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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jan 1877, p. 1

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Residone quently embarrassed for money ; his N : . TT Hie ' ! hi oee--Omee door west of the Port Perry; July 1st, 1874. |port Perry, April 20, 1876. fast, ' i °Y 3 doubting, even though he had no| The man with the wooden leg has | Nia hl CHATLES Vividy bere - PORT PERRY, astes were luxurious, and'his ex-(igings of her for two long years, | the advantage over most ofyus. He ] Ontario or hy oonor forthe Co HY L Lin gle T)ORT PERRY HOUSE, penses heavy, so that he had long | hat he would find his Fie, tho same | don't have take but one flat iron up oucheur, "1 YSiclan, Surgeon aug appointed Yering: Tur And at no other place. . All Stoves ny warranted both as to Cooking, Years a - ne wut i708 h G0) ¥ { Ag AN: DD i bi om T PERRY, PROVINCE OF + ONTAR] | GE dB orion On BR som oil) 30t Sova Ll geek ww nor daw of 0 atin To boa Jiinnay i wk TROY JAN. 4, 1877. _ dl {af yaiton at coi 1 rhoml ul §IqE ody NER x od li 'A DY (ae) bl #] to WHOLE NO 996 wild 6 wily pauuitip tpatlayaind find A po pr rg , Conn oR, BUILDER, &C, oi ak Tred at IIR SAT TET Te Na rams it AVF pasties pe id it oo SAVED AT Em ALTAR. Well; nd Lord Hougliton to 'Hard on + acts Jerry. from 'KEEPERS - BUY sn own { Ly, 2OLITY Gal, i bn fon, bs RE be- | Ho Se, 4 Fo Pony, abd ara 6 ALL HOUSE: : by "My darling, aro you' sure' yee that A So Bi ye In earlier days, s) whites h \Western ./ Poa AAA Bf pi Eafe dt of | "Bim Mae At. 10,1876, | I dae ait w Jotvat® w Jia . dh Torges i Ne 1a man "3 thTAE she in. making a 7 opondent;. The. Region: lying ©» +18; art by ho j "Forget yo eg. Tok . ni ad ud EVE ny ry AT PORT FR, i i uo 3 "his whole ~ : » tro Ar Se 2, jiaig OTD; hy 0 martyr of heiselt, and she will do oad 4 boy ' Paiogs wags uk; ve 2 Br i" 0 3 Rs ork, Brick: of Ly hotels. eo ; {anything © They love to think they [8 = P £1 BAIRD, & PARS Ay Wire 0h hie short: pt rest of the world to me ? aresacrificing themselves - for some | JCthodists sent avery eccentric old: Ens an ans oN) ol Ji pe Vit Which » ' The speakers were Mark Manly, a one ng or man there, by the name of Coneklin, annem, if paid in fe: THE. WALKER HOUSE Yo andsome, stalwart yoan, gontle- . f | wh ki Uncle Jer- 1 vance ; HE ill be fr rhe 4 d young * * * % | who was soon known as Un 'i subsciiptio bark ye th charged. 5 mM ror. \PORTPERRY © 1" 1 ¢ man farmer; and 'Mare, or, #8 her WE mignon A a « and wo pape nl an six mon fly, Aprils 187 | i Hobie A b When Marsh Manly loft the Eng- |: 13 i.% . rod Fy are paid ii ntil all erred" pret muttengrech nds called her, Fie Houghton, He had labored among the Hoos = 1 ; o Ey as spveRmina | | I usic. BE Sorte having lewd te shove #11 + | youngest daughter of Lord Hough J shies Wer ad Wipe be vould siers with great success. This stir< AF - t e his endeavor to conduc t i lf A 3 ' 3 9 Sunsets ft orion... Tig ie. cain Stauton Tn: i in every partcolar 60" a8 to merit the kein tan, one of fhe che ind, hangh- | { Hearrived in/Ameriéa just when red up the Baptists, who Ser 1 8 man ! Cards, A lings, a er dine fil Restonce, on Galgn, Avenue. approbation and patronage of the public. aa A | ties emen in all the country. the gold fover was at its 'height, and to help him: He helped him, how pki Sam m, Fo | Fie' Houghton had met Mark i >" ever, in a way that Uncle Jerry y dressed to is Office, pre. A vi Roh RRINOTON, pes at or THE WALKER BOUSE -- ra Manly i in her rambled about the satried away by the genera] eseite- disliked severel for th Rev. Mr v hs ed, wil hin Fisk. eg on Union OT De Fiart | whether for extent or quality of accomibio- Fk "{ country, and, their: chance "abq si ment he, tao, determined to seek hip an--thi » Fd ; agedts midasured by Non; { dations is gelled 3 by few Hotels in the Be Yeti ih A " ys ine fortune | fn tho gold mines of Califor- Waterm ob: wpe | ptist i cupy, fcoardingito the space 4 usine py [3 pr tor a by none qut of the, ) - Ly 0 ol Brady y eopoue anotnia, ; rencher's same---addressed himself r AVertismerits tocetved' £5 > d orsegty ry A \ Ye most intense ove, on hot sides For a long time Ye worked in| mainly to the young converts Uncle - wit T publical Cc ial Th 1 the Travel fH ET . ie . adh fordid and Sp il oS 8M, WILCOX, a Towra, tn Taping Until, at last, Mark, Mavly had in 'vain; do 'what he'would, fortune Jerry bud. made, -and_ instructed . A 'Town of Whitby, has been ap- {duced her to consent to u_ secret advertisment will be tak in the Village and the general public will . t could not be prevailed: upon to smile them in their duty to' follow theif oe Sy Hiern) iene gat] | he ated . find in ; marriage, well knowing that po onhim. P P master down the banks of Jordan. * Hoven Who, advertise b OFFICIAL ASSIGNE THE WALKER HOUSE, . other way cold h Hope to Uncle J took up the subject - : half-vea % the yeap d y g3yey ope Ayearand n half passed aw hele Jerry pre, sab) \ pr ou sie county of Ontario. ~ Any. business . obtain bortand, y 1 P ok ay wi CasoR" Famke lin all cased" dp y led to his charge will be carefully at- an in charges. all that ean be required in the atten of | For a short time. they -had been and he had "as yet made nothing, Mr. Waterman smong hia hearers, one Sunday mornitig, when he saw !Departm t. The very happy, but. knowing: .that h MULE WEN Fositel This. Sine d thus addressed himself rd Re ut A i , but, kn g--that he ) and thus res : : b Phumplats, Hand Bills, Py ST CT ore Charges are No Higher at the : from England, although' he had : i gn Posters, 5 lon Cour 8 Walker House than at any could not support 'herin the wa, i . 'Why don't you go out into 'deep | Books: hocks! Heads Blank Forms, Reed Poys Perey. other Hotel in Town: RO Y [written frequently: y ¥ ake Circulars, 5, &c., of every styla | Som, ) exceuted promptly and at Tower pl an any other establishment in the (of BES Parties from a distance Cards, Ball Card T. Busi) ce hours from 0a Mm, top. m. ow SPECTOR of WEIGHTS § MEASURES , C. FORMAN, + The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. THE, CRLEPRATED she had been 'accustomed fo live, and feeling sure that if he remained near her Stheir seoret would soon be At last, driyen to desperation, be bad almost resolved to return home ag poor as he had left, when ont water and catch your own fieh ; don't stay here and wait till I bring the fish into shallow water and steal them ¢ A cetin + bills, ke, Gin can have the ug Wor the County, of Ontario. 7 discovered, be had determined t0 g0|ay, while working in the mines, he from my wet. Itaitft fair and hon 3 home with thom em done tof rt Perry, Nov 1, 1818. A54T The Tables i Bar_eupplied with the ERTS yo a 1 to America, to seek a fortune; feel- | i nok a rich vein of gold, which est, my brethren, the way my Bap- Se 8 J. BAIRD, | "choice ot the market and the utmost atten am : . , ' i 7. PARSON Ba tion paid to the convenience and comfort of Armstron 3 4 Bloson-t ing confident, sooner or later, of |. 4 comparatively poor mah tist brother has treated. ° me, Me. , : E 4 ps ] - Baking one, if Fie would only re- transformed bim suddenly "nto. an makes me feel like a settin' hon on rotssaion a (0 we ALL GUESTS. ) 4° TO BE HAD AT J main trae to him. |immensely wealthy one y duck"s eggs, for just as soon as IT get JONI An abundance of comfortable Stable and . Lo: fi i 4 4 brood out, he run's "em right R. Ak 2h o b, Coroner, Phy; Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers, rd Houghton, aliougly Sovkider As soon as be could arrange his ol ' z Port Perry, (after sixteen nish Lice Prince Albers. H. SANGSTI; J. geon and ea I Coroner for the PORT Pp) Office av wom oe pore Fe Paraitun, Store, darn Pica hours from ip am. tol2 m 9 63 Shai: $10 dwelling recently ogo ¥ Mrs. Goo, Paxton i nly: odof! i RS, Mo - D Lh Mec HLL & RAE, Physc In Uitte wna Resi dene, Lok P % Phy nty of Ontarlp RRY Re New Pen Act. R. RIC ARDSON, Marriage Licenses. as heretofores--at Port Perry. appointed Issuer of W. B. McGAW. PORT PE JAS. V. THOMPSON, - "PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comfort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- Additions have been made which maker this the largest and best House in this section of country, Fare i 00 Jet Day, nas HOUSE, PORT PERRY, Ww. T. PARRISH' Draft, and them. Prices to suit the. hard times. Agricultural Furnaces, &e., &c. S Not to Crack Give me a call and be convinced that there is none to be compared with Pipe Elbows, Hot Air' Drams, od a very rich man, was yet fre- determined that his daughter should marry a rich man, and, proud 'as he was of his beautiful Fie, would far rather have sgen her dead than mar- ried to a poor man. Fie knew this full wall, and that she was intended for the wife of Lord Sinclair, a man who had more money than brains, who was known affairs, he started for England, little loving girl he had left her. While aboard ship, he formed an acquaintance with a man who had been driven from his home and land, by the perseeutions of an English nobleman. This man, English Bill, as he 'was walled, had. been Lord Ronald Sinclair's steward, and while acting in that capacity, bad done a straight into the water.' to bed with him. Miss Martinez got but fifty dollars suit, but fifty dollars will get a red corset, a pair of striped stockings, and a pile of molasses candy. ------ When a woman can feel a mouse damages from her breach of promise - lot 10, in the, be uch | crawling along her spinal column, ' Okhawa, 'Under the New Act. Office, lo i \ : . A uall solicited. to Fbe much in love with her and a great deal of the above said Lord's | and yet stop to think whether she 4 Mn, FRANCS | 1st won. Rroe i The Subscriber having leased this comfort. Ve E whom she detested 4 S : h < ie ran} % 5,18 33 able and convenient Hotel, will spare neither W . Bs PARRISH; % * J * * dirty work. has on stiped stockings, before % 5 labor nor expense in providing for the com. | Port Perry, Sept. 25, 1876. Having quarrelled with his patron keeling over ina fi she is at least IMAN, fort and convenience of guests. 'The Tables Two years have passed. away i : : Yocth ISSUER OF will always be supplied with the best to be -- since' Maik Maly loft i Hoa who feared: the disclosures he might qualified to enjoy thp.elective fran-- hY rrince licenses. had in the market. Ouly choice Liquors and > . "NZ | make, English Bill bad been obliged | chise. i Koiioive Marg of he Walker House Cab the ul Any quasiiy of Bevis Now FOR WINTER RIGS ! lish shores, to seck his fortune|, °° tative Lid: ond oy Ro a Slain i as Salm ands Shed aceonmmodation, properly in America, and Fie had received i | Wild ducks, it is said, fly ninety ioc, ¥. = attended to by cureful ic Sa but Rorb Hot ttien the d after several years absence, he was| h Thi lou . " . CHAS; A me ------------------ ut one short note, written the day miles an hour. igisa very lo » ---- ORIN CHE ISTIE, ; \ . A p . ratarning, determined to be reveng. i § [oyavy, J TOWNSHSP CLERK, Tort Peny, Mateld 8, 1870 ' Mark intended sailing since then | id GrabLhiOF, ? 8' | ostimate. The first wild duck aman i 7 Chancery, ; PUL of Marriage Ticenses--Conveygneer, QuasTSIEARE HOTEL, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF not one line had reached her. w p bY Mark Manly's kind shoots at and hits never flies less . ] nn. Commissioner &c. : ' " Fora long time she hoped against on over by Mark Nlanly's Kin¢- |)... than a thousand miles a minute, 1 ot, opposite the | Office=Manc CORNER OF KING AND YORK 87S. ly sympathy, Bill 'bad made a confi- iy sv shortens up it 2 Pei JAMES POWBLL, , , . PROPRIETOR. hope that be was well, but gradually | 4 + op and very frequently shortens up its 7 ctor Nubile, &e. flay, Brock bE dan tag 178 NOW dil v applying 5.0 Lil kl Mutual Insurance Company. snppo-t a Homé Insurance Company opportunity of doing so, either to the Head Office, or to any of First-class: accommodation ;. bath rooms, i Board, $1.50 per day, if will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular 80 as to merit the appro- Oatario Casvinge CUTTERS, PLEASURE SLEIGHS, Works ! she had become convinced that he must be dead, for 'otherwise he day, 'I want to see you for a few moments.' On arriving in England, Mark Manly hastened to Devonshire, hop- was to be married the following ev- ening, to Lord Ronald Sinclair. time a little, just as the manis ready to shoot. wife's hopskirt into the stove, will t ' i her.' & y . As local Agents of the Company. Our rates tion patsotige hi abla, Certainly, father,' she replied | ,c gaid nothing; but after |not, when she comes to dress: her- ha Prive Ro be found as low as those of any rexpon- > 3 following him into his study. n Chunc ble Mutual RErY ochre irotk St. i Ww. N TTORNH Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royut Hotel Whitby L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, Secretary. UEENS HOTEL, i Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. | CANNINGTON, Ont. {D. CAMPBELL, PRropRIETOR 'What is this I hear, my ohild? you have refused Lord Sinclair.-- Surely there must be some mistake, learning all particulars, telegraphed to his quondam friend English Bill, to come to, Devonshire immediately. * * * * self, be able to protect his skull by any argument of "mistaken iden- tity.' -------------- It promises to be a severe. winter, kindling wood and finally crams hie TT LE Id surely have found some|. : : : " : x now fully organized and is TJ KVERE HOUSE LT ER LE H b] you ing to surprise Fie, but to his horror| Those who * grope" sometimes Fata Jt risks on Farm Buildings a MANCHESTER. AB S 1G S, &C. meus of communicating with her. | ro prin ; i 2 ] . A Sp Jé fo untry School Houses By GEO. HOUCK. 1 .- ' said Lord: H & ht shortly after his arrival, he was in| grope wilfully. A man who feels 4 pre heir contents, co | . . Fie,' sa oughton, one. i . A Sr ds Resi Sor lee iy 5. Those wishing toitmreand | poo lg 0 0 oce excellent Hotel AT THE formed that Miss Marie Houghton | around just be y bs } y 4 for no daughter of mine would, I| Houghton House, illuminated cery, N C.y Aan lp | This Hotel is now sarnighed in the best / $i } n b ? -0ng ouse, 1 it i know that Office hours J Bio 5 style, and offers every accommodation to P 0 R | P EE R R Y feel sure, encourage a man as you |from cellar to attic, had thrown ba i is yond io ay and Money 9% 5 I" ES E WORKS. tres ! ; . have done Rowland Sinclair; if she | open its hospitable doors to receive | the church festivals have begt kinds of £0 > Pon i ; : ; ; P P that every one is likely to bave Office, igh pv Arcade First class Sample Rooms. Livery di did not intend marrying him.' the numerous guests, invited to wit- y * ERRY. J. & R. WOLFENDEN, "attached, AVING paid special attention to the manufacture of Cutters and Sizighs of all kinds No, fath crochet match box, or a lam :SALE and Retail dealers in Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875. 43 for thi coming Winter, I have confidence in inviting an inspection of my Stock of 0, father you are not mistakof; | ness the ceremony ' which was to Foreign and American Marble Man-- Jes, Monnments, &c., Dundas St, Whitby. Cutters and Sleighs. Prices to suit the times, The best material, newest styles, and first-class yorkmianship. Excellent Cutters from $25 upward. Secure your Winter Rigs dt such prices as make it an object to buy. I did refuse Lord Sinclair, avd if he is just, 1 do pot think he can say make lovely Fie Houghton, and Ronald Sinclair man and wife. IDBTRY. | ARIO HOTEL, essary article to a IQ" -- = --_------ RB 1%. Agent for the Scottish Granite, WHITHY, Ci xtreme cofd-- The undefiiuld infor ale. Peiding Stone cut SoH oTT T, MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. JAMES EMANEY. |that I ever gave him cause to think | Just as the minister bad finished SEVIe <ngincer, who bad that Bo nd Pei Po perky. | The public well eared for, aad all Guests | Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1876. ; CTH _» |1 would do otherwise.' the words which joined these two as arged for somo cause, fon whe Whitby, July 20,1874. o 32 Will please feel at howe. . : « Marie, do you know that you |all believed, in holy wedlock, the| Agntto his spite, eminently y wm: | Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1876, : are nearly two-and-twenty, 'and [door was thrown open and two m nh arncteristic of American honor.-- t -- : : grtoudal ot on oll Fuctioner vs. NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, MM. 0. ji D Cc Ri O Vv A N you hase been out some four seas. |came in, one a gentleman, thegaid| go said it was about time he. left department warrant satil ng; 2! {You are still beautiful, my from the lower walks of} tones, | that railway company, anyhow, for oar; but every year younger and {What means this ning pale 8s | tho sake of his life, for "there was as pretty girls as yourself come out, | Lord Houghlepyinly? s eye. nothing left of the old track but Take care, or when it is your with |but st 4 thy LY hat 1 forbid this mar=| two streaks of rust and the right of to marry Sou will no longer have} he rro® way.' 5 : h 3 fhe chance One of the dis dis a by The - ¢ But, father, yon surely _getot the wish me to marry » mas Iatest Adetie explorers is that PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR. Having purchased the above pleasantly situated 'Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and ted the entire ises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of 2 9 Ww. M. WILLCOX, Prince A' oO. EETH i ples of ont, and a8 with Gold! without. p LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE CO. OF ONTARIO, JR AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARI poSA' & CARTWRIGHT, Begs to thank his many triends and the public generally, for the liberal patron- age bestowed upon him for the'past five years. Having now given up the business of FRACTION CARRIAGE MAKER ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, hearing his voice the bride| tained fearfully white, made & step --¢ m, apd fell tainting at his ht is. 'one Den EE tend. in fature, to devote my |8USHS: a ards hi fength bf the polar nig x et ov Bg Te og of Auctioneer, The table and bar well supolied, ARK. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. love Prat thought To fee oo 1 ask, do you hundred ead forty-1wo days. | Nicer ! Story 08 Sollerine ss ndeavor by prompt and Prince Albert, June 13, 1875. BE b Won Whifse to talk of ay oy what rig! y Wid marriage?' place this to walk home witha girl 1 wi ec my el i) 0 8 OH cate! attention to business, to give full RMSTRONG HOUSE GOOD Assortment of Buggies. constantly on hand vse from the best Material -- toa ou are no silly gir presume to for ii m the| New Year's eve, and find that the faasion te ull who may fever me with| A : Wonk mate So nos with pal 0 to | "98a such stufl "By the best Hghite LIN old paople base locked up the Jol inl oo fis Blank Not finished (LATE ALBION) Pang; : Eon pleat 3 > 'Ifa man isd g entleman, 80d of thigjroman. hm free of charge. WHITBY, ONTARIO. a ast i : of money, What more I, Mag o on ee. Ta fe ide E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. y : i NT LET ; T sous Yet wishing Fou to marry a fecret ono poor and Had 119 4 / The at the Opsever Office, and ab the ** | = Pirst Class House in Town, L = v " _-- ill r Rr U = m rs 5 ses Roland, . Sinclair. Although yon leave my counfyy to gain a ford e; |p Office. Port PUITY.--yyrWILLCOX, BEsoy Ela ore ppd od BRT 8 r BateriaseY ih think me a rich map, E ¢ am id Bit now; thank Kod, I have' wy - Port Perry, Oct. 25,1873: i Ev BENSON, Yroptietor, : i rh 2 being 80; my estates are heav ed rich an this wo 1d's goods. : BER. EE i in the Province: mortgaged, dnd I owe Sinclair large = oblicly clajm\my bride. le into eloser-and d iw ATCTIONEES obained | ROYAL EXOHA You can at the bent and: cheapest. Pump | sums of money, which I am unable ir pk Fi indy to'\where Roy haf Te strengthens the bonds « License a8 zn er F. BRYANS, A " iy x R 7 I nN.' Ss vor tos ef to repay Bf you! marry him" there Sinol dtood as" xq, 4 ness and love 'which unite Rench, s is pe o$ Salen of every de-| "pe Subsoribet haying sicce Mr.Mason| ol Soha ; yagi will beno need of paying isforsome would ad¥ise Fou, mos t noble unually obliges the mi pr to, b Si bi pleason ; oe dng Sats y Si a Fh A t.' i pot to iuterters with we "about two miles the next 2 [solicit Er or 2 tree of charge. | ana EenovALDE the, on moa or "if have with me, pointig of exchange four: quarts of tam ns af LL a LER | ark proiae fisns P o. ME . ill, 'a. witoess of wiif Of pin. cushion fo somathing 10.4 4 \ a P.O. ita p i pad rs Ly for breakfast. bank, Aug, 31, 1876. « 1 'S a pay os ged nx 5 to : 4 aresubank, Aug SLIT "amas ! . Fons amy. i gs mt "1 Dore soume To be very Ti 3 al or, de. x ha or. brpman fuses tai pv isaRSE TERE in this world. The weather we 'y Vi 3 a o Lies R the bo lg Book Si iT AAA ta og sbi a Rots Bud just become cold "enough i 1 Paton. Nm i tH rio ee? oo yl Fed WH pig ing my. money: engigoments--yo P Abe words "mone 1 {to bo. able tortake's givl: out ford: « SP and Eidom, «© ' to me. TED cs Get Honk ante visi ARE Vd oo fing wm, Ww and AR ice. saloon. 5 i Ey ming fine owns 2 Ont; o, hea gt Rater nt ih : Erm shoh capone i 5 bare not the ginkk believed you." | gages" eould be distinat alk Pass Steam; ( {to theirintersSh: ox. GORDON, 8b: i rs pg nil? 4 rim Pon tr (4 "Oh; father, how can yousibe 'so atd it was, pYident that fon _ Sunderland, Brod 7 Subs Ns ame paige : " i lertiel exclaimed the: broken heart |g : t aig "oisurn Pe) bo.8 soi plety Pump, fro 'I would, rather. die & nik onli. Ads evéryother déscription of Pumpab Kha than be the | 00 terriptel 'wife of 'that mon} | but a sooner than and | have you and my moth suitor, I will marry him.' And shying this. the poor g had "BQUALLY LOW RATES! | - al Prgamatin vn 9 aa to so 5 me Sen tie fient yey te hat wil fry aviag had Jo 10) i fv oR S104 i a ie ty Bie : Fa = ERE ERE nd PY BU, wir evo sid Bas ' oti. ta guided ges & i oie ' Bepu.e, v he 5 dati tram | vith oghi oon F413 Giri | fadd : = wg sikaad Bid Asie 4 of gn be - A wits PELE A » Wigield 90 12 wu Selly d oar Bat anima yitindT mo Kool io wan. Ag font tt oni 6 wed io fis fie ary a 2 3 " 4 . . wr i 3 Ya oe £4 : ? jee ! H . i m---- ii -- Fo "gn

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