gk | VOL. XXII NO. 1 Be PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIQ, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 187 AND GENERAL ADVERTI ~ Forth Onto Observer, ERA EAA NESPALRT, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY : BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in ad- vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months} and no paper discontinued until all arrears are paid. ; RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ........$0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line . 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum . 500 pF Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Oos, pre. paid 'and regester- will be at our risk " oe measured by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they oc- cupy. Advertisements received for publication. without specific instructions, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. No advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. p&F™ These terms wi rictly +. ed to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business _Cards, Ball Cards} &c., of every style and solor, executed promptly and at lower rates shan any other establishment in the County. Parties from a distance getting hand ills, &c. printed can have them done to take home with them. J. BAIRD. 11 in all cases be H. PARSONS. Professional © J. RANGSTER, M. 1, Physician, Sur- « geon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Ofee over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupl by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. J » ied R. WARE, Coronor for the County of mtario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- conecheur, Office, opposite the town hall. © Business Sarde. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. SAVINCS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter= est allowed thereon. No notice of withdrawal required. A.A, ALLEN, MaxaGeR. W. BURN HAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- « sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. Office hours from 10a m, to3 p. m. MWNEY TO LOAN | MORTCACES WANTED. | ey placed in their hands Improved Farms, Village Properties, at the lowest current rates of interest. As wi ecandep nd on getting their money with th east possible delay. WANTED T0 PURCHASE, est figures will be allowed. up Capital $1,500,600. in from 2 to 20 years. Lands Bought and Sold. Several good farms for sale. T. C. FORMAN, INSPECTOR of WEIGHTS §& MEASURES For the County of Ontario. Port Perry, Nov 1, 1875. 45:tf HRISTIE, TOWNSHIP CLERK, ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, Commissioner &c. Office-- Manchester. OHN C . P C. FORMAN, . ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses. One door west of the Walker House Port Perry. Com panies. ness transacted. Z=- DEBENTURES BOUGHT."&R JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents, Office In Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Oct. 11, 1872, JAMESLUND MONEY, LAND.& INSURANCE EYANCER, Commissioner for takin its in Court of Queen's Bench, &c MONEY 10 wers, Mortgnge In any ma n, Collected an n ceounts, Port Perry, July Ist, IF ENRY CHARLES baving been re-| appointed Marriage License Agent-- (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- nish Licenses as herctofore--at Port Perry. RS. McGILL & RAE, Physelans, Surgeons &c.. &e, Office and Residences, King st. Oshawa, FRANCIS RAF, M.D. Port Perry. WL ILL, MT. ML F. MOBRIEN, M.D, M. R. 0. 8, Guy's ¥ Frospital, London, England. The kiye R. 9, H. uy J. Ralicitor, and Notary Public. cupiad by 8. H, Cochrane, Esq., Whitby. Oshawn, E. FAREWELT, LL. B, County Crown Attorney for Ontario, Barrister, Attorney i Office Intely Brock street ren ae YMAN L. ENGLISH LL. B, Solicitorin Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &e. Oshawa. OMce--Simeoe strect, opposite the Post OMee . tornev-at-Law, Solleitor in Chancery, G Insolveney, Notary Public, &e. Umco--MeMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whithy. YOUNG SMITII, LL. B., Barrister, At- R. RICHARDSON "Re-appointed Issuer Mairinge Licenses. Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, in the 1st con. Brock. Brock, Avg, 5,1874. ENRY GRIST, Patexn SouiciTor | DravenTaay, Ottawa, Canada Pransacts business with the Patent Office | and other departments of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade cs and Designs procured, Drawings, ifications, and other Documents neces: to secure Patents of Invention, prepared ceipt of the model of the Invention, sary in re 'W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan cery Notary Public, &c., &e. Office hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 pom. Money io Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. ¥. PATERSON, of . Barrister uni Atte {or in Chane:ry, Conveyancer, die, &o., &o. ney Office over Brown & Currle's Store Port Perry. McGILLIVRAY, Barristers Bla, ota Public, &e, Port Perry. £9 A large pmount of money to loan at 8 per cent. John Billings. ee eee . HURD, Attorney at Law P: 4a Ghaneery. Office in the Port Perry. | John A. McGillivray , and Sol Royal \reade, : bi : J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist, Office over Corrigan & Camp- bell's Store, Port § Perry. An work done in ue very : atest and pest style and warranted to give satisfactio,y au ' Port Per rch 28, 1877. Ww SPENCE, CoxTRACTOR, BUILDER, &C. The Subscriber in tetutning his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage be- | "towed on him inthe past would inform the | hublie generally that having botight a pro- | perty and moved into the Village of Prince Alb , he will in future give his whole on to his business as Contractor, and is e Stone Work, Brick- ady to underts Laying Plastering, and everything connecte therewith, which he will execute on the shori- pst notice and in the best and most durable s , and at the very bawest figure at w hich ood Joh ean be done. The best material and first-class workmanship, WM. Prince Albert, April 5, 1875. WwW. MM. WILILCOX SPENCE. frm-- | ) ETURNING my sincere thanks to my \ numerous friends and patrons for their liberal nage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer during the past eight years, I would now beg to offer' my services to all who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or other property to sell by Anction anywhere or Cartwright. My long and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of C. N. VARS, L. D. 8. Pe of the art, and as cheap est, and as good as the best. with Gold and Silver. without pain by producing local anwmsth Teeth esia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. HE Subscriber would beg to inform T owners of Horses and Cattle that having n the Ontario Veterin- College, Toronto, he has now located completed a Session i ig P for the practice of his pro- or! T! fol C ee now prepared to give advise on and fully treat all di to {ong study mature' and habits of long practice in tenting er with the great Coll oéy acin; Put will find it to their advantage. Cat D. BATEMAN Port Perry, March 27, 1878. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- as the cheap- filled Teeth extracted hich horses and cattle are liable. From and close investigation of the Horses and Cattle and the Diseases of such advantages deriv d Session at the Ontario Veterinary a Toronto, I flatter myself that parties their Horses and Cattle under my 'Any order or commuaication for me left Ae Allison's Drug Store will be promptly attended to. Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the Connty, and this is of import- ance as it the Auctioneer is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may soon | lose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on hand. Sale Bills urranged and notes supplied free of charge. Days of Sale may be arranged at the Onserver Office, where a Sale Register will be kept Terms Liberal. W.M. W. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. E. MAJOR, © ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties 1. wishing his services can call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales, Glen Major, Oct. 10, 1876. WM. GORDON, a Annet y &C | Uxbridge, in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa 8 his own time for year (not in advan time, Just as cireums part or all of the hindi Su the Comy gaze Lo sm prine nm repay Ing n the on such 2 on farm, or g it to the borrower. t and Valuator f am acting hoth as several Companies t publicity in the transaction. If the title is perfect the money > he plica- paid here in two weeks after makin tion. JAME I Parrish's Block, Cor, Brock a streets, Ux The undersigned hasany amount of Money | to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at | Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loar ¢an be répard tn any manner to su the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wil Lands for sale, cheap, Investments made in Municipal Debe tures, Bank end other marketable Stocks, Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &e. Orrice--Over the Dominion Bank, McMi lan's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby, April 10, 1873, NOTICE TO FARMERS & CTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. HE undersigned would say to the owner of Real Estate, that he has in his hangls Jaage amount of private funds which he is | prepared to invest for periods to suit horrow- ers--interest at eight per cent Expeditio and most reasonable terms assured. H, CHRISTIAN. Manchester, October 17, 1677, JHE Subscribers have large sums of mon or Investment on y ng and other Securities In this and adjoining Counties have funds on hand at all times Borrowers Any number of Mortgages for which the high- Weare nlso appraisers for tha Canada Per- Jargest Monetary Institution in Canada. Paid Instalments re-payable 23 Agents for several first class Fire Ine Collections made and a general agency busi- BROKER, LOAN ean possibly be no PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES i NZ C. M°'KENZIE, TE Subseriber having now fully ec nipped his new and extensive Livery Stabl as with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RIGS © e Moderate Terms. €. McKENZIE. * manent. Building Society, the cheapest and Town Property at Bight Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873 per cent, Good Mertgages Lought TO LOAN on Farm or Port Perry, Oct, 30, 1878. Sovriciror, Fotels. THE WALKER HOUSE TORT PERRY HE Subscriber having leased the above hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public. THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is equalled by fow Hotels in the Province and surpassed by none out of the bost cities 9 2 Commercial Travelers, the Trav Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public will find in THRE WALKER HOUSE all that can be required in the matter of | accommodation and moderation in charges. | Ps d . | The Charces are No Higher at the | Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice of the market and the utmost atten | tion paid to the convenience and comfort of | | A ITI ALL GUESTS. | An abundance of comfortable Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers, | W. B. McGAW. | Port Perry, April 20, 1876. | poe PERRY HOUSE, ¥. } PROPRIETOR. | most comfort- shed, and Guests are ed for in Jo... Good Liquors snd Clgars, it | also, firs Stabling and good Ostlers,-- | Additions have been made which maker this d | the largest and best Honse in this section of count Fare $1.00 per Day. PORT PERR 1JAS. V. THOMPSON, - The above House is now {ably fur the Hou LL Mousey = | AILWAY HOUSE (Opposite the Railway Station) | PORT PERRY. | This Honse has been thoroughly over. | hauled, fitted np and arranged with a view | to the accommodation and comfort of gnests, | Meals and Refreshments on the arrival of trains, First-class stable and shed accom- | modation. 1- C. HOLT, Proprietor. | it - lt) BE HOUSE, MANCHESTER. Dy GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above excellent Hotel | it will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patron Manchester, Oct, | TI EVER 'R " MONEY TO LOA 1 one on improv ) twenty AV . fe has also been instructed to invest large amount of Private Funds. Inter st Eight per cent. N. Ff: PATERSON, Port Perry, May 20, 1878. "HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money property for terms from tery Cavapa Loan ax No Commission, Solicitor TAR1O0 AOT EL, WHITBY, T. MASON, PROPRIETOR. The public wéll ear d for, and all Guests will please feel at howe. Whitby, Nov, 9th, 1876. b "Q UEENS HOTEL, Cotuer of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts, CANNINGTON, Ost. D. CAMPBELL, This Hotel is now furnished in the best | Prorrieror CLEMENT DAWES, | 'J AS Money to Loan on Farm security in any manner to suit borrowers, Mor gages bought at lowest rates. Account: style, and offers every accommodation to travelers pes™ First class Sample Rooms. attached, Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875. Livery | | h 43 Notes, &c, collected on bl mission. Apply personally, or by letter to C DAWES, March 7, 1878. Com. Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, A Fo LO-AMERICAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR. MONEY [Private Funds.) terest. ! LYMAN ENGLISH, BaRrsTER, &0., 'JOR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, * per Parties entrusting their Sales to me 'may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. dealer in v TResidence,on Union Avenue. 8. HARRINGTON, Teacher of By" cations by Post or in person Arie on Union Avenue, Port T. i. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctloneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock, Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and 'amada, nn. HAMILTON, rance Company ccidedly one of the best companies prompt made. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer, 5 November 21, 1866. I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- Oshawa Lased Having | d the above pl situated: Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort o guests. The ¥ 'table and bar well snpplied. w Money to Loan per cent. No Commission. Knqui at P. A, Huré's Law office, Port Perry. P. A HURD, Port Perry, Jan. 9, 1878. \N Fatm Property at Scven and a half Solicitor, &c. . H. PARK, Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. - A RUSTRONG HOUSE, re 4 (LATE ALBION) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. THE ONTARIO Head Office, Whitby, This C y 1s now fully organized and WHITBY STEAM MARBLE WORKS. J. & R. WOLFENDEN, . WWEoLEsALE "and Retail dealers in Dominion, and parties having| ¥V_ Foreign and American Marble Man- hr wo, ly i Der n ranta of insuring wit ! i: J so Building Stone toe T, H. WALSHE, Agent, » Ji i L Canai ont, |. Agent, Port Perry. or Whitby, July 20 1874. | ington, Sept. 26,1 *" Builds repared to accept risks on Farm Farmers' Mutual Insuance Co'! 'The Only First Class House in Town. ENSON HOUSE, Jate Jewett House, Kent B Street, Lindsay. Board, $1.50 if E. BENSON, Proprietor. Rok EXCHANGE HOTEL, : , 'WILLIAMSBURG, CARTWRIGHT. E. BRYANS, Proprietor, is The Subscriber having sucee o oh gz eded Mr. Mason by applying to the Head Office, or to any Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hof Brock St., Whitby i 3 C. NOURSE, Seeretary W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. Lay, their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to ir.mre and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon. sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. i ny Hotel has spared neither labor nor expense in re-| and renovating the entire ian Te supplied with a superior cl: of uors the Ree Stands of Cigars! he A ce rt marl provided for the les. Excel stabling and attentive Ostlers, bien Williamsburg, Dec. 6, 1875. 5 BRYANS. '$ HOTEL, Tue QUEEN 3 WHITBY, ONT. McCANN & TAYLOR, Proprizrons. . Every dation for the t of tel go | late." | arty 4 breach of disciplin, she did not {WHOLE NO. TWELVE THOUSAND POUNDS. : -- A RAILWAY ADVENTURE. The hour grew Jate and Mr Brand paced his chamber in moody silence. The train had come in, but his messenger had not returned and the merchant was troubled --troubled by a vague sort of donbt which haunted him inspite of his faith in Lake. A staid, sober old trader of long exper- ience had said that Luke was too young to hold the important position which he held, but Mr. Brand had never found his trust in Tom mis- placed. IIaving heard rumors concerning a house with which he had extensive dealings, tho merchant had dispatch. ed Lake to London, telling him to make enquires, and in any case to get the partners of the firm in ques- tion to settle the account. So Lake had gono from Tiver- pool to London. The time for his return passed and still he did not come. A lady entered and stole to the merchant's side. Iler own sweet face was anxious, and there was a tremor in the music of her voice as she said: " Do you think he will be here to-night, dear papa?' "I hope so, Mary ; but it is very ¢Ts there no other train ?' "Only the night express, and that does not stop except at the cent: a' stations.' + Perhaps he will come, papa; he would not mind coming ten miles, even if he had to walk.' ¢ IIe should not have missed the train,' said Mr. DBramd, sternly ; punctuality is an imperative duty with men of business.' "But, yapa, something may have hapyened to detain him.' «Nothing should detain a man who has given his word.) The fair pleader was silenced; her father was angry, and, knowing his strictness of principle, and how inveterate was his dislike to any venture to speak d The time dragged slowly on: Me. Brand continued his restless. walk, and Mary sat subdued and quiet | that he, ght express went | and from the depths of heart there went up a prayer that Lake would come safely home. The girl loved him, would have staked | ber lite on his truth and kriew that he was not beyond his time through any weakness or wrong. watching him. She saw Listened as the ni whirling by, Two slow, weary hours passed.-- Mr. Brand was reading the Com- mercial News, but, for the first time in his life it did not interest him.-- He was thinking of the young clerk and the large sum of money that would be in his possession should the And Mary, reading her father's counten- ance felt chilled and pained at the slur cast on her lover's honesty by London firm have paid him, his suspicions; her every thought was n denial of his doubts, and as the rapid clatter of a horse's feet rang out, she ran to the window. ¢ Look !" she said, dashing the cur. tain aside with eager hands; 'look, papn; Tsaid he would come--I knew he would.' The merchant's stern face relaxed with a smile of p.2asare; he wus not emotional or demonstrative, but Lis danghter's gladness pleased him. There was a few moments of ex-- pectancy, and then Tom Lake came in. Ile went straight to Mr. Brand only noticing, with a bow, the lovely face whose glance thrilled his soul. "They have paid,' he said, quitely, as ho placed a thick pocket-book in the merchant's hand; ¢ but 1 think wo were only just in time.' 'Indeed 7 "Thera was a consultation at the banker's before I could get cash for the cheque, * Do you think they will break?' 'Hopelessly. They have given mo an immense order, but' it would not be wise to forward the goods.' 'You did not hint that we had the slightest fear ?' 'No, but I was-glad to get the money; £12,000 would have been a heavy loss.' + Tt would have done me a serious injury just now.' : 'And yet,' added Tom, gravely, 'This morning the chances were considerably against its ever reach- ing you. 'How Tom took two chairs and placed them side by side near the fire, led Mary to one and seated himse't on the other. He had done his duty ar the merchant's clerk, and was now Mr. Bran i's prospestive son-in-law 3 public, . ~ and pattner. 'I had an adventure,' he said. 'I was the hero of a strange story in a ride by express. Mary bent forward to listen. Tom clasped her hand in his own. Mr. Brand sat opposite him, interested in the speakers manner as he began : ¢ When T got the cheque I had un idea that all might not be well so to make sure I presented it at the banker's, There was, as I told you, a consultation before they cashed it, and while the consultation was go- ing foward I noticed a stranger gaz- ing at me intently. I kmew the man in my younger and wilder days I had met him on the race course, and in other places more less respectable. Now he was changing a cheque for some petty amount, and was evidently astonish ed at the imensity of the order I had presented. I left the hank with my pocket book full of notes and found that Thad lost the train. The next would be the night express, or so I strayed into a billiard-room.-- There was some clever play going on, and I stood watching the players till some one challenged me to have n game. IfI have one special van- ity it is my science with the cue. 1 accepted, and as Tdid so a strange feeling, which had been growing up- | on me took a sudden turn which startled me. "The challenge was from the man whom I had noticed at the banker's. There was nothing strange in the fact of his being in the room. There was nothing strange in the room, one of his favorite resorts, but I was possessed by the vagne shadow of a single idea. of aman being followed and plunder I bad read somewhere ed ina train, and somehow] associat ed the story with the man before me It was the first time I had paid him any particular attention, but I gave him full observation now. The more I looked at him the less T liked him. Ile was handsome. gentle manly, with a fair form and elegan' fignie full of suppleness and strength His manner was singularly unas- suming, his face was frank anc genial, but by looking closely at him yon could see something sin- ister looking in the depth and soft- ness of his eyes. "I never liked a stranger to be affable, and my friend was the very pink of affability and grace. * We played tor an hour with al ternating success, He was an .amusing compunion, well informed and had traveled ; but I was shy o! conversation. I left him, and still havirg something to spare. went to the Temple. "When at the expiration of some thirty or forty minutes, I emerged into Fleet street, almost the first e fell was person upon whom my gi my late antagonist at billiards. «I thought there was something than this second meeting since we stood Ile was more a mere coincidence in together at the banke in a cigar shop opposite, but with a companion. ¢Not a hundred yards from the Temple gate stood a man whom I recognized with a very welcome feeling. detective, 'He was fashionably dressed and an aristocrat of the first I went up, and greeting him as I should old familiar friend held out my hand and said: 'Come with me; I have something to say : 'He shook hands in the most natural way possible. 1 took his arm, and we eatered an adjucent hotel. «I told him of my suspicion, told him of the sum in my possession, and of the journcy I bad to perform by rail. It was George Vixen, the looked water. an mental photograph of the two men. quietly, ¢ but I shall be with yon. -- game' act? night express.' «Ho left me. I had no fear now termined fellow. companion . It was quite eviden that they wore tracking me, thong! St. Paul. «I strolled along the churchyard tore I made for the station. well on the alert. fore I entered the carriage, the other was a stranger: were off, seen turned towards me. 'I could hardly repress an softness was so sinister. 'He had me, then, at last. left to travel that perilous might be his convedera railway servants and in the corner: false moustache and beard Asiatic. panions, familiar. he worst come. versation touched on jewel workmanship, having 4 liscover. it and rolled under my feet. my head was down, to the carriage door. the lite from my throat, ed an eternity to me. ruffain's hand searching ately for a chance of resista retin did not come in sight, though I kept +I took my ticket, lingering al- most to the moment of starting be but my man did not appear. Two men were in the compartment with me. I could not see the face of one; ana 'The bell rang. The guard had jnst time to put a bewildered old wentlemun in by my side and we 'The man whose face I had not + oe ----er 3hall I Help You to More Turkey 7 Re Paris, Dec. S--Rnmor weys afiothor cons vention between England and Purkey ceded to England the port of Aleznndretin, a sca port in North Syris on the east coast of the Bay of Iskandurnm. - The Great Wheat Corner. . » hi The New Yorker numed Keene, who went to Chicago a few weeks ago on phrpose tof create, oni his own hook, a gigatitic wheat ation, There was no mistaking thu frank, genial countenance, nor the lurking devil in those eyes, whose Vixer had broken his promise, and J was journes alone with the man who had follow ed me so skilfully, another who and an old gentlemen who, after grom- bling out his indignation against all Jocomotive- traveling in general, was fast aslecp te, 'That the intentions of my billiard player were bad was manifested by the fact of his having assumed a They dded to the beauty of his face, but dent to his eyes that sleepy, cruel shitter that is characteristic of tie Ile poke to me, remarking the oddity of our being travelling com: reward 18 given to the rescuer of the living, and grew unpleasantly I answered him; not wish ing to appear churlish of afraid; ' knowing that 'T could trust some- hing to my own strength should 'We had made the last stoppage, ind were rolling throngh the gloom, when among othér topics our con- He drew a showy ring from his finger, telling me it was a curious pieee of ry. soere spring, which he said 1 could not «1 stooped to pick it up, and so did he; but at that moment when dow to dry, and the next day tue local he had ma Paper announced that such Hotel "had put 'His confederate was upon me in' an instant. I could scarcely breathe and could not struggle, for a heavy knee was upon my chest and two strong brutal hands were crushing Though the horror of the siti ation did not last a minute, it seem. 1 felt the the pocket book, and I strained desper. for nce. "Their work was nearly done.-- | Cramped in that small space I was powerless, and the veins in my head and throat were swelling like sinn | corner has ded 10 a acm i und has got control of two dnd a half milli- ons of Yushels, n greater q y was ever before controlled by ons man, He asserts that under any circumstances wheat is worth a dollar » bushel and thongh be is buying it very much below the dollar he des cares his intentivh of so cornering he market that it will rise to $1.15 per bushel ere he relaxes hin grasp, While many accuse him of seeking, for selfish ends, to deprive the poor of cheap flour, which the large crops seem to have assuied, Keene claims that he is doing a philauthropic act for the producers, who are nct getting pro= fitable prices for their wheat, This imo nee operation in grain will be watched with. ine terest by the agriculturists of the conntry The chances are, however, that Keene nimself will get sucha squeezes as will keep Lim out of corners for the future, A ------ ---- ein. Rescuing the Dead: The wise king of Ismael says :--"A Nring dog is better than a dead lion," but our British wreckers geen to think differently, At the recent disaster 10 the stenmer «Princess Alice" 10 not a few instances drowning pi Bseagers were passed by boats m:n with the remark : "Oh, never 'mind him, he's ulive ; look for the dead ones,' = This is owing to the regulation which pro- vides that a reward of five «hil ings be paid for the recovery of every dead body, but no ee eee Neeessity is tHe Mother of Invens= tion. Our poor, proud little city of Beleville, struggling under the weight of an empty pusse and driven 10 its wit's end to mnke both ends meet hig iu blank dispuir rushed into a protection association and has resolv ed to petition th- Legislature tor a number of amend: n's 10 the Municipal Adt, drongst « hoes tur duce the number of | aidermen to one for euch ward, to incrense the property quulifization of aldermen to | $5,000, unincumbe red real estate or £6.09 household, and to restiict the mite of tuxaton to 14 cents on the dollar for all purposes, t ------------ Vig green wall paper healthy? asks a medical journal. Not if it is eaten fried -- I took it, searched in vain for a Nothing is healthy that is fried. spring, and then returning it to hig A seaside belle, from Chicago; lft her bathing shoes hanging ont of her hotel win tightly by the throat, and threw me UP new awuitigsa Unique desigh.' eda ------ . The average young mother will feed her babe & half pound of mized (andy, a d say the angels are whispering to it puckers up a smile in its sleep. Buby khows however that it is colic; but forbears to swear because it likes the pain better than pategoric. een r---------- A gentlemun in Buffalo was agreeah'y surprised to find a plump turkey served 11) for hiz dinner, und enquired of his servant how it was obtuined. * Way, sir' replied | Sambo. 'dat turkey has been roosting on lour fince tree nights. So dis worning I seized for de rent of de fence, 0 a ---- The other day un Irismam was passing a griveyard, where he saw tw, men frionds of © ons bars when the old gentleman in the corner awoke and came to my assistance. I heard a low whirr of some weapon in its descent, and my first assailant reeled from me, stun ed. Then the old gentleman, with a strengtn and rapidity of action wonderful to see in a person of his age, seized the scoundrel, lifted him a countryman who had just died, were seeking for a btirul lot. be naked, « When did be die? edad be had » foine day for it.' ee ---- As the bappy couple were leaving the tJohn Leary,' wax the 1cply, church the husband said to the partner of «I saw that, watching through the glass of the door, he was taking a «They mean business,' said Vixen We must part «t the door, or they will see that we have scented the ¢ And you,' I said ; 'how will you I will travel to Liverpool by the knowing him to be a clever and de- 'Taking a casual glanco across the road, I saw my man with his 1 lost sight of them before reaching wandering nearly to Islington, then wont through the station again be- My acgnaintanco of the billiard room seat, then I heard a sharp click. cuffs on. scope fora stroggle.' my ride by express.' ' were Mary's bridal dowry. ituble and away and dashed him down ona 'There was a brief strnggle, and Seound rel the second bad a pair of hand 'They were more prompt than 1 expected," said the old gentleman removing his wollen comforter, with which he fastened my first assail- ant's hands behind him, 'end a rail way carringe does not afford much 'The pocket book was safe. The rafians were securely bound, and the old gentleman, who, without his spectacles and mfllner, stood out in bold and pleasantrelief as the detec- ive, kept guard over them. At the station they were handed over to the enstody of the police.-- 1 was all right by that time. Vixen rode with me as far as the hote! nearest here, and to morrow he will call tosee it Tam any the worse of The contents of the pocket book The detective speaks of the senior |. partner of the firm of Brand & Lake bis wedded life :--¢ Mariage aist soem a dreadil thing to you ; why von were all of & tremble and one could bardiy hear yon say, "fwill,'* ¢1 will bave more conrag: sud say it louder next time,' said the blushing bride, rr t-- * Vat is your name ?* inquired a German salesman of a onstomer, * My hame is Cox' replied the gentleman, * Vell, how vas dit name shpelled * asked the salesman. Why C.oex,' said the customer, 'Oh! yuh, I wee,' said our German friend, as he wrote down C-o--* Bat von't you bleasc dell me low you spell dot X 7 er -- i ----e What it Taught--0n Sanday night Pro, Hey was sitting in his front garden in tise northwest part of Lundon when a pauper « id to him: Professor, did you ever think what a beut tifal lesson the stars teach us? « What is your opinion ?" said the Professor, oo the most h | his professional career, s ight of the future daze. ing seven-up fora up. man ho ever met in the course of Ab, yes, Edison's light to the eyes is th. ee A---- Tt seems rather odd to see two men play dinner that is tobe eigh'