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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Jan 1874, p. 1

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3 ik R y vapmeaand wrod" 1000 ob AND GENERAL A DVER L a TISER, -- ihn Obs POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL, AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 8 LISHED AT PORT PERRY, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, - onths ; and no Japer discontinued until all a rears are pail ; RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ........ Subsequent ingerticns per line Cards, under 6 lines, per annum REF Letters containing money, when ad« dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk, : Advertisments pe BAGH: they ve ang e they ac- por} | Advertisments received for publication, without specific instructons, willbe inger until fordid and charged giccodingly. advertisment will be taken out until paid for Aliboral di lowed to Merchants' and others whe» adwertise by the year or half-year. . = a5 These terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. No Job Department. Phamplcts, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- meg Bill Heads, Bikhk Bouts; Receipt ooks, Checks, Books, Circulate, fipess Bal Enis, "Go, of eth Wyle 'and executed y aul at lower rates ¥ other SAR an 1 AN ee A Tartu oi thikfancé 'wetting Hang 0 5, &o. rine can haye them dene to take Wieyyl ARIGIIATINI.T 14s 0 CAD f RS MONKS .¢ {MALTORY, Physicians, Surgeans and' Accoucheurs, i119 pt Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st. #. JONES, M. D., CORONER, | A, E. MALLORU, Count tario. M.D, CM, R. BRATHWAITE, : Port Perry. DS WARE, Co for _the connty of - ontario, Physician, Surgeop and Ac- cough' if ie] \ 3 f } Prince Albert. Pp MARTIN & u «iRASSI, L PYRE. MCGILL & RAE, Physeians, Surgeons, D &c., &e, Ofioe and Residences, King st. Oshawa, WN. M'GILL, MD. FRANCIS RAF, M,D. ly T RY i N, MD, M. RC. 8, oy ,d.omflon, England. The ky | WOxhawa, WELT, LI. I, County Crown Ps 3 for Oviics Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, and No iblie Mee lately oc- eupied by 3. H, Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Whithy. YMAN L. ENGLISH. LL. Chancery, Attorney, Cor Oshawa. OMee--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office. A --_-------------- LP QR of os " PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, TH URSDAY, JAN. 22, 1874. 9 - =. WHOLE NO. 834 Professional E&ards. DENTISTRY. hi ii OF Twelve Years Ezperience, QFricE over Mr. Gordon's Store, Queen Street, t T PERRY. gp AESRACE FRINcE ALBERT. 29, 1873. CHAS. THORN, V8, EMBER of the Vete nstitite, M Chicago, IIL. ' Gold M a ad t examination on Horse Practice. Author of a First Prize Essay on Shoejng. Gradu- ated Sapt, J, 1867, . ' DrePhotn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry, and is now prepared to treat all cases 'eptra his care in the most skillful god scientific {manner, All ordersleft at the Medjeal Hall of Mr Allison, will receive prompt attention, I B@F* The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory, , Port Perry, Oct. 28, 1873. * HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR AND. DRAUGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, bigthess with the 'Patent Office x! de of the G t opyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, nd | Spedlications, aud other Documents neces- [sity to sccure' Patents of Invention, prepared on receipt of the model of the Invention, peo oon Suctioneers. _ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS | REPAIRS PORT IBBAT VW IEE frien ete, acmmmaetsiog poss and Cartwright, and to further meet the increasing for the Cayuga Chief Mower, Plows, v $ Fanning Mills, &e. = As manufactured by Brown & Patterson, the the' Works, and all REPAIRS these Implements, AN ACENCY Hps been qpened by Brown & Patterson AT PORT PERRY, For the regular sypply of all the aboye at fe same prices we they sold at the orks. All Repairs fop the Johnston Reaper, Cayuga Chief Mower, Plow Points, to | Land Sides, and alt other repairs kept con- stantly on hand, ) WM, JOHNSTON, i AGENT. ¥en. Remember the place, East of Thomp- son's Hotel, Port Perry. 1 Having established the above Agency, so as to be fully representéd in North Ontarjo, we have lately appointed Ed. Walker, 'of Utica, as our 'Agent, who, with oyr present Agent, H. 8, Johnston, of Port Perry, will call upon you, soliciting your orders for the ing scason, iii BROWN & PATTERSON. MONEY TO LOAN ! HE Subscribers have large sums of mon- ey placed in their, hands for investment on J. C. PILKEY, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO! Orn NY Ln inform the public generally that he hag resumed the business ot Auctioneer, Fhanking bis numerous friends for their liberal pationage in the past, he hopes by strict attention to business and a constant regard to the interests of his patrons, to secure a still further extended patronage. Sale Bills drawn out and Blank Notes fur nighed free of charge. All orders addressed to T. C. Pilkey, Ep- som P. 0, or left at the Onsenygr OFFICE, Port Perry, will be promptly attended to. J. C. PILKEY. 38 Epsom, Sept. 9, 1873. CROTHERS & WILSON * | Licensed Auctioncers for the County ef Ontario, A RE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere . in thesCounty, Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests, G. Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements, All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P.0., will receive prompt attention. yrrister, At. OFOUNG BMITH, 1.1. B., Th Salicitor in Chancery A AX. torney-at-Liw nnd Misdiveney;, Ni 3 Oftice--MeMmiilan's Block, Brock street, "1 Hi Whitby. (MERON E MACDONNELI aul ALLogEneys ap Li: BT Rn Ario. rio. "OMce Who A EE ai Sub § AL HU Attorney at Law, and Solicitor « in Chancery. Oflice inthe Royal Arcade, Port Perry. MON, AMES » Attorney at Law, Solicitor og in Chay Conveyaacer, &e.--Land Agent, &e., Uxbridge. Office in Parish's Block, Main Streot, Uxbridge. NGS! Budrister, Attorney at it Ly Notary Pubiie, C c. ber sy Store, Port erry. C. N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- A ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- jest, gud as good as the best. Teeth filled with yr p cted withoul ing' esth- esia, Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Stére, King Street, Oshawa, > Win. Licensed Gordon, Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. ep the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, Bay may r Parties entrusting their Sales to me y on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. W. M. WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the public generally, for the liberal patron- Having now Firen up the business of Bailiff, I intend, in' future, to deyote my whole time to the | of Aucti age bestowed upon him for the past five years. | 1 Imp 'argns, Village os, an other Securities In this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we 'have funds op hand at all times Borrowers candepeng iy {Stung their money with the east possible delay. WANTED TO PURGHASE, Any number of Mortgages for which the high- est figures will be allowed. Wearealso appraisers for tha Canada Per- manent Building cietv, the cheapest and largest Monetary itution in Canada. Paid up Capital $1,500, Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 yeu Lands Bovght #8#d Sola: Several good far; « for ~ Agents for - voral first class Fire In- sufance Com panic: . Collections made ness transacted, «1 a general agency busi- ZZ" DEBENT' RES BOUGHT."GXU JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr, T2)ss' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Pepry, Oct. 11, SION COURTS i 0G DIV: FOR TUE County of Ontario, FOR THE YLAR 1878. rN EHEEHEERERE oi 2 HEI EYE Bis EE Fe Pe Ee No 12717 1a 112) 2] [1] 11] 2 No.23 13 jo "Is [2 [3 No.3 17] | 2[19]26l28| [15] | 4/15 No.4 (18 | 3|20{ [29] [16] | 5l16 No.5 19] | 4j2t] (30 [17] | 617 No. 8 120 22 18 18 No.7 121 23 19) 19 Z. BURNHAM, JupoE. IWhidhy, Jan. 1, 1873. John Mc Donald, MARBLE DEALER ! NEWCASTLE, ONT. BA ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head- Stones of great variety, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem. eteries, supplied at short notice, Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Grapits, BEF Parties will find it to their adyan- tage to withhold their orders until called on J. C. WILLIAMSON, * Aq Sopioe gr EY 8 a Collects: yy C. D. WAID, zs &e. It wilk-bé my endeavor, by prompt and SERIAL 1 and care, warranted to give satisfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy competition, Reus inj kingd of JbMelry} Fancy or mh aR, Port vid FE) BEng.) Ls dg Sosa » PARTIE REMOVAL. ) lay or to give full: safibfuétion 1p all who may favor oe with ets Sales or Collecting, me * "1s dtaughted and Blank Notes furnisk free of charge. I aid, Also Bill Stamps glways on h: we iflnts Gua be ade for sales &o., 3 Office, and at Who Mandard Bice ft yan oH W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. THOS. (H. WALSHE. | qd at ICENSED Aucti for the Tawnship of Brock, Tho Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County 'atthis office, or at his residence . | wifl be punctnally attended fo. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- of Vigtoria, Residence--Cannington, Brock. | Orlors eh d, and all work Wwar- ranted. 4 January 10, 1872. |2NYIND AS IMPORTED | HENRY CHARLES JAS Becelved a further supply of TENNANT'S XXX PORTER And ALE in BtoneVars. HENNESSY'S JULE ROBIN & Co., and 3-r OTARD'S BRANDY, i KENTE'S HOLLAND and OLD TOM. PORT and SHERRY WINE, Commotion and turmoil on Let's Vote for the right on But one Nelther Trifle Dishes, Toast In Cook, Parlor aj I've Tea Pots, an For comfort and beauty And this is the reason I For everything's here e Look all around you Be sure Port Perry, Dec, 17, 1873. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. : every hand Elections for Councils all over the land, Expenses and taxes for side walks and tracts we don't wi thing fy gertain for all, my kind friends, peace nor So i Ain' depends ; I show you a choice Tot of Christmas wares, | Much better by far than often appears, A Stock most Sompleto in commodities - r v purchased for holiday time; pu ' In Cruet, Plate, Silver, Tea Bells, and Baskets, Rack, and splendid Caskets, Elegant Mustard Mugs, Goblets and Cups, 3 Hall and Table Lamps and good Driving Whips. In Knives for the kitchen and dining halls fine The best in the market in every oe py nd Dog Stove no end to Kettles required for the cot } these cannot be beat, mean to compete, The place for the things best suited to taste You will find is in my Store, thep come with for presents so rare; a but be sure to be there, Then I wish you good cheer through the rest of Bo happy, contented, take care of you are right and then go Forme, Iam ready to plegse you an dead beats | the lot; All haste, your days, your ways, ahead, indeed. W. T. PARRISH, TAILORING SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVFR ROSS' STORE, PORT PERRY, JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1873. J 'W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Toyvi- « sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Office hours from 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. motels I OYAL CANADIAN HOTEL, PORT PERRY. HENRY FOY, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and prosperity of the Village and neighborhaod, and with dircet reference to the comfort and convenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentiye DOstlers, Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage, Port Perry, June 16, 1869. Port PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests arc cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers,.-- Additions have been made which makes this the largest and best House in this section of country. Fare $1.00 per Day. QFE Bore, FORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased this excel- lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to the comfort of guests and the accommoda- tion of the genergl public, will Ye glad to welcome old friends and new to take part in the hospitality of the Queen's, Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and Gitables punctually attended to. The Queen's is conveniently situated a few rods west of the Post Office, JAMES DEWART. Port Perry, Nov. 11, 1873. A NOLO-AMERICAN HOUEL, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. . WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR, The above commodious hotel has been newly d and furnished throughout, and has ample accommodation for the re- ception of guests. It supplies a most con- venient point for Commercial travelers, Comfortable and roomy 'stabling and at- tentive ostlers. REVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, J. TENNYSON, - PROPRIETOR, Having purchased tho above Hotel, has The Table carefully supplied, Choice! Bool NOTHING LIKE pe Subscriber having removed the whole of his business to ' His New Premises ! Built tor the purpose, in PORT PERRY, Now presents to the public the largest and best stock of HARNESS SADDLES, WHIPS, TR] "NES, VALISES, And everything in his line, eyer offered to the public in the North Tiding of Ontario, He is determined to sell other House in the Trade. 78" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Thanking his customers for the liberal support accorded to him during, the past cighteen years, he will do his ftmost to merita continuance of the same. JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, June 18, 1873. 1 JEWELRY, BOOK, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, HE Subscriber in tendering his hearty thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage, would inform them and the public generally, that his stock has just heen replenished with a choice selec~ tion of Goods of the latest styles, newest patterns and best quality which he offers at the lo west possible figures at which such goods can be sold. In FINE GOLD JEWELRY; Chains, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, Brooches, &c., &c. Goldinc and Fapcy Jewelry in great variety IN BOOKS: Large Family Bibles and every variety of Beautiful Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn ks, &c., &c. All the Lest authors in Poetry, History, Biography, &c. A large and complete assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. An excellent variety of Albums. In Stationery :--Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, &c., &c. A large assortment of Legal Forms such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, casos, &c., &c. Writing- Books, Paper and Tanks of the best quality. Fancy Goods in great variety. Berlin and other fine Wools. Everything on stock will be sold at the lowest possible figures, The best Sewing Machines in the Domin- ion furnished at kprites which defy competi- tion. Ladies" Work Boxes. 1am Agent for the famous Instruments manufactured by R. 3 Wilionor Toronto. -- Pian Organs an elodcons, Violin: Cope &c., af the best description, 5 Bemember the place--Allen's Emporium, opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. he Toronto Man-- daily and weekly --and the Toronto GLoae--daily and weekly for Sale, . THOMAS ALLEN. Port Perry, September 24, 1873. as Cheap as any j= furnished jos Bid with Sie a oust liquors and cigars. Every attention guests, Stages to and from Uxbridge call daily. -- Careful Ostlers always in attendance. : WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y Egr when once a girl This Year-- Next Year--Sometime Never. BY EDWARD ELLIS, This Yea 3 + yea y Eddied round and fell, " Ths year" --and she blushed demurely, " That would be too soon He could wait a little, surely-- 'Tis already June." "| " Next yearsthat's almost too hurried." Laughingly said she ; is married, free." { Sometime--that is vague, long waiting, Many a trouble brings ; ? "Twixt delaying and debating Love might lose its wings." ' Never--word of evil omen." And she sighed Heigh-hg I" "Tis the hardest lot of woman A Powe Rough lire to go." This year," @h the dear months blessed her For that year he came, 'Won her love and fondly pressed her Soon to change her name, ¢ Next year,"--early in the May-time Ld was to be the day ; Looked she sweetly toward the gaytime Gleaming far away. " Sometime," he who watched beside her, Shadqws o'cr her life Saw creeping on knew that denied her 'Was the name of wife ' Never," crowned with bridal flowers Came that Merry spring, Ere those rich and radiant hours She had taken wing. "This year, hearts are bowed by sorrow, '¢ Next year," --sogn forgot, " Sometime" cones that golden morrow " Never" earth saw, yet. re Dangers of Intermarriage. A melancholy case of the evils of intermarrying has lately occurred. We give the story in the sufferer' own words :-- "I married a widow who had a grown up daughter. My father vis- ited my house very often, fell in love with my step-daughter and married her. So my father became my son- in-law, and my daughter became my mother because she was my father's wife. Seme time afterward my | wife had a son --he was brother ot | my stepmother. My father's wife, that is my step-daughter, also had a son, he was, of course, my brother and at the same time my grandchild for ho was son of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother be- causg she was my mother's mother. I was my wife's husband and grand- child at the same time. And as the husband of a person's grandmother is the grandfather I was my own grandfather. Be Economical. Look most to your spending. No matter what comes in, if more goes out you will always be poor. The art is not in making money but in spending it; little expenses like mice in a barn when they are many, make great waste. Hair by hair, heads get bald ; straw by straw, the thatch goes off the cottage; and drop by drop, the rain comes down in the chamber. A barrel is soon empty, if the tap leaks hut a drop a minute. When you mean to save commence with your mouth ; many thieves pass down the red lane.-- The ale jug is a great waste. In all {other things keep within compass. Never stretch your legs turther than the blankets will reach, or you will soon be cold. In clothes choose suitable and lasting stuff, and not tawdry fineries. To be warm is the main thing; never mind the looks. A fool may make money but it needs a wise man to spend it. Remember it is easier to build two chimneys than to keep one going. Ifyou give all to back and board there is noth- ing left for the savings bank. Fare! hard and work hard while you are young and you will have a chance to rest when you arg old. Ld As a fashionable young lady, fresh from boarding school, came to | her honest old father's breakfast ta-- Keep a List. 2. Keep a list of your friends ; and let God be the first in your list, however long it may be. 2. Keep a list of the gifts you get; and let Christ who ig pn unspeakable gift, be first. y 3. Keep 4 list of your mercies ; and let pardon and life stand at the head. 4. Keop a list of your joys; and and let the joy unspeakable and full of glory be first. 5. Keep a list ofyour hopes ; and let the hope of glory be the fore- most. 6. Keep a list of your sorrows; and let sorrow for sin be first. 7. Keep a list of your enemies ; and however may there may be, put down tha " old man" and the " old serpnot" fipst, 8. Keep a jst of youp sins; and let the sin of unbeligf be sgt down as the first apd worst of all, S-- How BiRDs LEARN 70 Sing AND BuiLp,--what is instinct? Tt is the "faculty of performing complex acts absolutely without instruction, or previously acquired knowledge.' Instinct then, would enable animals to perform spontaneously acts which in the case of man, pre-suppose ratiocetion a logical train of thought but when we test the observed facts which are usually put forward to prove power of instinct, it is found that they are seldom conclusive.-- It, was on such grounds that the song of birds was taken to be innate albeit a very ready experiment would have shown that it comes from the education they recieved.-- During the last century, Barrington brought up some linnets, taken from the nest in company with larks of sundry varieties, and found that every one of the linnets adopted completely the song of the master set over them, so that now these linnets--larks by naturalization-- form a company apart, when placed among bird of their own species. -- Even the mightingale, whose native song is so sweet exhibits, under domestication, a considerable read. iness to imitate other singing birds. The song of the is, therefore, deter- mined by its education, and the same must be true of nest-building. A bird brought up in a cage does not construct the nest peculiar to its species. In vain will you sup- ply all the necessary materials; the birds will employ them without skill and will ofentimes even renounce all purpose of building anything like a nest. Dose not this well known tact prove that instead of being guided by ipstinct, the bird learns how to construct his nest jusi as a man learns how to build a house? The colored brother who is cons- cious of the infirmities of man, and aspires a higher and a purer life, is soldom without words to express his emotions, albeit sometimes in phrase more direct and blunt than olegant- So it was with an old ne- gro named Pete, who was very much Lroubled about his sins. Per-- ceiving him one day ith a down- cast look, his master asked him the cause. 'Oh, massa, I'm such agreat sinner!' 'But Pete,' said his mas- ter © you are foolish to take it so much to heart. You never see me troubled about my sins.' 'I know de reason, massa,' said Peto : ¢ when you go ont dugkshooting, and kill one bird and wouud anoder, don't you run after de wounded duck ?'-- 'Yes, Pete ;' and the master won dered what was coming next.-- 'Well, massa, dat is de way wid you and me, de debil's got you sure ; but as he am not sure of me, he jis chase dis yer chill all de time.' A nice question of taste.--Jeweler 'What kind of a chain would you like. Young man--¢ Well, I don't know, hardly. What kind of chain would you think I ought to have ; that is, what styls would you RT ---- A Perkins, IIL, corner's jury ren-- dered a verdict that a man, whose body was found in the river came to his death by a blow on the head, 'which was gvien before or after drowning. Suet An Towa wife eloped with a * young fellow reciently, and as soon as she got intimate enough with: him to have free axcess to his pock- et stole $700 vherefeum id travell- ed back triumphantly €6 her hus- band. ky SH A Troy policeman sworg as "fol- lows against a prisoner : ' The pris oner set upon meg, calling me an ass, a precious dolt, scarecrow, sa raga- muffen gud an idiot--all of which I certifyso bg true. : Mr. Smith fk bound to have his joke. His wifo Walked nearly in front of a railroad tran' the other day, and he said if she had gone a step farther his children-would have had a stepmother. A young lady had Soquetted until the victim was completely exhaust ed. He rose to go away. She whispered, as she accompained him to the door ¢ I shall be at home next Sunday evening.' 'So shall I! he replied. wi ¢ Well T always make ita rule tof tell my wife every thing that hap- pens,' said Brown. 'Oh my dear fellow, that's nothing, I tell my wife lots of things that never happ- ened at all.' 'Six feet in his bools!, exclaimed Mrs Beeswax. What will the im- pudence of this world come to. I wonder? Why they might as well tell me that a man had six heads in his hat. Two undertakers meeting the other day one of them remarked on' the vast increas of Mortality. -- 'Well,' replied the other, 'you'r' luckier than Ifor I. have not bur-' ied a living soul for three weeks.' At a noted table one boarder re- marked to his neighbor: ¢This must be a healthy place for the chickens' Why' asked the other. Because we never see any dead ones here abouts. Mr. Coville says a looking-glass affords a woman a marvellous amount of comfor. and gratification. He says his wife thinks just as much of consplting her glass when she ties on her apron as when she ties on her bonnet. He says that when there's a knock at the door, he goes there at once, but his wife, on the contrary, ejaculates--¢ Merey, Joseph who's that 2' and dashes for the looking-glass the frst thing. Tipkins aroused his wife from g sound sleep the other night saying he had seen a ghost in the shape of an ass. '0, let me sleep' was the reply of the irate dame: 'and don't be frightened at your own shadow.' Lavish !--Absent man o' business --¢0, Mr. (forgets his name), will you excuse me ong' minute ?-- Take u seat----pray take achair---- take a--." Meek client-* Thank you I have one----." ¢ Mano' Busi- ness--¢ Thats all right,--take an- other !" An old colored minister, in a ser- mon on hell, pictured it as 4 region ofiice and snow, where the damned troze "throughout eternity. When privately asked his purpose in rep- resenting Gehennain this way, [5 said: * [don't dar to tell dem peo- ple nuffin else. Why if I were to say dat hell was warm, some o' dem old rheumatic niggors, would be wantin' to start dar de berry first frost. : Smith and Jones were at the man- agetie, and the conversation tarned on Darwin's theory. ¢ Look at the' monkey,' [said Smith. ¢ Think of it's being an undeveloped human'? ' Human I' said Jones, con iéfptous- ly,* Js no more' human than I am ' A reader in this town very truth-" fully and indignantly rts that ro woman, however nérvous as she' may be, has a right to wake her' husband from a sound sleep only to tell him on his inquiring what is the' : think would \ be joost be- 18 ihe i : 5 : : : ; AL tter, ¢ Nothing, only I wagted to" H vuld take this 6ppor-{ yas a} SHE, the North Ontario Auction- A150 ' DAE HOUSE, TORONTO. ble, instead of speaking English and coming fora young man what car--| mat id Bod oa fy a For Piteomngs | : - : ALD: WELLS' TORONTO ALE. ware kL nt saying ' good morning," she spoke |ries groceries to some of the best [56a if you were aWdke? hs 2a oven, dus the part (Tor MONEY WALKERS Extra MALT and RYE. 7. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR Incorporated............ weer 1888 | French and said "bon jour. 'Ot |families in town ? = "most polish od sian' in town y 3 ai locality Foul wil F arg) iy Soenciode lo : Sy course the bone's yours, you say so,' -------- __|Jist now iv a& rheumatic" grocer, pa to nerally hat e jo To ditt on pnd, apes ol cent in.|A general assortment of Teas, Sugars, wo Aommedons. . ue ai ton Capital = $400,000. responded the practical old gentle-| The brakesmién have a way of | whose wife undeftook to athe "him esd Me ' : Can'd Fruits, Fish, &0.,&0. | The bar sppplied with the best liquors tir ; a gid : their own of yelling out the names|all over with balsam for rheumatism removed If G rv: gerest, Oodfish, ay 12 op 5 wines; fio President. Hon. John McMarrich. | man, as he handed hey the ossified e v hs ny ren A proRain | § LYMAN ENGLISH, |portPerry, Sept.8,fB78. ~~ ° [and ; Swbling. ; Vice-President. ..........U. Esq. loniof fstoak, of stations, and sometifiés twist a| After the job wis well done, bi say Cyd B ill Ee ~ TE SH] ENTRE HOTEL ; = | Secretary ............ Bernard Holdan, Esq, | POTUOD of 8 beefstoak. i plain name into something not réad- ke ig hy J bard il bot hot Kh . Fy | 18 DAR ns peffofined on th November, 21, 1506 Obuvs, MUSIC LESSON S ! C ? JAMES Ton A toper got so much on his stom-+ily understgod, or derstood | pe bs 2s ve gregh pe] pk RR RS. E.'M. PRINGLE, Prince Albert, SATHTIIEME, A : ; ach the other day that said organ by passengefs. The other day a| , rtifibial tooth far bv IM Vicsres to state that ai the carmest so| J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR, DVERTISEMENT.] repelied the load. As he leaned{a train on the Detroit and Lapaing nis faction. 1) LUGGAGE licitation of friends she has agieed to give rm-- [AT 4 3 inetals vomiting alittle road was neiks How i veh Rie 2) EGA, : ; | Musio-Lisesows at the homes of several pupils | A LBION HOTEL, Agents Wanted Everywhere |Etinstalamp post ing, ; Deaning : lng fete thats ND EROM THE[STATION at a distance: bert aod | Al 2 ? dog happened to stop by him where- | his head intothe car and" Pott/Derty} October 15, 1813] TAREN 70,33D 22) Is living stance from. Prince Albert ; : 0 : Alita §f AND.AROUND TOWN, an heel oweupied she RALTAYS Jo sms, ovm upon he indulged in this soliloquy : | « He-ow-11 I" almost leavi : ww. 1 2h Subuiriber ta. prepared 15. conves | ar oh berets Ran Las thei A. MASON, ~ PROPRIETOR. NEW MAP "Well, now, here's a ¢onundrum.-- |'ow.' An old woman on ~~ |Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other de-{homes. Tufs Hotel Yas undergone 3 Soroush re- or 2ay _ | know where I ate the btked beans yseat caught the full fo / 1 | toiption of Luggnge toor rom the Railway | Addvems, if by letter, % PRINGLE, oe vega rig Dominion' of Canada. |1 remember where I ate that lobster | word, and she grab SI Lcd ig Ga "Puc Amr |public. Every attention paid fo the| Profit from two hundred to three hundsed | racolleot whers T got that rum, but | exclaiming : R. RICHARDSO! 8 He " - wi . Juels papile always received at my resi- ais a rule 0 igi jad aitentive dollars per month. eT an Tl be hanged if I can recall where |near as that ? 3 ily Lh ct: Port Perry, Jan, 1st, 1874, > pli ing 20, 1873. MRS. EM. P. Whitby, June 20,. 1870. 32-King St. East, Toronto. ¥ ate that little yaller dog." side I" } in' rock. , Jan. 1st, 1874, f ; . > - - mh v RTO y ws 3 \ 5 hd » gar 4 of

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