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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Dec 1873, p. 1

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cord EN Ee osteo usgffad | Brgy Huis, - AE vigor Hiv (RR oonagildo ct | oo , 4 RH asldui a wd) of ® tm (tre noi lof « J 'odd of ! r LN ot co NER Stef oF at died : Mio? ua wy pl pres Jil 214 DERELFS WHIT WLS EO wi "a AV AISTAY TS fiw bea within He a & adi . yi qt AoE tee of fetariinl vem ess A SAN De GENE RIT a ofl 2p on he samen) yroolf £ 20 NE RA L Wht ig! wn ADVERTISER. gave AIeJAR SHOT nos PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1873. | WHOLE NO. 830 ry Professional Eads. |. TIE TO ies _-- i ; ls ry a RPT oe EWSPARER,|. 166. The Clerk of every munici~ Surgical and Mochanical Dentist, | POBR BX PBBBT £ Abn 153. The Slowing gorsons' shal on = Sing us. to whether the pality shall, prior to any election or ok TRAY MORNING Of Tiaelve Years Eaperience, Pol a view to better accommodating oh eT bo deemed guilty of bribery, and : NOC if uy fiber voter has|the voting upon any. by-law, furnish y grey 1 Hd over Mr. Gordon's Store, the Fons of North Ontario, Yar 2 for all shall be punished accordingly +--- a gm 4 0 any violation of sec--|each returning officer with at least H Chal Papidly inceeasing TS ane ithe Shee e for. i SY hs wi (1) Every person who shall directly | 0} 710 (01 and fifty:throo or|two copies of the settions of this NT quéen Street, ~ Johnton Self-Raki a Reaper Lf ; : or i or indirectly, by, himself or by an; Ohe Lured ud afty Tout of this} Act, numbered from. one hundred Lp o R T PB ERY R Y. | Cwyagn Chief Mower, | 2 wy an A Y, Act, uffidavit evidence shall not be DENTISTRY | E. ILE L. HARNDEN; L.D. 1 SURVEYOR, | : CP found guilty by the judge, upon any | A fashionable young lady dropped . , | election, or upon a by-law for raising oak 1 o Ppe eo : trial upon a writ of quo warranto, of lone of her false eyebrows in a 8 hog ikdrtanente regeived for publication. CHAINBEARER EXTRA: ) 1 Jy, bens, Wi ons ox The poe for the Sows best suited to taste any money or creating a debt upon 5 h > 4 ° b 2h bret Whbout spe spsoffie fnstuetons ilbt Jue X S18 foe Of la : Foro Sadia twmy on i od! all haste, a municipality or part of a munici- a act of bribery, or with using | church pew, and badly frightened a advertisment; will be taken out until paid fof a -- -t mber the Toe, Fast at around youbut be su pality for any purpose whatever, or oli ue influence as afo id, shall young map next to her who thought oars unt allowed to Merchants son's ote, Port Parry, in 1 wish Jou og gopd cf cheer th pole te ot of your days, who shall corruptly do ang such dot forfeit his seat, and shall berendercd | it was his moustache. a who Wlvertise by the, year or CHAS. \ THORN, Vv. 3. Having established the above Agency, so Be happy, contented, take care Sout Way ineligible as a candidate at 'any | 'Where shall I put this paper so as "ots y EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, |as to bo fully represented in 'North Ontario, ¥o i aro rightaud thenggo ah as aforesaid, on account of such voter 1 pap HA Tobe tofms will in all 'cases be Chicago, Ill, Gold Medalist. for the y ead ated Sept. 16, 1867. call upon you, soliciting your orders for the t 3 . any such by-law : ye Te pid person found Ehsiies % iy, the Jing gue wi Han Se po ie wD Hho beg to announce iat he bus coming SEH GWN & PATTERSON. TY (2.) Every person who lol i HL: Upon) AR Lr a enquiry as | was her brothers reply x i en e his residence at. Lo nd is Topo ¥ 1 8 Bey Am Books, Ciré ules, Busineps now prepared to. treat all cases entrusted to Gits1y 1870) I eolor, "executed promptly and at 1gwer rates potim'l' OVER ROSS' STORE, js he voler at any Dano election, or fas » posi oF py dollars, tals, screaming forever in the ear of pris © Port Perry. other departments of the Government WANTED TO PURGHASE, PQRT PERRY. ; for any such by-law : And Shad 101 i : ied from Young | conscience.' 211 ctiarodd , ovor Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st.. | Copyrights and the Registration of Trade | Any umbor of Morteagos for which the high- JAME RE. 3.) Livery person who shall *b at any municipal election, or upon es . AMES SQUIRE. ¥ Y, : A Kansas City tombstone pays He ¥ Bicones, I= E MALIORT, | Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, est figures w Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1873. reason of any such gift, loan, offer, a by-law forthe next suceceding two Pp A ! wy fs and other Documents neces. | ds, bar FEEL y on ' (| years. the following beautiful tribute to in- ? RAYA: sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared in a Ca Pold VW, BURNJEAM,.Clotk of the Third Divié promise, procurement or agreemen ey nocence : i k: Tort Perry. on receipt of the model of the Inv cution. up Capit itiee in' Bigelow' on ORI hess to procure or engage, promise or en- 160. The penalties imposed by With « yell and & whoop -- - I------------------ 2 Port Perry, cor sure retur section one hundred and fitty-nine of : R. WARE, Coronor for the County of 2 Lands B ht d Sol Office hours fren 19a. m, tod p.m, Hi Nn P deavor to procure the return of any H le died of the croup. Ontario, Physician, Surgeon: and Ace ands Bought an ola- HR Trgin 0.8, My 10d py 18 ew Premises ! ; ional elonbl thisActshall be recoverable, with fufl J fo PONCE : : --_ Ructioneers. Several good farms fi Built tor the purpose, in person in avy municipal election, or ) ¥ hoiG, That was good advice which an Prince Albert. 5 ents for BOVOE: y J. C. PILKEY, supamed Companies. empire meer x DE. MCGILL & RAE, Physelans, Surgeons, oy soos fo, ice Ball Cards, &c|, of every style ahd any other establishment in the County! #@ Parties from a distance getbing hand bills, &e. printed can hate them done to take toms with them: 3. pAmD. ONES a M ALLORY, Physiclans, and Accoucheurs, "oot See ¢ best 'examination on Horse Practice. manner. Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873, OTTAWA, CANADA, wr Terms, $6 per day."BA. Author ! Utica, . | of a First Prize Essay on Shoeing, Gradu-, his care in the most skillful and scientific All ovders left at the Medical Hall of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention. #&@~ The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITCR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, Transdcts business with the Patent Office t oil) SDN Towallal AL REPAIRS | + Plows, A Fanning 'Mills, ae. 'hithy Agyioultyral KX nN AC for these I HE the roar supply. "of all the ajove we have, lately appointed; Ede Walkor, Agent, H. 8, Johnston, of Port Perry] wi MORTCACES WANTED: Subscribers haye 1 Ieast possibic delay. Iustaiments re-payab DEGRASSI, = MARTIN + Lindsay. &e., &c, @niloo and "Residences, King st. Oshawa, © 0: LICENSED AUCTIONEER FQR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! ness transacted. 28" DEBENTU RES BOUGHT. YeX JOUN & DAVID J. ADAMS, FT | aw sin atred ' Deows ® sl they are sold at. the i Repai irs. for the Johnston Cayuga Chiof Mower, Plow Points; Sides, and all other repairs kept cone as our Agent, who, with our present il have nds on A hand iy all times "Borrow rs candep. nd on getting their money with the Collections made and a general ageney husi- Ee ) fn uUragRy "tail RTE BE ul The hest. i at] In Cook, Parlor and and of ill ~dN (ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRI'S hie « slon Court. [poral CANADIAN HOTEL. dy to' please you in Port Perry} Dec, 17, 1873. TAILORING TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. wols want Tn Knives for tlie kitdhen and dining halls § the tien every . ie gos; Stove no end Yo 'the Tot; I've Tea. Pots, and Kettles required for the cot ; For comfort and beauty these chitinot be heat, And this is the t treason | mean, to compete, Ww. ys PARRISH. NOTHING LIKE HE Subscriber rt ing removed the whole PORT PERRY, Now presents to the public the largest and best stock of LX CORRUPT PRACTICES AT MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. other person in his 'behalf, give, Yok oragree to give or lend, or shall offer or. promisg any money.or valuable 'air ir costs of printing and adv: ertising shall be held to be the expenses law-- {ully incurred, and the payment thereof shall not be a contravention of this act: 156. 'Wherb, in anapplication in the nature of a guo warranto, any ques used to, prove the offence, ' but it 'dence taken' consideration, or shall giye -or pro< to or for any porson'on behalf of any voter, or to or for any person in or- der to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting at. a municipal having voted or refrained from vot- ing at any. such election, or upon rectly or indirectly by himself or by any other person in his bebalf, make any gift, lean, offér," promise or agreement as aforesaid, to or for any person, in order to induce such pers sen to procure, or gudeavor to pro- cure, the return of any person to serve in any municipal council, or to procure the passing of any such by- law as aforesaid, or the vote of any to procure the ps assing of any such by-law as aforesaid, or the vote of any voter at' any municipal election, or for any such by-law : S Fo County Court, upon a reference to|in the municipality. Ta ik, antl splendid Cucin eur, or agree 10 give or procure, OF yim hy the'Judge of the Superior -- u iti nhl TRS a fo oti and Cups, 11: offer or promise, any office, place or | out "tor that. purpose, oF upon an| Washing machines will be more Ww. E. TARNGLD |; His been opened by Brown: + ps. soqd Privin Whips. employment, to or for any voter, or TAT PORT PERRY." appointment granted by him in cases pending in such County Court. 157. Any candidate elected at any municipal election, who shall be municipal election for two years thereafter. to the validity of the election or by law, of a violation of cither of the one hundred and Tifty-third or one hundred and fifty fourth sections of this Act, shall be void. 159. Any person who shall be ad- judged guilty of any of the offences within the meaning of sections one hundred and fifty-three or one hun- dred and fifty-four of. this Act, shall costs of suit, by any person who will sue for the same by action of debt in the Division Court having juris-- diction where the offence was com- shall be proved by vive voce evie "befive the Taare orany] commenced i weeks after the municipal election at which the offence is said to have been com: mitted, or within four weeks after the day of voting wpon any by-law as aforesaid. and fifty-three to one hundred and sixty-five inclusive, and shall post at fashionable than ever this winter, and many young ladies will take their first lesson in this household accomplishment. to be sure of finding it to-morrow ?' inquired Mary Jane of her brother At a prayer moeting in Maine, & few days ago, one of the members prayed, ¢ Lord thou kuowest that Charles Tompkins has sold poor boots to some of us: Make him do the fair thing.' The Hermiker Democrat asks :i-- « Who is there that is' not. chained to some rock of the past, with the vulture of Memory tearing at his vi- old man gave to his sons: * Boys, don't you ever speculate or wait for someting to turn up. You might re A To con isiipertll Wo inform the public generally that he has resumed the business ot Auctioneer. Thanking hisnnmerous fiicnds for their liberul - patrorage' dm-the past, he a : hopes by strict atten: to business and a ers Tens, iti Osh 3 constant regard to thei ests of his patrons, to secure a still further extended jpatronage. Sale Bills drawn outand uns Nutcs fur- nighed feeeiof chnrgel' All orders addressed to J. C. | Ep- som P, O., or left at the Opsenven Orrice, Port Perry, will Le promptly attended to. TQ, FUREY, just aswell go sit down in the mud-- der with wt pail "twist your, legs and and wait for a cow to back up to you to be milked.' mittod and any person aginst 'whom' judgment "shall be rendered, {shall Le ingligible, either as a can-- did: te. or municipal voter, until the amount which he has been con- A preacher took up a ¢ ilection J a t thereof shall be | mane oF JAY J |demned to pay shall be fully paid {on Sunday and found when Lis hat expended in bribery at any municip- and satisfied. al election, or at any voting upon a was ia that there wasn't a by-law as aforesaid, or who shall 161: It shall be the duty of the|penny init. Bthunks ny God, said knowingly pay, or cause to be 'paid, judge who finds any - candidate be, turning the hat upside down,and any; money to any person in dis. guilly of a contravention of see. tapping the crown of it with his eis tions one hundred and fifty-three hand, © that | have got my hat back Pony PERRY. HENRY FOY, = PROPRIETOR. 2 E23 = &F 3 3 So The Subscriber having leased: tho -nbove ny WII PS. PRUNKS, VALISES, Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and prosperity of the Village and neig shhorhaod and with direct véference to the comfort and' gonyenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and tlie Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Ostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. (4) Every person who shall ad- vance or pay or cause to be paid,any | money 10 or to the use of any 'other person with the intent that such | WMH, WETLT, M.D. FRANCIS RAT, M.D. Office in Mr, Ross' ae Buildings, Vor Perry. 7 BRIBNALD., M. B. C. 8, Guy's i Lotitun, England. "Eno ye lt. i it . And everything in his line," éver offered to the public in the North Riding of Ontario. + Bi, Connly Crown 1 LT. nk 10, Barrister, Attorney, et 3 a Public. Office lately oc- rané, Esq., Brock street, A fy gay 1b 2 4 MAN CMAN F. ENGLISH LL. B. oT. 1. By Sotiaitor 1 NAN 2. RG Conveyancer, &¢. Oshawa. Te is determined to 8:11 ns. Cheap as any other Hc in the Trade. Z- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. #hanking his customers for the liberal support accorded to him during the past eighteen years, 'he will 'do his utmost to merit a continuance of the same, Dt 0G DIVISION COURTS Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. gn iol street, opposite the Post Office. | -------------- ze OF repayme nt of any money a JOHN ROL on 3 0 from this congregation. re -- | FOR THE Port Perry, June 16, 1869. Port Perry, Tie 18, 1873. wholly or in pi art expended in brib- bo pd _ ne fifty- four of this gregh . F oc ct, or who condemns any person) A young lady in Lancaster has Tn i 3 SMITH, Tis B, Barrister, At CROTHERS & WILSON County of Ontario, Erne (otynbany such election, or at the ? Joung iad) . a i py-ut-Taw, kolicitor in Chancery, | Licensed Auctioncers for the County and Iusolvency, Notary Public, &e. TIE XLAR 1930 hr PERRY HOUSL, to pay any sum in the Division of Ontario, JEWELRY BOO, STATIONERY voting upon any such by-law : Re , ; Seni the initials Y. M. €. A., engraved ence within ¢ ne p po § o a blo, foo atomiliants Block, Brook street, port PERRY. (5,) Every voter who shall, before vii bing poy De , an the corner of her yisiting cards, ' Whithy, RE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. AND FANCY GOODS or during any municipal election, or * I which Shighands to certain sgentlo-- on firey N& MACDONNELL, Harristers Ali in the County. EMPORIUM, [the toting of any suc I by-law, dibs forthwith to the clerk «f the | en visitors. At first they suppose ay § Ori A. Taw, Solictiors County | Parties, placing their Sales fn our hands No. pe Hes LR An 3 5 Grectiy, by himad Utnunicipality wherein. the offence|she belongs to the Young Men's i ' ad poy Sater Hp umes lone: may rely on the utmost attention bring 3 {tho HL SRA > pd ih gt FOBT RS 3A Ey Ley £ or has been committed. Christian Association, but it is not : y 0 Waly. J. MACDONFELL given tosthels;intorgsts. ! 4{15 | 41x roca SAE a good Ostle by any other person in his behalf, 162. The clerk of every munici- long betore they rightly construct ai Wel CANRRONy "|G. Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of 4 16: A dditiong have been ade which makes this RE Sabseriberin fendering his heady receive, agree or contract for any i = \ he : or > iy Sor Vik os the letters to mean © You May Come 4s RAL a A re Agricultural Imple: wentf, pi No: ) i gL the Jaret a Ju this section of thanks to Hiseatitioroks customers for | monty, gift, loan, or valuable con- pality shall duly en er in a bo A gain : All orders addressed to G. Brothers, Epsom | cou ry. Fare per Day. their liberal patronage, would inform them | giderati fice, pl . loy- |e kept for that purpose, the names Another dreadful Farning . to Port Perry. L ; will t attention No. 19 and the publi " 1 } . sideration, office, place or employ- Another readtu warning aT iro, AN pb > : AM, UEEN'S HOTEL, I ok nished 2A sy oe ok i ment, for himself or any other per- of all persons within his municipal-| oo takers comes from Columbus el uo h a choice sclee= 1 3 2 ¥ o 4 v ERE Attorney s sae Win. Gordons ° il Jupae. Q wp atl its : Al oF i bie) styles, newest | son, for voting or agreeing to vote, ity who shall have been To 4 Ohio, whers may be seeh a man ed ie tn i" Eo y ge, JY, Jun, X99 Lo iain eh i ei or refraining or agreeing to refrain guilty of any offence within the | op, snuff sent to the pennitentiary des in abeigé, a ah Eras Sua: John Mc Donald, a Thy a PROPMIETOR, 3 i{ goods can be sold. from voting at any such election, or ig 1 sections on Bai One night, when zobbing a bank, 3 orah rv ariposa 2 ! ¢ Subscriber having leased this excel- FINE GQI.D ! A P-{ or andred fift « to d a tite, g SFOHN; BIT ron, Bc, AUR Edop, . Lu : ; MARBLE DEALER !. jlent "Hotel and fitted a ing view at ina Rin Wo i upon any such by- law : A nl ln of sh po ik it Shpe bain sm da yiee over Tos Store, ar Paice entrusting theit. Rejesnpme i NEWCASTLE, ONT. 7 Sys somfort of gugels pid thanogommdn i) Ggldine "and Faney Jewelry in great variety (6.) Every person w ho shall, after ho shall have been notified by the betrayed: him. * The sneeze, 100, was Port Perry way rely on he ntinost attention being given NUMENTS. hTah| » 4 y A k tf tl nnitentia I Te 24 To Ye St tiereqt N Oo of grat vhs ip wepitaily of the Queene. take pert 4 Large id ROO ir of odin) ae bor Bc Wi judge who tricd the case: , a pA by "aw vaman Ds tn lable tor Gomi I™ "Table carstlly suppl CHARI Tikes, brain Bok Tym ems wy imp) 1+ A0rshny wings, shall, beBosgil}, "isin of Gob Tunteinte] No, Teoes pa inserted on all the latest princi-| _____-. -- __' --Ipyernead Ba ui iad Yiquoks and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard dnd (Boks &c, be. Al the, Lest, authors in ys to attend before the judge of the | jn flating what he knows about farming Ee the-art and as chenp as the cheap- . A te Stablgs punctaally attended 0." | ; ni | P tay, History, Biography, &c, A largé fother person oh his bebalf,. recoive > ol and atin io th IIE ' el Ae 1 Fig Teeth filled W M w 1LLOOX, wa akin find ar to Sn for The Queen's is conveniently situated" | id : and complete assortment of any money or valuable eonsider; ation County Court upon cing served | ouches up the hog ques : Ss 8 id = Sil doth extracted |i go, to withhold their ordus until called on | gg rods west of the Post Office 4' sCHOOL BOOKS it I +] with the order of such Cdinty (Court | To make Berkshire pigs out of your haze without pain by. producing local anasth by JAMES DEWART. nh wn 4 . lon' acéount of any person, havipg splitters, seloct a cool day, stand them on in Cowan's new J. €. WILLIAMSON, Port Perey, Nov. 11; 1873.1 "An excellent variety of Albuths. ++ | voted, or refeained from: voting, or [Judge directing his atterdance, and | {heir hams ticd to u kapling,and drive their Aa Te aq | Stationery -- oe! : Satisction glatiotend, dnd all ER) Yo ORES iT oo re By sit il A Lo) having induced any other pétsor (o'|Wpon pRyinany Dene noses ary fees i) a now Saving SHAT . : NotU-AMERICAY HOTEL, -"" ™ " 'Fforms such a3 Blank Deeds, Mortgages, |Vote Or vefrain from voting' at any for such attendance, in the BaMO| ge agricultural papers, you will see that all 3 x Jaguary 10, 1872. bis RRINGR, ALRRT, ONT, » | Tiéuses, &¢) ec. Writing- Books, Paper and | uel election, or upon any. stich by- \nanner as if, be hud been directed | blooded hogs are fixed that, way, If 1f you = si fb a unr HANTS "Af pois best. quality'. 9 d; have any whose noses are longer than the re - ig W, BRO i : ] variety. Berlin [IAW 500i | by a writ of subpena so to atiend; | eg of the body, better sell them to an arte ¥ i ad RRA wid _egwEInE ; o, Wi PAROROW, BROP Boo yr fo bo BE TR th oh EL. (3) Every pores who shall. bigs and he may be punished for con- | sian weil company for drills, as you cannot + | FOR, THE: COUNTY OF A or removes nd Toei (ironghbol Job ce lowes pois fers, Lany horses, pms, caringes ox giber ant, Antatall bo Tiublo to all the [drive ho nosciask withost telescopibe the 2 AND TOWNSHIPS OF MaTIFORY' &' rand AS 1 ED! dnd has {ara fle! acomhiédation for the! ve i furmished at prices Which defy, competic vehicles for the purpose of convey {ng | penalties for such non-atfendance in | the ham squace, leave some hair too, salt ev- t Py a tion of supplics "nost, Conn a he Werk Boxes.' if he bad been erlastingly, and they will be worth several ] | REGS to -- his Jaaus Sioudé and tie . By ne' Fil Comierel al travelers. ie amos. Inetruiionts [C16¢k0PS to and from, the: polls, and [the" same manneras! cents lex. per pound the n when trimmed and ns of ce pobt five years, | HENRY CHARLES tentive COmionis Fo0RY> stablinig drid'at- | eine by K. S. Wilson of Torongo.--| avery person who shall, xeeéive pay | bseived with such subpoena. cured so that a Christian cam ent them. ; nt id How 'give up the business of PRET: - ! Organs aa Min Violins, | for tho nse of any horses, teans; '¢ar- 164. No person shalt "be excused ---------------- N ich ball of mad te - Acti niy | TAS Rocetved'a i sipply of 3 vid acmber the eli lens a Lriages or other vehicles, for thy pur. from answering any question put to eacimg sha pF Fellows ot Ty JI Ue ONeot Bidinpe 5 ® te thf On Perry. pose of convey ing electors' to and | Linx in any action, suit arother pro- | phogphites would be iv, itself proof enough | TENNANT'S XXX PORTER, bh its sand |r eG daly mad vec | i ar polls as "aforesaid. + on | ceeding in any, court or. before any 58 the value of the medicine in the cure of : And ATE ia Stone Jars. J, TENNYSON, = ropRsion | . Joor'sal wom--aily and weekly 1 EA ing any | diseases tor which it is recommended, but : WENKHSSY'S\ JOE, ROBIN' & Co, and] Li pu based he Frais THOMAS ALLEN. ta Rect A who shall judge, lonching or concerning any | whewve utd ths tho Tc hat ve aro y Kiely Selon ox Collosing: a re WRASDYL tor oy amit the a Sboye, Hotel, Prin Port Bi of ji ' rectly oF indivéetly,' by himself or elec tion, or by- law, or the conduct Sonstuntly rita pes ATA TT h ee i HOLLAND and QLD TOM.' {mind cigars. ne 'guests. bi les by any other person on his behalt, ot fing person thereat, of inrclation vin. Por tha iast. year y Tr ONT REMOVAL. at df | PORT pnd SHERRY, WINE: . / Sia ern live J tat Pay Jl mike use of or threaten to make usé | thereto, on the ground of any privi- | have been advertising for Mr. Fellows, -- 9 i fos pang Cag) nit of any force; violence or restraint oy }lege, or on the ground thmt_ the, an- | in that time & hum Ber of cases have come fi kp. timba i (TASS vad : 0 under our notice where the use of the prepar- at the Opseryi Office, him WELLS! RONTO ALE me HOUSE; a inflict, or theedten the infliction, by |swer to such question will tend to { ation, according to directions bas been attend- 891 Office, oe wl 15179 ft hag Ji salir geod oadotbor | ninygel lor by oft 'th¥ough any athey | ¢riminate such person ; but no an ed vith astonnihing resis In She ure of cities 9, ud | WALKERS Ext MALT pod RYE sf senkugs sdoog DAFOE] viOPIETOR. [person f any ivjury damage or loss |swer given by any peison claiming es a kr ewe sasty ar Por J \ , Oct. 2, oni ad MPR Yetiiol edhe. led ida or in any 'mantiér practise intimida- to be excused on the ground of priv. | all diseases of the Chest und Lungs it is vals tates TE H. WALSHE. | A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, to the requirements of ftavelers and gues tion upon: er against any. 'pérsan, ii feleze, or on' the grouad that such ysble. arian ars rely ifoved ends Jems D Augtiohieer for the! Township | SOAR; Canid Fruits, ish, &o. &o. | The tarsupplisd Tih Le b oat vine, fr . "| onder toinduce or compel such fper-| answer will tend to ctiminate him- | are sursto follow li wes Tq all fnvalide grt Bick, "hori Hie ks Touma in Tort Yerry, Soph 8, 1918. qt a. GI ion. tr, son to vole ov rafrain from voting, |solf, shall be used in any criminal chalky, Heath pits Bronchitis, ic . 0, rath, igease, Frigg a post ote | Ah ounty MUSIC TL SSONS! 1 ENTRENBOREL, Ee Ln Enns. {OF.OR account, of such. person hayiug proceeding against such perso, | seases arising fiom an impoverished state of Ontens ofl at til, office, or, at, his Serj gepce LE ris MRT fo JAMES PRINGLE, [voted or. retrained from voting 3 Hif the judge shall give to the witness the blood, 1d recommend their gi ak ar weedy de id =] RS. B. M. PRINGLE, Siince Albert, Shi ign cae ol ML election, or who shall in any |; a cortificate that he claimed the right Rememibe desires to state that at He Sumest so | ° J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR. ' * | =-- ERTISEMENT. way prevent or otherwise intofore to bo excused 'on either: of the'|named diseases. | k 1 of friends she hay agieed to give | 2 fein 0 FARVEBTISEMENT. Vv ppd cited by Driniae atin pds - doe pasos at 5 at thiol domes of ever pupils A = WoateditBve ofc with the free, exercise of ther fran | grounds' aforesaid, and made fulland {. EE wri} fe! SE prod 1111 Pork 3 A n Nv Iii fol ise a vo: Simi) ( gor ye yw ar shine of ny voter , shal Il be deemed: |true: answer, to the satisfaction. of | mat 9 ; as hor 'not yet, 'occupied she Priel Way WRIT gasut badvell 4 rfivand hie been bod" "| tobe guilty of undue ince and | she judges oo irc [Res ssriniain NR x. | Would be. plénsed to: hear from those rh NASR PROPRIETORS tee | et wi be gu ; . [: brudorg ie Jas iho sepeive. Music atthe ai ein ) BH Ce ear ~| be subject tortharpevalty herginafter I 165,,AU other. proceedings other dare, ieee Sasori JOT . aridérgone ths hw Denia Li 3 1 ie ae : Hi yo than an SRplicsion i in the Yori or a 2 G the omar fa conve ence of the traveling 5. The actual personal expenses | quo warranto Ygain ny pers £2 Nt a gm a i Tenis iva a 1% Biapy ct paid to the a -- ed |of any candidate, 'hia oxpetisedfo ny viblation of seetions NS wander 11 Marriage! Licenses *Officés | 1° i Oshawa, | dence, aco Albe There: WE ve n "| actual pr vices perform: {and fifty-three or one' hundred and |! i$ ie Lowi, tn ih it conson o of Brock, | November, 21, 1850 "341 Nov. 10; 18 g14 © 10 Rs, mu py ob . oe. 4) iw pty od, sd {tora file payments for he di of this Act, shall be al ba noir Ie TO n # LSE Tne YR 0IR + wy iF 1 aha fh = 3 - : 3 By 10 Moo Tan, bine \ hoe dg ; fo wa or o a & ¢ 8x Wp 2 a. ' ] jas : 7 n . . * +

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