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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Jul 1877, p. 3

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ork, will be giygn to a suitable person. MRS. JOHN ADAMS; a5 . 1 Ambleside. _ Apply at Office . J. & D.J. ADAMS, July il, 1877. Port Perry. Girl Wanted. N active 'Girl wanted. Liberal wages will bé given to a suitable girl. : AS ACTIVE, STRONG GIRL for Cook _"and General Housew Extra wages Tio ny fins ad als ad the public onl. I TAKE this opportunity of returning you my sincere and hearty thanks for past favors and announcing to you" that IL will continue the business of Browne & Bro. as usual in the same premises. The Price of Goods in Stock greatly re: duced. s way © RN RANG Fresh Arrivals of New Goods which are . June 20, 1877. ng! Prince Albert, | offered much below the Regular Prices. oir - ANTED IMMEDIATELY at the *¥¥s Walker House, Port Perry, a Cham ber Maid. Port Perry, June 14, 1877. CAUTION. Ax parties are cautioned against trust- ing wy wife Susan, after this date, as 1 will not be responsible for any debts con. tracted by her; she having left my bed and 'board without any just cause or provocation. WM. GIBSON, Port Perry, June 30, 1877. CAUTION. OST, on Monday; 25th ult, a Note for the sum of $26, made by Wm. Quinn in favor of James Costlo or bearer ; payable on or about 26th Jung, 1877. All parties are hereby cautioned against negotiating said note as I have stopped payment of the same. JAMES COSTLO. Reach, June 30, 1877. WHITBY, JULY 16TH. ONE WEEK ONLY, THR EVENT OF THE YEAR OPENINC OF HOPKINS' NEW MUSIC HALL. BY THE AGNES ALLACE--VILLA COMBINATION - New Scenery. Gorgeous Costumes. Evening. Burlesque and Drama. Scale of Prices: --Reserved Seats by Plan 75 cts. General Admission §0 cts, Gallery 25 cts. #E&™ Seats Secured at Byrnes' Drug Store. Doors open at 7.15 o'clock. Overture at 8 o'clock. Whitby, July 10, 1877. Farm for Sale. The Subscriber offers for Sule that VALUABLE FARM, Containing wr 140 AC RES » New Appointments. -- Change of Play every Prints from § cents 4 yard and upwards. Tweeds very cheap. Choice Fresh Groceries. Good value in Boots and Shoes. Women's Prunellas at 55 cts per pair. I All other Goods equally cheap. By strict attention to business and fair ~ | dealing I hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. My Motto, "Small Profit and Quick Re- turn." The Highest Price paid for Butter, Eggs and other Produce. x R. B. BROWNE, Epsom, April 25, 1877. + SUPERIOR SPRING GOODS! GREAT BARGAINS BRYANS' OLD CORNER STO, WILLIAMSBURG, CARTWRIGHT. ALL and see our Spring Stock of First Class Boots and Shoes, OUR CHOICE F°ESH GROCERIES ! Our Superior HARDWARE, CROCKERY, PAINTS, and OILS, DYE STUFFS, &C. OUR TEAS CANNOT BE BEAT, Wo make them a Specialty. Being Lot 14, .in the 12th con of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH There are 120 accres cleared and in the best! state of cultivation, the balance being Hard. wood. On the premises there are two barns | with stables underneath, a good thrifty or.! «chard, a first class frame dwelling house, two wells and a cistern, and a ncver-failing stream of water running through the farm == Every convenience in the shapeot out- houses, &c. TERMS LIBERAL. Apply on the premises AARON BAGSHAW, Saintfield P. O. Saintficld, July 10, 1877. The quality of our Stock is all that could be desired, and the Prices cannot fail to please. » Give us a call. The Highest Prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce, ROBERT BRYANS, Jr. Williamsbarg, March 22, 1877. Tm OF DIVISION COURTS t FOR THE County of Ontario, » For the year - For the White Flag with Red Star ! MAMMOTH CHEAP SALE OF DRY GOODS ! The Greatest Bargains ever offered in Port Perry, i POSITIVELY NO RESERVE. Every Article in Stock Marked Down. B. J THORNE, Begs to announce that in order to reduce his present Heavey Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, he has determined to call a Mommoth Clearing Salt commencing FRIDAY, 20th JULY, to continue FOR ONE MONTH ONLY, When I guarantee to offer Bargains in Dry Goods never before offered in Port Perry. TERMS OF SALE.--Will be Cash Only. My motto is Cheap Goods for Cash. I append a short Catalogue of a few leading #nd Special Bargains-- Black Lustre 14c per yd, worth 20c. Black Lustre 22¢ per yd, worth 30c. Black Lustre 35c per yd, worth 45c, Plain Cold Lustres 124c per yd, worth 20c, Fancy Dress Goods 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, worth 25c, 37c and 50c. Fancy Grenadines 10c per yd, worth 20c, Fancy Grenadines 15¢ per yd, worth 36c. Prints, Ginghams, Factory Cottons, Bleached Cottons, Sheetings, Towelings, &c. | at Wholesale Prices... | I respectfully solicit an inspection of my Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as every article has been marked down in order to effect a clearance. . Port Perry, July, 18, 1877, SUGAR! SUGAR! SUGAR!' at Cost Tweeds, Cloths and Flannels--I will show over 100 pieces of Tweed, commencing at 25¢ per yd. and over 50 pieces Fine . Scotch Tweeds: commencing at $1 per yd. being about' 40 per cent below regular prices. B. J. THORNE, BR € COHPRL, have on hand an immense Stock of Sugars suitable for : Preserving purposes which they offer at / Low Prices ALSO, PRESERVE JARS Of almost every description, C HEAP. | . . | As Sugars are likely to be dearer, we would advise our friends to purchase early. | | 07 Highest price paid for any quantity of] good Butter. Extremely Terms : y Cash or Produce. Port Perry, July, 1877. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, VALUABLE 2lslz]g 00K [FARM T0 R Ei . Whithy..... 1 a 1 1f 112 D F I RET, Bron a 8! | 2f Port Perr, 1251 | 5] 8'12]27 RE Uxbridge 2] | 5 9,13 2 HE Subscriber offers to Rent for a term Sus. . 4 il i of years, his valuable Stock Farm, Atherly...... 31] 3 1] 12) 1 being part of lot 14, in the 9th con, of the G. H. DARTNELL, TOWN:HIP OF BEACH. 'The Rent can be paid in labor on the pro- | perty. WM. TABER, Proprietor, Uxbridge Village. Uxbridge, June 27, 1877. ~ Farm for Sale. | | Junior Judge, Whitby, Dec 27,1876. PPLICATION will be made to the Par- liament of Ontario at its next session for an Act giving to Robert Armourof the the town of Bowmanville, Barrister at law, and such other person or. persons as may hereafter be associated with him power and authority to construct an embankment or FPYHE Subscriber offers for Sale that EX. golid Roadway, fr int the sh ¢ is y, from a point on the skore cellent Farm, being «he East balf of of [ake Scugog at or South of and near. to lot 15, (the gore included), in the 7th con. the Village of Port Perry, in the township i I it y tn ¥ + | cure of that dread disease, and its i "For Sale or to Rent. pe oe concomitants, viz: CATARRE, A : oT Asraxa, Broxomimig, Nervous Desay, &c. ty DWELLING HOUSE and Twenty years experieuce in the best Con- £ half an acre of land in the sumption Hospitals of the Old and New : 3 * Willage of Manchester. Worlds,as a busy practitioner, has taught me eh Apply to the value of this Medicine in the cure of all . 3 * | ABE FAREWELL TOWN:HIP F UXBrILGE, | 2} miles west of Utica, containing 128 acres, | 116 acres cleared and in a good state of cul- tivation. The propery is well fenced. -- 'There are on the premises a New Frame Dwelling House, a- good Frame Barn; a vigorous Young Orchard of Choice Fruit "Trees, and aWell of fine Water. TERMS REASONABLE. . For farther particulars, apply to the pro- prietor on the premises. JAMES BOWES, Proprietor. Uxbridge, May 23. 1877. TWO HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE ! WO Houses snd Lots in Port Perry, situated in the west part of willuge, opposite Mr. Swan's Blacksmith Shop. For forther particulars, apply to JAMES SWAN, . Port Perry, June 27, 1877, © MRS. HENRY LYLE. Manchester, June 20, 1877. THAT THOROUGH: BRED BULL. ' for Cows, this Seas- premises of the 3 CHAS, HARPER. cugeg, June 13, 1677. . 4 . GENTLEMEN. YOUR GARME! have Paint, Grease or Dirt on them, I will make them ' are faded I will bring them y color, and make them appear i clothes--and no man can, detect _ {hem from new goods. Satisfaction given or| 'no charge made. I shall bein Port Perry a week, Tailorsempluyed for repair- 'All orders left at M.T Allin's Book Port Perry, will be promptly atteuded "clean. | civilized countries. of Reach, to the opposite shore or some point opposite to the place of commencement in the Township of Scugog. Also to construct a similar Embankment or solid Roadway from some point on the shore of the said Lake Scugog, South of and near to Cmserea in the Township of Cartwright to the opposite shore or some point opposite to the place of com- mencement in the Township of Bcugog. To drain the part or portion of the said Lake Scugog so to be cut off lying to the south of the said Embankments and to vest all the lands reclaimed in fee simple in the said Robert Armour and such other persons as may be iated with him, their heirs and Assigns forever. Dated at Bowmanville this 28th day of June, 1877. ROBERT ARMOUR. -- To Consumptives. Consumption, that scourge of I ity, 18 the great dread of the human family in all I feel confident that I am in possession of the only sure, infallible remedy--now known to the profession--for the positive and Throat and Lung Complaints, * Those suffering with consumption, or any of the above maladies, by addressing me, giving symptoms, shall be put in pos. session of this great boon, WITHOUT CHARGE, and shall have the benefit of my experience in thousands of cases successfully treated. Full directions for preparation and use, and all necessary advice and instruction for . * : on home, will 1 Seugog. successful treatment at your own home, w 4 em ye thy rowel, Hoth Calvud ho veetved by you w return mail, treo of | | 7 Des ohn- | cl 3; x Lo: rach On. Ontario got by Beate | "07 "CD Jom 8. Bounerr, x gna Lub G. Dam, Fanny Fern, 167, Jefferson Street 5, Dam, Lucy igh Louisville, K'y, a Cow.' © CONSUMPTION CURED. i ii 'ai Lng aid dla rvous Sz and 0% ted its Es THOMAS PEATE, 2 Bowmanville, | WORD 70 OR CUSTOMERS, The balance of our Stock of Dry Goods is being CLEARED OFF FAST! Now is the time to secure Bargains in BRY GOODS AT GOST. BATS & GAPS AT GOST. Ready-made Clothing at cost. India Rubber Over Coats worth $5 for 83. All kinds of Groceries and Boots and Shoes at Lowest Prices. Try our beautiful Tea at 40c and 50¢ per Ib. Pranella Gaiters and Lace Boots for 55¢ and 56¢ per pair. pa Fresh Strawberries, Lemons and Cocoa Nuts. TERMS, CASH ONLY, or its equivalent in Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce, for which highest prices will be paid. T. C. FORMAN. Port Perry, May 8, 1877. Hosiery, Gloves, Harvest Mitts, Hats, &c., EN A SURE REMEDY. the cry of Hard Times, W. M. Jones 8 offering extraordinary bargains, especially in those lines which are in constant demand by all classes of the community. He fully realizes that ECONOMY & RETRENCHMENT Are an acknowledged necessity at present, and. ho proposes to meet the requirements by offering his customers the-best Scssible value for their dollars and cents :-- . 4 bs Choice Young Hyson Tea for 81, or 25¢ per 1b. 3 Ibs Choicest do do for $1, or 35¢ per Ib. 2 Ibs Choicest Moyune Tea for $1, or 50c per lk. All excellent drawing and good flavor. A beautiful Green Tea of fine flavor and superior strength for 60c, well worth 75¢c. Best Tea, in the trade will be sold at 75 per 1b. _ At these marvelously low prices, tho poor can enjoy in common with rich the luxury of a genuine good cup of Tea. A line of new Japan, bought at a tremendous sacrifice to the importer, which tor strength and flavor ii anything ever before offered, will be sold for 50¢ per Ib.-- ry it An immense Stock of SUGAR has been bought and will be sold as follows : J 10 Ibs Brown Sugar for. ecccevee. 9 Ibs Light Brown Sugar for.. 8 Ibs White Sugar for Excellent Smoked Hams: Best Sida Pork and Bacon . Shoulders, almost boneloss. .. 8c per Ib. Steam Refined Lard 14 and 15¢ per Ib. Finest Cheese ... "even san «eeseee123e per Ib, #65 An inspection is respectfully solicited. PLL J. A. STIRLING & CO: Are now prepared to show large and carefully Selected Stock of 2VING.. 4000S Fully assorted in every department. Among others the following lines will be found ANSI BISBAL TR: American and English Prints, Dress Goods in all the Newest Shades! Colored Mattelasse and Figured Brilllantines ! Port Perry, July 14, 1877. A SPECIALTY-- Black and Colored Lustres, New Mantle Cloths in all the leading Shades, Hosiery and Gloves, Edgings and Insertions, Parasols, in Silk and Zenilla, Oxford and Regatta Shirts. We would call Special attention to our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, Which in variety and style cannot be surpassed. It embraces all the Llatest Novelties in French, English and American Hats, BoNNETS and TRIMMINGS. A Fresh and Large Stock of Gent's Furnishings on hand. Port Perry, May 10, 1877. J. A. STIRLING & CO. | SPADES, SHOVELS AND HOES, ilay, Straw and Manure Forks, Scythes, Snaiths and Cradles. COMPLETE STOCK OF BUILDERS MATERIAL [IN PID GREE. I A FULL STOCK OF SPRING ARRIVALS. The Subscribers take great pleasure in announcing that their NEW SPRING GOODS Have arrived, and will be open and ready for inspection on the 18th inst. As the above Goods have been bought in the best markets, and after the great break in the price of American Goods, we will be able to show you THE BEST 600D SFOR THE MONEY TO BE FOUND IN THE PROVINCE. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Under the able management of our MR. ARCH'D McLEAN, lateof New York, will be found replete with all the Novelties of the Season, OUR STOCK OF DRESS GOODS 1s the largest we ever had the pleasure of showing, in all the leading Styles and shades, ~~ . Our Hats and Caps must be seen to be appreciated. Our Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, Boots and 8h 8 will be found unequaled in the County. UR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Is most complete. An endless show of nice Summer Hats from 5 cents RE Come one, come all, and see what you can do at Williamsburg, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS 4 WOOL. ROBERTS & PRICE. * 'Williamsburg, April 14, 1877, #* IRON, STEEL, RENT STUFF, Carriage Hardware. Laing & Meharry, Queen Street. TURNIP SEED ~ Buckwheat, Land Salt & Plaster, E. WORTHINGTON, ( Opposite the Ontario Bank, Port Perry. To counteract in some measures the depression which prevails and stop The Bubseriber has now on view & Magnificent 5h nO nt INEW C-00DS | Bought in the best Markets and on the Best Terms, just suited for the Hard Times! Our Goods are selected to éuit all, and our prices make them more suitable still: 'We guarantee to give our custorhers NORE 6005 FOR THE DOLLAR AND BETTER VALUE, than any other House in the County. A Large Stock of Room Paper Just Received. To those who prefer Light to Darkmess we have a large Stock of Double Refined New, York Export Coal Oil (pure.) h J4708 VARIETY, LOW PRICES, and the BEST GOODS are inducements we old out. Give us a Call. J. H. BROWN, Currie's Stand Port Perry, March 22, 1877, : PORT PERRY: « " DIRECT SPRING IMPORTATION PER--= S. S's. Caspian & Polvnesiait STOCK Fully Assorted in all Departments ! { SPECIAL NOTICE! 200 PIECES Hoyles' and Ashton's Best PINTS . THE BEST GOODS IN THE MARKET the advantage of securing the Best Goods at the to give my customers De ex all been marked at ONE PRICE, vis : the low sum of Lowest Prices, These Goods have 12: cents per yard. As there is no doubt but a GRAND RUSH will be made for these spleatid PRINTS, parties wishing to secure any will do well to call early, Expected, this week, 100 Boxes of those 2 B : : Cheap Raisins, $1.20 for '281bs. - No trash, but good Cooking Raisins, ; 8. H. SHRISTIAN. Buggies, Photons, | AND OTHER Manchester, April 5, 1877. Ontario Carriage PORT PERR Y. Deacon & Calf Skins Wanted Port Perry, May 28, 187 Port Perry, April 10, 1877, E DEN

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