, and hé said, " Now, Mariar, don't go snuff: ing around and forget them hams: wero outside the town. Dumas was so exhausted that he sank down on the grass, under the hedge, and fell fast asleep. Roused up presently, ho started on his journey and by where they found the supper ready, which had been ordered the evening before. After a jovial meal they set once more, and by three o'clock in the morning were close to Paris, at the post-house whence they had started. At nine he presented him- self, with his powder, at the Hotel de Ville, having triuphantly accom- plished the daring exldit he had un- dertaken. When Alexandre told this advent- ure; there was many a shrug of the shoulders and loud scoffing laugh ; such a romance as this Was not thought worth serious refutation, as coming from so amusing and notorious a gasconader an uncompli- mentary appreciation which he owed to the incurable vanity which always made him set his own figure in the most effective and dramatic posi- tions. But the story is perfectly true, abating some harmless exag- goration. It is to be found set forth in a modest official report addressed to Lafayette published by him in the Moniteur of Aug. 9, 1830, and signed by Dumas and the friends who assist- ed him in the expedition. The names of the various officers whom he fore- ed jto submit to him are given at length. When the memoirs were pub- lished, in 1853, the son of the Com- it A th Cage ag i rr Mp A young man at Evansville cough: ed up a twenty-five-cent currency note the other day, and he has goné right 'back to the boarding-houss whose hash he formerly complained of. A consequential young fop asked an aged country sexton if the ring: ing of a bell did not put him in mind of his latter end. "No, sir," réplied the grim old grave digger; "but the > rope puts té in mind of yours." A rather amusing incident geedrs- od on the Cheshire railroad the other day. One of the passengers consid: erably annoyed the conductor by repeatedly asking him to toll him when he got to Wer 3 ductor told him if he would keep still he would téll him when he there, the conductd® having to attend to, or some other forgot it until they were t past the station; when suddenly. membering it he rang the bell: the train was run back to tion. He then informed man that he was at W. ge forward with an' indignant "recla- mation," to clear the memory of his father, who was then dead, but his testimony, for he was actually pre- sent at the scene in the Command- ant's cabinet, only confirms Dumas' account. 'The purport of the letter is merely this: that the town was Falveady ripe for revolt before Du- mas' arrival, and when the latter Tetunad with his friends, these were ed to be chiefs of the National , already known to be disaffect- oa In short that the officer yielded not to Dumas, but to an overpower- | ing force behind him. His son de- scribes Dumas as parading his pis- tols, and menacing the Commandant

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