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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Jan 1880, p. 1

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- 3 : tor in "haneery, Conveyancer, Notary bi . > XXIIL NO 4 --_-- Forth Ontarie Observer. { WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRIOUL- 4 TURAL 2 FAMILY NEWSPAPER, ' 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT), EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, 3 BY 3 + BAIRD & PARSONS. if paid in ade TERMS.--$1 per annum, if paid in vance ; if 13 $1.60 will be charged. No subscription taken for less than siX months; and no paper discontinued until all arrears are paid. . RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion ... Subsequent insertions, per line . 0 03 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum . Ye 5 30 Letters containing money, w 2 to this Office, pre: paid and regeste ed, will be at our risk % Advertisements measured by Non and charged according to the space they oc-- cupy. : Adyertisements received for publication. without specific instructibns, willbe inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. No vertisement will be taken out untilpaid for A liberal discount allowed to Merchants #nd others who advertise by the year or half-year, By" These terms will in all cases be strictly + od to Job Department. 'Pamphlets, Hand Bills; Posters, Pro grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and solor, exceuted promptly and at lower rates shan any other éktablishment in the County. pay Parties from a distance getting hand bills, ge. printed can have them done to take home with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. Exe H. SANGSTER, M. D, J J geon and Accoucheur. Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. OMce over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of' Queen and erry S Offee hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently oceupled By Mrs. Geo, Paxton. the County of Surgeon and Ac- R. WARIR Coronor Ontario, Physician, ncheur, ice. opposite the town hall Port Perry. %. MOBRIEN, M.D, M. R. C. § aspltal, London, England. Th is Oshawa, AAS SEED db 5 F WELL, LL. B,, County Crown . ane for Ontario, Barrister, Attorne Ralicitor, and Notary Public. Office lately a euriad by 8, H, Cochrane, Esq. Brock street, Whitby. MAN [,, ENGLISH LL. T YA Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. Oshawa. ce--Simeoe street, opposite the Post Office Lo ? SMITH, LL. B,,- Barrister, At- YOUN dT heitor ih Chanedry, v, Notary Public, &. , Brock street, Coghrane, W. Maurice TTORNEY-AT-LAW,8olicitorin \ cery Notary Public, &e., &e. Chan 'e hours punctually fiom 9a.m. to 5 p.m Money 10 Loan at 8 per cent, on all kinds of good security. Office, Bigelow's Royal Arcade, PORT PERRY. F, PATERSON, . Barrister an Ator (ats of I -at Taw, lie, &e., & Office ov e. er Brown & Currle's Store Port Perry. BILLINGS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &e, Part Perry. £0 A large amount of money to loan at § per cent. Pe J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist, Office over Corrigan & Camp- hell's Store," Port ; Perry. All work | 4 4 done in the very : atest and best style and warranted to give satisfaction. Por Perry, March 28, 1877. C. N. VARS, T. D. 8B. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- ast, and as good as. the best. Teeth filled | PORT PERRY, coin PROVINCE OF ONT AND GENERAL a wm sn sa LRIO, THURSDAY, JAN. 8, 1880, | WHOLE NO. 1200 Business Cards. ONTAR10 BANK. CAPITAL $3,000,000 PORT PERRY BRANCH, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this Branch.. Deposits of FiveDollars and upwards received and inters est allowed thereon. No notice of withdrawal required. A.A. ALLEN, MANAGER. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. J) ETURNING my sincere thanks to my f L numerous friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer during the past cight years, I would now beg to offer my services to all who, may have Farm Stock, Implements, or other property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa or Cartwright. . My long and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled me to judge the valtié of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the County, and this is of import- ance if the Auctioneer is not a good judgo®™Bf the value of Stock he may soon lose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on hand. 5 Sale Bills arranged and notes supplied free of charge, Days of Sale may be arranged at tho On:pnver Office, where a Sale Register will be kept Terms Liberal. W.M. WW. Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877, BE. MAJOR, - ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties £ wishing his services can call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales, Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. 'WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. { Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, 3 BE" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. TT. H¥yWALSHF, TCENSED Auctioneer for the Township 1 of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Onta of Vict S| posa, ete., in the County Ri Jannington, Brock, Orders left at this off will be punctually attended to. or at his residence Debts col- lected in Cannington, prompt remittances made. Remember-- eer. Wh. HEZZELWOOD, License as Auctioneer is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had munch experience.in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- parties placing their sales in my ds may rely on getting all for the property that is oseible to bring, + 4 p All orders promiptly attended to, ralo bills made out and sale notes turnished free of charge. Parties leaving their orders at the Onssrven Office, Pert Perry, will receive immediate and careful attention, Charges Moderate, 2 WM. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan, Raglan, Sept 10, 1878. with Gold snd Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local esia. _Dentical Rooms--i black, over Atkinson 3treet, Oshawa. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, or otherwise, and | WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- | Licensed Auctioneer. | HE Undersigned having taken out a |JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, - Money, Land & Insurance BROKERS, PORT PERRY, --in AVE large sums of money on hand for Investment, Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for "Sale or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE AL L Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Office In Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jan. 23, 1870, JAMESLUND, MONEY, LAND & INSURANC BROKER, ON VEYANCER, Commissioner for taking : Affidavits in Court of Queen's Bench, &e. ) nl ne 'MONEY TO LOAN In any manner to suit borrowers, Mortgages Bought, Accounts, Notes, &e., Collected and prom pt remittances made. Tho party borrowing money can get {t without commission, at the Lowest rate, and is allowed to fix his own time for y lof interest once a year (not in advan he eur any time, just as cireums vy part or all of the principal, binding thems: Ives inthe most- | gage to accept such sum, whether large or (small, and apply it as a direct reduction of | prinelpal, immediate! the interest on the sum paid. exaeted from 2 to tive town ns mi: on furm, or good pioduc In all cases where the title Is perfect, the {cost will be very slight to the borrower. As am acting both as Agent and Valuator for several Companies there 'ean possibly be no publicity in the transaction. If the title is perfect the money. will be paid here in two weeks after making applica- tion. A FAMES LUND, er, & Parrish's Block, Cor, Brock and Bascom streets, Uxbridge. Uxbtidge, May 17, 1877. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned hasany amount of Money {to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at nusually Low Rates of Interest! | "Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Deben tures, Bank and other marketable Stocks, Apply to i JAMES HOLDEN, i Broker, &e. ~ Whitby, April 10, 1873, ne NG TICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. HE u of Real Esta lagge amount of y prepared to invest fa ers--intere and most would gny to the owners hat he has in his hands a vate funds which he is periods to suit borrow- eight per cent Iixpedition onable terms assured. 8. H. 1 MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, | Agent for Westery CaNaDA Savizas Company, He has also been instructed large amount of Priva Intel CHRISTIAN, Manchester, Octobe: ments of all'kinds, Farm Preduce, &e, &c, | Loax axp Hotels. THE - PORT PERRY. T approbation and patronage of the public. THE WALKER HOUSE best cities. . find in THE WALKER HOUSE 'Walker House than at any other Hotel in Town. FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with th choice of the market and the utmost atten. tion paid to the convenience and comfort ALL GUESTS. No better stable and shed accommodatic in the Province, Attentive hostlers, W. HASLAM, Port Perry, Dec. 4, 1870. Por PERRY HOUSE, The nrdersigned having leased for a ten of years this comfortable, plensantly locad Hotel wilFendeavor by strict attention to t* conveniesee and comfort of guests to mas the "Port Perry Horse a desirable place f entertainment for the general public. Chog stipplies for the table and bar, The stable and yard carefully attended». JOHN RUDDY Port Perry, Dec 9,1879, ARIO HOTEL, Brock st., Whit C. DAWES, PROPRIETOR. The proprictor will spare neither lor nor expense in securing the comfort of ix guests, He invites all his old friends d the public generally to call and see him Cnaraes 10 sure Toe Times. Good Livery attached to the Hotel, Whitby, Dec. 4, 1879. {om ERCIAL HOTEL, The subscriber having succeeded dr, Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Willps- burg, Cartwiight, intends fitting it up vh a view to the comlnt and convenienc of guests The supplies for the table and bar re- fully selected, PETER HOL Cartwright, March 4, 1870, I EVERE HOUSE, MANCHESTER, By GEO. HOUCK. Having lensed the above excéllenfotel it will be my ehdeavor to condudt in every particular so as to merit the ipro- bation aud patronage of the public, Manchester, Oct. 6, 1875, 0°" WHITBY, T. MASON, PROPRIETR. The public well card for, and alBuests will please feel at home, ARIO HOTEL Walker House, HE Subscriber having leased the above hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the whether tor extent or quality of accommo: ] dations is equalled by few Hotels in the | Province and surpassed by none out of the Commercial Travelers, the Traveling Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public will all that can be required in the matter of accommodation and moderation in charges. The Charges are No Higher at the The House is fitted up throughout in PHOTOGRAPH proved styles, and finished J in that ERD or) which our work is bit celebrated , hotographs for $1 per dozen for 80 days tures enlarged and framed, 11 and see specimens before going else~ Wwigre, old and Silver Electroplating done to er in good style, Ris J. LHION A RD, : Photographer, Opposite Brown & Currie's Perry St. tt Perry, Nov, 26, 1879. XMAS ETERS GIT We JUST STEP INTO C. B. DIESFELD'S Jewelry Store, And there you will see the FINEST STOCK of GOLD & SILVER WARE Ever brought into Port Perry, such as GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, = Saved by a Panther. A STORY OF WILD FRONTIER LIFE. ' You ask me to tell you a story, Well, as I know of no better way in which to spend the long evening be- foro us, I will do 80 on one condition --Euch must try his hand at it when [ have got through.' Wo were weather bound at a rude civilization. The day just passed had been a stormy one, and wo had got through as best we could. Now, us the darkness caine on early, and the long evening loomed up "before us, we gathered around the roaring fire of huge logs, which burned bravely upon the hearth, and pre- pared to pass it away by story. tell- ing, adevice to which travelers in our situation aro always prone to resort, : The one who had beon appealed to for. the first story was a man of some fifty years of age, who had followed the oceupationof a peddler. Ho had the best turnout in the stable which that part of the country had ever seen in his line, though he had told us that once he bad for years carried a pack on his back. But by his own exertions and industry he had risen above that now, and had a snug sum laid up against the timo he should give up his business and take the remaining years of his life in an eusier manner, We gave our consent to his 'con- dition, and he at once commenced GOLD AND SILVER SETS, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, . GOLD AND SILVER RINGS IN GREAT VARIETY, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in first-class style and guaranteed 4 > = N.B. It ia no_trouble to show the goods. C. B. D. All are respectfully invited fo call examine the goods. Port Perry, Dec. 3, 1879, Executors'Sale ren OJP sneer LAND IN BROCK ' | West half of lot number 16, in the 5th concession of Brock, belonging to the Estate of the Late GEORGE BRABAZON, 100 ACRES. This property is' beautifally situated, one mile East of Sunderland, on the I' & N B R. and three miles West of Manilla Station on tho Whitby, Port Perry & Lindsay Ruilway. The land is in a good state of cultivation, a beautiful crop is at present on this farm. Whitby, Nov. 9th, 1876, UEEN'S HOTEL, Corner of Cameron ani Tniffat Sts, CANNINGTON D. CAMPBELL, 5 Prorrizror This Hotel is now furnifed in the best vle, and offers ever ommodation ' to 7 Ivis well watered and fenced, There are a pretty good 'Honse and Barn and a good Orchard on the premises, 80 Acres Cleared Tie remainder is beautiful Hardwood. TITLE INDISPUTABLE. Fir further particulars apply to Roserr Brangox, Saintfield Post Office ENGLISH & AMERICAN JEWELRY Ls nltondeis; his story, 'It was before I gave up my pack for u horse and cart, though TI bad already made up my mind that I I was traveling through u wild section of country -- wilder if possible than this about us here. Between the settlements there were long stretches of forest filled with wild beasts, and now and then you eame upon a band of stroll- ing savages. Besides these, there were the usual class of villians, horse-thieves and renegades, who would not hesitate to take a man's life if they thought it would be to their advantage to do so. 'Ono night Istopped at a tavern | which stood in the midst of a little | sottlement of not more than a dozen log houses. I had been the round | of them and drove what bargains I conld, and in the morning [ was to and cold meat was been provided for me, and when the generous sup= ply haddisappeared I almost wished that there had been more, 'The extra exertion I had made, and the bearty heal of which I had partaken; made me sleopy, and, placing my pack under my head, I closed my eyes, thinking I would taky a fow minutes' rest before going onward, 'I did not mean to go to sleep, yet in less than five minutes I was unconscious of all that was passing around me. How long I slept I know not- It might have been a few minutes or it might have been an hour, but I awoke at last with a start und a sense of somo great dan- ger hanging over me. I did not start up or move hand or foot. -A certain something, I could not tell what seemed to chain me down, 'I opened my eyessand looked about me but saw nothing; and I was just on the point of making a motion to get upon my feet, when I heard the slight crackling of a branch above my head. Looking up in the direction of the sound. that almost froze the marrow in my bones and seemed to turn my blood to ice. A huge panther was crouching there ready for a spring upon me. ' As motionless as one dead I lay and gazed upon my terrible onomy. To stir as muchas a hand 1 knew would be the signal tor the beast to spring upon me. Its fiery eyes were fixed upon thy fate and its tail was gently waving to and fro like | that of a cat, Lot's Wife. $ The s'roy of Lot's wife turning into a liar of salt, has for ages served the excellent purpose of a warning. to those who hesitate on the ove of great events or turn back towards threatened danger. The moderen saying, " Be shure you are right and then go uhend," may in some measure oxcuse Mrs. Lot for hesitation although at the time Sod- om and Gomorrah were overthrown 4 woman wus expected to obey with- husband, and any hesitation, such as is recorded of Liut's wife, would have been considered almost a crime. Under the circumstances Lot's wife may possibly be regarded as among tho first to assert the right of a woman (o think for herself, bLuta more probuble explanation is hinted by the Rev. Dr. DeHuass, formerly consul at Jerusalem. In a lecture at Syracuse Thursday evening. Dr. DeHuass said it was probable that Lou's wite inbaled the volcanic sulp hur and died from the effects, fall- ing where she was, Ho adds: "It was not after all, so wonderful that Lot's wife was converted into a pill- ar of sait, Any corpse which re mained there could not huve become anything else." The action of the atmosphere or the exhalations in it would cause sult to erystalize on the surifuce." Here is u semi-scientitic explanation of the catastrophe which befel Mvs, Lot. The dobtog does not convey the impression that the unfortunate woman suffered leath as any special punishment fr the ' ITope of ese: 3 » Cen y pe escape there scemed | doubts she exppressed oh the occasion of non My doom sealed. The pan- the flight, According to the, record Lot ther had mo as surely in his POWeL | was io advance and, we are led to infer, as though at that moment his claws | that he did not turn to see what was going were fastened in my flesh. .|on behind him, Under the circumstances it "The agony ot these fow moments | Would be easy fora strong man and two I shall remember to my dying day. strong daughters to stride away from a weak It haunts mo'in my sleep and ottsn woman and leave her to perish in the 4 Tk Yh =" | sulpburous smoke and darkness of that terri. Istart up in affright, dreaming that | ble convulsion, The body must have been the terrible scene is being enacted | subsequently incrusted with salt. For we over agnin. | cannot infer that Lot looked behind at the time and saw his wife turned to salt, We | are glad at this late day to speak a' good ! word for the woman who lost her life so many years ago in a great convulsion of , natuge, -- Rochester Democrat. 'All at once the fiery eyes of the panther were turned from me, and fixed upon somo object alittle to the right. What could it mean ? What new danger was approaching from that direction? By turning my head a little I was enabled to see what it was, A man was creeping towards me with a knife in his hand, Chipa. Thare haz been menny a hero born, lived nd died unknown just for the want ov an | opportunity. al £0 on at as curly an hour as possible for I learaed that I had nearly af score of miles to go before I should | reach the next settlemet. 'In the evening there was assem: bled in the bar rodm all of the mula denizens of the place, and among them was one whomM at once set | down as a villian. His looks plain- | ly showed that there was little he would hesitate to do if in the end there was anything to gain. Again and again I caught him looking 104 ward my pack, which [ had placed He wus not a dozen feot from where I lay, and at the first glance I recog. nized him. It was the man whom [ had made My dear boy, alwuss keep sumething in up my mind was a villian in tho reserve, The man who kan jump six tavern the night before, and whom I | inches farther than he bas ever jumpt, iz feared all the forenoon might be fol- | hard customer to beat, lowing me- The presentiment I| Most wimmin would like to have 4 had was not groundless, then. Bat husbands lions--but well broke to } ! ; oe I bad not counted on a double | hulters . danger, beget 1 Thare din't nothing on arth that eo * 3 'Cautiously the villian crept to. | the gajeh so. klew out "gy ils, 3 kanght bi the phellow we are ti waecds me, with a murderous look on Xetch his face. A glance showed that one : Thare ain't nothing that will show the virtews and vices of a mau in so vivid a ligl t as profuse prosperity, | | in one corner of the room OL ILLIAM Bari Wick P | . 5 Itis a good deal ov a bore to have thing was evjdent. The villian, E out a question the mandate of her

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