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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Feb 1880, p. 3

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In Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and . Shoes, Crockery, &c., and 16 cts per 1b. ~ Gi BUTTER, _ I CORRIGAN & CAMPBELLS. = BQ: "= M <2 Ross =f O EL & o » = 29 [fe i] an: x Rg = w= EME ea - (0 | oy 3 on z mq 0 £|F3= B49, ane = 1 BS iM } RE © > E S -- E = CD kd foe S =A -- > My |QF F @ | T Ba |B gE CLEARING SALE OF OOTS and SHOES C. TRICK'S. For Six Weeks all Winter Goods will be Sold at Gre tl; Reduced Prices to make room' for Spring Stock. Special Bar. gains in Men's, Women's and Misses' Felts. : NO SHODDY. INO TRASH. {I= No trouble to show Goods. RMS CASH. * ; ARM for SALE BY AUCTION! THURSDAY, MARCH 26th E Subsoriber has instructed Mr. E. Bowles, Auctioneer, to sell by Public on, on the premises, the North+halt of Lot No. 22, in the 8th con. of the wnship of Brock, N 105 ACRES, inetv of which are cleared, Wirness, good Cedar timber, There are (Signed) N. F. Paterson. remisea two dwelling liouses, a new | $ re A good bea i C. TRICK, Dissolution of Patnrship, Nrioe is hereby given that the Part. nership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the name and firm of Taylor & Sexton, at the village of Port Perry, as manufacturers of and dealers in Doors, Sash and Blinds, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Dated 12th Fel'y, 1880, DANIEL W.TAYLOR Signed {e A. SEXTON, = iin NOTICE. The business of the late firm of Taylor & Sexton will in future be carried on, by the undersigned under the name and firm of | | Taylor & Burthwick at the old stand. debts due to, and all liabilities of, the and paid respecti fi [rm will be received '¢ | by the undersigned , , : 1 fD. W. TAYLOR, Signed { Gis ORGE BUBTHWICK Port Perry, Feb, 1, 1880, No All vely late | el! 5 "NEW, CHEAP CASH STORE! THOMPSON'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, Port Perry WHOLE OPENED MAY 2nd, 1879. HE undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous T friends and customers for the very kind and liberal patronage ex- tended to him since his commencement in business, aud would respect= fully inform them that bis Stock of | FRESH GROCERIES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE ! FPFRUITS mm AN Dassen CONFECTIONERY ! is now complete and well assorted in Every Department ! ' \ f » And will be sold on the equivalent in Produce. Having mada extensive alterations and improvement in the Store and premises; be is in a position to fill all orders entrusted to him with promptoess and despatch. G. B. McDERMOT, CHINA HALL. Port Perry, Dec, 18, 1879, Lowest Terms for Cash, or its| Crm------------ GERGTILS 10) OV ' 1879 and 1SS0. As is our custom during the ® In order that all may enjoy it, we are offering SPECIAL BARGAINS To our friends and patrons, 25 1bs. Currants for $1. 111bs. bright Sugar for $1. Beautiful Young Hyson Tea for 35c. per 1b, Five Valentia Raisins for 8c. per Ib, Choice Kid Gloves, worth $1, for 45c. per pair. Extra value in Ladies' Mantles. Yard wide wool Cashmere for 35¢. Extra value in Ladies' and Gents' Furs. : 1 dozen Towels for 35 cents. 20 yards of Wincey for 81. 6 yards all woolred Flannel for $1. Ladies' Trimmed Hats & Bonnets at Cost. 50 dozen Clouds from 25¢. each up. Factory Cotton 6c. per yard. Factory. Flannel from 35¢. per yard. Besides a host of fancy articles Suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! {IN GENTS WEAR All wool Tweeds from 50c. per yard. All wool suits from $8. ; Ties, Collars, Shirts, and Drawers all of the newest styles and makes, fully 25 per cent. cheaper than last season. We guarantee you better goods and more for your money than can be had at any other house in the trade. No Trouble to Show Goods. sar GIVE US A CALL. BROWN & CURRIE. rnin A Demis TGTHAY BR Port Perry and Oshawa, The largest Stocks in the count; The closest prices in the Dominion. «evs T3010¢ 160 200 and 260 Piles of Fancy Dress Goods, new shades, 7 10¢ - 15¢ 20c 28c and 800" | Piles of Black Lustres, good color, ...... Piles of Heavy Manchester and sconred V ...bc Tc 10c 124 and 15 Piles of best Canadian Grey Flunnels, all wool, . ¢ 30c 35¢c 36¢ 3Tc and 40c Piles of Scarlet, White, Pink, Blue, Crimsoti and Yellow FIMUNCIS ..vvvu'eivs vvrens cope | Piles of Check Shirting Flannels, all wool, heavy and fine,......... 25¢ 30¢ 35¢ and 40¢ Piles of White Flannels, English and American make. : Piles of Heavy Canadian, all wool Tweeds; .. Piles of Uniearable Tweed for Boys' wear, ... Piles of White Cottons, American, Canadian a Piles ot Men's heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers, Piles of new dark Prints, good cloth, fast colors, lc 65¢ T0¢ T5c and §1I° 4 25h co Tbe Ge Ge Te 10c and 123 Bargains! Bargains, WIGHTMAN BROTHERS 2 Cdses Ladies' and Children's Hats and Bonnets at... ooves seins vovionseep ones 25¢ 2 Cases Ladies' Cloth Mantles in great variety of ti i 8 upwards 1 Case Tartan Ribbons, all widths, pure silk, ... c Te and 12} 1 Case Tartun and Black Sash Ribbons, wide wid .. 25¢ worth 80c Clouds! Clouds! worth $2 to be sold for 50c¢. 1 Case Men's Caps at....... Sansase nares sere s basis tant tes Rants 50c on the Dol All Wool Cashmere 42 inches wide for vo. ee veveiviin vives varssn senss, GROCERIES, GROCERIES. The best Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Raisins, Currants, Tobaccos, etc,, at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, lar 30¢ These Goods are all new, not old and shop worn, we reccive Goods every day, Remember the Stand-- Wightmans' Corner, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Jan. 7, 1880, EXPIRATION OF LEASE AND GRAND FINAL CLONING LE erm A Tree T. C. FORMAN'S, «PORT PERRY -- wv DRY GOODS AT COST! GROCERIES AT 80ST! BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST. d last S that I int closing busi here, This nent was made in good faith, but not being able to dispose of my lease, which expires this Spring, I was compelled to continue, and to do so, bought, and carefully selected a New and fresh Stock from the best and closest markets, the balance of which, I now submit to my customers and the general public at Cost Prices to Clear. This is no deception---the whole Stock. of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Furs, Boots and Shoes and Groceries must be disposed of, in some way previous to the 1st or May next. S TERMS OF SBALE--CASH ONLY. T. C. FORMAN, ded 'T'0 CARRIAGE IVIARERS! We have just received in Stock CARRIAGE GOODS! Direct from Auburn, Philadelphia, United States, consisting of Dash Leather, Trimming Leather and Top Leather, Emanel Muslin Drill and Duck Rubber Cloth, Floor Oil Cloth, Cords of 6 different Patterns, 'VELVETS, MOQUETTE. Tufting Rattons, Tufting Nails, Silver lining Nails, Hard Dash A complete assortment of Wrought and Cast Goods, At Montreal and Toronto Prices. AT LAING & MEHARRY, SICN OF THE COLDEN ANVIL, QUEEN STREET; PORT PERRY, '| Bverything suited to the season and jo 180. BARGAINS! ALL KINDS OF Goods Cheap! Not Selling Some few articles at Cost and Charging more for others to make it up. CALL And See Genuine Goods, Very Cheap: 8. H. CHRISTIAN. Manchester, Jan. 15, 1880. 3 NOW FOR HOLID Suits co i] HE undersigned would inform his customers and the public in general that he has got on bis New and carefully selected Stock of the sev- oral varieties of the best qualities of ) CLOTHS, : TWEEDS, &C. day Suits made up in the best style at Perfect Fi op Port Perry, Jan, 28,1880, 4 Port Perry, Deo, 11, 1879,

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