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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Jul 1879, p. 3

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AN EXCELLENT Farm for Sale » IN THE TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. BE composed of the East half of Lot Number Three in the Becond Conces. sion of Cartwright, containing 100 Acres ore or less, of which about 956 Acres are Oleared And in agood state of cultivation, the re- mainder is covered with Hardwood. 'I'hero are erected on the premises a Hewed Log House, Frame Barn, Frame Stables, Shed, &c. There is an excellent Orchard on the property. The above premises are situated six miles from Port Perry. The farm is excellent clay foam and well adapted for grain. Easy Terms of paymient will be accepted td possession would be given immediately after harvest. For further particulars apply to the owner 'on the premises. i" JAMES GRAHAM, "OrJ.& D. J. Apaus, Brokers, Port Perry, Cartwright, June 25, 1670, FOR SALE Wier 16, in the 6th concession of ELD ON, VICTORIA COUNTY. 100 Acres, 35 cleared and under cultiva- tion. There are good buildings, two good . wells and a young orchard on the premises. Boil, clay loam. Three wiiles from Argyle. Terms--B1500 for lot. $100 down, balance payable in 10 equal annual instalments. Apply to owner, D. B. CARMICHAEL, (Teacher), anilla, Ont. May 21, 1879. CHOICE FARM ! IN GREENBANK, FOR SALE. THAT excellent Farm being composed of' the South-east part of lot11, in the 11th concession of the Township of REACH, and Eleven acres in the North-west quarter of the South-half of lot 12, in the 11th concession ; fin all 71 acres of first class land, nearly all cleared, well fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. There are good buildings on the premises, an abundance of excellent water, and A Vigorous, youmg erehard of superior trait -- The situation demands all that can be desired or withi health, comfort end convenience, and is n a short distance of the best Tarkele of the Province. Terms easy aad title indis: putable. For particulars apply to . NEIL McARTHUR, Greenbank, Or to H, L. EBBELS, Solicitor, Port Perry. Sept. 25, 1878, agen ALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE Township of Reach. PRIVATE CONTRACT. 1% No. 2, and the South-half of Lot No. 7, in the 3rd Concession of the Township of Reach, well sitwated, good soil, and a dwelling house on south-half of lot No. 7 -- here is over 100 Acres of Timber on Lot | No. 2. These propertics will make good farms. A smal cash payment will be required, _ the balance to remain on mortgage for a term of years to suit the purchaser. Apply to ff. H. McMillan, Esq., Oshawa, Ont, or to the undersigned. LYMAN ENGLItH, Oshawa, Ont hawa, Sept. 18, 1878. 41. FOR SALE, CHEAP, COMFORTABLE ! Dwelling House and Good Btable with hal an acre of land attached in the Village of Manchester, for Sede at a Bargain. Terms to suit the purchaser. No money required to be paid down. Title indisputable. For particulars, apply to MRS HENRY LYLE, Manchester, Manchester, Jan. 30, 1879. : 1. OF DIVISION COURTS FOR THE Oounty of Ontario, Kor the year 1879. = AH o . T mlal. le 3|E|zl5|2|8:15]8 al2[3[alale[elalslsle PEL ER {fim he {i Ei 6[10f |v 12 18 H 18 1 17 Hi G. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge, Whitby, Jan'y 7,18%9. A_FIRST CLASS BUSINESS STAND ! PORT PERRY TO RENT. '£ UNDERSIGNED offers to rent that Fine Store in one of the best business 'cations intown. Itissituated on Queen St., one door West of the Thompson House Having been but recently built the store is in first rate order and suitable for almost any kind of business. This is certainly a one to go BE a, © For particulars spply to . J. VV. THOMPSON, Proprietor desirable opening for an; oe Duciueds in A thriving Thompson House, Port Perry, June 17, 1879. Port Perry, July lst, 1874. HE CHARLES having been re- appointed Marriage License Agent-- (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- SPLENDID SHOCK | New & Stylish Goods; At PEARGCE'S ahi bi) STASONABLE GOODS JONES BROS, Crs. EE ---- ot Summer Silks, Black Silks; Suitings GRENADINES, LINENS, LAWNS. Their Stock of RIBBONS, ROCUHINGS'PARASOLS, TIES and FANCY GOODS, will be found most complete. - Notwithstanding THE UNPRECIDENTED DEMAND for their STYLISH MILLINERY they continue to show a magnificient assortment of HATS and BONNETS, White Ostrich Plumes, Very Cheap. We are still Offering BROWN and BLEACHED COTTONS, SHINTINGS, PRINTS, DENIMS, TICKS, &o. As all Cotton goods have advanced and are certain to go at Old Tariff Rates. higher, customers should lay in a Stock of these Goods at once. An inspection of their Stock is invited, JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, June 25, 1879.. CHEAP GOODS AT J. WW. SQUELOI, ALBERT. -- PRINCE IE SUBSCRIBER having assumed the business lately carried on in G. II. GOODFELLOW, would call the village ot Princo Albert, by attention to the choice Stock of New Cheap Dry Goods. Goods which he bas just opened out Cheap Pools and Shoes, CHEAP CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CHEAP GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Ile kas selected his stock with the utmost caro both as to Quality, Style 1 on the most advantageous and Fashion, bought in the best markets anc terms; customers will reap tho benefit. CHIEATP for Cash or Produce. ga 111 SOLICITS TIE FAVOR OF A CALL. J. W. SQUELCH. Ie is determined to sell Prince Albert, May 28, 1879. . . GLOVES, CORSETS, HOSIERY, ANY QUANTITY Highest Market Price in CASH. CHEAP DRY GOODS Groceries, A. Large Stock of other Liquors for Medicinal purposes. At Prices to suit the Times. S. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, July 2, 1879. The Subscriber has yet on hand not heretofore heard of in Port Perry. SEE OUR STOCK OF PRESERVING SUGARS! ARRIVAL OF A OF Merchant Tailoring and Gent's Furnishing Establishment, OPPOSITE THE WALKER HOUSE, AVING succeeded in purchasing a superior Stock of the Newest Fashions of Goods on the most advantageous terms, Customers may rely on benefitiog by the purchase, LORNE TWEEDS, ARGYLE TROUSERING. BEACONFIELD COATING, GANADIAN TWEEDS, §C. Made up in the Newest Styles, at Moderate Charges, and Perfect Fits Warranted. Gent's Furnishings ia the greatest variety, of the best quality and Lowest Prices, HATS AND CAPS the Best and Cheapest ever brought into Town. Port Perry, March 20, 1879. SPRING. We have much pleasure in informing the public that we now have one of the largest and best assorted Stocks of Hardware in the County, marked also at the very Lowest Prices consistent with profit, OUR STOCK OF BUILDING HARDWARE (Bought at the Iowest prices for Cash), consisting of NAILS, LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, BUILDING and ROOFING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, and VARNISHES. TO FARMERS. Wo have bought direct from the Manufacturers a large stock of Farming Tools, comprising FORKS, HOES, SPADES, SHOVELS, SOYTHES, SNAITHS, and RAKES. TO MILL MEN Wé cin offer inducements in FILES of the best English make, BELTING, warrafited genuine Oak-Tanned Lace Leather, METAL, and all other supplies. : TO CARPENTERS. We make a gpecialt; PLANES, CHISELS; GOUGES, §C. TO BLACKSMITHS AND CARRIAGE BUILDERS, Our assortment is complete, embracing the usual lines of IRON, BAR, BAND, STEEL, CAST, SPRING, TIRE and SLEIGH SHOE, COLL CHA SHOES, HORSE NAILS, g ar 5 Son WAGON BSKEINS, SHAFTS and POLES. CARRIAGE GOODS and TRIMMINGS of every description. Thanking you for past favors, we solicit your valued orders for this season. LAING & MEHARRY. BICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL; QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, Bish Licenses ds hereto! t Port Perry. LEATHER MACHINE OILS, BABBIT ud) TOOLS, and keep nothing but tho best make of SAWS 00P and HORSE BELLOWS, ANVILS, VICES, AXLES, SPRINGS and Our stock js also well assorted in HUBBS, SPOKES, RIMS, 10% Ibs Pure No. 1, Granulated for $1. 12 Ibs White, extra refined, for $1. 12} lbs beautiful Bright Yellow, for $1. 13 bs Bright Raw, for $1. Very fine lot of Teas for be cheap at 60 cts. Ne and 50c. All other Goods in proportion. Terms --Cash and Cash Only. T. C. FORMAN. Port Perry, July 24, 1879. Wool Wanted ! CHRISTIANS, MANCHESTER, 7 Boots and Shoes. EGE Genuine Liquors None but Reliable Liquors offered. CHOICE Wines, Brandies and \ STILL ON HAND! A LARGE STOCK Of all kinds of Goods which he will dispose of at such prices 90c to 4dc per Ib.--the latter would w Currants only 5¢ per 1b. Baking! Soda only 4c per 1b. Washing Soda only 2c per ib. No. 1, Prince of Wales Tobacco for-37ic per Ib--sold by others at 45c¢ 100,000 POUNDS Wanted by BROWN & CURRIE, Where the Highest Cash Price will be paid: Port Perry, June b, 1879. Inducements! --AT-- CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL'S. GOODS, At Extremely Low Prices. DRY Summer Dress Goods Very Cheap. See them. BOOTS AND SHOES Fxtra Good Value. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Very Cheap. Sp ----e ars LOOK OUT FOR MW AVERTISEME NEXT WEEK. (G=Highest Price paid for-good BUTTER. Terms--Oash or Produce. CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. Port Perry, June 12, 1879, LORD LORNE SUSTAINED! Tariff Humbugs Swallowed Up and BOOTS & SHOESCREAPER THAN EER AT C. TRICK'S. Special inducements to Cash Customers.--, oad saving of from 10 to 20 per cent. Making and Repairing by Mr. A. Torrance, a superior workman. All work warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed. New and Stylish Spring Goods on hand. ©. TRICK, One door East of Jones, Bros. & Co., Port Perry. NPORTIAT 10 TRAVELE ho undersigned is Sole Agent in this town for the "White Star" Of OCEAN STEAMERS sailing between New Yi Steamers of this Line aro amongst the Largest and most Powerful Vessels afloat and for to passengers, short aud regular passages. ALSO, AGENT FOR THE THE SHORTEST ROUTE TO MANITOBA, ARD HOW TO GO: WwW. H. McC AW Royal Arcade, Port Porry. Port Perry, July 16,1879, Line" ork and Liverpool via Queenston. The noted LAKE SUPERIOR LINE OF STEAMERS. TUMMONDS' |iGHEST PRICE FLOUR, FEED, PROVISION, GROCERY & SEED STORE, nos. CASH! Opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. FOR ANY QUANTITY OF 'GOOD Very Fine Teas, Sugars and Tobaccos==Cheap ! WOOL! AY An Abundant Supply of the best Quality of Garden and Field Seeds. Farm Produce bought: WM. TUMMONDS. Port Perry, March 25, 1879, Port Perry, June 12, 1879, JONES BROS. & COY'S. LOOK OUT FOR NEW ADVERTISEMENT L. McLEAN: Port Perry, May 29, 1879. John L. Watlis E. WORTHINGTON, --DEALER IN-- FLOUR; Peas, Oats, Barley, Corr, Bran, Shorts & Cracked Wheat. CRAHAM & BUCKWHEAT Salt, Coal, Plaster, & Water Lime, ICE! ICE!!! ICE!!! Any parties requiring Ice for the summes season, delivered daily, will please send in their orders at once. J. L. WATKIS Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1878. REMOVAL JR J. 6. MORGAN HAS REMOVED «INTO HIS-- NEW BRICK BLOCK One door East of the Ontario Bank J. G. MOEGAN. Port Perry Boot & 8hoo Store, } Nov. 21, 1878. NEW LUMBER YARD, J. CURRIE Oe for Sale a large and well selected Stock. of LUMBER Of all descriptions. Lath&Shingles. Bobcaygeon LIME! In barrels, always on hand. REF Ofvice axp Yanp, near the Elevator, Port Perry, May 28, 1879. = PACIFIC RAILWAY TENDERS. JER for the construction of about one hundred miles of Railway, West of Red River, in the Province of Manitoba, will be received by the undersigned until noon on Friday, 1st August next. The Railway will commence at Winnipeg, and run North-westerly to connect with the main line in the neighborhood of the 4th 'bas8 line, and thence Westerly between Prairie 1a Portage aud Lake 2anitoba. Tenders must be on the printed form, which, with all other mformation, may be had at the Pacific Railivay Engineer's Ollices, in Ottawa and Winnipeg. F. BRAUN, Secretary. Department of Railways and Canals, OTTAWA, 19th June, 1879. =a ' Tenders for Steel Rails [eos addressed to the Honorable the Minister of Railways and Canals will be received at the Canadian Emigration Dffice, 31 Queen Victoria street, E.C., London, Eaghand, until JULY 15th, pext, for Steel Rails Fastenings, to be delivered at MONT. L, as follows : 5,000 tons by October 1st, 18179. 5,000 tons by June 1st, 1880. 5,000 tous by October 1st, 1880. Specifications, Conditions, Forms of Tender, und all other information will be furnished on application at this office, or at the Cunadian Emigration Office, 31 Queen Victoria street, E. C., London, England, 'By order; F. BRAUN, enit of Railways and Canals, Otrawa, 16th June, 1879. a migra REGULAR DAILY SUPPLY ieee O Fee |CHOICEMEATS HE UNDERSIGNED would beg info i: customers and the public in general he is giving up his Meat Stall for the season and in future his customers and all who so desire may bave a daily suy ply of choice meats from Fi HIS CARTS. 8. T. CAWKER. Port Perry, Mov 7 127%

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