a Bates 2 ow ADVERTISING. ; id at the oO '| of Mr "Allison, will receive prompt atten 1 of Salle Cy BIOLO 0 din § Vetetinkry Stables re re Fr 0 1, 10. PATENT SOLICITOR 1m DRATGHTSMAN, Job Deperimeut. Phampl, nome with them... slat EES in all cases be Pe goes, Hl Heads, Blank Forms, 8, Checks, Books, Oirculars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, ee no wil Te and lower rates r esta) A nt 'the ty +@™ Parties from a distance gétting hand 'bills, &c. printed ean have them done to take H. PARSONS. a Caos. 'JONES & MALLORY, Surgeans and Ac¢eoucheurs, Physicians, argh JW. M. WILLCOX, age bestowed upon him for the past five years. their Sales or Collect Port Perry. Em i Drug Store, Queen-st. ER, f+ E, MALLORY, M.D.,C.M, ; Dr EE, DIA Prince Albert. the County of Surgeon and Ac- L131 Ww. PHILP, M. D., late of Newburg, Ont., Ryaician, Surgeon & Accoucheur, Port Perry. | gigas jOvor Mr. Carrie's Store, "BR Hi%8 gt the at the house of theRev. 8. Philp, Sen., #chool House, Prince Albert. De MARTIN & DEGRASSI, . Lindsay. * LICENSED r| AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and the 'public generally, for the liberal patron Having now given up the business of Bailiff, I intend, in future, to devote my whole t time to the' business' of Auctioneer, Col &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with Bills draughted and lank Notes furnished free of charge. Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &c., atthe Onserver Office, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 25, 1873. CROTHERS & WILSON for the County of Ontario, RE prepared to conduct Sales anywhere | in the County. Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests, WH Crothers is also Agent for all kinds of McGILL& R. Physeians, Surgeon: DE &c, Office RA Ar doin: SR King Jingu Oshawa, WN MIBILD, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M,D. Fue z JE s BE. ote for On lor Soleior Sad Nota eoupled by ee ee itn. YMAN LL. ENGLISH LL.B, Sositorns Chancery, Attorney, Convey , , Oshawa. MCBRIEN, M.D., M. R. C8. Guy's tal; London, England: The Lye R. Oshawa, LL. B, Comnty Crown aio, Batrision At ttorney, b fe. Office lately oc- I Cosirane, Esq, B Whitby. rock yo 006 sfraet, opposite the Post Omae. GX ouxe 8 Suir LL. B., Barrister, At- eo In $hanceryy and Ear I ar Omce--JcMillan's or, gone street, 'Whitby. " ERON &* MACDONNELL, Barristers { an A Aftormeye at Law, Selicilors Sonnty Offices : Court House. wractiint Whitby. My G, CAMERON, H. J. MACDONNELL. HURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor P. A hanosry. Omae ih the toyal Arcade, aniaod : Port Perry. ge LAMON, Alomey id Law Solieror hE 1, Uxbridge. Otfes In in Phrish's Block, Uxbridge. J ET, Ta ery Pubic, oer Put Porey: i... Wi. Maurioe Cochrane, ARE, . AT-LAW, Dig in Chan- Notary Public, &c. nn lly from § a.m. to & pm. Pu bars to Loan at Sper cent, on all kings, of goad security. an orders iressen to G.Crothers, Epsofn P.0., will receive prompt attention. MONEY TO LEND! The snieruigneiean hus ny dnonp; of None fist inioition reir. 048 18 OTTAWA, CANADA, ial B54 94.0 SUNSER) BYREY Vite 0:03 bpsin Patent Office wie'; 1% bo | du athor 6 me of the en. Lad: & Bn Ee cminng ody when ia. | CopTriEhts 0d the Region wines, i ey a regester- Specifications, and other Docurients neces- Office in Mr, Ross' Ontario Butldings, ed, will bis a, sary to secuty Patents of Tuvention, prepared hn on Port, Perry. iy oie ioe poco they ao" | on receipt of the model of the Inven Perry, Oct. 11, 'suay. Augtioweers. to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loar can be repaid in any manner to suit. the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks, Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &c. Orvice--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. With, April 10, 1873, MONEY! MONEY! MORE MONEY! The Subscriber would intorm all in want 'of Money that he is prepaved to negotiate Loans with the I'rust and Loan Society of Toronto, for any amount of money from $400 AND UPWARDS, On Mortgage Sccurity on Town or Farm Property. The interest is only 8 per cent. No Commission charged, and Loans pro- cured without delay, JOHN TAY LOR. Manchester, Nov. 12, 1873. MONEY | V1 MONEY! ONEY TO LOAN at 8 per ceut interest on Real Estate. BALANCE Laid down in Port Perry. All April. Port Perry, Feb. 21, 1874. Is drawing to a close aid. the sbacriber has on hand a Very Large Stock ! } of all kinds he will sell the be suited both as regards variety, quality and chea have also on hand a full Stock of all kinds of HARDWARE PAINTS, OILS, &c:, which will be sold Chea for my large Spring Stock which will arrive about the 1st of AT COST ! arties in want of a stove can ness. to make room W. T. PARRISH. N. B. Caal Oil by the barrel or car-load very cheap as I have several car-loads on hand yet which must be disposed of. Dealers will do well to call before purchasiing elsewhere. oral CANADIAN HOTEL. PORT PERRY. HENRY FOY, ~ PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted it up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and prosperity of the Village and neighborhood, and with direct reference to the comfort and convenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the r. Comfortable Stables and attentive Ostlers, ' Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage, Port Perry, June 16, 1869. pe PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERRY. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- Additions have been made which maker this W.T. P, TOLDAY, FRETS V ITH & view to meeting the rapidly increasing demands of his customers and of providing valuable, attractive and Fashionable Holiday Presents For all classes of the community, old 'and young, the Subscriber has added largely to his valuable Stock, and would respectfully invite all to come and INSPECT HIS GOODS ! Fine Gold Watches; Superior Silver Watches, of sizes suitable for ladies and gentlemen, . (An endless variety of the best and most FASHIONABLE JEWELRY! A large and choice display of S1LVER- WARE. , Lots of beautiful Fancy Goods. The Book and Stationery department well ked. Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, | and Eldon, may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. THOS, H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc. in the County of Victoria. Residence-- Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts col- | lectedein Cannington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- WALSH E, the North Ontario Auction- eer. I= OF DIVISION COURTS P. A. HURD. |the largest and best House in this section of Port Perry, March 13, 1874, 12 | country. Fare $1.00 per Day. a ENISON'S DOMINION HOTEL, & 2 THE ONTARIO PARMERY |D i Mutual Insurance Company. and Churches. Brock St, Whitby. Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa This Company is now fully organized and is pre, to accept risks on Farm Buildings REF™ Parties entrusting their Sales to me their contents, country School Houses Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company , have now an opportunity of doing so, either Dy applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, L. FAIRBANKS, Jr,, Becretary. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. Capital - $400,000. President. ...,...... Hon. John McMurrich. Vice-President. veevesU. Magrath, Esq. Becretary .....oeneen Bernard Haldan, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, General Agent. At the Railway Station, PORT PERRY. Every attention given to the accommoda. tion and comfort of guests. The table and bar supplied with the best the i Market af fords, Choice Liquors and the best brands of Cigars. Excellent stable and shed ac- commodation, and attentive ostlers, 'D.B. DENISON, Proprietor. oF HOTEL, PORT PERRY. JAMES DEWART, - PROPRIETOR. The Subscriber having leased this excel- lent Hotel and fitted it up with a view to the comfort of guests and the accommoda- tion of the general public, will be glad to welcome old friends and new to take part in the hospitality of the Queen's. The Table carefully supplied, Choice Liquors and Cigars in the Bar, the Yard and Stables punctually attended to. The Queen's is conveniently situated a few rods west of the Post Office. JAMES DEWART, Port Perry, Nov. 11, 18737 of Watches, Clocks and exccuted with neutness and dis- COME FOR YOUR Holiday Presents! TO MCCAW'S, Royal Areade. W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1873. 5 PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, C. M'KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. uipped HE Bubscriber hav ing 1 now fully uals en ib his new and extensive Live a Ban of supetion Horses to furnish first class LIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873. EY YA SGLOA HERIOAS HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. WM. BADGEROW, PROPRIETOR. The above commodious hotel has been FOR THE County of Ontario, FOB THE YEAR 1874. Tbe wl 2 21218 2 EEE ZEEE wn 030 113 111g oF | Hor © 0 fol ols ul 7a] ef] (whe 12 i hi ui ol |2 14] [18 wl [35 15 115 ¥ %. BURNHAM, Gro. H. D. Junior Judge. : Te ! TRS OE Fa Tal dtigelaw's Slcok, 28pm." {John McDonald, | Marriage Licenses, [BY AUTHORITY. ER Port Perry. Office, the Segoe 1 SSUER of Marriage Licenses Offios= Lot 10; in the Ist concession of Brock. © MARBLE DEALER ! oF Stones of grt ie, with gE |e of Marble Work, for Cem. i Se hg g oR LL vil ©. WILLIAMSON, X Saisction fuarantoed, and all work 'war- avd fof moa HEDILO II AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! REPAIRS PORT PBART| 'Has been opened by Brown & D'atterson C "HOTEL, AT PORT PERRY, |C™™ [i .... edaiiiond yr Sb dl nib J. JENNINGS, - PROPRIETOR. Hs BER Falni, A OE Yate : pradits newly renovated and furnished throughout, and has ample accommodation for the re- on of guests, It supplies a most con- venient point for Commercial travelers. Comfortable and roomy stabling and at- tentive ostlers. CP ese HOTEL," GREENBANK. RB. McRAE, PROPRIETOR. The above hotel has undergone a thorough A. MASON, - PROPRIETOR. noth and he Ted up with view Favsling NOW FOR FIRST CLASS LIVERY RIGS: W. H. PARK, Jr, HAS ted 0 Liver Livery Stable opposite the Post Office, Port Perry, where first class Livery Riga can always be had on moderate terms. W. H. PARK, Jz., Proprietor. Port Perry, Jan, 23, 1874, renovation, and has been fitted With a x Taw 4555 coment sud sulycnil i UGGAG ITH a view to'better accommodating | tr Lan L E the Farmers of North Ontario Mar i steve or Comfortable stables | | poss and Cartwright, further Greenbank, March TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION apidly increasing demand for the Pe ie 28, 1874. AND ABOUND TOWN. nton t y AFC Ny ---- Chior Mowe,' D Seiled The Subscriber fs. pr ® convey . Chests, es every other de- sir, of 3. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. scion of Luggage o or fom the Railway the Whitby Works, and all accommodasons, Careful attention | or eR a el AN AGEN C v/[&5 Good tabling. : 7. 000K. Work Perry, Jan: 1s, 1874, FIRST CLASS TAILORING. ¥ class Tailoring, in all He' dbpure- |, iia Ln i Rk here aie oo Ja siilgl ¥ ---- "WHOLE NO: 848 ~ AThrtiting Stary of » Wemaw's Vengeance, 'When Charles 2 found himself firmly seated upon the throne of his decapitated father and was satiated with Roundhead blood; he looked about to fulfill an oath made in the interest of Sir Esterbrook Faleolm, his trustiést Cavalior: In the darkest period of the mon~| ed many # generation of the How- ards. It was believed that in = fig of insanity occasioned by the death of her father, the beautiful oné had taken hor ¢ wn lif, and tho cavalier, upon whose hinds her iiinovent blood appeated turned to new con quests. : encircled one of the tin; tiny fingers, and 80 the ghastly object was laid away in the family vault, where slamber-- One'night, six years sifbsequent to tor {ever dissappéared Svan we Veiled Sorceress, : Ever since the night upon whisk she found an unkown body in the Thames, and decked it with ber ri she worked for revenge which proved Falcolm's doom. Far and wide Chatles Hunted wv for the slayer of bia fivorite, and never discovered that it was Editha Howard, living in France as a wi arclt's life, when he 'was compelled to hide in the trees, under huts dnd miastiiatic fene to escape the yen- geance of the régicidies, Sir Ester-- brook alone remained faithful, and to reward him Charles swore to place in his hand that of Editha Howard, the only child of the infirm Sir Jarold Howard, the most beauti- ful woman in England. The symmetrical form and prepos* sessing features of Sir Estbrook had gained him the cognonieri of the "Apollo of theArmy," and he thought his handsome self irresistable to the comelier sex. Editha Howard ! His sin-stained heart leaped with joy at the vow of the hunted Stuart, whom he saw with prophetic vision seated upon the English throne. He did mot serve Charles so faithfully through patriotic motives ; he served for a selfish motive, that he might guin the hand of the woman he passionately adored--Editha Howard. The Stuart had intended, when fortuuate smiled upon him, to wrest Editha from the heart ot her only remaining parent, and make her a bright but lost jewel in his contami- nated court. He never dreamed that the court of the royal Sir Mortimer Vere. ' cried Sir Mortimer. 'Sembled here." thou camest." cried Falcolm. can reveal." gloomy streets. the thrilling trcidents related above, Sir Esterbrook Falcola felt am. arm thrust through his ss he walked in palace. He turned and beheld his friend, « Ha, I have fotind the st list," "I cdme béar thee from the gay cotfpaiiy as. ' Whither, Sir Mortimer 7' asked Falcolm. "By my troth, I was wishing for a changé of scene when "1 am going to consult Sibella the Sorceress and would that thou wouldst accompany me." + With all my heart, Mortimer," «T would know the future which 1 am told this woman " Ay, and tell thee of the past to," said Sir Vere, as he led Falcolm from the merry company to the After a tedious walk, Sir Mortimer paused before a magnificent build. ing, into which the twain were ad- mitted, and for the first time Fal. colm's eyes fell on one who had read the past life of his king, and badly prophesied his future. er a The swallows hover round in flight ; The " Zypher wifids" with balmy Breese, Are now heard sighing through the trees. The April sunshine pouring down, Mid rifts of clouds without a frows ; The buds are bursting everywere, Sweet birds are singisg here and there. The air fs with opening flowers, : While aro efnging iu the Bowers ; Our hearts in thankf{(lriess weraise, To God above aud offer praise. The winter's frost is gone at last, : With drifting snow and stormy blast ¢ . 0 Is gone at last, adieu, adieu | But spring hay swept these chills sway, Now birds sing out their tuneful lay ; A sure prognostication this, That winter ends in perfect bliss. So may we when our star shall ge€ Upon this earth, not in regret ; Bat with a hope that all is well, And bid our friends a found farewell, A fond farewell until we meet .. 3 In heaven bright where a]l siall greet Those that the winter ushered in, everlasting Spring, i JIM NICK. Udora, April 10th, 16%. of Mortimer Vere whom she had loved in girlhood,s sunny hour. The Spring hae came with beauty belght, Her icy breath chilled through and through, + | --she loved not the cavalier who his follower's heart was set upon her and was surprised when he told Sir Esterbrook to as any boon at his hands, that instead of craving 'itles, lands, or gold, he should ask what was not his to bestow--a woman's hand. Notwithstanding this, the merry monarch gave it to him, and swore that he should possess it. The lamb loves not the wolf. Thus it-was with Editha Howard came to her from the bacchanalian walls of a corrupt court, and, on bended knees, poured into her ears protestations of love. When Sir Esterbrook asked her hand in marriage, she boldly refused it, telling its owner that he had best seek a companion in the palace. The rejection soon reached Charles' ears. "I will humble her, Falcolm," he said, with a meaning smile. That day Editha's grey-haired father was arrested upon a charge of treason, and immaured in the tower. His trial and condemnation to the block speedily followed, and almost crazed with grief, the girl sought the king. She offered to take her father's place and give her young lite for his ; and the accursed monarch told her that the bestowal of her hand upon Sir Falcolm would secure her father's liberation. Instantly her cheeks paled at the thought of becoming the bride of] such a man ; but, though she knew that it would break her heart and make ber an early tenant of the tomb, she consented. + Now let me liberato him with my own hands I" she cried. «Let me--his child---bring the first ray of sunshine to his heart." The monarch, ignorant of the state of affairs in the earl's cell, acceded, and sent Editha to the tower with a s|8uards end the keys in her own 8 | hands. She reached her father's cell, and threw wide open the massive door: 'a--" the endearing uname froze upon her lips at the sickening sight that met her gaze.' Stretehed on thé floor, lifeless, yet still bleeding, lay the parent she came to liberate. Murdered ! lois in hér own chattbér. Faleolm's inipatience bad baffled him. Fearing that Editha would not exchange her hand fof the liber: ation of her fathéf, he had caused im to be murdered, unknown to the king, thinking that in the midst of her grief; the poor girl would con- sent to become his. ron in a brilliantly-lighted apart- ment, the velvet lined walls of which were covered with cabalistic horos-- copes of remarkable characters. deeply veiled. that almost swept the floor glittered like gold in the lamplight, and the exquisitely-chiselled arms, bare to the shoulder, excited the admiration of the curious cavalier. name as he paused before the cauld- ron, and bade him advance. scarcely perceptible vapour rose from the depths of the ebon cauldron. riosity. He touched the rim ot the a single sentence : and stared at the sorceréss. Siballa's veil dissapeared in the himself face to face with--Editha |° Upon the ghastly object she sank | voice grosied his ears. insensible, and awoke to dofiscions--| She towered before a black cauld She was georgeonsly clad and A wealth of tresses In a mellow tone she spoke his Sir Mortimer Vere remained at a respectful distance. " Sir Esterbrook, I will read thy past, then thy future," she said, as a The earl could not control his cu- vessel, and gazed into it, to behold a dense white smoke slowly ascend ng. Sibella drew a ball of silken ribbon from her bosom and dropped it into the cauldron, rétaining one end of the string. Presently alittle snake of deep green hue ascended the rib- bon, which fell to pieces as he pro- ceeded, and coiled around the sor- ceress' arm. This sigular action completed, Sibella opened her mouth and read Sir Esterbrook's * past life with a correctness that startléd, him and caused him to thik the crea- ture before him was more than a woman. " Now thy future!" she said slowly and solemnly. "I read it in ¢ Sir Esterbrook . Falcolm dies to-night !" The earl sprang from the cauldron At that moment, as if by accident snowy smoke, and the cavalier found |. Howard ! An English oath parted his Bp He saw that hé Was entrapped, and not caring how the girl had escaped his spies to become a noted sorceress he drew his sword; dnd turned to Sir Vere. ¢Trator,' he hissed' ¢ bar not my way to yonder portal.' Sir Mortimer remained motionless as a statue; and before the enraged cavalier could makd'd pass, Editha's k aot [chose the favorite resort of lovers, the goat' -- The man who remarked that thd Princé of Walés was born with & crown on his head was nof aware that all children aré so born. In St. Louis everybody is consid erute, and théreéfore s daily paper, remarks : " Two gentlemen and & lady 1€ft the Penitentiary last week." The Hoosiers like work when it is disguised as fun. The other day twenty of them handled over thirty- which escaped after all. The Danbury News sdys a rain' funder thé auspices of thé United Statés government, setin Saturday fafternoon. This is thé best thing ever said against centralization. Milwaukee thought she had a case wherein a young girl diéd ofa brok- en heart, buf it tarned oat "that her corset strings were too tight,' and one stroke of the jack-knife re- vived her.' According to the Cincinnati Com~" mercial a New Orleans reporter was found to have a wife in Vicksburg, another in Natchez, another in Cairo another in Memphis ; dnd they stop ped counting and put him in jail. A North Carolina editor thus writes : * With wearied brain and' fatigued limbs from the duties of the day, we bend over a manuscript, the soft and soothing strains of music, such as only Johnston's band can make falls upon our ea:s, and the revivifying is as though some magic \wand' hail passed over us.' A colored Mississippi légistator lately proposed a bill to make each member of the legislature, present and future a bona fide attorney and counsellor at law. His reasoning was direct jg Forsaid he, 'if we know enough fo mako de laws why don't we practice um ? Shure Saosgh why not ? Tin Marysville, Gal., 'the otter day a Newfoundland. dog walked into & market, dropped a ten cent jece out of his mouth, and walked off with a whale salmon. The butcher says some folks call that dog tell' on put' a dog that can' t disting= h between a ten-cént slice and a five-dollar fish hasent got common' sure Smith way walking out with a 'heat the other evening, and they pasture mgar the dam, While admir- «Murderer, thy time has come y she cried ; and be turnéd' to behold the snake writhing in her grasp far above her head. He deviued her intention, but ere he cold plaii's' defence against this novel attack she sent the green ser- pent hissing throtgh the' air, and it sunk its horrid fangs into'his neck ground whichit closely coiled. ia, eh, bu ly fainted away when Smith told her he. wasn't used to hearing young Indies sw and another engagement js broken off. « How mach bette jE would have been to" have shaken hands and allow it was all a mistake," said a Detroit Judge. "Ther th: lion and the lamb would have lain down to ether, and white-robed prace wanl! hee, with her smiles of appr baticn Te went to clawing and 1iting am ih the mud, ud, pod bere yoy arc, It's five ¢ lars apiece. ish, ai hat "when Fréncl 'and 'ra ri taught nobody is eblixed:to pavegng fot The courts wil feel, comfort and convenience of fit Ta Every attention the | 800d fit guaranted, The night following the burial of| He did not shriek, but clutching ey Tails onlging dad stentive| rep, hens ck sh the _baséely murdered = mobloman {wildly at space, i ack, 'and Osors will have chargo ofthe sable, "of Forman' Sore miiis teriously disa) sinking ably 163%, died wl wa our present] "ypyieby, Jugs. 20, 160, 3 iy y ly to En Er yeRE ROT, So Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. - 15 iDdiéra} ood tf 1 58 Bort a fo in E Broo et loose his spies, an al After gazing a moment at |s BROWN &P. oR MANOENEFEN] s MONE BY week 'of 'earch the huiit suddenly' the cavaler's face, rapidly swelling |! Qct. 1,1878, °C Ae 2 Tyee PROPRIETOR, {rotund Pant 8 por cent. ine sens fo Sue : joan gityral i Blin lol at OHN CHRIST! Hotel y wom J' mens oumRx, farm dr Bar a Wi LYMAN ENGLISH, , doting inthe Thames. The deli- Hair we wil sSanaT ssuer of Mariage. ro" Sverancer | an nd clews, Ee Tene wld Ee i hog Sos cately-moulded features were disfig- = banat ing donk + OG AROROIOR 2 ho Cu hn ua 7 | November, 21, 1866. 14|uréd ; but Editha's well known ring| $60k the ex and that 'night 1 i; abies = - = z= = ms wv ; Ng five cords of wood to get at a rabbit, . thelr nosen redden= j fanned you with he wings and eltvntod ¢ X