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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jan 1877, p. 3

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SE gm ---- account are hereby requested to adjust and indebted to me either by Note or Book the sane with i JOHN H. MCCONNELL, Who is alone authorized and empowered to collect the same and adjust proper dis. charges in my name, Dated at Prince Albeit, this 20th day of December, A.D, 1876. - JAMES McCONNELL. Witness, J. E. Wazs, M.D. SELLING OFF BELOW COST. T= Subscriber is determined to clear our the balapce of Stock on hand, ata Great Sacrifice Intending 'purchasers will do well to call early and sccure BARGAINS ! TAILORING Done on the premises, The newéat styles, Iatest fashions, superior workmanship, and a fit guaranteed, A JOHN H. McCONNELL, (McConnell's Old Stand) Prince Albert, Dec. 28,1876, o PREPARED FOR THE HOLIDAYS! TT undersigned has made abundant pre- parations to meet the demands for all CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAYS. Choice and Cheap. Confections, Sweets, in abundance, Cakes and Fancy Broads of every variety and such as all want for the Holiday times. Lots of Fine Toys, as Christmas and Now Year's Gitta for Cuild- ren. Don't til to call at my Port Perry or Take Notice ! 1] NKE is hereby given that all person 45 cents. antecd to fit, Prince Albert Extaltishipint and INSPECT OUR SUPPLIES. . CHAS. HISCOCES. Port Perry, Dec. 22, 1876. | SOMETHING SPECIAL pa Holidays ! ~. FOB THE | | | HF Cheapest place in Town for Moftoes, Cards, Chromox, Rustic and Funcy Frames, Wall Pockets, Furniture. and Picture Framing, Is at the Cabinet Warcrooms of J. NOTT & SON. We have just received a large and choice Stock of plain and fancy Mouldings in R &G,G. E &G, Polished Walnut, plain and carved. . Pic' ure a a Specialty. Give us a call. ' J. /NOTT & SON. 52:4in Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1876. Richardson's ACTOR! PCRT PERRY. Tx undegsigned would embfuce this op- portunity of returning thanks to his many customers fur their liberal pationge in the past avd would beg to remind them and the public in genersl that he is still planing lumber at ¢1 per thousgnd. Doors, ash, . Blinds, : &c., &c. Which canhiot be surpassed in quality orld at lower prices. Pay Up. All parties indebted to me are heseby re- quested to pay up forthwith and confer a favor on - E A RICHARDSON. Port Perry, Dec. 21, 1876. Cedar Rails and POSTS FOR SALE. BR any quanti "of firstclnss gs and ind on lots 14, 15. and east-half of 15, in the 9th con. Reach. Apply to 5 LAWRENCE, Greenbank PO |. | Greenlank, Peo. 14, 1876. CLDAR RAILS, Posts and Stakes. The Subscribers offer for Sale. fnguantities suit 40 sul ----, a0 immense pymber ¢f They 5, Posts Stakes, ue jie : 'at and of easy access. 4270. J HARTRY & DROS. R BMT Salntield P.O. Reach, Nor. 15, 1876.) Sp. XTRA value in All-V J nels. Splendid Pa TULL Lines in Gent's 00g Wopl Shirts . and Drawers, at 55 A Call Solicited. J -- Factory Flan- ts at 30, 40 aud L pir Grey Cottons, bough at a job, at exteenely Jow prices. - PECTAL Lites in Winceys, 30 inches wide, at 12 cts. } \ DISCOUNT st 10ccns on the Dole on WinterDriss Goods, Shawl, Ladies Fur Scts, Gent's Caps, Blankets, &¢, A Jow prices, RESS MAKINGdone on the premises hy experienced lands, in the latest Pans and New York Styles A FULLIs0ge of T'weeds for Gent's wear. Quis made to.gifer, on the premises, by 0 an experienced Tailor, All work guar- ROC prices. Currigs Ol Port Perry, Dee. 20,1876. | INTER --T SPECIALTIES At Pricés to suit the Times ! \ LARGE] Stock of Millinery Goods made uf in the Latest Styles, includ- ing n splendidselection of Crape Guods, at ES, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Fishy &c., in abundance, at bottom J. E. BROWN, d Stand. PORT PERRY. THOROUGHL JONES BROTHERS! EQUIPPED wus pres A Pers a ~~ Storehouse Completed rl oi NC Hoist' Working Satisfactorily ! Tramway an Immense Convenience ! The d d for i a scription have induced eZ expeditious and economical manner, An As they intend to deuote special price, at all times for Butter, Eggs. N. rm - Notwithstanding on times," fo Erect; at considerable in connection ep an ot Ap Laviog alo the advantagC of an extensive trade and first class connections, they are now prepared to offer Excellent lati on and the for improved facilities for handling produce of every de- NES BROS. » 8 large Warehouse in the rear of their Stores. Gellars, provides them with facilitivs unsurpassed for handling Produce in the mos§ Market for attention to this branch of their busineas, they will be prepared to , Oats, Peas and Potatoes, and Farm Produce generally. Produce. pay the highest Port Perry, Nov 23, 1876. Wanted Immediately--1000 Dressed 'Hogs. Constantly on Hand Salt, Plaster and Water Lime. 126 bbls. Best American Apples! JONES BROS. THANKS N retiring from the business of Store. keeping, I beg Yo tender to my cus- tomers and the public generally my thauks for the many years patronage 1 have enjoyed, and trust that the same confidence and patronage may be continued to my successor, Mr John H. Brewn, who will continue the Business in the same premises. 1 shall continue to purchase Grain, and am prepared to PAY CASH CORRIGAN & : X. ---------------------- 'BEG TO ANNOUNCE'THEIR | CAMPBELL JOCERY EPRTHRNT CHO > i FULLY STOCKED WITH i TO SUIT THE GHOCIRIES, HOLIDAY SEASON. Inspection Invited. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. Port Perry, Dec. 20, 1876, 'For any quantity ef WHEAT, BARLEY. . PEAS. OATS, PORK, BUTTER. GEO, CURRIE. Port Perry, Sept, 20, 1876. Strayed Calves {AME into the premises of the Subscriber, C about the first of October last, Three Calves, Two Steers and one Heifer, The owner is requested" to! prove property, pay expenses and take them away, otherwise they will be sold as the law directs. JOHN MORRISH, Lot 5, 8th con. East Whitby. Dec. 14, 1876 srs STRAYED CATTLE. AME into the premises of the subscriber, C lot 12, in the 1st con. of Reach, about the beginning of September last, 2 Yearling Steers, The one Red aud White, the other Black avd White, The owner in requested to prove property, pay expenses and tak + them away, otherwise they will be sold as the law directs. M. J. HALLIDAY. Reach, Dec. 5, 1876. | Elcctro.Plate Erass Window Co | rEVOLVERS, CAGES ! aing &| Meharry, Strayed Sheep. {TRATED from the p.emises of the Sub- Muriposs, about the 1st of September last, 7 EWES AND 2 LAMBS, All white, short tails, aud the end of the left ear cut off. Any party giving such information ws will warded, WM. WILKINSON, Sonya P. O Mariposa, Nov. 20, 1876. eer eee huge Thorough - Bred Bull T Calves for Sale. class Thorough-Bred With full Begistered Pedig ees. ROBT. DOBSON, Epsom, Nov. 15, 1876. IMPAOVE YOUR STOCK | |.A First RB Service on the Pound 7 Farm, lot 17, ine the .&th con. of h, (opposite Mic Reach, 1 of JFL |B Charge, 81, | Rerch, Nov. 28,1876. weriber, 'ot 5, in the 4th concession of Jead to their recovery will be suitably re- \ ne The Subscriber offers for Sale three first puit caLvEs [BR Lot No. 9, 9th con. Beach. Cla~s Boar GEO. WILSON, Proprietor, FOLLOW THe CROWD NEW GROCERY, LIQUOR & PROVISION STORE, (Late H. A. Black's) Something new in Teas. Call and see them, Flour, Feed and Provisions of all kinds, kept constantly on hand. , : » LIQUORS Of the purest Brands, bottled and on draft. Highest price in cash paid for any quantity of Peas, Oats, Potatoes, Butter and Eggs. Terms Strictly Cash or Produce. p@F™ Goods Delivered Free in Town or at Prince Albert, Port Perry, Oct. 24, 1876. DAVIS & ROBINSON. Watches, Clocks. and Jewelry Es ab- lishment. JUST AT HAND : Gold Watches--Gents and Ladies', Gold Chaing-- do, Fine Silver Watches. Silver Watches--SBiemwinders, Fine Gold Jewelry. Fine Gold Rings. Silver Chains, &c., Cheap for C ASH. N.B.-- Repairing done in a workmanlike wanner and guaranteed. JOHN DIESFELD. Port Perry, Nov. 23, 1876. . WHITE FISH r TROUT, 'HERRINGS, OIL. CAKE! FLOUR AND FEED! And Wheat for Seed. E: WORTHINGTON, East of the Walker House, neasly opposite the Outario Bank, Port Perry, Davis & Robinson's qu Viel wildnbey 2 re Telnet zor alone Ani¥te oF hem ow. Aion * si Beith mm Fre I & DSR To hand this Week, suitable for the | HON gE Holiday Season." On and after this date, the subscriber will allow the following Pm DISCOUNTS FOR CASH! On all purchases over §1 and up to $10 5 per cen off. wt On all purchases over $10, ten per cent off. » p---- WANTED. 5000 Dressed Hogs. 50,000 bus. Wheat. §. H. CHRISTIAN Manchelter, Dec. 6, 1876. POR THE LADIES. | EE -------- Ladies' Underclothing. Pants and Vests in l.amb's Wool and Merino. Kid Gloves (two-buttoned) at $1.00, in all sizes and the New Shades. Mink Furs--the best Value ever offered. High-cut Buttoned Overshoes, (something new), Ladies' Silk Scarfs and Linen Collars. ~ 7, ¢. FORMAN. Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1876. NEW STORE . A WILLIAUSBURG, CARTWRIGHT. { % The Subscribers having moved their business to this place, are now thoroughly equipped in their new premises, having opened out a New and Magnificent Stock of PALL AND WINTER GOODS ! Of the Newest Styles, Best Quality and at such Prices as cannot be undersold any where in the Province. 'The | people of Cartwright and surrounding townships are respect tully invited to give us a call, examine our Stock and com= pare Prices. 3 1 = In DRY GOODS our of the Newest I'ashions, the Top Stoek will always be kept somplets, iL Quality and Bottom Prices, Our GROCERIES always Fresh, Choice and Cheap. The highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs. &e. oe Port erty, Dos. 0, 1670, . Williamsburg, Oct. 8,1876, . ROBERTS & RY ee Bl En A dn LC tae

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