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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Aug 1879, p. 1

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iy AND GENERAL A rt A ----- mmemsa--" -- wmmm---- | pn-------------- VOL. XXII, NO 37.1 PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, JOA Gg THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1879. DVERTISER. Forth Ontoric Observer. 4A WEEKLY POLITICA. AGRICUL- ORAL & FAMILY CwSPADER, 18 PUBBISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., BEVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- vatice ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No sttbscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrears ate pia RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion .... Subsequent insertions, per line Cards, under 6 lines, per annum . . 500 . §@F" Letters containing money, when ad- drossed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- od, will be at our risk. h Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, and charged accordingto the space they oc- eupy. Advertisements reccived for publication, without specific. instructions, will be inserted until & charged accordingly. No advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for. Allibefdiscount allowed to Merchants and.others who advertise by the year or half-year. B@™ These terms will in all cases be strictly +. evd to Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and olor, executed promptly and at lower rates shan any other establishment in the County. Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with them. 2 J. BAIRD. Professional Caras, ¥. PARSONS. sem fp 2 H. SANGSTER, M. D., Physician, Sur- J. geon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furnitube Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets, Office hours from a.m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- souechour, Office, opposite the town hall. Port Perry. &c.. &e, Office and Rosidences, King st. Oshawa, FRANCIS RAF, M.D. DD: McGILL & RAF, Physelans, Surgeons, WM. MW GILL, M.D. M. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M. R. eC. 8, Gay's \ Fiaspital, London, England. The luye R. Vay Oshawa, E. FAREWELL, LL. B., Connty Crown of, Grier for Oniario, Batrister, Attorney, Not: Public ce lately oc- > LE Cochrane, lixq., Broek street, eupiad by 8. H. C ¥ YMANTL. ENGLISH LI. B., Solicitor in 4 Chancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. » . Oshawa. ce=Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office 3 SMITH, Ll. B., Barrister, At- saw, Solicitor In Chancery, ency, Notary Publie, &e. OMce--MecMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. W. Maurice Cochrane, "TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan cery Notary Public, &c., &e. Jffice hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Money 10 Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. F. PATERSON, ( I « Barrister and Atto at L 1 tor in Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- &c., &c. fies over Brown & Currle's Store Port Perry. te of Beaverton.) . Law, Solici- at BILLINGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary « Public, &e, Port Perry. #8 A large amount of money to loan at 8 per cent. J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist, Office over Corrigar & Camp- bell's 'Store, Port Perry. All work done in the very : fatest and best style and warranted to give satisfaction, Port Perry, March 28, 1877. CO. N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- The of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best. Tecth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anssth- esin. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new ®lock, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. Hanning & Lally, P L. SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN- . aineens, Draughtsmen, Solicitors of Patents. Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. ©. G@. HANNING, 0. W. LALLY. Money 10 Loax --C. G. Hanning, Agent forthe Freehold Loan & Savings Co, Uxbridge, March 26, 1879. ENRY GRIST, PaTeEN SOLICITOR AND DravenTuan, Ottawa, Canada. Transacts business with the Patent Office and other dep of the G t Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and Designs procured. Drawings, Specifications, and other Documents neces- sary to secure Patents of Invention, prepared SY in receipt of the model of the Invention. D. BATEMAN, Veterinary Surgeon, PORT PERRY. A CALLS hy day or night promptly attended to. Orders by mail or 3 ' telegraph will be attepded to without delay. Orrice--Mary Strdet, directly seuth of Hallett's Hotel, Cian D. BATEMAN. Port Perry, April 9, 1879. R.RICHARDSON Re-appointed Issuer Marriage Tiicenses. Under the New Act, Office, lot 10, in the 1st con. Brock. Business Sardy. CAPITAL $3,000,000 SAVINCS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter= est allowed thereon. No notice of withdrawal required. ONTARIO BANK. PORT PERRY BRANCH. A. A. ALLEN, MANAGER. C. DAWES, AUCTIONEER, Township of Maiposa Charges to suit the Times. Port Perry, Feb 12, 1879. LICENSED FOR THB COUNTY OF ONTARIO, ---- AND ---- C. DAWES, WwW. MM. WILILCOX Auctioneer during the past eight years, I would now beg to offer my scrvices to all who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or other property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa or Cartwright, My long and 'extensive practice as Auc- | tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of Uxbridge, May Farm Stock with an accwacy second to | -- none in the County, and this is of import. | ance as if the uctioness is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on hand. Sale Bills arranged and notes free of charge, Days of Sale may be arranged at the Or=grver Office, where a Sale Register will be kept. | Terme Liberal, | Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. | LICENSED AUCTIONEER. of interest once a year (not in adv: on the sum paid. No extra charge | on such repayment. Loans made INO. & D. J. ADAMS, Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, AVE large sums of money on hand for Investment, Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE ALLAN LINE JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1879, JAMESLUND, MONEY, LAND & INSURANCE BROKER, (ON VEYANCER, Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Coort of Queen's Bench, &e. MONEY TO LOAN In any manner to suit borrowers, Mortgnges Bought, Accounts, Notes, &e,, Collected and prom pt remittances made. The party borrowing money can get it without commission, at the Lowest rate, and Is allowed to fix his own time for pa he can at permit re the Company b y time, just as cir stances port or'all of the principal, nding thems: Iv. inthe mort- gage to necept such sum, whether large or small, and apply it as a direct rec of principal, immediately cancelling th om 2 to 20 years on farm, or good productive town ETURNING my sincere thanks to my | Property. numerous friends and patrons for their W. MW, " ICENSED AUCTION Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. « E. MAJOR, | EER. All parties can call at the wishing his serv "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales, Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. WM. GORDON, OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge,' Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, pay Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. HL WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, ete., in the County of Victoria. Residence--=Cannington, Brock, Orders left at this office, or at his residence | will be punctually attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and . prompt remittances made. i e WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. Remember-- £L Licensed Auctioneer. to attend to all sales entrusted to him.-- Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c., parties placing their sales in my hands may rely on getting all for the property that is possible to bring. made out and sale notex turnished free of charge. Osserver Office, Port Perry, will receive immediate and careful attention. Raglan, Sept 10,1878, WM. HEZZELWOOD, HE Undersigned having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now prepared All orders promptly attended to, sale bills Parties leaving their orders at the Charges Moderate. WM. HEZZELWQOD, Raglan. The Subscriber in returning is sincere thanks for the ve patronage Ibe he wi aitemtion to his business as Con now to unde: Laying, Fastening, and everything connecte therewith, which est notice and in the best and mo#t durable style, and at the very lowest Seure st which a good can material and first-class workmanshi Prince Albert, April, 1875. : M. SPENCE, CoxTRACTOR, BUILDER, &c. ry liberal t oO age E ture give his whole a A and is Stone Work, Brick- e will execute on the short- be doue. The Brat. SPENCE. Office hours from 10 a. m, to3 p. m. INSPECTOR of WEIGHTS § MEASURES, Port Perry, Nov 1, 1875. 45:0 W. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third Divi- « sion Court. Office in Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. T: C. FORMAN, For the County of Ontario. ssuer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, T C. FORMAN, . Brock, Aug, 56,1874, 33 Port Porry. OHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP OLERK, Commissioner &c, + Office--Manchester. a ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses. In all eases where the title Is perfect, ihe cost will be very slight to the borrower. As sral patronage bestowed upon me as'am acting both as Agent and Valuator for several Companies there can possibly be no publicity in the transaction. If the title is perfect the money will be fad here in two weeks after making applica- on. | ton JAMES LUND, Parrish's Block, Cor, Brock and Bascom streets, Uxbridge. 1877. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has any amonnt of Money supplied to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! Loans can be repaid in any manner to suif'| the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap, Investments made in Municipal Dclben tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks, Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &e, Whitby, April 10, 1873. NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. TR undersigned would say to the owners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands a v1 laage amount of private funds w prepared to invest for periods to sui ers--interest at eight per cent. Expedition and most reasonable terms assured. 8. H, CHRISTIAN, * Manchester, October 17, IN77, MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent for Westeny Cavapa Loax Axp Savizas Company, He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter.st Eight per cent. No Commission, N. fF. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor CLEMENT DAWES, JT A8 Money to Loan on Farm security in any manner to suit borrowers, Mort. gages bought at lowest rates. Accounts, otes, &c, collected on reasonable Com. mission. Apply personally, or by letter to : C DAWES, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, March 7, 1878. MONEY [Private Funds,] I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- Hotels. THE WALKER HOUSE PORT PERRY ae Subscriber having leased the above AL hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public, THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Province and surpassed by none out of the best cities, Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public will nd in THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be required in the matter of dation and moderation in charg Ihe Charges are No Higher at the Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice of the market and the utmost atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS, An abundance of comfortable Stable and Shed accommodation, and attentive hostlers, W. B. McGAW. Port Perry, April 20, 1876. por PERRY HOUSE, PORT PERR Y. JAS. V. THOMPSON, - PROPRIETOR. The above House is now most comtort- ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in the Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers,-- Additions have been made which maker this the largest and best House in this section of country, Fare $1.00 per Day. (onuesciaL HOTEL, The subscriber having succeeded Mr, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to the comfort and convenience of guests The supplies for the table and bar care- fully selected, PETER HOLT. Cartwright, March 4, 1879, R EVERE HO v MANCHESTER. By GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above excellent Hotel it will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public. Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875. {)3T4ax10 HOTEL, WHITBY, T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. The public well car d for, and all Guests will please fecl at home, 'Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1876, UEEN'S HOTEL, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts, CANNINGTON, Oxr. D.CAMPBELL, . . . . This Hotel is now furnished in the best Prorrigror , | style, and offers every accommodation to travelers. B&F First class Sample Rooms. Livery attached. Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875, 43 -- LIST OF PRIZ Tcbe awarded at the Fall Show of Reach, Scu Perry Agricultural Society, to be. hold at Port Perry, --ON--mmee TUSDAY, SEPT. 30 & WEDNESDAY, 0CT. 1, 1879, HORSES. Twyear old Draught Colt... Twyear old Draught Filly Twyear old General Purpose Twyear old General Purpose, Twyear old Saddle or Carriage Twyear old Saddle or Carriage Filly Ongear old Draught Colt... ,. Oneear old Draught Filly, ... Oneear old General Purpose Col Oneear old General Purpose Filly ,, Snoear old Baddle or Carriage Colt, r old Saddle or Carriage Filly Sprit Draught Colt... Spr Draught Filly, Spri, General Purpose Colt 8pri: General Purpose Filly, 8pri; Saddle or Carriage Colt. ,., 8pri: Baddle or Carriage Filly , Bratt Brood Mare, ......., Ml Purpose Brood Mare on or Carriage Brood Mare, ,,, . Bing Driving Horse, 1st prizegiven by Messrs, McKenzie. swart and Charles ; 2nd prize given by Mr. W, T. wrish, a whip, valued at $2..,,., ; Horse, 1st prize given by Mr, T. luedas,...., ....... . 8parf Draught Hor d Hallett .. * seers naennnnianes Spanf General Parpos Horses, 1st prize given by Mesers, , ¥ynolds & Graham, a neckyoke and two single lifflctrees, valued at .........,...... ssressssneee 3 50 Bpan! Carriage Horses, 1st prize given by Messrs McGaw d Hallet ; 2nd prize given by Mr. B. F. Ackerman ship valued at 82... ............... : B@The Yearling and Spring Colts and Filli, OATTLE--Durham. Two sr old Bull, age to be considered One yr old Bull, age to be considered Bui {f of 1879, age to be considered... ow calf or evidence of having calved si Thieear old Cow .., Bali £0 Two yr old Heif Yearlr Heifer Heifc'alf, age to ered, , , . verens 2 Herd Cattle, 1 Bull and 4 Calves (calves bred and owned bxhibitor) all uwned by exhibitcr . ...... .... «eee 600 Herd Cattle, not less than 1 Bull and 5 females--prize gn by Messrs, Paxton, Tate & Co, a Scuffier, 5 00 Ved Bh,y 0 ueny ivinniivese sinrisnarensrannnis 12 00 Grade. Cow, 3alf or evidence of having calved since Oct 1 1879. 2 00 Two y old Heifer!, . 2 00 One y' old Heifer , 2 00 Heitenlf, age to be considered. 2 00 Rem, «od . 2 00 Shear]: Ram .. 2 00 Ram Ib . 2 00 Two Ex .s 2 00 Two Sirling Ewes 2.00 Two E Lambs 2 00 Ram, «d . 2 Shear! Ram ., 2 - Ram Lb . 2 00 Two Es ve 2 00 Two Swirling Ewes 2 00 Two F Lambs . . «200 Pex omeer--1 Ram and 5 Ewes--owned by exhibitor.. 4 00 SWINE--Berkshire. Boar, al . cess esse 200 Boar Pof 1879... ee 300 Sow Pif 1879 even "ese cess 200 Breedisow ceee Fr tere cess 200 Boar ag "ene sees 200 Boar Pf 1879 sees 200 Sow Pif 1879 "ese tees aes ess 200 Breedisow, $2 of the 1st prize given by Mr. W, Hallett 4 00 Any other Breed. Boar ag "eee seve eses 2.00 Boar Pf 1879 . tere eee 200 Sow Pif 1879 ees shee sees 200 Breedi "eee ere cee ees 200 AA STL0-ANERIOAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, - - - "PROPRIETOR. Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests. The table and bar well supplied. W. H. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. o\ SYSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. The Only First Class House in Town. PBENsox FIOUSE, late Jewett House, Kent Street, Lindsay. Board, $1.50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. ASSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1851, |OADPITAL . . $800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. by fire, JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Port Perry, Jan 23, 1879. THE ONTARIO * 'Head Office, Whitby, Brock St., Whitby. C. NOURSE, Secretary. One door west of the Walker House W. H. BROWNE, General Agent, terest, LYMAN ENGLISH, B , &o., Oshawa November 21, 1866. 4 WESTERN B&F Insurances effected at the lowest cuirent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss or damage Agents, Port Perry. Farmers' Mutual Insuance Co'y! This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. "Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel ee QUEEN'S HOTEL, WHITBY, ONT. McCANN & TAYLOR, Propriztors. Every dation for the ing public, : Chee HOTEL, SAINTFIELD. # The und d having 4 k reno- vated and repaired the above conveniently located Hotel, would now inform the traveling public that the utmost attention will be given to the comfort and convenience of all guests. Choice supplies for the table and the bar. Good Stabling and a careful hostler. JOS. BROWN, Proprietor. Saintheld, March 25,1879, © © NEmuine HOTEL, BUNDERLAND. iid the Nipissing Hotel. comfort of guests. and pleasantly located Hotel an resting place for the traveling public. Seagrave, May 1, 1879 The undersigned having leased the above Hotel has renovated and fitted it up with a view to the satisfaction and convenience of plssts, Supplies for the table and bar csre- lly selected, The traveling public will find accommodetion necessary to comfort at T. TUC! 3 Sunderland, May 5, 1879. Ag pee NONQUON HOTEL. The und d having b the above Hotel has had it thoroughly overhaul- ed in every department in and around the premises fitting it in every way to secure the The supplies for the table and bar will always be the best the market can supply. No effort will be spered in making this large W. 8. LATTIMOR. GRAIN AND ROOTS. Two hels Fall Wheat, 1st prize given by Messrs, Bipw & Trounce., cues eis ..83 00 Two Bels Spring Wheat, (Eldorado barred) 1st prize en by Messrs A. Ross & Sons ; 2nd prize given by: 'John Parker... Prades cers . Two Buls Barley, 2 rowed ' Two Buls Barley, 4 or 6 rowed, Two Buls Peas, Large. . Two Buls Peas, Small, Two Buls Oats, White, Two Buls Oats, Black. Mag Potes, any variety. Twelvernips cree vere sere + 1850 Twelverrots ese sere «1 50 Twelvets. ares Pr «1 50 Twelve ngold Wartzles aves «+ 150 Three Fpkins vee "ies ares .. 100 Three fshes "een .. 100 Three Gns pk pt Pt pt pt Pd pt Bt ps tt GB - ° 50 lbs Vat Flour ..., were «150 HORTIOULTURAL. One Ped pples-- Russet "ese vere «$1 00 One Pedpples--Northern Spy .... «100 Oue Pec.pples--Greenings eee «100 One Pecpples--any other variety, «100 One Pecrab Apples. ... . «100 Twelve rs. . eens vs «100 Sue Qudjums, any variety: . «eo 100 Twelve natoes-- Yellow Pa «. 100 Twelve batoes--Red. . eee «100 Three Hs of Cabbage .. «100 Grapes, less than 3 Varieties os eos «1.00 Collecticf Apples, Ist prizegiven by Mr. T. C. Forman, Gs to the value ot tees vers .. 300 Best andatest variety of Garden Vegetables, $2 of the 1rize given by Mr. W. Hallett ,,.. 450 DAIRY PRODUCE. Tab Butnot less than 50'Ibé., 1st prize 1st 2nd 3rd a Cruetand valued at $5, given by : Messrones Bros & Co. ; 2nd prize a Bet ofshes valued at $3, given by Messrsrown & Currie, v.veev..... $5 00 $300 $150 $1 00 Ten 1bs tter in one Ib Rolls or Prints, 1st pri Chamber Set, valued at $4, Riven Messrs. Corrigan & Campbell, if teve the preference of purchas- it}.. Crock oatter, not less than 40 1 prize atench China Tea Set, valu at 87, in by Mr. &, B. McDermot. 7 Home mCheese, not less than 10 Ibs, 1 Fifty lbsctory Cheese. ....vy vevven.. 2 1 00 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Pair WocBlanke's..... .82 00 Coven ae 82 80 'oun! "ee 2 00 Ten Tartan sass 2 00 Ten Yi led 2 00 sees 1 00 Texted Cloib........ Pair Mittyt prizo given by Mr, C. Dawes (Mitts fo be his esses enetninansfpises severe nasensecsvy 1 80 ' DEPARTMENT.--GOT UP SINCE LAST EXHIBITION, Made Geman's Shirt, ist prise given by Messrs Davis Ea dw givesly Made La: Bonnet,. "ee 8 N Dress... . 1 60 Made Mantle or Cape 200 Made na 100 Made ress. . . 150 Sample oind Sti Lionen, S100 Piece Wolnilt, 1st prize given by Mr La' Boots valued at..... 200 1 50 1 00 ES and Port gE £338233% BA ER RAIN NE NNN NR Re hee 8 tt tt Bt tt tt tt en ee 8883388383883383s3 esses vess 500 "eee 0 age to be considered, a 0 bt th he tp tt i -- i "0 = DOO rt mt rt pm ht bt ps pt be DS cocococcccocc?® ~ OS 8 88 a 5 sescesacsetecariceieees 400 150 100 o SO rm pm £83338 Ce ° OD tp tm Family Carriage Single Cutter. . Spinning Wheel, ...... Pair Men's Fine Boots, sewed... Pair Ladies' Fine Boots Coll of Lik by D Set of Horse Shoes, with Corks. . . Pair Men's Cowhide Boots, pegged 100 050 150 100 180 100 160 100 50 100° 160 100 200 100 THING .ovveessssooonss Ornamental Needle Work ] . : - : Fancy Leather Work, , 1 60 100 Hat, Canadian Straw 100 050 Hair Flowers, ,., , 150 100 Wax Flowers 1 1 00 Fephy: Flower 15 1 00 Berlin Wool Flo 15 dea Feather Flowers, "180 T00 Wax Fruit, 180 Ji Fancy Basket : 1 00 0 50 Lady's Knitted H, S100 060 Lady's Knitted Cloud... .... «oo... israel 00 050 Farmer's Wreath, 1st prise given by C, Trick, pair Ladies' 3 valued at, ,,,., 100 Sofa Pillow...,.. 100 Lamp Mat 0 50 Tidies.,..... 0 50 Artists ... Specimen Fancy Printing....... Pair Game Fowl... Pair Hamburg Fowls Pair Poland Fowls .. Pair Cochin China Fow! Pair Fowla, any other variety, Collection of Confectionery Loaf of Bread ............ Jar Plums Preserved in Suga Jar Peaches do Jar Raspberries do Jar Strawberries do Jar Black Currants do Jar Apple Jelly do Jar Currant Jelly do Quart Home Made Wine... Pencil DIMWING .. 0.00 aereeeicanersns Crayon Drawing, 1st prize given by Messrs. Meharry, half dozen Silver Tea Spoous valued at. . JOIN CHRISTIE, Skc'y, srecanseieieans 1 00 0 50 MISCELLANEOUS. vena 100 $0 50 . 100 0 60 .. 100 0 50 .. 100 0 50 1 00 0 50 100 0 50 . 100 0 50 1 00 0 50 1 00 0 59 1 00 0 50 1 00 0 50 1 00 0 50. 1 00 0 50 2 00 1 00 075 0 50 075 0 50 075 0 50 075 0 50 . 017 0 50 075 0 50 075 0 50 0175 0 50 075 0 50 Manchester. Rest for Women. To the busy wife and mother who has a multitude of duties to perforn every day of her life, a short nap in the middle of the day is invalu- able. Drop all cares, steal away, just for a little while, and give the weary muscles and brain, and per- baps the unstrung nerves a rest.-- Rest ? the very thought of it is com- forting! How it does lighten the cares and facilitate the. duties of the afternoon! How much more easily can we carry the burdens that seem to accumulate as the day declines! The little ones are running from school to a mothers attention. A dozen things must be attended to before nightfall. How fresh we feel and how willing to complete the routine of day's duties! Do not say you cannot spare the time, for you are gaining time by it. You will surely last longer. You will | be spared longer to the loved ones | around you, if you will only spare yourself. They will need ycur care for many years yet, and to this end | you mast be economical of your, health and strength. Lay in store sufficient vim by a daily sleep to balance daily waste, and so keep up theaverage. A nice little nap is so refreshing! It recuperates the ex- hausted energies, and the last half of the day's duties are as pleasant as the first. > John Anderson, a Yankee, suing for a divorce in Indiana, alleges that bis wife trupped him by means of false hair, false oye-brows, falee complexion and a deceitful tongue. ¢ Remember who you are talking to, sir,' said an indignant father to a faceticious boy ; '1 am your father.' 'Well, who's to blame for that? said the young impertinenco ' "taint me.' 'Ma,' said a little girl, 'do men want to get married as much as the women do?' ' Pshaw! what are you talking about? 'Why, ma, the ladies who come here are always talking about getting married ; the men don't' When Fogarty got to the end of his journey he folded bis trunk into a compact parcel remarking that the man who printed the railroad flyers had made a slight mistake. The ¢ baggage chucked through.' An Irishman was accased of steal: traveller, but the owrer, on finding it apologized to Pat, and said it was a mistake. 'Arrah, my jowl,' ro- £38 8883883 Or bill was evidently intended to read, | ing a bandkercbief from a fellow | he flea, when you put your" finger on the hornet, he is there. When two gushing damsels are revealing to each other the merits of the lover who has proposed, their enthusiam is somewhat modified when they discover that they are both engaged to the same man, ' Johnny," said a fond mother to her boy, 'which would you rather do speak French or Spanish?" 'I would rather,' said Johnny, rubbing his waistband and looking impresively at the table, 'I would rather talk Turkey. Now the swell in style arrayed Goeth forth to promenade, But wilts "neath the fervour of the sunbeam's glance, And so do his collars and bis jackets and bis pants. The peculigrity of the fly is that he always returns to the same spot; but it is the characteristic of the mosquito that he always returns to another spot. Thus he differs from the leopard, which does not change his spots. Thisis an important fast in natural history. An old farmer intent on making his will was asked by the lawyer the name of his wite when he gravely replied: 'Well, indeed, I really do not recollect what it is; we've been married for upwards of forty years, and I always ealled ber my old woman.' The lawyer left a blank to be filled up when hisold woman's name was ascertained. Encore,.--Preault dined one day with a miserly painter, who gave him to eat a soft boiled egg and a little vinagrette, washed down with a little Suresnes of a bad year. 'We. will repeat this little debauch,' said bis host, folding up bis nakin, 'whenever you like.' 'All right,' said Preault, glancing at his entertainer with hungry eyes, 'suppose we re- peat it right now t' -------- ern The Emerson International says: --Mr. James Langton who owes nearly 1,000 acres on the Pembina River, seven miles west of here, is said to have 110 acres of as fine looking wheat aud oats as one could wish to

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