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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Jun 1879, p. 2

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to, , forgot.that tho longer: any ono is overpaid for any serviees the, less claim has he to a eentinuance of The. Audit of tho detounts of the that extravagance ; but a majority corporation of Port Perry, for the of out super-generous Council seem: year 1878, -is now before us, which ed to think otherwise and in the face| shows that on Dec, 31st, 1877, there of everything passed a second by-|was a balance in tho, bands of the law inereasing the salary fifty por [ Treasurer of $1,455.22; on account cent ; 80 that there are now two new | of taxes of 1877 the sum of $2991 by=Taws appointing the Surgeon and | was paid in and $64.68 was recoived fixing his salary. from the Provincial Mreasurer front the Municipalities Fund which ---- RS ---- , | How Much. it Costs to Run the Mgehine. | fot fn Forty Sutavia Woserae ONLY NB. DOLLAR A YEAR Zan pAb, «a Ye matter. PORT PERRY, JUNE 26, 1879) The Olose of the Session. Tho second and last sossion of the County parliament for 1879 was, closed in ample form on Saturday 'Tho memoralization farce was 14th i t. A briof retrospect of tho - * Tog. i P boost of ' about orie of the silliest businesses in | Should have beon paid in 1877. proceedings may not now boo which any Council could indulge, [SO that the total amount received in place, "here thirty-three men come to the 1878 which really belonged to 1877 Pursnant to rosolution passed at was $4521. The amounts recoived on account of 1878 were as taxes including $975 for statute labor $3,047, from municipalities' fund the January session the council met |Y®4"® of maturity sit around. and listen to the interested twaddle of a on tha 3rd inst., but adjourned on the ) 5 - k ovening of tho first day until the few would-be 'champions who take Tuesday of noxt week in order to in hard" to hose tie Council and afford the membors of council suffices worry theta ists doing Just as the ient timo to engage in the olection wyuld-be-outside influence. directs contests of the 5th. On tho 10th and it. took about five mortal hours inst., the adjournocd scssion met at to worry the Cokbll aio Pu ote tho prospective town hall and at The manner in which tho School Inspector's by-law was disposed of gave an illustration of that sort of pot-house legislation most discredit: ablo to all who took part in it. Tho manner in which the report recommending the reducing of the re- livery license $25, magisterial fines of town hall school grant $260. total receipts from $10.058, Making the all sources onco wont fo work, many hon. members appearing sadly demoral- jzod from tho rough handling which many of them received in the recent contest, others again were all aglow on their sweet experiences. Mr. Wright, one of the Auditors of the Criminal Justice Accounts Jost no time in bringing in tho re- port of said Auditors, a somewhat oxtonsive but by no moans an uninter- asting document, whilo the dexter | ous use of the prusing knife was by no means the least interosting fea- ture of the same. When Mr. Wright began to thrast in the sickle he must have felt that he was troad- ing on dangerous ground, ho was after large game, but having entered follows ~ Forschool purposes $3,411, spent on street $456.81. repairs $269.53, granted to presentives at the Counties Councils to Reeves alone, was treated showed how very indifferent some hon. mombers were to the interests of the County, and their anxiety to assom- ble in crowds and laugh sand blather the time away at the expense of the corporation. Not one legitimate argument could be brought forward in favor of a continuanco of the crowding farce so the friends of the continuation of the muddle bad rocourse to the most contemptible twaddle. Some Solon goes in for saving tho cumbrous Councils and making the to him less important body, thelocal legislature, give way and dissolve so that the months' benturcs $2,820, sundry accounts $24.62. tho sacred territory there was noth- and "Mail" newspapers for adver- unweild y tising 89, grant to voluuteers $100. ing left for him but to march through. Mr. Wright had been ap- pointed to a position of considerable importance und not a little delicacy. It had been contended by" Mr. | Wright and many others that sev- eral supplies farnished the County stupid farco of overgrown Councils may be prolonged. Others again talk of proxy voting as if any legislator votes in any other capacity ; representatives have no right to vote to suit their own whims or in their own interests they voto for their constituents and in the interest of all and this blather over "proxy voting" is only a make- believe cunningly introduced by the reprosentives of small pocket con- Officials and their offices were not obligatory on the County to supply and in order to ascertain: whother that reading of tho law was correct Mr. Wright wont to a world of trouble and a very considerable ex- pense in obtaining the best logal {or municipal purposes. opinione in tho Dominion backed up by the experionce and practice of other Counties Councils. Finding that the opinions favored the withholding the supplies re- forred to he eut them accordingly. This run him up against somo of the officers concerned, who felt hard at Mr. Wright for the action he had taken. This was unfair, Mr. Wright was simply performing hisdaty to the corporation and was only doing stitnencies such as that of chairman of committee, who have a pious horror of plurality of votes. When constituencies send two or more representatives it is expected that these representatives will work together and vote together, especia ally in all matters in any way affect ing the finances of the County, and if they do not do so that constituency what his predecessors in office might as woll not bo represented at should have done, tho corporation | 2115 the object of giving more Yoles has ho right to pay one dollar more to larger municipalities is to give | than tho law demands and if offici~ als demur lot them put thesaddlo on tho right horse, quarrel with the law and look for a remedy in that year. the year gives $27,000 to work on. trouble us much. Official Humbug. them a controling power over the expenditure in proportion to the amount thoy must pay and one|citber blundered or crooked and se reprosentative might doas well as a dozen if he took pains to learn the mind of his constituents on the more important subjects to be legis- lated on and these subjects should be made known at least one month pro- vious to the meeting of any council botore which they are to come. direction; but it is not becoming in principal officers to find fault with parties who discharge their duties faithfully, even should the exocution prove disagrocable or even annoying. Of all dangerous publi¢ servants the careless or in- capable auditor is most to bo despised end avoided for by winking at or en- ; eouraging a wrong tho greatest mis. : chiof may 1csult, no mater whother through stupid or unfaithful audi. tors. An attempt was made by some hon. members 10 saddlo the County with the needless additional expenditure of six or eight bundred dollars for a ro-valu ation of the property of the County. If somo members got a bobby no matter what it may cost the County they will indulge their whio, if allowed, without regard to Costs, ~~ Mr, Feasby's by-law to define the limits of bigh school districts was about as-groat a farce 8s thirty- threo full grown men could woll take part in, thoir timo could have boon quite' 88 bly spont in passing a by- of thase official returns," These members of the present council who opposed this important measure will yot seo it passed in their tecth when many of them will not bein a position to vote against it. "official returns" in advance © The report of the finance commit- tee was not unsatistactory. The worthy Treasurer hoped to bo able to tide over the financial year with a twenty thousand dollar budget but the very largo anticipated oxpendi- turoon the Scugog Bridge i d the budget to $25,000 which will keep the county tax at a very high figure for another year at least. This will be little cause of regret if it be the means of stirring up the rate- payers of theCounty to put forth the y effort to reduce the num- ber of our Counties Councilors to something near the bounds of reason and common senso and just so soon as that is accomplished an impor- y and p from being accurate. without much longer pony 4 § # Lo $29, rent of weigh scales $52, for $10, colleetion for poor $7.50, hire $106, Government The expenditure for 1878 was as improvements $1,099.31, cost of fire department on, Town Iall indigents $266.95, Salaries $597.50, twelve interest on $47,000 of de- sheep killed by dogs $10, tho reeve for disburse ments $27, the clerk for Courts re- vising Voters' list for 1877 and 1878 890, clerk for selecting jurors $4, assossor for census, selecting jurors and attending court of revision $10, paid for muaicipal manuals $38.73, Standard office for printing $85, the " Globe" Making a total municipal expendi~ ture of $9,863 round numbers, and leaving a balanco of $195 with which to commence 1879, Our population is 1860 as returned by the ussessor in the census of the prosent year, so that tho expenditure for each man, woman and child within the cor- poration for 1878 was about $5.30 We find that no less than $4336ot the taxes of 1878 had not been paid in before the close of that year, so that one half of the roll was not collected before the close of that This with $195 balance in bands of Treasurer at the close of the corporation' $4,631 to commence the business of 1879, and estimating the property of the corporation at $22,000, there is the handsomo assot of nearly Any trifling liabilities we may have will not We find this riding bespattered in every direction with a set of figures forth as the "official returns" of the| voto takeu at the late election in this riding for a membor of the Legislative Assembly. Were it not: that the publishers of the favored journals, who received advancoicopios are lavish in their praise of Mr. Perry, the Returning Officer, for his unbound- ed generosity in supplying them the their loss favored bretbren of the pross to whom no such favor could bo granted, we could not attribute to the Returning Officer the pater- nity of any such trash. Knowing as wo did that such crooked or blun- dored roturns were not at all in keeping with 'Mr. Perry's uniform t roliability, we could soprcoly believe it possible | that such a jumble was given by himas "official" Wo could not believe it possible that Mr. Perry would furnish even favorite journals with a string of worthless, deceptive figures and allow these journals to flaunt them over the riding as "official returns," while they are simply official trash and very far the limits of last year's proposing the requisit tensi Bi > tant reduction in the budget will fol. The correct roturns for React ares was carried almost a sly, and ow... Division No.1 ar @gaP'* a sgoond motion, looking to the The publiz. are so hampered, both- plat £8 109 sabstitution of the Toronto and {ered and burdenvd with excessive ooo u Ottawa road for the Georgian Bay logislation and too numerous logis- a : 4 5 branch as the recipient of aid from lators that it cannot be oxpooted but " 8 40 74 |the Dominion Government, was pss that they will take matters in thelr 362 396 ed nem. con. own hands if some. remedy be no Majority for Gillespio, 44. Ts it not time that a united and "Of course it is only favored jonr-- nals which bave any. right to pre- sume to inspiration from the more d4| august members of our county official hierarchy, but even we may "bé permitted fo approach their land. It would almost appear as if majostios with foat and "trembling and ask them to be a little more oxact when they next promulgate their official nonsense. ~~ pt » A Pooling Match. : Mel Blake in big wishom intro- duced and carried through a bill -probibiting-pool-seling orpoot buy: |" ing either for that, matter, but like 'most 'other acis of Parfisment there are in_this one gaps... wide. .cnough through which to drive a coach and all pooling. We understand that our always generous, large souled, appreciative Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway Company have gone into the pooling business with their big brothers of the Mid- land, and here is tho glowing bar- gain they made. The two companies aro to do the work between them and then divide tho spoils ; of overy $100 of the. gross earnings of the two roads the big brothers of the Midland are to get $79, and Holden and the other little ones of the Whitby, Porv Perry and Lind. say Railway Company will get $21. This way be all very fine and may be more than the latter deserves, very likely it is and we care pot if they did not get five per cent, of the gross earnings, but the question in how will this magnificent pooling ar rangement effect Port Perry which foolishly gave this company an additional $20,000 to put them In a position to come the pooling dodge over them, When Holden and his mercenaries were leading the easily driven people of Port Perry into the $20,000 am buscade, they painted in glowing colors the fleets of timber and Jombir ladon scows which would fairly whiten the waters of Scugog and which would require dozens, scores and some of the more ardent decoy birds went as far as hundreds of hands which would be required to bandle the world of lumber and timber constantly rolling into our shores, Holden to prove his faith in the Llustering and now shown to be groundless assertions he made of the great things the extension was to do for the village, asked for tenders, which it appears he did not want, to build a magnificent structure on his vacant lot in Port Perry, -- After tho $20,000 bad been secured the magnificent structure dwindled down fo a second hand building 10 x12 and 7 feet posts. This proved the strength of Holden's faith in his own assertions and the people were taken somewhat aback; but this was only preparing them for future disappointe ments and the ever generous ones who bad been trapped into wasting $20,000 of the money of the corporation, now when It was too late, found out their mistake. But the worst had not como yet, This magnifi- cent pooling arrangement had been thought of, the crowning cut bad not yet Deen given, -- Now, however, the pooling with the Midland is an accomplished fact, it matters not which of the two ronds carry the traffic, the total earning of the two roads are put fo- gether and the Midland gets $79 out of every $100 earned, and the W., P. P. & L, gets $21. The lumber and timber will, of course, go by the Midland, the other will bave a share of the profit, and Scugog with its endless ficet of timber and lumber laden t | scows and the scores of hands to handle it may all go to--well, grass | not Our opinion is that Holden and his spouting hirelings ob tained that $20,000 under false pretences, and we can't gee the impropricty of repudi. ating this bonus of $20,000, cancel the debentures not yet given up and demand the return of those which have been handel over, and thus teach Holden and the other little ones that honesty, even though they care nothing for it,is at least the best policy. ---- f Extending the Time. That important provincial work, the Toronto and Ottawa Railway, baatens on far too slowly to suit any body,unless it may be some creepers who regard time as of no conse- quence. By-laws have been passed, bonuses have been voted, time has been extended and again extended and still the thing is in the future 'and more timo wanted. The muni cipal fathers of the town of Peter- boro having extended the time and atretched their pati to the ut- most limite of duration now call upon the ratepayers to try and stroteh it farther, so a public meet- ing was beld in order to test the feel. ing of the ratepayers on the ques~ sion, At the meeting the motion determined effort was put forth to give this work hat position to whieh! its imporlance so justly en- six ; if not why don't it deal with} * |at Williamsburg on Saturday, July 13th,-- ee - tho casy propa, were dosirous of Toronto suffici their boundaries that they may gro 'and thus save tho expense of con. neéting them municipalities Bn up oad doing, ry of the work Ottawa and ~ = ni gg mes a Induction Gy ber, F Fi . 3 Rov. Mr, Crozier y taving received. and accepted a call from the Presbyterian con~ gregations here and at Prince Albert his induction into the pastouate of said church will take place in the Presbyterian church, "Port Perry, on Wednesday, July 2nd. We nced scarcely remind those who have witnessed induction services that these are attractive, instructive and calculated to pro- §t all who witness them. To those who never attended such services we say embrace this opportunity and you will not willingly miss such services in the future should an other opportunity present iteelf. The presence of much of the talent of the Whitby Presbytery may be expocted to be present and a full church may be 'looked for. The Jadies of the congregations are proparing a grand Strawberry Festival in the Town Hall here on the evening of the induction to which they invite all and p a plesant, Gog To OsmAWA, Port Party lodges of time. sod E members oung Britons True Blues Intend celobrating the Twelfth of July ot Oshaws, Au his pleasant ET by; rally Lat thol out Live 'Stock Marketi=Two 'more carloads of choice cattle and sheep left the Port Perry station of the W.P.P. &L. "| railway on Monday I Inst, for "Montreal, from | hich: large part ofthe stock will doubtless, [be shipped for England, The Port Perry |station is now a highly important. shipping | point, large numbers of the finest caitle and [| sheep which find thet way tothe Montréal on 1 social and intellectual entertainment. Induction services at 11a m. Festival at 7:30 p, m. (See posters.) r---- That Grand Festival,--Wo need scarcely remind our readers (all will be anxiously waiting) of the strawberry festival and promenade concert in the Town Hall here on to-morrow, Friday, at 7:30p.x." This entertainment, may be said to be under the auspices of the town so that all will interest themselves in making it a complete success. The procuring of an eclesiastical bell where such is so much wanted is motive enough to secure exertion, Dominion Day at " Sonya.--Our Sonya friends intend celebrating Dominion Day in grand style, They are getting up a most attractive Sunday School Anniversary and invite all to come, The ladies are pre- paring a choice Tea for all who come and a generous supply of music and addresses may expecled. The committee will secure the success of the entertainment, (Sce posters) S------ Dominion Day. Our Prince Albert friends have thorough- ly pleted the ar ta for their grand on Dominion Day. Money for prizes has been collected with- celebration out stint, and handsome money purses will bo given in way of prizes in all their sports, games, &c., &c. Everything is being done to make this celebration worthy of the' day which all Canadians like to honor, the birth day of our new Dominion, A vast variety of attractive games and sports have been provided, all of which will be fairly and well d. All fusion and di will be avoided and the comfort and con- venience of all who attend will be secured See Posters, The Railway management have kindly ted to carry p to Prince Albert from all stations on the line at one faro for the round trip. -- -- ee Dominion Day in Port Perry.--The natal day of our great Dominion is here to be chiefly dévoted to nautical sports, boat races, single sculls, double sculls and four oars, and doubtless yachts. Much interest is being ifested in the ar t and comfortable hotel has centered it and now it complete and a credit to constant and steady repair & ever sinco the presont prop interior and exterior includ) and yards have undergone from station and the stock breeders in thig section of country have reason to thank such gen- erous and active buyers as the Messrs Elliott Bongards, Stones, Morgan, Gould, &c, who have made this section of country their field of business, men who know what good stock is; | and are willing to pay liberally for it, There 'is still room for greater attoption to stock raising amongst us; a little m¢o caro in that direction on the part of bree¢:rs would be amply rewarded and prove m encourage- ment to our energetic buyers The Revers House, 0 hest and | such as induce. our best profess A Big Time in Toronto.--The ad- mirers of water sports may expect something grand in that line on Toronto Bay sometime '| abont the the middle of August or it may be early in September, Arrangements are be- fn; make for two or more days regatta, single sculls, double sculls and four oars matohes each day and lots of them. Prise ae'ty be th 1s ag well g their Comfort. ro land has 8 better he was op bg of ho us of rumors or surer way of 8 Queen, securing them than the Mowat Government, On the first introduction of a new runner the people generally begin to murmur, knowing as they do that every new import within the charmed ring means an additions 'al expenditure tothe country. much noise made over it Mowat will placo salary to the office. This does all very well, x pay the d [Wome as outsiders to enter the contests, -- this grand may be expected, Couttney, Should Courtney beat Elliott, Hanlan may look out for his laurels. The active hist and hosteh bf this finely located, well arranged hotl have done credit, and the pplio, especially the traveling public oq hem a debt of de for the very ex datious provided for all gets, This now ba undergoing a improvement jeor, Mr. Houck, may be said to be thpownship. The jg stables, sheds phorough repair' ent accommo- the School Law. The Dominion Government intends to in- troduce military drill into our High Schools. They expect to place 2,625 boys, all over fifteon years of age, under military training. Of these 1,225 will be in Ontarlo, 875 in Quebec, and 523 in the maritime Provinces. While professionals will have | every chee tory their fortunes ample provisions will be made for amateurs, Something really "It would not be surprising to see the best known scullers of Europe and America present on that occa- sion, Be that as it may there will doubiless | M be many great boat races on this side of the Atlantic during the present season, It is expected that Elliott will try issues with Nichalson took the shine com- pletely out of Plaisted the other day,-- Another Costly Crook (Crooks) in 'These are to be divided into jes of | A P ment, anything, but scarcely is the new official ag the silly people swallowed the appoint= mert they must now swallow the salary. The following is a case in point Mr. Mowat appointed Dr, Field police magis+ trate for the town of Woodstock, although the Town Council protested that they did not want a magistrate, inasmuch as the local J. P.'s had discharged the magisterial duties ina p and satisfi . , and were willing to continue to discharge them in onder to lessen the increasing taxation of . the town, The Premier intorms the council that 4 in the meantime' no salary will be } attached to Dr. Fields' office. But the Woodstock Times naively says, "this no salary business is simply the thin end of the wedge," and that before long "the taxpay~ ors will have to put their hands in their pockets and pay Dr. Field $300 or $1,000 a. year," It is needless tosay, that Dr. Field is a very sound Reformat - Rallways Gone Mad. 35 each, so that Ontario will have 35 com- vinces 16 companies, Their arms will be large ion and vast. creditable to the liberality} nd good taste of the enterprising propriet alike | SUPP d by the Gov: t, but they will be expected to furnish, or to have furnished for them, cheap tunics. Instructions will industries, and we are enjoy a good reputation the moderation in charg ave filled, Amongst the orders just find something to suit tl marble, Scotch granite, A Thriving Inmustry. It is satisfactory in timglike these fo re- cord the satisfactory progns of any of our pich pleased observe the onward steadgprogress of the Port Perry Marble Worl ell for the ccllence of the material sgplied, the skill- ful manner in which the brk is exocuted, nd the prompt and satisfactory manner ftwhich all orders They are secting an extensive and increasing patronagead have now un- der way many important a quantity of fine materis i-ders, c., &c. wishing anything in the ho will do wel call at Mr. Rose's Port Pgy Marble Works led but not removed is a beautifal hrble head stone for the grave of our late Bpected townsman William Holmes, of Carfright. terial is good, the workwnship ncat and in good laste, and the bloc)s large and solid, A Comfortable Erm for Sale.-- *| Parties wising to purchd These works There is gon hand, choice Parties The ma- a good farm will Im in our advertie- panies, Qucbec 25, and the maritime Pro~ ing from Kansas City on the 13th inst, BAYS t= © " The milroad war contintics, The Hans banner with ¢ fifty cents to Chicago" paints ed thereon in blood-red letters. The Mis< souri Pacific immediately placarded 50 be imparted by instructors sent from the | cents to 8t. Louis." Then came the St, military college. The Ministers of Educa- | Louls, Kansas City & North-western yith a tion of the different Provinces will act in Wes Th ji a & All il. ry rown in, © Chicago en steadily unison with the I a In} shouted « As low as the lowest!" Men and the matter, women are going to Chicage and St. Louis. to -- The Chancery Brigade. The Globe of the 20th says :--% It appears from a return that during the years 1876 and 1877 the Court of Chancery made orders in 456 suits appointing guardians ad litem to represent infants, etc., so under disability ; that one solicitor was appointed guardian in 440 suits, of which seven were proceeded with ; that another guardian in fifteen suits; and another |in one suit, The return also shows that during the same years $24,153 taxed as guardian ad litem's costs to one solicitor, out of which he paid $7,832 for actual cash disbursements, and $3,686 for his office, expenses relating to infants' estates, Other solicitors during the same period received the further sum of $4,636 for guardians' costs," ex~ 1to yet These disinterested ad litem gentry would not take advantage of luratics or orphans % Ol No! Oue man is satified with netting two thousand dollars a mouth off the help- leas ones, The clectors are worse than either the guardian---save the mark! the lunatic, or the infant if they tolerate such plunder. Why not annihilate the whole a gala day may be looked for. Commencing at 8 o'clock in the evening a grand *'go-as- you-please" match will take place in the Agricultural Hall, The match will continue at least two hours and the handsome prizes offered will induce many good men to enter the lists, -- Some good time will doubtless be made. Some of our '"go-as-you-please" men have of late been training between this and Whitby, likely witha view to entering the lists. --e tl ~~ --eee A Grangers' Pic-Nic.--The Grangers of North Ontario intend holding a grand united pic-nic in Mr. Rodger's bush, Port Perry, some time about the middle of July. All will welcome those worthy patrons and patronesses of husbandry, their active sons and fair kb those of jon the County of which they will to feel ashamed and on nent and not as in th ing columns of to-day. ec Mr. Graham's advertisement, ) brigade and thus end the farce, BE yy TH ---- = -------- PLANS AND SeecivicATss --The Chatrman An Expensive Luxury. of the C i to plet: --- the construction of § Scugog Bridge] tour embryo Dominion standing army showed us the plans ax specifications of (the Mounted Police of the North West) be the work. If the plange followed as they any criterion by which to judge of the cost ought to be and proper jterial used in the of such a luxury, we may readily come to [past proving the great producing class, natures nobility, The gathering will doubtless be a grand one and won't be confined to Grangers for all will be glad to partake with them the pleasures of the day, All wish them propitious weather and an agreeable and profitable time. the lightning flash and true [dread war, broke the fincet lands of best blood of two of poured fast in 48 The Twelfth in Cartwright.--The Orange bretlixén of Cartwright and vicinity will colebrate the anniversary of the Boyne When our Cartwright friends talk of a celes bration they mean what they say and they The speakers never lose sight of the grand aim of all such celebrations the propagation and fortifying of the broad priciples of Pro- do celebrate the event as it ought to be done h , ths dospening the foundations of religious liberty to all, defending of an Open Bible and No Surrender. They will doubtless enjoy a pleasant and profitable time. The Twelfth in Sunderland, | The breth will please nber that the celebration of the Glorious Twelfth for this district for the present year will be held lat Sunderland. The procession wil form thereat 1 o'clock p.m, titles itf? Tn all consoiénce it has remained long enough, in the dream | ly. All lodges in this Distriet will take notice and govern themselves Ron WM. BROWN, Master, Reach District, | wverlasting Snlu vyos -- maintenance ; mather costly ornaments, Weigh Against ajain of Sapa |>58 stiics avy setinly vary ora. the Glories of Throne. meatal ip their way, but Risa dis. - grace to civilization that standing armies The lovely Eugene Pp of France | should be maintained to eat the bread of the is perhaps to-day thgsaddest of living | infirm and the young. Asa general thing women, Born in spl and reared in | the taxpayers the producers in all lands luxury one of the fairest il most accomplish | have quite enough to carry when they have ed of nature's daugh was raised to | their dependents and assist in carrying the the proud position of of one of the | unfortunate poor, but it is a little too much happiest, gayest and prosperous | of a good thing to place the additional bur- empires of earth, la over which | der of a soldier on the back of each pro- she exercised sway, The | ducer, stamp of her foot coulét any time sct Europe in a blaze, she ded her finger and peal of war, all its fury over and the ill have a bridge have no cause hat will be perma. of thous-| the conclusion that fertile as Canadian soil may be it cannot afford the luxury ot a standing army. Our mounted Police, 300 mon all tcld, costs the Dominion $350,000 a year, or $1,167 each man every year for their who did not think of going till the war coma menced, Last night, just before train time, the announcement was made that the Han- nibal & St. Jo had reduced to five cents, The excitement was feaaful, Outgoing trains could not hold the crowds of passen- gers, Newsboys were flying about the streets with tickets for Chicago and St. Louis stuck in their hat bands. Chromos and checks for beer were given purchasers of tickets, The Mayor of the city gathered a lot of vags, paupers, tramps, and colored idlers and shipped them to St, Louis, For some time past St. Louis has been sending paupers to Kansas City, and the move on the part of the Mayor in retaliation caused a good deal of langhter. Latest reports at the railroad offices are that through tickets to New York are sold for $10.20. About 700 tickets were sold for St.Louis and a similar number for Chicago Yesterday, There are no indications of a cessation of hostilities, The excitement at the depot just before the starting of trains is istense. Kree ticketa are now offered by the agent of the Chicagn & Alten," MARRIED, At Uxbridge, on Thursday, 19th inst:, w the Rev. John Young, Mr. David Slow, 1 Miss Hattiv Hamilton, all of Uxbridge, On the 18th inst.,at the residence of the brides' mother by the Rev, 8. Acheson, Mr. James Burns, of the township of Tucker. smitk, to Miss Margarct Leask, of Reach, At the residence of the bride's father, Greenbank, on Wednesday, 11th inst., y the Rev R, Pattison, Mr. Philip Whitney, ta Miss Rubecea Asling, all of Sresovnan. DIED, In the 4th con, of Reach, on Thursday, 19th inst, Jane, beloved wifo of Mr. Chas. Turner, aged 43 years, 4 months aud 16 days, Deceased was deservedly es'eemed and respected for ber many good qualities as a loving wife, affectionate mother, and kind and gentle neighbor, Tho funeral took place on Saturday and wus largely attended ; Rev, A, Currie, M.A , of Sonya, conlucted the funcral services which were solemn, interesting and profite able, and wcre listened to by the large wi A Arie, Fighting Scott. Ia Fredrickton, N. B., onc Evans was] | convicted of selling liquor contrary to the Scott or Canads Temperance Act of 1878. Evaas, through his counsel, applied to the Su Court and oblained a rule nisi to quash the By-law. Tt is generally believed Hi i ulgsh il dguoto is At sie! Sieur wires as being an interference with the civil | claime fights and tho rights of property of the bering with the great The Markets. * Ossgrven Orne, June 26, 1 Fall Whens, seus $0 80 Spring Wheat, "- 80 to 090 Barley 040tc 070 Oats , 040to 042 Peas ..... 0B0to Q@Y Clover Seed 300t0 390 Hay per ton 900 to 16 00 Beet 300to 400 009to 030 500to 560 030to 000 45010 400 10to 018 0j0te 013 08to 009 55 to 070 22 023 I= AN EXCELLENT : for IN THE TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. iE can scarcely bo dollars. Conces.. more or less, of which Jo Ao press of y floe for protec people of that "subjects exclusively | June 20, 1879, tion to a foreign power, 1% perfide albion® | Yested in the Local Legislature by the of by gone days. Sho es with her hor British North America Act, and the legis- son, ber only child, comfort and | 1840 Rot being necessary for the regulation future hope, tho A Hor | ©f t¥de and commerce. 'husband, the Emperor, Sis them to their Meuse sad retreat, their e, where ho The Faols are not All Dead. soon dies, leaving h and her only - i June 23.--The Government re- so, 08 whorn she Roen ira: bor ved an: \ymous letter on Wednesday and to w! future last, giving warning that an attempt would France looks forward greatest hope bo made in Cheshire (1) to upset a railway nce. jy passes to the | train conveyi Victoria and Princess a Jas fris ag Quests to Windéor, on Sat. ¥ . Bg urdsy. The railway track was the confidence of all 4s the young | d by huadreds of 3 Fhe | man's good qualities folpp. But in 080 | journey, however, was uneventful, The end and fatal hour Heforn ing to go ta | letter was probably » heax. ; d and fight es of his British | It is worse than a hoax ; # is an insult to, filends, Scarcely hab entered the in- | civilization that such a hoax is possible, vaded territory whenifoll into the hands ------ of the cunning Zul Joave him on the A Dann Loog-Our,-- Sheffield advices say field with a dosen r The sad, it is & Jong time since such a feeling of wn, tidings come to Euro 8 ho dojection af, eltiness prevailed Sheve The local fulinres | the now disconsolate the widowed {during the past week aggregate a million If there be his man all the same, but will attach no pposi 1 15 not going to cost them: #9 warmed in his seat ero Mowat comes down | with a rider and attaches a salary of eight or ten hundréd dollars a year to the, office and ~ dent of the Detroit News, writs - nibal &8t Jo this morning hung out a

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