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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Nov 1879, p. 3

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i. THE BEST GOODS We would take this opportunity of returning our sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage we have yeecived du the pnst season. Although with the majority of 'people it has probably been the of the Lard times experienced during the past fow years, yet our rales have Deen largely in excess of those of the sume period last year. To us this is a sure indication that Gur Goods are right ! Qur. Prices are right! OUR CUSTOMERS REPOSE CONFIDENCE IN OUR SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS. has Leen in tho past, to metit their continued confidence Our greatest aim will still be, as it by selling At the Very Closest Prices. " Our Fall and Winter Stock is now complete. Tt embraces all THE NEWEST STYLES, Jote in 'all its Departmente, and "will BE SOLD AT PRICES THAT CAN- 1s compE BEATEN. See our Dress Goods Stoek, 1t is unusually large, varied and attractive, and contains everything that is new in the maken Iu Dress Trimp:ings wo have all the novelties, STEPHANA, WOOL und SILK FRINGES, new STRIPED and BROCADED VELV BLACK & COLORED SILES In great varicty and at lowest prices. OUR STOCK OF MANTLES. Z 3 \ We have a large stock of the latest styles in BLACK'AND GREY. ' OUR MILLINERY SHOW ROOM . is now eomplete and stock ready for inspection, We would call cepecial altention to our stock of arly ss] AT AT go Sn peg id Bit Fl oH Fed Ro dh The largest and cheapest ever shown in town, LADIES* MINK AND ASTRACHAN CAPS. LADIES' MINK AND ASTRACHAN SETS. CHILDRENS' FURS in grest yarigty, It will amply repay any one wanting furs to examine our stock before purchasing. We would advise our lady friends that we are sole agents for this section of country for the 1 1 le Celebrated Hew York Domestic Peper Fashions, A pattern of any of the Jatest New York styles at a trifling cost. u We solicit a call and are confident cur goods and prices will speak for thorn) JONES BROS. & CO. Port Perry, Oct. 23, 1870, ARM. LANDS, [V0 HORETEAD MILL PROPERTY, &G. : 5 FOR S ALE {| FOR SALE | Private Contract, RB E A C bl 7 | The following Lands situated i nf gn sia 62 12 Toe The Property of the Estate of the late are offered for Sale ut Low Prices : jor Gash on. wpon are torn of Chale Black, Esq deceased, payment. a th we 162 ACRES ei yee drt CHOICE LAND. u --Of Tat i HE Subscribers have been instructed by rao lott. the Executor, to offer the above Farm of what is kn for Sale by 1, toget! as ith the 4 i properly belong- : Lon y Sere Private Contract, ? the North-half Of | Being composed of Lot No. 24, in the 14th ened. concession of the Township of Reach, con- 78 ntren: being Lot | taining 162 acres more or less, of which 120 1d the balance is heavily | ACTER are cleared and in an' excellent state is a good frume Barn on | of cultivation ; the remainder is covered : with excellent Hardwood timber, There aro erected on the premises "FRAME HOUSES, ie bisa |Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Have their Store now fully stoc ced with : - NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS _ In the following Departmnets -- Millinery and Mantles, Tweeds and Woollens, Ready-made Clothing, . Gent's Furnishings, Hats, Caps and Furs, Groceries and Provisions, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, &c., Crockery and Glassware' We have much pleasure in offering the above stock to our friends and the public aud 'beg to assure them that the quality and prices are such as cannot fail to convince all that we are really offering bargains. 3 CORRIGAN & CAMPBELL. Port Perry, Nov. 12, 1879, COMPLETE | EAE ET WINCEYS, 0 COTTONS, | iN TRESS GOODS, HAIR « RLACK LUSTRES, BOOTS AND SHOES. BUTTER! BUTTER Highest Market Price Paid for any quantity of choice Butter. 50,000 bus. Barley, 100,000 do. Wheat, 60,600 do. Peas. Highest Paice paid for the above in CASH, delivered at the Elevator, Railway Station," Manchester. ¢. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, Oct. 15, 1879. GREAT SUCCESS ! LARGE INCREASE IN SALES | NO ADIANCE IN PRICES the highest price will be paid. Port Perry, Nov. 4, 1879, Goods Cut Closer than Ever. YTanted.--A quantity of No. 1, BUI'TER, for which At FORMAN'S. Port Perry, Sept. 16, 1879. : ER Opened To-Day. { W. EH. McOAW, Ne Royal Arcade, Port Port Perry, Nov. 20,1879. 3 1 ve OD eX : PE = = Lo eed 259 R= 5 =m = ey : 2 == g £2 CT pend [5] s == A F = 3 . 'SHOHS ASHOH SNOL 01 GEAITOE YE : 6 STIVN ASHOH sud 008 SATIVHIN ¥® ONIVI bl EA UH bi The undersigned having purchased the Business of Mr. 1. J. Davis, repaired and fitted up the premises, and brought ob a large and Choice New Stock Groceries! LICUORS, &C., Would embrace this opportunity of soliciting a share of public patronage «0 = Q CUSTOMERS May rely on prompt attention, Choice Fresh Groceries, every thing in the Provision line, the best Brands of Wines, Liquors, &e., all at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. 5 . MR. MELLIS, Woll known in this section of country, has been engaged to Manage th» business. A : WwW. B. McGAW. Port Perry, Aug. 11, 1879, meee tintin A CHOICE STOCKY t CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF THE NEWEST STYLES and BEST QUALITIES of ALL GOODS! JUST OPENED OUT AT PEARCE'S Merchant Tailoring Establishment OPPOSITE THI WALKER HOUSE, LOTHS, COATINGS. TROUSERINGS, &C., &C. rices which cannot fail to satisfy, made in the A choice variety of TWEEDS, C superior quality, and at pi Latest Fashions and a perfect fit griarante A CALL IS SOLICITED, HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS. N accordance with the Statute and Regulations, an exaniination of Pupils for admission to tbe High School will be held (D.V.) in PORY PERRY, on Tuesday, 16th, ard Wednesday 17th December, 1879, at 9 A. M, Candidates shonld, if possible, notify the Cotinty Inspector, through the Head Master, not later than the 4th December, of their in- tention to present themselves for examina tion, Forms of aj tion may be obtained from the Head of the High School--not | Vide ee very cheap at C. TRICK'S. 7, Oct. 1,180, A very large stock of Boots & *

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