. lie, &o., XXII, NO 52.4 a] ---- roe AND GENERAL ADVERTISER PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEC, ------------ 11, 1879. ity Ontarie Oberoe. A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL PURAL & FAMILY NEWSPAPER, © 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., VERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS. --$1 per annum, if paid in ad- vance ; if not $1.50 will be charged. No _ subscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrears are paid. 1 RATES OF ADVERTISING. .$0 08 For each line, first insertion .... Subsequent insertions, per line Cards, under 6 lines, per annum , p@™ Letters containing money, when ad- dressed to this Office, pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at or risk - Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they oc-- cupy. Ai aan alin Advertisements received for publication; withont specific instructions, will he inserted nntil forbid and charged accordingly. No advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. g&y™ These terms will in all cases be strictly ae dto 4 Job Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Cheeks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and solor, executed promptly and at lower rates shan any other establishment in the County. Parties from a distance getting haut bills, &o. printed can have them done to take home with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS, H. "ANGSTMR, M. D., Physician, Sur J. geon and Acconcheur, Coroner for the Connty of Ontario PORT PERRY. Office over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry Streets. Office hours from 9a, m. to 12 m. Tesidenes, the dwelling recently ocenpied by Mrs, Geo, . R. WARE, Coranor for the Com ty of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and * sonehenr, Office, opposite the town ¥ BE. FAREWELT, T +) . Attorney for Ont Salicitor, and Notar cupiad by 8. I. Cochra aq Whitby. i RARER ¥ YMAN L. ENGL i I Attorney, Conveyance: 1 Chancery, y &e. . Oshawn. co--Simeoe street, opposite the Tost Offiec YouNG SMITH, Tol x. tornev-at-Law, nd Insolvency, Nota 3 Ofce--MeMiilan's Block, Brock stro ty Whithy W. Maurice Cochrane, TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chau cery Notary Public, &ke., &c. office hours punctually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ~ Money to Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal A reade, PORT PERRY. Ate MICETY, TF. PATERSON, (late of . Barrister and hev-nt L , Solicl- {or in Chancery, Conveyane:r, Notary Pub- &e. er Brown & Currle's Store. Port Perry. Office ov BILLINGS Barrister, Solleitor, Notary « Public, &e. Port Perry. £&~ A large amount of money to loan at § per cent. J A RA LI RR A ain el J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & L Fenton, Surgeon Dentist, Office over Corrigan & Camp- bell's Store, Port Perry. All work done in the ver {atest and best style and warranted to give gatisfaction, Por Perry, March 28, 1877. 0. N. VARS, 7. D. 8. BETH inserted on ull the latest princi- 4 ples of the art, andias cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best. Tecth filled with Gold and Silver, Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anwesth- esia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. Hanning & Lally, L. SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN- . amesrs, Dranghtsmen, Solicitors of Patents. Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. ©. 0. BASMING. © C.. W. LALLY. Moxey to Loax --C. G. Haoning, Agent for the Freehold Loan & Savings Co, Uxbridge, March 26, 1879. ENRY GRIST, PateN. SOLIOITOR AND DravenTyaN, Ottawa, Canada, Transacts business with the Patent Office and other dep: ts of the Government Copyrights and the Registration of Trade Marks and. Designs procured, Drawings, Bpecifications, and other Documents neces- sary to securs Patents of Invention, prepare fn receipt of the model of the Invention. 'D. BATEMAN, | LL CALLS by day or night promptly atte o Ent 1 or 'will bo attended to without delay. Mary Street, directly south of . D.BATEMAN. OT RE censes. Office, lot 10, in the Business CATH. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inter- est allowed thereon, No notice of withdrawal required. A.A. ALLEN, MANAGER. WW. ML. WILICOX i vane "LICENSED AUCTIONEER. + 3 ETURNING my sincere thanks to my \ numerous friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer dning the past eight years, 1! would now beg to offer my services to all | who may bave Farm Stock, Implements, or | other property to sell by Auction anywhe in Ngrth Ontario, the township of Maripos ight, pxtensive practice as Auc- d me to judge the value of | Farm Stock with an accurs second to none in the Connty, and this is of import. | ance as it the Auctioneer is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far more than his fee in any sale. Bill stamps alway Sale Bills arranged and notes supplied long and tioneer has enal reanaed at the sn i: . (e erry, and arrange for , Jan 10, 1870, . ,GGORDON, Liconsed Auctioneer, Valunter, &e. YOR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, if Scott, Thorah, Kama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, : Parties entrusting their Sales to me n the utmost aitention being given to their interests. WAL GORDC Sunderls nship | ho ington, Br of Victoria. Orders left at this office, or at his residen will be punctnally attended to. Debts col=: lected in C ington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. temember-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Atiction= Vid. HE Woon, Tisensed Auctioneer. or Lal | | FIVHE Undersigned having taken out a License as Anctioneer is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had mnch experience in liandling Real Estate, Li Stock such as Horses, Cartle, Sheep, & also Farming Imple- | ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &e, &cy partie ing their sales in my hands way rely on getting ull for the property thatis possible to bring. All orders pr tended to, sale ER made out and turnished free of charge, | Partics leaving their orders at the { Onsenver Office, Port Perry, will receive immediate and careful attention: Charges Moderat \ VM. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan. Raglan, Sept 10,1878. 3 The Bubseriber in thanks for the very liberal patronage be- stowed on him in #he past wouid inform the publie generally that having bought a pro- perty and moved into the Village of Prince Albert, he will in future give his whole attertidon to his businessas Contractor, and is now ready to undertake Stone Work, Brick ying, Plastering, and everything connecte therewith, which he will executeon the shorts est notice and in the best and most durable style, and at the very lowest figure at which a good job ean be soue. ne best material and first-class workmanship. . fan spENCE Prince Albert, April 5, 1875, J OHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP OLERK, suer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancet, . Commissioner &e. Office--Mal nchester. T C. FORMA 8. v0% M. SPENCE, Coxrpactor, Buitper, &c, returning his sincere N, ' ISSUER OF | | | 'Marriage Licenses. Ona door west of the Walker House Port Perry. * x New Act. Port Perry, July lst, 1874: . : Si -- ? ENRY CHARLES having been re- . appointed Marri Lacense fae (after sixteen years duty) continues to fur- nish Licenses as herctotore--at Port Perry. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. Th INCORPORATED on, CAPITAL. . 8800000. (With power to ingroase to $1,000,000.) | HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. _|UNO. & D. J. ADAMS, BROKER, (of int ter will | gy "tures, Pank and other marketal | Whitby, April 10, 1873, NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS |"'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- -| his Company is now fully organized and is Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, AVE large sums of money on hand for Investment, Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE ALLAN LIN Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office in Mr. Ross' Qutario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan, 27, 1870 JAMESLUND, MONET, LAND & INSURANC3 ANCER, Commissioner for taking sin Court of Queen's Bench, &e. a) nl AN N MONEY TO LOA! In any © ner to suit borrowers, Moriguges Bought, Accounts, Notes, &e., Collected und prom pt remittances made. The party borrowing money ean get it without commission, at the Lowest rate, and is allowed to fix his own time for payment erestonee a year (not in advair 1 any time, just ag cir art or all of th binding thems, Ive seh sum, wh a is exacted le from 2 to clive town ct, the iil be very sight to the borrower. AsI ne th'as Agent and Valuator for Companies there can possibly be no govern publicity in the transaction, the title 1s pe 1 here in two weeks after making applica JAM I Parrish's Block, Cor, Proc sticets, U. The undersigned hasany amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at Unusually Low Rates of Interest le it Loans can be repaid in any manner tos the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap, Investments made in Municipal Deben ble Stocks, yi Apply to . JAMES ROLDEN, Broker, &e. MONEY TO LOAN. 1d say td the owners in his hands a | s which he is B undersioned we f Real § e, th amount of yo , that he private fund prepared to invest for periods to t Horrow- ers--inierest at eight per cent. xpedition and most reasonable terms a red. {RISTIAN. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent for Wasteny Casapa LoaN Ann Savinas ComMpANY, g He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Intercst Bight per cent. No Commission, N. F. PATERSON. Port Petry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor MONEY [Private Fands,] terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, BarrisTER, &o., Oshawa November 21, 1866. 4 THE ONTARIO Farmers' Mutual Insuance Co'y, Head Office, Whitby, prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Compiny have now an opportunity of doing so, either the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada, Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., Whitby, C. NOURSE, Seceretary. W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. ~~ PORT PERKY. LIVERY STABLES maa 67 C. KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. bscribér having now full aipped "hia now and extensive Livery'stabioe Ww th EE On] Curios, Pp! 3 LIVERY RIGS On, Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1873 : = i . MUSIC. Mise OC. Sibley, 0. AND ORGAN. by applying to the Head Office, or to-any of Botels. THE i Walker House, PORT PERRY. I HE Subscriber having leased the above AL hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular go as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public, THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Province and surpassed Ly none out of the best cities, | Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public will find in THE WALKER ITOUSE justly celebrated, PHOTOGRAPH to) KEN in all the ; latest .and most ap- proved styles, and finished in that AB MARAER SUPER MANNER For which onr work is Photozraphs for 81 per dozen for 30 days Pictures enlarg Call and sce specimens before going clse- % ( i and Silver Electroplating done to order in good style, J. LEON ARD, Phdtographier, Opy * Brown & Currie's Perry St. Port Perry, Nov, 26, 1370, all that ean he required in the matter of accommodation and moderation in charges. {ha Charges are No Higher at the Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. The House is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE ua) The Tables and Bar supplied with the ghoice ot the market and the utmost atten-- tion paid to the convenience and comfort of ALL GUESTS. No better stable and shed accommodation in the Province, Attentive hostlers, W. HASLEM, Port Perry, Dee. 4] 1879. {yf no HOTEL, Brock st., Whitby C. DAWES , PROPRIETOR. The proprietor will spare neither labor nor expense in securing the comfort of his guests, H tes all his old friends and the public generally to call and see him, Cran ro sure tae Tives, Good Livery attached to the Hotel. Whitby, Dee. 4, 18 {|oMuERelA L HOTEL, J The having succeed Mr, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Willinms- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it np With a view to the comfort and convenience of guests The supplies for the table and bar care- fully selected, PEPER ITOLT. Cartwright, March 4, 1870 1D EVERE HOUSE, iv MANCHRSTER. Dy GEO. we Taving leased the abovaexcellent Hotel it will be my endeavor sto conduct it ir ar so as to merit the appro- mage of the public, Mauch. Oct. 6, 1875. O NTARIO AO WHITBY, T. MASON, - - PROPRIETOR. The public well cored for, and all Guests will please feel at home, 11, Whitby, Nov, 9th, 1876. A) UEEN'S HOTEL, qf Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts. CANNINGTON D. CAMPBELL, This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation te travelers. $45" First class Sample Rooms. 'attached. Cannington, Oct, Ost. Livery 20, 1875. iL, A SomasmRiean HOT 7 PRINCR ALBERT. W. H. PARK, PROPRIETOR Having pnrchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired and renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The Hotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of guests, The tab.e and bar well supplied. W. H. PAR Prince Albert, June 12, 1875. A RUSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALRION,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. #. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. THe Only First Cinss House in Town. Boy HOUSE, late Jewett House, Kefit Street, Lindsay. Board, $1.50 per day. E. BENSON, Proprietor. HE QUEEN'S HOTEL, : WHITBY, ONT, McCANN & TAYLOR, ProrrisTors. Every accommodation for the traveling public, Ne HOTEL, SUNDERLAND. The undersigned having leaged the above Hotel has renovated and fitted it up with a view to the satisfaction and convenience of uests. Supplies for the table and bar care- 'ully selected. The traveling public will find Syery accommodstion necessary to comfort at the Ni pissing Hotel. \ T. TUCKER. Sunderland, May 5, 1879. TE I WEEKLY GLOBE GREAT IMFROVEMENTS IN 1880. THE BEST! THE LARGEST! THE CREATES ute IN NORTH AMERICA. NEW PRESSES--NEW TYPE-INCREABED SPEED 1N PUBLICATION. On "the 20d of January, 1880, THE WE LOBE will take another of those upward s n the march of impr nent that huve main tuined it for nearly forty years in its high posi- tion as THE LEADING FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF BRITISH AMERICA. The increasing necessity for variety of reading matter in each week's issue, €0 as to in- clude the news from all sections of the Dominion and meet the varied tastes of its numerous readers, has rendered expedient the enlargement of Tix WEEKLY GLOBE much beyond even its present large dimensions. Commencing with the first weck of the New Year, therefore, the for t will be changed from that of to that of a 96-column paper each page will al=o be so exte 3 all, an increase of reading matter in each wer sheet of nearly 32 columns beyond its present size. Thig vast addition to the eapacity of the paper * will enable a bill of fare tobe presented weekly probably more varied and ir ing than ever before accomplished i 1 The literary matter will be m space will 'be devoted to Housel affairs ; and the Agricultural rendered more efficient than Notwithstanding the great enlar on improvements to be made, the ant ubscrip- tion to Tie WEEKLY GLok® will remain us bere- tofore, only. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. sent postage free to all parts of Canada and the United States, payable invariably in advance. The CLUB RATES FOR 1880 WILL BE AS FOLLOWS : Ve rag foe . Any one is at liberty to get up a lub on his own responsibility. Each club paper may be addressed separately, and may be ice. Reli for any Post parties gettin he cimen copies of the paper gratis, Gropw will be sent freo of postage Mice in Great Britain for £2.20--or to any Post ( nine shillings sterlin Remittances ma 3 bank draft, registered letter, or by expross at our Lie sent by P.O. money order, risk. Orders and remittances to be addressed to the GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, Toronto, R27 All subscriptions sent in between this date and the 1st of January, 1550, will entitle the sub- seriber to receive THE KuY GLOBE fron: date #J subscription to 31st December, 1550. * Are you going out this evening, love?" of girlish pride as my eye met the fairy re- flection in the mirror. yon began to dress yet 1" not see the haggard, drawn look in his feats ures~the fevered light in his eye? well enough," Gerald," A Wife's Lesson. My husband came tenderly to my eide, "Of course Iam I" I had never looked hetter, and I felt a sort "Come, Gerald, make haste! Why, haven't Where were my witely instincts, that I did ! 1 can't go to-night, Madeline--T am not "You are never 'well enough' to oblige me, Ie made no answer, but dropped his head in bis hands, home with me, Madeline," "Men .are so selfish!" TI said, plaintively, "and I am all dressed," No answer again, "Well, if you choose to be sullen I can't help it," I said lightly, ~~ Was I heartless and cruel 2 Tad T ceased to Jove my liusband ? I went to the party and had my fill of ainlation and as usual until, wearied with dancing, I sought a momentary refuge in the half-lighted tea-room. Soon I heard wakening me, as it were from a dream, "Gerald Glen © I could not well be mistaken in the name. Mey were talking--twoor three business- Ise logking gentlemen--in the hall with out. i homage, fine enterprisieg young fellow!" "Great pity 27 "Totally ruined I "Reckless ex travagance of his wife?" All these fragments I heard, and then some one said; And what is be going to do now ?" What ean he do? Poor follow! T am sorry; | but he should have calculated his income better." | Or his wife should." I rose hurriedly and went back to the Mr Albany Moore was waite m my hand for the next dance. | lighted loon, ing to cl Are you ill, Mrs. Glen ? how pale you! | { look I" 4 [--I am not very well, would have my carriage called Mr. Moore, I wish you Hurried by rome unaccountable impulse, I sprang out the moment the carringe wheels touched the curbstons, and rushed up fo my bushand's room, The door was lock. ¢ ed, but I could sell a light shining faintly the I knocked wildly and persistently, Id, dear Gerald! for heaven's sake under threshold, . Something fell on the marbie hearthstong within, and my husbund opened the door a little way. « Who are you?" be dmanded, wildly. | rn ER doh. dS --OF ---- LAND Ii BROCK for Sale hoe 5th | offer t hn!f of lot number 16, in the concession of Brock, belonging to the of the late GEORGE CRABAZON. CONTAINING 100 ACRES. Thi mile property is beautifally situated, one of Sunderland, on the T & N RR. and three miles West of Man the Whithy, Port Perry & Lindsay Railway. The land is in a good state of cu ation, a beautiful crop is at present on this farm, luis well watered and fenced, 'There are reity good Hous Barn and a good { Orchard on the prem 80 Acres Cleared The remainder is beautiful Hardwood, TITLE INDISPUTABLE. For farther particulars apply to Roper Brae itfield Post Office ; or WiLL Bam, Wick Post Ofiice. Dated at Brock this 10th day of July, 1879. ROBERT BRABAZON, WILLIAM BAIRD, i C Execurons. THE BEST PAPER | TRYIT!! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 85th YEAR. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Tae SciexTiFro AxericAxy is a large First- Class Weekly Newspaper of Sicteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful siyle, profusely dlustrated with splendid engravings, represent= Ing the newest Inventions and the most recent Advanees in the Arts and Sciencies ; inclad- ing New and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Pro- gress, Social Science, Natural History, Geo- logy, Astronomy. The most valuable practi- cal papers, by eminent writers in all depart- ments ofScience, will be fouud in the Scientific American : Terms, $3.20 per year, $1.60 half] year, jas NONQUON, HQTEL, The undersigned having purchased the above Hotel has had it thoroughly overhaul- ed in every department in and around the premises fitting it in every way to secure the comfort of guests. The supplies for the table and bar will always be the best the market can supply. No effort will be spered in making this large and pleasantly located Hotel an agreeable resting place for the traveling public. W. 8. LATIMOR. Seagrave, May 1, 1879 which includes postage. Discount to Agents Single copies, ten cents. Sold by all News- dealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO.; Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. PATENTS In connection with the Seien- Wr tific American. Messrs. Muxy & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scientific Ameri- ean of all inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily e H 4 Any person who has made a new discovery IMPROVED STOCK. HE Undersigned keeps for servico at his premises, lot 20 in the 2nd con. of Reach, a first.class SUFFOLK BOAR, large "He took first prizes at the county ehows of North and South Ontario in 1878 and was also a prize taker at the united town: ship show held at Port Perry in' 1879. : Service $1, Casa. or il , can ascertain, free of charge, whether fa t can probably I xR writing to Musy & Co, We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how pros , with hints for proenring advances on inventions. Address for the Paper, or con- cerning Patents. MUNN&C®., 37 Park New . Branch Offs oo Fe Tih A 7 New York Pie Washington, D. C The chromo that comeos with a package ot tea is less a work of art GEO. JACKSON. vo, 5 | Port pe ry, Oct. 20, 18 ~~ o stuff called toa: than th - rien tors'Sale | eave and devotion, « Why eannot you leave me in peace?" | "It's 1, Gerald=--your Madeline--your own { tle wife," | And I caught from his hand the pistol he | | was striving to conceal in his breast--its | 1,0 ae: one half ¢ mate lay on the marble heaith under the mantle--and flung it put of the window, | Gerald! would yol have left me ?" | «I would have escaped I" he cried, still halt delirious, to all appearance. "Debt-- --misery--and her reproaches !" I ad fell, like that of a weary child, on ivy shoulder, And through all the long weeks of fever that followed I nursed him with unwavering I had but one thought, | --to redeem myself in his estimation; to | prove to him 1 was something more and higher than the mere burtterfly of fashion I had hitherto shown myself. | And now, when I look around me, and sce | the pleasent home that our combined indus- try hws won, I thank God that I learned my lesson before it was too late. 8 Tho friends of a married couple up in Chilicote determined to give them a surprise party. To this end, twelve young ladies and gentlemen, with well filled baskets, made their appearance before the house about nine o'clock. As they camoup to door tho saw the gentleman stand- ing in the alleway with bis overcoat on, smoking a cigar, and the parlor was all lighted up. This strack them as rather singular, but the leader gabbed the door and they hilariously in. The gas was burne ing brightly, and six Qignified old ladies were sitting around tho stove, looking as solomn as grand inquis itors, «Oh, my | where's Mattic?' shont ed one exuberant young lady, set- ting ber basket on the piano. «She's up stairs,' said an old lady, looktag over her spectables with solemn acrimony. Lets have her down, screamed half a dozen girls in chorus, as they made a break for the hall. . ¢Iere, girls, don't yon go wp there!" and the old ladies made a hasty attempt to check the proposed raid. : «Why, what on earth's the mat- ter hero, anyway ?' inquired the impatient darlings. "Welly I believe it's a boy.' «Oh, lot's go I" And that company of nice young men and women moved away like a soap bubble In a hurricane, and the girls mover stopped for beaux or baskets, but stuffed "their breath down till they were safe behind their own doors, and not a girl in tho Fourth Ward knows where | Mattie lives. 3 | WHOLE NO. - ---- m--- A doritists sign--Drawing, music and dancing. f "A compound word--rum-punch. 'Ave bits of advico presents of mind ? A go-as-you-pleaso--the woman. It takes a sober man to walk a ight rope. Never keep a chalk account with a milk-man. 'I rise for information," said a member of a legislative body. am very glad to hear it,' said a by= stander, 'no man wants it more.' dt { Expensive . Fee, of the township of Ops had maa drawing tiles for him a short for kome reason or other the tiles up on the road side near the Ops. bridge. Home time after the ti there Dr. Burrows was passing buggy when his horse becoming righ at the tiles tan off and broke the buggy. Burrows sued Fee at the late Division ¢ 1 for $40 damages. The case came bifore jury who gave jndgment for $23 and costs-- A Mrs, Ward who was driving past the same pile had a bad runaway and recvived personal and setious injory. Mr. Ward is about to euter a suit against Fee for damages amount. ing 10 $1000, This ought to bea lesson to municipalities and individuals to leave the ' led upon her little boy the necessity ] "Oh come, Gerald," I urged, petulantly. The proposed race between highways clear. He shook his head listlessly. «I thought | Hanlan and, Courtmey. was too. mueh | #4" 7 ; perhaps you would be willing to remain at of a morey-gotting business, It A Brave man gone --Cnwato, Deo 1, was a.sawdid affair from beginning to end. "There is somethihg inexpressibly touching in fallen leaves', sighs an esteemed author. There is, thore It is when you slip on one of these articles on a wet morning and touch the unsympathetic pave- is. ment with the end of yoursalf. The Cincinnati Star thinks its time to begin hanging train- wreckers. A lady who had her train wrecked by an awkward man treading on it the other night, en- tertained the same opinion for about two hours. Now she thinks ten years imprisonment would be suffi cient punishment. A lady applied to a philanthropist in behalf of an orpan. After he had given very liberally, she said.-- + When he is old enough, I will teach him to name and thank his bene- factor.' 'Stop,' said the gnod man. 'You are mistaken: we do not rhank the for rain. Teach him to look higher, and thank him who giveth the clouds and the rain. clouds | i | | A clergyman's wife had impress. the skins of grapes, and a few s afterivards she told him the story of Jonah and the whale. "The whale isa very | mon- ster," said the mother, and he | swallowed Jonah." "Did he swal- | low other men, too?" asked the little boy. "Well, 1 suppose he did," continned the mother, who was somewhat in doubt ; and while she was hesitating aboot the con- tirnation of tho story, the boy in= terrupted :--* And mamma, did be pit the skins out too ?" of ejecti | | | | | A favorite cake of ours is made in | the following way : One cup sugar; | QUICK CAKE. oe; up of sour milk; a little over one cup of flour; one teaspoonful of soda and one of cream- ot-tartar. Bake ina quick oven. This is nice for: jelly-cake, when | | baked in thin cakes and excellent | {when chopped raisins are mised | with the jolly. Orit may be put] together with rich custard, but 1} often bake in ono loaf. Raisins may | be added to the loaf if desired. | sour. | | | | | Tha richness of soups, should de. {pend upon the stock, that is, the jelly obtained by boiling the meat, {and not at all upon the fat, which {should be carefully removed. Many | people would as soon think of cat: {ing a tallow candle, as soup with l.grease floating on top. It seems | tnlly as palatable to a civilized palate | All sorts of vegetables may be add- led, according to the tasto of those | who are to eat of it. Onions are extremely disagreeable to many people, and turnips are to others.-- The vegetables are chopped fine and boiled till well done. Soup may be thickened with rice, barley or ver- micelli. QUEBN OF PUDDINGS, One pint of vice, fine bread crumbs, one quart of milk, one cup of sugar, the yolks of four eggs, beoten, tho grated rind of a lemon, a piece of butter the size of an egg; bake until done, but not watery; whip the white of!the eggs stiff; beat in a teacupful of sugar, in which has been strained the juice of the lemons; spread over the pudd ing a layer of jelly ; pour the whites of the eggs over this; repluco in the oven; bake lightly; to be eaten cold, with cream, if preferred, RICE GRIDDLE CAKES. One cup of sifted flour; two cups of warm, new milk ; throe eggs; one cup of boiled rice; teaspoonful of salt; large teaspoonful of baking powder. Mix the flour with one lcupful of milk, then add the tice --which must be newly boiled, or reheated by steaming and then beat ing light with a fork--and thin with the other cupful of milk. (Allet to reduce the mixture to the proper consistency.) Beat the yelks and and whites seperately, whij ) the yolks first and. the whites Add the baking powder mixed Ea General Jeff. C. Davis died yesterday, aged 53. berland re-union in Washiogton and died of pneumonia, | St. this last cup al muy not be required | He caught cold at the army of Cum= ------ Pierre Put it to him.--Orser a man living in Alnwick, rermned home recently from the Western States, was etolen, and he sued the G. T. R. Co'y On his jonrney his frank for the amount of the loss, But the com= pany set a detective to work, and the result was that the trunk was found in Orser's peesession, He was arrested, brought to Cobourg, and will be tried there, SS. > p= A Costly 8 rike.--Baruong, Nev 29, The United States Commis: iocr reports that $18,269 is due to the libellants in the ease of the French brig Briha, which the British ship George Bell ran into and sank off Newfoundland in 1878. The owners of the Brihaget $15,000 of the award, ee ---- Sailing close to the Wind. --Ban= raGEADERIN, Dee, 1.--One thousand five hundred people attended the Irish meeting vesterday, and a thousand pikemen from Sligo Roscommon and Mayo srrounded the platform as a guard of honor, Father Hen Father O'Hara advised the sen presided, | people to not pay any rent except the over. plus of the year's proceeds A priest ex. horted the people to ficht the Government even if their leaders were imprisoned in thousand, - ' r----------- Livenroor, Nov15,--A meeting attended by fifteen thousand persons was held opposite Hall Parnell fully speeches for the recent arrests in Ireland were made, Ho strongly denounced the action of the government; dicted wonld utterly fail in 18 ust landlordism d The resolu= tions moved Ly Parnell were carried with George's to-day. endorsed which which he p object, he said would The agitation ag continued, enthusinsm--that the arrests are arbitrary, unconstitutional, and calculated to weaken. confldence of the people of Ireland in the impartialty of laws, and that Government which squanders the blood and treasure of peeple in unjust wars abroad, while misery ivved at home, stands condemned in the eyes of all right-mindeds thoughtful nnegan, one of the obstructionist members of Parliament strong= No disturb= ance ocetirred, but the authorities had taken The at a an appeal to the Irish to maintain a fir but peacefull attitndd, A torchlight 'procession of 400 persons at J Kilrush, County Clare, last night, was wit= 3 1, who cheered the prisoners and O'Donovan Rossa. A great demonstration by anemployed labours ess has also taken place at Bulliaa, County | Ma Loxpoy, Nov. 20--Daly, the Trish agitator, and famine are unre men, denounced the Goverment, strong precantion, committee prior meeting issure negsed by an immense crow, yo. | has arrived at Castlebar, county Mayo, and has been received with great enthiusiam, Rows, Nov, 30--The Fanfulla states that the Pope bas wiitren to the [Irish bishops asking them to interpose between the people and the Government to avert strifeand pacify the people by assuring them that the English Government will promptly exuminioto the question which cause the present agitation, Cayvas, Dec 1.--Abont threo Cayuga on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 30th, two children of Wm. Leroy, farmer, a boy and a girl aud a danghter of Benj. Foster were found drowned in a small pond near Leroy's dwelling. The pond being part. inlly covered with ice, itis supposed they went out for amnsement, and broke through. The children's agus wnged from eight to fourteen yoars, i ee --An"embarnssed actor bounded on the stage of a San Francisco theatre, in a scene depicting a tobbery in a hotel - office, and shouted, ¢ Get the safe, while [ blow open the night clerk.' J Epps's Coooa.--GIATEFUL AND porTING.-- "By a thorough knowledge of natural laws which govern the operations digestion afd nutrition, and by a care plication of the fine properties of well ed cocoa, Mi. Epps has provided our fast tables with a delicately flavoured age which may save us many heavy villas, It is by the judicious use of such § ticles of diet that & constitution may gradually buijt up antil strong resist every tendency to disease. of subtle maladies are" floating ready to attack wherever th point. We may escape many keeping ourselves well 3 alood and a proper hy 3 0.