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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Oct 1879, p. 1

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* advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for. « VOL. XXII, NO 48.1 et AND GENERAL ADVERTISER' PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 1879. ------ sm Forth Ontario dbatruer. A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRIOUL- TURAL -& FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, - BY BAIRD & PARSONS. t paid in ad: TERMS.--$1 per annum, i! - wance ; if not $1.50 will be Ny No subscription taken for less than six months; wand no paper discontinued until all arrears | are paid, RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ...:.. $0 0 Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum .... 5 00 Letters containing money, when ad- paid and regester- dressed to this Office, pre- wed, will be at our risk. . red by J t Advertisements measu! wad charged acoording to the space they oc= 'eupy. * af + be inserted without specific instructions, wil Bd «til forbid and charged. accordingly. A liberal discount allowed * to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. . #@~ These terms will in strictly v..endto Job Department. a * pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, "Pro- er, oh Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of eyery style and solor, exectited promptly and at lower rates shan any opher establishment in the County. Parties from a distance getting hand bills, &c. printed can have them done fo take tome with them. J. BAIRD. ------------ _ Professional Cars. all cases be H. PARSONS. emer H. SANGSTER, M. D,, Physician, Sor- J. geon and Accoucheur, Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from Ha. m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently oecupied by Mrs. Geo, Paxton. Coronor for the County of BE. TE A "Physician, Surgeon and Ac- Ontario, ecoucheur, ice, opposite the town hail. . Port Perry. ER, Ca By GUY LF. MOBRIEN, M.D., M. R. C. 8, Guy's Y ay London, Bogland. The liye R. « OD, Hoag OIBAWN, leer, SWELL, LL. B., County Crown J a for Ontario, Butrister, Attorney, Sailoitor, and Notary Public. Office lately oc- eupiad by 8. Ho Cochrane, Esq., Brock street, 1 Whitby. ee MAN I. ENGLISH LI. B, Solicitor in J Onancery, Attorney, Conveyancer, &o. Oshawa. ce--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office § Tl. B., Barrister, At- xX. YOUNG A. Noliditod in Chancery, wad Insolvency, Notary Public, &c. «Omce--MceMiilan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. . .. W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT:LAW, Solicitor in Chan cery Notary Public, &c., &c. fice hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Money to Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Koya! Arcade, PORT PERRY. mere en fs TERSON, (late of Beaverton,) a ani Attorney-at Law, Solici- tor in "hancery, Conveyancer, Nolary Pub- His on Brown & Currle's Store: Pert Perry. Shared ACER Cn BILTANGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary J Public, &¢. z Port Perry. 28 A large amount of m®néy to loan at 8 per cent. J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fonton, Surgeon Wentist. Office over bell's Store, Perry. al done in the wery tatest and best sty and warranted to give satisfaction, Port Perry, March 28, 1877. 0. N. VARS, L. D. 8. EETH insortod on all i Intost prinel- 'ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap sot. and as good a the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. «Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anmsth- esia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, Btroet, Oshawa. jrock, Oaliawe | ow "Hanning & Lally, L. SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN- « GINBERS, Patents. Office, ©. 6. HANNING. Gould's Block, Uxbridge. © 0. W. LALLY. Maxzy ro Loaw =C. 6. Hanning, Agent for the Freehold Loan & Savings Co. Oxbridge, March 26, 1879. ee mittee re } "ENRY GRIST, PATen SOLICITOR AND DrAveRTMAN, Ottawa, Transucts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government ts and 'sary to: Patonts of tion, prep fa receipt of the model of the Invention. B esi hs made of he Taveion. D. BATEMAN, Yeterinary Surgeon, |q and PORT PERRY. - LL CALLS by day or night promptly attended to, Orders by mail or #olegraph will be attended to without delay. > s--Mary Street, directly south of GE : D. BATEMAN. Port Perry, April 9, 1879. T.icenses, 8 | est allowed thereon. by Nonpareil, 4 * Be, ge Eh by Advertisements received far ublication. |. King Draughtsmen, Solicitors of t the Registration of Trade _ Marks and Designs procured. _ Drawings, 2 p , and other Documénts neces- ---- Office, lot 10, in the Business Cavs. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $8,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. SAVINCS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter= No notice of withdrawal required. A.A. ALLEN, MANAGER. Ray > © LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THB COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Township of Maiposa Charges to suit the Times. C. DAWES. Port Perry, Feb 12, 1879. BY Samah" 7 LICENSED AUCTIONEER. i ETURNING my sincere thanks to my R numérpus friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer during the past ejght years, xX would now beg to offer my services to all who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or other property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa or Cartwright. My long and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the County, and this is of import- ance as if the Auctioneer is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far more. than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on hand. Sale Bills srranged and notes supplied free of charge. as of Hale may be arranged at the Onsmiver Office, where & Sale Register will be kept, ' 'Perma Liberal. WLW. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. ~ i E. MAJOR, [CENSED AUCTIONEER. I. wishing his services can days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. All parties call at the «Qbserver" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for TNO. & D. J ADAMS, Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, a HAE Targe stims of money on hand for Investment. Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. il. AGENTS FOR THE Of Steamships. _ JOHN.& DAVID J. ADAMS, Ofee in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1879 ti MONEY, LAND & INSURANC3 BROKER, NVEYANCER, Commissioner for taking CoNndavits in Court of Queen's Bench, &e. MONEY TO LO N In any manner to suit borrowers, 'Mortgages Bought, Accounts, Notes, &c., Collected and prompt remittances made. The party borrowing money can .get it without commission, at the Lowest rate, and fix his own time fu he can at any time, permit repay part or all of the principil, t the Company binding thems: lves inthe mort- to accept such sum, whether large or Small, and apply it as a direct reduction of principal, immediately cancelling the interest | on the sum paid. No extra charge is exacted on such repayment. Loans made from 2 to 20 yeurs on farm, or good p.oductive town property. In all cases where the title is perfect, the cost will be very slight to the borrower. As 1 am acting both as Agent and Valuator for several Companies there can possibly be no publicity in the transaction. If the title is perfect the money will be aid here in two Weeks after making applica lon. JAMES LUND, Broker, &e., Parrish's Block, Cor, Brock and Bascom streets, Uxbridge. Uxbridge, May 17, 1877, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned hasany amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest! f,0a56 can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Tmproved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Delen tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. Apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &c, Whitby, April 10, 1813. NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, OR the Townkhip of Brock, Uxbridge and Eldon, to their interests. i WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. 1. H. WALSHE, of Brock, Orders teft at this office, lected in Cannington, or otherwise, prompt remittances made. WALSHE, eer. -- License as Auctioneer is now prepa Having had much Real Estate, Live Cattle, Sheep, ments of all kinds, rely on getting all for the property that i possible to bring. charge. . immediate and careful attention. Raglan, Bept 10, 1818. the very liberal pat Jo CHRISTIE, e . TOWNSHIP OLERK, ssuer of Marriage Lice Commissioner &o. Office--Manchester. . T ©. FORMAN, i 18SUBR OF One door west of the Walker Huuse|, pport el PortPerty. : : fhetsby sun > Home ofd e ed in department in and around the t 80, a 8 . by applying to he Ee Office, ur 10 uny of retmises 8 g {#18 evety way to ausuts the J . d the 1 e Com] . Our rates] ges B 0 ARD. the lool Agents oH Cross of any rexpons| The supplies for the fable aod bar will ; LU ge - | sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, Rass be lho best the market can supply R or five men cin be accom=|" jro0q Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel will be spared in making this "modated with Board, two doors north : pposite the Royal Ho and pleasantly located Hotel an agreeable "| of the M. E. Church, Port Porry. [ek St, Whithy,_ Testing place for the traveling public. of the M. E. ' "MRS. W. LEE. C. NOURSE, Sceretary. |; W. 8. LATIMOR. Port Perry, Aug, 20, 1879, W. H. BROWYE, General Agent. Seagrave, May 1, 1870 Yaluator, &e. Scott, Thorah, Rams; Mara, Mariposa = parties entrusting their Sales to me prepared to invest for periods to may rely on the utmost attention being given ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township Phorah, Mara & Rama In North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc. in the County of Victoria. Residence--=Cannington, Brock. : or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. Debts wl Savas COMPANY, an Remember-- Jape amount of Private Funds. the North Ontario Auction- WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. es Undetsigned having taken out a to attend to all sales entrusted to hin.-- mission. Apply personally, or by letter to experience in handling Stock such as Horses, &c., also Farming Imple- Farm Produce, Ls, $e, Mach, 108, LO ing their sales in my hands may parties placing the y o NR v All orders promptly attended to, sale bills ' io 1 50 on good Farms, at 8 cent in- made oul id sale notes furnished free of To 1 i Partios leaving their orders: at tho Osszeviin Office, Port Perry, will receive Charges Moderate. hes £ WM. HEZZELWOOD, © Raglan. TM. SPENCE, Coxrnacron, Buiioss, &c. 3 returning sin The Subscriber in eS 'would inform the in future a oh Frhole he will in ful ve business as ractor, and is 'Work, Brick- connecte onveyancer; i FRR a Marriage Licenses. MONEY TO LOAN. HE undersigned would say to the owners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands a | fagge amount of private funds which he 18 suit borrow- Jixpedition ers--interest at eight per cent and most reasonable terms assure! 8. H., CHRISTIAN, Manchester, October 17, 1877. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money T on improved property for terms from one to twenty years. Agent for Western CANADA LoAN AND He has also been instructed to invest a Inter st Bight per cent, No Commission. N F. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor CLEMENT DAWES, "I AS Money to Loan on Farm security in any manner to suit borrowers. Mort. gages bought at lowest rates. Accounts, Notes, &c, collected on reasonable Com. C DAWES, Auctioneer, &c., Port Perry, | March 7, 1878. E (Private Fuids,) terest, LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &0., shawa November 21, 1866. 4 WESTERN INCORPORATED 1851. OAPITAL . . $800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. §&F™ Insurances effected at the lowest cmrent rates on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against {oss or damage n | bY fire, JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Pott Perry. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1879. THE ONTARIO Famers' Mutual Insuance [oy Head Office, 'Whitby, pre] and THE WALKER HOUSE TE Subscriber having leased the aboye it in every particular so as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public. whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is Syatied by few Hotels in the Province a best cities, Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village sites general public will _ find in "ALLAN "LINE [Hans fhe Charges { Walker House thah at any -- LUND The Tables and Bar supplied with the | J 9 choice of the market and the utmost atten- Shed accommodation, dnd attentive hostlers, Port Perry, April 20, 1876. PF PERRY HOUSE, JAS. V. THOMPSON, ably furnished, and Guests are cared for in also, first class Stabling and good Ostlers.-- Additions have been made which maker this country. Fare $1.00 per Day. (oyna HOTEL; Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to the comfort and convenience of guests fully selected. Cartwright, March 4, 1879. it will be my endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the appro- bation and patronage of the public. ASSURANCE COMPANY. |pmiic The | Hotel has renovated and This Company is now fully organized and is to accept risks on Farm Buildings their contents, country School Houses atid Churches, * Those wishing to insure and Hotels. hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct THE WALKER HOUSE surpassed by none out of the Commercial Travelers, the Traveling THE WALKER HOUSE united in the matter of moderation in charges. are No Higher atthe other Hotel in Towh. The House is fitted tip throughout in FIRST CLASS. STYLE. ion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS. An abundance of comfortable Stable and W. B. McGAW. PORT PERRY. - PROPRIETOR. The ahove House is now most comfort. he Home Style. Good Liquors and Cigars, he largest and best House in this section of The subscriber having riicceeded Mr, The supplies for the table atid bir care- PETER HOLT. EVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, By GEO. HOUCK. Having leased the above excellent Hotel Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875: I0 'HOTEL, O NTAR . WHITBY, T. MASON, - =~ PROPRIETOR. The public well carad for, and all Guests will please feel at home. Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1876. UEENS HOTEL, Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON, Oxr. D. CAMPBELL, his Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to travelers g@~ First class Sample Rooms, Livery tached PROPRIETOR =) Cannington, Oct. 20, 1875. 4 ee A Toro-avER CAN HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT. W. H. PARK, - « = PROPRIETOR. Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished fn First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests, The tabie and bar well supplied. W. H. PARE. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. A Rone HOUSE, (Late ALBION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. --- The Only First Class Housé in Town. Besor HOUSE, late Jewett House, Kent Street, Lindsay. Board, $1.50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. ve QUEEN'S HOTEL, WHITBY, ONT. McCANN & TAYLOR, PROPRIETORS. Every accommodation for tha traveling ENTRE HOTEL, SAINTFIELD. The undersigned having throughly reno- vated and ersighey the oe Toy located Hotel, would now inform the traveling public that the utmost attention will be given 10 the comfort and convenience of all guests. Choice supplies for the table and the bar. Good Btabling and a careful hostler. : JOS. BROWN, Proprietor. Saintfield, March 25, 1870. IN Fiing HOTEL, SUNDERLAND. dersigned hating leased the above tted jt up with a view to the satisfaction and odnvenience of ts. Supplies for the table and bar cere. eS Seleniod, Too traveling publie wit Jind every accom necessary to com! he Nipissing 1. : T. TUCKER. Junderland, May 5, 1879. T= NONQUON HOTEL. The undersigned having purchased the above Hotel has had it thoroughly overhaul- There's nothing here on earth deserves And thinking but destroys the nerves PORT PERRY & When wo could do as well without il, ------ If folks would let the world g» rotind, Buch doleful looks would ndt be found Never sigh when you can sing, But laugh, like ne, at everything! One plagues hiriself about the sun, What time he'll rise--how long he'll run-- Now, matters it a pebble stone, If th Never sigh when you can sing, But laugh like me, at everything { Another spins from out his braius And gets, for all bis toils and pains, Fame is his star! and fame is sweet; Never sigh when you can sing, But laugh, like me, at everything ! My brother gave his heart away She married Mr. Bell one day~ I had a ck y Bhe took a cold, poor thing land died, Never sigh when you can sing, But latgh, like me, at everything ! For tears are vastly pretty things, And sighs are music's sweetest stains, 'Thought' is the sage's brightest star, But as I'm not particular, Never sigh when you can sing, Bat latigh, like me, at everything ! Oh in this troubled world of ours, And seperating thotns from flowers And why be grave instead of gay 7 Oh ! trust me, whatsoe"er they say, Never sigh when you can sing, But laugh, like me, at every thing { like that all the time.' od groves that surrounded the fine old mansion, sixteen years, with a faded searlet .| Gonevieve Wyatt, the gardner's Sea---------- " Laugh and Grow Fat." ean Half of the thought we waste upon it, And pay their tithes and eat thelr dintiets, To frighten us poor laughing sinners. And puzzels on through every weather, And when he'll leave us altogether; 'Whether he shines at six or'seven ? don't leave the sun alone, At they'll plagtie him out of heaven ! Fine cobwebs to amuse his neighbors, Reviewed and laughed at for his labors ; And praise is pleasanter than honey-- write at just so much a sheet, And Messrs, Longman pay the money | To Mercandotti when he met her ; He's gone to Sweeden to forget her | d sighed, And raved all day and night about her! And 1--am justas fat without her | But make one very thin and taper; But found most beautiful--on paper | Her gems alone are worth his finding ; I'll better keep on "never-minding.' A laughter-mine's a glorious treasure, 18 half a pain and balfa pleasure ; While feel athirst while folks are quaffing? There's nothing balf go good as laughing! . DOUBLY AVENGED. I wonder how it would seem to be a rich lady. I wonder how it would seem to live in a grand house The sun had set behind the stent- the grey twilight stretched itself like a véft over the river that crept sluggishly at the foot of the lawn, and the stars began to g'immer faintly here and there, while a tall overgrown girl of some shawl wrapped around her head.and a basket balanced on her arm, stood peeping "furtively under the half- drawn blinds of the front drawing- room. Jenny Wyat€ meant no harm. Genevieve Tiouisn had been the name bestowed upon her by her mother who had no other especial heritage to leave ber. She only meant to look in at the brilliantly lighted apartment, just she might have feasted her eyes on a thicket of roses, or any other beautiful and attractive thing. And it was a pretty sight. Miss Lamar, leaning over the chair where Carll Bankford sat, her long jetty curls almost touching bis forehead, her finger tracing some particular part of the mewspaper he was reading: : «They're lovers,' said Jenny to herself; 'they must be lovers. Oh, isn't be handsome ? I wish I Had a lover.' And yet, different as Miss Lamar appeared from Jenny Wyatt, there was but a year or two's disparity in their ages. Bat Emily Lamar bad grown up like a tropic rose under the glass roof of a conservatory, fettered and cherished by the sunshire of pros. perity'and affection, and poor Gen- evive Louisa had sprung up in the shade, thriving and growing as best she might. Suddenly, as the dark-browed young beauty chanced to look up, her glance foll on the face pressed close against the window-pane. her glance. to the room. as an elderly gentleman at the other end of the toom glanced up in mild surprise. * Wo are honored by un. expested bompany! This is Miss daughter--this young lady who is eavesdropping and prying at our windows after dark. honors us by her duriosity.' here? demanded Emily Lamar, dropping the tone of sarcasm she had hitherto used, and surveying her from top to toe with a bitter con- tempt, beneath which Jenny quail- ed with crimsoning cheeks. pretty figiire you are? Whit bave you got ih that basket ? Papa, she bas been stealing apples!' tested Jenny in tears; 'I only picked up what had found under thejtrees There's no hati in that! "Plople { are allowed to pick ap fallen fraft.' Emily; stitveying Jenney once niore with glittering eyes of scorn.-- «Elegant in fashion, unsurpassed in style! Look at her, papa--Ilook, Carll | who looks in'at windows, and no doubt listens at doors !' then ? Look here, girl, we hire your father because it suits olir conven- iente, but we never bargained for your presence about the place. After confine yourself to your own prem- A frown obsured the brightness of 'With one quick step she was at the window--had flung it open, and dragged poor discomfited Jenny in Look Carll--look, papa!' shesaid Colonel Lamar loooked surprised. Carll Bankford smiled. «Upon ty word," sald he, 'she' ¢How dare yoli come prying vA I didn't touch the boughs,' pro- ¢A charming object, resumed This is the young person I don't! burst out Jenny, goaded beyond all power of self-control. 'Indeed? What were you doing this, eithur go somewhere else of ises. Go!' And Jenny Wyatt, tingling all over with mortification and a vague resentment crept out once more into tho darkness, and flingibg her. self upon the grass, When she was once beyond view from the house, she wept the bitterest tears she bad ever shed. «But I'll be revenged" said Jenny sitting up, and pushing the wet hair out of her eyes with one hand, while she shook the other towards the house; 'see if I'm not.' Half an hour afterwards, when she entered the little one-stary cot~ tage of the gatdener, near the lodge gates, she found George Wyatt spelling over the contents of a letter by the light of one sputtering candle. «News, gal, news! said the old man. I've got a latter from your uncle in Paris. He's dropped into a good thing. Ho's made money; and he wants his sisters daughter to come over to him and be maden lady of! Genevieve sat down opposite her fathor, and stared at bim with her great blue eyes. Dad,' said she; 'do you really monn it? ¢It's here in black and white,' answered be, with a pull at his short black pipe. ¢ And shall I go to school, and learn to play on the piano; ahd paint flowers and dance the quadrille ?' 'You just will, my girl. Don't I tell you that Medway means to make a lady of you?' ¢ A lady--like Miss Tamar? ¢ Like Miss Lamar, or any other of tho highfiyers,' answered Wyatt with a short laugh. «Then ll go,' said Jenny, setting her white teeth together. * * * * * «I don't think I care so much for Paris after all,' said, Emily Lamar. Five years have passed since the summer inight when the heirese saw the big blue eyes staring in at the drawing room window. Miss Lamar sits at ber window; her hands busied in some fancy knitting, ber eyes gazing wisttully down the street, as if for a lagging lover who came not. «Then it is true ?' said her cousin Miss Stephenard. 'What is true ?' Miss Steponard smiled. fast and loose with yoa. Don't look so injured, my dear. It's the talk got your lover in her toils. able. "Oh, Charlotte,' '1ell me what to do.' ' «If T were in your place, Emily, said Misa Stephenard, with a shrug ¢« That Cat Il Bankford is playing of half the society ofParis. Your were to have beon married at Easter but Mr Bankford bas begged off.-- You were to bave gone to Rome next week, but Mr Bankford cannot be induced to leave Paris. In short, my dear everybody knows that the beautiful Miss Medway* the niece of that eccentric old millionaire, has Emily Lamar brust {into tears, Emily, the haughty, the indomit. sho faltered, dati elias Sud ---- dilemma. Go to Miss Medway and beg her mercy.' 'But--but I am rot acquainted with her,' said poor Emily shrink- ing away. Toll her who you are. Btate your business plainly and appeal to ber woman's heart. It isthe only resource left you.' ; Emily Lamar turned pale and shuddered. ¢ Do you think it will be of any use ?' sho asked, : ¢It is you last then throw up And Emily I td--Play it, and | ) game.' Genovieve Medway sat in the superbly decorated little boudior which was her special sanctum in the great houss where dwelt the millionaire as Jonas Med way was called. A boudoir all rose-satin and gild- ing--a room scented with freshly cut hot-house flowers, and scattered with the rutost and most expensive knick<knacks: Miss Medway heisélf, in 8 Wat- teau morning costume of white cashmere, looked like some fair statue as she sat at little margue- terie table, idly playing with a silky black spaniel, whose silver collar wiis scarcely visible from the luxu- riance of his lotig, curly hair. «Take care, Bijou,' she said light ly. ¢Sitstill, hero comes a card. Miss Lamar? glancing carelessly down at the inscription, as a slight smile crossed the corners of her full scarlet lips. 'Ask her to walk in, Alphonse.' Emily Lamar entering, was fairly dazzled by the brilliance of the young blonde beauty-- but she never dreamed of recognizing in her the old gardener's daughter. « Miss Medway,' she faltered, 'I suppose you are at a loss to conjec- ture the business that brings me here ?' Gonevieve inclined hor golden head with a Cleopatra like smile. I am the young lady to whom Mr. Carll Bankford is engaged. 1 love him. Oh, Miss Medway, you who have scores of suitors at your feet remember the Scriptnre story of the poor man and his little ewe lamb. Spare this one man to me. Sce, upon my knees I implore you,' and Emily sank sobbing at the feet of the queenly beauty. ® « Week #fter week bis affection his been cooling towards me, It is because he is unable to resist your fascina- nations. Ob, Miss Medway, you who are so beautitul and all power- ful, I entreat your mercy. Give me back my lover. Be pitifal as you are triumphant.' . A stgerlig smile played across Miss Medway's countenance. «Miss Lamar at my foet; Miss Lamar an htttible stitor to mel' she cried in a scornful voice. 'Nay [ cun scarcely believe the evidence of my own senses. You don't know who I am--neither am [ surprised. [ know myself to be gteatly chang- ed. But I am Genevieve Wyatt tho daughter of your father's old gardener.' Years ago, Miss Lnmar, I chanc- ud to look in al one of your drawing room windows. It was an outland ish proceeding I know, but I was an outlandish creature in thosc days. You detected me. You dragged me into the room ahd lished me with your tongue until I shrank again. You beld me up to the keenest and bitterest ridicale, and aven accused me of béing a thief Good! I vowed revenge, child though I was--and it bas come to me at last. My vow is fulfilled. your lover. 1 will not give him back to you.' : She rang the bell. ¢ Alphonse, show this young lady out.' Emily Lamar wont back to Eng- land a broken-hearted woman. But Miss Medway did not marry Carll Bankford. She amused herself with him un- til the end of the season and then wealthicr anc handsomer suitor. so? cost. 7 ar resolved to she would take her cousin's nh oo No, Miss Lamar, I will not spare suddenly accepted the offer of a «I am dotibly avenged,' said Gene: vieve with a triumphant smile. «Did I not say that it should be Franklin said that rich widows are the to only second-hand goods that sell at ptime ed hands. love bim.! * of bor shoulders, 'I would whistle him down the wind. go.' . No, no,' cried Emily, with cltsp- «It would kill me, "¢ Then, said Charlotte Stepbenard, «take hold of the other horn of the I'd let him arithmetic ; 'between one yard atid two try. But it is as opening tip axvther hig way to Montreal atid the deabbaidl that it will possess interest froiti 8 Western Ontario point of view. When navigation closes ort the St, Lawrence, a large portion of the westertt part of the Provitice {3 ptactically at the mercy of the Grand Trunk, and {Hie way that road takes advantage of the situation 18 well known to all who have freight to bring overit, 1llistrative of this, one of our mere chants the other diy slioWed Hs stithmed involces in which tHe freight from Montreal to Toronto was 15 cents pdr cwt., while in wintet thie freight rates tan up to 30 centd and over. Ho notoriotis bad become the bound which rates make jmmedidtely the Grand Trutik is relieved from 8¢, Lawrence competition, that merchants here (and we suppose that Owen Sound fis but # sample of other places itt the west) endeavor as far ad possible to have their heavy freight come through during navigation. This, however; is not always possible; antl then our mers chants have to suffer the penalty of there being no cotripetition with the Grand Trunk. The Toronto and Ottawa Railway, besides giving us frée access to the back country and opealdg tp a direct route to the capital of the Doninion, will connect with the * Quebec Government road ut Ottawa (the bridge across the Ottawa id ftiow reaching completion),fand thus furnish a new routed to Montreal and the Atlantic the distance by which will we believe, be a little less than by the Grand Trunk, The effect this will bave in lowering the freights in the winter time is apparent, aud we hope the schemd will be carried to a succesful issue, ee $e. More Murders. - Loko, Sep. 24, The excursion stedmet Undaunted,' making the trip from Ramsgate to Southampton, has been run down off the Isle of Wight, and her entire compliment of officers, crew and passengers, one hundred in number, is said to hive pcristied. Start- ing from Ramsgate the route took her past Dover and jFolkestone, along the beatitiful and picturesque cost of Sussex. The voyage is one of the most pleasait of ordivary summer excursions, and the passengers or board on these occasions are generally well- to.dospeople. The steamer had made he# trip with success and without acoident* gntil she entered the marrow arm of fea seperating the Isle of Wight from the main. land. This water is always thronged with vessels coming or departing, and it was by one of these that the ill-fated excursion steamer was run down. The calamity "ap pears to bave been so sudden and complete that attempts to save the lives of any of the the passengers Or crew were unavailing -- The names of the passengers are yet un< known, een} ent A Dark Tragedy. A hasty glance at the dregs of society would almost drive one to the conclusion that society is advancing backwards, we are being almost daily shocged with the recitals of crimes as dirk as perdition itself. Clark Brown with bands yet dripping with the blood of an aged tather and an inuocent sister of fourteen years had just been re- removed from the court hodke to a crimina'ls cell to await his execution at the tlose of the present month, when Suciety is again shock. ed with the intelligence that at Lambtor Mills an elder brother of twenty-four years bas deliberately and patiently waylaid and killed his younger brother aged twenty-one yearn, bating deliberately slmed at and shot him at a fow feet distant and to make sure work held the mussle of atiother barrel close to his body and lodged the charge into him and then takes poison with the design of suicidibg, but the prison is pumped off his stomach and he is committed to stand his trial for the crime. . rr ge fer Cleaning Them Out. At a meeting of the Consslidated Bank Board recently Sir Francs Hincks snd Me. Saunders resigned theit positions on the Board, wherenpon Mossrs, Henry Lyman and James Croll were elected {fi their place, The Hon. D. A. Macdonald, Lieut ernor of Ontario, was elected 16 the Di ate in the place of Mr. Andiei who resigned some time ago, and Mr. Jol Rankin was elected President instead of 8 Francis Hincks. : tried to dream of her futétreh she says that she would rather marry the man she saw in that « What is the diffrence,' asked & teicher in| *™° ber of the class, The teacher was « Nothing was made in vain 1" 1 | the divine; but the next moment, as gregation of silk, lace and feathers sweep up the aisle, he realises that something maiden in vain, oR yards] * A fence, was the reply of n mem= a mae

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