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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Apr 1878, p. 2

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--_------ Ww and Wailing and Gnash- "oping ing of Tusks. The Toronto Globe of Saturday, went into deep mourning over the : ------------------ -- : Is $ 9 + a3 | out of his effort to keep boots on his | pieces. : ! HocthfinturioPbs prose feet without speaking of anything 2 _-- b, olse, But let muchly married Brah- min or apostate priest from any creed put on the hypocrital mask, having seen the error of his former faith--with the view of committing more flagrant errors--come sneak- ing around and what a fracas is flag staff on the town hall was blow to one side and was only - prevented by the bottom of the staff from being hurled to the ground. The pecun- iary loss was very considerable, ment that hostilitics had commenced. hovering round a thousand dollars. Fortunately no one was injured, the top rigging of the church spire bur- ried itself in the ground about six |of the 2nd con. of Brock had his magnificent inches from the side walk but the |new barn with its contents destroyed by fire storm had already driven all from on the evening of Friday 19th inst. This sins and short-comings of the Con servutive party as a whole, but their wail was excruciating when they eame to record the result of the Mackenzie Canadian libel suit; there was not & dry cheek in tho estab. lishment trom the Great Mogul down to the Devil's assistant when Tl sat they learned that the jury in Sarnia great Hy capacity; enough for all who are inclined to listen to the hypocritical cant of the ignorant but successful deceiver.-- While the talented gospel preacher would famish by the wayside the hypocritical quack will laxuriate on the butter and honey of the land.-- People are 80 exquisitely fond of their natural and exceedingly flit mediocrity libel suit refused to bring in a ver- dict against the publishers of the Canadian. The Globe editorial lights rushed into print and soundly abused the honest, intelligent, in- dependent jurymen who know their duty and the responsibility of their position preferred to obey the dic- tates of their own consciences, ac- cording to tho evidence {given, and refused to give what to them ap- peared to be an unjustifiable verdict, « guilty," We do not pretend that those who desired to bring in a ver- dict of guilty were not honest aud fine linen and worm his way up to the altar and the rush to listen to his nonsense is so great that the aroused, the old ladies of both sexes |(Le side walks. take right hold of him, lead bim in- to what they are pleased to term the best society, he must be fed on the fat of the land, clothed in purple and -- Burst. Alexander Mackenzie the blunderin extravagant Premicr with incompetent baker's no matter how |kenzie and bis crew were very much unli large Ceaser's wife, Mackenzie entered a criminal prosecution against the publisher of the | is regarded the diabolical work of én incend- daring Canadian and all the Grit following press and all, down to the last and least joint the little'ess | conveniences beneath, It was built with dozen of dupes horse hay fork arrangements complete and ists have been in a big stew for the past six | every facility that convenience required. months seeking law to crush the Sarnia Canadian for daring to insinuate that Mae. in the tail of the pap loving fraternity were all aglow, mouths open and eyes shut await- n | the pretence of preventing Bussia'from gett. ing possession of them the war will begin in { emncst or Russia will have to show more than one white feather. It would not be at all surprising to have a telegram at any mo- Disastrous F ire. We regret to state that Mr. James Rennie was decidedly one of the best barns in the county if not in the province 60x80 built on the most approved principles with all the modern improvements and conveniences ; 8 8: | fine stone underground stables and. other new harness, forks, rakes, &c., &c:, ten head | Ke of valuable cattle, a quantity of hay and a there had been no fire of any kind around the barn for a couple of weeks past, About eighteen months ago he had a fine barn with all its contents, which were very valuable, ing the grand legal crash which should pul. |burued in alike mysterious way, all felt verize the fated Canadian and raise the little | satisfied that that was the work of sn incend- The Spring Show of the Reach, | much advantage. This clothes dryer poss- |§t. Paul at the rato of from 200 to 300 per esses many and important advantages over | day, all other clothes dryers yet offered to the Society was held at Manchester on | public, it can accommodate an astonishiug Scugog and Port Perry Agricultural Tuesday, 23rd inst., and proved a grand success in every particular.-- ing rain, while the rain of the previous day clothes. had caused a liberal manufacture of mud |°f the numerous round, buj the great amount of good done to quantity of clothes, takes up little spac offers every facility for drying clothes, can be raised and lowered at pleasure, can be !yillage of Lucknow and township of Kinloss The day looked doubtful, threaten- [lowered so that a child can hang on the | pela in Lucknow with a view of dealing The ladies need not be reminded | wit}, Dunkin, which is expected to "come in o . Sivanitgee hoes Sryety force on the first of May, it was unanimously ave over clothes lines ease and ,egolved to have a general closing up trol which made it rather disagreeable in getting oy fort, Earle's clothes dryerwas approved and after the iy Ls ive] > iy by all who saw it, The iron railing round the | will scize such points as she desires with Spring Show. HELPS FOR THE LADIES. Pouring in. -- Immigrants for the --- Farle's Clothes Dryer was exhibited to | Canadian North-West are passing through' RE 'Going to Fight Dunkin. ey At a meeting of the liquor dealers of the except those of their own families, are to be BOOTS &SHOES FOR ALL. ection of Boots and Shoes the young crops far more than compensated Fox's Wringer was also shown and was admitted into the taverns on any pretence SPRING 8 for the little inconvenience and it would much tho:ight of by the mauy who inspected whatever, and all barns, stables, driving it, this is certainly an important implement | sheds, and pumps are to be closed until the and will save much disagreeable twisting {liquor laws are altered to something like . 'what they used to be. Farmers or travelers with a vengeance by no means confining the Both implements well deserved first | gecking accommodation are to be directed to splashings to their own persons. The great [rises Arrangements are being made for the house of some magistrate, reeve, or The implements were nearly all new, 8 interest manifested in the show became the manufacture of both the above imple. reaper, mower, fanning mill, several sets of | apparent at an early hour by the numbers ments in this village when it is expected almost appear as if many enjoyed the splash- - | ing through the mud and they did splash | of splendid stock animals, team horses, | quantity of grain, all were destroyed. his | Single drivers, &c., which had already ar- rived--while the display of Agricultural surpassed that of any previous Spring Show in this section of country, and the very large numbers of people present secured the | perfect success of the show. 'Among the exhibitors of carriages, The trial came off on Friday last at Sarnia Mr. great Alex, and his terrible following above inry and again it is regarded as almost cer-| wao0ng &e,, we noticed Mr. W. C. Heard, tain that an incendiary has done fit. Rennie has the universal sympathy of all -- of Manchester, Mr.Heard's reputation for the being humbugged that they will carry it to the very sanctuary and no matter how frequently and how miserably deceived they may have been time after time, they are ready | the faithful this suit intended to crush for more and waiting to grab at the | daring enemy, "but the best laid schemes and and it was agreat day amongst the fait ful all over ; the waspish' Hamon never viewed with more gleeful revenge the gallows erected to hang Mordecia than did sincere and would have been render- ing [as they supposed, a righteous verdict, but as much may be claimed for those who could not agree any such verdict. If juries are be abused and their honor assailed unless they give such verdict as will satisfy the whims ot this clique or that, or as unrighteous tyrants may demand, then the sooner juries are dispensed with the better unless it may be that the Globe office have the manufacturing of all juries.-- What tortures the Globe most of all is the fact that ten out jthe twelve jurymen were of the Grit persuasion self. Is it a moral reformer who takes the field, what credentials does he require to secure his success? Will fair abilities, a thorough training, to to a well spent youth, an exemplary life, a hatered for and careful avoid. ance of vice in every form, with a much greater desire for the well. being of society than any personal advantage his effort may secure meet with proper recognition ? Not much. This is all admirable and ought to succeed but it lacks the element of humbug to admit it, ful address to the jury. who, after about two | occupy # foremost position in the front rank hours absence from Court, reported that they | of lecturers; he is an accomplished lecture Land hos shosen a subject of the greatest in." for conviction, and five for acquital, next appostate that presents him- mice and men." h- | which is covered by insurance. eet Grand Tea and Lecture. The C. M. Church, Port Perry, with an a eye to providing intellectual as well as so- of | cial pleasure have arranged for a fine tea and highly enjoyable lecture in their church The Premier was put in the box and testi- | on Wednesday, May 1st, We have only to could not agree and were discharged. fied as to the extent of the supposed libel -- | state that the Rev. A. Sutherland of Toronto, The defence tendered evidence to justify | is to be the lecturer on this occasion to sat- what had been written, but under the plea | isfy all that know him that a lecture of un- on record of "not guilty," the Court refused | usual interest may be expected. Mr Suth- Mr. Ferguson made a powers |erland is one of the few in Canada who The trial created a great interest in the | terest : «Men for the Times" No one we cal complexion of the jury being, it is said, ten Reformers and two Conservatives, served from 6 to 8 p. m. Lectureat 8, while the vote in the jury room stuod seven and he is consequently deprived of the comfort of laying what he con- ceives to be a faut pas at the door ot the hated Tories. Of the ten Grits and two Censervative who formed that jury, we are not particular to know which wished to bring in a verdict of guilty and which refused, we learn however that five out of the twelve, and doubtless the most intelligent five whether Conserva- tive or Grit, refused to bring in any such verdict, and conséquently the case fell through. We have no sym- pathy with the Globe in expecting, nay, in demanding that party shall so warp the judgement and blind the eyes thut in every case a Grit jury shall give a verdict in favor of a Grit litigant. We baveno such at the moral fraud whose wretched propensities are bristling all over him and only wait an opportunity to develop themselves in the most offensive manner. The man who may have transgressed seven limes will be listened to and followed until one turns up who has transgressed times seven he at once becomes the hero of the hour and se cures the crowd of followers. He is made a confident of, receives all manner of attention, gets the run of ides, we feel fully satisfied that the rank and file of the Grit party are equally intelligent, honorable and independent as the Conservative is or can pretend to be, and we would willingly leave any case we might have to the decision of one party as the other unless they migh be of the Globe's selection and then we cer- tainly would demur ; but under any ease, makes money, secures disciples becomes insolent and the buble bursts while the gaping crowd stand | amazed at their own simplicity but ready with open arms for the next humbug that comes along. -- Storm. The village of Port Perry was other circumstances we would be |yisited on the afternoon of the 24th quite indifferent as to the political {inst by one of the most severa rain ptripe of any jury which might 8it {and wind storms experienced in this on any case of ours. Take away | section of country for a long time. political trixters from deceiving the | The morning and forenoon had been 'honest intentioned rank and file of | pleasant and balmy to an unusual either party and they may all be | degree, with a gentle shower now trusted.' Bat the whine of the Glade | then accompanied by a rare under the circumstances is certainly ont of place for it has made some glow of warmth most favorable to vegetation and pleasant to feel.-- The movements in the atmosphere * awful narrow escapes in the libel | however, were rather singular and - line and in more instances than one tended to admonish one to prepare "when the verdict "Not Guilty" was | for rondered in his favor it might have o'clock dark and threatening clouds * been tollowed with the significant phrase, "but don't do it again". If If libling had beeen a capital offence the neck of the Globe would by this |storm from that direction but the time have been as long as a fence | movements in the higher regions fence rail. lt ALY The Way to Success. FM arg 'orthodox he may be contingencies. About two marshalled themselves in the north and west and only for the move- ments of the higher atmosphere would have induced one to expect a showed that the storm king was gathering his hosts in the south and from there they would hurl their artillery. About three o'clock an' . In these days of enterpriso and {ordinary thunder storm accompan- superior intelligence one would sup ied by heavy rain burst over the pose that genuine worth. and up-- village; this increased in severity fas right, honorable effort with {air | the wind rising almost to a burri- abilities were the sure and only cane from the south tearing acd shake ing up things in general, carrying passports to success, but such is by | off all that were loose and prostrat- 'no means the case. Let a man of ing all that were shaky. The storm talent, honor and ability set out to lasted till abodt 3:30 and when the elemental war had ceased it was found to have created quite a wreck. The large bail and tence on the Agricultural Show Grounds were badly disorganized. A new house in course of erection by Mr. Powers .|and'which bad got pretty well en- closed was blown to pieces and no i trace of it left further than the de- bris. Next in cours2 was the C. M. ~ {Church with: .:a steeple' point "ing Heavenward to a height of some which is so highly relished by endant, ---- 'the multitude that the contempt: The Last Straw. ible mercenary who lives on bis wit old stores, other business places and dwel waste and destruction in singular contrast been afflicted beyond measure since it had and rapidly decaying sub, The wretched attitude ; the deserted appearance Which meets the eye in every direction with now and then a comfortable dwelling which ap+ oontrast all the more striking, give an air of the magoificent strides and remarkable ad- vancement of the eastern and main portion county as the result is supposed to possess think, who can possibly be present will de- some political significance, the politi | prive himself of the rich treat thus prepared. Remember Wednesday, Mey Ist. Tea eee. Ax Exceiext Opexing.--Mr. W. B. Me Public Gaw, of the Walker House, Post Perry, offers feeling is very much in favour of the def- | to rent two fine Farms of 100 acres each in East Whitby. They are so situated that they can be wrought together to great advantage and make one of the best furms in the County. The western bith of Port Perry--the | It is but seldom that so desirable an opening backed by pretence and humbug | Borelia of bygone and brighter times--h will be patted and lionized and the! gaping crowd will tramp right over [ths good fortunate to cast'in her 1 the man of worth and ability to get | for better or for worse with Port Perry ; eo has been all the worse for that forlorne |ing Mr. Gordon's advertisement in this issue ; presents itself. (Read the advertisement.) 0s A Capitan Cmance.--Parties wishing to ot | purchase a comfortable house and lot in Prince it | Albert, will find what they want by consult- he offers to sell the Snell Property. 1-| Oeexep Our iy ms New Store.--See Mr. ings hang over the side walks in threatening | McLean's new advertisement, he announces his removal into his fine new premises witha choice stock of Groceries and every thing in the iine not surpassed in quality by any house in town and ~ cheap as the cheapest. pears to intensify the gloom and make the ee dein ALL Waxt BooTs AND Suoes.--We would direct the attention of our renders to Mr. Mor! gan's new advertisement fn this fssue, be has just opened out a prime stock of such boots to and shoes as all want for spring and swnmer of the incorporation. But it remained for | yoqr ag well for style, comfort, quality and tor someone, we can't say whom, to lay on | price. Dont fail to call and examine bis | the last straw, to give the finishing touch to | stock. Ladies read what he says to you. The loss is about $3,000, a small portion of manufacture of carriages of every variety and superior quality is thoroughly establish- ed and the carriages shown by him on this occasion were highly creditable to him and to the village in which they were manufac- tured. Amongst othors he showed a par. ticularly attractive single buggy with top so constructed that the top may be removed or replaced jn less than a minute. Mr. Parkin, of Manchester, also showed democrats, &c. Mr, Parkins has been long in the business in Manchester and bas a good reputation for turning out thoroughly reliable work, Mr. Saunders of Utics, showed a handsome wagon splendidly got up and finely painted. Mr Saunders is another of our manufacturers who is a credit to Reach, Mr. Swan of Port Perry (Borelia) showed a good wagon, a variety of valuable scuffiers cultivators, iron harrows, &c., &c. Mr. Swan's"establishment is long and favorably known for good work, especially for horse shoeing. Mr. Roe showed his patent combined horse hoe and seed drill, This implement should be seen by all farmers it is greatly superior to any of its class yet offered, it is as near perfection as possible and cannot fail in being of the utmost importance to the farming community, It will certainly come into extensive use when parties come to know its value ; doubtless Mr. Rowe's en- gennity, labor and large expense will meet a liberal recomp nse in the extensive sale of his valuable implement. The farmers like it, Silvester, of Enniskillen, showed a Gang Plow which was deservedly a favorite with our most active farmers, The Mason Manufacturing Co'y, Oshawa, Yecupy an important position in catering for the comfort and advantage of the farming public. . They showed their splendid Seed Drills, implements which are now necessary to success in farming, Their combined proad cast and drill is a beauty. They and tear and wear of clothes in wringing. | they can be produced at much lower prices | than such has cost in the past. At no previous show was the display of horses equal to that of Tuesday last, some 64 jary. The proprietor states positively that | Implements, whether as to quality or extent oq fine horses as one could wish to see. ! In the blood class Elliots' Hymen showed to fine advantage he is as handsome as a picture, a perfect blood, he never looked so | well before, he was deservedly admired by all who saw him. Such stock as his are just what are sought after for the British Markets' , The farming ity are much ! to Mr. Elliot for giving them a chance of raising such stock. Amongst the Imported Draught's Dum. | friesshire Jock was much. admi:ed and his fine stock which were present at the show were his best recommendation. Mr. R. Dobson showed one of them, a splendid an- imal, and took a prize. Dodd's Capt Watts is a beauty and has a thoroughly established reputation as a etock debted clergyman, there to obtain it if they can.-- And each of the parties binds himself in the penalty of one hundred dollars to stand to this agreement, ------------------ The Out-come of Misrule. STBBBB WBHBe Now in Stock at The following alarming total of failures J took place inthe Dominion of Canada be. I 1 tween the first of January and 31st March 1878. There were in all 555 failures while the amount of liabilities toot up to $9,100, 930. The principal attraction in additien to QUALITY is the LOW PRICE! A nice assortment of Men's Shoes, both buckle and lace, Mr. D. Urqubart had on exhibition one of the Kirby No. 1 Single Mowing Machines. A He did not compete for the prize offered but it cannot be denied that the Kirby 1 beg to say that I have an improved method Machines have not proven No. 1 on most | of putting Buttons on Boots warranted not to all occasions when in competition with all | the leading machines in Canada 'in field trials, and we noticed the same being pur- | p,.¢ Perry, April 24, 1878 ) ) . pull out which has long been wanted. BES Come and examine goods and prices. J. G. MOKGAN. Se --) 1 >» - some excellent carriages, single buggies, | getter. adian Draught and carried off the 1st pri: BLOOD, F. Elliot's Hymen lst. DRAUGHT STALLION, IMPORTED. 6 entries-- 1st Richard Graham's Bloomi Wilson & Richardson's Napoleon DRAUGHT STALLION, CANADIAN, 3 entries--1st J Mahafie's Contender, 2 T. W. Dodd's Capt Watts. GEN, PURPOSE. Laughlin's Star of the West. SADDLE OR CARRIAGE. Hogson's Volunteer Coachman GEN. PURPOSE. Mahaffie's Contender is a handsome Can. | are No, 1 farmers and seek the best imple Heather, 20d A. Alexander's Chancellor, 3rd in supplying farm implements and machines 3 entries--1gt J Stoutenburg's Young |the 17th inst. by the Rev. A Currie, M. A, Louden, 2nd A Cook's Glen Esk, 3rd T Mc- Mr. JohnJ Saunders, of Utica, to Miss Sarah b entries--1st A Bagerow & Miller's Ken- | 1 tucky, 2nd T Tordofi's Highland Boy, 3rd R | Intyre, all of the township of Brock. 4 entries--1st N Paterson's Dundonald, Egerton R. Young, Mv George M, Patterson, chased by the Messrs, Dewes, of Reach, who 20. | ments and machines to be found, and we have no doubt but many of the farmers will be glad to learn of Mr. Urquhart being in ng the field again under his own management for which he has always been careful not to introduce none but the best of their kind nd ee --ree MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's mother, on McDonald, of Wick. At the residence of Mr. John McCallum, on the 17th inst, by the Rev A. Currie, M.A. Hugh McDougall, to Miss Mary Mc- At the Methodist Church ot Canada, Prince Albert, on the 24th inst, by the Rev. to Miss Charlotte E Eddy, both of Prince That Noble Young Daught Horsel WiTIS E property of MR. THOS. W. DODDS, ot 4, con. 4, Mariposa, will stand for Mares, this Season, as follows :-- | Monday, April 29, he will leave his own stable and proceed to Griffen's Hotel, Seagrave, at noon ; thence to McGaw's Hotel, Port Perry, and remain all night. 2nd R. Dobson's Dumfriesshire Jock the II, 3rd W Heron's 3 YEAR OLD DRAUGHT STALLION CANADIAN. 3 entries--1st H H Gregg's Glenburn, 2nd R Dobson's Lord Derby, 3rd E Daku's Honest Tom. SPAN DRAUGHT. 5entries--1st D & P Christie, 2nd J 8 Brabazon, 3rd R Baird, SPAN GEN. PURPOSE. | 9 entries--Wih Batty, 2ad Wm Lauder 3rd Wm Farrish, SADDLE. 3 entrics--1st A Browne, 2nd Jesse Wells, 3rd J Dafoe. SINGLE DRIVERS. 8 entries--1st W G Luke, 2nd D. Christie, 3rd J. Dafoe, DRAUGHT MARE, 1st J. Knight, GENERAL PURPOSE MARE. 5 entries--1xst J W. Martin, 20d R Walker, 3rd A Branping. SADDLE OR CARRIAGE MARE, 3 entries--1st D Bateman, 2nd J Nicholls 3rd T W Roach. # SWEEPSTAKE. Albert. Tuesday, proceed to Charles Turners, 4th con. of Reach and remain one hour ; thence to At the C. M. Church, Trenton, by the Rev | Honck's Hotel, at noun ; thence to McRae's Mr. Addison, Mr, James Daniels, of Man- chester, to Nancy, fifth daughter of Jeremiah Simmons, Esq, of Trenton, of Port Perry. ACER RAL DIED. At Greenbank, on Thursday, 25th inst, Totel, Greenbank, and remain all uight. Wednesnay, proceed to Ferguson's Hotel, Saintfield. at noon; thence to Campbell's Hotel, Sunderland' and remain all night. Thursday, proceed to Skinner's Hotel, Manilla, at noon ; thence to McKinnon's Hotel, Oakwood, and remain all night. Friday, proceed to Jackson's Hote, Little Agnes, beloved wite of Mr. John Real, aged | Britain, at noen ; thence to his own stavle for 57 years. In the 3rd con of Reach, on Sunday, 21 the night. st | Saturday, proceed east to side road between inst., C. E, Condon, infant daughter of E. |lots 10 and Il ; then south to 2nd con. to R. Condon, Esq., of Bellville, aged 7 months | King's, at noon ; thence to his own stable. and 3 days. The Markets. Osserver Orvice, April 25, 1878 Fall Wheat, .... § This route will be continued during the Season, health and weather permitting. #3 For terms and pedigree, see posters. Mariposa, April 25, 1878. 1 cain eel $1100 $118 EASTER BEEF | Spring Wheat, . 100tc 102 Barley ad ven 040:0C 0 H3 1 Oats ,, . 035tc 035 AND Peas | . 055to 062 Clover Sced , Hay per ton. chowed their Galloway horse rake which has 1st Badgerow & Miller's Kentucky, 2nd | Cheese. . street, black as perdition. serves no better fence. who should attempt it. watching their opportunity. the house, is carried on the lap of | thatdreary locality by the erection of a fence along the most conspicious part of the main their ends in every stage of rottenmess; of every variety of width and length, reclining the village could not do it a greater injury or do more to cause the stranger to regard owner of the property would put up so hedious an enclosure, and the villagers ought to remonstrate with any other who the province for a village than Borelia, and if its many good qualities are neglected and to a certain extent concealed the villagers themselves must be largely to blame, combined and individual effort should be Albert, desire to express our sincere thanks put forth to do the village some justice.-- | to you for the valued service you have ren- Let some attempt be made to show off the | dered us as Organist, for the fidelity and beauties of the location ; and while display | 8dmirable way in which you have conduct- may not be attempted let things be tidied up, get rid of the old tumble down buildings; build decent fences and display a little taste | fully given us, but we present this Writing in the toute ensemble S-- Fight or Run. That Britain has made up her mind that Russia must either fight or run isabundantly | pear toward you. manifest from her every move and appear- ances go to show that as Russia steps back Britain follows up and threatens to kick her whether or mo. But this sort of action can't continue Russia will stand some where highly appropriate terms thanking the con and then will come the tussle, The action | gregation for this highly prized 'mark of re. of Germany and Austria has alone prevented [spect to bis daughter. a conflict ere now, Britain would bave hit Russia long ago had she not been afraid of the other two Emperors taking sides with | gontle, worthy young lady and though but Russia, aud Russia on the other hand would | young in years het amible depgrtment hag doubtless have stood her ground had she not endeared her to all acquainted with ber. feared that Austria at least would take part with Britain, In the meantime the two |in the "Church of the Ascension" on Easter powers are watching each other closely least | Monday, the Rev. C. C. Johnson presided. -- one steal a march upon the other and both are straining their utmost in hurrying up preporations* Here is a lot of old boards stuck on -- eit reson A Judicious Presentation. The Prince Albert Presbyterian congre. gation having enjoyed the valuable and gratuitous services of Miss Forman as or- ganist for several years past deemed the at every possible angle and all of them as | present a suitable time to manifest their | The greatest enemy of appreciation of her valuable services, and in | testimony of their sincere regard for her personally and 8s a recognition of her many | amiable qualites invited the young lady to the property as utterly worthless which de- | cet them at the residence of D. Cash, Esq. It can't be that the | on the evening of Monday last. The pastor, Rev, Mr, Douglas and an in- fluential representation of the congregation were there to meet her. When all had been comfortably seated the worthy pastor an- We "are borne out | counced to the young lady the object of the by facts when we assert that there is not a meeting in a brief but pleasing and becom- more healthful, pleasant, handsome site in ing manner. § Miss Graham then stepping forward read | the following address : To Miss Forman, Dear Madam--We, members and ad- a herents of the Presbyterian church, Prince ed that part of the church's work, We do not believe than we can sufficiently remun- erate you for the service you have so cheer. Desk and Work Box, Gold Pen, Silver Basket and Napkin Ring simply as an ex. pression of our appreciation of yodr work as organist, which we trust you will accept as an acknowledgment of the esteem which we - In behalf of the Congregation, A. CASH M.GRAHAM. Prince Albert, April 22,1878. Major Forman replied in feeling and "The evening 'was #pent pleasantly and all felt that the presentation was a judicious one. Miss Forman is an intelligent, eet Gee The usual Easter Vestry meeting was held After a very interesting statement furnished by the Incumbent relative to the affai 8 of many impoyements posseased by no other rakes. This possesses Dumerous advantages and a child can dump it. The Brown & Paterson Agricultural Works, Whitby, showed their "Brown's Whitoy Harvester" and their Canadian Mower -- crowds of farmers who examined them and those who have used and know them Dest are loudest in their praise, both machines are regarded as occupying the foremost rank in their class. The firm of Brown & Paterson have estab. jished their reputation far, and wide as the true friends of the agriculturists from the excellence of the agricultural implements and machines they supply; regardless of labor and expense this firm never fails in placing in the hands of the farmers the most reliable, desirable and economical machines, machines which will do their work fo the best advantage in the least time at the lowest expense and in the best man- ner. Mr, Walker showed a Single Champion Reaper from the works of the Joseph Hal! manufacturing Coy, Oshawa. The Champ- ion is a grand machine, is now well and favorably known and those who know it best are most enthusinstic in its praise. The Champion, both single and combined have lately undergone some important improve- ments especially in the great reduction in weight--some 150 lbs. in Single and 300 in the Combined reaper and in order to main. tain the full strength, wrought and malle- able iron are employed in place of other materials in the construction. The Kirby Mower was shown by Mr. Urquhart to much advantage, it is a dashing machine and just such as js required for making good and rapid moving light draught simple and durable in construction, The Kirby machines both reapers and mowers stand high in the estimation of all who know them and their rapidly increasing sale is the best of all proof of their many good qualities, Mr. Wm. English showed the Toronto of the church, the Church Warden's financial Britain is especially wild iu | ronort was read and adopted, Messrs N her preparations while disclaiming all desire Paterson and E Worthington were elected to fight, but it would be difficult to conceive | Church Wardens ; Messrs W Points and W how it is possible for, Russia to avoid fighting | Bond were elected Sidesmen ; and Messrs J. unless she is willing to let Britain sit on | Rolph, D Ledingbham and W Bond were her, That the two will fight and fight soon | elooted to attend as delegates to the Synod. we think is beyond all doubt ; both powers ' Votes of thanks were paseed to MessrsPaxton, | Watson & Hall showed a No. 3 Kirby, a are already sparring round the ring and Tate & Dryden for the use of their bell, and # v When Britain to the retiring. Church Wardens for past : eighty feet, this was twisted off, gets thoroughly ready she will make a dash services. The meeting was attended by an make money ¢nough thrown to the ground and dashed in and with or without the consent of Turkey unusually large number of members. Mower, This isa fine machine, works to a charm and Mr. English can describe its {good aalitien: to perfection. This whole { department shows how rapidly this impor- tant branch of agriculture is advancing magnificent machine, it carried off the first prize in the combined class, The agents sold ove of them'to one of our most intelli- gent farmers, R Graham's Blooming Heather, 3rd F. Elliot's Hymen, DURHAM CATTLE. Aged Bull ; 2 entries --1st John Graham, 2nd G McGreggor, Two year old Bull ; 3 entries--Ist A. Ross, 2nd R. Dobson's "Lord of the Valley", {3rd D. & P, Christin. | Ope year old Bull ;4 entrics--1st J. | Mallion, 2nd Ward & Watson, 3rd Thomas Coates, Milch Cow--1st L. Burnett, 2nd Thomas Coates. Two year old Milch Cow--Ilst James Bryant, Both machines were favorites with the | GRADE CATTLE. Aged Bull--1st D. Christie, Two year old Bull--1st J- Howsam. Milch Cow--1st Wm. Real. IMPLEMENTS" Lumber Wagon--Ist Wm, Saunders, 2ad James Swan, Single Buggy without top--1st W. C. Heard, 2nd James Parkin, Single Buggy with top--1st W. C. Heard. Democrat--1st James Parkin, Gang Plow--I1st R. Sylvester, G. C. Graham. Iron Harrows--1st James Swan, Grain Drill and Sower--1st Masson Manu- tic'uring Co'y. i Turnip Drill--1st W. H. Rowe, 2nd Jas. Parkin. Scuffier ; 3 entries--1st J. Swan, 2nd Wm. Saunders. Land Roller--1st T. Watson, 2nd W. C. Heard. : Horse Rake--1st Masson Manufacturing o'y. | Single Mower ; 4 entries--1st Toronto | Mower, Single Reaper ; 5 entrics--l1st Brown & Paterson's Whitby Harvester. Combined Reaper and Mower ; 2 entries-- 1st Watson & Hall's Kirby, Broad Cast Seeder ; 3 entries--1st Masson Manufacturing Co'y. . JUDGES. Draught Horses and Cattle--Wm. Smith, Peter Fallondown, Francis Rain, and D, | McKay. Light Horses--William Ward, Jas. Fluke (and Arthur Johnston. Implements--Archibald Walker, Joshua Dobson, T. H. Glendinning and Peter Christie. -------------------- Bringing Home Some Children. , Mrs. Jolly, the wife of a Barrow steel worker, has given birth to four children-- two boys and two girls--all of whom are] «living and in good health. : Jonny Bull Wants Beef. Beuuviuie, April 20.--Lingbam & Son, cattle dealers here, received an order 'by cable to-day form a Bitish army contractor; for 1,500 cattle and a large quantity of | sheep, as0te 000 | Other Choice Meats 10 00 to 12 00 Butter ..... . 0:3to 013 AL ' buen on on] CAWKER'S Smoked Hams . 01dto 010 , . Dried Hams... . 009to 809 .e 011to 011 HE Subscriber while much pleased to seo Potatoes 030to 035 (the rapidly increasing shipments of the Hides... 600 to 650 choice Cattle of Ontario to the Montreal Mar- Pork . Store, would respectfully all kinds of 450to 4179 REMOVAL HE Subscriber having removed to the NEW STORE one door east of his old | Port Perry, April 17,1818. that he has on hand and will keep during the season ket, and to mark the greatly Increased de- mand for Canadian choice Cattle in European Markets, has regard to the wants of his customers by always purchasing choice Cattle | for Slanghtering purposes and supplying a Ia first class article of Meat. Easter Beef in abundance, choice and Cheap. See my Stock. S. T. CAWKER. FOR SALE FRUIT,EARLY VEGETABLES, PLANTS, Tee Valuable Property known .as the &C. Also, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, §C. MAPLE SUGAR, §C. GROCERIES Manchester Grist & Flouring Mill ! Together with 42 Acres of Land will be sold Cheap. The Mill'is situated on Jot 9, 4th Of all kinds as Cheap as any House in town. | concession of Reach, one of the best localities BEF Give me a call and you will be in North Ontario, being in close proximity satisfied. L. McLEAN., Port Perrv, April 24, 1878, Farms to Rent. to the villages of Port Perry and Manchester where there is every accommodation for shipping purposes, and ample room for an extensive local trade. There is also a steady run of Gristing, There are two run of choice stones and all other necessary machinery for the manu- facture of a first class straight of flour.-- TS FARVS OF 100 ACRES EACH IN| The mill is driven chiefly by water power East Whitby. Possession given in the | there being sufficient water to keep it fall. Apply to W. B. McGAW. Port Perry, April 24, 1878. House and Lot for Sle fe IN PRINCE ALBERT. HE Lot contains half an acre of Land and is known as the Snell Property. For further particulars, apply to the pro- prietor, G. H. TUMMONDS, 337 King st. East, Toronto, Or to HENRY GORDON, Port Perry. April 24, 1878. NOTICE running three-fourths of the year. In order to keep the mill running steady #ghout Port Perry. | the year, the proprietor has; placed in connection with the water power. a first class New Steam Engine capable of running the mill, two run f stone, and all neeessary machinery twelve hours with one eord of hemlock wooed. There are also two good dwelling houses. coopers' shop, stable, and other outbuildings: on the property, For further particulars, apply to the proe prietor, JOHN JANSON, Greenbank. Or to Janes McKitrick, on the premises. Greenbank, April 17, 1878. Caution Not to Negoliee, T= undersigned would hereby caution all parties against buying, selling or otherwise negotiating any or either of the following Notes of hand, Due Bill, &c., ae the same were taken trom my residence, Saintfield, on or about the 27th or 28th ult, viz: A Note of hand for $82.50, dated Jan. 28th, 1878, due 12 months after date, of County of Ontario } r hereby given that | Which Wm Allen is maker. TO WIT: the Adjourned A Note of haud for $220.00, dated Feb. 8th, 1878, and due 12 months after date, of COURT OF ASSIZE|vbick Wm. Allen is tue maker. A Note of band for $165 50, dated Feb. Oyer and Terutier, 85 General Gaol Delivery | 23rd, 1878, and due 12 months after date of will be bolden in end for the County Ontario, in the Court Howse in the TOWN OF WHITBY, of | which Jas Allen is the maker, . A Nate of pai for $110 00, dated Feb, 31 8, ue 12 months aft ee aphouhy fies date, of A note of hand for $330.00, dated March Thureday, 2nd of May, 1878, 1st, 1878, of which Wm. Mathews and Jas. At the hour of 10 o'clock, noon 8. Baird are the makers, A Note of hand for $110.00, dated March Of which all Coroners, Justices of the 6th, 1878, of which Jas. 8. Baird and Wm. Peace, and all others concerned, will take notice ahd govern themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sherif's Office, Whitby, April 10, 1878, Sherift, Co. Ontario Mathews are the makers, A Due Bill against Dunkin McMillan for $77.50, dated March 23rd, 1878. . ANDREW LAUGHLIN. saintfield, April 4, 1878, Ye : Payment ofall the above has been stopped

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