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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jan 1879, p. 4

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| reer Bad Luck Clear Through. who had been ostensibly duck shoot STEAM ing at San Mateo all the day ay ; i i 'di fice boy night previous, did the 0 3 W bring you those ducks I shot, as 1 ABINET ACTO § told him? ¢No, sir, he did mot, y replied Mrs. 8., in au icy and appall- ing manner; 'but the batcher's boy has been here to say that as he can PORT PERRY. on hand fact that he is always on hand. CRICES 88 vausyl Thore is many who are kut out for smar men but won't pay for making up. How many people there is whose souls . liy in them like the pith of a goose quill, ' Epps's Cocoa. --GriTercL Awe Com- proport ability. orrinG.--"By a thorough knowledge ot the © ars thus enabled putural laws which govern the op ot facturing is carried We are, therefore, enabled to Introduce a more perfect system into all the departments not only to the perfeetion ef the work, but nlso to the rapidity of its e 3: eution, any A consequent Hb tion of coat. n tated establish t-and :d our break- oY A This prineipie is regarded neerssary in a well regulated establishment and we are ena od gocon, Mr Epps hak piovied ed eve In all its de partments promptly to turn ont tu with a Ligber degree of perfection, fast tables with a delicately flavoured beverg attended to and charges moderate, 10 fefy competition. The Johust digestion and nutrition, and by a carcful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-sclect- ich may save us many heavy doctor . . i i is 4 the Aig use of such Akin Sorat sizes kept con ticles of dict that a constitution ma n gradually buiit up until strong enous SHROUDS of all sizes and resist every tendency to disease. Hus newest styles, of subtle maladies are floating areak CASEET OR BURIAL CASE f ready to attack wherever there iuftby procured on short notice. . point. We may escape many a pute urselves well fortificdme."-- 5 ¥osplag » a properly nourisi packets Honrse: Also anprdinary style Civil Service Gazette --Sold maeeopathic . . labelled--"Jauns Erps & fet, and 170, Chemists, 48, Threadnee' J Piecadilly, London." PortPerry, Nov. 38, nmi b. . DAVIS & SONS. ¥ree fovery fer Con. a ds, Asthma, Bron- Dr. Boos. X iven Lwny in trin) sumption, Coughs 'tie afieted. If you chitis, Hay Fever,q 'qimenlty of breath- bottles FREE OF (utfaction of the throat have a severe 00give this wonderiul re- ing, hoarseness np valine your existence or lungs by all, In this op) ertnr ity & medy a trial} upg would not give this, FL ean not &. we knew it would nec. i= e con'd N04 im for it, Thousands of remedy AWice irendy been completely plist Whar, 1s no medicine in the w 0peless ¢ (ra-ha'f the eases thal The Shred hYiceovery will enre. For sale by . King's » Pruggist, Queen St., Port Fer. . 8. E / SED exclusiv ----len's Arnica Salve. t Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped 8, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Eruptions. This Salve is gnaranteed to @ perfect satisfaction In every case or oney refunded, Price 25 cents per box.-- Sor Sale by 8, E. Allison, Port Perry, SEWING MACHINE ----FOR---- the POST OFFI( HE undersigned would take this apportun- g his sincere thauks for th pening and would now intin ate tha t of securin. greateraceomr: odation I have moved ite side ST of where [ shall happy OFFICE OF P _masQy, Office oF wwe "My darling, says Mr. Sudrake, DAVES & SONS' BROWN & PATTERSON MNPé C0'Y. WHITBY, ONT TO THE PUBLIC, p i ska HE Subscribers alwaye.iyring more) Fant . fill your orders for wild duc ' ly mi, In presenting our Twenty-second Annual Catalogue of Agrienitural Tmplements to the not 3 T (and are constantly such farmers of Canndn for the fils 1877, we do so with more than an ordinary degree of pride and and the steady aud in- tame ones instead. T.bleau. + { R E crensing demand from yesr to year for our new celebrated Farm Imp I { R N J NV . We shall continne as heretofore. a3 manufacturers, to make a specialty of Agricultural 5 ? A Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Reaper, the Triumph Combined Reaper and Mower, the duck. '--Said she, ¢ Augusta, you arc trylug Ares ; snitable for all} Cayuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, aud our new Whitby Harvester elaiming a large classes of purchase, snd at suca For the Inst twenty-two years we Lave glven our most careful and undidvided attention eration of the various machines in use, sifting out the best points, g and correcting errors, strengthening weak points, adapting and creasing experience haa al skill, and our mace! 1 Zen » Stoc! to-day, he sends you's half doze a large Stock of confidenee, from the marked favor and patronage conferred upon us Said he, 'Matilda, you are my deareat to stuff me.'--She was tc® sage for him, As the community All of croler Ma- | share of our time aid attention. The devil owes 1oost of his successes to the | rupiar, the BEST to suit to the manufacture anc remedying defects, modity ning every part as on We employ only the best m supervision and machine 13 thorg «| und there is no es pass under the most careful icoted to the severest criticism--and each uy our works, to prove the completeness of every part, | ulty in putting them in operation by any person of moderate mechanical | Our machinery has been seleeted and constructed with a special reference to the manu= facture of our own machines--many tools having been made for this particular purpose, and not adapted for other work, and our workmen are educated vp to the wants and requirement, of our manfaetire--obtaining a thoroush knowledge of the consteuetion of our machines, an ree ® skill and proficiency than where general wan UNDERTAXING manufacinre, ad nz , sud at prices so low as absoly Self Raking Reaper that a word of commendation would almoat se ture thia machine who have ad pre-eminently ¥ 3 Iv v First Prizes awarded na--at the last P. of Ontario, and magy col which have taken pice all over Canada, within the last few yexvs, TRIUMPH with late improvements, is all that can be desired io a combined machine, and es meet all the requirements of purchasers, Our Improved Cayuga Chief, Jr., and our Young Canada Mj 878 p are both first clnss machines--eonatrtueted almost wholly of Iron and Steel. 9-17 has a rear et, and the Young Cannda a front eut ; both strong, dur, celled by any machines in the market for quality of eut, durability, lightness of] bility, and ease of managemens. OUR NEW The Americen Styls of 0 OUR . r ' r TQ WHITBY ITARVES As the eountry has become better adapted to machinery, and many of onr illed in the use of michiues, & growing demand bas sprung up tor. lass Reaper. Alive to the requirements of the day, we have succeeded in invent; Wrought Iron Frame, with the least possible zearing--with large, and so constructed that the fra always in line with the k no perceptible side dra have succeeded in inventing the n been produced. W ufacture, and we respectfully su, this machive before giving the 8, all told, 600 pounds, but bei ) om i18 ingenious and compact construction, it combines the st vier machines, All our machines are fully warranted. With this list of machines, e tilt at the same time, th akes are driven directly from the m t upon the horses necks, W feet Reaper, taking it in all iy ! | ist onfident that we ean meete Oo R A L L | respec fully solicit a trial of our machines, believing that we can fi - the money than can be obtained clsewhere. 0 'LIauds ysoua 'TIVE NMOL NHL UVEN ABVIHAVD TY N1adVdd BROWN & PAT Whitby, Ontario, March, 1877. "AGLIHM to wait on all parties wishing to purchase, BOLIDAY [swine MacHINGs The Best Machines Cheap for Cash) Repairing promptly attended to. i _ The publicare kindly invited to come and inspect my show room. @Sewin achines, C. TUPPER, ; AT PRICES T THE TIMES, | Dec 41877. avorite wherever tried. fle Wilson, and llowe Machines LICENSED them whif Are in successful operation to day, being a gficient proof of their excellence and | ---- superi The above machines fully war- ) e x Ff HE Undersigned takes this opportnnity Inte 1d kept in order for a number of years | of thanking the public for the Exten. . . i | sive and Generous patronage bestowed upon M, es dat kon Sick, will be got to bia, since his enterng upon tains of . nctionee dw, state 0 5a Scanian Muenioe on Loca) ction eer, and would now state that all ve sesh Sewing nine ()il ; Needles for Sales entrusted to him, of whatever descrip- ¢ ieading Machines, and Sewing Machine | tion, shall be promptly attended to and th ttacliments kept constantly on band. ; si : interests of the owners carctully guarded -- Purchasers / XX. H EA P, Sale Bills prepared and blank notes furnish - Manchester. y '1 All s left ¢ N.B.--All kinds of Sewing Machines and | go: yams 1: Sie Pow, weed a Clocks [epuived Also for sale a number of | STR ore of J. L. Watkis (late E, second-hand Lock Stitch Machine: i ing | Worthington' i 4 aoa am nck Sil Maal ein Ynaing orthington's) will be promptly attended to upward. Charges Moderate, Wanchester, October 16, 1878. C. DAWES, Port Perry Ang 1, 1878. Wil. HEZZELWOOD, to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had mnch experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock rely on getting all for the property that is possible to bring, PETITOLS in the manufac] All orders promptly attended to, sale bills y made ont aud sale notes taruish e J. G. MORGAN: ae. my 8 8 Parties leaving their orders at the Osserver Office, Port Parry, will receive immediate an. careful attention, Charges Moderate, WM. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan, Bept 10, 1878, Q So 3S if © > a 5 3 & o = 2 = 2 2 5 3 3 a S = z g = £ £ = 2 = = 2 2 3 = ad 25 Ex £3 Sa gg = c Eg -s ER . B g i E | "CHANIPION RECORI MARBLE WORKS! {FTYHE undersigned begs to express his hearty thanks for the very liberal ! bestowed on the firm since opening the Sewing Machine Attachments, Oils, &o. JIM VI -a1 0} ine (the WHITE) is rapidly | C . D A WES, Ocer Thity-fire Thou l Machines Sol gz & a 2 5 3 --NO CROPS DAMAGED ( PAIRS TO BUY--N 0 have been ore the public for upwards of AAT ar na a quarter of century, and need no word of H £ 33 8 | NO BREAKAGES--No vexations in gatherin: praise hey 'he hundreds of thousands of % § 5 waiting for re } . i lin expres eR AR intirely Satisfied. FORTY THOUSAND MACH]! Lisensed Aucti STEEL FRAMES I { > Caeer MALLEABLE IRON CI. FPHE Undersigned having taken out a] wage oy : . Licons: ne Aictionces iene. recon) L/OHT THERESY K STITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON bS OF CAST 1RON IN COMBINED MAC] 02 REAPERS, OR LIGHT MERS & mn" will be the lightest in weight and draugiifany » time equally as strong and durable, and as annfacturers are determing h ered, regardless of first cos INTED STEP IN ADVANCE OF ALL TH of Harvesting Machines, has Horses, The result is that the « Chg Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Impl. machine in the market, at the . ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c., | bility to bro $ thosc parties placing their sales in my bands may shall excel in every 1 ix | therefore taken this UNPR Joseph Hall Manufacturing i L. Mc Raglan | Oshawa, Feb. 20, 18 Port Perry, April 34, 1878. POUKDKEEPER'S KOTICE One Two-Yeai-0ld Heifer sooner redeemed, be offered for Sale by Public Auction, on FRIDAY, DEC. 20mm, at 2 o'clock p. m. ? EDWARD PHOENIX, Poundk Dated at Greenbank, ater. QTRAYED from the premises of the Sub. ) seriber, lot 21, in the 14th concession of Beach, on or about Sept, 1st, a § $i Fe mv 2 Yearling Heifers, Due Keg the other Grey with Red on the es guch information as will recovery will confer a favor, nf 1 vvin Sor 20010, si - PUMPS! [N POUND at Gresnhank, will, if not| You canbet the best and cheapest Pump in the IRVIN'S EE .. _ [pyMP FACTO * PORT PER SEE THE PRICES. cr Poup--A complete Pump. Fire ' oo with Hose and Coupling come for $2 2 ! erry onths old and is a better can be had, Bervice §1.00 Casn. 3 GEO. JACKSON, | pa " Reach, Nov. 8, 1878, ° s8a AT N: [otice, Pr: Bic HE Undersigned sill keap for service at| 3 his place Lot .18 in th "Reach, a Thoroug] \-Bred SUFFOLK BOAR.| He is a particularly fine stock animal and has taken first prizes wherever shown, Service, One Dollar, Reach, Nov. 27,1878, 5. anitud og . Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cf§ foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 ceute * Common turned suctior. 3 «8 complete Pumphm $3 URJE every other deseription of Bp, at EQUALLY LOW RATE Had a dal : helt; reforany of Whether by mail orotherwige prom v JouN would embrace this returning thanks to tomers for the they entered into business Hitherto it has been our rders of our customers on ice, furnishing the best ma. jor workmanship, and so far e been snccessful, easure in informipg our cus. nofic t mo the public gencrally that we Zrices to auil the Times. into our new premises one door former place of business, where most decorum. ave increased facilities for filling driving business generally. nblic may rely on having their | JICEM ATERTAT, « bd Workmanship, that without any exception, T have the best Undertaking Outfit inthe COUNTY. iano a GEOR IR: A lize and well assorted Stock of Fur- ture on hand at all times, Pierure Framing.--S8pecial attention ming and Lithographs, &c. PERFECT FIT! b> us a call at our néw premises one | frest of our old place of business. DOUBT & MOTHERAL. Perry, Sept 25, 1877. ey 'tomb Stones, 'Tablets, Pillars, and everything in the line, Choice M the Best Styles, First-Class Workma and Prices at the lowest possible figure, An Inspection solicited. . MANLY R Port Perry, Dec. 18, 1878. REMOVAL! HE Subscriber having removed to the NEW STORE one door east of lis old | Store. would respectfully announce that he | has on hand and will keep during the season © all kinds of FRUIT, EARLY VEGETABLES, PLANTS | SAUSAGE, LOBSTERS, SHRIMPS, §C. MAPLE SUGAR, §C. GROCERIES ! Of all kinds as Cheap as any House in town. | REF" Give mo a call and you will be, CLASS Suffolk Boar, ow Large Breed. [HE Uhdersigned. will keep, 'during the season, at his place, lot 20, in the znd Con. of Reach, that really first- class Suffolk Boar, large breed. He took 1st South Ontario Jonny tural Society's Show, held at Wi 1878, and 2nd prize at the North Ontario ounty Agricultural Society's Show, held at rt Per He is now six hoice animal, . No ' JOHN PARKER: Cnerons, We bayo the 'NVAONOT.D II patronage PORT PERRY In future the business will be earried on by the nndersigned, and as in the past, every attention will be paid to promptly supplying MANCII! OSE. LEAN, 1 for, service e 7th, Con. of 1 UNDERTAKING! A SPECIALTY. Magnificent AVING purchased one of the finest Henrses in the Province, BeauTirosny Triumep, and in the latest AMERICAN StYL® with all the modern improvements, and owning a fine, suitable team of Black Horses, ng patronage bestowed poy respectfully call attention to my EATAKING DEPARTMENT, Where everything that is necessary for the proper observance of the last rites due to eparted can be farnished on the briefest most moderate terms and at Funerals conducted with the ut- A large selection of Walnut and Rosowannd Metallic Caskets furnished when required. Burial Robes in all sizes and styles. Gloves, Hat Bands and Shoulder Scarfs roished free of charge, ie called to this fact, share of public patronage. £4" Remember the place, Sign of*ths Big Rocking Chair. W. J. NOTT. Port Perry, June 18, 1878, Richardson's PORT PERRY. FH E undersigned would embrace this portunity of returning thanks tc many customers for their liberal patrop id beg to remind th nersl that he is # | planing lumber at §1 per thousand. Elinds, Zc. bk Which cannot be surpassed in qualityiad inf (2 PAY All parties indebted to me are hed Te« "quested to pay up forthwith ander a A. RICH Port Perry, Dee. 21, 1876. ram sehen Sef FCN "hd Ag b AND | AL DLAGIITEING ESTABLISENT TE Subscriber has ing that he has sof the servicll One ot tne best wood-we In the Pro- vince, and is now heiter than ever to fill all old® Cutters, Sloighe?-Sleighs, or any description of @¢ With dispatch, in Woon executed with neatness and on shog® Customers may ref ctting the best superior work- Speciantion given to HORSPOEING io secure the ease n traveling. 'rate and all work W. C. HEARD. 874. BA E RY Conft'oncry Confection" + @ncher carrie ce Albe * establishments reads of Every variety, h the shortest notice, rakes made to order 'r entertainments supplied TECTION ani of te Ve quality. 8 in abundance. fd { my Bakery prince Albert! © CHAS. HIS| ch 10, 1976, GAGE AND FROM THE STAT D AROUND TOWN. J 11) wi (Digi da Dil 1 to Tranks, 'Boxes and eve) b big) {tf oar FAI n or anywhere ges y- mptly oy ed Whine June. G.T. 10 PEK rk : 1." OF DIVISION COURTS y of Ontario, Junior Judge. 'Whitby, Jan'y 7,1878. Shaving and Hair Outting as they should bo done. HE arrival in Port Perry of the two first | = class Tongorial Artists, LEWIS & POWELL, Has created quite an excitement with their Smooth Shave and Artistic Hair.Cutting,-- {The Rooms are over Thurne's Dry Goods Store, opposite the Walker House. An agreeable and smooth shave and hair and whiskers cut in a stylish manner. Remember the place, over Thorne's Dry Goods Store and opposite the Walker House, Port Perry, Dec 5,1877, | rR PRCVISIONS FOR ALL! TH) undersigned thankful for th. ptronage bestowed on him nee, id busipss in Port Perry would inf. erally that. he has al arailly selected stock of ever. Tovision live Fresh and opening rm the pub. on hand a ing 1n the lirst-Class Catnecl HOLESALE AND RETAIL. R 'e place opposite the Post Office, ememb: rp . M. TUMMONDS, me de o Taboiing Establishment | 1], OVER MR. BROWN'S (LATE MR. CUR- HANKFUL for many years of libe increasing patronage would inform his customers public that he has got thor n his new premises ove on every department of his orders promptly filled The ots Label ularly . yles, Su- Lut perior W orkmauship, and perfect fits ar the adc JAMES RIGGS, FIRST CLASS TAILORING. BERT, Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel, Prince Albert, April 2,1874, FEVIIS is to give notice that I bh to James V. Thom nm pson, Port Perry, if leasure in stat AUSTRALIAN / HORSE AND CATTLHFOOD,| * am: with all rights and privilegeg® use and Port Perry, Dec. 27, 1875. of this Feed for Horses ¥ equalled by anything yef*covered for im- Qention thi proving the condition gi'®8¢ valnable ani. mals both as to fles | All parties owning hg who have tried it on Port Perry, Jan'y, 18 on in my RT PERRY & LINDsAy Prince [Fans Going North. ever other gyi COCKS. *Flag statlons--Trains {Telegraph He The plaints The On Ulcers, NEW Spun Metzopoli of N ed trade likewise These 0 which I most he Clerg "Ladies, aj denounce Par] | Loxpoy, {the ad where al Ointmen commu g in all its depart 2™PlY AT HUGOE'S, PRINCE AL pon the shortest notice in and at moderate rates, divulged A 1E MI Ph cen 'The wo ble Lec operations] dials; poir tain and d himself ch X35" This thousands 4 Sent, und address, of age stamp, THE C¢ A ANT warn 2:4 and middle both sexel shattered from early if. Nothing need be added to the value of safety : fone Rl Cattle, it is un. ability by Hil ce & (vert; id general health, | Prof, For Tt is cheap. | 8 or F POR pas Sul busingsf ing in Pot constant sirous to, The fot and splendfily ad, the héise is in 'es, &o| REE be mail, 4 Port Perry, disordeni and Bow for Bad' Bronchitis Gout, Rhe has no eq Pills and under the Henry Cu Joseph H of his ow of ¢ Beware o Unscrn ral and low prie the subscriber Canada a and the general oughly arranged ! t Mr. Brown's Store ions for carrying North Aq Sopa Lond@uary 14, matter whale v 4 's I, AD Thoss ; gives medin eeks.

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