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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Feb 1875, p. 3

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2 i 840000 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE EMBRACING dos, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, & GROCERIES, AT ACTUAL COST PRICE ! x 1 CE Subsoribers being abot to enter on new business arrangements, and having decided to dissolve the present partnership of DAY OF MARCH, Ar Cost PRICE. themselves that there is NO DECEPTION. to the smallest possible dimensions. tock by tho FIRST rsd oo y To remove all doubts as to the To effect a speedy cleargce, from. this dato, THEIR EnmRe STOCK Zennineness of the sale, purc wing to the enormous vgiety ution of Partnership! . - MR. OUnrmE's ooromw. | m CHOICE EW &00DS ! Holidays ! The undersigned" are offering Special Lines in | G0 During the Holidays, compris- ing a beautiful lot of French Clouds, Ti : terring to tho Invoices and 'satisfyin I dave the pry ph vilege Eine to enumerato all: the ifforent departments, they therefore respectfully submit the following Lin, as { aampian hig} oy trast will satisfy the most skeptical that they are offering EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. i ba A 16,000 yds Grey Cottons. 10 pleces Linen Straw Ticking. |37 pieces Bancy } Shirtings. | 34 Hisves French Meringh, Now . duybster, worth 11c, for 9c Extra valine at...... 250, for 20 Excellent value at 5c for 37} + 1 Boston, worth 12je, for - 11 Extra value at......30c, for 24 Twilled at.....cco.... ..B0c, for 42 Marked. coeuseusseo.gf0 for 40c 2 2 Extra value at e386, for 28 Very finest at......55¢, for 47 Marked seessecsesessfC for 55¢ ! Co rowall, yor 150, for 1% 23 Brown Hc d " welt oil al Marked 6c for T0c 8000 ds Waite Downe for 8 Really a ati... Ye, fop 1521 Pieces Searle; Flanmels. 48 pieces Black Lust Cheap atb....ceseeeeec100, fOr Really cheap at....20c, for 16 Splendid valus at 30c for 25¢ Prime value at.. §.25¢ tor 20c Cheap at. ++12}e, for il . Really cheap at. ...25¢, for 20 Splendid value at 40c for 32¢ Prime value at..J«.35¢ for 28¢c Ch. pliyoresser +150, ford 27 pieces Irish Table Lene Twilled at.......... 55c for 6c Prime value at. f...40c for 32¢ 12000 yds Ashton & Hoyles' Prints. Splendid value at...30c, for 25 46pieces Plain & Checked Wincies. | 29 pieces Pure Alpagas. Well worth.........12}e, for 10 Splendid value at...45¢, for 37 Extra Cheap at 12}c for 10c Ready Sale atf....55¢ for 450 Well worth........i16¢, for 12} Splendid value at...60c, for 50 Extra Cheap at 20c for 16c . Ready Sale af.....65¢ for 55c | Well worth.ceeeeee 160, for 13) 0) pieces Striped and Wincey Extra Cheap at 25¢ for 20c Ready Sale of... 5c for 60¢ ! fi 17 pices Cotton Feather Ticking. Shirting. 72 Pieces Fancy Dress Goods. 10 pieces Blavk S 2 Regular price.......28¢, for 20 Worthueesoveueeeoees 20¢, for 16 Regular Price......20c for 16c Richly worfl...... 5c for bc % Regular price.......306, for 23 Worth. + 28c, for 20 Regular Price......30c for 23c Richly worf ... 81.10 for 85¢ | y Rogular price....... 3bc, for 27 Worth . «.30¢, for 23 Regalar Prico......45¢ for 37} Richly wogh... 1:25 for $1 | : : ; SHAWLS, MANTLES, CLOUDS, SCARFS, GLOVES, AND HOSIERY ACTUALLY LESS THAN pOST! uy is ' Y y S "78 pisces Canadian Tweeds 25 pieces Tapestry, ang Wqol 100 prs Boys' and Youths' Boots. 900 prs Women§ Prunellas. Regular price $1 10 for $0 85 Darpats, Boys' conrse, $2 25, for $1 85 Bal. & Ghiter 81 10, for $0 90 Hegihfprios Wester 100] Sold allover 450 £0, for goez Youths'coarse, 175, for 145 Bal. & faiter 125, for 100 Regujgr price 150 for 125 Sa ih peers 1 2, oe ji Boys' Kip...... 2 50, for 2 00 Vory fio... 150, for 125 « rat 1 25, for 0 x ms Regular prico 175 for 140 OO a J Youths' Kip... ; Extrgfine... 175, for 145 Rrie Sold all oyer at 175, for 140 oaths Rip. 100, fool 1.00 Le | (Over Coats and Pea Coats 800 prs Men's Kip and Coarse Boots 2000 prs Wom:n's Boots. He Lars ildren's and Misses | Richly worth $6 00 for $475 No 1 coarse...$2 75, for $2 40 Plain Buff... 125, for 105 Reglar Price.$0 80 for $0 65 Richly worth 850 for 675 No 2 coarse... 250, for 225 Plain Buff.... 140,for 120 Refilar Price. 100 for 080: Richly worth 10 00 for 8 00 Clump Kip... 325, for 275 Peb. Bal....... 150, for 125 Rflar Price. 180 for 105; Richly worth 12 00 for 9 50 Slip Kipeeree 3 00, for 2 623 Peb. Bal....... 1%5,for 150 Rfular Price. 150 for 120, | bi Be 3 American Cotton Yarn for. . .. $1 25 worth $1 50 | Splendid Mink Sets for . ..$15 00 worth$20 00 | Fine French Wove I AR 55¢ worth 700 Cornwall Yam for.. .. 150 worth 175 |'German Mink Sets. for ... 4 75-worth 6 00 | Finc American Wop Corsets for .. 35¢c worth 50¢ | ' Canadians er 4 25 worth 4 75 | No, 1 Josephine Kid Gloves for 105 worth 1 25 | Hoop Skirts for.. feeeeeee canes . 25c worth 35¢ | Ribbed pix rawers, 0.75 worth 1 00 | Splendid Poplin Dress for.eeeee 6 75 worth 8 50 | Huck Towels. . 6c worth 10c i | Bobunitor Lk : 00 worth 11 00 | Ladies' Felt Over Shoes. ... . 1 05 worth 1 25 | Knickerbocker Wi i 7c worth 10c t lt Overshoes: . 125 worth 150 [ Women's Rubbers for... 0 40 worth 0 50 | Roller Towelling, 6c worth 8c oRoCERIES. GROCERIES ! | . No. 1 Prince of Wales Tobacco .50¢ per 1b. | Best Baking 8508... .uuvuerenveennn inne "...60. per ib. | Dome Lead. §. .. ..123per box. { Yuya Smoking. ves '. 55¢ per Ib Finest Toilet Soaps, . ....5c. per cake. | Telegraph Majhes . "lee. per box. | 110m. Bright Sugar for, .o.uu ceeren's irs crn cannery SU | Sardines............ 2 'i23c. per box. | Extra Vineg: 25 cents per gal. { 201bs, Cheita Rice fore.ces sense venee PRTRETR RETR $1 | Mixed Pickles. ..ooooevereonveianeinens 180. per bottle. | Five bars So Tor. SER RE 25 cents, ' pe TEAS! 15 Half Chests to be Sacrificed | <@u TEAS! -&g _ Bocent Teas reduced to 40 cents. MAMMOTH STOCK OF CROCKERY! . SPREAD THE GOOD Port ort Perey Ja 4%, A876. 80 cent Teas reduced to 65 cents. Best, China Tea Sets $5, Old Wheat Toa Sets $3. 1 Tea reduced to 80 cents, EWS! er Ontario PORT _ iver takes TE liberal and tantly i in which he has been in busi Works! PERRY. GREAT ing Sale! ii for, the ly ou him during | the is any years having' T premises necessary, 1 have MOVED [0 PORT PERRY, Largely leuded my my prem and secured greatly increased facilities 0 business a am now prepared more pronjtly to meet the to fill pa on the shorte notice. CARJAGES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, Wilt of the best ial in the best style and by first class Workued, Orders for BI lacksmitjog carefully nded to.~,01d € with and dispatch. Wood- ironed and Carriages timmed for the trade at reasonable mbes, seal EMANEY, Dee a4, our Works: or"s Store, ' MANCHESTER. ity of thanking his custcmers for hig er hestowed upon him since Pp at Manchest: n stating, that having the Store and tin to further extend his and offer still greater sways oh Bens aro mln 3# cstome: a et both | | on hand, Felt Skirts, Shawls, 'Fancy Jewelry, &c. | The Millinery & Dress Making Department is complete with all the latest Novelties in Ladies' Hats, trim-| med and untrimined, Ladies' Fur Caps, Sealskin Jackets, &e., &e. f} { The Grocery Depart- ont is fully assorted with a Fresh Stock of Choice Teas, Raisins, Currants, Biscuits, &c. Choice Cuts of Pork always comprising Spare- Ribs, Tender-Loins, -Backs for and| Roating. Sausages, superior to any heretofore sold in this market. A magnificent lot of China Tea Sets, just to hagd, trom 85 to #20 per Set. 47 Cush for Hogs at the | Packing House. a TAYLOR A \ pen CLEARING SALE OF WINTER GOODS, ONE MONTY At Cost. Ladies' Furs at Cost, Gents's Furs, | Overcoats, Heavy Coats, Blankets, Horse Blankets, Railway Rugs, Shawls and Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Silk Velvet for Mantles, Silk MiHinery Velvets, Rich Black Silks, Wool Costume Cloth, Ladies' Velvet, and Felt Hats and Bonnets. {G= No such opportunity has been offered for securing Rich Goods AT LOW PRICES As the above Goods are all new and fashionable,and will be sold at Oost to clear out the balance of Stock and yak room for New Goods. D] GEO. CURRIE A --- Port Percy, Dec. 17, 1874, Dressed Hogs, Wanted! 1900 DRESSED HOGS, FOR WHICH THE Highest Market Price WILL BE PAID. CASH ~--FOR-- WHEAT, BARLE, Peas, Oats, &c. FOR SALE No. 1 Lard in Leaf. No.l Lard, Rendered. Bacon, Hams; &c. |B, WORTHINGTON, 5 Chickory, «| Clothes Pins, - | RUM--Jamaica and Demerara BY PORT PERRY, Blaeking--Stove and Shos, Blueing--Ball and Button Coffee-- Whole and Ground. ... Candles--Sperm and Tallow ......eveeece CUITAntS, ..oovo cocrre ves onene weorssvens Clothes Lines. ,o.oee voenes doresesanscens Cigars, ESSENCES--Lemon, Vanills, Peppermint, FISH--Herrings, Cod, Whitefish, Trout, Smoked, &¢ FRUITS--Dried, Canned and Green. ...... Figs, siaiiee sassseiseimraisineraisapsnnyecs GIN--Henkle's, and Old Tom Ginger--Groung and Whole MEALS--Oatmeal, Commeal, best White Flour, Graham Flour, &c¢ MACCATONI, « .vvvve vunans soratesens arenes Matches, ..oooe cares stone Mustard--Coleman's, and Keen's, MOPS, .oevrrane ssnnnase Sere sonrssisansas Nuts--Walnuts, Almonds, and Filberts,.... 0il--Hair, and Castor vee Pickles--Cross & Blackwell's, Morton's Wy- att's, and Batty's,. PORTER--Guiness', and Blood' Peels--Orange and Lemon . ...vienrenanne Pails ...oiiinninre cannes . Plowlines Pepper--Black, White and Red Rice--Whole and Ground SPIRITS--Rye, Malt, Monongahela, Bour- bon, Whiskies Salt--Barrel and Bottle Syrup--Sugar Loaf, Amber, Silver Drip, Golden, Raspberry, Pine Apple, and Spices,--Allspice, Cloves, Nutmegs, ete..... NOW READY. OF THE FINEST QUALITY, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. | Smoked Hams) vady, Ground, Sugar loaf, C. As, 00. civvisanes CE greananrere Teas--Green, Black, and Japan. 13 Chewing and §&~ Goods Delivered

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