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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Dec 1879, p. 4

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ii i BE OFFICE OF THE Ry Il \ : Il {O01 IRON & PATTERSON MPG wr. v WHITBY, ONT. TIHE Undersigned would remind bis} : T customers and the public generally that' The Undersigned feeling grateful for the long continued, highly satisfactory aod still besides Choice Plain and Faucy Breads of increasing patronage bestowed upon him would embrace this opportunity of returning hi variety, the Best quality of Confec- sincere thanksfor the same and takes pleasure in stating that his large and carefully selected " NEW STOCK tionery, &c., &c., rything in ine it, TO THE PUBLIC. : HIDES AND TALLOW at resenting onr Twentyssecond Annual Catalogue of Agricultural Implements to the : ; A or the or 1871, we do 80 with more than an ordinary degree of pride and confidence, from the marked favor and patronage conferred upon ug. had the steady and in- creasing demand from year to year for our new celebrated Farm Implements, * We shall continue as heretofore. as manufactgrers, to make & specialty of Agrieultural] TUMMONDS' Machinery--the Johnston Self-raking Reaper, the Triumph Combined Reaper and Mower, the 3 p Cayuga Mower, the Young Canada Mower, aod our new Whitby Harvester claiming a large Srey g shave of our me ard attention. FLOUR, FEED, PROVISION, The Fuss Purify the Blood, correct al) the last twenty-two years we have glven our most careful and undivided attention distedors of. tl 5 on to a phd of the NS machines in use, sifting out the best points and Pon he 1 se lena Riduoys Opposite the Post Office, Port Perry. remedying defects, modifying and correcting errors, strengthening wi points, adapting an plaints incidental to Females, WM. TUMMOMNDS, E . ate of the jute ---- Oats, 5% 2 Blech, (yg, deceased, ' et ACRES other social entertainments OICE LAND. | supplied and at moderate charges. The best quality of HE Subscribers have Leen instructed by £ the Executor, to offer the above Farm the Bakery and Confectionery line at his establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert, Bridal and other Cakes Supplied on the shortest notice. Public" Teas ' promptly Has just been opened and all are invited to call and exam My New Stock is really First Class as well for style and appcarance, JEWELRY 3 FANCY GOODS and STATIONERY in Great Variety. A Grand Show of Choice Goods : Just the thing for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, p&5~ Don't fail to call and inspect my Stock. i t increasing experience has suggested. i 5 proportioning o ve Ath at cron hh and our machines pass under the mest careful The OtNramxr is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and supervision and scrutiny--eve: detail being subjected to the severest criticism--and edch machine is thoroughly tested oT leaving our works, to prove the sompletsnsee every parl, Ulcers, of however long standing. Fac Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin diseases it and there is no difficulty in putting them in operation by any person of moderate' mechanical hag no equal. lity. OY machinery has been selected and constructed with as) pegial reference to the manu- jor this particular purpose, and facture of our own machines--many tools having been made ICE CREAM upplied by measure to the public. Handsomely fitted up BOSTON CHAYSTALIZED for Sale by . W. H. McCAW. Private Contract, Port Perry, Dec. 8, 1879. ~~ About 30 acres of the land is cleared Being composed of Lot No, 24; in the 14th | 'concersion of the Township of Reach, cop- taining 162 acres more or less, of which 120 acres are cleared and in an excellent state of cultivation ; the remainder is® ¢ with excellent Hardwood timber, There are erected on the premises TWO FRAME ROUSES, One 24x32 with kitchen 20x21, the other 18x34, kitchen attached 12x15 ; Frame Barn | There are an | 81x61; Frame Stable 21x69. Orchard and two wells on the premises. The above is one of the first settled Farms in the neighborhood and has been in posess~ gion of the late owner since it was first cleared, and has never been run out or over-cropped. The place is pleasantly situated alongside Simcoe street, about 8 miles north of Port Perry, and halt a mile north of the Seagrave Station on the W. P. P. & Lindsay Railway. The quality of the goil is a rich clay loam and is splendidly adapted for raising Grain or Stock. The Executor being desirous of closing the Estate forthwith--intending purchasers should apply as soon as possible. Liberal terms of payment will be given. Possession for plowing at once ; full possession of the entire premises on the 1st of March next, = For further particulars apply to JNO, & D. J. ADANS, Brokers, Port Perry, Or to the Executor, ALEX. BLACK, Sonya. Port Perry, Sept. 8th, 1879, Increased Public Accommodation HE undersigned would inform the public that he is opening a Restaurant n the premises opposite the Ontario Bank where every thing supplied in a first-class Restanrapt will be provided and served in a mariner ch cannot be excelled as it will be conducted by first-class hands, EIcot and Told Meals AT ALL HOURS, SERVED OYSTERS" A call at Cook's Restaurant will satisfy all that this is what the public require, " % JOSEPH COOK. Port Perry, Sept. 24, 1879. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. Send for criculars explaining'our New System oF Caxvassiva, Agents bave wonderful ssnccess. 100 subscribers to 1000 inhabi- tants. Our publications are standard. Address, : The Henry Bill Publishing Co., and 45 Shetucket §t., Norwicn, Cony wo Fire Properties for Sale! PHE Undersigned offers for sale 50 Acres A First Class Land part of Lot"22 in the 13th Con. of Reach, about 30 rods West of of the Seagrave station of the W ,P.P.&LR. Also 10 Acres on Lot 24 in the 12th Con, of Reach, On this there area dwelling house, barn, a capital orchard and a choice supply of water. For particulars apply to WM MARK, : Seagrave, P, O, Bengrave, Sept. 3, 1879. AN EXCELLENT Farm for Sale s» IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ! CARTWRIGHT. JID EING composed of the East half of Lot |) Number Three in the Second Conces. 'sion of Cartwright, containiug 100 Acres more or less, of which about 05 Acres are Cleared nd in a good state of cultivation, the re- anainder is covered with Hardwood. There erected on the premises a Hewed d Log ¢, Frame Barn, Frame Stables, Shed, | - . There is an excellent Orchard [on the above premises are situated six miles Perry. The farm is excellent clay d refreshments PARLORS For the convenience of the public, where {are supplivd of the hest quality, those ? and dainties so plensant, healthful and refreshing in hot weather, One of the best Fonntaing now in use for making cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, good and cheap. xe = _C. HISCOX, Port Perry, May 21, 1879. nn A THE SEWING HACHINE | WHERLER & WILSON! And HOWE Sewing IvMIachines, At Prices as before the New Tariff. The above machines fully warranted and kept in order for a number of years free. Machines, not kept in stock; supplied to order, at dealers lowest prices, The best Sewing Machine Oil ; Needles for all the leading Machines, and Sewing Machine Attachments kept constantly on band. IE. BEAD, Manchester. N.B.--All kinds of Sewing Machines and Clo repaired. Also for sale a number of second-hand Lock Stitch Machines in running order, and warranted. Prices from $4 and upward. Manchester, May 21, 1879. ewe [Vj acmzs FOR XA Li. HE nndersigned would take this opportun= ity of returning his sincere thauks for the large and still increasing peironace bestowed ou him sinee opening business in Port Perry ; and would now intimate that with the view of securin + greater accommodation 1 have moved my business to the shop on the opposite side of the street, THE SEOCUND DOOR EAST of the POST OFFICE, where I shall be happy to wait on all parties wishing to purchase. SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machine Attachments, Oils, &c. Te The Fest Machines Cheap for Cash Repairing promptly attended to. The publicare kindly invited to come and inspect my show rcom, C. TUPPER. Dec. 4, 1877. NEW LUMBER YARD. J. CURRIE FFERS for Sale a large and well selected Stock of The undersigned baving purchased the ' Business of Mr. I. J. Davis, repaired and fitted up the premises, and brought on a large and Choice New Stock Groceries! LIQUORS, &C., Would embrace this opportunity of soliciting a shure.of public patronage CUSTOMERS May rely on prompt attention, Choice Fresh Groceries, every thing in the Provision line, the best Brands ot Wines, Liquors, &ec., all at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. MR. MELLIS, Well known in this section of country, 'has been engaged to Munage th business. W. B. McGAW, Port Perry; Aug. 11, 1879, W.J, XOT'T, FURNISHING ! UNDERTAKER! MAGNIFICENT HEARSE, 0 e, H which is nicely trimmed in the latest Ameriean style, including two sets of Curtains, Masonic, Oddfellows', and Catholic Emblems, and MonrningBo- nets, and owning a suitable team of Black Horses, my Undertaking Depart ment Is now funy completed, where everything that is necessary to the departed ean be furnished on the briefest notice, and on the most moderate terms and at prices tosuit the times. Funerals conducted with the utmost decorum. Joli assorimont. Of Caskets, Cofine, &e. Without any exception I have e FINE 2S PPOINTED HEARSE 1n Ontario County and yt Ye bixusy sel Bess Area ario County and equal to ety Farniture.--A large and well assorted stock of Furniture on hand atall times, cheap for cash or on short credit to good buyers. . Picture Framing. --Special atgention given to this branch of my busi- ness. A full stock of all kinds of Mouldifigs--Wainui, Ebony, and Rustic Frames to select from. Thanking my friends and patrons for the very liberalipatrona in the past, 1 hope by paying strict attention to business, fa selling at prices consistent with a reasonable profit to merit the same. » Sign of the Rocking Chair, Port Perry, May 1st, 1570, 8 -- ea ONTARIO CARRIAGE WORKS! | rPYHE Subscriber has much pleasure in informing his customers and the public generally | that he bas just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable | CARRIAGES CF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE Of the best materal and Workmanship. They will be sold at such Prices" as will ensure their ready and rapid sale, My manofacture is now being run and sought after over the larger portion of this Province, and cvery effort will be put forth to make the manu. facture of the OnrAgio Carriace Wonks, Port PERRY, still more deservedly popular, pE&AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. "Gg JAMES EMANEY. Port Perry, April 10, 1878. rig MARBLE WORKS! not adapted for other work, of our manfacture--obtaining & thorough re thus enabled to obtain a facturing is carried on. manufacture, add t cution--and a consequent reduction' of cos! This principle is regarded necessary in to turn out ovr machines wi to defy competition. is now so well known as a Single Reaper, perfluous, but as there are many claiming theold original Johnston machine, without ourselves and patrons require part, and for strength, durability,-and lightness of draught and ease of pre-eminently ahead of all other reapers. which have taken place all over Canada, meet all the requirements of purchasers, bility, and ease of management. and our workmen are ed knowledge of We are, therefore, enabled to introduce a more perfect sy ing not only to the perfection of the work, b t. a well regulated establishment, and we are enabled ith a higher degree of perfection, and dt prices 80 low as absolutely The Johnston Self-Raking Reaper that a word of commendation would a to manufacture this machine who ba keeping up to the improvements, of us to state that we yave modified it in almost equality of cut, in every «in he "Johnston." as Tn proof of this position we many First Prizes awarded us--at the Inst Provincial trial of Ontario, c within the last few years. with late improvements, is all that can be desired | are both first class machines--constrtucted almost wholly of Iro Das a rear cut, and the Young Canada a front cut; both strong, celled by any machines inthe market for quality of cut, durability, neated factured b, vy OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINE n a combined machine, and cannot fail to Our Improved Cayuga Chief, Jr., and our Young~Janada Mowers up to the wants and requirements he construction of our macuines, and higher degree o skill and proficiency than where general manu- stem into all the departments of ut also to the rapidity of its exe- Tmbst seem su- ve adhered to that justice 10 every essential ad and condition of grain t have only to point to the and macy county trials n and Steel. The Cayuga Jr. durable machines, and not ex- lightuess of dra't, adapta- Port Perry, Sept. 3b, 1879. MANCHESTER. i o Works AND GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. pee. Carria ge services of fill al] orders for Cutters, Sl-ighs, Bob-Sleighs, neathess and on short notice HEARD'S / HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has 'secured the valuable One ot the best wood-workers in the Pio- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with ¥ BEWARE OF AMERICAN COUNTERI'EITS 1 most respectfully take leave to call the attention of the | ublic_ generally to the fact, that certain Jouses in New York are sendin or many parts of the globe SIU 101 IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment.-- hese frnuds bear ir These frauds | on cir labels gome address 1 do not allow my Medicines to be sold ii wiy Jan of tie, United States 1 aoe - gen here. ly Medicines by me, at 533, Oxford Street, Are only wade In the book of directions affixed Lo the spuri- ous make is a caution, warning the Public against being deceived by counterfeits. Do not be misled by this audacious trick. as they are? the counterfeits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeits are purchased by u - ciple Vendors at one-balf the price npia: Pills and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medien ea. I most earnestly appeal to that sense Kk of jus< Alee, which F feel sure I may venture iin askiug from all: honorable persons, to nssist me, and the Public, as fir as may le in their power, in denouncing this shameful Fraud. » Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medici ne of » Medicine bears the British Government Stamp, with the words "HOLLOWAY'S Pl.L§ AND OINTMENT Loxpox," engraved thereon, On the label is the address, 533, Oxrorp Stuer, LONDON where almie they areMannfactured. Hoiloway"s ills an intment bearing any oth L are counterfeits. , Sony. fer address The Trade Marks of these Medici | 4 S hes a registered in Ottawa. /lence, kny one i out the fieition Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, wi secuted. les, Will be yeee Custowners may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work- no perceptil have re d. Weh lied fc en produced. We have applied for | Ceo manufacture, and we respectfully suggest to intending purchasers. that they should | gee this machine before giving their orders for the coming harvest. all told, 600 pounds, | weighs, $ and compact construction, and from its ingeniou the heavier machines. OUR NEW * WHITBY HARVESTER." As the country has become better adapted to machinery, ccme skillea in the use of machines, a growing demand hi First-Class Reaper. Alive to the requirements ot the day, Wrought Iron Frame, 2 \ and so constructed that the frame and table tilt at the same time, always in line with the knife. ble side draft, and ded in inventing the most All our machines With this list of machines, respecifully solicit a trial of our machines, the moaey than can b with the least possible gearing--with large, The rakes are driven directly from the no weight upon the horses necks. yerfect. Reaper, taking it in Potters patent, and shall hold but being made principally of the best are fully warranted. e obtained elsewhere. Respectfully Yours, it combines the stren and many of our furmers have be- as sprung up fora Light, Durable, we have succeeded in inventing a machine witha broad-faced drive wheel,-- thereby keeping the pitman main shaft--there being Vv We are confident that we Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. all: its parts, that has ever | our invention, for our own | The * Whitby Harvester) quality ofiron and steel, gth and durability of we feel confident that we can meet every teynitement, and we belicving that we can furnish a BROWN & PATTERSON MPG CO. Whitby, Ontario, March; 1877. Ocer Thity-fie Thousan: NO BREAKAGES--No ve waiting for reprirs--N express charges to pay-- Easily adj grass or grain--A CHILD CA DRAUGHT--A PERFECT MOW FOR 1877. ER--THE B! REAPER----The most simple and durable of all Haryesters--The best and cheapest Machine in the market. xations in gathering the crops--NO CRO o telegraphing for repairs--NO REPATIS TO BU usted to all kinds and conditions of N MANAGE IT--LIGHT IN THE "CHAMPION' RECORD IRST class Tailoring in all its depart- Hachines Sold. PS DAMAGED while Y--Nao EST Purchasers Always Entirely Satisfied. FORTY THOUSAND MA STEEL FRAMES MALLEABLE IRON CHIEFLY USED IN PLACE OF CAST1 ONLY SIX PIECES OF CAST IRON IN COM. FOR 1878. CHINES ARE BEING BUILT. BEING SUBSTITUTED FOR WROUGHT IRON FRAMES. RON. BINED MACHINES. ; THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. WEIGHT THEREBY REDUCED OVER ToRz UNIS, HOVERS, The result is that INGLE REAPERS, the # Champion" will be the lightest in weight and machine in the market, at the same time equally as strong and durable, 'The manufacturers are etter machine for manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure the. eas and comfort of the horse in traveling. BEF All Charges Moderate and all wor Warranted. W. C. HEARD. Tailoring Establishment ! | STORE, PQRT PERRY. increasing patronage {on every department of his business orders promptly filled The NewestFashicr regularly received, perior Workmai sii), and perfect fits wa. ranted, JAMES RIGGS 15, 1876. CLASS Port Perry, FIRST V0 H nrcnts, |: the lutest styles and at moderate rates. good fit guaranteed. 16 OVER MESSRS. BROWN § CURRIES HANKFUL for many years of liberal and ' the subscriber would inform his customers and the general public that he has got thoroughly arranged n his new premises over Mr. Brown's Store | with increased accommodations for carrying The Latest Style |, ou ING. Add T HUGOE'S, PRINCE ALBERT, Work made up on the shortest hotice in A Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 538, Oxford Street, London, January 1st, 1379, 5 A LiuCIPURHE TO YOUNG MBE 7, ~, We have recently phlished a Pew edition of For. Culver weil's Celebrated Essay on the radical and permanent eure (withou medicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Pnysieal Incapacity, Impediments te Marr age, ete, resulting from excesses. 9 Price, in a sealed envelope, ouly 6 cents Or two postage stamps. The celebrated anthor, in this admirable E: vy, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years! snecessful praetice, that alarming cou- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the kuile ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectuag by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. ZB" This Lecture should be in the 'hands of every youth and every ma in thedand, * Address [16.1, C3. HE CUBVERWIL 41 Lun Bi, New York. e % AG AD THIS. 'mouth and expenses, or allow a | comm nission te sell our new and wonderful inven< tions. We mean what wé say. Sample free -- regs, SHERMAN & CO, Marshall, Mich. + " ; Remember the place, opposite Cook's Hotel. TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION R. HUGOE, Prince Albert, April 2, 1874, | WHITBY 'STEAM MARBLE WORKS J. & R. WOLFENDEN, V HOLESALE and Retail dealers i Foreign and American Marhle Man tles, Monuments, &c., Dundas £¢ , Whitby Also, Agent for the Scottish Granite Also Building Stone cut to orde:, - : JOHN NOTT, Agent, Pott Perry. 18714 Whitby, July 20 3 | | 500K UT FOR NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. " L. MoLEAN Port Perry, May 20, 1879. draught of any | and as free from determined that it = 2 rire AND ARCEND TOWN. 15 3 BE Subscriber is prepared to convey | § _Chiests, Tronks Boxes and every other description of Luggage toand from the Rail way Station of anywhere around town AI orders promptly attended to, Charges moderate, n JUS. COOK Port Ferry, Janu 1, 1874, The V1 { MUTUAL : of Canada, HEAD OFFICE. ...... HAMILTON. -- 2 HIS is decidedly onc of the best companies inthe Dominion, and partids having property to inswe will' do well to consider the many advantages of insuring with this Compuuy. . | I. H. WALSHE, Agent, i Cannington; Ont. Cannington, Sept. 26, 18786. | | ! FOR SALE wi LOT 15, in the 6th concession of f- VIOTORIA 3 . COUNTY. [ELDOY LUGG AGE We will pay Agents a Saary of $160 per { ' Insurance ompHny" 0 liability to breakage as those built in 1877. 0 5 to $2 y Toga A YEAR, or 35 4 Su Say 100 Acres, 85 cleared and nhder cultiva- RICHARDSON'S shall excel in every particular all other machines offered, regardless of first cost, and have therefore taken this " your Owl Jooutit, No risk. g M bimeitdu ue Foil an meh Many tion, There we good lnldings, two good LUMBER "Of all descriptions. | Lath &Shingles. Bobcaygeon LIME ! In barrels, always on band. BEF OFFICE AND Y inp, near the Elevator, | Doors, THE undersigned begs to express his hearty thanks for the very liberal patronage hestowed on the firm since opening the BABIES woanuns rere A Troe PORT PERRY In future the business will be carried on by the unde 4, and as In on nd every Y Pbpiying FACTORY PORT PERRY. err. attention will be paid to promp Monuments, 'somb Stones, 'Tablets, Pillars, and the public planing lumber MANLY ROSE. | » the line, Choice Materials, | SER UNPRECEDENTED STEP IN ADVANCE OF ALL THEIR COM- PETITORS in the manufacture of Harvesting Machines, Pi 3 For further information, address, Oshawa, Feb. 20, 1878. ' OSHAWA, ONTARIO, Jeph Hal Manufacturing Guy, (For cht AGENTS~D. CARMICHAEL, Sunderland; G. URQUHART, Sandford. =a 15 one can fall to make money one can do t J be wi . an ork: ne Business pleasant aud Reader, if you want ow: your address and we will send you ticulars and private te Troe: A TioliE i LTINSON & CO. Portland, Maine. - Take Notice t 1 have sold V. Thompson, Port Perry, rps isto give notice that I ae notice 4 Te ade dispose of the same, rg JOHN YOUNG. 7, 1875. \N ut Sued ¥ Tush: Boil, clay loam, gh 2% airy ol je. ~~ toknow all about the best "0% public, send us fall par-| m yen oan. then make up '© May 21, 187! 3 Ls nm eu) A Q i GLORGE ay 21,1879. wells and a young « chard "on the premis PNerms--5 1500 for lot. $100 down, lalance payable in 10 equal iustalinents; Apply to owner, D. B. CARMICHAEL, Racker), CHOICE F FOR SA FAT 'excellent Farm being T the Soutlsouss rat of lot} in the west x tlie 1] eges to use and er Thrce nilex ines, , anilla, Ont

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