ete? efor Y, JAN. 1, 1880.{ onday last was. a day of more than usual interest throughout this Province. That was the day on which the-electors wore privileged | to meet together in their svat] municipalities, talk over municipal | matters and place the men of their choice in the field ag candidates for the representation of the municipali ty; a selection which required con- siderable cautioo, as the trust com- mitted to municipal councils is of wuch greater weight than many people suppose; and not a little of the general comfort and order of a municipality depends upon the con- duct and good management of its municipal council. In an especial manner does tho management of all our public gatherings take its com- plexion from the management of the sessions of our councils. Tho nominations for Reach took place in the Town Hall, Manchester: Tho returning officer took the chair at noon, read the law bearing on the matter, and called for nominations. The business was a little slow at first but the electors soon got wakened up, and ere the hour was up twenty= three good men and true were on ihe list as nominees for the several posi. tions in the gift of the people, The hour for nominations being now passed, the returning officer read over the names requesting the parties to select tho positions they meant to hold or contest. All the nominees for the revveship. except Mr. Christie, the reeve of last year, resigned, and Mr. Christie was de~ clared elected to the position of reevo for the ensuing year. The pominees for the office of first depu- ty-reeve all withdrew except Mr. Dobson, the first deputy reeve of last year, and A, W. Ewers, these, of course, will have to contest tho position. All the nominees for the second deputy-reeveship withdrew except Mr. Barnett, who was conse- quently declared elected second de- puty-reeve. The nominees forthe off or witlidrew excep! 7" McFarlane, J. Morn, so that two of 3 ave to fall back. The returning officer now read the law bearing on the point, an- nouncing the candidates claiming a 'poll and th time and place for hold ing the elections, and thon invited the ngpting to appoint a chairman and withdrew. "Mr, Spence was called to the chair, and the members of the late 'council, commencing with the ree 'gave an account of their stewardshir- Then followed the other candidcs and nominees. The' speaking! Was very good and the almost enff® ab- sonco of that foul-mouthed abuse which in times past has but (00 fre. quently disgraced such _woetings, was most agreeablo and satisfactory. The meoting was verylargeand bigh- Jyintelligent and nearly ali'the speak: ors treated it a8 such, discussing fairly and fnclligently the 80 /questions more par:ict 3 4 holding the election and this closed _Bnjoyable Entertainment. proceedings for tho day. Thanks to tho enterprise of our Prince N A Ces . | AWér B C. church friends a really choice Nomination day in Cartwright! i iqinment is tobe given in the Public was quite an interésting time, as Hall, Prince Albert, on Tuesday, January b3 Ka 1 TNSCnY,;.. vanus Stectors We, aro Sat jong of bi "6th, 1880. They have secured much of the Re Tendo NT at {| nest musioat talent in Oshawa and Brook with spirit. The nominations were Bs Sis yy Blovids: an ghimiance of. s5- beld at thetown hall, Willamsbui g, | °° og e Ye sud instrumental tho olectors turned out in force and (Seven) lyons ~ os bo ghvesly itis and a c ice sclection. of re: (NES an re- a lively time was experienced. , os "here was nolack of matorialofwhicl jSitations are provided for, , This entertain: went will prove a graceful and appropriate to make good reeves and council and the list of nominees soon swell-| wind up to the New Year's holidays, The committee are doing all in their powes for ed to large proportions, and when it camo to the point of demanding | the success of the entertainment, and it will polls large numbers withdrew. Thero being no nominee for the doubtless be such asdeserve a crowded house and we hope to see it packed full -- reeveship but Mr. Parr, ho was de- | The proceeds go to the Organ Fund of tho clared elected for the office of reeve. | church, (Sce posters.) The nominees for deputy reeve all -- withdrew oxcept Mr. Lattimore, A Grand Success. consequently he was declared elect- ed as deputy rceve. All nominees for the councll retired except Messrs. Cowan, English, Goggin, McKee, and Whitfield. Of these five two must stay at home, and it remains for the electors to say who it shall be. To parties knowing anything of the composition of the former Cart- We are much pleased to learn that the Christmas entertainment given by the C. M. church, Utica, was a splendid succees as well for the quality of the entertainment, the liberal patronage received and the financial results all were satisfactory and all who at- tended went away highly pleased with the entertainment, eb ---- p&y Look at Brown & Carrie's new ad- °. Division Court. Mr Demera sworn--! A any time till he saw pl The Division Court for Reach, Port l'erry | near Emaney's carriag nd Scugog was held in the Town Hall here |agree to fire the horse a on Saturday, Dec, 27th, His Honor Judge | no pay, Am employed Dartnell presiding. 4 the horse is not so servic "The docket was light but the bar was well |it was fired, =. represented, Messrs, NF Paterson, HL | To Mr Paterson--B Ebbels, W M Cochrane, and C Campbell, of | Port Felry to have th the office of Mr. J Billings. with pif. and def. Between clicatage and others there was a | Grabam's shop ; the; goodly number present. ed Splind. If. h The suits were not of much interest ex- | hand. £ ¥ cept to the litigants aud these went into it| PIf, recalled--H to Jively and the witnesses were not indifferent | my. irons would ngbe li Dy any means, round town with f, did The excellent order maintained in the horse sometime if did Cott, the calm and fair discussions ot the that day. merits of the cases mado it agreeable to be Judgment fogblf. present, ; 'Ebbles for def, Brows v, PILkey. Th a garn| PIf brought this suit to recover a balance Wtlpodp rn of rent for premises in Saintfield and a bal= fim owed thfidgment ance on due bill, ! Josgen Broyp Pere. PIf swears that defowes him $40 for rent | pig suits brought and balance on due bill, One Ferguson oover $19 grhich he al bad rented part of the premises from def pin whose lease covered all the property but| pf gwi--Sent the ni Ferguson had rented a part from def. jg wag fe. owed and had gone off owing $40 for rent. He! recei % pIf had agreed with def that he would sue| pip, gfhe had called for the amount, he (p)fy would be willing to' the posffice but got no strike off $20 off the amount if def should pcp off office tor some lose the suit but if he should gain then he Thafurt nonsuited tl (p!f)y would expect to receive the fully, gok after his mos amount $10. Admits that the store was not | opogP v- Bextiry & FY completed when def leased it and was to pay pad been employe for any thing really wanted in completing ' o, #hreshing machine the'building. Had received §25 in pat j,i 8. PI's, contention payment of due bill, | hired by both at a || Whitney sworn--Remembers being called | mf HF Foster, one to hear a reoation between pif and def | that pif. could cl The conversation was about def's suing) Ferguson for $40. Heard the two agre that if def succeeded in recovering the amonnt from Ferguson Mr Brown (the pif] in this suit) was to get one of the amoun but if nothing was recovered then Brow had hy Lworn-- Bentle ng 1 told him I a wuonth, but if they ts 0 Twould hire with 't jente near home. Saw all wright councils will almost suppose that it cannot ba complete without the familiar and much respected namo of R. B. Spinks, whose name bas figured in that council for twen ty-one years, threo years as coun- cillor and eighteen asrceve. Twen- ty one years of faithful, efficient and valuable service merits the respect, confinence and gratitude of any people. Mr. Spinks has this time declined to accept of any position in the council and has for the present at least retired from the ranks with his municipal honors thick around him. His enterprise, assiduous at= tention to'duty and bis familiarity with municipal law made him a valuable acquisition to the munici- pality. Mr. Parr, the Reeve elect, is a man of ability, ene:gy and integrity and is well up vertisement in this issue, they are offering special bargains to their patrons. Parties will do well to see the advertisement, they are making such offers as cannot fail to meet the wishes of all. ------------ Plection Meeting .--By referring to the posters it will be scen that an interest Prince Albert, on Friday eveniog, January 2nd, 1880. Sce posters. 8chool Meetings. year, was another nomination and election Thus by the consummate stupidity and bungling of the day throughout the Province. Mowat Government we have had two sepa- rate nomination and election days in the same week. Isit possible to conceive of a greater degree of infernal legislative bungling calling the electors of the Province together in council work, ho will doubtless make a | =o covoral municipalities there to pass good Reeve. ' the greater part of d / _around, Scvcoa.--The Reeve, Mr, Graham, wa A ER mtn elected by acclamation. The pomifzey ~~ + wees f for the council. &#®'T. Adams, W. D , | exel t J. Colts, W. Irvin, P. Williams, 8. Fra- Kck, and C, Wakeford, Brock.--The nominations in the township of Brock was by no means a tame affair, there is no municipality in the Province that knows better where to place their votes and they placed their votes just where they ought to be. The nominations for reeve were M, Gillespie Esq, and G. Shier Esq. R. Cunningnam Esq , was lected first de- paty reeve by acclamation. For second deputy reeve the contest will be between H. Bre\hour and James Amey, There are three\nominees for the council, Jas. Bryan, .John, and M, McPhaden, and the now lies entirely in the hands of b Oue sccoud deputy reeve and ono councman must be left at home, Uxsmipos Reeve, Isaac J Gould. Coun- quent upon ions of day intervening call the electors together again throughout the several school sections that they may spend another day and pass through the excitement of another nomina- tion and election day. But it would appear v1ilages, towns and cities are to be subjected to the further annoyance of having anothe, school meeting day one week after the the management and results of the scl during the past year, all right and prop acclamation, eeve, John Sharp, A McKay. Councilors--Wesky Brandon, D C McLean, J Coxworth, A Robson, W. Donalds, J 8 Whetler. Prokerixa--Receve,) Deputy Reeve, P R L Barnard, Third D Councilor--J Monkhot The old - Coubeil John Miller, First uty, Wm Forester, y ing Municipal Meeting wili be held at | Wednesday, the last day of the now past i i ¥ for nominations with all thé municipal councilors, then with only one ! that even that is not all for the electors in 0" nomination day which is to be election day,' i or the amount of the note and again one week from that day isde- iv a0 was dated manded, this is for receiving reports, &c., gsented appears to liave beegtlated or altervd to that date. hs any one to alter or changgfhe ate a did not do it myself. the date had been tampe plf's oftice and' saw the ledged that he had chai tion, not acknowledge the he did not make an willing to pay wha | can't acknowledge thf note. and gave judgment f§$0 58 this being pif was non would give me e $27 and no He $50 as all I should baye §& ster, one of the defs, month jtold him if _| ifto take the $27 to let n n. working at $24 and ho same rate. PIf, said 27, as he would rather ne than $30 away from $27, and Bentley gave ding to his horses; I p ends to my horses, If said the understanding a day or so when they w ighborhood then he was ta y, ard if in Foster's neigh as to work for Foster, Gi Judgment was contingent be given by Bentley who taken before the Clerk of # ochrane for pif. ; Pai y Oruke v. Winorse. tere § suit was brought on b er the interest on a note held defendant, Del's contention was ready to pay the note wl | did not know where it was, a left money at bis residence t n | Whenever presented, The Court held that it was to find who held the note money in, ? Judgment for pli, Cochrane for def. Court adjourned, was to pay balf the costs, This being plt's own his claim on the $40. Def sworn--Ag ceed with plf that I sho sue Ferguson and Brown should receive of what I should recover but if 1 did no cover anything then Brown was to pay costs. PIf had paid $18.50 into Court Judgment for Paterson for plf, Cochrane for def. J W JomxstoN v. HEARD. Def had given Walter Hill a cg ple notes one falling due in * October fast & the other in February next. Det paid $10 by a new note tof structing him to apply it on the note October but Hill applied it on'the coming due on February and sues the ; to witness scatter) ty note. The plf not being pr sent Mr, Hill put in the box. Swears that he gi instruction as to which note the $40 be applied on, that in presence of (Hill) endorsed the $40 on the F' note and def did not then compla complained afterwards but finall was all-right. : Hore def's counsel and Hill had as to the identy of Johnston (the suit) and the manner in which came into possession. Mr Hill & itively that he had sold the note and received payment in othe rt, bis that e but was present ed with othf" ion to apf it on the October jected to i cing endorsed on t note £0 sgh 88 I found that it ther JIndggnt for fe Wich a splendid Gold Wate will Ebbetor pif, Paterson for de i Bring on your cra Dayo & Co. v. Heaun. Thy Was a suit brought on ve ----the amount of a rf resentation of the note ith been tampered with and t «d make the note fa f it should do. Def demi 'ed to recognize the note it day ovening, Jan. masquerade wit he held on fhe Def sworn--Made a ootefn svi auth Se Dundee was ©! was go strong t! the dal Plt says he won't ackfwledge ay alera- miles from the bie. that the train is ifie wi engers, who are cdinly estimated at 150 00 Larer,--The galkvi what, the Provost of leading the scene, but The i t el) said of would to ns it 3 not his at that/ate, def is r el but he Mr Paterson (def's co The coirt held tif the debncee is good Rice Lewis v A Jy as the maker and G RoD¥n, as en This note had sued in Toronto but _shitedor want of jurisdiction ither makern J endorser wag: sid ; df, owed If. when 8 times at and told . to work ey owned t he had bf $30 a efs., con= ly $27 a me about hired at I would | B® fterwards, er agreed me that bd pif, not will- jv as I had pt another 1d accept p27 near We gave B for at- nan that Wnt when Bentley's for Bent- then he evidence nce is to 0 recov. . against t he had he note pty of pif. pay the art's Hotel, en Friday, Jarary 2od, . In addition to a grand pigec shoot- bgeveral te four » doubt I pnssr~ ved, are some. \ number un 1 leamer to A n returned , *| In Toronto, on the 24th i | D. J. Macdonell, Peter Chri of the townshipof Reach to] only di er aug] ® |«Dundrenan" Reach, By the Rev. J. E. Betts, at the id, the bride's father, on 1879--Christmas Day--Mr. John, seco on OF tap ats | Tenty Bell Esq, to Miss e, only daughterof W, H., Park, . all of Prince Albert. % hi sn 2 By the Rev. J. I. Betts, at the residence son of Charles Hiscox, Esq. , to Miss' Nellie, youngest daughter of the late John W. Allison, Esq. all of Port Perry, s Cla Port Perry. At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, Dec. 31st, by the Rev, Mr. Lee, Mr. Edward Barrett to Miss Melissa, eldest Manchester, At the residence of the bride's father, Utica, by the Rev. W. J. Young, on Thurs- day, 25th Dec, Mr. Benjamin Holtby, to Miss Eliza A, Christie, all of Reach, 'At the residence of the bride's father, Epsom, on Wednesday, Dec. 24th, Mr, W. 5. Actiney, to Miss Emma Reynolds, all of tach, not rtm rme---- A el---- et rmin The Markets. Osserver Orrice, Jan, 1, 1880, Fall Wheat, ..... $1 30 Spring Wheat, 125 0 65 0 36 0 60 800 me © St S 5 to So oreo CR g Hay pi Clover Seed 0 to at 5 to oe S - © Sheep Skins Beef ..... Pork..... Smoked Hams, Turkeys = 0 to 50 to 00 to @ S a ° 5 0 5 2 08 to 08 to 06 to 06 to 13 to 15 to 80 3 0 4 0 7 0 08 0 Chickens Cheese .. Eggs ..oune 0 oC ooo counroR®RORa0D 4 0 9 1 5 5 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 [] 15 eave es 15 RUTTER. Package or tub, No, 1...... 9 to we Nog, 7to 1 020 1 09 to 1 018 010 7to 018 15to 0186 0 08to 009 coocoo To the Electors of the Municiparit, of Port Perry. Bey GenTLEMEN, -- Having been nominated to the position of Councilor for the ensuing year, if it is your desive that I should serve you in that capacity, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties to the best of my ability and would solicit your vote and influen ce he he s JOHN CURRIE. oi To the Electors of the uh 1pality ew af-Port Lerry, ... . GeyrLemeN,--Thanking yon for the honor of nomination for the position of Scuoon Trustee we beg leave to state that we cannot under any consideration accept of the posi- tion and beg respectfully to withdraw our names as candidates, be W. M.JONES. N. F. PATERSON J. BAIRD, To the Electors of the Municipality of Port Perry, Grytiemes,--Thanking you for the honor of nomination for the position of CouxciLor, we beg leave to state that we cannot under any consideration accept of the posi tion and beg respectfully to withdraw our names as candidates, A, RICHARDSON H. PARSONS. CARD. To the Municipal Electors of the Village of Port Perry. GenTLENEN,--At the urgent solicitation of many of you I have been induced to offer myself as a candidate for the REEVESHIP Thutsday Deo. 25, of the bride's mother, Mr, William, eldest At the R, C. Church, Port "Perry, on Wednesday, 3lst Dec, by the Rev, P. J. 8 McCall, Mr. Thos. Swift, head master of the Separate. School, Cobourg, to Miss eldest daughter of Mr, R, Sibley, of daughter of Robt. Munro, Esq., all of 8 a 6 yards all wool red Flannel for $1. 1879 and 1880. As is our custom during the ~~ 'estive Seas In order that] all may enjoy it, wo are offering SPECIAL BARGAINS To our friends and patrons. 25 Ibs. Currants for $1. » 11 1bs. bright Sugar for 81. Beautiful Young Hyson Tea for 85¢. per 1b. Fine Valentia Raisins for 8c. per Ib. 0 Choice Kid Gloves, worth 814 for 45c. per pair. Extra value in Ladies' Mantles. Yard wide wool Cashmere tor 35¢c. Extra value in Ladies' and Gents' . 1 dozen Towels' for 35 cents. i Ruse 20 yards of Wincey for $1. - Ladies' Trimmed Hats & Bonnets at Cost. 50 dozen Clouds from 26¢. each up. ! Factory Cotton 6e. per yard. : Factory Flannel from 85¢. per yard. Besides a host of fancy articles Suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! IN GENTS WEAR All wool Tweeds from 5ve. por yard, All wool suits from $8. Ties, Collars, Shirts, and Drawers all of the newest styles and makes, fully 25 per cent. cheaper than last season. We guarantee you better goods and moro for your mone, than oa be bad at any other house in the trade. x 7 2 ma No Trouble to Show Goods. 1e~ GIVE US A CALL. ; BROWN & CURRIE, 1879. 1880. HOLIDAY SEASON! WITH THE CLOSE OF ANOTHER YEAR Of the Village of Port Perry for the ensuing to be honot $9 J Sor ant, JOR a a] the Your Ob! # EDWARD M port Perry, Dee. 10, 1879. * Y