' ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JAN. 1, 1880. { WHOLE NO. 1199 PH . Er EE RR gi ee -- Ea ) Sooner or Litranarons-- 1 «Will An Odean Bteamship Lost, OTOGRAPHS Sooner or later the storm ehall beat ot iknuay it "rn - ~yOL. XXIII, NO 8.1 PORT PERRY, PRYNCE rm ir Chere: _ Business eds. ING, & D, J, ADAMS, "4 WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICUL- ONTARIO BANK. | Money, Land & Insurance TURAL Tp m-- * *| Woods. John Abbe, F W Trounce, F B [1% BokUssia, Yon Nuw-Ontsaxs, Suse rer my Slumber from head to feet ; Madden, L Able, Ambrose N McKay, IN MID~OCEAN.--124 Lives Satp 10 np [har ooo BROKERS THEE 1s a EE ve aoa momNixa, [CAPITAL $3,000,000" ; LN Broved syles aod aiound bot bret whos oy vo, |B amma, Suk Moi, Marionk | Tuk Casrur sep. Pars vm Cont sn EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, (CAP. OOO, PORT PERRY, in that oot hued thom where they Ne [Dom b, HuGly, 13 Bros au nea | team rou hv vas Vim ? X oY J ng their sounds I signify ; Hi Willi a 1 AVED"-Tug Sony oF THE i 5 Se-- ber having leased Nothing the headstone's fret of rain : am, am Bates, DM Cdrmichael, C ¥ Survivors BAIRD & PARSONS PORT PERRY BRANCH. H AVE Inrgo sums of money on hand for ra will be bis endeavor SUPERB W A \ fR Na eulstoays ot of Tain i Pound, R J Nidery, Phileus. Harper and © po. 0 SBhPurt of the crew of fhe .--$1 per annum, if paid in ad- : -- nvestment, particular so as : 3 British steamer. from Liverpool, vase, If not $1.80 will bo charged. No| gy yc DEPARTMENT. | Mortgages Purchased, | ood rooms of the Fok whch eur rg ¢ Wi enor watt oe i pd of nine 0 ei Mae one Gio oc ae or Ir subscription Sulton or led until all arrears| A Savings Department is now open in} A number of excellent Farms for justly celebrated, Sooner or later in summer's air . | Maggie Bullen, Teenie McArthur, Phemis | qi Borussia was it a lgwdste and no paper 3 hs. Deposits of to Rent, over and violets blossom there, McNeil, and Philena Harper. Junior Divis= ng he are paid. ; 1 Eotnestion with this Bans ived tine Ssle or, ny whellk extent or quality o Photographs for $1 per dosen for 30 days > ion.--Emma Woods Maggie Ham, Anuetta goa. wt ' "RATES OF ADVERTISING. | FiveDollars and upwards received a To. dati Pictures enlarged and framed Lehall not feel in that deep-laid rest McCoy, Luts Rows, Alice C Mundy, L © |, A Liverpool despatch says the survivonr tion. . .$0 08 | est allowed thereon. $ AGENTS FOR THE Proflind s reamed, The sheeted -light fall over my breast G ] ;: d 1 from the ia report that the Captai For each line, first inse: d surpassed Call and see specimens before going else » ordon and Ambrose N McKay. po Captain 2 Xs oh fin y wine 002] No notice of withdrawal required. where, 8 Nor never note in those hidden hours and the majority of the crew remained on Cards, under 6 lines, per annum ..... 5 00 A.A. ALLEN, al. Teavelors Gold nd Silver Eloctroplati 'The wind blown breath of the tossing flowers Jonca LEC I--Lncy Bullen, J | board the vessel, Only sixty persone left §@F" Letters containing Moher when a Maxam. 9 QRS ners and others doth busin order in good style, soltoplating dongite Sooner or Inter the stainless snows McDougall Eo red a fe 2 fhe A drossed to this Office, pre-pa ges ferrmm ar = HE J. LiKE Shall add their hush to wy mute repose-- {and F J Groat, Class 1 Edward Th i Sqik despatch-repo-ts that 181 persons will be at our risk. ------------------------------ ime 7 LEONARD. . 1 "tweraabonrd the Borussia, The (: . tons measured by Nonpareil, OX : Plot Sooner or. later shall slant and shite son and Lillie Greig. 2h. Capiain un * Land charged according tothe space they oc~| VW", IML, WIT. T.C y Opposite Brown & sevifig the danger, and that all efforts to Perry, Nov, 26, 1879. And heap my bed with their dazzling drift N Currle's Perry St. . Junior LaTiN--~Class I--Ambrog N McKay [save the vessel would be usel wd Chill though that frozen pall shall seem, * | V Bates, W Abbs, John Abs, and Robert | the boa Sore min org EE vertisonionts received for publication, ALLAN LINE be required in the . i ts t0 be got ready. Some uf vere tion and moderation in! Its touch no colder can make the dreawew | MCATthUr, Class II--F W Trounce, James prepared and et a DD Tra, wes without specific instructions, will be inserted Of Steamships. Higtics 'That wrecks not the sacred dread Swan, and D M Carmichael was abaudoned at night, there being then °, antil forbid and charged acodingly. | So AGH Si JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, ges tre No Highe MM A = Shrouding the city of the dead, Sion Lariy--John Holman and Fred |ten_or sicven feet of water in thie engine " t . , 1554 a S use udle, room. a Sdvortisement will De takes on hans 4 i 7) Office in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, her Hotel in Town. Sooner or lat? the bee shall come about the ae Hy He {i , beral Jp Port Perty. ' hot : And fill the noon with its golden hun rn Bess and the heavy see the t aud others who advertise by the y LICENSED AUCTIONEES. Port Perry, Jan. 2, 1870, 7 bs is Sttedinp throng AND Sooner or later on half. poised wing, ! That Reilway. of cach other, SAVY we tiey Soo Jost aight Miter. tora' will ta oil Sst M8 dic me Sams lo niy T CLASS STYLE. The bluebird above my grave shall sing The Toronto Bhd Ottawa Railwa ar ] . m ncese D eee. "strictly +. e~d to TL Siods and patrons for their LUND 11fles and Bar supplied with J Sing and chirp and whisile with glee, 1s hastening to the front and will hs SeLENDID Yield --Messrs Vandervoo* and . § Job Department. liberal patronage bestowed holly J 9 choiffho market and the utmost atte \ SNtbing bis music cau wean tomo ; long secare such a hold on public | Fo dread, wi b thei now clover mill 13 <8 Pro- during the past el years, y fort , one of those beautiful things shall know y bushels: clean seed from 12 | e i tid Bank Form, Receipt nt beg. fo offer my service to ai MONEY, LAND & INSURANCE |tion Jo the convenience and com 2. | How soundly their lover sleeps below, = wpaihy anon he Fatepay OFS {for Mr. Morval Fouls) Rs elon 1 . k, Implements, or . ol e City ol oronto as will carry | _~ 3 ' Booka, Ohucke, Books. Sisgiles,_ Bosines iki Ang arm gl anywhere LL GUESTS. . \ -------- Sooner or later, far out in the night, u by- ar a bonus in hon Sidoey, : stor exooned promply and at lover aie |i North Ontalo, tho fowahip of Maiposa B R 0 K Nile stable and shed accommodation gp or gan irene Sooner of Inter the duking dems ®t! | with its wealth and enterprise, and Ea vs 'any other establishment in the County, or Sertwight.. Stengive priefive as. Anos NCEE. Comtmissohek Ibr it in tifiirince. Attentive Dodllery vi ' a hg Hout ng "lent oose, | Worthy of the nable scheme which | Muss Have Bie A Pitman a Song. RE Parties from distasos | Rastug ne: wily long hiorbiy Et Joie the value of Cy EYAl JOR, Com Re noas Boho Go. y =] B . Hovir tri al et toss is seeking their belp. An article on | This case was argued in the superior Cort Wille, ko, printed ean linve * | Farm Stock with an accuracy second to ONEY TO LOAN Port, Deo. 4, 1879. . B. DIESFELD'S That wraps me "round in (he dont tomb, | Uh8 subject in the Taronto Globe |whis morning .before Judge Rainville, The home wi > 1H. PARSONS. | none in the County, and this is of imports M = : Peace shall be perfect to lipand brow | Of the 16th inst: places tho enter- Plaintift owned a bive of bees which swarm. J. BAIRD. ance aa if the Auctionesr is Dot # god In any;manner to sult borrowers Mortgages P ERRY HOUSE. we. Store, Sooner or later ; on, why not now ? prise in its trae light before the eq daring the summer leaving his pren os ---------------- | 1} of the value of ec ug! CCO! hy h 4 Ar a D : : i mises J Professional CALVS, Ee vam ule feo ny we. |e pany. borrowing. money on got it Tilersigned having leased for a term | ~Cyot will see the FINEST STOCK | . ~Florence McDonald, the Suicide. Slee ors oF Lor onto, ng, hen, of Mrs. Collins, bis sister-in-law, found them, i always on hand. Lowest rate, and ie fortable, pleasantly loc: of ---- r . and, boxing them up, at once t 88 cele Bar Salo Bills. ag and notes supplied Ny on, Tor payment of aro by strict attention to the High School Standing. attontion of our readers to a few of the tha Toes -- iy - 4 J, FANasTHR, Dyselun, Our. Chrre, ere Oe BT et an otroamstances | convilleand comfort of guests to make SILVER Ww B - clippings from the article referred |g © . Suit Wag. entered }y #x'guon and vd Gilaio Days of Sale may be arranged at the he can ay ron of 'tho pHincibal | the 1 Perry Hovse a desirable place of E The following is the standing of the pupils | 1 }-- oise Fournier to recover $4, the alex. d sige Rh : Opsmaver Office, where a Sale Register will | BCL SHY Riding themavlven inthemort: (0 BEC "OCT EOE bie." Choice Tao Port P h in the first and Intermediate forms of the . . ' . "Phe | VAIUE of the bees, which the: defndun: IY ote, eorner of | pe kept. 2 guge lo nosepl. seh sum, whelher Inrge Of | sup the table and bar, 5 Ort Perry, Stich a8. | High school, at. the close of the Present | Toronto and Ottawa line; one of the last to denied. Judgment was given for 2 ana v Bhi, Streets. "Termin Liheral: W.M. W. EE Et the interest H and yard carefully attowied to. GSILY ER WATCHES, term ;-- be temporarily dropped during the depres= | costs which latter amount to something like Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. on the sum paid. No extra cha 18 pxicied JOHN. RUDDY. vee a {sr yom, sion era, is one of the first' to ru-engage $150, astwo witnesses were brough . +" Residence, the dwelling recently occupied on Ee a rave town | Port lily, Dec 9, 1879. . public attention, It is, in fact, the railway Springfield Min Lt ai og t from uy Mem deo Parton E. MAJOR, PORE rath tlle. ele the oe ow. Wh , ]Abbs, W J Abbs, Henry Hort, Edw] Wel BIR ost pede soe] one y "uss, Ly she pinintid, for the County of} i 11 parties | In ® 48. Ww hel to! ART 10 HO , Brock st. GOLD AND S\vgR RINGS | Thompson, Thomas Christie, Mary J Har | for which the prospects of Ar = ntarior Physician, Surgeon and Ac- i ICENSED AUCTIONEER. at Tw the Nh ig a Vatoator for RTT eres , per, R Nidery. James Swan, and M A Camp- | business are the brightest, Ree. The case of Mr, Waterbiticy of the St, } eoucheur, hall Lf I Port Perry, and arrange for | soveral Companies tiete can possibly be no DAWES, PROPRIETOR bell. --Class IL.--8 C Smith, Mary Johnson, . : s : *Uohn Post Office, has reached Office, opposite the town hall. "Qbserver" Office, Port Perry, publicity in the transaction. i ; GREAT VARIE Jennie Leask, Clara Betts, Frank Taylor, | Probably there isnot a farmer, and cer- | ~~. WY Port Perry. ~~ {days ofSales. If the title is perfect the money will be| TheRroprietor will spare neithf I IN " . J Lillie Greig, Annie Innis, Emma Rees, and | taiuly there is not a grain-dealer, in Western | Stage. gperior Cont % J y "X7M. . MCBRIEN, M.D, M. R. C. 8. Guy's | Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. [aid here in two weeks after making applica- | nor exgnse in securing the com off of hi, bs, Clocks. and Jewel Nicholas Silly, ' Ontario who has not lost money because | wick has sustal fi ages. TH NN Vedcpital, London, England. ThelsyeR. | _ "7° G0 END guestsg He invites all his old frifids ng g style and guaranteed. Avasaia--Class I.--Figin Bush, John |the Grand Trunk Railway has been 80 overs | Lo. i ae ty aude Hew WM. GORDON, JANES JN &., the page generally to call and suffim, Abbs, Jennie Leask, and A Nider ? co 10 | whelmed with through business that the | ich gave him §8] uhonesly 2 J " osna wi, . Parrish's Block, Cor, Brock and Bascom HARGES TO svIt THR Th "a respectfully invited IL--Ellen J. Coates, Nichol oY Brrr | 1ocal trafic had to. be neglected, A much X04ng man was charged = E. FAREWELT, LL. B, County Crown | Ljeensed Amunctioneer, Valuator, &e. streets, Uxbridge. Gooflliivery attached to the Hl. ne Ye goods. al TT, Tet las Sibley, tl aot ot ich business Suspended. His fonocene An oe ory Pub for ome ately 06! JOE the ownuy of Brook, Uxbridge, | Uxbridge, May 17, 1877. Whiti@Dec. 4, 1879. is no trouble to show th Innis, and Mary J Hurper, ? wight have huwn done if a secopd Tine ad | clearly proved, He was refused reinstal alicitor, and Not . k street, Scott, Tho ma, , Mariposa 4 . existed to relieve the pressure on the presen J eupiad by 8. H. Cochrane, Esq., Broo . ' Evcup--Class T,--F H Taylor, J Abbe, 1 i 1d be reduced all ™e0t. Ard the late Government determin Sulehy. ents "ea Pasties entrusting tte satestome| MONEY TO LOAN. Coca pore, | |Porlirry pec. 3, 1879. ee Here iL, EyDush, Mary | rt th Tororas Sod Onawa Img. © 1hat nothing should be done fa: his cur -* £YVAN L ENOLISH LL.B. Solldtorin may rely on the utmost attention being given S-- ecriber. havi coded Mel Ss Johnsons Sibley, Anaie intle, YJ Ea, were competing against the Grand Trunk | Now, two courts have awarded hitn dar - do. bse ) 3 i . . 4 Chaucer? eo i 1g Heir interests, GORDON, The undersigned has any amount of Money n the Cy el, Williams) > 'S Edward Thompson and Ellen J Coates, -- | BOPOPOIY. ry 5 . « |88es. It remains to be seen if this Gover ¢ a treet, opposite the Post Office WH, Soni Brock. |tolend upon Farm and Town Property, at wright, intends Be It 0p with a eo tors Class II. --~W A 8mith, M A Campbell, and East there is an iymense oxpatiss of ag. | ment will not be more generous, mos are y lo ily Low Rates of Interest! }v the comfort angfonvenience of ee Of re Sewss bi Chit 1-3 Abbe ricultural, lumbering, and mineral Jasd to JU ® NG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- Enotes History-=Class I. , and PY Ottawa | ---- ny w, Solicitor in Chancery, T. H. WALSHE, Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit upplics for the gfe and bar care T Hart. Cliss IL--Lillie Greig, W J Abbs, Wo opened 8p by the Toronto id diana | " ; " nd Insolvency, Notary Publie, ih ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township | the borrower. 4 | \ RE Bush, Albert Holiday, Clara Betts, and | yidiacs. the Central, the Whitby mad Port |" ¢ do not claim that the prosperity Olise-MeMilias Block, rocks Li of Brock, Thorah, Mara : Seu i Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Sok [ETER HOLT; : ¥ Hurper, Perty, the Brockville'and Ottawd=all these ieee we wholly and solely the result -- North Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County |; J 4 cor cate cheap. ht, March 4, 13 -- TaTioN--Class I.--~Walter Abbs, A | lines are looking forward with eigerness tay of the National Polley and a Consefyatis WW. Maurice Cochrane, of Victoria. Residence--Cuunington, Brock, Investments made in Municipal Deben TE u\reiied offer for Sale the rancis Taylor Jobo Abbe, Edward | the timo when they can be emanci regime, but wo do maintain that the pol \ ORNEY.AT-LAW Solicitor in Chan nies Io a 8 re Gol. tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks. R* RE HOTSE, o- est hy of Yasmber 186, in the 5th | B13 ot hobrt Risers, Lillie Gist, a frow servitude to the Grand Troak. . f Sir John A, Macdonald bas enabled t! 5 vi lic, &c., &c. wi unc h h on of Dro longing to the Estate , Eli us| : ind 1 of tl i from 3 a.m. to 5 pm. |lcoted in Cannington, OF sitierwise; ad Apply to S30S HOLDER Mies i rE aa pogo te a Stilwell. Clara Betts, Elien | The Coteau Bridge will be billt, mes the - inlay bo véup ie Tallest benefits Is rv cent, on all t remittances made. me! na ' By GEO.PUCK, rge Currie, Emma Rees and | Grand Trunkites how tgey pense. en | ura ance, and that had Ar SHouey io Loan at 8 pe 4 WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- v ¢ Broker, &c. Hale leased tie gve excellent Hotel Late GEORE BRABAZON reons. Class 1, --James Swan, | that link in our comm.uniation and the MacRnzie been still in power, the advurg Offic Bi elow's Royal Arcade, eer. : Whitby, April 10, 1873, it wills my eden] to conduct it fn | tie, and W Hodgson, the Toronto and Ottawa lin are completed, | yapoq Ol 11 good harvest would havi bh thd RE eek Eat Strate y lass I--John Ab d M we shall have un all-rail ratte to the ocean, ! t ; or PORT PERRY. 00D every Bticular sca merit the appro- CON NING H ass 1. kin 44s, ary fo only delver us' from the DUtur by his inefficient administracic i ete i g v-- " a F. PATERSON, (late of Beaverton) WM. HEZZELW : NOTICE T0 FARMERS & OTHERS bationfid patrong the public. yin ony na tender mercies of the Grad Trunk, bur will | 8nd fly-@a thee wheel policy. -- Ez, N. Btrrister ani Arforners t a Licensed Auctioneer. MaoBlister, Oct8f75. ! \ C , , Edward Thompson, | 8150 effect & great saving in time oud diss - or in "hazeery, + A 3 4 -- M h fo Re 4 . MONEY TO LOAN. . ee over Brown & Currie' Suns... | ¢ , How t the Aving would be may alu Abe, Elgin usb, ate] n mc figure, showing the | An Edifbugh woman, whose hus! i: to the ocean by the | had beatelll her 930 times in four years | i property i benifally situsted, one mile East of Sinderlancon the P& NRR.| Gpodrapay - dietances fi and three miles West Bi\anilla Station on | £,il1ie Greig, W Abbarnobert Nidery, | 4i® ¢ Perry. i aris ns the awnars Por we, ol HE Undersigned Fiving Taken ger -EFVIF undersigned would say to the owne: ; Tf Wh »+%a has in his hands a v respective him ar sod he was it BILLINGS Barristor, Solleltor, Notary License as Auctioreet is now prepared | L" ofReat Buti, Sr wml TI N, {§ PROPRIETOR. |the Whitby, Port Perry Lindsay Rullway, Fatnacs Thoups pert . aunt ta, Jui J. Bubile, e. to attend to all sales; entrusted to in, | bie am, rivate > b! " son, Thomas Cigie, o wellfl for, and all Gnests | The Jang ina good stn of cultivation lowe =. ia, Port Perry. a 0 three days, The pinishment was to Lik. Te pared to |; funay Having had much elerience in handling ererpn nvest for peri, aviich he Tap i RROD hry 18 duet on $v The brute should have been sent to Jui FE A large amount of money toloan at 8) p | Tuite Live Stek such as Horses, 80d mont lokam AFL Per cont eR prow: at q g ° = Lago eck, The next thing we 1 per cent. -- | Cattle, Sheep, &c., Also Farming Imple. TIA assured; i ° BY - -- NCU A. MURRAY ments'of all kinds, farm Produce, &c, &c,, | aBcheser, October 13, # CHRISTIAN, h i #2 a, | COTTO J. A. 3 ' partivs placing thei@ales in my hands may MOND 4 85 La ATE Putierond PN rely on geting alo the property that i MONEY TO LO g BT v ible to bring. > H Dentist, Office over _ giao | "CA orders proftly attended to, sale bills a AN. SET mmm mm by Col aed notes tarnished free of HE Subsc Ca ---- i on improc 1 Prepared tolend mone 30 vw . : Ber: all bis , Parties leaf® their orders at the one to twenty Property for terms ay Er pen] ee] " Intest and best style and warranted to give | Opsgaven Off Pert Perry, will receive | Agent for fr 0 fF satisfaction. immediate a attention, Bavinas Cowra, CANADA Loan snp 5 m met . Por Perry, March 28, 1877 Ry He has also inst . - 52 i ED) ee 4 Tango amoung of Hy, acted to lavest i] > -- | r-- C. N. VARS, TD. 8. : 8 Raglan, | Interest Bight jy cen, nds, y ; z jonny Pd Cas peer ia on all the latest princi ' «No Commi em -- / Ags ~ Lplon of tho ut, and as cheap as the cheap. ony F- PATERSON AND--¥ I Na y A bine and» the best. Teeth 2 is r ! : antity sf 1oice Butte A - 4 4 r aid for any quanryiisef choice Butter: > gles t ket Price Pai pany 400d : A = ; 2 i, 60,000 bus. Barley, a '{ 100,000 do. Wheat, TE $0,000 do. Peas, Sa RE Ibe CASH, delivered at the En oo