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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Dec 1873, p. 1

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AND GENERAL PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 14,4873. WHOLE NO. 828 LOOK OUT FOR PROPRIETOR. EVERY a supply of superior Horses prepared to furnish first class NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. On Moderate Terms. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878. ey, "RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ........$0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line , 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum... . 5 00 8&5 Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- Pp and their contents, country School and Churches, Advertisthents received for publication. without specific instructons, willbe inserted | | watil fordid and charged aiccodingly. No advertisment will be taken out until paid for .* A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. - §@¥" These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. '| Brock St., Whitby. Job Department. Phamplets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- 'grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and color, executed promptly and at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. . Parties from a distance getting hand ills, &c. printed can have them done to take home with them. J. BAIRD. OVFR ROSS' STORE, PORT PERRY Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1873. -- * 2 Professional exes. |W. M DENTISTRY. = DE: JONES & MALLORY, Physicians, Surgeans and Accoucheurs, Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. executed in the best style. Utica, July 15, 1873. R. JONES, M. D,, CORONER, ~ E. MALLORU, County Untario. M.D, C0, rm R. BRATHWAITE, H. L. HARNDEN, L.D.S., 4 W. BURNITAM, Clerk of the Port Perry. - 434 3 « slon Court. Port Perry. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally, for the liberal patron- age bestowed upon Tim for the past five years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and | careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Sales or Collecting. Bi'ls draughted and Blank Notes furnished | with free of charge. prosperity of the Also Bill Stamps always on hand. and with direct ro convenience of the public. Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Ttwelve Years Experience, Qrece over Mr. Gordon's Store, Office hours from 19 a. m, to 3 p. E WARE, Coronor for the County of Physician, Surgeon and Ac- Di Ontario, 'coucheur, notes Prince Albert. Queen Street, PORT PERRY RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. October 29, 1873. & DEGRASSI, Lindsay. Dr MARTIN a RS. MCGILL & RAE, Physciang, Surgeons, &o.. &e, Offoe and Residences, King st, Oshawa, FRANCIS RAF, M,D. PORT PERRY. | { M. RC. 8, Guy's | lund. The'liyeR. WM MGILT, MLD. Hotel has fitted it up in a style F, NohBiE, M.D, egttal, Yume, Bre the rapidly increasing b A ! WwW. E. YARNOLD, x ee eee eT SETI E. FAREWELL, L C. M'KENZIE, PEE Sorter having Sov, A SR Carriages, is LIVERY RIGS C. MCKENZIE. L) "THE ONTARID PARMERY Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is repared to accept risks on Farm Buildings Those wishing to insure and . will be at our risk, thereby su] pport a Home Insurance Com ertisments measured by Nonpareil, - have now an opportunity of doing so, and!tharged acogrding to the space they ac~ by applying to the Head Office, er to any of ou ; » the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, L, FAIRBANKS, Jr, Secretary. TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT JAMES SQUIRE. WM. SPENCE, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. RICK-LAYING,STONE-WORK, PLAS- TERING, &c., in all their departments, Office in Bigelow's Block, 1 Houses Third Divi- reper poral CANADIAN HOTEL. HENRY FOY, - PROPRIETOR. 'The Subscriber having leased the above in keeping usiness and Village and neighborhood, ference to the comfort and support accorded ™ his business to best stock of BABNBGY SADDLES, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, And everything in his line, the public in the North Ri He is determined to sell as Cheap as any other House in the Trade. Z@~ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thanking his customers for the liberal u to him during the past eighteen years, he will do his utmost to merit a continuance of the same. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, June 18, 1875. DAVIS & SONS' STEAM Capmver Factory! PORT PERRY, 1E Subscribers always stantly on hand. + newest styles, The American of Hearse. J. W. DAVIS & SONS. E Subscriber having removed the whole New Premises ! Built tor the purpose, in ' PERRY,| Now presents to the public the largest and ding of Ontario. (and are constantly manufacturing more) a_large Stock of just such FURNITURE! As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. TERIAL, the Best WoRrkMANSHIP, and at sven Prices as cannot fail to suit. All of Cuoice Ma- UNDERTAKING In all its departments promptly : attended to and charges moderate. © COFFINS of all sizes kept con SHROUDS of all sizes and : CASKET OR BURIAL CASE ; procured on short notice. Hearse. Also an ordinary style After all the Wakeful Years. The Wrong Bed. Alphabet of Apothegms, Ta} thon so hard in: die? Site At a late 'hour the other night, | A void an angry man for awhile a malicious aw red quite 8 bridal party arrived in the), J forever De is bot bank nothingness. gy 4 put up at one of our hotels. | ~ © iy io the rel #0 well 251 the \ ow it seeitie to bo © bride was accompani A . Laid in some dear chamber dead, gentlemen Tho a ee Yen onliaee erator EE ly Sony om il : © reg are fruits, words are but leaves. : tearfal usual way, but in some E ndeavour to be what you would appear to Move around with awed, hushed tread. : 8 : Then we shall be seeping dep, way » mistake was made in register- Their's, not ours, will be the tears, be, wy ing in the identity of the bride. The |" stars, though, made of gold, stedetjon atte [hoses sped on toward she dwn, aod (0h mies have vil, othr, oy wpe te othe oa oe rs 1 oo a, ou to No more heat, or rains, or snows, them in ) E oe he iN in ts. y * "of him? Tm. tience gradually grew into terror. She rang the bell and the servunt , iron chains, M ake good use of time if you love eter-- nity. P N a beleive rashly nor reject obstinate-- No more waking unto tears ; Is it then so hard to sl & FE the a Duart? knocked at the door. y. 1 ! ------ ¢ Do you know where my husband | © he eyenRitness is better than ten hear- is?' she inquired. ¢ Ain't he here, ma'am?' 'No.' : ¢ Maybe he stepped out into the oir, ma'am, and will be back direct- y. P overty wants some ; luxury, many; avarice, all things. Q nick believers need broad shoulders. R eckless youth make ruefull age. 8 peak not at all, rather than speak ill. The key of the day and the lock of the night is prayer U nmerited honors never wear well. Virtue that parleys is near a surrender Write injuries in dus', but kindness in marble. Y outh seeks renown ; old age, repose. Z eal in a good cause is vommenable, «Spelling Down." Didn't we used to feel 'big' at spolling school, when, in a solemn manner, the schoolmaster stepped upon the rostrum, and erasing all traces of the day's arithmetical ex- ercises upon the blackboard, sung out in a voice, a cross between a deacon's and a heavy tragedian's, name, coupled with some member of the opposition side as the two upon whom fell the honor of choosing sides. ever offered to ¢ I'm afiaid ; oh, do inquire at the office and see if there is any intelli- gence about him.' The seryant retired, and in a fow moments returned with information that there was nonv. The wife was then alarmed in earnest. She never had a husband before, and like the man who drew the elephant in the | lottery, scarcely knew what to do with the animal. : buy a good suit, and take tu in weari In her anxiety she went to the it : A room of her bridesmaid, and knock ed at the door: «Who's there? came in accents unmistakably masculine. ¢ Me, Sarah; but mercy, who are ou ?' There was a sudden stir, and tho Ba sho shave often. : Tall ot 3 sot falli ri Vhile withessing a game of base-! oul sound of feet falling heavily on the West, a boy was struck on marin fo carpet floor. Who-in the devil am I in bed with, then ?' she heard the man say as the door swung open and her hus- | too sweet to live a minute." band's face peeped out. A Burlington Towa, man bought a light " : xe. boca rife was sick ¢ ) «Oh! I'm distracted about you Re re Mediu nu ion Oh a cov » ET where have you been # When they told Jim Oxford, of Virginia, «T,ve been here in bed; but dence Uncle.--, How, how did the mother of Moses hide him 2" Neice-- With a stick." An accomplished bar-keeper in New Or- leans mixes rinks in six different languag- cs. Two Oil city bloods club their money and How high we lifted our cowhide boots as we stepped oft to the corner of the room where the line of ortho- sraphical battle was to be formed! Of course the first name called was that of our sweetheart, though (must wo 'say it?) she was the poorest speller in the school, and her forma- tion of words would frighten the ortrait of old Noah Webster from the title page of the first page. She was the handsomest young girl in the whale school; her cheeks were as red as a Baldwin apple, and her curls, which had been elaborately twisted around a hot poker, were natural, and besides that, she had agreed to go homo from all the sing- ing schools for a month ahead, with us. So we chose her at once, and while she was tripping to her place at our side, the other leader, as if to seck revenge and pay court to Mars « Doctor, what will cure the fever oflove?" & the chill of wedlock, mademosielle." Quiet, but firm. "Wanted, by a strong | German; a situation in an eating house. -- He understands the business, 'An Indiana lady held a burglar by the whiskers until her husband came home.-- keep on hand bawl comming out of his mouth, A lady reporter gent to an agricultural | fair wrote of a lot of young pigs: * They look Alaske, and the ted about it. -- The that he was dying, ke replied, ¢ Wall, don't instead of Venus, selected for his take me? thought Fou were £00, , put dis Shinmes oh Hy ls first choice the very best scholar in Oh ! James, it Was me, An Arkansas obituary notice: ¢J, P--, school, a girl though homely as ¢ Who was it, then ? of Holena, on Monday, 3rd inst, aged 14 Barnum's 'What is 1t? could go| Why, t's Sarah.' years, Lis last words were: +1 didn't know through the spelling book like light-| «The devil.' it a aoe Liss 4 * ; r fellow-townsman, Joi an nox, wen ning, and mas on much at home | «Op! no, James, it was Sarah.-- Hang out of Centerville on a pale horse among words of seven syllables as|1)in't you know it, James?' tt wiht." is the gist of a fecling obit {hose of two. The work began, and yO i oe Sth 08 8) tos) ing AY shall] on «Blast mo if I did! I found her notice(in a Louisiana paper. the quota of spelling was soon filled, Si] ; | They have found gold though we must confess that our | 1S1eeP, and thinking this Was your'e ei ncisco people are mind becameslightly confused while |*POM, Lerept into bed and went 10 ye ai :w there was gold there. sleep replied J ames, evidently im- Russians ot seven millions of it. Style of holding ¢ our girl's' hand 'and choos P ! & ing at the same time, and our side [I ssed with the idea that he had a ince the new-fangled buckles came in ult task to argue. ! vogue, it is extraordinary how door-plates was weak, mentally, compared with a that of. Bill Jones. in rural [districts have disappeared. Ts she asleep yet James ? Mrs. Partington will not allow Ike to 2! I. B., County Crown il rt oJ . Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, { P. L. SURVEYOR, Arrangements can be made for sales &c., b i Ty Yoficitor, und Notary Public. Office Intely oc- < 5 4 i | Strict attention paid to the Table and the Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873. 49-1y . " 5 + "hy. tv "ar NOT Ty 'L, Coehrane, Bsay Laois Bag i {i at the OnsERvER Office, and ut the Standard | po nh Staton ie if After order was obtained among ¢W hy, don't you hear her gnore ?' 4 iavthe guitar. She says he had it once i W aitby. Ls} (i Office, Port Perry. WINTON Ostlers the scholars, 'Old Jacket-Duster,' But just then Sarah waked up, when be was a child and it nearly killed 4 ¢ C I J J A A - # z LM. xX, wl ; i" a « teacher, would pull ont a dog's- and seeing a man in her room, set up him. 'MAN IL. ENGLIS IL. Ib., Solicl $&5~ Terms 8 per day." @a % Neither labor nor expense will be spared JEWELRY BOOK STATIONERY our te 3 P 2 £8 nan 1 z 4 TaN 1. LL Jb i in a Terms, $6 p ¥ fh Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873 in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy ) ) cared copy of ¢ Webster's Llemen- vg which filled the hall with" Chi Ast esha a id tachel- a TN ~ a ~ = f public patronage. ANCY G 3 . bird x -lenv rio 0. or who wanted to marry : Alas ! alas e i OfMice--Si t un the Post Office | CINEREA a 1 THOS. H. WALSHE. : Ne a 1869. AND FARO ans ih > hos fy Jouve lio Jong snes Poy . he bride f 1 cried, after he had been married awhile. 4 TE -- OE IERIE SNS EY L555 Auctioneer for the Township ' ! MPORIUM, ls ' a in a voi 2 a i es erty Deaton 9 2 A pasion writes, Disg the pouya) ou i COUNG SMI' JL. B., Barris - Ea a ¢ Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in i ix ; q i $6) Sak Ye 3 HITS, EH) t se a ae $ . a note, and sa; ¢ are in a horrible x oun 3 relia ly Barner, Ab Er Tr 3 + Norte Ohi Maroon, eto, in tho County pe PERRY HOUSE, 20 BW Ee % higher than his ordinary tone, ny the hurry of explaining the matter crisis there hota sick manin the parish. sid Iusol atary Putile, de, CHAS. THORN, V.S., |5f Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. . Cl --_-- ceeded to ¢ put out' the words alter- | to the wife lie had neglected to put ee PORT PERRY. the two sides. The contest |on his pants; and now in his eager ! Bronchitis. Ofiee--MoNilian's Block, Brock street, MBER of the Veterinary Institute, Orders left at this office, or at his residence y Debts col-- i 5 Whi N Chicago, TI. Gold Medalist for the - ye pansbitiy oi al a ] 03 Te inati ice scted in Cannington, or otherwise, and \ ol MBI MACDONNELT, Barristers best examination on Horse Practice. Author | 1¢¢ h gion, Wish, iv JAN i ye at Lnw, iota, County of a First Prize Essay on Shocing. Gradu- prompt remittances made, Remember-- | | . Council, Untario. Oftices : Court House. ated Sept. 16, 1867. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- | a Styl ¢ ¢ Style. Whitby. cer. >. C, CAMERON, J. J. MACDONNELL. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is now prepared to treat all cases entrusted to his care in the most skillful and scientific manner. All orders left at the Medical Hall of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention, The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. John Mc Donald, MARBLE DEALER ! NEWCASTLE, ONT. N ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head- AVL Stones of great variety, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- eteries, supplied at short notice. Also the large: country. Fare $1.00 per Day. QQ A. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor + in Chancery'. 'Ofce In the Royal Arcade, © Port Perry. $s HOTEL, AMES LAMON, Attorney at Law, Solicitor J in Chancery, Conveyaacer, &o.--Lan Kgent, &e., Uxbridge. Office in Parish's Block, Main Sireot, 3 Uxbridge. : Ath 1 pap a Ta Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite, os N JLINGS, Ba Attorney oi 3 Jo BIN ra Notary bie H E N R Y G 2, IS T Parties will find it to their 'advan- Jon hey HI a a bY Conveyancer, «c. Office over Ross' Store, . : 9 | tage to withhold their orders until called on r= lic ) Port Perry. PATENT SOLICITCR END DRAUGHTSMEN, (by Crd, pa J. C. WILLIAMSON, OTTAWA, CANADA, AGENT Transacts business with the Patent Office The Table careful C. N. VARS, L. D. 8. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- without pain by producing focal avesth- | gary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared of the Invention. [Private Funds) Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1873. November, 21, 1866. LICENSED AUCTIONEER orem? GURTIN FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! newly TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALE in Stone Jars. HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co, and ope ; Ravgnsrcus-H. P. Greggs, Port Hi Esq. Rev. J. T. Byrne, Whitby ; Jos. Gould, Uxbridge. All orders addressed to J. C. Pilkey, Ep- som P. O., or left at the Opsenver OFFICE, and cigars, Every HE Subscriber would take this oppor 1 tunity of thanking his numerous Cus--- tomers for the large measure of patronage bestowed upon him during the past Ten PORT and SHERRY WINE, ALSO i ALD. WELLS' TORONTO ALE. ; DT HOUSE, UTICA. CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auctionecrs for the County market and Orangeville, and also further powers to the Bowmanville, Lindsay and Bobcaygeon Raid Company, and for power to construct a Branch from some point in the County of Durham to the Northern Railway, in the County of York, and to change its name, and fot amendments to its Act of Incorporation. * . dl &e. R the Township of Brocly Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Kama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, » 'gE Parties entrusting their Sales to me ay rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. public, table and bar, R. RICHARDSON, { SSUER of Marriage Licenses _ Lot 10, in the 1st concession of WM. GORDON, JOHN FOWLER Office-- Sunderland, Brock. Brock, Sept: 23, 1873. oY : The above commodious hots renovated and furnished throughout, and has ample accommodation for the re- Ostlers will have charge of Whitby, June 20, 1870. | JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased this excel- with a view to the accommoda- will Ye glad to new to take part in the hospitality of the Queen's. ly supplied, Choice Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and eT inserted on all the latest princi- | and other departments of the Government | ranted. : ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- | Copyrights and the Registration of Trade| january 10, 1872 3 Stables punctually attended to. oxt, and as good as the best. Tecth filled | Marks and Designs procured, Drawings, y > The Queen's is convenicntly situated a with Gold and Silver. . Tecth extracted | gpecifications, and other Documents neces- MON RY few rods west of the Post fice. WARE J. 0 Ss , osia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new | on receipt of the mods block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King emer | To LooAN OR good Firms, at 8 per cent in- Stroet, Oshawa. gE terest, : NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, ea auctioneers. LYMAN ENGLISH, A . C. D. h PILKEY Busnes, bo. t PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. J. C. ' aws,| WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. 14 Having purchased the above Hotel, has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors attention paid to guests. Uxbridge call daily.-- Port Perry, will be promptly attended to. REMOVAL £3 tages fro ov. ; Jo. PILEEY: OTARD'S BRANDY. : Sa ware in attendance. --_-- Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. 38 | KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. WHITBY. A. MASON, ~ PROPRIETOR. 'This Hotel has undergone & thorough re- novation and been fitted up with a view to the comfort and convenience of the traveling Every attention while obliging and attentive| Tssuer of Mar Commissioner, &c. Office--Manchester. the stables. el has been to the pe Subscriber in tendering Lis hearty | nately to thanks to his numerous customers for | waxed wi their liberal patronage, 1, and Guests«are cared for in| just been replenish od Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers 'Additions have been made which makes st and best House in this section of | goods can be s tion of Goods of the patterns and best quality this | the lowest possible figures In FINE would inform them a ig fev? The above House is now most comfort-| and the public generally, the 'small fry It search for them he was dancing pygsponr, Dighy County, N. S. Jan, 1868. arourd the round like one pos! ssed ; Ma. James I, Feuzows--Sin: In the win- now and then imploring Sarah to ter of 1868, 1 wus afflic «1 with a severe hush-- attack of Bronchitis, and although our doc- , : Tee | tors were v attentive, and uscd all means «I'm going, don't you se in their power, they failed to afford me much But Sarah was seeing too much, armer, and down went all on the simplex words. ht, ction: Aare At last only half a dozen were left atest styles, newest | OD 8 side. ~¢Our girl" had come near which he offers at | gQINg down on thé word 'Coffee, at which such | (sho always commenced it with XK) e ? relief. I obtained your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, and took it until it made a old. but we set her right in a whisper y if, GOLD JEWETRY; Chains, though Bill Sl tho eo ot and she wouldn't hush ; and the wife permanent cure. Iam now in perfect health Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Brooches, &c., &¢.{ ad = ould have informed : in the hall, hemmed in by the eager gg free from Eronchitis. fry in great varicty |1PS: crowd, had tried to ¢ aity, but Respectfully yours, Goldine and Fancy Jewe TN BO Beautiful Bibles, Books, &c., &c. Poetry, History, SCHOOL Books, &c., &c. Forms such as Inks of the best quality Fancy Goods in gr and other fine Wools. The best Sewing jon furnished at prices tion. 1 am Agent for the manufactured by Pianos, Organs and Concertinas, &c., opposite President..... Vice-President. Becretary .... dollars per month. Large Family Bibles and cvery variety of | ¢ Prayer All the best authors in Biography, &c. A large and complete assortment of BOOKS. An excellent variety of Albums. In Stationery :--Ledgers, A large assortment of Legal Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Leascs, &c., &c. Writing- Books, Paper and | ears 8 eat variety. will be fold at the lowest possible figures. Machines in the Domin- Ladies' Work Boxes. Remember the place--Allen's Emporium, | ranks. the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. TORONTO. Incorporated... Capital - $84.00.000. Hon. John MeMurrich. 32 King St. East, Toronto. j= CHRISTIE, TOWNSHSP CLERK, MENDALL CROCKER. Agricultural Socey, teacher had be not at that moment received a stunner in the shape of phthisie," which occupied his mind to the exclusion of all else, but which ho would have mastered had not a wad of chewed papers struch him at that instant in the mouth, and 0 and wife esc affected his utterance as to lead the while Miss Sarah master to think be had omnted one against all further intrusion. ¢h, and he sat down swearing, and| The next morning explanations |, we had the satisfaction of seeing hig | were gone into, but there's no deny- lapped with a piece of rubber {ing that both the ladies were the Borin Pe his prosnmy. There oe 10W | jenst incredulous, and it is suid a : i t ve on the other side and six on| perceptible. coldness has grown up Everything on stock | our when the teacher of the other Dn them, whilst lr school took the floor and we saw | tional offending bridegroom walk that thero was blood in his cye the | about a good deal, his head down, moment he said, ¢ We will now land evidently indulging in unplea- her head | a ive the pants were 1 1 Li failing in this, had lean against the wall and was enjoying hearty cry. At last however, found and put on, and the husband | apud to their chamber, pry Subscriber will Le at Plank's Hotel, locked her door ba Uxbridge, on Thursday, the 11th De- | cember, from Nine o'clock a.m, till Five p. m. for the purpose of PAYING ANY PRIZES That may remain unsettled -at that date, from the North Ontario E. D. Agricultural |S y, of which all parties will please take notice. OKS: Books, Hymn Journals, Day which defy competi- THOS. C. FORMAN, famous Instruments | proceed to spell the Bible proper ath R. 8. Wilson of Toronto.-- eh P PYOPer {gant meditations. Treasurer. Melodeons, Violins, : « / rr, | Nov. 27, 1873. 56-2w ? of the best description. This exercise soon thinned our When that Albany editor got @ letter in-| man ear, and containing that was all that was left | ' he walk- o | closing a dried hun the statement that ¢ of one man who wrote against me, Four of the enemy and on forces went down at one shot Port Perry, Nov. 18,1873. of our e i ception of guests, It supplies a most con- he Toronto Mai--daily and weekly Schachad ibid rt : . 'Worse inform the public generally ED | venient point for Commercial travelers.| and the Toronto Grone--daily and weekly | 01 © ebuchadnezzar. ur girl | eq away on his. ve months afer date I promise to URGEON DENTIST, Uxbridge Village that he has resumed the business of AS IMPOR !| Comfortable and roomy stabling and at-| for Sale. let go of our hand and wilted on | Jur said a Western Judge, * you kin go pay Georss Mills, or bearer, the sum of All Dental operations performed witp | Auctioneer. 'Thanking Lisnumerous fricn ds ---- tentive ostlers. THOMAS ALLEN. |¢Pharoah' before 'we could inform | ont id find a verdict. Tt you RE find one | Thirty Dollars, at my place, lot No. 1, 3rd : tip bined skill and care, Wariantil to gh fo son oo ag ed % ENRY CH ARLES Port Perry, September 24, 1873. her Wheilor it commenced with F gf your own, get the one the lant fury cd. cou. of Mariposa, for valae received. a charge, and at prices Which | | Te, it regard to the interests of his patrons, REE HOUSE, y a r, and 1 nally oe Josted ov ot = TE ur # verdict of suleide JOHN es MCTAGART. wn. x $11 furth tended patronage. AD axateoad e simple wo saac, an ° gree, ' A + BaF" Dealer AY kinds of Jowelsy, Fanay a nt site fo H* Resefval further sippy of NARCHEETRE, WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y pion wae a small Loy of ten |, A Rochester oditor went bunting the other | 1 Dana aes. Goods, &c. os ol cars Nass, F. : ' nished froe of charge. J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, ¥ oa wo he ig 1 hes 21 and ho was Jacky enough to bring down ph NOTICE. 0 raham, Bh o only word | gid farmer by a shot in the leg. Distance, | 'This is to forbid all parties from purchas- ing or in any way negotiating the above Note, as Ihave not received value for it and will not pay it. which he could spell was that with | sisty-sixyards. which he had won that day. A man at Andover, Mass,, does not believe But the sorrows and troubles of ns in pice, ii he Jas Jou suid XG nr 3 cel ec! le ous Youthful days never ated long |i pc os ad hs et Y 9 ' it steadi r sixty-four years. the happiness of having the rosy ns ry » > ¢ checked girl all to ourself in the A gentleman, in search of A H : work, met on hi; back end of the sleigh, and three inp ae ~~ veeresnesessn 18300 ms JOHN X McTAGART. 5 MARK. x Mariposa, Vov. 19, 1873. 48 TENDERS man to do lady not as ked her: 'Cun +ee.G. Magrath, Esq. Bernard Haldan, Esq. years in which he has practiced his profession of Ontario, : % DENTIST in thin locality, and would n° rv WALKER'S Extra MALT and RYE. Good accommodaons. Careful attention JAMES EmhaLE buffalo robs that we had stolen to {you tell me whicre I can find a man? X05, form the public generally. that he oe RE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere a | to the requirements of travelers and guerts. conceal our taces and render unin-|I cannot,' she replied, ¢ for I have been look- FOR Fomoved his office to Port vert, bed < in the County. "The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors -_-------------- ltelligible the whispered words of ing these twenty years for one myself! . qa Currie's Store, Where be Te Mh] Parties placing their Sales in our hands A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, | and cigars. Good stabling. [ADVERTISEMENT] sympathy and affection that wef Avery prudent man in Davbury provides BUILDING (CHURCH l % So wi mn ead bi prt yy iy bl kon aan. Us| Codi, Oana Seti Fie £85 J pion x ER a mon : « {given to their in 4 ENTRE HOTEL on! an el ore ood that covered her curls. Two overitpet, fo i . : aR a Doel spenies performed. on he)" Grothors is also Agent for al inia of [En Py, Sept 8, 1878: C : s aaa BO i Aven and The Leos a | Vy 11 reiced By fe nderdgned, jcul 1 i Ty ildi Tooth extracted and filled with the Teast [AS P NO TICE. EAINTRIBLD, NEW MAP fow strong peppermint drops that |then puts after the first, and thus not only | Von neat ai ble annoyance and arti teeth fur-| All orders addressed to @. Crothers, Epsom PPLICATION will be made at tho next J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR. we had been hoarding up on this|saves much chaffing from the Joreisnersty, OD en in Port Perry, 36x63 x PE arranted to give satisfaction. | P. 0., will reccive prompt attention. A Session of the Legislature--of Ontario, or 7858 occasion were dull and tasteless | but actually get crodit as a philanthropist, | 3 "4c" tho 15th August ne Ww Gord for an Act to construct a Railway from Port ALES HOTEL, . |Dominion of Canada. |compared to the condensed extract he ahr one 1 in) 5ione on the; all m. (Gordons Perry to Goderich by way of Uxbridge, New- Profit from two hundred to three hundred | of sweetness that we daringlysnateh- 1° wigeen pounds of dried apples were taken be furnished notice by shing a marri . io a which feads to the Plastering, A Job swell afe s8ing the | ag pay for publi way home. She said | an Towa paper, recently ; ere wero so | inference that the wedding was a 1 while | fir. + Pay me that twenty-five cents you owe me!" roared a newsboy to a bdotblack.-- + Haven't got the currency, Jam-sy,' respond- ed the burnisher; 'but 1 can glve you a eer= tificd cheek.' ' Permanent spleen. ed from her lips when cro TROY & ot work, and Painting R iin ahr i ne Fort Perry, Nov. 25, 1678 bridge on our she had forgotten th many bridges on that road we--woll, gentle reader, you cannot have forgotten how the old thing worked in those days before the Licenses--Conveyancer

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