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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Mar 1877, p. 3

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' «wy Port Perry, Feb. 20, 1877 ei Si pe Sd 3 OFFICE OF THE BROWN & PATTERSON MP& CO. WHITE ¥, on. ro TH® PUBLIC. 1 Tool our Twenty-second Annual Catal of Agri to the a for the year 1877, we do so with more than an ordinary degree of prideand confidence, from the marked favor and patronage conferred upon us, and the steady and in- creasing from year to year for our new celebrated Farm Implements. We shall continue as Jgrelof re. a3 manaiactyter= to make A specialty of Agricnltural Temkin Reaper, the Reap achinery--the Johnston riuraph_ Combi ser and Mower, the uga Mower, the Young C: Mower, aad our new Whitby Harvester claiming a large re of our time aid attention. Por the last twenty-two years we have xiven our most 10 the manufacture an operation of the various machines in use, remedying defects, modifying 4nd correcting errors, strengthening weak proportioning every part as our i i peri has d We employ only the best mechanical skill, and our machines pass under the mest careful supervision and serntiny--every detail being subjected to the severest criticism--and each machine is thoroughly tested before leaving onr works, to prove the completeness of every part aud there is no difficulty in putting them in operation by any person of moderate 'mechanical ility. : : Our machinery has been selected and constracted with A special reference to the manu- facture of our own machines--many tools having made for this particular purpose, and sot adapted for other work, and our workmen are educated tp to the wa: ts and requirements fi btaini i h knowledge of the construction of our macuines, # of skill and proficiency than where general manu- Tn presentini Yarmers of Can careful and undivided attention sifting out the lest points, points, adapting and of our a are thus enabled to obtain a higher degree facturing is carried on. We are, therefore, enabled to Introduce a more perfect system into all the departments of manufacture, ad {ing not only to the perfection of the work, but also to the rapidity of its exe- 'eation--and un consequent reduction of coat. This principle is regarded necessary in a well regu lated establishment, and w © turn out our machines with & higher degree of perfection, and at prices so lo! 10 defy competition. The Johnston Self Raking Reaper $s now so well known as a Single Reaper, that a word of commendation wonld almost seem su- serfluous, but us there are many claiming Lo fi this machine who Luve adhered to Lie old original Johaston machine, without keeping up to the improvements, that justice 10 ourselves and patrons require of us to state that we Lave modified it in almost every es-ential "put, aad for strength, durability, and equality of cut, in every ind and condition of grin; lightness of draught and ease the "Joh "a3 A by us -stands pre-eminently ahead 0° all other reapers. In proof of this position we have only to point to the many First Prites awarded us--at the hast Provincial tris] of Ontano, and mary county tnals whieh have taken place all over Canada, within the last few years. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINE are enabled absolutely with late improvements, is all that can be esired in a combined machine, and cannot fail to wmeetall thie requirements of purchasers. Qur Improved Cayuga Chicf, Jr., and our Young Canada Mowers 1 and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. duinble maclires, ana net ex- lightness of dra", adapta- are both first class mach' nes--cons'rincted almost wholly of has a rear cut, and the Young Canada a fiont ent both stro: e-lled by any machines in the market for quality of "cut, durabi bility, abd ease of management. OUR NEW "WHITBY HARVESTER." machinery, and many of our farmers have be- As the country has become better adapted 13 © me skillea iu the use of machines, 8 growing demand Las sprung up tora Light, Darable, First-Class Reaper. ! a NEW ADVERTISEMENT = a machine witha Alive to the requirements of the dav, Wrought Iron Frame, with the least possib| an so constructed that the frane table tilt always in line with the knife. Th no perceptible side draft, have succeeded in invent been produced. We hav exclnsive manufactn sneceeded in inventin -f; mn We are confiden it in all its parts, that has ever hold our jurention, for ou ng purchasers. that the see (his machine bef i vest Ite Whitby Harv, 500 pounds, hut ® principally of the best quali ¥ ofiron and # ious and compact construction, it cutnldues the streegih aud durzbility ol them st perfect 1 lied for Jette; nes. t All our machines are fuliy warranted. s | With this list of machines, we feel confilent that we can meetevery req 'rement, and we respec.fully solicit a trial of aur ma es, Beiicving that we can furuish a better machine for the meaey than can be obtained clsewheie. Re:spectully Yours, BROWN & PATTERSON MP'G CO. Whitby, Outario, March, 1877. ~ FOR SALE Take Netice. One of the best Farms in Reach if net in the County. |; for th oo ffrmy place on wor: a velve fall clo v party eo will confor a fa subscriver or lettinZof him, A GRAIN-GROWING FARM IT Anke 1° CANNUT BE BEAT. AS cont oF ! And a brown ciot fact with sa ing him to the w whore to find HE Subscriber offers tor Sale that réally cellent Farm, Being the south Lalt of 1 the 2ud Con. of leach, contuiuin, 100 acres--85 acres cleared, the remaind.: excellent maple bush. well fenced and in high state of cultivation. There are Fo fent and commodions buildings ®on th premises, The dwelling house is 28x36 with a back kitchen, all nicely fini-hed, -- Abundant and convenient Bara accommoda tion, well constructed, 52x76. A good sup ply of water fiom two wells, 8 distun aud nu kuo JOHN BOW 5th con. of I ach. teach, Fob. 28, 1877 Villuge Lo! for Nale acee:. in a » The location is healthy and pleasant and Pp 0 R i | bd ID R R Y . convenient to the best markets in the Pro-, men vince, Port Pe ry and Manchester heing only 5 one and a half mile hom the Manchester Span o station of the W , P.P. & I Railway. LF HE ano toignid oer Bb Couvenient to Churches and Schools. [lot west of t hool House, Qu . Port Perry. is one of the best and best For particulars apply to the proprietor 00 oad. lots in the corporation and will be the premises, or at the Gsserves office. sold at a moderate figure. ANDREW GRAHAM. | For fusther parficulars app! Reach, Febly 21st, 1877 t { of ftir perienans al n 4 ROBT BRYANS. Jr. For Sale. | Cartwright I' O Cartwright, Aug. 7, 1878 J Gp Subscriber offers for sale 50 acres of splendid Hardwood Tint r Land, being | FOR SALE. the South East quarter of fot 19 in the 14th Con of Reach. This is a dusimble property, 1 Black Mare splendid driver ; 1 Grey Rorse well ti tured € very gentle, can be driven by any person, Jo Suired good laud and in a good j git of Single Harne's with breast cola? Title indisputable and terms to suit pur- i) Fh Yo hr Hi giv- Easy terms of payment. i For farther particulars apply at the Sign' of the Plow, Port Perry. D. URQUHART. Port Perry, March 7, 1877. zale Village chaser. For particulars apply to the proprietor, . D. STALKER, Seagryve, Or, if by letter, to the Seagrave P.O. ~ TVEMEADOLS Blickil 8 MLL 5 : i } In Every Department; at TEFORMANS H -- | NO BLOWING! WE MEAN IT !: JUST RECEIVED : »,2000 arid iin Edgiigs and Iusertions offered at Lace Curtains--a large lot bought at a sacrifice and sold accordingly. © ; : Fi a 2 Cases Men's Felt and Silk Hats, latest styles and immensely 4 Cheap. i 1. C. FORMAN: N. B.--Winter Goods sold regardless of Cost. | LNINIASLLYIAQY AM i nT é {oom PAPER ROOM PAPER! New, Choice, £t; lish, and Cheap. The Newest and Finest Varictics of Lalor s. Vat- terns and Styles, The returning Spring brirgs io the paper- ing season. I have just opeacd out a MAGNIFICENT STCCK Of new sng fashionable Papers which cannot 1i Come the wishes of all, All parties re- their advantage to examine my superior Yt y r dl rye ~W STOUR. » Qualities and Styles will be found all please, A call is solicited. W. H. McCAW. Port Perry, March 7, 1877. Cedar Rails and POST FOR SALE. Fe SALE, any quantity of first-class Cedar Rails and Posts, on lots '4, 15, and castehali of 15, in the 9th con. Reach. Apply to F. E LAWRENCE, Greenbank P.O Greenlunk, Dee. 14, 1876. VALUABLE IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE EING North Half of Lot 7, in the 3rd Con. Eldon, containing 100 corer. Nearly all cleared and in a good state of caltivation, There are on the farm # comfortable Log House, Frume Barn and other Outbuildings, together with a good Occhard. Nearly all full plowed. It is conveniently located for schools, churches, railroads and ma kets, being only one mile from Argyle and Midland Junction, and ree miles from Woodvitle, To parties irous of locating in a good farming dis trict, or investing in a first-class farm this presents ® rare opportunity. Possession given early in the spring. Title indisput- able. Stock and Implements on the fart can be bought at a valuation. For further lars apply to A C. CAMPRELL, reaaitte P O, LAUCHLIN CURRIE, flartley P. 0, Exccutors of the estate of late D. McIntyre, of Eldon ; or to A. HUDSPETH, Lindsay. Lorneville, Jan. 11, 1877, CEDAR RAILS, Posts and Stakes. The Subscribers offec for Sale, {ni quantities to suit purchasers, An immense number Cf First Class Cedar Baile, Posts and Stakes, Cheap, and on easy terms of payment, They are af Saintfield and of easy access. Apply to : i R. BARTRY & BROS. - Saintfield P.0. 1h 8:6w Reach, Nov. 15, 1875, Room Paper will find it to be to e desired, while the Prices can- [IUBBS, BUILD ATS. ws. HATS CORRIGAN & CAMPBELLS ; : Have just opened an immence Stock of Gents' Hats and Capsy fo 3itk, Fur and Felt, of the latest styles, in Fnglish and, American manufacture, showing over fifty different kinds to select from, includnig the following Colors, viz: --Black, Brown, Grey, Stone, Pearl, Bronze and Dark Blue, which for Quantity, ¢ Quality and cheapuess cannot be surpassed. Stock well assorted in the other Departments. (7 Terms--Cash_or Produce. ~ CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. Port Perry, March, 1877. THOROUGHLY SEASONED NO.1,X& AN SPOKES, RIMS And Shafts, all Sizes. Axles, Springs, Ifth Wheels, and Skeins. Dash Leather, Enamelled Duck and Drill. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. A lot of Varnish in Gal Cans. IRON & STEEL. Te A FULL STOCK OF VERY q CHEAP. ~Laing & Meharry, Sign of the Golden Anvil Port Perer, Feb, 8; 1877: A FL Lines in Gent's SPECIALTIES At Prices to suit the Times! ; ! : L FxTRa value fn All-Wool Factory Flan- nels. Splendid Patterns at 30, 40 pod 45 cents, Fi At th PUnas or Cottons, bought at a job, n ie AR at extremely low prices. Long Wool Shirts and Drawers, at 55 cents. . \ PECIAL Lines in Winceys, 30 inches wide, at13 ots. | A DISCOUNT at 10 cents on the Dollar on WinterDress Goods, Shawls, Ladies Fur Sets, Gent's Caps, Blankets, &c. A low prices, . RESS MAKING done on the premises by experienced bands, in the latest Parts and New York Styles. pie { UITS made to order, on the premises, by LD) un experienced Tailor, All work guar. anteed to fit, ROCERIES, Boots and Bhoes, Crockery, Fish, &c., in abundauce, at bottom prices. A Call Solicited. J. H. BROWN, Currie's Old Stand Port Perry, Dec. 20, 1876. ~ PORT PERRY. LARGE Stock of Millinery Goods made up in the Latest Styles, includ- ing a splendid selection of Craps Goods, at A FULL range of Tweeds for Gent's wear. «white sml Peas Salt & Plaster, A = CURRIE 'S ELEVATOR. do ~ GEO. IE. Port Perry, March 6, 1877. aa 4 gid HALL, PORT PERRY, J FRIDAY, MARCH 16, AT 8-2.M, First appearance in Port Perry of BLIND TOM, Too muted PRSRORAEED Yh PS Greatest Natural Pianist ng 1! he Grand Plano used at this donoert 1s from) Ware rooms of Stelaway & Sops, ew Yors T the LEX. KENNEDY, M.D,M.C.P.S, A formerly assistant to Prof. Maclean, Surgeon of the 'University Hospital, Ani Arbor, Mich. Ofice--Curric's bock----coraer of Quetn and Perry streets, Port Perry. 2 MONEY TO LOAN! MORTGAGES WANTED: HE Subscribers have luge sums of mon- ey placed in their hands for investineut on mproved Farms, Vill Properties, other Securities in this and ad] ining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As wo have funds on hand at all times Borrowers candep nd on ge'ting tlolr money with the +east possible delay. WANTED TO PURCHASE, Any number of Mortgages for which the Ligh- est figures will be allowed. 'Wearealso appraisers for tha Canada Per- manent Bujlding Societv, the cheapest and Jargest Monetary Institution in Canada. Puid up Capital 31,50, Instalments re-payable in from 2 to 20 years. - Lands Bought and Sold. Several good farms for sale. 28 Agents for several £rst class Fire In gurance Companies. Collections made and a general agency buat ness trunsacted. Zr DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "&X JOHN '& DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Bulldings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, LARGE RECEIPTS core QO Freee i ¢ »- To hand this Week, suitable for the + SEASON. On and after this date, DISCOUNTS FOR "CASH! On all purchases over $1 and up to $10 5 per cen off. 5 On all purchases over $10, ten per cent off] i ; WANTED. 5000 Dressed Hogs. : "ow 50,000 bus. WV heat. . II. CHRISTIAN w Manchoster, Dec, 6, 1878, Rr W & DESIRABLE Goon the subscriber will allow the fellowing Look up your Tide. Papers 4 lil undersigned holds a large number of Title Papers, leit by the ute William Powson 1., very materially affecting the titly of s situated in Reach, Brock, Ux- bridge, Scott, Whitby, Mariposs, ther townships. Parties whom it mayfoncera will please call at ouce and get the same, W. R. HAM Money to Loan. Mortpages bu and Sold NOTES BISCOUNTED! 300 ACRES FOR SALE. In Mariposa--about 259 Acres cleared and in a high "state of tivation, beautifully situated, could be divided inte thres farms if desired. A Tavern for salé at Uderar Two Houses for sale in Port Perry. All will be sold on reasonabls terms. For further particulars apply to W. R. HAM, Port Pary, Feb 12, 1877, Agency for the Lending of Money DVANCES made upon the security of Renl Estate, re-payable at the option ct borrower. Rate of interest Eight per cent. mission. Wanted to purchase good lMortgages and Promissory Notes. Money always on hand for any good Loan, W. MAURICE CQCHRANE. March 1, 1837, Port Perry Money to Loan No Com- The undersigned hasany amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loaxs can be repaid in any mawner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Lands for sale, cheap. © fo made in Municipal" De | tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to en JAMES EOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &c. . Orrrce--Over the Dominich Bank, McMile jan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873. NOTICE... ... awd Couxry or Oxtario, 1 Is nerebyeiven that To Wit, the Conrtof Assids,, Nisi Prius, Over and Termine: a a St Divers wil be BANGS : } Conary of Oatacioy in the Bowie 3 + . as TOWN . Tuesday, April Srdy (JAF At the hour of 12 o'clock, all Coroners, J mam

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