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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jan 1878, p. 2

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ed the declaration of office. EE Ai wr re: a PE eT) he " aus LE mn his Sani- Reach Council: runaways, afid some to error, the parties not Brook Couticil. Cw th ra neration. | FF tory bill, The council elect for the township of having a dog, On motion of Mr. he members eléct of the ntunicipal Lindsay friends are iss in fait HothfutarioBbserter : when T. P. White, Esq.; administer. Mr. Mowatt fetcodsel Burhiett $2 was phid to J. O'Leary for repairing bridge, and 8 to W. C. Heard for cleaning stove-pipes in town hall. 4 ~The Warden in a neat, appropriate 3056 ol owe x r generation and some other "localities Reach met at the town hall on Monday, 21st ir ! would do well to take a leaf from their inst, } The Clerk tovk the chair pro forma jand couticil of Brock met at the town hall, Sunderland, on Monday 21st inst, The clerk, putsuant to statute, took the chair and The subject of Commissioners brotight on a lively discussion in f Perry, a oe aio (of this prosperous county as & posi- which the leading members all took part but it amounted {o nothing took the declaration of the several members elect after which the Reeve took the chair _ On motion of Mr. Dobson $4 was paid to Mr. Stillwell for assistance granted to the administered the declaration of office to the several members elect after which he vacat- W.P.P.& L. Ry. are going to work what :--But again presuming that the, 0! book. A Correspondent of the Post writes of 0 i pond J | the firm carrying usinexs as Agents for Agricultural it at Port hereby certify Perry, p15, & Ferguson, do Our County Council. The assembling of the Commons House for the county ot Ontario at our county town on Tuesday last - eroated no little interest and added ; considerably to the life and energy ot the county metropolis. The several excellent hotels of which that town have rouson to feel proud, afforded an abandance of comfort--| able and desirable accommodation, such in fact as cannot fail to render guests comfortable; and parties, wishing all the conveniences and; accommodation which can be looked for in a transitory home will find | such in perfection in onr county town. The absence of the sound of the usual sleigh bells was certainly | a drawback, June weather at a January session is not exactly the thing and the unreasonablencss of the thing is visible on the business Sulted in the election of Messrs of the town. Towards noon (he members clect began to master in large numbers bave the honor of presiding over such a body of men ay compose the County Council of Ontario. Me hoped the present session would be productive of good to the county, that the interests of the county will be carefully guarded and that the most rigid economy consistent with the proper management of the affairs of the county, shall be prac- ticed, He asked the forbearance and co-operation of the members and hoped that the County Council would have a pleasant and profitable year, The Warden resumed his seat, and Mr. St. John seconded by Mr. Christio moved that a committee of seven be elected by ballot to strike the standing committees for tho pre- sent year. | The ballots weee taken and re- | Bickell, Graham, Miller, McRae, St. {John, Smith and Wright. | On motion the Warden left the Tho meeting on Monday like its predecessors of the previous week was conspicuous for its brevity, it lasted twenty minutes. all told. Tuesday opened out with the pre- sentation of somo twenty-five peti- tions, seven of which were from {agricultural societios praying for aid from Government. Potitions praying for the abolition of tax ex= emptions came in thick and fast.-- Five bills or rather amendments to bills were introduced. The Acts poposed to be amended ave the Act relating to sale of lands under mort- gage, and four others. This was another twonty minutos {session. It will all come right by | Spring. | If the County of Ontario Legis- [lature were to play such pranks they would be hooted out of office. None so Mean as do them Rever- ence. | The McKenzie Government and the Turks but a feeling of unrest scemed tolchair for half an hour to give the! are mecting with defeat on every hand, prevade hon. members and the grouping and watching around ap: peared to indicate the handling of some topic of unusual interest which in process of time.revealed itself to [2 ittee timo to report. In the selection of Warden the | County Council has shown both good | taste and a spirit of jutsice. The | | wherever the emisaries of the one or of the other present themselves they are merciless ly hunted down; disastrous defeat stares om both in the face. Any candidate, how- ever popular otherwise, who dare present be the agitation consequent on the selection they have made is an honor himself before any constitnency if hemake the e'ection of a warden'; and. the, un- | to them and we have no doubt that Jshigitost pretention to being in sympathy . | 1 y usnal number of 'plugs', genuine four | had the county been polled the with the Mackenzie Government he is sure to and nines' placed at every degree of elevation clearly indicated that if circumstances have had the prefer- Is all hon. members were not eandid- ates for the position thero were atone will have cause to regret the] least as many as would fill the chair | selection made. It is highly satis- | ten times. The aspirants were di: vided into three ranks, first those who regarded their claims as super- | jor, second, those who meant to shove themselves forward on the second fire, and third those who meant to trust to lack. The run- ning fire was kept up till the hour of meeting, 2 p.m., when thegroups made their way to the Conrt Ilouse with a step and bearing which would | reeve of Brock would, under the lence, and we feel certain thut no | factory that the County Council for | 1878 contains s0 many men well capable of filling the the Warden's | chair and would do honor" to any county Council in the province. -- | Local Legislature: | The House struggled with | the 14th and they had a heartless task | "Address" up till the evening of the | mect with defdat. Take the case of poor | ial, the member for Digby, for instance | he was individually highly popular: and thought he might take office in the Mac- | kenzie Government and risk re-election, and [ the Government party declared that his re- | turn was perfectly secure ; but the polling | on Saturday last told a very different tale, and Wade, the Opposition candidate, dcfeat- 1372. Notwithstanding the fact that the | House is to meet early next month, it will [ be something surprising if the Mackenzie Goverument is not shattered to picces ere | the House meets, flesh and blood cannot en. have done eredit to the dead march | drumming at nothing and it would | dure suchcontinual snubbing. in "Sanl". Arrived at the Conrt House theo indefatigable Mr. Blow, the worthy messenger performed the several offices of hody guard, guard of honor and escort, and he succeeded in giving the royal ralute to a demon- stration. Each member fell into rank until all got seated and cer- tainly the county had no cause to feel ashamed of tho representation | Muskoka pray | be.bard to tell whether the famous | Address or the replies savored most |of the "wishy washy." Jany 15th--Proceedings opened | with the presentation of a couple of | petitions, one from Algoma praying (for a re-adjustment of the represen- ation oS that division; and one from "ing for the erection of a new county in that district. The casuals connected with the she made of her physique, her in- telligence and ber wealth in these| thirty: two picked men, men whom | management of the Mercer Istate the voice of tho electors says are| such as may safely be trusted with! the management of the affairs of the | eounty. There is some rew blood | at the beard this time though not a great deal. Oshawa has sent two sot an airing, and 'the fat, fat fees paid by the Government to their many legal friends who had their on--the unclaimed estateis a fat new men Messrs. Dickie and TF. crowand legal gentlemen are not Gibbs, Whitby town has returncd a | slow at picking it. Major and left Gibson at home. -- | West Whitby has stuck by its veore but changed its deputy. Pickering has got sick of colors discarding Mr. Mowatt wound up the discus. sion with tho following saving clause. - ¢ Whatever expenditure had | The Cure Worse than the Disease. Since the defeat of the bonus by-law for | the Toronto and Ottawa Railway electors of Toronto innumerable plans have by the been suggested by interested parties, but the cure is worse than the disease, The modest ones are very kind in offering | a substitute for the proposed road. They propose to construct the road from Carleton Place to Pcterboro, then slide along the Midland to Woodville junction, and from there have a third rail placed upon the track of the Toronto and Nipissing from there to Toronto, This is all very fine, bat what would be the use of such a line running over | twenty miles out of its course, Such a line | | fingers in the pio were commented | would be utterly worthless as a trunk line. If the road is fo run as a direct trunk line, and it will be difficult to find a more prefer. able one than that already examined. Toronto will doubtless carry the by-law | when she gets over her pet. It is no time | to ask that or any other city to grata bonus (at the very time the taxgatherers were both White and Brown aad sticking | been made by the Government in | hunting them down to get their bigh taxes only to the Green--not Paris Gr Miller and Spinks sapply the mi ing colors. Reach got tired of Sinner and sent a Saint. Mara has) thought proper to change one man, | S| and Thorah bas sent a new man.-- | al rules and peactice." It was almost painful to witness | these thirty-two aspirants shall we | say ? to the Wardenship, as they eat and eyed each other waiting the signal from the Clerk to ponr in| their nominations. The members eleet having made declaration, the, Clerk called on them for nomina- | tions for the office of Warden. | Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Christie, moved Mr. Graham, for| Warden. Mr. Bickell, seconded by Mr. Me. Rae, moved Mr. Gillespie. Here there was a halt, diplomats scarcely knowing how to act when Mr. Hoover, seconded Mr. Miller, moved Mr. Green. Mr. Wheler, seconded by Mr. Blow, moved Mr. Feasby. "The several nominees, Graham, Gillespie, Green and Feasby, were all voted on one after another and all Ceclared lost. 'New nominations were again ask- ed for and Mr. Mowbray and Chris- tie again nominated Mr Graham, © Messrs. Canmingbam' and Amey ominated Mr. Gillespie, Green, nominations were again ask- when Mr Bruce seconded by woved Mr Gillespie. Mowiray and Obistio Gra : | who faithfully put their "battle ery regard to the other matter brought forward by the hon. member for East Grey (Mr. Lauder) would be found according to the constitution- There is plenty of room to doubt the constitutionality of gorging Government supporters at the pub- lic expense, Lat Mr. Mowat was perfectly right in saying that "it is in accordance with the practice of the House." This wound up the business of the day. The sitting lasted only one hour. Wednesday 16th inst, was com- menced by the presentation of ten petitions vone of which were of any public importance, The M. P, P for N. Ontario presented a petition from the W. P. P. & L. Railway, -- The sitting lasted twenty minutes. Thursday 17th was generous in petitions, no fewer than twenty-one were presented and forty-four pray- ing tor the abolition of tax-emp- tions. A petition is brought in asking the incorporation of the L. O. Association of Eastern and also of Western Ontario. Mr. Mowatt presented tho report of the comniitteo on the form cf prayer to bo used at the opening of sessions each morning. The form isall right enough but it looks a' littlo odd to hear a Government who bave for the past seven years had for their ory "Let us prey{" and into practice, now at the eloventh hour change their ery to "Let us ntain the prac i from them, The next time the bonus. by. law is to be submitted the time for collec- | tors making their annual | avoided, calls must be A Ten Weeks' Slaughter. See B. J. Thorne's New Advertisement in this issue, He bas decreed a ten weeks' slaughter of $10,000 worth of choice Dry | Goods. Look out for bargains. A thousand | dollars' worth of goods to be converted into cash every week for ten weeks, (Sce what be says in his Advt.) Choice Goods Being Sacrificed -- Corrigan & Campbell are offering their goods in sacrifice, the goods are such as all re. quire at this season. But as this sacrifice will continue but a short time parties will do well to hurry np and secure the bargaing, (Sce bow they put it in their new adv.) -- Now forSplendid Rige--Scvere weather has only sct in and all will be pleased that Mr Donovan is now offering them an ad- ed Vial by the overwhelming majority of a neat and gppropriate address, referring to | the important duties they as a council had assumed and clai the advice, and co.operation of tho several members while they all directed theif best efforts to | the promotion of the best interests of the municipality, practicing the most rigid econ- omy consistent with the genemal mahage. | ment ot public affairs, that in his public | capacity he would know no man and yet he would seck to know all and treat them with candor and respéct. tions were pr ted Several p One from Seagrave regarding a poor man | left at the hotel there, the hotel keeper ask- ing what the couacil meant to do with the indigent, i From the Hamilton Iron Bridge and tion of Iron in place of wooden bridges. From the registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths showing that the deputy registrar for Reach had returned 127 births, 13 mar- mariages and 69 deaths during the past year Such a return is a perfect burlesque and does not even approach accuracy, had fair returns been made the figures would have been vastly higher, The Clerk presented the Treasurer's bond as the law directs, and on motion of Mr. Burnett said bond was declared satisfuctory. Mr. P Fitchett complained of indigence and demanded $2 per week. A Mus Dyer complained of having nothing to live. on and would require a dollar a week. On motion of Mr. Mowbray the sum of $3 per month from date was granted to the ap- plicants, On motion of Mr. P Christle the council adjurned for dinner, Council resumed, A communication was presented from Mrs Kendél claiming assistance for onc Miss Brown an indigent, Mr McKay presented a memorial to the council claiming compensation fora road which runs through his property as the council are taking steps to close up the old road. Mr Stretton came forward and pled the case of Miss Brown. On motion of Mr Dobson the sum of $15 25 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Brown asa premium of insurance on the town hall, be- ing for three years securing $1100. On motion of Mr Burnett Messrs Dobson, Mowbray and the mover were appointed a committee to examine Davis' bridge on | Simcoe st and Lunds bridge near Borel ia and if in either caseit be considered that a new bridge is necessary then the timbers can be brought on during the winter and thus save expenses, Mr. Mowbray introduced and carried through a bylaw to appoint certain town. ship officers. In committee of the whole, Mr. Burnett in the chair, Mr. Mowbray moved that the blank for the auditor on the part of the rate- payers be filled up with the name of A, Hurd, Fhe Clerk remarked that Mr, Hurd would be audiiing his own accounts, Mr. Mowbray then withdrew the nomi- nation. Mr, Burnett moved that the blank be filled up with the name of D. McKay. -- | Carried, The Reeve appointed Mr. R | Brown as the other auditor, Before filling the blank for assessor the following applications were submitted :-- Wm. Ledipgham, Chas, Payne, J. Dafoe, and F, Earchman. Mr, Dobson suggested that it might be proper to fix tho salary before making the appointment, and as the parties aro all pre- sent they may have an opportunity of refus- ing the appointment if the salary is not satisfactory. On motion of Mr. Dobson the blank for salary was filled up with $100, Mr, Dafoe said he would nof accept the office at that salary and directed the Clerk to strike his name off the list of applicants, Mr, Dobson moved that the blank for the name be filled with the name of Mr. Chas, Payne. Mr. Burnett said it was moved that the blank be filled with the mame of Mr. F. Earchwaa. Mr. Christie and the BR eve voted yea, and Messrs. Mowbray and Dobson voted nay. instructed to furnish one Coggin an indig. ent a cord of good hard wood at $2.50. On motion of Mi. Christie the rum ot $8 each was ordered to be paid for the expense of hall and returning officers for the six divisions at the late municipal elections ex- cept Sonya for which $9 is paid. The Clerk presented a claim for $25 as ordered by the Judge for duties in connec- tion with the late Voters' List court. After considerable discussion the matter was left over for further investigation in order to ascertain whether the Cierk was en. titled to the money in the face of the by-law fixing his salary, Mr, D. Christie made application to have | 300 acres detached from school section No 6 and attached to school section No. 5. On motion of Mr. Christie the Clerk was | instriicted to notify the trustees of said sec- sions that application has been made fora Tool company, recommending the construc | change in the boundaries of School sections | Nos 5 and 6 an'l that the matter will be taken up at the next meeting of council, Mr, Ewers, the late reeve, came before the council praying to be granted $12 for extra services last year in attending road jobs and add £20 for his going round spouting rail. way advocating, the granting of a bonys to the Toronto & Ottawa railway ; making in all $32. On motion of Mr Burnett Mr Marnan was granted $1 for cutting wood for an indigent Mr Ewers now pressed his claim to the $32. Mr, Dobson moved that Mr, Ewers be granted $5 in full as he (Dobson) considers that amount quite sufficient, Mr. Burnett said servaut and not likely to trouble the conncil | any more, he would not be hard with him and would move in amendment that Mr Ewers be granted $10. * Mr Mowbray said if Mr Ewers had cx. plained his claim to the late council he for one would have consented to pay $10 and now he would second Mr. Burnify's amend- ment, \ The amendment was put and carried, On motion of Mr, Christic Reach's por- tion of the municipalities' fund for the pre- sent year was ordered to ba equally divided amongst the several school sections within the township. On motion of Mr. Christie P. Thompson was ordered to be paid $3.50 for lumber and cedar supplied to the corporation: On motion the council adjourned till Feb, 15th, en». The Port Perry Council. The members clect of the Port Perry Council met in the Town Hall on Monday, the 21st inst, The Clerk occupied the chair and took the declaration of the several members, The Clerk vacated the chair and the Reeve assumed the same and organized the Council, On motion of Mr. Rolph, Messrs Currie and Dawes were appointed a standing com- mittee on finance, and Kennedy and the mover a standing committee on street im- proyements. Mr. Dawes introduced and carried through a by-law for the appointment of an auditor and for confirming the appointment made by the Reeve, In committee of the whole, Mr. Currie in the chair, on motion of Mr: Wright, the 'blank was filled with the name of Mr, J. R. McDermid. The Reeve appointed Mr, T. 8. Corrigan. On motion the committee arose and ro- ported the By-law with the blanks filled up The report was received and adopted, the by-law read a third time and passed, Mr. Kennedy introduced and carried through a by-law to appoint an assessor for the current year, In committee of the whole, Mr. Rolph in the chair, on motion of Mr. Wright the the blank for the name was filled with the name of Mr. E. D, Rogers, and the blank for the salary with $60. On motion the committee arose and re- ported the by-law with the blanks filled, up. On motion the report was received and adopted, the by law read a third time, signed and sealed. On motion of Mr, Dawes an order for 250,50 was granted in favor of John Irvine for pumps supplied for the water tanks of the village. Mr. McRelly made application for leave to take a few paifuls of water from the tank opposite the Post Office, No action was taken, Mr. Currie strongly urged the advisability of a good fire , and the thorough equipment of the present appli- ances for extinguishing fire, The Reeve submitted the Treasurer's bond, On motion of Mr. Dawes the bond thus Sead ted so fact, It was ths a tie, but the i , Mr. Barnett, voted with the yeas, and delared the motion carried, and thus the blank was fillel up with the name of F, Pp y of ing first-cl carriages of all kinds (or summer or winter use, cutters, sleighs, buggies in every variety and style &c. at such prices as purchasers please to offer at this grand Auction Sale at his Carringe Works in the town of Whitby, on Saturday next. Don't fail to read the advertisement, note the time and attend the sale.) El Doralo Wheat.--R. Harper, jr., Port Perry, is prepared to supply all comers with any quantity of this deservedly popular and choice varity of Bpring Wheat, His circulars are being sent all round. See them, SE A Grand Entertainment. The Sonya Brass Band announce their first anniversary entertainment to be held in the Temperance Hall, Sonya, en Monday evening, Jan. 28th, when an entertainment will be provided of such a character as can. not fail in securing a crowded house. The simple mention of the quality and variety of talent secured will set at rest ali doubt as #o the ch of the 3 cause all who can possibly get there to at. tend, Bee Posters. : -- ' §@ Sce our advertising columns for Mortgage Salo of that sung little property 1st con of the township of Reach. The sale will take place in the Walker Hoos, ! Port Perey, on the Sistine. Makes note, Ot®motion of Mr. Chris lic the committee arose and reported the By-law with the blanks filled up. On motion of Mr, Dobson the report was adopted, and the by-law read a third time and passed. . Christie introduced and |, carried through its first reading a by-law to close up a certain portion of road between lots 6 and 7 in the 3rd con. 3 On motion of Mr. Dobson a committee was appointed to inspect the premises con. tained in said road, as to their value aud so forth, and to report to this council at its next meeting, P On motion of Mr, Mowbray tenders were asked for the printing for the corporation for the present year, . Tenders were handed in from the Standard and Onssrver office, the former at $130, the latter at $125. On motion of Mr. Burnett the Opserver office tender for the printing was accepted. Mr. Wm. Eoglish came before the coun- cil asking to be relieved of the payment of his taxes for the past year as a'l hig crops and ( had been consumed by fire. On motion of Mr. Burnett Mr. English's taxes for 1877 were cancelled, and the cols lector credited with the amount. This vote was both generous and just as the young man lost all by the fire. hati. The collector brought hefore the notice of the council cectain unpaid dog taxes, somo of the dogs belonging to indigents, and others to pasties who are good for notling or among the eripina, WAR Pp as iy, On motion of Mr. Rolph Messrs. Currie and Kennedy were appointed a standing committee on fire and water, and that it be the duty of gaid committes to investigate and mature some feasible scheme for the protection of the property of the i Mr. Ewers was an old | - Mr Cunningham introduced apd carried name of the auditor on the part of the rate- payers was filled up with the name of Mr. i T. H., Glendinni the reeve appointed Mr 8. Baird as the other auditor. ; | The blanks for the names of the eollectors were filied with the name of Mr. E Edwards for the north and Mr, Geo. Brabazon for the south: ? The appointment of assessors was deferr- ed till the next meeting of council, Alter transacting other routine business such as dealing with applications for the office of clerk, the reappointment of Mr, Walshe and the fixing his salary the council adjourned to meet in Cannington on the 3rd Monday in February, ee -- pen. Builders, now is your time, See advertising columns. Tenders are being wsked for the erection of 'a Brick Church at Greenbank. (See the adv.) Coming to Port Perry. The community will learn with pleasure that the famous Sheppard tronpe of colored Jubilee Singers will appear in our Town Hall on the evening of Tuesday, 29th inst. These exquisite singers have given sacred concerts in the best cities and towns on the Continent of America, and have given universal satisfaction wherever they have appeared. The numerous and flatter. ing testimonials which they hold 'rom the most important institutions and reliable judges wherever they have sung, and we risk nothing in p ising the it rare treat from this choice troupe, when they give one of their grand concerts in our midst? ee &- me A Smash Up. On the evening of Wednesday the 23rd inst , a double wagon driving along Queen st., Port Perry, going west, while a buggy was passing east at the same time, both were driving rapidly, they met immediately opposite the office of this paper and ran into each other with a fearful crash, disorganizing both rigs to such an extent that both parties had to lay up till the following morning ; the buggy looked as if it had been under a trip hammer, while the wagon too had to lay over till the morning. Fortunately neither debt foisted on her present heavy load ?7-- through a by-law appointing certain town' Will the new line be anything more or less ship officers. In committee of the whole than an extension of the W P,P, &L. Ry. | Mr Amey in the chair, the Ulank for the Will it not be run past Lindsay the same ag they are at Ops or Manilla, and the much boasted udvantages of a terminus be entirely gone? Is it not obvious that the Bob- caygeon peop'e when such. aan excellent opportunity is offered them will pass on through Lindsay to Toronto and transact their butiness there? Asa glaring instance look at Port Petry, While it was the ter- minus and before the W. & P, P, Extension was put into operation it was a thriving and rising town, but it 1s well kfown that the neople of Port Perry feel the effect of the change now severely, 4 ; So as Lindsay will doubtless be called upon for a heavy bonus these things should be considered well before an additional debt ie rushed in upon us, I can well under-- stand the graceful and generous offer of the W.P.P. & L. R'., which, by placing us as a way station on their line, they fall into possession of 15 miles of new road at little or no cost whatever to them; but it wonld not be a very encouraging or cheerful state of affairs for Lindsay ratepayers to see the expected Bobeaygeon traffic sliding past them to Toronto after giving a matter of $10,000 or $20,000 to assist in securing it to their own town, 2 Te-oy Hatching Governors. Haufrax, N. 8, Jan. 21.--General Sir Wm, O'Grady Haley was sworn in as Ad- ministrator of the Government at 2:30, before Chief Justice Young and Judges Dedbarret and McDonald of the Supreme Court. Immediately after, General Haley administered the oath of office to Mr. Jones the new Minister of Militia, Like the ants with the bearer of the white straw, the Government party tramps right over the unfortunate one who happens to drop the white straw or have it. pulled out of his mouth: No sooner is poor Vial kicked overboard than the white straw is thrust into Jones' month, and a governor manufac ured to place it there, MARRIED. a At the residence of the bride's father, on the 16th inst., by the Rov A Currie, M. A, of Sonya, John Meck, Bsq.,of Sanford, to Miss Margery Johnson, of the township of Uxbridge. men nor horses were hurt, The d: 1 will be no trifle, but it is a wonder it was not much greater. A little more care would have prevented the blunder, eo An Accidenton the Grand Trunk. As the evening train coming east on the 23rd inst, had passed Markham station the axle of the forewheels of one of the passer- ger carg. got loose and the wheels rolled back to the hind wheels so that the forward end of the car was only prevented from falls ing to the ground and creating a fearful devastation by hanging on to the coupling. The cars ran nearly a mile in this state while the stays of the forward axle came in contact with each tic making the car hound to the great danger ofall. "A young lady got badly hurt. A merchant from Port Perry was frightened out of a year's growth, he was dreadfully scared and the light of South Ontario nearly extincuished itself through unbounded fear, A business man of Prince Albert was also amongst the passengers and he too got awfully scared. The refractory car was thrown aside the passengers stowed into other cars and the train moved on, rain lg ie Annual General Meeting. The annual general meeting of the town- ship ot Cartwright Agricultural Society was held at Williamsburgh on Wednesday, 9th inst. The reports of the sec, and treas. and auditors were submitted and showed the society to be in a flourishing condition--the receipts for the year being £600, and the ex- penditure $459, leaving a balance in the treasurer's hands of $141. The following were duly elected for the present year :-- President, John Goggin ; Vice-President, J. Bailey ; Secretary, James Parr, Jr. ; Treasurer John Trewin ; Directors, T. Whitfield, J. H Devitt, John Veal, George' Marlow, Robert McQuade, James Coates, Charles Larmer, A, Taylor and A. Lattimore, The Board of Directors then elected J. Montgomery, M.D. and J, W, Gray, M. D., auditors, Poor Houses. If anything will cure our poor house ad- mirerg of their folly a glance at the condition of England ir this the afternoon of the 19th century ought to prove a complete cure, England has for many, many years been the model farm for poor houses, and she has succeeded in raising a magnificent crop of them which are now casting their murky shadow over that otherwise prosperous nation and sapping its very foundations, The rich are rolling in wealth, luxury and profusion, and no nation now in existence DIED. In Primce Albert on the 20th inst,, Mr. John Courtice aged 84 years, ! Deceased left his native home in Devon- shire. England, in 1851 coming straight to Canada and taking up his residence in the towaship of Pickering: Tn 1836 he moved to Prince Albert, taking up his residence with his nephew, Thos Courtice Esq., where he remained up till his dicease. His life was prolonged many ycars beyond the or- dinary limit of the life of man ; he was hale and hearty, enjoying a large share of earth's richest blessings health of Lody, a colupet- ent portion of this world's goods, perc: of mind with an unwavering reliance on the Author of all good He lived an exemplary life, frugal and industrious, and while unde. monstrative in his good deeds he was always ready to help in the hour of need ; and dur. ing a long residence of twenty-one gears in Prince Albert he has proved himselfa good citizen, obliging friend, neighbor and warn He was a devoted, consistent and worthy member of the B. !. Church but manifested a brotherly love and attachment toall who loved the Lord. He lived re. spected and died regretted, And while the relatives have no cause to mourn as those who have no hope, all sympathizie with them in their loss of one so worthy of their love and esteem: The funeral took place on the 23rd inst, Rev Mr. Quance, superintendent of the Prince Albert cirenit of the B. C, Church, conducted the services, The funeral sermon will be preached in the B.C. Church Prince Albert, on the after- noon of Sunday next, At Whitby town, on Friday 18th inst. Robert Yarnold, son of R. Yarnold, ksq, aged 41 years, The frank, affable and gentlemanly bear- ing of deceased made him a general favorite wherever kuown and his death leaves a blank in the town ot Whitby not easily filled The numerous relatives of deceased, the amiable partner of his life and his interest ing family have the sympathy of all in this their sad bereavement, The funeral took place on Sunday last and was one of the largest ever seen in the county. The Masonic brethren, of whom there were about three hundred present, | buried their deecased brother with Masonic | honors which proved highly interesting, solemn and impressive. The Orange order of which he was a worthy member, being County Master at the time of his decease, were out in large numbers and made a fine appearance aud does so mnch for the fort, pi i and continued prosperity of the wealthy, but the class of paupers are having their ranks swelled from year to year and the baneful effects of caste are fast extending their darkening influences over the whole country. At this day in Engla dand Wales there is one pauper in every thirty-three of from destruction by fire, and report to this council at os carly a date as possible. On motion of Mr, Dawes Mr. Rolph and the mover were appointed a committee on indigents, * \ On motion of Mr, Kennedy the Clerk was instructed to ask for sealed tenders for the printing of the corporation for the present year. Mr. Kennedy iatrodnced and carried through a by-law to appoint a trustee for the High School. In committee of the whole, Mr. Kennedy in the chair, the blank was filled up with the name of Dr. R. Jones, On motion the committee arose and re- ported the by-law with the blank filled up. The report was received aad adopted and the by-law read a third time and passed. On motion of Mr, Kennedy the Reeve was instructed to purchase 300 feet of suitable hose on the best terms possible, On motion of Mr Rolph the council ad journed till the 29th inst, then to meet at Tp.m, the popul: Our Sapient Government. The Toronto Government are doing their best to grind the poor to the dust and make them feel the weight of the hand of the op- pressor. They are attempting to bring criminals to work outside the prison walls, and thus canse honorable and honest men to bring their labor in competition with the labor of convicts. The Trades Assembly held a meeting™on the evening of the 16th inst., and censures |it uoanimously as follows :-- Whereas, the Board of Alder men of this city have entered into a contract with a boot and shoe manufacturer for the female labor of the city gaol; and whereas, the system of placing prison labor in compe. tition with free labor (more especially when there is a large amount of the latter class walking the strects looking for work) is Pp ious, wrong in principle, and unjust to honest and industri rk there be it resolved, fhat we, the Toronto Trades' Assembly, do most earnestly protest The Sons of Orispin. / . Lys, Mass., Jan, 17.--T¢ is reported that A. MM, Woldsedge, one of the most extensive manufacturers in the states, bas seceded from the manufacturers' combination, torn the iron.clad resolution from his shop and sent for bis men. 'Thero is great jubilation { times aro hard at that, against the enactment of the said contract, and demand, in the name of the working people, that the said contract bo annulled ; | Tenders to be addrssed Building Committee, and be it further resolved that ihe society be aided ially in adding to the solemn but grand display. The numbers present were 80 great that the cortege bad consid- | erable difficulty in passing along the streots, Regquiescat en pace. In East Whitby, on the 17th inst, Harrict relict of the late Hobert Broad, for- merly of Brock, aged 43 years, 11 mouths and 2 days. : I LCA A in the County of Ontario; ynder style 3 é 8 ; ; ! ; ed and the recve assumed the eame and the inducements can there be held out for : RRY, JAN. 24, 1878 | tion ot which any man might feel {unless it be tho spending ofa few late widow Craig. wr Ey 5 the said partnership was on the twenty- 2 ; 8 ¥ | und opened the business ofthe council with 1 business of the council was proceeded with. | Lindsay to justify havif addi yD, dissolved proud, it is no slight distinction 10 | hours. in fees of On motion of Mr Dobson Mr. Burnett was : n Jaerlty Jvieg ws. addition {dey oF Jemmary' a 0.15%, mutual consent. 2 % Witness my hand at Port Perry, this - homo sgh bused ny any 3 . 3 aH, N. Witnols.™. 0, Patron 1 TERGUPO URSUANT to a decree of the COURT of CHANCERY in a cause of Woot ust ' Minthorn, the creditors of James' o late of Mariposa, in the County of Victoria, who died in or xbout the month of : April, 1872, are on or before the 2nd : day of Feb. ruary, 1878, to send by post (prepaid) to Messrs Hudspeth & Woodward, of th town of Lindsay, the solictors of the efindants, J. F. Cuonings and Charles Reader, the ! of the d d, their Christian and , add and d | particulars of their claims; a statement of their accounts an'l the nature of the securi- tics (if any) held by them, or in default the fe- of they will be premptorily excluded: from the benefit of the said decree. Every itor |. holding any security is to produce the samo. before me at my chambers atthe Town of Whitby. in the County of Ontario; on thé | 4th day of February, 1878, at 'Ten o'clock in | the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudication on the claims. A Dated this 15th day of January, I878. GEO, H. DARTNELL, Master. W. MAURICE COCHRANE, Plaintiff's Solicitor, MORTGAGE SALE | URSUANT to Power of Sale contained in a Mortgage and an Assignment thereof, which Mortgage and Assignment will be produced at the tiwe of Sale, there will be sold by Public AUCTION! At the WALKER HOUSE, in the village of Port Berry, # On Thursday, 31st January, 1878, At Two o'clock in the®afternoon, the follow ng VALUABLE FARM, being described as follows : All aud Singular those certain Parcels "or Tracts of Land ayd Premises situate, lying and being in the Township of REACH, in the County of Ontario and Province' of On~ tario, and being composed of part of the North-west corner of Lot Number Fourteen,' in the First concession of the said Township, containing Thirty Acres and describéd as follows--Commencing where a post has been planted at the North-west corner of said picce of land and at the limits between lots nomber fourteen and thirteen, Thence south sixteen degrees, east 27 chaine ninety links, Thence north seventy-four degrees, east ten' chains seventy-five links, Thence north sixteen degrees, west twenty-seven chains' ninety links. Thence south seventy-four degrees, west ten chains seventy. five links' to the place of beginning. Also, Ten Acres' more or less, being composed of part of the Number Thirteen in the said First conces- sion of the said Township, described as fol. lows--Commercing on the eastern limit of said lot in the centre of the said concession. Thence north sixteen degrees, west eight chains sixty soven and a half links more or' less one fourth of the distance from the cenfre of the said concession to the north end thereof. Thence south seventy-four degrees, west eleven chains and sixty links, Thence sonth sixteen degress, east eight chains sixty-seven and a half liuks more or or less to the centre of the said coneession! Thence north seventy four degrees, east, eleven chains tixty links to the place of begiuning, containing together FORTY ACRES. The land is of excellent soil and in & good state of cultivation. The farm is well sit. uated and is convenient to the villages of Manchester and Port Perry. Terms of Sale--One tenth cash at the time, of Sale, and the balance at the expiration of onc month therearter, Further particnlars and conditions of Sale can be had from the Vendor's Solicitor at' Port Perry, W. M. COCHRANE, Vendor's Solicitor.' AUCTION SALE CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &cC. M. ODONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, WHITBY, Saluda, January 26, 1078; CONSISTING OF * Double and Single Cutters and Sleighs, Double and Single Buggies, Democrat Wagons, Covered and open Carriages, and Phwmetons, All made from the very best material and SUPERIOR FINISH, and Warranted, Tenus:--9 Months Credit, on approved notes, © Arh After the sale a quantity of Hudson Bay BUFFALO ROBES | will be offered. Whitby, Jun 17, 1878, Dog Lost. LOST Ui LARGE Newfour ! A na undia vd Dog ~ouflcy | ahout 18 months old. The Markets. Osserver Orrice, Jan, 24, 1878. Fall Wheat, .... co $100 to $1 12 Spring Wheat, 0 98 068 034, 06 0007 1300] 015] 000] 011] 635 650 029 475) oc oe g3 83 0 33 tc hom®O0C0oee RSg--5228 33333885°% 8 gs Tenders Vianted. FOR THE ERECTION OF A RRICK CHURCH AT GREENBANK. ! Scaled Tenders will bo received for the whole job or seperately up to the 16th of February, 1878. Plans and Specifications to bu seen at R. McRae's, Greenbank, Greenbank. P. ©. 'The lowest orany Ten- instructed to send a copy of these § to the press and Board of Aldermen," In Montreal laboring men are said to be i looking for work at 75 cents a day, and 8 der not sarily p BERN ¥ . 1 A % ¥ ; ANDREW Ross, | f Committee, ~~ EDWARD BOE, Greeubank, Jan"y 22, 1878, : M. MoPH ADEN, Secretary Information as will londto, his reesears ol iE : suitably rewarded, and any person ign this aotice will bs aur ing cording to law. Ww! Le i. Snnderland, Jan, 21, 1878. Wik GORDON Tovar ORANGE pt ANNUAL MBETING L, 0. Co Ansa 3 sebing of hehe : ial pls BEAL a SATIN Brethren are requested to attend. WAL KENNEDY, Ug, ister. Wha ep ol 1 Secretary's Office, ~~ } Sunderland, Jan. 18, 1878, } South quarter of the North-half of Lot . TUESDAY, 5m FEB 78, the hour of two' Co A gt

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