his constituents wg he att the conntry and should voted yea to a resolution which has the sympathy of nine out of every ten of' the electors, How will Mr. Paxton justify that voto before the electors. Mr. Morris' amendment having been voted down tho second para- raph was carried and Messrs. Deacon, Bethune and Imuder oc- cupied the floor till 6 p.m, when the House adjourned. MONDAY'S SESSION. The ball opened with the presen- tation of a petition from the city of Toronto on their everlasting tax ROM prion Launder resumed the debate m 4.8 Address dealing with the 3rd paragraph. He toasted the Govern: ment all round on their proposed legislation on the electric light, if it can be substituted for intellectual light, the sooner itis introduced into the Assembly the better for tho Pro- He gave the government tar for their active but fruitless efforts to sustain the now defunct Mackenzie Government; and wound up his 'address by moving the foll- 8th inst, for the despatch of business. At the time appointed for the muster--3 p. m., the chamber was fuirly blaze With a flood of Jegal light, a sprinkling of the clérical and any-quantity of the fair xox, The usual meaningless spread of starch and bueram was brought nto play, body guards, guards of ~ honor, escorts, Aidos.de Camp, &e. "The speech from the Throne" in common with all such literature, was full of emptiness. The exceed- ingly delicate manner in which some topics of interest are touched indicates that feelers will be thrown out for the single purpose of smooth- ing if possible the rough way over which the government will have to travel when they gain present themselves for re-election. A kind of suppressed wail over the general distress pervaded the "speech" and b some meaningless wishes were ex- 7 pressed that the distress might be ; lessened, but there was not the first hint of any effort to bo made on the part of the government to accomplish so desirable an object. -- The House wns only fifty minutes in session. Thursday~--the speaker took the chair at 3 p. m. The member for Monk moved the rep'y to the address and "did it well, little vince. owing amendment to the 3rd clause : " That while we rejoice with your Honor in the development of any énterprise temd- ing to the advancement of the agricultural intervsts of the conptry, we are of the opinion that it is of essential importance that the annual expenditure should be kept within the annual revenue of the province." ing the Government te task for not proposing to reduce the salary of Ministers and indemnity of members and moved for substituting the following for the above amendment. "That on the de hile we rejoice with your Honor lopment of all means tending to the. adva pment of the agricultural interests we are o pinion that the administration of the affairs of this province should be con- ducted with the utmost economy consistent with efficiency, and in view of the general depression existing in the province, the expenses of legislation and civil government should be reduced, particularly as regards the salaries of Ministers and the indemnity to members of this House." Mr. Frasor followed. Iedid his best to defend the Government in when it is considered bow there was to reply to. The member for Elgin soconded the motion for the reply but the mover had so wrought up and ex- tracted the little grain from the much chaff out of the speech that the seconder was left without a peg to ' hang an argument on it he had one and he had to be satisfied with a few platitudes. Mr. Meredith, leader of the Op- position, briefly reviewed the speech even their greatost extrava gances. He declared that *'it would be mon- strous to reduce official salaries" and clinched his pro-extravagant re- marks by the highly logical "two blacks make a white" argument "that the members of the Local Legislature areas well entitled to $800 a session as the members of the Dominion house have to $1000,-- The interests of the country or the not criticising its contents, for it contained nothing but referring to the total absence of any indication of any measure of importance, Mr. Meredith's reference to the imper- ative demand for retrenchment was in order and it is to be hoped will go further than talk. His charging | pockets of the taxpayers are no- 2 the Mowat Government with aiding [thing to Mowat and his following. to a greater or less extent, the|Here the debate was adjourned and 3 Mackenzie Government in the sliare { the House rose and it was time that E they bad in bringing the present |it should, T---- + distress upon the country was to the The Mowat Government. point and hon. members felt the slap. Mowat Gi nt have -- Mr. Mowat replied briefly and That the Mowst Governme $ es od ibe. Mr. Morrie wha got into deep, deep water and y : shat by their own act is.known closed his remarks hy moving the following amendment to the sevend clause of the speech. +% That this House, whila deeply regret- ting that our country continues to suffer from a 'period of depression, is of opinion that such depression wight have been mitigated-by judicious legislative action,and futher regrets that the members of the Executive Council of the Province of Ontario did, during the recent elections to 'the House of Commons of Canada, identify themselves with the policy of those who opposed legislative "intervention tending to 'the relief of the siffering industries of the country." The amendment was put and de- clared fost, there being 33 yeas and 42 nays, so that the majority against the amendment was 9. "Will it be believed that Mr. Paxton the member for North ta deliberately voted nay to such an amendment as the above. all over the province and none Kuew jt better than they do but the desperate Wriggling they are making only sinks them deeper. They are charged with extravagance and they need not attempt to deny the charge for the miserable fragment to which they have reduced the eplendid sur- plus there was when they came into power is decisive on that score.-- Not satisfied with a crowd of 82 members---one third of whom could have done all the business--they added six more members. Not satisfied with their own salaries of $2000 a year they lay a plot to get more. The now 86 members have $600 each per session and in order to increase their own salaries they first muzzle the members by raising their indemmty from $600 to $800 each for a month or six weeks at. tendance. Now the cunning gov- -|ernmont had. got the members fast und they cooly add to each of their own salaries $1,500 a year. These sins they davot deny but like the other old lady who sought to charge the serpent with her guilt, they | blame the opposition' 'members for 'sanctoning the pillage. Now, how- 2 ever that the Mowat party have como to their political death beds their crimes loom up before them in d for his ridiculous as he has. been 2 iy cannot expect. fosgivonses they are Mr. Parkhill followed, after tak-| deformity and while thoy, seek forgiveness, besides' their ro- pentance is not gonuine, if their lease of office were renewed they would go back to their own courses till near the end of another term. Tot them be decapitated, overy man of them, as well for thicir own good by delivering them from the sin of future hypocrisy, as for the general good of the province by preventing the farther waste and plunder of the country. But, "whom the gods would de- stroy they first render mad," look at the member for North Ontario for instance he has Just come from the midst of an industrious, intelligent active constituencywho all know and experience the mischievous effects of the long continaed, disastrous rule of the Mowat Government ; and almost the first breath he draws on returning to the House is to give his vote to prolong so far as his vote will go, the wasteful, sinister rule of Mr. Mowat & Co. The member who will trample upon his duty to his constituents and ignore the best interosts of his country in order to sustain a part- izan should be hooted from his position. leader Correction. In our remarks on the late muni- cipal contest in Brock we should have stated that there was no con- test for the position ot 1st D. Reeve. Mr. Cunningham and Mr. T, H, Glen- dinning bad been both nominated for the position but the latter bad been nominated in his absence and 80 soon as he learned of the fact he let it be known that he ould not oppose Mr. Cunningham and re- quested the Returning officer to withdraw his name.but the law will not allow any name to be taken oft the list of nominees after the expir ation-of the hour appointed for receiving nominations, so that Mr. Glendinning's name had to ke put on the ballot papers, but he let it be known that he was not a candidate. Look out for Squals. The birth of every infant must be regis= tered within thirty days atter birth, Every marriage must be registered within ninety days after the marriage, Every death must be registered before the burial takes place, The father, mother or guardian of the child must see to the registration of fhe birth, The clergyman who performs the mar- riage ccremony must register the marriage The physician who attended in the last illness must register the death, The occupier of the house in which the death oecurs must see that the death is registered. The clergyman who conducts the burial services if not supplicd with a certificate of the registration of the death must register said death within seven days after the burial, All registrations of births, marriages and deaths must be made with the Clerk of the municipality in which the same took place and these officers must now enforce the law Every neglect to comply with the law will subject the party concerned to a fine of $20 and costs, The Eastern Continent. Trans Atlantic news is a little tame these times ) commercial and manufacturing dis- tress are still on the increase throughout Britain and a large portion of the European continent. The semi.despotic governments of Europe are trembling in their boots, they are actually afraid of their own shadows; the very name of internationalist, socialist, or communist throws them into hysterics ; they are seeking the strongest concentration of law to suppress evéry vestige of popular freedom and thus hurrying up the grand issue when freedom's sons shall beard the tyrants and force from their unwilling grasp that liberty and ficedom which belongs no less to the peasant {han the king. In Eastern Europe there is an unsatisfac- tory calm, a breathing time, the actors are resting while the scenes are being shifted to allow the farce to proceed. The Afghan steeple chase still continues and so far the Afghans have the race pretty much their own way, they are makiug the best running, but they are making absolute fools of themselves and their race will prove an expensive one, --------A ~~ l--eeeeete Land | Land ! Land --For Sale--To Rent--Or on Shares--In the Townships of Harvey, Verulam, Sommerville and Eldon, Great inducements offered to intending settlers. For particulars, apply to Jobn L. Watkis, Seed Merchaut, Port Perry. ------ Look Here Skaters. Charles Taylor, of Montreal, challenges any man in Canada or the United States to skate ten or twenty miles for $260 or $500 on Scugog Lake. Buflalo is to have a grand skating , open to all and professionals, 'Have the boys of our skating rink nothing to say to this? We would be much pleased it Taylor would exhibit on our Bcugog. -------------- li ------ Discount Bare.--See Mr. Forman's new adv. and embrace the opportunity of get Sag fot gt ths eo mans will fe Stormline John L. Watkis is paying cash for. ed Timothy Seed, Pork, Poultry, p Skins, of the HE to follow the Agricultural Society Meetings. The Board of Directors of the N.0.E.D. Agricultural Society met at the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Wednesday 18th inst., present, the President, 1st and Vice President, Treas., Sce. and several Directors. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The following account was presented :-- Mr James Sharard, $2.25, On motion of the same were ordered to be paid. On motion the sam of $50 was or< dered fo be paid to the Sec. for services during the past year, and $50 to the Tres. for his services. On motion the Board adjourned. ANNUAL MEETING, The annual general meeting of the N.O, E.D. Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall, Port Perry,on Wednesday 15th inst: The mecting was small and uninter- esting. The Président took the chair at 2 p. m. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Sec. submitted his report the princi- pal features of which were the number of entries made in the several departments, the amount of prizes paid in each department the number of members, &c. On motion the report was adopted. The Treasurer now snbmitted his, report. The Auditors submitted their report as follows :-- AUDITORS' REPORT FOR 1878. To the Officers and Members of the N. 0. E. " D. Agricultural Society. Your Auditors beg leave to report that they have carefully examined the books of the Socigty with reference to the finances, such as resolutions of the Board authorizing payments, number of Members, notices of Donations, &c., In examining the your Treasurer they have carefully investi- gated the receipts and compared the several items of expenditure with the proper vouchers and receipts therefor, and . find an exact correspondence in every particular, Your Auditors cannot refrain from ex- pressing their approbation of the correct and your Treasurer are kept ; it is gratifying to find that the income still exceeds the ex- penditure. Your Auditors have pleasure in submitting the following statement of the receipts and disbursements of the past year, which to the best of their knowledge and belief is a cor- rect statement of the affuirs of the society : T. C. Forman, Egq., N.O.E.D. Agr"l Bocicty, for 1878 : RECEIPTS. in account with the To Balance from Audit of 1877.. $152 67 To Am't received irom Members' 0008. cress sasuns seers ivy 228 00 To am't collected at gates. 494 92 To am't collected for stands.... 37 50 To am't of Government Grant. . 700 00 To am't of Donations... 12 00 §1625 09 DISBURSEMENTS , By paid Premiums for 1877 $3 00 Printing account. 36 50 T.C. Forman, ribbon for 'badges 4 39 Rent of Ontario Hall for Annual Meeting 1878. 2 50 Telegrams .... 66 Brock T'p. Agr of Grant,....... svssvasns +100 57 Reach & Scugog Tp Bocie! tion of grant...... eedens oe 65 72 Uxbridge Tp Socicty do 73 61 Scott 1"p Society do 65 72 'Thora Tp Society do 57 19 Maa Tp Society do 57 19 Band, 30 00 Glazin 197 Constables and Gate-! keeper days at $1.25 perday ..... 24 37 Rent for Show Grounds, Pt Perry 75 00 T.C. Forman, envelopes and PAPEL .uvis sunnss aie 170 T. C. Forman, Nails, Ropes, "ke. 293 Meals and expenses for Judges and Directors. eransnns 21 60 Premiums for 1878 . 669 50 Secretary's salary .. 50. 00 Treasurer's salary . 50 00 James Sharrard 225 A. D. Wecks 1 50 Ralalce copies sevnes 2nasenaes | 221 22 11625 09 ABBETS. Amount of Balance on hand,... = 221 22 LIABILITIES, "Amonnt of unpaid premiums for 1878 . caseny sees $47 00 Amount of Asscts over Liabilities | 147 32 2 ---- $221 22 Your Auditors would also call ittention to the working of the Society forihe past four years : RECEIPTS. i From At For Pi Dors- Year, Members. Gates. Stands. Go't. tions. 1875 262 315 8 3M . 66 1876 242 420 19 28 172 1877 218 474 50 20 49 1878 228 495 a8 2% 12 ' From the above it is eviden that the Membership is decreasing from yr to year, and at no time has the berbip been one third what it might have been ¢| of a wealthy, intelligent, popule like North Untario having a only 228 is simply ridi®ulous. 1 or 4 confirmed indifference or disk Society on the part of the gener iy much to be regretted ; the'g design abould be not to away from the shows by Ligh g to aflord every fucility for will ke of satisfactory manner in which the books of our worthy flers and others who are im- proving our stock, implements and other works of art e. The fallinglin Donations is of little consequence, § unfair to press merchants and otliess fafonations when the show | happens to balthe locality ; the society should bo abl on annual be The matter g§ tours. ! & ! hands of the I'furer from timo to time may not be regh! by the Directors as a matter of great Bequ ence, still # would be something, the managemen! ness-like appear] A greater deglf potetolity in Direc. tors making theifuns of members would havea hodeficial §¢, % Alt of which is Retfully subtitred. MES BAIRD, A. CROSBY, Auditors, On motion the r& was adopted. On wotion the Bing adjourned' fora short time to allow time to pay their membership fees, ' : The meeting rest@and on motion Mr, Courtice was called Be chair. "The election of and directors was now procoeded with &esnlted as follows : Pres., I. J. Gould; 18 Pres, L. Burnett ; 2nd V, Pres, T. H. Glinning ; Directors, Messrs, Netherton adgogers for Reach ; Mr. Forman) for Portlly ; Messrs. Gould Harman and Sharralr Uxbridge; Mr. Wm, Shier for Brock ji James Leask fog Scott; Mr, W, Batemabr Scugog. The Auditors were re-elected Mr, Marsh having plrely refused re- election as President, #irty and unani- mous, vote of thanks wasflered to him for his long and valuable ser® to the society. 'Mr, McKay declin as Director, a unanimous it certginly would give the society a more busi- «election f thanks was tendered him for past ser: ito the society, ~ On motion the meeting yurned. The Board of Directdgow met and elected Mr, Harman, Se@ly, and hr Forman, Treasurer, : The Treas. agreed to gly per cent, interest on $180 for nine Mths of the present year, and at the same for what- ever longer time the money remain in his hands.' On motion the sum of §6 Brdered to be paid to the Auditors, 4 On motion of Mr. Glendink partics who had not yet collected thelrizes for 1878 were allowed till May 18 collect the same, after which time one tr ghall be deducted for membership and: | parties get only the balance, The Sec. was instructed quire whether Mr.' Pilkey, late directohd any membership fees in his hands, not paid over, & On motion the Beard adjourned. ----------_- Annual Meeting. The annual general meeting of tBeach & Scugog Agricultural Séciety wa#i in Manchester, on Thursday, 9th inst, % The Board of Directors met at 10 8 Prest., V.-Prest., 3 Bryant, Laing,'Graham, and Treas. , 8 President took the chair and the i the last meeting of the Board were readd Prenent--the To { r. Bryant complained against Mr. getting a prize on his team as one 3 horses shown by him was not his own. § Mr. Lynde bad a letter before 'the ™ - | several years past, declined filling the chair get along without going for the ensuing year, town ball; inst, Mr, John Hart in' the chair. The annual report was read by the Secre. tary, and on motion of Mr. Stores, sec, by | Mr. Stonehouse, was received and adopted. r. Hart, who has presided: with much satisfaction over the affairs of the seciety for % account of his de= ten: a very cordial clining years, : who paid the retiring President a high and deserving compliment in his re= marks, « The report showed the society to be in a very. healthy state, the Treasurer having paid out during the past year the sum of $406.41, and having a balance on hend of $85.30. 3 * OFFICERS ELECTED, John Stuncs, President; William Bhbier, Viee President; Directors--T. H. Glendinn. ing, Wm. Gordon, John Edwards, James Stonehouse, Wm, Baird, R, Cunningham, Reaben W. Hatt, Allan McBean, Joseph Thompson ; Joseph Lucas and Neil Mo- Phaden, Auditors, On Mr. Wor, Shier's motion- competition will again be open to all comers, The officers present then met and elected +} Wm. Gordon, Treasurer ; and T. H. Glen- dinning, Secretary * S------ 'White vs. Nott. This case was tried at the sittipg of the County Court held at Whitby in June last when a verdict of $80 was given for' the plaintiff: the facts ofthe case were, the plf T P. White, Esq., of Pickering, had in- fringed the Weights and! Measures Act for which he was summoned before the def. in June 1877, and after several adjourn- rents was fined $10 and costs. Against this convictien Mr White appealed. Pending the appeal "Mr. Nott issued a distress warrant and upon ita horse of White's was seized and sold, the appeal fo the Sessions went on and the conviction was quashed, whereupon the present action was brought for damages. On the trial it came out in evidence that in issuing the distress warant Mr, Nott' did so upon the advice of a lawyer, this evidefice was offered in answer to the charge of malice. On cross examination the plain- tiff 'admitted he had infringed the Act, on this Mr Paterson, -as counsel for the def, argued that under the Act for the protection of J. P's the verdict could only be 3 cents without cost. hix Honor Judge Burnham, held otherwise, a verdict for $80 was given by the jury, they also finding the pif was guilty of the offence' charged against him. On the latter finding Mr Nott's counsel moved in term to reduce the verdict to 3 cents, After the argument His Honor up- held the finding of the jury, Judgment was not given until November last, So confi- dent was the def's counsel in his view of the law that he advised his client to carry the entered into for that purpose, the plr's counsel requested time to consider and now the case has been avandoned by the pif, np. on the advice of his counsel that the def must succeed in appeal, the effect being that Mr. White's verdict is 1educed to 3 cents without any cost. The case is the first of the kind in this country and is therefore deserving of public notive.-- It is seldom that a suitor is to be found having the pluck to carry a case involving novel points of law to the highest court, but Mr. Nott having the fullest confidence in his counsel's opinion readily did as advised, and finally carried his point. Com The above is highly creditable to Mr, Paterson as a reliable legal adviser and skillful practitioner in securiug a sucessful issue. We are pleased to see "that Mr. Notts commendable determination has been re- walded as it should be. a Pupils who Passed the Intermedi- ate Examination. Returns have been received for fifteen successful candidates, All were pupils of the Port Perry High School ; were not in attendance last term, and one two, however, | held a second clags, grade B before and obtained a grade A this time. In the case claiming the prize and asserting that ally right and that both of the horsee were hi The matter was left over till the pal should be all present, On motion the following amounts ordered to be paid, Geo. Houck, for en taining judges, &c., $5.55 ; Baird & Pai printing account, $11.50 ; Treas, $10 ; 8 $10, Auditors $1.50 each, On motion the board adjourned. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. the town hall, Manchester, at 2, p.m. Mr. Dobson was called to the chair, were read and approved, The Sec'y read his annual report. The Treas. read his report. The Auditors' report was then read. The several reports were then adopted. in all $6.50. ed. James ; V.-P mr. iB Ward and Thos. Coates. done by Baird & Parsons, of 1877, © 3 On motion the meeting adjourned. | Gaba, Earehman and Bryant, 'Soaretary Treasurer, next at ¥ p.m. -- SONDERLAND, Jan, 10, 1870. The 'annual meeting of the Yownship o The annual general meeting was held i The minutes of the past gencral meeting} On motion the unpaid premiums of 1877 were, pursuant to by-law, declared cancelled utes fo sectro membership fees, was grant- The meeting resumed when the "elections |. were proceeded with and resulted as follows. 8. Netherton; Pleosters. a. Laing. Jos] Bryant, Thos. Graham, Chas. Pascoe, W. B.| McGaw, A. Earchman, L. Burnett, Jos. On motion the auditors were re-elected. On motion it was resolved that the print- ing for the society for the present. year be| On motion the Treas. was Thatructod to collect from Messrs Laing & Meharry the donation subscribed by them for the show "The new board now met--present the President, V. President, and Mcssrs Laing, On wetigu, John Ohrisio w was enclosed On motion 8, H. Christian 'was re-elected On motion the board adjourned to meet at the 'Walker House on he ekday 0 of such of two more it is'not decided whether they are entitled to Grade A or grade B; their 'names are not given for the present, -- & Counting these two, this will give as the result of the examination fourteen success- 'ful candidates who were in attendance lust term wud one advanced from grade B to INTERMEDIATE. ara Donalds Bell Emma J. Thompson Jettie Crandell Ella Unger :nnie Jackson George Bigelow 'arah J, McArthur Finlay McNab jice M, Still George Po nnd "fruh Tewkesbury James Westcott SECOND CLASS TEACHERS. Elizabeth D. McArthur, grade A Robert J. Hart, grade A John Park, grade B. . eo and Track Society Meeting . Sev. Mr. Manly, of Toronto, lectured last ning in the Pregbterian church to a small attentive audience on the subject, iling the Truth," - the officers for this year dented are as |fows:--H L Ebbels, "President; John k Treasurer ; Thos Brown Secretary. »mmittee of Management--W M Jones, Brown, D Ledingbam, T C Forman and nt ministers. Com. Sn ae Se ---- Installation. . t, Lodge No. 183 A, F.& A.M., Port took place in their lodge room on the g of Tuesday 14th inst , when the ing officers, were duly installed, Vig i-- dingham, Ww. M.; A. W. Roberts, J. W, 'are, Chap. ; J. Rolph, Treasprer ; pence, Sc; BF. Mallett, 8.0; 8. E, , J.D.; A. H. Shaw, I.G.; J. Tyler; H. Foy and R. D. vote of thanks! which* was' moved by Mr, | erest of moneys mn the | Stones, . case to the Court of Appeal, and bonds were | 1 Mr, Rogers, Mr. 1. Alford to Miss E. Gruers:| o- -indtallation ie officers of Prince | 5, 8. "Camp | Bu Rev. Go bi v. C A Simpson John Tower The annual fieeting of the Reach ..0.D.I. .was held in the Orange Hall, Port Perry, on Tuesday 14th just., when the following officers were duly elected for the current year, Bro, 'C. Blown... ....us seer mavens Wil, 1. Foy.. J. McKee Geo. Brown... Janes Gibson .. + W.J. Wilson ..., A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to Bro, Wm, Brown for his valuable services for the past two years. E------ A, Comfortable Hotel for Sale. It will be seen from our advertising col- umns that the * Wick House" in the villuge of Wick, township of Brock, is offered for sale, Pde location is pleasant and healthy, and may be made a pleasant resting place for travelers. ------------ Sailing in the Eye of the Wind. One of our finest writers says : +t There is a tide in the life of every man which if taken at the flood leads to prosperity," &c. The Ofticial Assignee tide Las caught the Victoria [{ Warder Flood but what it may make of him is yetin the future. 'Phere will certainly be no lack of officielity in his case, that is sure to be put on sufficiently thick for all practical purposes. The "Canada Gazttee" contains the ap- pointments of Mr, Edward Flood, of the Victoria Warder, aud Mr, Samuel Irwin, as Official Assigaves for the county of Victoria. Unpardenable Ignorance. The re. count of the ballets cast fur Morris and Leys since the late contest in- East To- ronto exhibits an amount of, stupidity and ignorance amongst the elecfirs of that blustering electorate which should scarcely go unpunished ; perhaps the most befitting punishment would be to deprive the whole division of the franchise for ® term of years or until they become sufficiently edueated at least to know how to mark their baHots; and in the mean time let the electors of that divis- might be sent into the country in rukays until they get educated up te a point that they may know how to mark their batlots.~ It seems Mr. Leys lost fifteen votes by the |! papers being marked with his name instead of u cross, Tressing Them Hard. Gaunt poverty hugs the English workman still more closely and every day brings more victims within his cold embrace. A des: patch from London on the 6th inst, says :-- *¢ There was a daily increase in the popul- ar distress in every quarter the past week, -- On Friday at Manchester there wers 3,000 applications from the heads of families, re. presenting 13,500 persous, to the relief com- mittee, and on Saturday 4,000 fresh applica: tivns, During the week 1,200 families were relieved in Wolverhampton. A consider- able increase of the distress is reported from Sheflield. a -- Mgr. Eprror--I noticed in your issue of last week a report of a marriage said to have been solemnized in this neighborhood on the 6th inst., in which the names of two of the most estimable and highly esteemed young people of this Joeality were mention- cd as being married, --Mr. Wm. Shire and Miss Hannah Barker, and my name given as the officiating minister. -I desire to say that this report is in every particular without foundation, in fact I did not officiate nor are the parties whose names were so unwarjantably mentioned, married, The report sent you was therefore false as it was foolish, and impudent as absurd, All those whose names were mentioned hope that the simple swain who sent will not again indulge his morbid desire for a sensa- tion in this way, . Yours, &c., E. HILL. Vroomanton, Jan, 13, 1879, - Birth. At Prince Albert, on Monday, i3th inst. the wife of Mr, Luther Hurd, of a'son, At Prince "Albert, on Thursday, 16th inst., the wife of Mr. John Heard, of a son, Married. At the residence of the bride's father, on the 7th inst, by the Rev. Edward Hill, Mr. John Glendinning, to Miss Rebecea Rachel, youngest daughter of Jus Bt. John, Esq , all of Brock. At the residence of the bride's father, on the 8th inst., by the Rev, Edward Warren; Wm. M Ruddy, all of Brock. In Reach; on the 13th inst, by the Rev, The Markets. Osssaven ore, Jan, 16, 1879. seves oon $075 to 80 88 £ 0:81 '| to Stathw, ully, Esq,, to Miss Annie Jane] Souncil of the Corpora ty of Ontario, will mect, pursuant at the Court House, in the N OF WHITBY, at 3 o'clock, p.: it, : On Tugday, the 28th inst. Joma EE In Gaavomny. MeTagg 15 nuit et dl to oD Decree made in thie bearing date the twenty- 'seventh duy ¢/ November, A.D, 1878, there' will be sold ¥ith the approbation of this 'Court at Whifly, by C. Dawes, Auctionger, AT THE\ WALKER HOUSE, the Village of PORT PERRY, In the County ot {ontario, at the hour off = ck p.m, on Tuesday, the goa any | of Josdaiy "A: D. 1879, The following lands and premises, fiione parcel, that 18 $0 say--'The North 'Bighty- + ve five and a quarter acres more or less of lot number twenty-forr 1. the second con! sion + ¢ maid Te i's Office, 13, 1878. 'Township, of Brock, As described in' pi from one James Armstrong to John McTaggart except there out one cre more op less off the west side of said lands compiising the track of the Whitby, Port Perry apd Lindsay Railway. There is o frame house exvotcd on thie premises and' about sven acres are cleared, fenced and ready fol cultivation. There' are about twenty. fivelicres well timbered with béech and mapk and a mixture of cedar, The lauds are situnh abeut nine miles from the Village of Pt Perry readily mo 'cessible thereto by god roads, which said village offers a good mbket for the sale of | produce, The Sonya Stion of the Whitby, Pors Perry and Lindsaf Railway is only about ong half mile dist@t therefrom. The property wilt be ject to a reserved bid whi hay been fixed the said Master. TERMS. --One tenth money to be paid down! Solicitor on the day of sa in one month thereafter w Upon payment of the the purchaser shall be enti ance and let into possession The purchaser shall preg ance at' his own expense same for execution, The purchaser will be en to a Regis trar's abstract or a copy the adie such' title deeds and papers as are of the Vendors and shall n any title deeds or papers or not in their possession required to verify the abstr expense, In all other respects the 8 and con- itions will be the standin; diti the Court of Chancery, g ons of Further particulars can iLNGs & MoGiLLiveay, Port Perry, Plaintiffs' Solici Cocaraxg, Vendors' Solicitor, a Hosxiy & Cregtauax, Solicitors, Dated at Whitby, this 7th da; A.D, 1879. br hout interest. jrrchase money' fed to a convey.- W. M. COCHRANE, Vendors? Solicitor, Executors' Nolice. U NDER and by virtup of ti vined. Btatutes of Ontario, Gap, 10 he the creditor of FrepeRick tt Ao unty an of deceased, a statement of their c of the securities (if an, at imm| required ; and the E: and Testament of the heres 'mentioned 'the same in the Coanty of Ontario, shull ah A L | i i \ { i f 4 I | 1 4 f 4 / 4 7 { wd pan