that year was $2,042,357 leaving a balance of income over expend iture for that year of $344,049.-- tho most lucre loving members of | than they had any conception of stoves from New York and the description of | (i oo ont the othor day showed that | 72° 88 fo the identity of the animal and the govornmont--not that thoy | that they can only show their spleen would not have grabbed the money stoves that wo purchase sell in the whole- h dit f ad sale market of - New York at $20 each, then the expenditurg of the past yeas besn $894,607 which exceeds the advised that the money be handed up "pretty. quick-" Mr Valentyne's brother was also heard in | Camo aoe-- a: wre ------------ nso mi -- i A o arth fnturin fhgerher total income of the province from [tion tho government to raise the|government and disrogard their (that is the wholesale price of the goods in Nova Scotia is Right. also knew the animal, (they all recognized it The Markets. : July 1st 1867 to July 1st 1868 was |indomnity to $1,000, But this was| promises, and they are so mad {hat | the markets of the place' from which they : SE ug oapu as they saw it. i OBSERVER Omics, March 20, 1879. Lo m-- Bes ca $2,260,177 and th ditare for | too much of a good thing oven f ori 4 atl ar tor Weimpos | Tho Hinanee Minister of thet! Miu viytdle tie feito Valet |) wom, 1260, o expenditure for 8 g oven for|tho new tarriff is so mnch better . ' province in bringing down his tyne d the ts of Valen- Spring Wheat, . Barley ..+ Oats ... P. by misrepresenting it. ~ All should the ad valorem of theso stoves is $20; but our PORT PERRY, MARCH 20, 1879. | Here was a grand commencement, | but they were afraid that even the | know that the price of any com- income by $119,382. To remedy of the ts of the others ad 1" bo . He Ee == | the aifairs of the country managed | most re and easily ridden of the| modity is Ry rns re or ps Ren oem, a ios 08 this fearful . state~ of 'Wings ihe ug tots identity, 03 te 010 The Close of the Farce. rk . : . ported into tho Dominion, con- | member for Yarmouth has a motion| At the suggestion of the Reeve the matter 12to 014 3 as they should be and a surplus of {electors would kick so hoy gagged | lower in proportion to the purchas- | sequently the party bringing such stoves|op the tapis providing for the re-| Was laid over with a view of consulting the | 1 jo 03s Now that tho electorate of the fair, Dotween three and four hundred honorable but covetous mom bers byling power of the consumer; a into Canada would have to pay an import duction of the number of members i bite a po 40 to 0°45 province of Ontario have witnessed thousand dollars to the good. This | vaising the indemnity to $800; and hundred of flour would be dear at & duty of, $3 on each stove. ! of the Assembly to _one-halt the|, thi jr ore he 1 with 'gid vd jo the close of the Mowat governmental state of things wenton, the provinee having got members just where they dollar if the conrumer had not n| Agen take Woollen Cloths, these are| present number, giving one member | req of cost aad thinks with such assistance 0 to £00 was prosperous, and happy and ad- I wanted them the sly Mowat & Co. | dollar to pay for it. When people, reed 7hoents per Band 20 per cent ad to each county instead of two as ab{she may be able to maintain ber family by xX farce, they can't well belp feeling relief at tho cortainty of soon hav- aL. eon. vancing satisfactorily ; tinued to advance yaar after year till ing a change of rulers. This fecling = a "| the close of the then government.-- we think. will be participated in by 8 Business was lively, farmers made nine tenths of the electors, without > 3: money, merchants prospered, in- any referenco to politics. All par- re ' P pir lereased their business, oxtended ties without distinction, except it . . their premises and added to their may be the parasites and grab alls, " Tr 3 i IED capital. Work was tifa = 4 GA over than when it sells under that because | 80 that if a yard of such cloth weigh a pound | &2 250, + Ls * : desire effective, economical and wise 2 3 % 8 pleatityl, To ther members of government, hot ood prices for farm produce tend to make | the duty on each yard will be 23} cents $2 : sure of the other being so killed. He} ,¢ Claremont, cn Sunday, 16th inst. muneration fair and the entire it joeds no allusion to this item or good p p : : The Superintendent of the Indus- | placed the damage at $150 for the one and | Victoria Alexandria, daughter of Mr. T. A, y legislation, and wherever these are : i] ha people econtented!and advancing. But found in rulers the electors are not i i cursed lust for power und eovetous over curious to know to which side But on no account should political leanings desiro for public plunder induced a of politics such rallers lean. Pp L i a party of vultures to enter into a i v ; : conspiracy for the overthrow of the have 'any effect in prolonging the - : y I ad government and the fleecing of the 1871 the "Speak Now' plot" was concocted existonce of ah extravagant, trifling = lcountry. Tn the year government. One would scarcely expect that the Mowat Government . . and basely carried out, and a major- will again seek tho confidence of the |. s : . 4 ity of the people being deceived by olectorate of this province. : i Worth} : the flaming and false promises of the | orthless r ; 5 fal : 5.1% a Ds through conspirators sanctioned the fraud | 2 Se pretences and gushing pro-|.,q ailowed the traitors to steal into | mises, never to be fulfilled, succeed . tar Goneieing. the dlestorit power, but the people have learned iD so dary ! '8 : 16 olectorute a8 |, heir sorrow that they madea sad | to secure a majority at the polls, > and they may, as in tho case of the mistake when they listened to the . {conspirators whose only aim was | Mowat Government, succeed in de- . | ay Si public plunder, and who when they | ceiving a too forgiving, too confiding Sa made the glowing promises never majority a second time, but an in- John | | Sandfield and his government who | 4 meant to carry them out. telligzent, watchful clectorate will never lend their influence to return s : : | were ruling in the interests of the a worthless, wasteful government a {to put a stop to this undesirable cooly added 81,500 a year to thelare fully employed and well paid salary of the Premier and $1,300 to|a bundred of flour will not be 50! the salaries of the other members of [dear to them at $3 as it would be! the Thus raising [at $1 if tho purchaser had no om- ministers' salaries--including their | ployment and could not get the indemnities--to $6,300 a year for | dollar, so that the country is always more the prime minister and $5,300 to | Prosperous when wheat sells at a dollar or government. money plentiful and times prosperous, If the Canadian Tariff will only accom- plish one half of whatit is credited with by its promoters the change will be a fortunate have proved most successful fail- | one for the country and all will rejoice that ures. Their extravagance and milk | it bas been introduced. But ifit does suc- ceed it will only be in the teeth of the most to that, our readers know that on almost every item of expenditure, no less than legislation, Mowat & Co and water legislation have rendered ¥ or t fierce and unscrupulas opposition of our legislature ridigulous and sadly most fu Top Pp reduced our capital stock. Now that the opportunity presents itself those organs and others who prefer that the country should go to ruin in the hands of political friends rather than it should be prrosperous and happy under political, state of things, secure good an effie | opponents, and in open violation of cvery cient government at a cost of hun- dreds of thousands of dollars less spared by the Globe and its echoes with the view of creating an antagonism to the new regime both in Britain and the States. The only redecming feature in the criticisms of principle of patriotism no cffort is being every year, it may be expected that the electors will avail themselves of the opportunity of replacing the the organs is that they are too ridiculous to Mowat Government with better |, mislead anyone, men, The following portion of the new Tariff = M-------- embraces the articles which most concera The Canadian Tariff. our readers, 1st, The following are still admitted free The contest in the late elections |of duty, Horses, Cattle, Sheep or Swine when valorem. Suppose these goods are bought in | present ; also reducing the number the American, British or any other market | of Legislative Councilors. outside of the Dominion say at 80 cents per a yard wholesale, a duty of 16 cents will 'have Gushing Generosity. to be paid on each yard when they are im- - : ported into. anna, but that 1s not all for| Mr. - Iangmuir, Tuspector of tho 'parcel is weighed aud for every pound of | Prisons for Qntario, is paid $3,000 a c16th an additional 7} cents duty is charged, | year and his assiclants receive In the fourth division we find horses, cattle, sheep swine, &c., when imported into Canada for ordinary uses are charged 20 per cent ad valorem, formerly all such were charged 10 per cent. This addition gives onr stock raisers quite an ndvautege. | after, Mowat and bis followers may A cow worth $30 in the American market | be generous to their friends but thoy must pay 86 duty on coming info Canada |, rq not honest to the country ; they and so with other stock. trios in the Central Prison receives a salary of $2,000 and be has an accountant who receives $1,000. " These are ealaries worth looking are much more generous than just. The duty on sugar is increased about a cent a Ib ; formerly the duty was 1 cent per 1b and 25 per cent ad valorem; now itis 1 . cent per Ib and 35 per cant ad valorem for the drawing to a close, the electorate of Ontario are not such simpletons as give the Mowat ring a further op- portunity of displaying their stupid ityfand extravaganco. A couple or three months hence the electorate will have an opportunity of rebuk- ing the extravagance. Anything for political support. But their costly party nepotism is fast best quality for refining purposes, i.e, an addition of 10 per cent duty, for rating sugar at 10 cents per Ib the increase in the duty will be 1 cent par bh. By the old tariff we paid as near as possible 4 cents duty on every ib, by the new tariff we pay 5 cents per Bb. Black tea sformerly charged 5 cents - - per I duty is now charged 2 cents per ib and Get Your Spring and Summer 10 per cent ad valorem. Suppose a pound of Suits.--Sce Mr. Peace's New Advertise. ment, his new Goods are really handsome black tea worth 50 cents in the outside . and of the newest styles, Now is the time wholdsale market, then 5 cents ad valorem her own efforts, On motion of Mr Holman the council adjourned for dinner. Council resumed.--On motion of Mr. McFarlane the sum of $10 was ordered to placed in the hands of Mr T Clarkson to be expended on clothing for the Webster family- Mr J McDonald complained of having two sheep killed one of which he believed to have been killed by dogs but he was not on motion of Mr, Burnett an order was grated for two thirds of the amount as the law directs. On motion of Mr. Holman $5 a month was grated to Mrs Glover till the council take further action. Mr. Walsh complained of having had several sheep worried by dogs-- two killed and one so bably torn that it can. not survive and four others badly bitten, Mr 'If Graham having inspected the sheep placed the damage for the two that were killed at $8 each. The council agreed to pay for the two killed and advise the owner to wait to see BIRTH. On the 0th con. of Reach, on Sunday, 16th inst;, the wife of Mr. Harry Solley, of a son, MARRIED, |* At the residence of the bride's father, on the 12th inst, by the Rev. J. McClung, of Mildway, brother-in-law of the bride, Mr. J. Baird, Brock, to Miss Lilly Kenning, daughter of Mr, Robert Kenning, Berlin, Edgar, aged 2 years, | month and 16 days. In the 4th con. of Reach, on Friday, 7th inst., Robert Jobn, infant son of Mr. Robt. W. Walker, aged 3 months and 28 days. In Port Perry, on tho i6th inst, John Koster, aged 83 years, On Scugog Island, on the 18th inst. Julia A. Elliot, aged 1 year and 1 month. Notice for the Spring, of 1679, bow the rest get along when further dam- age can be paid. On motion of Mr McFarlane an order was granted for $10 68. Mr Amsbery represented that he had maintained a poor cripple for over ten weeks and wished the council to contribute at least part of the cost. No action was taken. Mr J Dafoe complained of having 10 sheep worrfed Dby*dogs, 3 are already dead but he preferred to wait the result before thed to get a fine fashionable Spring and 8 Suit, cheap. His Hats and Caps are beauties duty will have to be paid on cach Ib and this One motion of Mr. Holman, $3 was combined, It might be as well to say no late orders have ever been filled, as the de- mand has always been so great. 'I'he farm- ers of Reach can prove this, The best is the cheapest. J O. Wisner & Son, manu- facturcrs, Brantford, Ontario. 'Terms liberal , D. URQUHART, Agent. Port Perry, March 19, 1879. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM country and for the good of the for the Dominion parliament hinged | imported for the purpose of improvivg stock. | With the 2 cents specific duty on each Bb and cheaper than urer. oo Frm one Horny ws indigent ", : AND A A third time. If the Mowat Govern- . i | roll defined is A continua. | Baw Cotton Salt when imported from | makes the entire duty 7 cents per Bb or two : T r. Holman presented a petition from P. T i] eopic ha 0 give aco to the con- | god ib 24 3 Cota bs urd and others, praying for relief to p pl had t g pl to tl on well defined 1ssues continua ' : i t se Ain the GNI AVE. Grand Social. --Remember the Grand | A Hurd and oth praying for relief to H / ILLAGE RO th ES ment have not lost the confidence of |; who only desired the sweet | tion of fly~on-the-wheel extrava Britain or any of her provinces, Wool. Dm Social in the C. M. Church, Port Perry, 'Vansickler, and urged the neesssity for a : | : spirators w nly desire 8 =on=-uie. ava- : i iigtt ib the an : : J : ! : ' thoelectors and forfeited every claim T } y ges wt . co's. g 4 ; : and. The following articles were formerly | The great aim or desigh in the arrangement | to_morrow (Friday) evening. The Ladies |grant. He said Mr. Vansickler is 75 years IN THE { of office but cared nothing for the |gunt policy with continued and in- of the new tariff is not to increase prices but | have a fine treat prepared for their guests 7 if ] to a rencwal of power then blunder fort. uk lyavaROneS Wk alld Teale] duties. - The "Speak Now" Govern- wg extravagance and silly legisla- . : 3 Be i yx ment was formed with Blake at its tion are no discredit to legislators : 3 head and Mackenzie as Treasuver and do not deserve the disapproba- A and the path of waste and extravar | tion of the electors. In the matter | £ ance was now entered upon; the of extravagance we need scsrcely members of the new government put remind an intelligent people of even peor on style and began at once to dip a few of the extravagances of the | : i 4 y 'nnballowed hands into the public | SMowat Government. ] er | treasary, 80 that in the yearl872, the : The Mowat recime has been in {only year that the Blake Mackenze | force for six and a half years and the | .o.ime Iasted the controllable ex-- [reg aste 2 3 8 admitted fice but are now charged anim. oreased..-business. stagnation and port duty as follows: barley, beans and national disaster or the inaguration | wheat 15 cts per bushel ; buck-wheat, oats, of a thoroughly active and well peas and rye 10 cts a bushel ; corn 7} cts a defined Canadian policy whose tend. | bushel ; wheat flour and rye flour 50 cts per ency should be to arrest the downa | barrel ; corn meal 40 cts per barrel 5 oats ward course of tho country by meal § cent per b, coal 50 cts per ton ; iron giving that protection {o our several | SP © vig $2 per ton, pig lead 20 per, u : : cent ad valorem; rails for railways 15 per industries which may appear necess i . cent; printing presses 15 per cent; dry paint | {ary for their resusitation and en- | 20 per cent ; bricks 20 per cent. | ard, The following. articles formerly | various resources of this graat and charged 17} per cent import duty are now | couragement and thus develop the {o add to the purchasing power of the con- and they wish all to come, 'Tea served at 7:30. A choice and varied entertainment after. Music, Addresses, Readings, &c, &c., by partics whom all like to hear, Don't miss it, the charge is only 15 cents. sumer ; but this cannot be accomplished without at least a temporary increase in the price of certain commodities. What if the price of a commodity be in- ee The Right Sort of Seeder.--Mr. D Urguhart, the most successful caterer for first-class farming implements and machines, is now supplying the new " Empire Seeder ity is less than before, that ie it is really | or Drill," (See bis ady:) ------ See Mr. Worthington's Advertise- ments in this issue. Parties about to fur- nish a house or who wish choice Household creased say 5 or 10 per cent, if the purchas. ing power be at the same time increased say 12 per cent the relative price of the commod- clieaper than at the lower price with a less purchasing power, It cannot be denied, however, that slight old, and has a family of several small, helpless children depending on him and he has no means of supporting them at present'| ahd the family is suffering from want of food. Mr. Johm McDonald was heard on the matter. He said Mr, Vansickler had a life lease of 20 acres of good land with & house on it, that last year he had good one third of the produce, but did not make a proper use of it ; he bas a team of horses which serve little other purpose than to eat up the produce of his little bit of land, and ke does not farm the land himself ; he has a good cow and two pigs. Township of feeach, AND VILLAGE OF PORT PRrRRY, AND VILLAGE OF PRINCE ALBERT, In the County of Ontario. Tfaene WILL BE SOLD On Saturday, April 5th. 1879, At One o'clock in the afternoon, by Clément a Jitu i : s i 3 ih : > RHO : ig i % Mr. M. W. Welr was next called, He Dawes, Auctioneer, 3 4 expen diture has been going on in-| penditure of the province was nearly | should be prosperous Dominion. -- [charge as follows: Blank books 25 and temporary sacrifices will be necessary in | furniture at a cheap rate find this a} ob od little to say on the matter, the i ' > 'ercasing from then till now and will], een gut oh : al & . setting the tarif afloat, and a determined | favorable opportunity to purchase, (See the| DL AT THE WALKER HOUSE | hl eighteen hundred thousand dollars | Mackenzie, Cartwright, & Co. were |per cent; clocks. 35 per cent; ordinary Ltd cit Sk advertisomntey Souncil had already heard the remarks of ' continue to so long as Mowat & Co. mofe than it had been in any pre the embodiment of the do-nothing- | cotton cloth 1 cent a yard and 15. per cent Aug unite 9 epsom to Se si . 8 Mr, Holman and Mr McDobald, and he IN THE VILLAGE OF 1 3 Ls s its § Ss. it J i it i + it is wel ¥ > { hold the reins of power. . x : stick-in-the-mud policy, while Sir |that is about 25 per vent ; cotton clothing | 2c should fail, such failure] tion Sale.--Mi. Mason of the Ex. ha nothing toad; it is well known finn Port Perr - | " X _ |vious year since confederation, and | 1ck~ : policy, 20 per cout; brown earthenwews 25 per) would set tho clock of Canada back twenty | cyange Hotel, Willinmsburg, Cartwright team of old horses which did not even work yo. 1 LY : : e ent ; ; 2 J ' " + 4 i i i : i Some dozen years ago Ontario the province had got fairly afloat | John McDonald, Dr. Tupper, Tilly caflli ton ratligs 20 per cent; stoves 25 il years, and its success rests largely on tbe having given up farming has instructed Mr te Jn yore of i 003 than to | py rue of powers of ly voniniend 1 finding that she was payine muecl n W rs . 3 & H | a . ow Luo 'Auctioneer, to. soll: by Publi eat the product of it ; he was oubtless an} cert Mortgages, which will be produce ala : paying ch {on her course of extravagance and and others were tho champions of cent ; car wheels 25 per cent; bolts, nuts, &c patriotism of the people. If Canada is to be as ran Pas oid mam and had a young wife and a family | at the Sais, the following Dropertios § 10 greater portion of the taxes of | waste. But Messrs Blake and Mac- | the Canadian policy. The abovel,, per cent ; oil paint 20 per cent tether] ® the whim or caprice of the States it is Rg An of four young children. | PARCEL I-- Under mortgage * from i i rOvinces . i g p J 5 i 1 o) o Vitti 'nce. a t | the united 'provinces of Upper and | Kenzie in their modesty attempted | wero the battle cries of the (WO |ag percent, boots and shoes 25 per cont | lime we knew it. But tho well thal PME chines, Wagons, slelgis, Tees tre maties Yoel, on. alk Widen spence, Port of ol ol. | ror Canad : : } . 'iis |e i + ; otion of Mr. McFarlane, the Clerk | ; : Sida i | Tower Canada and still had little [5 pold seats in both Dominion and [parties and so very distinct were |uelting 25 per cent; oil cloth 28 per cent, | 0URHY should be the chiof aim of all, aud | yygyjes, &e., &c.--just such as every good not gRar ANG: TK {in the County of Ontario, containing by influence in the of | ia i H : : "| no lover of his country would seek to prolong | farmer requires, Remember the time and | instructed to advertise' in the local | yameasurcment 16 acres more or less, and influence in the general management | Local parliaments. An Act was |these cries that no one could mis: | paper of all kinds 20 per cent ; paper hang- . J . | journals that all applications for grants on | described us follows ; Commencing at the fl sublic i isd for a single day longer than is necessary an place. i north. west angle of the said lot; thence of the public affairs she becamo dis-| (acceq at 'that time forbidding (understand thom and while these | ings 30 per cent; woolen cloths and yarns 4 em ----y-- roads must be in the hands of the Clerk, on ug EB i ol Ths | satisfied and b to banker & passes 3 g ? Th cts per Ib and 20 per cent ; wollen cloth unworkable tariff of any other hindrance to| prepare for the Spring Show.-- or before the first day of May next sth ¥ degrees, Sant 17 ehatos 5 Jin | ALIshol began to hanker a . 2 fl .. or ir ati cf or per cent ; - . : . i 2 : " wenee north 7+ degrees, east 14 chains i! ' a ' Sis or 4 purties to bold seats in both' par. | were Tob. the only. qnestions they ing TP ser Ib and 25 per ont the country's prosperity. Prepace for the Spring Show of the Reach, Mr. Dobson introduced and carried Si) Hahn noth 16 dearon west 4 { change of some kind whether a diss: | ;jaments so that theso two worthies [were the chief ones submitted | be Br j - Scugog and Port Perry Agricultural Society | through a by-law to repeal and amend cer- {eheins 81 links; thence south 74 degrees, olution of tho compact or some | osigned their seats in the Local [to the electors and so plain were 4th, Horses, cattle, sheop and swine, ex-| Nominations for the Local House. | to be held at Manchester, on Tuesday, April | tain by-laws of the corporation, yey Ui ehajue 50 Vii, 0 ds plese il i change by which Ontario would at sg Sorte ee i i . ol ceptstock animals, formerly charged 10 per ~- 22nd, when a fine show may be expected. -- | Om motion of Mr. Burnett, the Clerk was bas eo SE | ge by ¢ atari would at [Touse. In October 1872 Mr. Mowat | they that an intelligent vote might] are now charged 20 percent; printed The Globe is cxercising a most paternal { It ig to hoped that all will be put forth an fnstracted to notify the Pathmasters of the | of the north part of the said 25 acres. | Toss! lisve {o'r play and that share |succeed Mr. Blake as Premier of | bo relied oni The elections came off books, formerly charged 5 per cent, are now affection for the several candidates as they | effort to make it completely successful, henge - Ee Jaw, Taking 3 Shrissoy on Also, village lats Nos, 2 and 3 in block B i in the control of pablic affairs | 54 . v J > seriodis -o"nominated for the Legislative Assembly. e------ he present Pathmasters to call a meeting | i, ye villago of Prince Albert, in the said | i! 1 c¢ affuirs to {Ontario and the country soon found |on the 1Tth September and the re- | charged 6 cents per Ib ; periodicals and pam- ee pian ed for the Legi i 4 ny Reach Gounoll of their road division to chose a Pathmaster | county of Ontario, save nnd except thercout, which her population, wealth and a4 the change was from bad to lsult of the ballot showed that the |phlets, formerly charged 5 per cent, arc now When it happens to be a Grit that is nomin- -- for the next year. 31 fect frontage, by 160 feet in depth bere- y intelligence so justly entitled her. | ated the notice is headed by such phrases as : : | worse, for the first year's controll- Parties had got to a dead lock to go lable expenditure of the Mowat party forward was impossible, to go buck-| wag $272,825 more than Blake's year ward intollerable, Matters pulled and $452,400 more than the highest along this way for som2 timo tll} of Sandfield Macdonald's years.-- nceessity --the mother of invention |e controllable expenditure has | forced the leading politicians of thelteen increasing from year to year different shades of politics to lay |ginco Mowat came into power.-- cloctors were heartily sicl of the |charged 1 cent for ever 2 ounces ; bar piv wasteful stagnation policy of the rod iron, formerly charged 5 per cent; are MackenzieGoverhment, for a major - now charged 17} per cent; patent medic ns| 4 ! 4 are now charged 25 per cent as before;spirits | ity so large as to be almost unanim- i " i formerly charged $1.20 per gallon are ous" declared in favor of econowy| oO (aged $1.323, brandy forty | Thus the charged $1.20 per gallon is now charg] new government and the party were | $1.45, other liquors formerly charged $1.80 This and the Canadian policy. committed to that policy. per gal: are now charged $1.90, sugar of the Pursuant to adjournment the above « Victory made certain," "A wise selection," | council met at the town hall, Manchester, redeemed," &e. But) on Monday 17th inst. Me mbers all present; the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. A communication was submitted {from Mr. Frankish asking a copy of the last sacrificed," # A forlorne hope." passed by the council regulating the maxi- The Globe's candidates are all elected by | mum number of tavern and shop licenses to be granted in the township and also the amount of duty--if any-- in excess of the «The constituency when referring to a Conservative nomination the captions are such as the following :~ & Going to the slaughter," About to be (Globe) acclamation on the day of nomin- On motion of Mr. Holman, the Court of Revision for revising the Assessment Roll of the township of Reach for 1879 was appointed to be held in the town hall, on Monday, the 26th day of May next, The Council then adjourned, Minden Burned. We regret ro learn that the energetic little village of Minden had a disastrous fire on tofore deeded to one J. BE Ware, off lot No. a. The following improvements are said to be on the premises: 16 ac 1 of part of lot 19 in the 4th concession, clear d aud under cultivation, situated about 1 mile from the village of Prince Albert. On the village lots a good frame dwelling, woodshed and stable, PARCLE II.--Under mortgage from James Emaney, The south half of village lot 73, and the south half of the cast half of 74, in the village of Perry, as shewn on a plan of said village made by J Stoughton Dennis, . & 5 hy : i » 1 Esq., PLS and filed in the Registry Office aside their antagonism and devise How could it be otherwise | ought so far to have settled the |finest quality formerly charged 1 cent per B/ sith but the ig ballots often te * statutory duty. afternoon of Monday last which destroyed | of the said county ot Ontario. 'The fo! Tow, 5 to . : 3 4 & s : ; : . | different tale, and the most of his b A ication from the provincial | nearly all th i tion of the village | ing improvements are said to be on tho some means by which the'destiny of geoing that the entire drift {question and even the opponents of and 25 per cont is now charged 1 cent per 1 : ; provincial | nearly ll the business portion of the village | NE, RIGA ech n ntmegenetos the country could be worked out.-- of the Legislation of Mowat & Co. and35 per cent, a lowergrade sugar fornierly policy should in honor, have wait- . charged § cent per Ib and 25 per cent is now who do get elected lose both their seats and | Sec, asking for information as to the amoant their heads, of expense entailed on the municipality in The fire started in Prarce's store about 4p, m. and went right along until it had buened « k) carringe factory and dwelling house, ; They caught the happy idea of con: is in the direction of waste and |ed developments. But the Mackenzie hargod § cent por B and 30 per cent, a low SiS-- consequence of we revision of Vetus ins --W. Gainer, shop, unoccupied; B. Eastman: | mERMS --Ones tenth 'of the purcnase : foderation of the 0 ovin. Ti _{® pl 2 : : Letellier Rebuked. in compliance with the finality Act of 8 | gencral store, dwelling, storehouse and | money tobe paid down oh the day ot Sale, i | several provin- | extravagance. While the Sandfield | Organs led by the Globe never cons er grade still is charged 4 of a cent less on -- P. Hurd and 13 others petitioned the | gtock ; A Macintosh, store and tinshop ; J.B |For ty terms will be made known at eos, © leading Canadian pro- {Government bad a bandsomo sur-{ed to howl, in tho first place they | ep than on the former, black tea formerly Our roadors are aware that short! council for indigent aid ta one MA. Vansicler. | Young, general store, dwelling, and store: the Sale, vinces grasped at the idea at once plus to place to the credit of the and tho new regime was soon gone | province every year, the Mowat into; the several provinces retaining Government aro wasting hundreds of berated and vilified the advocates of | charged 5 cents per Bb is now charged 2 cts the new regime snd fairly hooted | per i and 10 per cént, green and japan teas the éleotors who had espoused the | formerly charged 6 cenis per fb are now ly before the late elections for the % ol con. to th Lieu-Gov. of the province of Quebec, road across Jot 23 in the Lith-con. to the A. Soper and 16 others petitioned the | house ; J, H Delamere, double general store Dominion parliament that Letellier, council for a grant to assist in making a dwelling and storchoure ; M. Scott, cabinet shop; Jas. Wright, grocery, dwelling and For further particulars, apply to JONES BROS & MACKENZIE, * Solicitors, Masonic Hall, 'Torobto. Railway Station, as the same would be of stock, Mr Fitzgerald, Crown Land office ; Orto Messes. J. & D J. Apaws, Port Perry. + ir Lo] ! \ gl . ! the fall control of their internal | thousands of dollars more every year | Canadian policy, calling them charged 3 cents per Bb and 10 per cent] With a view ofssourheg he ir " mach benefit to tne while neti. | Dr. Curry's store and post office; F. R. | Toronto, iis RAR, { affairs and tho confederation logi i £ impl d 1 all sorts of | mavufactured tobaccois not changed being Mackenzie & Co. dismissed the) pie committee appointed to'find a place Curry, drug store, and Montreal Telepaph it 8 1 : fon loge. | than the inEome . Ye proving, so simplotons; Qupes apd a1) sor 4 2 charged as formerly 25 cents per Ib and 12} Quebec Ministry notwithstanding | of residence for John Smith, an indigent, office; J. Pearce, general store, dwelling and EDWARD WORTHINGTON ! L) ature have under their manage- [that the saving of his producessors hard names. The organs agonized the fuct that the Ministry had the| reported that they had succeeded in sccur= tin shop; T. Dumont, watchmaker, TE hy thant t ment whatever affected the general 'interests of all tho provinces. The aro fast disappearing. Wore we dealing with an unintelligent publie| province of Ontario in starting it might be necessary to go into 10 business on her own accopntATad- of figures to show where the extrava- capital start. Sides being poss- | vagance of Mowat & Co. comes in, sot out in. her ¢ penditure. When Jobn Sandteld things, Mr. 3.18. Mo- held the veins of power the prime minister's salary was $4,000 a year, the other minister's $3,200 each and the indemnity of mombers $450 each session. But Mowat & Co. thirsting for moro of the filthy lucre, in 1873 raised the indemnity to $600. Again in the session of 1876 Mowat& Co. | meditating another haul induced some of the more simple but no loss 1 covetous of thejr followers to clamor bope that for an: increase of indemnity, and i N r cent, cigars 50 cents per Bb and 20 per incessently over the disasters pe which the Canddian policy was certain to entail on the couutry, but | ware 25 per cent. at the samo the new government had | Assome of our younger readers may not scarcely entered their names on the | fully comprehend the above a word of ex- cent, coftee green 2 cents per 1b, roasted 3 cents per 1b, household furniture or cabinet thi t But almost in th allowed ¥o eum if hss of uty. gouuntyy 98%, In 9 The second division is no less plain. -- samo breath the organs scouted the | py yt the Americans could send into any idea of the new government having | yar of the Dominion--frec of duty--barley, the least intention of bringing for |whont, oats, con, flour, &c,butif any of ward such policy, that the whole |these were scat from the. Dominion into the was a false pretence in order to States, dutics wero charged ; by our new secure iho roins of power, {(sifif the Auetizng er ahy other seualey that the government has brougot in y i pin foie = poi of he a complete and thoroughly Canadian indlcatéd aboye. hin ; tariff the Opposition rage and dis- | he articles enumerated in the third appointment are without bounds, | division have been charged 173 per cent. and if people did not know how |when entering Any part of the Dominion much their howling is worth their [from any other country. These it will be ere accordingly a number of members, 'amongst whom we find the name of Mr, Paxton, 'the member for North . The Ontario, had the impudence to peti: Ey follow the example of the Mackenzie that the percent groaning would almost creat a reign f terror. They are disappointed |theso articles when now being brought into o : y ppo the Dominion must pay as high as 20, 25,30 that the new government did not upward. We need scarcely stato seen have been very much raised, so that, confidence and support of a farge| ing him a residence at $1 50 a week. i 1 Y : jon of Mr Burnctt $2.25 was or- majority of membors. The Govern On mot was ment resisted this insolent usurpa: dered to be paid to Geo Murta for building 4, i i te Doin} culvert on the 12th con, tion and applied to the Dominion | y, acparlane presented the petition of and subversive of the position accorded portion of iton the district line between the advisers of the Crown since the con | Reach and Mariposa. : cession of the principle of responsible Gov-| Me T Clarkson, pathmaster on: tho beat, ernment to the British North American col | was algo heard on the matter. S onies!! : : . Mr Marnon presented a claim for $5 fof This brought the best speaking | cup n1ying an indigent named lars Jones with talent in the House to their feet and | fire wood agreeing' to supply her till the a lively intellectual fight was the close of the cold weather for the $5. BE 'Bétting a Good Example, | OPEER 3 | parliament for redress,when in order fy Clarkson and 11 others praying for fndi- | "The new Government of Prince Edward Islapd is setting a good example before other Provinces. The Charlottetown Fz- i i i i FOR SALE! 1 Set Drawing room Furniture,--Rep, 1 Bet Dindtig room Furniture--Cane, ; titimate curtailment of the House of As- * sewbly, the consolidation: of Clvil Service, "the end of - the and Ballot Act with the viéw of rendering its king 1 and its proyisi af P y of the Bdtication Act is in order, without- interfering with the non sectarian privei result, the Opposition members were| On motion of Mc Dobson the fairly wild at the discovery of the] Sriersd io be noid, reas dadbolt i lute failure. The r Valentylle 'onine pov and it able ular, To ny TU iba atti . +7 | strayed to Greenbank an n there im- The motion was then put and carri- | pounded and sold and the balance after pay- ed by a large majority, 135 voting ' ing all expenses is over $8 and the same had that Tetollier should be rebuked | been placed in the Treasury of the township whilo only 51 said that he should and he now claimed that amount as his; not. A majority of 84 out of a that ho had applied to the pound keeper for Mackenzie and the balance but he had sent it to the Olerk House of 158 wade their mouths, Who bad placed it in the Treasurer's hands, his party 8 P *™ He did not know what had become of his So that we may oxpect to hear ab peifer till he noticed the advertsement in the any moment of the expulsion OF Opseavae, when he went and examined the is charged ad valorem, bdication of Luce the Just ? animal, taking other wo men with him who t was P! les , the y may be rendered less, cumbrous and less expensive, and that teachers may have their positions improved ; the amalgamation of the Prince of Wales College and the Normal School ; the amendment of the Roads and Bridges Act. and the abolition of imprisonment for debt, except in cases where intentional 3 fraud is proven." _ Will the electovate of the Province of Ontario longer submit to the waste and trifling which have disgraced the province for the past seven years, While we may not be too severe on a dying Government it is almost too much indulgace to let them die in peace, A smewhat severe punixhment might prove a warning to {heir successors in office.) : : £3 i 3 (other articles pertaining toa home, 1 Also, 1 Iron Safe, 7 141" - i 1 Writing Case. : The above will be rold in sets, or any ! person wanting to furnish a house, can have 8 "ach i 1 more easily complicd with ; the amendment | 8 chance of taking the lot at » valuation. | For further particulars, enquire personally "of TL "EDWARD WORTHINGTON. | Alsofor Sale, a Cow 7 years old (farrow.) Port Perry, March 20, 1879. LL PERSONS indebted to me will _ please take notice, that nnless they settlg their acconnts by the 1st of April next, I shall place the same IN COURT FOR COLLECTION, No further notice will be giyen 4 ' EDWARD WORTHINGTON Port Feury, March 20, 1879. iy ~ Gased-OF a Ture share of material {but our readers are familiar with |roil of the House ere the organs plagation may not be out of ple hers, ru Ee as for th fly omer says that thetiiew Government socks en. Case, gla ont, wealth, sho was rich in the activity, | the facts, they know that contin-|Weroat their hecls raving for the The first division requires ng exp iat] pet this Tous do resolve that; thedis. Ws Jogi ilar nme ator the compen : bie ue fue gibi Piuao (Cottage) aille ew, by erence, industry and intelli- gencies and extra salaries have not | introduction of that policy which animals imported nto any port of the De. Quebec of his Ministers oh the 2nd of March, | 414 asking A to place at Roos Rian Si di fthel tslative Cotticili 1s Gost, £708 crling, e fk : t A of her people. On July 1st, s little to-do with tho. Xouiivh ak they fadoried would certainly ruin minion for the purpose of ralsing stock are | 1878, was, under the circumstances, nie] 8 The o 8 0 ds, Stoves; Sid and