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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Dec 1873, p. 3

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4 rms cre em . per yard, CHEAPER!!! 03% + CHEAPEST { £1 ditions will be made to the Stoek from this forward. | As amost every description of Goods costs * |'less money this season than formerly, T need » |scarcely assure my customers that I shall . give them the full benefit of the reduction. As usual, my object has been and will be, to get the BEST GOODS at REASONABLE |. PRICES and sell them at small profits. hy Just opened, a large lot of In addition to the ordinary Staple Dress Goods, I am now offering & beautiful assort- ment of . NEW IMPORTATIONS PORT PERRY. : Black & Colored Silks Consisting of Black and Colored Lustres--rare value. Black and Colored Cobourgs--best value. Plaid Wincies, new designs--very cheap. | Plaid Wincies--Clan Tartans--rich. _ English Meltons in Olive, Brown, Snuff, Blick and Blue, and Black. Just what is wanted by every man who needs a first class Over-Coat. pv o 5 Somethitig very fine in Gent's Plaids, The Subscribers beg td an- |New Patterns, Rich Colors, and at very ? nounce the arrival of large Stocks of New Goods, in addition to their already large Stock, which they are pre: pared to Sell at a small ad- ; At prices much lower than usual wholesale quotations. FLOWERS, and DRESS TRIMMINGS, the assortment is complete and will be kept up throughout the season. Special attention to Dress Making and Millinery. . Clothing ready made and made to order in the newest styles and the workmanship vance on Cost. guaranteed. A full assortment of Cloths, Tweeds, and Trimmings. PRICRSY BOOTS AND SHOES! SPECIAL. Our White Flannels at 30c Stock complete in Felt and Rubbers in all desirable kinds. Our Dress Goods at 157204 25 and 30 cts--worth 25, 35 and 40 cts. 1 Our Cloth Muntles--very Boots and Shoes, ow. : 2 WEE Our Japanese Silks at 50c, k: i § 4d worth 90c. / du 3 $A Or Tweeds at 60 and 5c, Ready-made Clothing, | worth 90c and 8100. SPECIAL. Our Men's Stoga Boots, at G1 1% hr a Groceries, ur Young Hyson lea a : ; 5c, worth G0c. Coton Bags Coton Bags! Our Layer Raisins, new fruit, at 123 cts. : ak criesially in vos bands of $ if} Our Valentia Raisins at 6c i Bid i per lb. And other Goods propor tionately low. with COTTON YARN, NEW TEAS! . ; : 'White and Color'd, SAVORY 0G Give us a call WATERLINE AND SALT! . yALE a paris visiting Jour pany don't Tash paid for Wheat, Peas, | stand, new Barley, Oats, Pork, &e. . DAVIS' BLOCK. NAILS, GLASS, PAINTS, &e. ¥ em J EP am Eni Cash for Barley, Wheat, Oats, JOHN H. BROWN. : Peas, Poriand Butter: ROBERT ROSS. « Quen Saver, Post Prar. GEO, CURRIE. A considerab'e portion of my Fall Importa- ! tions is alrsady ro hand and almost daily ad- AND AND : BILL LUMBER OF In MILLINERY mstcrials, RIBBONS, ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND AT i \ ) g i i Port Pemy, Sept. 10th, 1878; A. W.ROBERTS. Port Perry, Nov. 20,1873. Port Peary, Bept 24, 1873. BLES = CONSTANTLY ON HAND CUT TO ORDER|.::: 3 STON MILLS, PORT PERRY. - belongs to JONES BROTHERS, PORT PERRY. Since the opening of Fall Trade, the great demand for their Cheap Goods and the crowds con- tinnally thronging their Stores, have rendered it improssible to renew it for some time. They would now request the special attention of THE LADIES To their unusually large and attractive Stock of MILLINERY GOODS! Last year, at this season, they found it impossible to meet the extraordinary demand for their STYLISH HATS AND BONNETS This Season, they have made timely provision, and are now showing an Immense Stock of trimmed Goods, adapted to the varied wants and tastes of all classes. CALL AT THEIR SHOW ROOM. : JONES BROTHERS. 'Dec. 4, 1873. > = Taylor's Store, a [BR x ve MANCHESTER. TS Subscriber would embrace the present opportunity of thanking his customers for the! liberal patronage bestowed upon him since opening business at Manchester, and bas | now much pleasure in stating, that having - purchased the Store and premises, he will be in a position to further extend his business aud offer still greater inducements to customers. ipo Lk 0 f ' D ry Goods d My GROCERIES, &C. = - TO MY CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL 1 bil to quality of goods and moderation price will always be aimed at. The Newest Styles of Dry Goods, &c., | Will always be selected with thg greatest care. The entire satisfaction of customers both i And choice and Fresh GROCERIES constantly supplied and sold at such prices as cannot HE Subscriber fail to satisfy purchasers. 3 Subs Manchester, Nov. 11, 1873. having received the greater portion of bis | FALL. & WINTER STOCK oF JOHN TAYLOR. Very Important Notice ! i This space, which has usually 'been occupied with FREsH "advertisements from week to week, | PETIA w ant Semiei ad CHOICE g #1 Fe NEW 6000S we" a AT 3% *\BOOTS AND SHOES ! From the best manufactures, and being con- stantly making up work on the premises, he is now in a position to call the attention of the public to his immense Stock which for [Variety Che «, nnd Good Work- sirip ! | cannot: be led in this or adjoining | Countics. His facilities for purchasing, to- gether with long experience of the his description of goods, gives ntage over those who mix this with others, Toots andi| considered by them of minor qualities ¢ « 1 to the selection of Dry Goods and the wholesale dealer in an opportunity of disposing | of oh work as regular manufacturers of the Ss | article could not be induced to purchase on {any terms. Let all, then, who are in want f OTS and SHOES, OVER-SHOES, A or in fact anything pertaining to ss Shoe Shop, give him a call, narantees to prove that if a good ymbined with the least possible ad- on Cost is any inducement for them , a sale will be effected. Being | deterniined that the wants ot the public shall . | he supplied in" this partic ular, he has made A large and Fresh Stock comprising in part Java and Rio Coffees (ground or in the Bean | arrangements whereby weekly adc i --warranted pure and fresh.) Teas Black and Green, hill grades and prices. Sugars, Raisins, | be made, and all NEW STEL Currants, Soaps ; Tobaccos, smoking and chewing, the best brands, Rice, Barley, Cornmeal, | GOODS®S they appear, will be received re- Oatmeal, Biscuits, Confectionery, &c., &c. i wilities for purchasing squal to those ng in our large towns Your attention A good assortment for Fall and Winter use, which will be sold at the Lowest Cash Price. | HARDWARE, CROCKERY § GLASSWARE of all kinds. 'Which will be Sold Extremely Low. te I. C. FORMAN, Prince Albert, Oct. 15, 1873. [is particularly ¢ led to goods of my own 2 | manufacture, none but the very best = x fate k is used, and for neatness and durability 5 will be found equal to anything that can be { A h ND JHOL Q The great pressure of orders has compelled BOOTS 2 N 0) uo. the Subscriber to strenuously exert himself to obtain additional first-class workmen, and . % i nse Stock that those cforts have been crowned with heavy consignment ex cted daily to complete our already immense Stoc Kk. SA obit iss READY MADE CLOTHING. | success. Men's Wellington Boots from $2.25 to Five Dollars. Boy's and Girl's wear, in every variety, to suit all classes of customers. Wanicd immediately four first-class and the highest wages will be given--would prefer one to make se wed work. Cash for any quantity of Hides and Tallow. J obtained in this country. The Stock does not need recommending, it is. well known as the Largest, the Dest, and the he expects shortly tobe able toannontos 7.00. Ladies' Boots from Onc Dollar to workmen, to whom constant employment J. WRIGHT. 46 ------ TY IT! domestic Thunder EW and *Curtain| THE EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS STOVE! [T= ST SET Ghee - 7 * Town of Whitby, Commencing on > Monday, 15th December, 1873, At 1:30 P. ML, for Second Class, and on Tuesday 16th December, at 9 A. M., for Third Class. ~ The examination of Candidates for. SURE THING, To prevent impending Storms, Feminine Pettishness Lectures, go at once (0 A. E. MCCAW'S AND GET A NEW Oct. 3, 1873. Port Perry, Nov. 1,1873. A. B. McOAW, Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. -- / FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES FIRST CLASS CERTIFICATES Will be held at the same place; commencing ON FRIDAY, 267 DECEMBER, At 1:30 P.M. $ Fo 1t is indispensable that Candidates fa 5 should notify the County Inspector not ater ! than the 20th November, of the intention to Carriage Works . present themselves for examination. Ontario Trung Ae ALBERT. PRINCE 1. P. 8, Co. Ont. A chia 4 vey LARGE NUMBER OF THE MosT STYLES} [ielyign of Partnership ! BUGGIES! a the village of Manchester, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent J. H. Brown These Buggies are extra superior both in Material, Workmanship, Style and will collect all assets and pay all liabilities. Finish, while the prices are such as cannot fail to satisfy all. An inspection will secure their sale. gen. Call and inspect them. > JAMES EMANEY. {wi On Show and being built at the ONTARIO CARRIAGE Works, PRINCE ALBERT. ed J. H. Brown and 8H. Christian, of itness M. BriTToN. | Manchester, Now. 7, 1873, (ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS Pac Ausent, April 16, mn | heir importance, their attention being principally | | dic | MANCHESTER. My Stock is now, very comi- plete in every Department ; having been assorted by large Additions of new and Choice Goods of every description and from the Best Markets. 1 have ulso lowered the prices of all classes of Goods ; and purchasers may rest assured of getting as good value for their money as at any other House in the trade. SPECIAL: The best Factory Cotton in the County 123 cents per yard. PEN Paid for Wheat; Barley Peas Pp Qats, Pork, &e.y a a §, I. Cosmas" -

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