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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jul 1878, p. 3

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+ we A [2 on = sme miss - cme em ramen rms The Markets. Osserver Orrice, July 4, 1878, Fall Wheat, .... ..... ... $100 to 8100 Spring Wheat, 085to 090 040tc 053 011to 012 010 o = - [5] Bmoked Hams Dried Hams, mao oCPoounoeco NOW © ow © NOT coo ~CuoOoCIO® Soa - 33388883888 - 2 SCHOOL TRUSTEES OTICE is hereby given that all School Trustees in this Township who may be desirous that their school Assessment should be placed on the Collector's Roll for the pre- gent year, do make their applications to the Clerk previous to or to the council at a meeting to 1 e held at the Towa Hall Manchester,on the 19th day of August next, otherwise such Ass- essment cannot be placed on such Collector's oll. JOHN CHRISTIE, Reach, July 2, 1878. Township Clerk. Auction Sale! OF VALUABLE FAN PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH, IN THE County of Ontario, JEERE will be sold by Public Auction, On Tuesday, 23rd July, 1878, At One o'clock in the afternoon, at the WALKER HOUSE IN THE Village of Port Ferry, By Virtue of Powers of Sale of the TAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Of William Munro, late of the Village 0 XKirkfield, in the County of V ictoria, deceased, the following property, viz: The centre part of Lot 22. in the 11th cou- cession of the Township of Reach, containing 4. ACRES,' ZY: . 4 (3: A LES ' More or less, with the following improvements About 60 Acres cl 1 and under cultivation, the remainder consisting of hardwood bush.-- Good Dwelling and out-buildings = Tans. --$2000 of the purcliase money to be paid on day of saie. The balance to be secur- wd by Mortgage at 8 per cent per annum, for a terms of years. For further particulars, apply to R. ARMSTRONG, . ALEX. McKiNZIE, Kirkfield P.O. ccutors, Kirkfield, June 20, 1878. Auction Sale! rel) Pein Lands and Improved Farms | AT THE TOWN OF ORILLIA, ON THURSDAY, 18th JULY, 1878. \ The Subscriber will offer for Sale at the (ORILLIA HOUSE, Orillia, on Thursday, 18th of July, 1878, at 10 o'clock a. wm, the | following choice lands in the tow uships of | MARA and RAMA : RAMA--North half 15, 4th con, 100 acres, South half 15, 4th con, 100 acres. --! South half 16, 4th con., 100 acres, MARA--North half 2, 11th con, North half 4, 13th cen. 100 acres. con , 200 acres. Ed 3 acres. West half 12, South half 13, 12th con, ac 100 acres. Lot &, 13th TERMS.--Ten per cent of pur e money to be paid at time of sale, and enough more to make up twenty-five per cent to be 1 before 1st January, 1879. The balauvce in fonr an- nual instalments, with interest on unpaid bal- ance, at the rate of seven per cent. Also at the same time and place, the follow- ing Improved Farm in the Township of Mara, West half Lot 14,.in the 6th con, 100 acres about 60 acres cleared, good soil, fair build; ings, first class neighborhood, and about two- and-a-half miles from Bre in, a station on the Midland Railway. Possession 1st Uctober, 1878. TERMS.--One fifth cash, or sec red by sat- isfactory note, payable 1st Japuary, 1879 -- Balance in five annual instalments, commene- dng 1st January, 1880, witle intere 'per cent on unpaid balance anuually. Remember the place, ORILLIA HOUSE, (Orillia. Remember the day, THURSDAY, 18th JULY, at ten o'clock a. m, at seven For further particulars, apply to A. Lo medy, Orillia ; J. B. BickeLL, Brooklin ; FRANK E. Gisns, Oshawa, or to CO. DAWES, Auctioneer, Port Perry. June'20, 1878. situation Wanted. Y an experienced Hair Dresser and Sales Woman. Some Luowledgo of Millinery and Dress Making. @ood reference. Address, B. McVEIGH, Manilla, IMPROVED Farms for Sale. Te: South half of Lot 14, in the 4th con- cession of Eldon, 100 acres, 60 acres cleared, Log House, Stable and Barn, well fenced and watered. Young orchard, 40 acres standing timber. ----ALSO-- The west half of Lot 13, in the 4th con- cession of Elden, 100 acres. New Log House and Log Barn. 50 acres cleared. -- 30 acres standing timber, Well fenced and watered. Terms to suit purchasers, Apply to N. F. PATERSON, Solicitor, Port Perry, May 21,1878. For Sale or Exchange FOR PROPERTY men IN ees PORT PERRY. HE Subscriber having a large amount of 4 business in way of contracts for build. ing in Port Perry this season requiring his constant attendance in the village is de- sirous to sell or exchange his house in Prince Albert, lately owned by Captain Sinclair, and direcly opposite Major For- man's, for a suitable dwelling in Port Perry. The lot and premises in Prince Albert are splendidly adapted tor a private gentleman, the house is in an excellent state of repair and the garden well stocked with choice fruit trees, &c. Hard and soft water and every other suitable convenience for a com- fortable home. For further particulars apply to WM. SPENCE, Owner. or MESSRS. J. &D, J. ADAMS, Brokers, Port Perry. Port Perry, May 2, 1878. SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED. Y ""ANTED for School Section No. 9, Cartwright, a teacher holding a Third Class Certificate, Dutics to com- mence about August 5th, Apply to ALFRED NATRASS, Sec'y of Board of Trustees, Janetville P. 0. Cartwright, June 20, 1878. CHEAP! CHEAPER | CHEAPEST ! BOOTS & SHOES OPENED up this week the following. -- Please note the very LOW PRICES. Ladies' Prunella Gaiter Boots, good stock, high cut, sold at $1.50, for $1 per pair. Ladies' Prunella Gaiter Boots, foxed, sold at $1.50, for $1, Misses' Buff High Cut Balmorals, good stock, for $1 per pair. Latics' Tipped Prunela Balmorals, sold at 99 cents, for €0 cents per pair, I have no hesitation in saying that these are the CHEAPEST offered in this ( Boots and Shoes ever Sounty. I earnestly ask the . | public to examine these goods and be con- vinced of the above facts, Nore--I will repair no other goods but my own, and them free of charge, Port Perry Shoe Store. J. G. MORGAN. Port Perry, June 27, 1878. Apmmvisrrators Nomice. LL persons holding claims against the Estate of the Late ALEXANDER BROWNE Yeoman, of the Township of Reach, are here- by notified to send in particulars of the same to W. HH. BROWNE, In nce Agent, Col- umbus, on or before the F 1y A.D. 1878. The said ps ry dates and items ¢ 1 names aud surnames ot the claimants and their Post Office address. At the expira- tion of which time the sail admiuistrators will proceed to dis'ribute the assets of the eaid deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, and the said administrators will not be linble for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed to any person of whose elaim they shall not have had notice at the time of the distribution of said assets. Ard all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to settle their indebtedness forthwith. This 10 tice being given under Section 28, Chap. 28, of 29 Vie. W. H. BROWNE, Columbus. A. H. BROWNE, Ashburn, ADMINISTRATORS, Maunilla, June 12, 1878. ns san re Columbus, June 12, 1878. BUY YOUR Flo wx wee AND---- XE" I= FROM 'B. WORTHINGTON. He can warrant his Port Perry, June 27, 1848, good. PROIIT 5 NO OB (OARIGIN & CLAPRERD HAVE DECIDED TO OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS OF Clothing ? In order to clear the balance of their Stock with the Season, Parties in want of a GOOD FITTING SUIT, Can have an Extensive Variety of New Designs in Scotch, English and Canadian Tweed" to select from. Also, a beautiful lot of French and English Worsteds, which for appear- ance and endurance are unequaled, A large variety of ATS AND CAPS, In New Styles at prices to suit the limes. Also, a full supply of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, In White and Colored Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Tics, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., to be sold Cheap. Call at once and secure your Clothing, as you will positiveiy save money by so doivg. Boot and Shoe and Grocery Departments fully Stocked, p=TERMS--Cazh or Produce. Port Perry, June 20, 1878. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL, 3000 Tubs Choice Dairy Butter Wanted for the English Market, for which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Will be paid either in Cash or Goods. Tubs furnished, (0 Customers and no charge. Cash paid for any quantity of Good Clean I'leece Wool. S. 11. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, June 20, 1878, B. J. THORNE Having decided to retire from the RETAIL DRY GOODS TRAD Is offering the whole of his Stock at BELOW COST. and BUT THE CASH IS. . : And those having it can secure Immense oY gains. Those who want credit: can no doubt (if they are worthy of il) obtain it from other Houses in the trade/by paying from twenty-five to fifty per cent advance Big interest means Bad Security, and those who. pay such rates for accommodation must expect to make up the losses made on those who do not pay. Special attention is drawn to Cheap Lines of TWEEDS which will be offered at HALF the usual rates, f B. J, THORNE, Port Perry, April 18, 1878, ONLY 20 GTS. PER eee AT FORMAN'S. GALLON TG Ah Ag 4 Latest Novelties! AT---- BRIWY & CURIE, less than last year. Dress Goods in endless variety. Gents' Tweed Suits from $8. AT Immense Stock of Tweeds fully 25 per cent I -. Ladies' Linen Suits--Cheap ! A Large Stock of Ieavy White Cottons over a yard wide, at 10cts per yd. Tadies' Corsets, Ladies' Ties, Ladies' Skirts. Tapestry Carpets from 70 cents per yard. Boots and Shoes to suit all classes, at Boros PRICES. BROWN & CURRIES. Port Perry, April 4, 1878. IMPORTANT TO------ ravelers! je = FIVHE undersigned is Sole Agent in this town for the "WHITE STAR" LINE OCEAN STEAMERS Sailing between New York and Liverpool via Queenston. The Steamers of this Line are amongst the Largest and most Powerful Vessels afloat and noted for comfort to passengers, short and regular passages. June 20, 1878, \consistent with profit, (Bonght at the lowest prices for Cash), BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, We have bought direct We can offer inducements in FILES BELTING, warranted genuine METAL, and all other supplies, TO CARP PLANES, CHISELS, GOUGES, &C. T0 BLACKSMITHS AND BAND. STEEL, CAST, SPRING, TIRE and SLEIGH SHOE. SHOES, HORSE NAILS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, | WAGON SKEINS. from the Manufacturers comprising FORKS, HOLS, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, SNAITHS, and RAKES, TO MILL MEN Our assortment is complete, embracing the usual lines of IRON, Our stock is also well assorted GEXT FOR THE A LAKE SUPERIOR Linc of Steamers. THE SHORTEST ROUTE To MANITOBA AND HOW TO GO. ' WwW. H. McCAW, Royal Arcade, Port Perry. marked also at the very Lowest Prices OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE, consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and VARNISHES. TO FARMERS. a large stock of Farming Tools, of the best English make. LEATHER Onk-Tanned Lace Leather, MACHINE OILS, BABBIT ENTERS. We make a specialty of TOOLS, and keep nothing but the best make of SAWS CARRIAGE BUILDERS. BAR, HOOP and COIL CHAIN, HORSE AXLES, SPRINGS and in TUBES, SPOKES, RIMS, SHAFTS and POLES, CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description, Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valued orders for this season. LAING & MEHARRY. SICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. ~ THE We have much pleasure in informing the public that we now have one of the largest | and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, Jones Bros. Are paying the Highest Price ge IN CASH. 25H SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Having carried over a considerable quantity of J. A. Stiruig & Co's Stock they are offering extraordinary inducements to those desiring to exchange Wool for Heavy Goods DISCOUNT Of Fifteen to Twenty-five per cent on Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Druggets, Winceys, Shirts and Drawers, Flannel Sheetings which is equivalent to 25 to 30 cents per Ib for Wool. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS Offered in all Seasonable lines, In Grey and White Cottons, Cotton Shirtings, Browh Ducks, Prints, Linens, Dress Goods, Tweeds, Hosiery, Gloves, and Parasols, From 10 to 20 per cent Oan actually be saved by purchasing for Cash or Produce, Ar JONES BROTHERS'. Port Perry, Jun 13, 1878, --_ -- AT PEARCE'S MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, PORT PERRY. The undersigned has much pleasure in informing his customers and the general public that he has just received a splendid New Stock of such goods as cannot fail to meet the wishes of all who desire choice summer goods, the style, quality and price of which make them favorites with all who see them, N ashions, Finest Stylesand Most Handsome Fit always secured. spect my stock of Superior Worsted Goods, Choice "Cloths and carefully selected stock of Hats, Caps, Shirts and cyerything in the Gent's Furnishing line, cheap, J. PEARCE, MERCHANT TAILOR. Sr., r. May 16th, Port Pen 1878. ee AT eee J. DAVIS' «ime White I'ish Trout, Hervings, 4&c, GEOG GREGERIES, CHEAP s any House in town. PURE WINES, LIQUORS! Cigars, &c., always in Stock. FLOUR & FEED Of all kinds--cheap for Cash, WANTED, 1,000 BIS. POTATOES, For which the Highest Price will ba aid. I. J. DAVIS, 1 Port Perry, Oct, 24, 187 CHAMPION" RECORD FOR 1877. Over Thity--five Thousand Machines Sold. NO BREAK AGES--No vexations in gathering tho crops--NO CROPS DAMAGED wifle waiting for repairs--No telegraphing fo irs--NO REPAIRS TO BUY--No express charges to pay-- Easily adjusted to all kinds and conditions of grass or grain--A CHILD CAN MANAGE IT--LIGHT IN DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOWER--THE BEST REAPER--The most simple and durable of all Harvesters--The best and Machine in the Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied. wpe FOR 1878. FORTY THOUSAND MACHINES ARE BEING BUILT. > STEEL FRAMES BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON FRAMES. MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE OF CAST IRON. « ONLY SLY PIECES OF CAST IRON IN COMBINED MACHINES. WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. SINGLE REAPERS, OR LIGAT MOWERS will be the lightest in weight and draught of any The result is that the Champion" free from d that it machine in the market, at the same time equally as strong and durable, and as liability to breakage as those built in 1877. The are] i ] shall excel in évery particular all other machines offered, regardless of first cost, and have therefore taken this UNPRECEDENTED STEP IN ADVANCE OF ALL THEIR COM~ PETITORS in the manufacture of Harvesting Machines. For further information, address, Joseph Hall Manofacturing Ca'y, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, GEO. URQUHART, Sandford. | Oshawa, Feb, 20, 1878. AGENTS--E. WALKER, Port Perry ;

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