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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jan 1877, p. 4

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It is by the judicious io of ach ue. ticles of diet that a constitution way be gradually built up until strong enough to Tesiat every to disease. Hundreds ready to attack wherever there is a weak * point. , We may escape many a fatal shaft by * keeping ourselves well fortified with pur- blood and a 'properly nourished frame."-- ~§old s & of le | a , of subtle meladies are floating around { us] This ist, ira Tots in the corporation and will be sold at a moderate figure. For further particulars apply to ROBT, BRYANS, Jn. Cartwright P.O. a Cartwright, Aug. 7, 1876. arg SPLENDID Reliable Gold & Silver Watches. ii CHOICE FANCY GOATS I; In VARIETY! Tee Subscriber has much pleabdre in' ik- timating to his customers and the public in general that he has now got opened out a New, Extensive and MAGNIFICENT 'STOCK Of Fine Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Superior. Fancy Goods, waluable, serviceable and ornafiental A vast variety of splendid Goods for FIOLIDAY PRESENTS + The Goods, the Styles and .the Prices are | all new. It is something new to get so magnificent Jewelry at so Moderate §&™ Inspection invited : W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, Nov. 29, 1876, Trains run by Toronto time, which 1s twenty - two minutes slower than G.T.R. time. Trains Going North. NO. 2 MAIL. Wh JAMES HOLDEN, Managing Director. Je Tuas Cail as parties indebted to me by Book account ars hereby required to make immediate e same_to Messrs. Doubt & Fait 1o¢ Gods ill ph curred. R: WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 6, 1876. NOTICE, Lp to ay my friends who have Aavored me with their custom thet now dwving retired from the Business it is im- portant that a settlement of accounts should take place at as' early a day as possible. All accounts not otherwise arranged fot are due on the 1st October next, and interes- will bé charged 'from that date, but I wish it to be distinctly understood, that although desirous of giving all reasopable accommor dation, I shall expect and require all accounts paid this fall and those standing unpaid since Inst year will be put in Court for Collection after 10th October next. : GEO. CURRIE, Sept 20, 1876. The" VICTORIA MUTUAL Fire Insurance, Company of Canada, HEAD OFFICE,....... HAMILTON. . HIS istlecidedly one ofthe best companies in the Dominion, and parties having property to insure will do well to consider the many advantages of insuring with this Company. T. H. WALSHE, Agent, Oannington, Ont. Cannington, Sept. 26, 1876. Notice to Pay. HE woderined would embrace this = portunity of returning thanks to his go, Tnerous patrons for their a d still in- creasing patronage durin, By yeas in which he bas done turing Be in this rein and would remind those ipdibtad to him that | all such indebtedness should bawsbeen settled on the 1st day of Oct, last. As it has ever been my aim to deal with my customers on the most favorable terms andsupply them at «cash prices, it is impossible for me to allow accounts to run after the date of payment, the 1st of October, withou incurring a tional expense I would : 'say to all whose accounts should have been settled in October last, that I must have a settlement At once, and' if any account is not settlyd be- fore the close of the present month I shall, without fail, charge ten pew cent. from the 1#t day of October last-on#l accounts then due. In order to supply, my customers at the lowest possible figuie all must pay promptly as agreed upon, JAMES EMANEY. Ontario Carriage Works, Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1876. ATTENTION ------ "WHY DID GURNEY"S STOVES Take Frasr PRIZES at \the Provincial DOMINION SKATING RINK. PORT PERRY. HE Subscriber _ A would inform the inbabitants of Port Perry and surround- ing municipalities that he has thorough- ly enclosed and oth- erwise prepared the Dominion. Skating Rink, near the wharf, t= z Port Perry, where the pl healthful exercises of Skating rs 5130 amuse- iments and sports may be eujoyed by both ladies and gents without any interruption or annoyance, as none but parties holding tick- ets shall be allowed on the Rink and any one causing annoyance or disomirts shall be put off the Rink hotwithyiand fing 20 olding. A Hela ti admitti EAE $l. Beason tickets ng n Admitting lady and ak $1 J.R. SMITH. Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1876. The largest and CHROMOS Joust stock in theworld, em! 000,000 Chromos, ra Sh and ie Pin t our enlarged ul sub- they are the best in Market. For a comparison with other makes, see the Specimens now on Exhibition at BROW! STOVE DEPOT PORT PERRY Every Stove Warranted. THOS. BROWN. Port Perry, Oct 12, 1816. DOMINION and hits of a 11953' rg phy Ro mots beau Sake in the world ; Bella, a charming scene in Northern Ital y, tithe to the preceding; "Of Boston Light, a beautiful marine, size 14x20, in great demand ; 01d Oaken Bucket, White fountains, Niagara Falls, New Saratogo, Gathering Primroses, At the ore, culty. Also igi Vesta, Snow x orm. Am- F) PLANING MILLS HE Under d have su pl in B that 7 Tailoring Wétablishment, Port Perry. hh SE TE Subscriber T has just opened out a new and sepetior, assortment of sya, thing in n the - Clothing Line! Suitable for Gent's Fall and Wibter Wear, which for Style, Quality and Cheap- ness, cannot beat 3: A choice variety of GENTS. FURS, WOOLEN UNDERGARMENTS, in Shirts, Drawers, Socks, &c, &c., Cheap and Good, A full sypply of Gent's Furnishings of the newest Fasuions. Stylish Hats and Caps in great variety. The latest stylesand bast quality of -- - Cloths, Tweeds, &c. Suitable for the season. Superior Over-Coatings, &c. A perfect Fit guaranteed in every instance, Sdcure your season Outfits now, Cheap and good, Coatings, + JOHN PEARCE, Merghant Tailor, Nov. 9, 1876. K Their Wa Nots, Stands, Mirrors in Walnut, aie and Rose and Gilt, Straw, Wool, M Mined and Hair m Se Parlor Suites, Hall ~ Furniture, k's an 1, NOTT & SON, | Take pl in, rmiug thei customers band A Putte fee that thy 'have 'on roiture consisting" Extehsion 2, "Drawing and K! Tables ; Wood, Cene and Stuffed Bottom Chairs ; Couches in Reps, Cretonne, Danas and Hair=Cloth, Sofas, Bureaus, Side! Cupboards, Writing Desks, Bedsteads, What: Whiteside's Spring Beds, &c, which. will be sold as cheap as at any House in the trade. PICTURE FRAMING. Keeping a large Stock of 'Walnut, Gilt and Rose and Gilt, Lithographs we feel confident we can give satisfaction in this branch of our business as we make 8 , specialty o of it. UN DERTAKING We woul respectfully call attention to our Undertaking Department where everything last rites due the decensed can be farnished on the shortest notice, we keup on hand at " times a good selection of Walnut, Elm, ternut, Rosewood D. T. and 0. G. jokes Walnut and Rosewood Oaskets.. Shrouds in all styles, Face cloths and Caps. Gloves and bands furnished free of age. A first class HEARSE. All kinds of good lumber taken in ex- change for Work, The" Subscribiers aro' the only authorized pgents in the locality forthe Whitby Marble Works. Having increased our facilities we hope by paying striet attention to business and fair dealing to merit a share of public patronage. p@y~ Remember the place--ncarly 0ppo- site. Wright's Boot and Shoe Stove and adjoining J. Rolph's Harness Shop and D, Urqubart's Agricultural sale rooms. N.B Night ealls promptly attended to by one ofthe firm, J, NOTT & SON. Port Perry, July ist, 18754 THE "WITNESS" Holds a high place in Canadian journalism.-- Tailoring Establishment | OVER MR. BROWN'S (LATE MR. CUR- RIE'S) STORE. PORT PERRY. increasing patronage the subscriber would inform his customers and the general public that he has got thorough ly arranged | | 1n his new premises over Mr. Brown's Store | with increased acvommodations for carrying on every department of his business, ~ All orders promptly filled The NewestFashicns regularly received. The Latest Styles, Su- perior Workmavship, and perfect fits wat- ranted. JAMES RIGGS. Port Perry; Oct, 15, 1876 TAILORING IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRES TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT OVER BIGELOW'S STORE. PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. Port Perry, May 6, 1875: FIRST CLASS TAILORING. IRST class Tailoring in all its depart- ments, AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest notice in the latest stylesand at moderate rates, A good fit guaranteed. 3 Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. R. HUGOE. 15 Prince Albert, April 2, 1874. ARMERS should subscribe for the "Family Herald and Weekly Star," publighed in Montreal. It will not cost anything. to get sample papers, Drop a postal card to the publishers. The ** Family 1 Weekly Star." has been a e having now at least 1' F200 arvel in journalism, Hand- some cash prizes to canvassers. Agents wanted everywhere. who wish to im- rove their 'arms & Stock HANKFUL for many years of liberal and | Tts unswerving course-has dore more for jt | than the ability with which it is managed -- | 1t has denounced both political parties by |i as their poliev cecmed to demand it. At times it has heen held to huve taken sides ; and again its independence becomes most evident. The work of the good newspaper is to drive out bad reading with better. This the WiTkess has made its mission. It is eminent- Iya FAMILY PAEER. Its progress during a year or t&%o past has been most remarkable. The cirenlation of the WerkLy Witness, as appears from its pros- pectus, havicg grown in two years frum 17 000 TO 26,000. Its progress is largely ow ng to the enthugissm awakened by its position with regard to the Ultramontane aggression, so increasingly ram- pant in the.Province of Quebec. his feeling went so far at the issue of certain legal pro- | ceedings against it--and at the tine it under- lw ent the episcopal malediction--as to take | form of public meetings, held in Montreal and many other large cities and tow ns, with a view to founding a testimonial fund, But the best | testimonial is the above vapid growth, owing, !as it is, largely to the efforts of its readers.-- ms a good and well ! Mouldings, Chromos and} necessary for the proper performance of- the |. Ted Subscribers always keep on k of just such more) As the community requires ; suitable for all classes of purchasers. All * of crooR * MA- ceria, the Best WorkMaNsuip, and at sues (©) 48 eannot fail b 1 buit, UNDERTAKING In all its departments promptly attended to and charges moderate. COFFINS of all sizes kept con stantly on hand. | SHROUDS of all sizes and | | newest styles, CASKET OR BURIAL CASE pore on short notice. The American Style of | Hearse. Also an ordinary style | of Hearse. » J Ww. DAVIS 50S, Port Perry, Nov. 26, 1873 MONEY TO LOAN ! MORTCAGES WANTED. 9-1y HE Subscribers have large sums of mon- me placed in their hands fir investment on Improved Farms, Village Properties, and other Secfiritics in' this and Aioining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hand at all times Borrowers candep nd on getting tLeir money with the east possible delay. WANTED TO PURCHASE, Any number of Mortgages for which the high- hand |' - | times, Boots & Shoes HAT is more comfortable than to have the feet dry atid warm? i In order to secure this desimble object, for Health as well as comfort, pay a visit to J 6. MORGAN'S BOOT & SHOE STORE. PORT PERRY Where you will find a large variety of Boots and Shoes suitable for Fall and Vinter, The Goods are the very beskthe Market affords and will be sold at Prices '0 suit the In Quality and Price thy can't be beat. An inspection will prow this, Home - Made Work Constantly on hand and warrantd to give satisfaction. A lot of Trunks for sale at cost, J. G. MOIGAN, Port Perry Boot and She Store. Port Perry, Ocu 12, 1876, est figures will be allowed. Wearealso appraisers for thes Canada Per- manent Building Society, the cheapest and largést Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid up Capital §1,6,000. Instalments re-pay: able in from 2 to 20 years.. . Lands Bought and Sold Several good farms for sale. #2 Agents for several first class Fire In surance Companies, ' Collections Trade und a general agency busi- ness transactes Z~ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "8% JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, The publishers have taken a novel course this year in offering to all who remit ten dollars in new subscriptions a pair of Self-Adjusting Skates of the best make. This skate is of Canadian invention, and of Canadian manufacture, but | in all countries looked on as the best ; is called tne ** Eureka," and has become an "abject of great desire among the younger people. The subscriptions sent in to obtain the skates may be for the Weekly, . Tri- Weekly; or Duily | Witness, or for the New Dominion Monthly or | the Northern Messenger. THE NEW DOMINION MONTHLY--the oldest Canadian May --seems to manifest | signs of upward pro; , both in circulation ! and character, and every ove in Canada who wishes to see a Canadian Literature developed, must wish it success. THE MESSENGEL'S inerease has heen tha | most remarkable ofall, its circulation having | grown from 20,000 to 50, 000. It is a family | and Sunday School paper, containing a very large supply of good fumily reading, and is excellently illustrated. Those wishing to work for the prize skates, or of any of a series of money prizees which the Waitress udvertics, should write by the first mail to Messrs. Johu Dougall & Son, Montreal, fora list of prices and samples of the publica- | tions. The prizes are as follows :-- Daily Witness, $3. 00 per year, including T'ri- Weekly, 2.00." postage. Weekly 110% 3d New Dominion {1 »o " " Monthly, Northern Messenger 30 cts * Reductions in these prices to Ministers and School-Teachers. Sample copies. subscription lists, and all information desired, sent free on application to the Publishers, JOHN DOUGALL & SON, MONTREAL. Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, Money to Lend. Interesteight per cent 'No Interest in Advance. NO COMMISSION. NO FINES ! OBTAINED. LOANS PROMPTLY Deposits received on account of principal on equitable terms. Good Morlgages Purchased, All communications and business transac tions strictly private, Apply to WwW. R. HAM. Port Perpy. August 31, 1876. Money to Loan who want to have the best Family AMILIES:: et their homes. should send for a gpce- imen copy of the "Family Her. ald and Weekly Star." pub- lished in Montreal. By dro pelt fiza postal card fo} the publishers, sample ¢oples will be sent ou wil deghted to see it even if iy 'do not subscribe. It hus 135.000 ers in Canada. Handsome cash prizes ure bifered to canvassers, - Agents wanted everyWhere. ro the "Family > pr OR ha ornra and Weel Star is the grou Shout § and is 'poor newspapers 'when a can ily newspaper "of this country, tional alm pe. dited ba the utmost Thre In every in every to lie po | jubjeots Tr thou Study § and com rai, and are a fr hth | Bet 'tepartmont. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. and by virtue of 29 Victoria, 28, sec. 27, the creditors of JOSEPH FRAZER, late of the township of Brock, in the County of Ontario, Miiler, Duceased, who died on or about the 26th day | of October, A.D. 1876, are heréby. notified to send by post,pre-paid, on or before the 20th day of December, A.D. 1876, to Hubert I. Ebbels, of Port Perry, Solicitor for Barbara Frazer, the widow and Admin- istratrix of the said Joseph Frazer, their christian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature -| of the securities (if any) beld by them ; and take notice that.immediately after the said 29th day of December, the Assests of the Estate of the said Joseph Frazer, will be ted among the parties entitled om al column, gps the is 0 of povyerral and rEorous, writers, present ule ts in favor of political oe Li DS aARnCE Of Kmore Ha corruption, point out te uae and means for the advancement of the industrial and ag- rienltural interests of the country. The agri- enifnhl department of the Family Eerald 'eekly Star is In charge of men of in. tetligonee and practical experience {r farm- ing. The "Ve! eterinary" and "Medical" depart~ ments, new features n'newspaper ress, are under the Fharge of gentieingn o 0! his mew Plans Millar sow in full int where * they will always keep on hand and Fruit to order ry BLIND yas Doon, ASE MOU D- AS/m HAN BAN- REL PoSTo, SOROL: and every ih Colin to be found ina fi Fac actory. Sawing done to order. filled with the : in the Dotbi ion, wi chine _ ps proveme! rig ay the best on, ot work this h and done experience the ence, -- he monetary and commercial Apartment glves the most com plete reports of tl a nan, clal affairs of the great mo the continent, the ruling prices and. market ~alue of all stoc) Produ ce and me: merch ni ise, The "FAMILY AND STA is the only paper rig the o English language hat to refund the subscription money to 4 mediate settlement with the said Adminis thereto having reference only to the claims of which notice as above sball buve been furnished ; and the said Administratrix will not be liable for the Assets er any part, thereof to any person of whose claims notice shall not have been receivid by her or her Solicitor, at the time of distribution. | | Auvso, take notice, that all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to make im- tratrix, or with John Tipp, her agent. Dated at Port Perry, 15th November, 1 1876 .'. AUBERT L. BRBELS, 49:6w] Solicitor for Administratrix. any subscriber who is not thoroughly with the paper, price $l. a Ter annum, clubs of KE new names $5 list of handsome | ublished 2 the paper. She) ol Jizesh P everywhere, Sample cop for | will have "themselves to blame, Last Notice. by Note or book account are hereby re- of PA indebted to MrP A. Hurd, either | satis=|5inded for the last time, that an immediate settlement must be made with me or enforc- 2d cc will. be ; T AEE NOTIOH. 1p receiving my Circular with state. ment of their indebtedness enclosed must settle with me forthwith, I sball place said ind "in the collection, and if costs are Tacured parties | 5 LU. BURD. FARM FOR SALE. Subscriber offers for Sale tha Te being the Sohth-| J 16 in the 3rd Concession va "Re This is well known to be one of the best Farms in the Township andgoonisipe about 55 acres. [ Atthe sitio Aime there canbe purchased, if required, about 18 acres lying Jnumedintely ror he o% | The d has any amount of Money to-lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. { Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for, sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben- tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &e. Orricg--Over the Dominion Bank, McMil- lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873, MONEY | MONEY | HE Undersigned having made arrange ments for the investment of money on Real Estate Securities is prepared to receive applications for Loans of large or small amounts at moderates rates of interest, All applications will receive prompt attention and the money will be paid in every case as soon as the title is approved, Charges low P. A. HURD, Solicitor, Port Perry. Port Perry, April 17, 1876. MONEY 'I'o Loan on good Farms, at rt per cent in- terest. Ha re c LYMaN ENGLISH, Ba; &osy Oshawa 14 November, 21, 1866. pod 4 | = tne ° Partnership. HE undersigned have entered into art- nership for the manufacture of BOOTS & SHOIS .' Of every description for all classes of he community. cro MATERIA', First Class Workmanshir, anda Perfecet I't warranted. By strict attention to business, punctualiv in filling orders, and Moderation i Prices, they hope to secure a liberal shar of public patronage. DOUBT & MOTHERALL. Late Warriner's, one Block wes of the Post Office. Port Perry, July 19, 1876. The Subscriber takes this opportunity ¢ thanking his many' customers for thei liberal patronage since he succeeded Mr Warriner and commenced busiaess on hi own account. In order to more promptly meet the orders of customers, he has taker Mr. Motheral into Partnership, so that ir future the business will be carried on 8) above. } JOHN DOUBT. | Port Perry, July 19, 1876. | AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 1 HE Subscriber would take this oppor- tunity of informing the FARMERS Of Cartwright and surrounding Townships] that he has opened an Establishment at Williamsburg ! For the | show and sale of the best and' most be oN { anywhere v; the country, prove FAmeovs, Ge PLOWS N OWERe REAPER HH = RAKES, Bor CAST SEED SOWERS And all other Implements that may be required, £0 THE BE bs chines of all kinds, at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE, Williamsburg, JAMES BRYANS. Williamsburg, Feb. 10, 1876. 2 Tigges ge . TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION "AND ABOUND TOWN ithe Subscriber ' 1b ph preparéd to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and-every other de-|p of Lug to or from the Railway East of the above y ow by the late Richard Northoott. er "Titles Port Perry, Dee, 6, 1876. town. AN to." Charges Station or anywhere aro! For Terms oy to C. FORMAN. Port Perry, Sept, 5, 1056, » % C. MK ENZIE, PROPRIETOR. ' JHE Subscriber having. now fu THEE bis gd aay xe vd 4 clin Ai first class i a 'ap, Moaskate Term ae C. MCKENZIE. i489 Por Perey, Aug. 6, 1873 b) DAVIS & &30 SONS' BOOTS ¢ $ & SHOES, - PREMIUM Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874, Rrrams OF ALL KINDS, Agricultural Implements and Ma- Farmers will" find it to theiradvantage to leave their orders at my Show Rooms, ur PERRY LIVERY STABLES, ive A » 4 LIVERY. RICS @ T. COURTICE'S 'PORT PERRY, 4 lide J¢ of CHILDREN'S Ita Canigts a Pranblels Also all Stock of BIND Bs Jost stock of VHIPS in Town, HARVESS If Leny WAREHOUSE And Traveling Bigs. The largest and, FEEIVED) THE | PHYSICIAN'S REMEDY ae ll ad det knw bow 10 for_vour WE set oer ou gener send wor- the c certified for the cure of "IR coon NESS I) JOS, MBS, - SPRAINS, . Ei shomtndr Europe, the only male Ap touat oo ph fac simile signature of 16 eating phy - sicians of Montreal are on each oh guarantee of its efficacy. For sale by all druggists at 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Certificates of 1h ysicians are on ia bottle, and cap be also by applying CHARLES MARTIN. In great variety. Fease call and see the Sole Agent fc atiadg most COMPETE STCK in the trade. . ol ore sid. Port Perry, May 6, 185. One of the Testimonials. » . From Ds Duncan McCallum, Moritreal. dersigned, have been suffering very MANCHESTER. HEARD'S Carriage Works ! GENERAL BLAK-SMITHING ESTABLISEMENT. -- HE Subscriber has Aw, pleasure in stat ingthat he has sequrd the valuable servicesio' One of tne best wood-wafkrs in the Pim- vince, and is now better fittd than ever to fill all orders or Cutters, Sleighs, Bib-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch, All repairs in Wood or frm executed with neatness and on short not Cnstomers may rely on gating the best material, latest styles 4d superior work- manship. Special attepion given to HORSE SHQUNG and the work done soas to geure the ease and comfort of the horse in taveling, BES All Charges Mode mk and all work Warranted. Wi( HEARD. 51 I, t 9.10 tor the last two years from Rheumatism in the ankle joint, so much thatI was often prevented from attending to my calling, but three Arplieatione of Dr. Birnbaum's Rheuma< tism and Gont R me that reliof from pain and stiffness J which 1 did IT did not expéri- enco for the last two years, and after eight RA use of this remedy, 1 find myself entirely cu I owe this statemént to the publie, to the profession and to the merits of the' 'genuine article, v UNCAN McCAL June 17th, 1876. RALLY, UD. THE SREATESE Wonder of Modern Times. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT The Fue 'Purify the Blood, correct all of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys BAKERY AND T= Bakery and Confectioney business in all their branches carriecon in my Port Perry and Prince Albert esthlishments Plain and Fancy Breads of Eyey variety, Orders filled with the shortest iotice, Bridal and other Cakes made 14 order. Socials and other entcrtainmens supplied on moderate terms, CONFECTIONS! in every variety and of the best qulity. Children's Toys in abundance, ® * Call at my Bakery, Port Perry or Prince Albert, CHAS. HISCOCKS, Port, Perry, March 10, 1875, NOTICE HIS is to give notice that I. have sold to James V. Thompson, Port Perry, the Trade jp AUSTRALIAN {HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD, ¢ | with all rights and privileges to use and dispose of the same, JOHN YOUNG. Port Perry, Dec. 27, 1875, 24f i Nothing need be addea as to the value of of this Feed for Horses and Cattle, it is un. | equalled hy anything yet discovered for im. "proving the condition of these valuable ani. mals both as to flesh and general health, An parties owning horses or cattle should | have it. The universal testimony of all who have tried it on their stock is that they would not now do without it, It is cheap, safe and beneficial. The purity of the mix« ture is guaranteed. J. V. THOMPSON, i Port Perry, Jan'y 13, 1876. ice, Kcliable Apple 'A rees _for All Subscriber Ton for Sale at his Nur , two miles north of Brooklin, Ont., first.class Apple Trees in a vigorous, 'y condition, and ot choice descriptions it. Sold at the very lowest figures arranted trae to their name." This a \ance for obtaining ehoice trees, cheap A. T. TURNER, Brooklin. Pklin, Sept. 28, 1876. : of Buldings for Sot beoriber offors for k opposite. ale that Blogk Hh illage of Por Perry, " Confectionery. and Bowels, and are invalusble in all com- plaints incidental to Females, . The Owxryest is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs Colds, «Gout, Rhenmasism, and all Skin diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF VILE AND ABOMINABLE COUNTERFEITS | deem it my duty to state that my Piuis AND OINTMENT ave neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the UNiTkp STATES. Each Pot and Box bears the British Govern- ment Stamp, with the words* HoLLowaY's PiuLs AND OixTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon.-- On the lubelis the address ,533, UxFoRrD STREET, Loxpox. | Spuriona witalioas of * Holloway's ills and Ointment" are mannfactured nnd sold under the name of "Holloway & Co." by JF. Jfeiry Curran &' Co, Druegists at | New Yo an assumed trade jon, em ~In Canada, the prineipa Vholesale Deal 'ers in these Jounterfeits are Lymay, Crane & Co, Nowrurup & Lyman, and Lyyax Brotiens & Co., who obtain them at very low prices, fr m JF, | Haory, Curran & Co, of New York,ind which are supplied to unprineipled Retail Ven | dors. who sell the same as my venuine Pillsand Ointment, which sre manufi.ctured only at 533, Oxford Street, London, and | moy be obtained ftom the following Firms, Viz to Evaxs. Mercer & Co., Montreal. s AvEry, Bruwn & Co., Halifax, N. 3. | Messrs TB. Bansen & Sons, St. John, N, B. Mesars Ervior & Co., Toronto Who import them ire :t from here, THOMAS HOLLOW 533, Ozford Street, W.C, AY. London, January 1st, 1876 Manhood: HOW LUST, HOW RESTORED } CEL) TST Sd ipl Level edition of Pr, Cals . verwell's 'clebrated radical eure (without pvr BS LO lie torrhiea or Seminal Weakness, Involus ntary: | Beminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Tain sical Thea city, Impediments to Mar Cy ete. ; nu ih Conshmption, > Jie iadien, ly Emlepey and Te | gance, ete. =~ Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cts, he celebrated author, in this Mmiuble wy, clearly demonstrates, from a ny Is shear] practice, that the ary 11) enred without fe dangerons se medicine, of the a Rontion of tL mietnst pointing out a mode of cure simple, cer~ tain and cffectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may i tt cure himself cheaply, privately and Zr This Lecture should be in th every youth and every man in the ie Jv or | Sont, under seal, in a plain envel to address. postpaid, X conte Or sd, ros, Posipal d, So receipt of six cents, or | Address, | THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL €O., 41 Apu Bt, New Yi Post Office Box 4386. Bt, New Youu, (puns PERMANENT OFFICE FILE. has stood the test for twenty years, and for | Seifuluess, Sushil and convenience, it is We are permitted fo els tu} to Messrs Robert~ :80n, Linton & Co., of this city, and man other solo % Jone, over the Dominion, who are Fo init praise and find it mvalnable io Blin hreserving letters, i i bin fresesy ng letters, invoices and other It supercedes anythi line and is ai DE hancate. fa 1s Curate: Datkers, Jlroken; Bxpress, Railway, t Com; Business, Trade or Profession. [fast for very The manufacture being now steampower, on -a large scale. are enabled to offer these Fi duced prices, In order to beg reach of every business man : PRICES: Files, Letter Size, formerly $5.00 Files, Foolseap size, formerly $70 Files Note size, formerly 400," 2 wn Covers for Letter Size, formerly pd ued Covers for Foolseap size, formas ALE Covers for Note Size, formerly 7.00. P°" toe. Bow 4.00 per dozen, Manufactured by the * Eva STATIONERY NG ON by ANT AGS | | 43 Bt. 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