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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Jan 1874, p. 4

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--b--n ve an account of the process eesrs. James Eppes Oo, Sletionl articles, at their works h the London" Bee article Cassel's BE Aa0080 25 Styles DAILY ARRIVING AT J Cibet x PRENBRTHS, iy "PORT PERRY. Prot Perry Bept. 24, 1873. (ASIEN LONE THE OSHAWA | CABINET CO'Y: Will pay the highest price, in Cash, for the following sizes of LUMBER Delivered at their yard in Oshawa, [Square Edge Preferred.] Oak or Ash, 1 in., 1§, 2 in, any width. Butteruut, 1 in., any width. Rock Elm, nb BER. Sommong Basswood, 1 Tn, go wi rau in, 5, 8y/1p.0r 16 in, wide. GB «tin, 12 14 in. wide. Pine, 1in,, 1}, 2 in, 12, Maple, Bouck; nd Birch : §in, 1} in, 1} In, 1} in, if in, 2in,, 3 vo L2xdy W. H. GIBBS. Okita, Fe Feb. 1873, HOTEL, STORE, ithe. } and Dwellths For Sale @aiiBoafl _Semiortabio. olit alo Counizy Ad oil mpi nhl iD aorwof Lawl VILAGE or orrex _ TOWNSHIP OF REACH. a 17, 18, 20, or 2J, , 14 or 16 feet long. President. in IRE UL (ARRIVING SET TTERET GOODS! . 2 ! AND. : ooo WE M f iderable ti 3 r ) Lume ad comers i 1 = Jubiie of the WN MY EER rh ew XO! 80] as m 2 i) ¥ i dk} | Botlow: ET J ORT PERRY. Sif BR IRST OLASS | 4 691 eld ampd W 101 bie ad do al 1S SELLING FURNITURE" W. H. PARK] Of every description O] Ae] io for Cash or Short Credit. ) | | | ol > 2 za PLP. Done on the SHORTEST NOTICE and CHEAP. BE" Remember the B: directly opposite the Post Offi The highest price paid for all kinds of good Lumber, Business. ent fol ih and Moxv ME % Ln eka iS 1 a { ¥ 4 Sra DOVES pl 'HE Subscriber would return his sincere | thanks for the ensive and rapidly ire ostowod on him since increasing patrg oping business in 1 PERRY; gba c feo ritinity of as- e public gener- in the ily 80 no the future will al Site adhere to using only the material, bh none but good work- men sel ~when the quality of ered=swhich caunot fail to please p: ik * Constantly 'on hand 5 Slides of my own manufacty "Call and inspect my Si ' war First block west Of the Rost Ofice. SRICHARD po Rort Perry, Nov. 12 3 1879p 1/ Of! HONEY 10 Li The sueraigndilias an has any amount of Money to defid' upon Farni and Toiyn, To at Unusually Low Rates "of In 1 Loans can be repaid i in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &c. Orrice--Over {he Dominion Bank, MeMil- Ian's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873. Whal ll the People Wanl | CHOICE GROCERIES--FRESH. TEAS-PURE. The Best Cuts of the Bést 'Fresh " "Meat and all of thém at the Lowest Possible, Price, HE Subscriber in returning - Kis gincerg thanks for the liboral share' of patronage bestowed upon him'since comthenking busi. ness at Port Perry, would take this oppor: tunity of informing the public generally that the above conditions may be metat his Store one door west of Thewpson's Hotel, Port Perry. MEUERRIVAN Port Perry, hi 121873 {= t considered 1 den Sinan EEETERs tint Cpe de ing dos Ssosived aby by the. name -of Holloway is coplt oie the so-called Chemical Company in New Yo for a small Telly sum. 2 medicines sold LA, this as my? om Pil and Oh that were thé dpdredit oul fall, a n "ot | caeried-on-ut i wend 0 ., wir Ha fei Soke 8 the Bonide) ow te my! makganst- | As {isnotat all all necessary for this Crew tol Jidcur expensk i flons or 10 a very sae 4 tas tho HET oF are in a Bae they ue to SE the same. iJ The the an | from ea in here direet :-- M Mr. | HOLLOWAY. Undertaking) ie B@5™ A good stout boy wantad fo lear the! Tuvestments made in Municipal Deben- | oe PRESENTS | Tiles ris JEWELRY « EMPORIUM } With a well selected Steck %-. ia Fino Je GoldiChaings VW ohh Gold Rings, Lockets, Silver Plated Wage, "Clocks fot the Million ! Fine Toys for the Young 1 5 &c, dey Eo rr (Aa J g' / § cgpegtfully inv tds "b ipspoction of the above Goods and Dy Selling a REALLY Goon article at as low a price; as he possible ean afford, lie is! (sure; Abit, after you have nought, you willgo homo id satis- | Material, Workmanshin, Style |! and Fit!! ds to Ld OO WW ut the fe by oy Sth January, 1874, Jt, #7]¢ BRATIS | 1 1--Come and get the Eglin Illustrated Almanac for 1874 All Goods and Work WARRANTED ! oe. Please give a call. JOHN DE ior Opposite G. U. White's C: "arribgs Factory Port Terry, Dec. 17, 1873, nt Ee PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, Cid KENZIE, HE Subsetiber having now fully equipped his new and extensive Livery Stables with a supply of superior Horses and Carrlages, Is prepared to furnish first class "LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873. & "THE ONTARIO | FARMER, Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings {and their contents, country School Houses (aed Churches, Those wishing to insure and LV prevent' itiiend (178 Big IT dard ol TO, TH grins, Feminine he prey Fo Lectures, go at once to A. E. M°CAW'S GET A NEW §P6vE pe. For panned 506 postors," | Oct, 2, 1873." ne A.B. McCAW, Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port "Pay "REMOY |W. Hepinatall, Watchmaker & Jeweler, LATE QF BROOKLIN, Would re: Hine. Gold. an CLQC. JEWELRY, SPEC Having now. the lowest remunerafive prices, and warranted. (Zr Please remeber' the place,-- WILSON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, KING ST. EAST, HA Osuawa, March 5, 1873. ddetfl L beg Y t6 announce to his numerous customers and the ollie generally, that he has REMOVED his place of business to OSHAWA, where in the future he will be found ' pst happy. to.supply; thelr wants w§ VAL! any' Ped voi way ry i OR FANCY Wy 21 large assortment of beautiful Goods to select from, which will be sold at > * Ww A. 12 CARRINGE 9 CHE VERY BES® DESCRIPTION OF Buggies, PORT PERRY Wagons, FACTORY! &o, &cC. Nothing bat the best Material used with Ios Cla ban: atest Styles and Best Finish, and prices as lowgagseh widely vob be qn Thanking, m and rapidly or facilities for business, I shall in the fais promptly. Port PERRY CARRIAGE FAcTORY, April 16, 1873. numerops customers and the sing patronpge, I wauld only add that by still further increased; hd generally " 3 liberal be able to execute all orders still more G. U. WHITE. | thereby support a Home I Cs have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby L, FAIRBANKS, Jr., Secretary. CHRISTIE, TOWNSHSP CLERK, | os Issuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer Commissioner, &c. Offica--Manchester, PUMPS re -- () EP -- You can get the best and'cheapest Pump in the Province ane "| FORGE pUMP- it a call from those e $ full assotnrent ing el Li shell frames, will enable ax to fit | all give satisfaction | to all who favor us with i call. W. H. MCCAW, Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., AGENT, PORT 1 hj: err One Box of Clarke's B 41 Pills S Wi arrfulted to 'curd 'all discharges from the Utlfdary OF . in either sex, acquir- ed or constitutic 1 und 1 in the | Badk < 881d in' Boxe 5 Gd each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. Sole Proprictor, ¥F. J. CLARKE, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. EXPORT AGEN Burgoyne- Burbidges and Co, Coleman ii London. Newberry and Sons, 37 Newgate St. Lenton, Barclay and Sous, 95 I! arringdon St. Londen, Sanger and Sons, "Oxford St., London. And all the London W. holgsale Houses, AGENTS IN CANADA! | Montreal. --Evans, Mercer and Co., Whole-- sale Druggists Formmtos T i Hamilton. ~--Winer and Co. Halifax Avery, Brown and Co. WITH. THE § SREAN, The undersigned would oT Wound thank his numer- ous customers for the generous and liberal With| patronage bestowed upon him in the past; against! and would beg to inform them and the pub- lic generally that he has OPENED BUSINESS IN PORT PERRY, And that ind that in She:fu id bis | Duginets will be rince Albert, He ho) the in- Rae meet the | wants of hei 8 rapidly increasing population 08 |i of this hi ey Baker n Prince Albert and Port Perry, © November 27, 1872. P THON WORK, PLAS- departments, 49-6m "London; Nov. 21, 1873 Utica, July 15, 1873. Patent Swi Common 10ghed Having had | United States, i iy! oar for finy of the above, whether by mail ? [PRhEpS Adlrees, Borelin, © In bP Les JOH %5 TON" $s IF - Wk We ofter r dag Harvest, two « style and cofistruction,' 'embrace the latest and most useful improvements of' the to AWARDED VEIRST- PRIZE [ar Provincia Exur- BITION HELD AT J TZ I /The The universal suceess;of, this. Machi Se el h 0 AHL "King af Reapers." PUMPS! BORELIA, --a 2 pi ces A complete Pomp and Fire Bugine with Hose and Coupling ¢ omplete for $25. Va Lift Pumps at 50 eta per foot. Common Loz Pamps at 40 cts per foot, Su tion Pamps at 35 cts per foot. Crstern Pups, a complete Pump, trom $3 np to $8. pis I Ps P Also every other description of Pomp at 6 Equally Low Rates. qually toot expotience mn Pump-making in} the largest Titra in Carada and the thesubscriber feels confident that he can perfectly satisly all that will favor him |, or otherwise promptly attended to. JOHN IRVIN, Boreui,, __zhooa) penilly PH Duet ur qustomeys for sho cnfing iota) Machines, which in OHNSTOD SINGLE NST i nih G0) iL, (rials and in the bands ¢f the farmers, atfoot v in saying that, as a Sell Raking | Reaping Machioe. it bas more good points and less defects. and has met with more. success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. Cayuga Junior Mow sg to Tor ot wer, at beh We were awarded the First Prize and Diplo. at the Provincial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870; in competition with all the lea; Province ; and with our recent improvements, we tion and PE with: competing LX we aT RT FURAN po: 19 binow dadinedns HH i aol ageanig Heradil u Gin gi ~ 07 ig 1 Lal td 3 i ad add veoh 3 Es a Hep es TETANY © GOOD assortment ol made to ordef With nea! | i ALL Wosk a faich a on ne in the! stiga- estiva that we offer the best Mower to the gar Send for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. wi dnd a dod esdions bawtyin dani seroi sith Tit N ow am ' deli bon paid to repairing 2 delphi ia, P: J | great majorify, of long Handing : lo idetion bist fri. Work ' § Clothing, 5 Boots and Shoes, | ™ : 4 Hardware, J Tinware, i Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., IS AT THE Greenbank Store. FOR PRSERVING AND BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, AND RENDERING IT DARK AND GLOSSY. As o iprevéntive for -efidness it has no equal 1 m®yrr' Tot wil BES™ 25 cents per bottle, Manufactured by W. McTAGGART, Medical Hall, Prince Albert. TRY IT! . Pry cligmuncy, , or Soul Charming," ,/| How either sex may fascinate: and gain' the love of any person they chéose, instantly.-- This simple mental acquiromerit all can possess, free, by mail for 25 cents, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, E BLOOD 1S ' THE LIFE. = CLARKE'S World Famed Blood Kixture, Trade Mark,--" Blood Mixture." TIE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER, For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurjtics, c not be. too highly recom- mended. For Scyofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases) dud sores ofall kinds itis a never-failing and permanent cure, It Cures old Sores. ( Cures Ulceratad and Sore Legs. 1 ls, or Pimples on the face, Cures Canccrous 1 J Cures Blood and Skin Di Cures Glandural Swellings, Clears the Blood froma; pure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant t> the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of cithar sex, the Proprictor solicits sufferers to give it ati al to test its value. Thousands of Lestimonigls from all 1d in bottlas'es 24 tddh, "and in 'cases containing six times th he afiantity, 11p tach Sonn ent to effect 'a prnis er the 8, BY ALL NDOKS | CUEMISTS and PATENT MK througlieus the orld Sole proprictor, F. J CLARKE, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, 1 , ENGLAND. EXPORT AGE Burbridges and 0, London, dud Sons, 87 Newgate: Stredt Lon- Burgoyne, Stree New don. Seis anldiSois, 95 Thiritiedon Street Lon. akpthakay bd Shot Kondo, 5 And all the London Wholesale Houses, AGENTS IN CANADA. Montreal --Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Coleman Druggists. bppmaesdabliiss, Laie. and-Co,- oronto.--Eillot and Co W holesale Drugglsts Shapter-and Owen. Hamilton. --Wincr and Co, {| Halifax. --Avery, Brown and Co, STRAYED seri ha io Lar ol Fo sient A SPRING CALF. Color--a sort of white and red. } The ownér is requested to and take her away. rb chia, JOH ORE. [BY ATT so SSUED at a FE Louse Too - HENRY CHARLES. TO $20 per day. Agents wantedd All| classes or working people, of} ither sex, young or old, make mo Te Ino) one ft we work for or pain in sR ome! i RA prea Tren N & CO, Porttand, Maine. /NPIRSY CLASS HE A a RST CLASS BOAR at his place, lot 23 in the 10th Concession of Reach, He is an unusually fine animal, Service only i r | Reach Dec,' 24 187. 2 HOBERT MOOK, 4 El IAN A'naté thékbing§t calhot be surpassed 1 or. Dreams, Hints to Ladics, &e. A queer, ex- citing book. 100,000 sold. Address . WILLIAM & CO,, South Eighth 8t., Phila<| | Bee Deuteronomy, chap. xii, verse 23. | | parts. | "cured without delay, nugget No. 12 OME of sind Sub |' pay expensed e Marriage ms i Se Po 0 Doras hat ue ever "No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones sive wibt do< stroyed by mineral poison or other beyond Ea ilious, Remittent "and Tnter- mittent Fevers, which are so preva lent in the valleys of our our great rivers throughout the Unite 'Shiites, especially those of thie Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, tio Grande, Pearl, Alabama; Mobile, Satannah, Ro- anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so duri ing sex= sons of unusual heat an 'Y] , are raccompnanied A {i ede- al HINO @ invariably drial of the stomach an:l liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a prselive, exertin "érful influence i is essenti ly nes cathartic for the pu 05 OR. J. WALKERS V1 pt as' hoy: will specdilyirbmov oh colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the sane time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the Dagjthy fun ctions of tho digestive org; "3 bontity | the body disease L¥ purifying all its fluid INEGAR Hrrrers.® No epidemié ef 3 ake hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dy: spepsia or Yadigestion, Tlead- ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Pighthess of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Jruetations of the Stomacly, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita- tation of the Ifeart, Inflamnfation of i Tangs, Pain in the region of the neys, and a hundred other painful' Xl toms, are thé offsprings of Dyspepsia. One hoitlo will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy KlVortiso- ent. Hevofula, or King's Evi Swellings, U Whito Ulcers, Exgripelas, Swelled Neck, lous Inflanmatigns, Indolent ns, Mere urial Afton, old the 8 § San Byes, etc. iatitational Die it Brees Have 50 obstin Por Inf A Rheumatism, Gout, * Hitious, Remit- tent and Intermittent 14 overs, Diseasesof slood, Liver, Kidueys and Bladder, 8 have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Bise: ses, --Dersons en- gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Ls Gold-beaters, and aneo i aro subject i the Powels. To guard | ke a dose of WALKERS VIN- ruptions, Tet- Spots, Pimples, 2, - Ring-worms, s "i Fyriy pling, Itech, ify Bifflars ga day no wid in affied TRINNY Tu timo by the uso ape, and other, Worms, th sytem of 80 pny pusands, nd removed, No ges, 16 "An 1m Wana hy Peule or old, x ined when- bursting through uy tions, or Sorgs 3 118 obstrycted and "it when jt 2 von when, slugg foul ; your feelings will te the blood pure, and the hdalth of the ste > will follow, R. MH. MeDONALD & ©OL,1 Ta wm Franeisoo, Olifants, d Justa Sn i o agaists wad Dy eben NOTICE: fe REDBY forbid any person or. as paying to Thomas Paxton or Wan. Pdx- ton any accounts due the. firm of Baxfon & Jones, as they are not a collect the same. WM. JONES, i+ formerly of Paxton & Jones. Port Perry; Nov, 19, 1873. ) sf MONEY! 1 MONEY! MORE MONEY: Vor The Subscrib® would intorny ell inviedt af Moncy tat he is! preparcdito « negotiate Tonns with the Trustand Loan Socitty of Tekolnte, for any amount of money ifedin "$400 AND UPWARDS, On Mottgige' Becwity on Town or Farm Property. The interest is' only '8 per Eent, No Commission cl iii and Loans pro- - 48 2873 BALL, Generar Superintendent,

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