\ AND GENERAL DVERTISER. VOL. XVI, NO. 47.1 yr WHOLE NO. 823 A Michigun farmer has written to Mr. Bergh to know it folding-doors "PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTIO, THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1873. se pt a -- WI. MCCAW, A GOOD PROVIDER ALWAYS LOOKS OUT AHEAD. FOR ARTICLES. HE MAY WANT TO SEE WHERE HE CAN GET THE .BEST AND = ] would overtake them. The engin- Kiss Me. orth Ontario Ostia A WEEKLY CHEAPEST, AND AS i Te : eer whistled down brakes, but it : : POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, ) ' A wy funny Insts parted 8s Yevidently Impossible 0 stop et will be. In fishin this AND ad ow Says Hosea a SHA Bore na the heavy train before it would be | summer. : f Fon os Ope Two fatigued traviers, having to upon them. It was within & few yards, and the crowds of pienickers stood but a hundred yards off petri- fied with horror. There seemed to be no escape whatever for the luck- loss couple. Their mangled bodies would evidently soon be dashed into the chasm, The lady called to her companion to drop, and sudden: ly drooped herself. Both dropped just in time, and they hung suspend- od to a sleeper, under the brid The clerk got her the song and | oho io train_passed ii put it before her, ©. \thom, Thus theyeling with their "Now," said the young lady, T|} ands until some gentlemen of the| A watering-place carrespondent Sle ty want the "Wandering Refugee. company went on the bridge and |writes ' that very few bathers bathe SILVJARE of tho best description !! ¥es mam, said the clerk, | coued them from their perilous |at the West End," whereupon Mrs. CLOG CLOCKS ! and an endless variety | bowing, and in a fow minutes he| ct ation. They were unharmed, |Partington says she had an' idea FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Y NEWS W. T PARRISH PORT PERRY, Has always, and Intends to have the name of Selling Goods in his line EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Bi "BAIRD & PARSONS. CHEAPER THAN CAN BE GOT AT ANY OTHER PLACE ! TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ad- wvance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months ; . and no apes discontinued until all arrears are paid. One of our composers has written a pretty song entitled « Kiss Me." A very preity, blushing maid, having heard of the song, and thinking she would get it, stepped into a music store to make a purchase. One of the clerks, a modest young man. stepped up to wait on her. The young lady threw back her veil, sayIng : «1 want 'Rock Me to Slecp.' travel ten miles further, comforted Ivs with the calculation that it was only five miles each. Which is the oldest Miss Antiqui- ty, old Aunty Diluvian, Miss Amn Terior, Miss Ancestor, Miss Ann T. Mundane or Miss Ann T. Cedant, A Calafornian paper of late date = containes the following advertise ment : 'Born--In Eureka, August 19 to the wite of D. Manheim, a son-- a 15-pounder., apis Wate and Jeweler HA%pened out in his place of busi- ng BIGEPS ROYAL ARCADE! RT PERRY, One of nest and most Reliable Stocks ever of in the County, consisting of WwW Fine Gold and Silver JEWH of the Best Quality and Latest th Leather! in J 5 Sipsci{ves having removed the whole' His New Premises ! Built tor the purpose, in. PORT PERRY, Now presents to the public the I best stock of my ad BABNBEY, SADDLES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, And everything in his line, ev red Cig fe the public in the North Riding ar RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ........$0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum ..... 5 00 ou fatiars Semaining money, when ad- S80 is Office, pre paid and regester- ed, will be at our -- bed Bee Advertisment; d by No ; ; j of Fancy Goods | produced tho Refugee. : and charged according to the space they ac- | He is determined to sell as Cheap as any | Writiesks, Dressing Cases, &c., & fo 2 hi except torn clothing and a scratch | that they bathed all over. oupys y other Housata the Tals, ? hi Wei r| «Now 'Kiss Me," smd theyoung |. to and they saved their lives| Scene in Court: Judge,--*" Have 79" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thanking his customers for the li lib support accorded to him during ie - cighteen years, he will do his utmost to ay, of CORES meaning the song by a scratch. It was tho principal you anything to offer the court be. ore menisnel, od & event of a very pleasant occasion, |fore" sentence is passed on you?" The poor clerk's eyes popp TO | nd was so thrilling that some of} Prisoner.--* No, Judge : I had ten Advertisments received for publication without specific instructons, will be inserted until fordid and charged aiccodingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for Parties will do well to call and see the largest stock S Pats wil) On un g ock of Stoves to be seen in the County, IN BOOKS. Bit Hymn Books, Prayer Books, and 4 " Re i COOKING STOVES, No. 9, Columbian, 5 hol A : - Thora! who advertise by By h No, 10, Coronation Extended, No. 5 Yoon Home" i Rn Yrs Sri ai A Subp aN) of poe) Baska is 4 Sr the "ladies who saw the danger|dollars but my lawyers took «that." ve e year or|No, 9 C SAO er ne, lack Giant, JO a in utter ishm: * " . 5 half-year. Nov i Sole Giant Books" No: hy Sh, a Black lint, Port Perry, June 18, 1873." > RO n STATIONERY ! if not aware of the fact that a closed their eyes and fuinted. «Why do you set your cup of BE" These terms will in all cases 'be NO Chiat Look, No, 8,31, Clair, 25 Black Ginn: A Xe and varied Stock, all choice song by that name had been pub E------ coffee on the chair, Mr Jones ?" said 0, 10, Majestic, No. #4, Provincial, No, 9, National Extended, Job. Pepariroent No 10, National Extended, . 2 No. 9, Panama, 2 Nom: Queen, No. 8, Queen, For No. # Conquest, Tronstger 25 No, §, Conquest, Peerless, ps strictly adhered to. qual it That British and and American Maga: | lished. inh fae Toritinls. «Wh--what did you say, Miss?" Two Chicagoans unaccustomed to |a worthy landlady one morning at worship, dobated with the sexton | breakfast. It is so very weak, ma- whether they would take seats in dame, 1 thought I would let it 18, Black Giant, PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, od 0, 9, Home Guard, Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro Nev on Hom Sor PRICES : {i " sal di ~ | No. 9, extend. PARLOR COO¥ 5 0} 5 % 4 « Kiss Me," said she. y grammes, Tl Hels) Bs Pores Receipt No, & Homestead, | K STOVE. COAL STOVES, Thery lowest at which such Goods Can | «1 copy 35 it: I never kissed a the parquette or balcony of a church | rest." iy , Checks, Books, Circulars, Business | No, & Pe eopom r wood, Pear American best, CY " be sol 3 oy > \ oki ard, oot every style and Nooo SE onto. mo o . C. M K E NZ I E REPAIRS. young lady in my life," said the «Those who buy tombstones of| Does one non in fift 7 3 he xec! 3 fad 3 8, &e, 3 = . ay he & a ; i nw ) promptly and at lower rates ple, 9 Wats, Clocks and Jewelry of every clerk. us, look with pride and satisfaction | lower half of their lungs with air Sole Manufacturer of Boulton's Hot Air Drum, also Round Elb: Special attention paid to Job Woik and Putting up Hii . N. B. Parties wishing Bavetroughing will do well to give me a call. W. T. PARRISH, than any other establishment in the County. PROPRIETOR. BEF™ Parties from a distance getting | ; i g hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them, - descrip, repaired with ncatness and dis- eR And about that time a veil drop- |on the graves of their friends," is|is the stern inquiry of a sanitary ex- ly warranted. ped, a young lady left in a hurry, |the advertisement of a western |change. The editor of that paper 37] the clerk felt sick, and the dealer |stone cutter. never heard the voice of an infurat- TIE Subscriber having now fully T his new and extensive Livery uprea W, H. McCAW. a ie On Moderate Terms. Port Petry, Septemb it @ supply of superior Hc a i 3. BAIRD. , September 18, 1873. » SupbLY of sitperior Horses and Carri Port Ry, Aug. 27, 1873. : : Bi ei : TE DR i oa Bigs _ sr lost the sale of some music.--Ex. Our friend, Plum, says, (and ed mother-in law. : Mraleasi styl (7 | Professional Av W . em Plum knows, because he is a nice| Isaac" snid Mrs. Parrington, Mrofessional Carus. 4 cals, A M. W ILLCOX, L i Vv E R YY R i G S CARD. An Important Judgment. man) that ACchero td any ono 'thing |after she camo from a Baptist in the world that will try a man's church, « there is to be dreadful pature, it is to take shelter | doings this afternoon | The minis- an awning during a rain, and | ter gave out that he should dip four In the midst of the flurry in Wall Streot, says the New York Tribune, better it is greatly tobe feared that a more uvder 3 see two or three of your umbrellas | adults and ten adulteresses. N Theubscriber embraces this opportunity of aclowledging with thanks the liberal and geners patronage bostowed upon him dur- ing theast four years in which he has prac- tised 1 profession in this section of country, Th RS. JONES & MALLORY, Surgeans and Aceoucheurs, Phys Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Quecn-st. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873. THE ONTARIO FARMERY ST C. MCKENZIE. 3 DENTISTRY. os = SA . R. JONES, M. D., CORONER, | A, E. MALLORT, (gga as i "| important event may be lost sight County Ontario. Aenea, » tiaas LICENSED Mutual Insurance Company. | smn ratrons pie th ports i The Court of Appeals: has just | go by in the bauds of borrowers. A wag was requested by an old pumems patrons and the pubiic generally that ixonseqgence of his very exten ctve and affirmed the decision of the Brook- rapid], increasing practice he finds himself : : compded to admit a partner into the business | lyn City Court in the case of Ho- This decision par- and alp employ an assistant, so that in future man vs. Earle. tially abolishes kissing, affixing a|lady, to read a newspaper for her. To took it up and read it as follows : «Last night yesterday morning, bout two o'clock p. m. years old, Why is a stick of candy like jhorse? Because the more you lick it the faster it-goes. Maine reports a trout in a well | 2 H. L. HARNDEN, L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Twelve Years Experience, D* BRATIIWAITI, Be ort Perry. D5 WARE, Coronor for the Connty of ontario, Physician, Surge "Ac-| coucheur, 2 2 PEecis, And le This Company is now fully organized and is { A 14 Al \ ¥ \l I \¥ A C | TO? i WB 4 nN - 1 £ prepared to accept risks on Far ildi FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. hn their contents, vonntry Schoo Hons AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, | and Churches, Those wishing to insure and the buiness shall be conducted under the FFICE over Mr. Gordon's Store, GS Prince Albert. 0 ? | Bs to thank his many friends and the | (2¢Teby support a Home Insurance Compan Style mil bi 1 {¢ levy, b 2 No any frais Ha ; om pi iN v . i custard for a levy, be- public generally, for the lib CE the [pave now an opportunity ee pany IA IN & PATTERSON. thereto the penalty of matrimon at A ly "| bought a big custard for a y v, for the lib ral patron- pportunity of doing so, eithcr has a thorough practical h P y ¥ that is forty SIX years old. There, fore breakfast, & hungry boy about DR. *ATTE 4 a « { Sarde nar f the the discretion of the kissed. 0 | i ; ' of overy department of the pro-|the discre {ar wever, older wells than that 2 a eee ; fare, however, 282 forty and threw it through a brick advanced skill |) onsands of pretty innocents this |i, SE news will be of deep and painful in- 10 bi MARTIN & 1 RASA, Queen Street, age bestowed upon him for the past five years, | Sgazplying ta fiend) Office for igang © ; the local Agents of the Company. Our 3 Agsy, Lindsay. > > < i Having now give i 3 Vo RAvIng given up the business of | ii 3 ral P 0 R T I 13 R R \ 5 | Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my jos h ax low as those of any r 38. McGILL & RAE, Physcians, Surgeons, whole time to the busimess of Auctioneer, el Mutual Insurance Company in Can: er, 8 | fossionand isene ol the most ful Dentists in the Dominion. Di. TENTON, our assistant, has a perfect wall nine feet thick, and jumping a . &e., &e, ©Offioe and Residences, King st, Oshawa, WH. MGILT, JLT. FRANCIS RAT, M.D. | Octcber 29, 1873. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. M. I. MCBRIEN Hospital, Lo M. R. (. 8, Guy's . The Lye R. C, H. [J Lo Solicitor, and eupied by =. H. Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &o. Oshawa. OMce--Simcoe street, opposite the Post Office. B., Barrister, At r in Chancery, &e. Otiice--MeMiljan's Block, Brock street, Whith, AMER _J and Att Counctl, Ontar M. 0, CAMERON, t P A. 1IUR tt . in Chancery. Port Brney at Law, and Solicitor Ofiice in the Royal Arcade, | } . bl ne AMES LAMON, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Gonsesgno c.--Lan Agent, &c., Uxbridge. Office in Parish's Block, Malin Street, Uxbridge. OHN BILLINGS, Barister, Attorney at Taw, Solicitor in Chancery, Notar,® ibiie, Sonveyunecer, &c. Office over Ross' Store, : #ort Perry. C. N. VARS, L. D. 8. 4 bis inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est,-and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver, Teeth extracted without Bn by producing local anesth- esia. ntical Rooms--in Cowan's new "block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Btreet, Oshawa, ©. D. WAID, QuacEoN DENTIST, Uxbridge Village. All Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give satisfaction or-no charge, and at, prices which defy competition. J Dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy is, &c. "Reranexces--H. P. Greggs, Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Esq. Uxbridge. Si REMOVAL. mee Subscriber would take this oppor- tunity of thanking his numerous cus- tomers for the large measure of patronage bestowed upon: him during the past Ten in which he has practiced his profession as DENTIST in this locality, and would in- form the public generally that he has removed his office to Port Perry, over Mr. Currie's Store, where he will be happy to wait on all who may require his professional services. "All Dental operations performed on the most approved principles d N best ¢ of a First Prize Essay on Shocing. ated Sept. 16, 18672 now prepared to treat all cases entrusted to of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Transacts business with the Patent Office Sere pat ma Sheer ran) WwW. E. YARNOLD, P. L. SURVEYOR, 1 |at {} 8 Terms, $3 per day. "Ca | BE Ta a' gi Han $d careful attention to busi satisfaction to all who Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, Also Bill Stamps always prompt and to give full | favor me with | A 1 on hand, Arrangements can be made for sales &e., | the Onsen Er Office, and Office, Port Perry. wv. I | Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873 dl at the Standurd | M. WILLCOX, CHAINBEARER EXTRA. EL [73 tin gt bind mp od amb mp SNES CHAS. THORN, V EMBER of a tori Gradu- Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has North Ont: of Victoria. _R THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township 4 of Brock, 5 hora, iden cel et Cannington, Brock. te, | Orders left at this office, or at his residence | will be punctually attended to. ! lected in Cannington, or otherwise, prompt remittances made. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- | er. ara & Rama in| Jin the County | col= nd Rememl YI LU I RIM NVUUITIIIYe VUINE Herd! Offico--0pponits the Toy Brock 86, Whithy T* Besta L, FAIRBANKS, Jr, Sceretary. - contempti siuddhn mean, : in ta flatly oonteadicted Ly hlors , 1 low Ya or ndopied + aeortaindisnproiniey Mirlhgioians eo Sen ap | N chusetts spinsters, who only gassiery, a high _ or Wp } hee TORO TO unsueees 1 in order if possible to in" | SUIIAC Wie pruwise Appel | wi hiked y 2 Doodle® on a frying pan, aud killed N 5; ui tq OSLO . {wish he did. , : Ile denied it, and rested calmly, 4 and old cow and two dead pigs at Incorporated... Capital - $400,000. ts Tic . hin Meare, | ye Pro 4 Scereiary .. ernard Haldan, JAMES PRINGLE, General Agent. W. BURNIIAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- « sion Court. Oflice in DBigelow's Block, Port Perry. Office hours from 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. h aken up his residence at Port Perry, and is his care in the most skillful and scientific nanner. All orders left at the Medical Hall ° The Veterinary Stables may be found Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITCR END DRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, | Specifications, and other Documents neces. sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention, Auctioneers J. C. PILKEY, LICENSED AUCTIONEER N scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- supplied at short notice, Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite. cteries, John Mec Donald, | MARBLE DEALER'! ONUMENTS, Stones of great varie Parties will find J. C. Satisfaction guaranteed, ranted, January 10, 1872. NEWCASTLE, Tomb-Tables, ONT. Head- ety, with every de- it to their advan- sd to withhold their orders until called on y ; WILLIAMSON, AGENT. and all work war- 8-r MON BY [Private Funds] November, 21, 1866. To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest, LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &C., Oshawa, 14 FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! --_--O-- OULD inform the public generally that he has resumed the business of Auctioneer. Thanking his numerous friends for their liberal patrorage in the past, he hopes by strict attention to business and a constant regard to the interests of his patrons, to secure a still further extended patronage. Sale Bills drawn out and Blank Notes fur- nished free of charge. All orders addressed to J. C. Pilkey, Ep- som P, O., or left at the OnsErvER OFFICE, Port Perry, will be promptly attonded to. QRNYINI AS IMPORTED ! HENRY CHARLES H* Received a farther supply of TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALE in Btane Jars. HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co., and J. C. PILKEY. Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. ~ CROTHERS & WILSON ARE prepared to conduct Safes anywhere in the County. Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. @. Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of a Yoral 1 ts and -- Teeth extracted and Je vib the ons) possible annoyance an artificial teeth nished and ted to give satisfacti J. D. COTTINGHAM. Port Perry, October 15, 1873. All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P. 0., will receive prompt attention. Wm. Gordon, y ¥ TE the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, Parties entrusting their Sales to me R, RICHARDSON, SSUER of Marriage Licenses *Office-- A Lot 10, in the ]st cqneession of Brock, way rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests." WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. OTARD'S BRANDY. 38 | KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. PORT and SHERRY WINE. ALSO Port Perry, Sept. 8, 1873 ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. WALKER'S Extra MALT and RYE. . WITH A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, Codfish, Can'd Fruits, Fish, &o.,&o. Also | Fasten o R® YAL CANADIAN HOTEL. PORT PERRY. HENRY FOY, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased the above | Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping | with the rapidly increas | prosperity of the Village and neighborhaod, | t! | and with direct reference to the comfort and convenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Dar. Comfortable Stables and attentive {Ostiers, . Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. g cl poe PERRY HOUSE, : PORT PERRY. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, country. Fare $1.00 per Day. Pores HOUSE, MANCHESTER, J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, Having purchased the above Hotel, bas furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars, Every attention paid to guests. Stages to and from Uxbridge call daily.-- Careful Ostlers always in attendance. PATE HOUSE, UTICA. J, DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. Good dai Careful understand in Cail the departments of the terest. An ignorant old lady was asked {over it, broke his right ankle off be- most approved ve 2 the very the lowest DC and grow practice of a rival, if he were not beneat in securing t! to follow--t1 gent community. patronsanl fi snecessful rival tells them, that Harnden is about to leave this locality or insinus whispar, in dread of a contrast, that 11 work 18 not all thut it should be.) Tell him that so far from having the slightest intention pleted arrangements by which his facilities for business shall be vastly increased and that he will be better prepared than ever to supply the eye and the conjunction of the the wants of his numerous patrons with got ata lower rata anywhere else in the Pro- become frequent and prot vinoe, and that Ilarden's prices are even lower sing business and| than those charged for the stuff which pass Port Perry, Oct. 29, 1873. outstanding accounts and notes till parties had an opportunity I expect that immediate pavment in all cases shall now be to do so will incur costs as they will have the Bailiff to deal with. of John Billings, Esq. Solicitor Ontario also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- | Bank, Port Perry. have prevented actual ossculation i 8 ; ; ; "les ; oard to use their infl ith the Ontar- Additions have been made which maker this| The Notes must be paid to myself in the young lady has still another]Y ork, who has been an inveterate B lt 0 use influence wi the On the largest and best House in this section of| Lindsay. Jy g y io Government to obtain for the line a bonus A few months ago Miss 3 Siete oo ems of practical Dentistry. {0° v i hit for by a minister if she had religion.-- 1 oy: left knee and fell into a dry : , i ar Roxelana IToman brought suit for | Sho replied : "1 hove slight ohesi ) wo our work shall all = RECA ach of promise against Mr. Alex: |= 1 ae | mill pond and was drowned. About ; jof it ocoasiond: thirty years after that, on the same » cathe satisfaction) nothing but teria shall be employed and {ander Earle, a prosperous merchant. i 3 § « 5 : Mr. Harle imagined that before The old maxim that "man pro-| gay an old eat had nine tarkey oo As heret od te ible charges made. on wing tgs « Just like a man," upon the law| Vicksburg nurse girls have taken | Boston, where a deaf and dumb fon unsuccomta | ant logic of the matter. Miss Tlo- | to racing with carriages, and hav-! man was talking to his Aunt Peter." EE man admitted there Was no promise, ing recently adopted the hurdle Whereipon the old lady, taking a bh con. | verbal or written, but founded her system, several babies having been | [one breath, exclaimed "Du tell!" mpt, he ought to be exposed to universal | claim upon the fact that Earle had killed. hi : dicule. course never falls | oS 1 i Ce 4 ; nah iiearioin frequently kissed lor. While the | A Now York paper plludes to a tr contempt of an iutelii- [ur happy man was congratulating dog, which, after howling in front himselt on his easy escape, his heart of an editor's door fer an hour, had | within bim was turned to stone by to adjourn for repairs. {hese inconceivable words from the | ne -- Unpleasant Winter Prozpeets, The New York Zimes states that there are in New York 600,000 persons living in tencment houses, and that an unprecedented percentage of the e are now out of employ-- ment and utterly destitute. One hundred thousand of these persons are women who earn their living by the work of their hands, and of these 60,000 are unmarried. Many thousands of these are shirtmakers, who, while they make a dozen of shirts pee day, on an average, receive but from fifty-five tor eighty cents for their work. In "good times" this enables rhem, by strict econ-- omy, to live ; but the force of the panic is now felt amongst them. The Tims makes a very earnest appeal on behalf of these dis-- iressed workers, and mentions the names of several persons who will receive subserip-- tions. The Times distinguished itself dure ing the gummer by getting up excursiors in aid of the poor children of New York. The Subscriber would further state to his nds that when a spiteful, un- _. A French writer has described a Bench spoken by Judge Neilson,' -oung lady as a creature that ceas ndei's | «ith measured accents and slowly J g lady ii A i; i Y to kiss gentlemen at ten and begins | flapping ears. Ie charged that ro : oi g fey : oss a eres . again at sev enteen. + Joenlity, Harnden has justcom | words were necessary to constitute an engagement. "The gleam of | A bachelor editor, who had a very pretty unmarried sister, lately wrote to one similarly circumstanced, | « Please exchange." tes that not is charges arc exorbitant (he f leaving th lips," said this light of jurispru- dence, "are overtures when they racted." The jury, always eager todo a thing which shall be at once idiotic and gallant, gave Roxelana $15,000 for the wear and tear of her lips and affections. Of course the case was appealed, and the higher tribunal has prompt- ly confirmed the decision of the Court below. It is thercfore the law at this hour in the state of New York that if a bachelor kiss a spinster, said spinster may rightfully claim his hand or his goods. In cases where shyness or lack of opportunity may reater prom ptness and dispateh, and as to harges he knows that such work cannot be A good-hearted, but partially deaf old lady,"is much disturbed by the talk about the Kickapoo Indians.-- She doesn't see why anybody should kick a poor Indian. The force of habit is fully illus- trated in the case ot a retired milk- man, who says he never sees a can of water without having an almost irresistiblo desire to put some milk in it. The man who "took a walk" the other day, brought it back again, but the next day he took a ride, and has not since been heard from. A man in Yates County, New hrough the hands of this disappointed rival. Hi. L. HARNDEN. 195 port Perry, oot WEB IMPORTANT NOTICE. To Whom it may Concern. --- Working up the Schema. The Ottawa Free Press says: There has been a deputation consisting of Mr. J. G. Haggart, M. P. for South Lanark, Mr. P.M. Grover, M. P. for Enst Peterborough, the Mayors of Peterborough, and Perth and other gentlemen waiting on the Toronto Board of Trade in the intercst of the Ontario and Quebec Railway. They wish the Toronto WOULD beg to state that having . ently waited for the payment of my of selling their grain, made ; and those failing The accounts are to be paid into the hands smoker for fifty years, has suddenly and permanently given it up. He knocked the ashes off his pipe into a keg of blasting powdor. of $3,000 per mile. They also urged the scheme upon the attention of the Toronto: Merchants, By getting the governmer$ bonus they would be in a position financially to push on the construction of ihe line. As the arrang ts of the C now. stand, they anticipate having the line finishe- ed to Ottawa from Montreal in '75. PE RSE string to her beau; if she can show that he has ever "shined his cye," in her direction, he is her lawful spoil, according to Judge Neilson. Money can be sent with perfect satety by means of Post Office Orders. C. E. MARTIN, M.D. 4! TO RENT! A FIRST CLASS WOOD SHOP ------ - An Indiana gentleman is now Love's Young Drop. living in a house with his fifth wife and three mothers-in-law, and yet he is not happy. A pair of picnickers of San Fran- cisco had a thrilling experience.-- There was a large picnic. It was over, and tho company were wait- HEART DISEASE. Parriratiox, Fees axp IRREGULAR ACTION The people who spend most money or tae Heap Cumep py Feuwows' Coms to the requirements of travelers and guests. and cigars. Good stabling. (ome HOTEL, Perry to Goderich PPLICATION will be made at the next Session of the Legislature of Ontario, for an Act to construct a Railway from Port by way of Uxbridge, New- market and Orangeville, and also further powers to the Bowmanville, b or C CE. Sept: 23, 1873. JOHN FOWLER. 42 y pany, and for power to construct a Branch from some point in the County of Durham to the Northern SAINTPIELD, J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR. AT HOTEL, r WHITBY. A. MASON, -- PROPRIETOR. This Hotel has g Lindsay and | iy a a The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors |' WITH i to at watering-places are the old men : 2 umber Room ing for tho train near a high trestle| with young 'wives--so asserts. a ousp Seve op Hl¥roenospayies, : 1 ig bridge. It was some minutes till > oe od Freeport, Dighy County, N. 8, Feb. 10, 1869, Paint Shop, veteran observed. James I Fellows, Esq--Dear Sir: Grati 1 train time, and a young couple 3 \ A rs Benches, thought they would take a walk on A Waterbury bas christened his | tade to you, and sympathy for the afflicted, ugh y wo ; daughter Glycerine. Ho says it induces me fo send you a written statement Patterns, the bridge to enjoy the delights of of my case, and the cure affected by using will be easy to prefix " Nitro" if her temper rosombles her mother's. «Were you gnarded in your con- duet while in ITondon?" asked a father of bis son, who bad just re turned from a visit to that city.-- «Yes, sir; part of the time by two your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites. In April, 1868, 1 was attacked with pal- pitation of the Heart, I sent for the Doctor, and he said that nothing could be done for me, and that I was liable to die very sude denly ; being very weak and unable to re ty bed, I became discouraged. 1 'After my physician gave me up, I wasjin. love making together with the sen- sation of looking down into the depth of the gulf beneath them.-- They bad made their way about fifty yards over the chasm when a gravel train came shooting around a short bend in their faces: A deep Paint Mill, And éverything in connection therewith ne- cessary to carry on a large business. The Shop is in connection with the Black smith Shop of the undersigned. To a first class man liberal inducements will be offered. F rticulars, apply to : " a hy A. HEARD, |out had hid the train till it was al. policemen. duced to use your Compound Syrup of Hys Manchester. | most close upon them. It: was an A judge at Montgomery, Ala, re- pophosphites, and the effect was wo . Manchester, Oct. 7, 1873. 43 | awful situation, and the lady com-|cently interrupted a very flowery In two days I felt the benefit of i, and after gh re- novation and been fitted up with a view to Railway, in the County of York, aud to the fort and nce of the g change its name, and for amendments to its public. Every attention paid to the Act of Incorporation. table and bar, while obliging and attentive Ostlers will have charge of the stables. Whitby, June 20, 1870. taking half a bottle I was entirely from the complaint, and to this day have Hot: troubled with a return of the Heart Yours, very truly SARAH young orator with--¢ Ilold on, hold on, my dear sirl Don't go any higher! You are already out of the) jurisdiction of this court !" prehended it a5 once, and did not lose her presence of mind, as events proved. They could mot possibly got off the bridge before the train SERVANT GIRL WANTED PPLY AT THIS OFFICE. Port Perry, Oct. 23, 1873.