S-- Pad Ve ERE 4 5 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER ~ PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL §, 187 VOL. XVII, NO. 15.¢ 10 OBS en WHOLE NO. 896 wie tans the largest and best House in this section of sary to secure Patents of: Invention, prepared country. Farg $1.00 per Day. on receipt of the model of the Invention, r sn SH ------------------ . re -- ; Fone : Hull Oufria ® FETT. H ENRY G RIST, pour PeRRY HOUSE, A NEW LOT OF AMERICAN View of onr Hard Winter. | LIGHT AFTER DARKNESS. [ed br howd fo ori side TC ra aoa ig 8 aE PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN, PORT PERRY. ° . \ BY WN. TRLFORD. Seated in an easy arm chal before & coir. ie seid uly i a whisper ty a FAN OTTAWA, CANADA, JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. i » V For the Peterbors lo fortable fire that burned briskly within a tried To Consclonnen hatuing bebo iy AL, AGRIOULTURAL, |Transacts business with the Patent Office| The above House is now most comfort- . You On dude Zouninsr , |Disbly polished grate, and regaling himself | side. ye . a : y oD ign ats of the Government |ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in - : / i " x vog Oa ada | how art a home to me { with a fragrant Havana, Walter Gleason ap- {Where anPr est 3 Cann om Copyrights and the Registration of Trade | the Home Style. Good Liqu d Cigars, : ne os Te much to cast one stain on thee. | peared the type of a man in perfect case and You are with friends, dear, repiied' the ; FAMAELY NEWSPAPER, |Muks and Designs procured. Drawings, |also, first class Stabling and godhl Ostlers.-- and abroad great men thy name dis- | comfork Surrounded by every luxury money | Durse bathing the fevered brow with some : ' "18 PUBLISHED AT" Specifications, and other Documents neces. | Additions have been made which maker this J U S T R E C E { Vv E D could purchase, he little realized how severe | cool water A HA, play, And noble poets have joined them in thy raise. ed oR" BR Praise. #ORT PERRY, They tell us of thy lakes and rivers clear At the Sign of the CIRCULAR SAW, Port Perry, and are to be sold at very low Price, ree mr---- yr Of fish and fowl, of BVHRY, THURSDAY MORNING, --_ ore niece" Tymsoxs pouisiox wo, 35 Gente. Bach and Upwards {|S coisas Sh phat Es _-- At the Railway Station, And shaded woods adorned with maple all early a et your pick as a great many are waiting for them. PORT PERRY. Full gavly and get your 2 g 7 gh Every attention given to the accommoda- tion and comfort of guests. The table and bar supplied with the best the Market af fords. Choice Liquors and the best brands of Cigars. Excellent stable and shed ac- commodatiod, and attentive ostlers, ( D. B. DENISON, Proprietor. : | Win BY, : NS groves, B. IRD & PARSO ' Ton Ostia dias those. wad ten times Jere ; unse rich mines to explore ; z TERMS. --$1 9 pau, i¢ foil in 0. But o'er them all hangs a dark Fi 80 nee ) * yf subscription taken. for less than six months; #nd no paper discontinued until all arrears sre paid. Ye RATES OF ADVERTISING. W.M. W MEY ILLCOX, ms rear, It is her winters, stern, cold severe. Toe present winter, scarce yet passed away, ill prove most obvious every word I say Of winds and storms, of 'rosts and drifting LICENSED Tied -- snows, For ne, first insertion ... ...$0 08 rans, TE insertions, per line . « 002 N I ER NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, f m , or face, or ear, or ¥ Hn under & lines, per annum . 500 A C 1 % . A Ask Bet tha throng which pace the crowded taining money, when ad- OTT : PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. 5 x i hore son all Bey regester- FOR THE COUNTY op o¥tasDl Br EZRA BATES, © Where bron wid shovel cleared paths for Offog, ARIPO, 7 od, at our risk. ls many friends and he The comfort of guests carefully attended They know as little of the depth of snow to. The Table and Bar well supplied. theasured by Nonpareil Advertisments y pare!!, Choice Liquors and the best brands of sud acoording to the space they ac- ed cupya.,. * I seceived for publication. , without specific instructons, willbe inserted and aiccodingly. No nd iment will be taken out until paid for. Alliberdl discount-allowed to Merchants and others who adyertise by the year or half- As of the land where milk and honey flow. Traverse the highways, cast one side- . ward glance, Oft you would mount up higher than the fence, PE ee Or meeta team and take your downward course, 95 Plunge overhead the driver and the horse ; Or in the woods, where labor bids us tread, Oft, ugexpected, plump near overhead, Or full a tree, pluff out of sight it flies, Just the small branches meet our gazing eyes, Cold Canada---no milder name I find-- This winter leaves that impress 'on our mind; Such fiost and storms, unusual depth of ENOW, Past fifty years, to this no equal shows, For two long months the sun was almost g public generally, for the liberal patron- : age bestowed upon him forthe past five years. Having now given up the bysiness of Bailiff, I intend, in fature, to evote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Collecting, &c. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction fo_8ll who may favor me with thefr Sales or Collecting. "Bils draughted and Blak Notes furnished Q gars. Good Stabling and attentire Ostlers. EZRA BATES, Anglo-American Hotel, . Proprietor. July 15, 1874, } REVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, A. TENNYSON, Proprietor. The Revere House is" decidedly one of the best and most comfortable country Hotels in the Province and is situated in a most con- free of charge. d venjent position for the traveling public.-- Also Bill Stamps always on hand. Stages to aud from Uxbridge, Utica and Ep- Arrangemegts can be made for sales &c.,) som, call here dally. 5 d | The Subscriber, since becoming proprietor, at th Opssaver Office, and at the Standard |, (86 (PLC Ie VRCTOueny. repaired Office, Port Perry. and will spare neither labor nor expense in making the Revere House a comfortable transient home for travelers, and for the re- freshment of guests. ? p The table and bar supplied with the best "Phese terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to. Job Department. hamplets, Hand Bilis, Posters, Pro- ---- Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards; Ball: Cards, &c., of every style and 'colorgexecuted promptly and at lower rates W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Oct. 26, 1873. hid While out of doors one shrank to put their bli i ty. the market supplies. than any other establishment in the Coun! : A Illes tantive wath head Parties from a distance getting hand Wm. Gordon, ae, | oo IES BARN NVSON, Propietor. » : Or if thiey ventured ere the day did close bills, &c. printed can have themdone to take | dA py Aug, : p&S™ Parties Building or anticipating doing so will find it to their advantage to give me | Found hands and feet, or faces, badly froze. home with them. 1. PARSONS OR the Fownship of Task UShiige [ON HOTEL [a call as I will not be undersold. A call is solicited. Alesis north wind cold and piercing J. BAIRD. : > cott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa A Wa 1 it Pale ew, --=== nd Eon, : ? : \ JAMES eh Port Perry, Mar WwW. PARI TSH |e dazzling snow, in blinding drifts it flew ie ting their Sales to me ES T. D, PROPRIETOR. es ES ---- | To sheltered spots, where it in wreaths did UG. p&@y™ Partics entrus hae a oo h Professional cav 8. may rely on the utmost attention being given | 04 accommodations. Careful attention 1 1 2 a Seite Dok 4a th em = | to their interests. to the requirements of travelers' and guests. 8 | Such De ans th Foaling fo sholoye: 1d D,, Coromer, Physician, WM. GORDON, 'The bar supplied with the best Liquors and -- ¥ 2 ly. Suman wonlerls dread, Tt made our teeth play chatter in our head, While from our eyes the cold forced tear Sunderland, Brock. | Cigars, Good Stabling, Manchester, July 15, 1874, 'JONES, M. R. surge, & Port Perry. Office, over Allison's Drug Store, Queen:st. Residence--One door yest of the Presby terian Church. . MORTCACES WANTED. PEE Subscribers | ey placed in their hands for investment on Improved Farms, Village fine Co and THOS. H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. , Residence--Cannington, Brock. v : va large sums of mon- arose, (rans HOTEL, hands Vestn And chains of ice betwixt the mouth and nose. The lifeless timbet¥n the bnildings crack, The cattle crouched with arch-shaped rain- ottier Securities in this and adjoining Counties . at the lowest current rates of interest. 7 have funds on hand at all times Borrowers - GREENBANK. e WARR,. Coronor for R. McRAE, PROPRIETOR. As we R. the .County of Ontario, Physician, Ac- Surgeon and + is resid om candep nd on getting their money with the bow back. Orders left at this office, or at his residence The above hotel has undergone a thorough -- ing Ww " Sone Prince Albert. will be punctnally attended to. : Debts col renovation, and has been fitted up Ey /pASY OBS Yo day The wool-clothed sheep, with bitter eold did Jected in Cannington, or otherwise, and | iio to the comfort and convenience of the * WANTED TO PURCHASE leat H 3 5 = prompt remittances made. Remember-- traveling public. Suict attention paid to| Fi 9 The fowls sat cowering, covering up their J II. SANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction: | the table and the bar, Comfortable stables © 8 3 | Any number of Mortcazes for which the high- feet, . geon and Acgoucheur. oor. ' £¥ FOR ALL, AND PERFECT PICTURES ¢st figures will bn d. The noisy pigs rang ont their dread alann, PORT PERRY. Omoe over Notts Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. 3 OMece hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Residence, ge, dwelling regently occupied Hy Mrs. Geo, Paxton. and an attentiye ostler. G bank, March 25, 1874. Ares "HOUSE, Weardalso a m nt Bui largest Mok raisers for tha Canada Per- Society, the cheapest and v Institution in Canada. Paid ap Capital § 000. Instalments re-payable in from 2to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold. Sever! good farms for sa'n. d several first class Fire In- SECURED AT MCKENZIE & SCOTT'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES! {Or posite Walker Hous?» PortPerry. Ran round their pen and spuealed to keep them warm, Within the grainary lay the thieving mice So stiff and lifeless hard as chunks of ice. 0, Canada ! free prosperous land, 4 ! Cold Seventytive, shall on thy records stand That those unborn ig future years may WHITBY STEAM MARBLE WORKS. J. & R. VWOL"ONDBN, © | DTIOA. J. DAFOE, PROPRIETOR. H&, MUGILL & RAE, Physcians, Surgeon®; Dlec.'se, 0 | (fice aud Residences, King st, J Good accommoda,ions, Careful attention | 7 ITH the view of supplyiug the great |s iy know % Oshawa. Ny agra ry and Re ail dealers in | to the requirements of travelers nnd guests. | W demand for their much admired slcations made and a general ageney busi- | This winter's history of storms, frost and WAH WGILL, Mh... FRANCIS RAE, M.D. Foreign and American Marble Man- | The bar gupplicd with the best wines, liquors | Photographs, the Subscribers have--regard. | 1038 Aganiehoted. fnow, os tex, M, ts, &c., ve St, Whitby. | and cigars. Good tabling. less of expense--so fitted up their Galleries Er DEBENTURES BOUGHT.-%% [hia EY Lp] Toon Nil pony SNOW, x N 5, 8, Guy's 0, Agent for the Scottish Granite. Sm-------- | and introduced such Instruments as will at JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, r Furious storms has but their time to fp AEA CR] aim dpi LBION HOTEL, [all times secure PERFECT PICTUE re ay. ; 0, H. Ly, Also Building Stone cut to order. | Their thorough knowledge of every de- gents, The banks of snow, or ice, on lakes and bay OfMece in Mr, Ross' Ontario Buildings, Must soon succumb yes melt, and pass away ; Port Perry. Soon will the sun all winter's work destroy, Our frost bit faces then will beam with joy, Instead of storms shall early warblers, sing, To hail with us a bright Canadian Spring. MONEY 70 LEND! The undersigned has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at RA JOHN NOTT, WHITRY. i ------ i : oT E. MARTIN, M. D. Simcoe St., Twodoors Agent, Port Perry " A. MASON, -- PROPRIETOR. C. North of the Central Hotel, This Hotel has undergone a thorough re- * Oshawa. me novation and been fitted up with a view to Preseerer the comfort and couvenience of the traveling | "FE. FAREWELL, LL. B, County Crown Donald, Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney, Le public. Every attention paid to the Solicitor, and Notary Public. Office lately oc- | table and bar, while obliging and attentive eupled by S. H, Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, Ostlers will have charge of the stables, ! Whitby. . Whitby, June 20, 1870. "WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y partment of the Art, acquired in some of the best Galleries on 'this continent, together with their excellentGalleries and superior in- struments, give them facilities enjoyed by few for producing those beautiful Photo- graphs admired by all who see them. By skilfully retouching the negatives the most handsome photographs are produced in every instance, Their Galleries are stocked with a choice assortment of First Class Albums, Picture Frames, Stercoscopic Instruments, the Finest Chrqmos, and specimen Photographs in end. less variety. A cordial welcome is extended to all to' visit our Galleries and inspect our Stock. Pert Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, Whitby, July 29, 1874. John Mec MARBLE DEALER! NEWCASTLE, ONT. N ONUMENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head 4 Stones of great varicty, with every de- scription of Marble Work, suitable for Cem- eteries, supplied at short notice. Also Peterhead and Aberdeen Granite. RES" Parties will find it to their advan- tage to withhold their orders until called on Murti AT MeaL Tine. --Everybody should plan to have pleasant conversation at the table, just as they do to bave good food. A little story telling, a little reading, it may be of humorous things, anecdotes, etc, will of- ten stimilate the joyous elements of the mind and cause it to act vigorously. Try and avoid going to the table all tired out.-- Let all troublesome topics be avoided.-- YMAN L. ENGLISH, LL. B., Solicitor in Chancery, Attorpey, Conveyancer, &c. Oshawa. OMco--Simeoo street, apposite the Tost Office. a YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At-; Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit. the borrower. TORONTO. the étorm that raged without was to those that were compelled to brave the piercing blast with scaut apparel, or who were passing the night away with no fire to warm their ger. erty, and the holder of large amounts in bonds, was not a miserly man, Ah, no; this was not in bis nature. with the smoke of his cigar wreathing itself upwards into the air, anyone could have seen he was in deep study. this way long, however, reading, as it were, the pictures in the fire, but placing the cigar on the stand near Ly, he drew a decp sigh, and speaking dreamily to himself said : thought it had been so long since Nelly and gate? It was a lover's quarrel; but it changed the course of our lives considerably. I wonder where Nelly is to-night ? I hope she is comfortable,' resumed his cigar ; and asa gust of wind whistled past the window, he arose from his seat and impatiently walked the room. -- But he soon returned to his seat muttering : ment, no anything ;' and to give emphasis to his words, he vehemently threw his cigar into the fire. tinued, * nothing but smoke, smoke, billiards, billiards. how ? he donned his hat and buttoning his coat well around him he went to his usual visit-- ing resort, the club. . . was soliloquizing to himself in his well fur- nished and comfortable bachelor's quarters, there was sitting in a comfortless room a poor quarter of the large city, a middleaged fi cooked four minutes. This takes away the the animal taste that is offensive to some, but does not so harden the white or yolk as make them hard to digest. An egg if cooked very havd is difficult of digestion, except by " * those with stout stomachs ; such eggs should be eaten with bread and masticated very finely. An egg spread on toast is food fit fora king, if kings deserve any better food than anybody else, which is deubtful -- Fried eggs are less wholesome than boiled ones, only clean and handsome, but a deticious her needle, | morsel, and feéble woman, bending over a piege of work that appeared as jt received jts finith- furniture, and the stove was barely warm, with the smouldering fire that struggled the winter had fairly sét in, day the snow had been descending in large flakes, and the wind was blowing a cold, blustering blast. didagreeable without, however, than it was within, the cold, scantily-furnished room in which sat Nelly Clayton plyin The lamp was casting a tebe short space around, and thefew drops of oil that still remained showed that before long she would he in total darkness. ten years of age, and at single glance one could see that she was the daughter of Nelly Clayton. a time, but as Nelly arose trom her seat after | putting the last touches to the work in lap, she drew a deep breath, as if of relief, | and turning to her daughter said : | Heaven | back soon. ivering limbs or food to satisfy their hun- Walter Gleason, although a 'man of prop- No one could look at ¢ did not remain 'Fifteen years ! Ah me, who would have a parted so foolishly at the old Tarm-yard | , is ¢ He poked the fire abstractedly, and © A bachelor's life is a bore. No amuse. "I'be club isa bore," he con- Di What does this life signify, any- It's a riddle which we call have. to ive up.! The, as if perfectly vexed with everything | ® About the same hour that Walter Gleason in ng touches. The room was almost bereft of vainly to continue its existence, It was in the latter part of December, and During 'the It was not much more light for a | Near her side sat a young girl, of about They bad been perfectly quiet for « There, Lully, it is done at last, thank | It will not be long now before we I will hurry to Mrs. Shannon's as fast | And donning her thin cloak and hood she | Asshe lurried along in the fast-falling Shannon, and rang the bell. She bad not long to wait before the door was opened by a servant, Nelly inquired for the mistress but when she was iniormed that Mrs Shan- feeling of bappiaess at her hearst. . . * Gleason, and as we glance into the id or the happy couple, we can but ex' eggs by adding pepper and salt, sweet butter is the Eggs contain much phosphorus, which is supposed to be useful to much, a. torney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Public, &e. Office--MeMiilan's Block, Brock street, ly Whitby. AMERON & MACDONNELL, Barristers nd Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Coungil, Ontario. Offices : Court House, 'Whitby. IL. J. MACPONNELL. M. C, CAMERON, A: TIURD, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor Ef in Chancery. OfMice in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor:in Chan- cery, Notary Public, &c., &c. ; (Office hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'Money to Loan at 8 per cent, on all \kinds of good security. { Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, JPORT PERRY. by ranted. J. C. WILLIAMSON, AGENT. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- January 10, 1872. 2.3] 23r R. RICHARDSON, Re-appointed Issuer of Marriage Licenses Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, .in the 1st con. Brock. Brock, Aug. 5,1874. 33 ©: N. VARS, L. D. 8S. TPEETH inserted on all the latest princi- 'Pls gf the art, and as cheap as the cheap- ont! and as good as the best. 'Teeth filled' wilh' Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted 'without pain by producing local anmsth- esia. 1 Rooms--in Cowan's new block, ¢ Atkinson's' Drug Store, King Btréet, Oshawa. ' CHAS. THORN, V8, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, M Chicago, Ill. Gold best examinatiop on Horse Practice. Author of a Firat Prise Essay on 8hoeing. | Gradu- ated Sdpt: 16, 1867. y ] Dr. Thorn begs to announce that 'he 'has takén up his residence a Port Pity, ind is prepared to treat all cases entrus * Bivgaremth _ akillful and scientific) orlnly hres ona Cowie actary. Port Pony, Opps, 1873, JOBN §. F the Town M. WILLCOX, | + pointed Whishy, has been ap-- yunty of Ontario. his charge will be carefully ate . BURI Xk of the Third Divi- . a A as in "Bigelow's Block, » Port Perry. Offiee hours from 10 a. m, tod p. m. Medalist for the |B 1 OF DIVISION COURTS FOR THE County of Ontario, FOR THE YEAR 1875. Sept x Bi bi 11] 12|23 24 25 © oc oN n. . 'Mara, T, Hall .. Y 1 GEO. H, DARTNELL, Whithy, Jan, 1, 1875. . Valuable Real Estate fo Sl 9 ACRES of Lot 1%, in the 5th conoes- sion of tha Township of Reach, situated between Prince Albert and Port Perry, well suited for Fruit and Gardening purposes, Also, 8 acres in the Vil i Port Perry adjoining R. Lund's propery. of Port, Also, a House with § of an acre of land attached, in the yillago of Prince Albert. "or particulars, apply to Fe) en HURD, ! AtP. A. Hurd's Law Office, Nov. 12, 1874. ! 46 (CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. TERING, &c., in all their executed in' the best style, . Junior Judge. | |r '| Inthe Matiet WM. SPENCE, RICK-LAYING,STONE-WORK, PLAS- | departments, " Incorporated. . Capital - $400.000. President. Vice-Presiden Secretary ........ ereeiees. A851. Hon. John McMurrich. .....U. Magrath, Esq. Bernard Haldan, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, General Agent. THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company. This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company Port Perry, Aug. 6, have now an opportpnity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. , Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel, Brock: 8t., Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. Secretary. MRS. L. M. COOK, J pres HAIR DRESSER, ings, and Hair Jewelry Manufactured. Rooms, over Mr. Nott's Furniture Ware rooms, corner Queen and Perry Streets. Port Perry, Nov. 18, 1874. 41 Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. ENRY CHARLES having been re- appointed Marriage License (after sixteen years dur) continues to fur- nish Licenses as he: re--at Port Perry. THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO . CANADA. J Vi aaeianin, YI ctvent Auk of 165° of AMES BOGART LAZIER, An Insolvent. On Tuesday, the Fourth day of May next, the Undersigned will apply by Petition to Zaccheus Burnham, I re, Judge of the Utica, July 15,1878, «on Switches, Braids, Frizzets, Curls, and Qomb-~ | McKENZIE & SCOTT. Port Perry, Dee. 10, 1873. 51 | I. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES, A F C. M'KENZIE, HE Subscriber haying now fully equipped his new and extensive Livery Stables with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RIGS On Modcrate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. MM 1873. PrectasaTion 1 TO THE INAABITANTS OP NORTHERN REACH THE PLACE TO Groceries, Clothing, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c,, AS AT. THE Greenbank Store. GEO. FLINT. Greenbank, July 20, 1873. ) 44 BUY YOUR ] Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Also several Improved Farms, and Wild ands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &e. Orrice--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873. WANTED ! 0 PURCHASE, Promissory Notes, both over dve and yet to become due, ac- | counts, Judgments and Mortgages, © Apply personally to W. M*¢OCHRANE, Port Perry. MONEY | MONEY ! N ONEY TO LOA™ at 8 per cent interest on Real Estate. P. A. HURD. Port Perry, March 12, 1874. KY MON [Private Funds,] To Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. . 3 3 LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &C., Oshawa, '| November, 21, 1866. 14 MONEY | MONEY! MORE MONEY | The Subscriber would intorm all in want '| of Money that he is prepared to negotiate | Loans with the Trust and Loan Society of | Soren, for any amount of money from $400 AND UPWARDS, On Mortgage Security on Town or Farm Property. The interest is only 8 per cent. No Commission charged, and Loans pro- cured without delay. - a JOHN Manchester, Nov. 12, 1873. LUGGAGE TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND AROUND TOWN. TAYLOR. ta 8 4 The Subscriber is prepared to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and every other de- C y , Station or anywhere around town. All County Court of he fous of Ontario, for a 4 R Ror Sees day and evening = Oiern, ply attended to. Charger Port Percy, 33rd March, A.D, 1875. R CapitdL we |» AR : JAMES BOGART LAZIER, Foss with ten edht return : J. COOK. 2 By P. A HURD, his Attorney. stamp, M, YOUN®, 128 Greenwich ph Port Perry J n. gt, JA. wi : ix Wk ESSE LORE 2a of t At home, male or female; §85 ription of Luggage to or from the Railway Don't scold domestics. Don't discipline children. Think and say something pleasant Cultivate mirth, and laugh when anything witty is said. If possible, never cat alone. Invite a friend of whom you are fond, and try and have a good time. Friendship and friendly intercourse at the table whets the appetite and promotes the flow of animal spirits. --_-------------------- ¢¢ Twins, marm, scz 1, 'twins!' once wrote the lamented Artemus Ward, So chronicle we a similar case on" King Street last Thursday, which makes four such events in Danbury within six weeks. But the last twins were calves. Phenia Epps, of Hamilton, Ohio, asked her mother to take a note for her to a friend of the family living in a near street. The note when oper.ed was found to read : ¢ foul is a little ruse of mine to get mother ont of the house. Before ghe can get back T will be on the cars with dear Lorenzo, and before night will be married.' A party who was looking at a house in the Sixth Ward the other day said he couldn't afford to pay so much rent. ¢ Well, look at the neighborhod,' replied the woman. 'You can borrow flat irons next door, coffee and: tea across the street, flour and sugar on the corner, and there's a big pile of wood be- longing to the school-house right across the alley I' ? : : In the office of one of the hotels recently a gentleman snapped his fingers toa bootblack and as he put his foot on the box he said :-- 'You look like a good, smart boy.' 'See here mister I" replied the boy as hé rose up, a brush in either hand, 'I've had that game to know whether this is a cash shine or whether you're going to pat me on the head when I get through and tell me that I'll 'be Governor of Michigan some day ?' «It isn,t loud praying which counts with the Lord so much as giving four full Quarts for every gallon,' says an Arkansis rider. ' ¢ One fortunate thing in being a king,' says the Detroit Free ir Ss thas kings never have to get up nights lug poiatoes in beside the coal stove.' , * A lady in Memphis says she dosen't- want any jéwelry, hasn't a looking' glass in the house and, wouldn't take a silk dress in a gift. "Memphis has another living curosity --a cross-eyed cat. f The following is on of the sweet little ditiies of the Western spelling school : .0, lead my'infant feet to walk Tato the spelling school ;° Let other children sneer and la At WE rule. : But me that better way still lead 'TIL perfectly I spell ; played on me dozen times, and now I want |' non had just departed, after waiting patiently nearly an hour for the dress she intended to wear, her heart fairly leaped into her throat and she could scarcely suppress the tears that sprang into hér eyes." She knew on the instant she learned of the departure of Mrs. Shannon that she would be compelled to wait until the mor.ow for her pay for the work she had been doing. She 'was about turning away as the servant said ; The mistress said you could leave the work and come tomorrow for the pay and she said she thought it would make no difference to you.' ¢ Yes, I will leave the work,' replied Nelly almost fainting at the thought of being com- pelled to spend another night Without food or fire, ahd two little onds waiting and watchilg for her return, expecting to get something to satisfy their hunger and warm their almost frozen limbs as soon as she did return. ¢ I will call for the pay to-morrow, Nelly continued, as she turned away, and slowly walked down the strect, her heart too. full to say another word, aud her eyes brim- ming with tears. She had proceeded but a short distance along the dimly lighted street, when she was suddenly tapped on the shoulder, and a gruft voice whispered in her ear: « Don't utter a word, at the risk of your life, but comply with my réquest, refuse, and 1 will be compelled to use violent means to enforce." Then glancing up and ,down the street and seeing no one in sight, he contin- ued : #1saw you bat now deliver some work to yonder house; give me the money you got for it.' And H® held her firmly by the arm. Fora moment Nelly was too astonished and frightened to utter a word ; but as soon 4s she could collect her senses, she said : + 0, sir, believe me, Thavoe mot a ingle farthing. The lady did not pay me. She--' « Come, come, that will never do I have watched you, antl 1 know thé servant receiv- ed the work and gave you the money for it and therefore I know you huve it. Poor Nelly was almost fainting with fright, yet what could she do? She.had the presence of mind to know that, were she to cry out for help, it would be but a signal for, the villain todeal her a blow that perhaps might prove fatal, yet she knew she could not convince him she had received no money for her work arid if she had it was not her nature to give it up withouta &tiuggle-- She was puzzling herself how to act, when she caught a glimpse of a re on the opposite side of the street, and colleeting all her strength she broke away from the p of the villian, and running across the street | bad barely reached the ager's feet when she fainted away, and would have fall. en the to ground but for his {§The villain for & moment was ; surpised, and advanced a few step Tn pur-- suit'; and seeing that Nelly 'hed assistence, '| he retreated into the darkness." q 4 Whe Nelly nreturned to con: was lying on a co! called as lotidcly she could, * Help, belp! | somewhat a * How long have I been here 7' continued : Nelly, casting ht ops around the we nished room, which was illuminated | bright coal fire. Wy ay «Just a week Jetty, oy den. vd? have had a severs fever. ¢ A week,' muttered Nelly, in a sad tome. 'Poor Lull Charley.' -- Fini poor Charley." And she burst 'Do'not gtiave sn, dear, they are all well Walter Gleason aud turn awsy with an ill | ¢ared for and are comfortably sleeping in an opinion of him, adjoining room, Iu your delerium you in- As he sat musingly looking into the fire formed us where they were and master brought them here! 2 * Heaven bless you and Lim I' whispered ~~ Nelly. 'But what is his name 3* 'Walter Gleason, dear.' Nelly was somewhat at "hearing, the nawe of her old lover, hut closing. her eyes again, she soon sank into Snr pleasant smile on her countenance, and 8 . Nearly a year has passed away, and Nelly the wedded wife of her old lover, Walter. "What a happy futnre is before them.¥ S---- Eggs as Diet. The followiug extract is from the P iew:--" Would it not be wise to substitute more eggs for meat in ou daily diet 7 Ahout one third of the weight of an eg is utriment, 'I'his is more than 'chn 1 said of meat, There ateno bene' or tough pieces that have to be laid aside. Pe made up of 10 parts shell, 60 parts white, A good egg is ud 30 parts yolk, The white of an cgg contains Sy par cent. water. The yolk 62 per cent. The average weigh i about two ounces, daily imal food, and yet there is none of the 'dissed greeable work of the butcher nacest 3 obtain it. The vegetarians of Knglana use eggs freely, and many ot these men are 80 aud 90 years old, and have been remarkably Practically an egg is an- ree from illness, Eggs are best when An egg dropped into hot water is not Most people spoil the taste of their A little best + dressing. those who use their brains eee ee At the Barbers'. Next | shouted a barber who had just §nish- ber | ed a customer. Two persons at once sprang from their seats where they had been paticotly waiti and approached' the knight of the lather, an | both looking ferociously snd ingiringly at shall bave some fire and something for sup- | each other, per. as possible, and while I am gone, do you | stay here and take care of Charley, 1 will be |a sprig of city breed, whose down had just | bezuii to indicate the slow and uucer.ain 'Yes, mother,' replicd Lully, pleasantly, | proach to beard. ° 2 I will remain here while you are gone.' ¢ All right, my child, Iam late and must | Iam said the yonng maa. hurry.' | Oue of them was an elderly personage evidently from the country, and' the other Which of you is next 7 asked the barber -- ¢ No, you are not, we both entered at the same tinje ; and as'{ am the eldest, I claim . started to take home the fine picce of work | the first chance. Besides Iam in a great she had been doing. hurry.' ¢ Ah, old party, I sre you are from the snowshe fairly shivered with the cold ; but | country, and, of course, do not know the at last she reached the residence of Mrs | rules of city society governing such cases as this,' said the young man. ¢ What is the rule Simply this,--Beauty goes before age so f will take the chair, Sée? © 0, well, that's right. Mr Barber, shaye him first. He has the best of me by that city rule of his ; and come to think of it, he is right according to the rale where I com from. "Indeed | what is the rule where you came from, old party ? asked the young fellow as be fixed himsel comfortably in the Larbers chair, ¢ Well, young man, the rule up my way is, that we always keep the bogs abead of us--= So you can go ahead. Barber, it's all right, said he, taking up a paper and sitting down' to read. ---- > ---- » A St. Louis sergeant of police froze to death a féiv nights ago while m g his' rounds. This is another awfnl. commentary on the foolish custom of closing saloons at 11 o'clock. E Bears.--Since Messrs Perry Davis & Son commenced the manufacture of Bearine the Canadian trapper has found a Tucrative bus- iness in trapping old Bruin. Messrs Ferry Davis & Son pay a goed price for the greas:, _ and the skins are always sought after. Messrs Perry Davis & Son have a mods x refining the grease, perf iming it, &e, making it superior to any others we have ever ssen. Espe's Cocoa. --GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. © ¢ By a thorough knowledge of the natural aws which govern the operations of digestion. and nutrition, and by a careful a lication; of the fine properties of well i codon, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast fabl with a delicately flavored be¥erpgs * which diet that a constitution may be gradnally. built up until strong enough to ist. F 4 tendency to disease. Hundreds of ul 3 mialadies are floating around us ready 'to at-" tack wherever there is & weak = point; 'W8 may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ~ a properly nourished frame," -- Civil Servies , ; : SN DISTINGUISHED y ~ said that Neuralgia is the cry the hungry nerves for. their ial which is the Pho Dt blood. This pai sea¥e in usu on a side was a matronly 80 may I shun the that 1 "To where Josh hha fell. kdlg FRER X cloumess she mfortable couch and at her from her may save us many heavy doctors® hills, ' ie is by the judicious use of such articles of .. 3 ourselves well fortified with pure blood end |