iii 5 ass: 5 The Currency. In these days of financial unrest, disturbed currency, "rag babies", umended Bank Att, increased Gov ernment issues and a perfect babble of carrency doctors one cannot avoid tue conclusion that the finances of wur country have got iato such a position that syme change in our financial affairs is imperatively de- manded. To what oxtent or in what direction the change should be we do not now feel warranted inadvis- ing but that the country is drifting to financial perdition is too obvious to require iHlustration. Such a feat as paying our way is not even look- ed forand we do not even attempt ©) pay the interest on our debts. -- Financial demoralization is rapidly epreading its banetul influences over the land, and the monster DEBT has stamped its degrading imprint on everything cap:ble of bearing its #mpress. It begins with the in- dividual aud goes on increasing to communities, our churches wince under its weight, corporations stagger from its harrasing in- fluences, municipalities tremble beneath tho incubus and our country is being hopelessly buried under its rapidly increasing load, a burden which if the present system is to continue, must end in ruin or repudiationat a no distant day. Are those the only alternatives for a young, active, vigorous, intelligent people whose country is teaming with natural resources? Certajnly not, we have other alternatives |-- Shall we stand by like so many ima becils and see our noble country de- graded without an effort to prevent her permanent financial degrada tion? The big book says "the borrower is servant to the lender" and shall we willingly remain serv-- ants to the Britishers by remaining their debtors and sinking deeper and deeper year by year. We give them all our surplus products and all the gold we can scrape together to partly pay the interest on what we owe them and being unable to pay it all we 'get periodically an- other loan with which to pay the in- terest of our debt. But this only increases the evil though it may for a time stave off the evilday., Under such circumstances is it at all to be wondored at that an intelligent and would-be-free people should chufe and seek 8 remedy, and where will they so naturally begin to seek as at what they believe to be the source of the evil; they seek to remove what they believe to Ye the cause so that the effect may cease, and so far from sneering at those who we sup+ pose wre seeking a remedy in the wrong direction we should be thankful to find them grappling with the monster and by their efforts and example awakening in othersa spirit of enquiry as to the source of and remedy for a state of things which all must deplore and all mast know cannot much longer exist without bringing the most disastrous consegdences. We must call a hal and devise some way out of the whirlpool. It an entirely new regime in the managoment of our affuirs.is to be the cure lot it be in- troduced at once; if the remedy lies in a change of carrency, it can- ~ mot be introduced a day too soon; ~ bat for pity sake do not let us act like the dog in the manger suggost nu eure ourselves bat hoot and sneer at those who do, laugh at their pro- posed remely and call them hurd mames. There is no one we think, 0 stapid aslo suppose that what is is right, that no change is re- quired or that wo ean go on as we ow doing. Such being the cuse . m seeking to frown down _ | tainly is being taken hold of with a highly in 1873 it was 1aised to $1,000 and has remaihed' at that till' now. Mr. Blochard. getting alarmed at upward movement, proposes putting on brakes and with that view has in- troduced a.bil} with the view of re= ducing thegealaries as follows: -- Members of the Senate and of the Houso of Commons to be paid §6 a duy if the session does not last over 30 days but if it last over 30 days each momber shall receive $600.-- The members of Government shall receive $5,000 each. The Lient- Governors of Ontario and Qnebec shall receive $6,000 and those of the other Provinces $5,000 ench. The Governor-General to receive $35,000 This bill will doubtl2.s find rost in the waste basket. The N. P. on its Last Legs. , Parties who had any doubt that the Globé was afflicted with N. P, on the brain will have these doubts speedily removed by read- ing the proceedings of the Assize Court held in Toronto on the early part of the present week, It would almost appear as if the Globe made these hated initials N. P, do duty in a variety of ways, on this oceasion they are made to stand for No Pay, but the | sacriligicus jury ehangod iho phrase into | MP --Must Pay. A parly named Martin | haa been engaged to forage throughout the | eity of Toronto for advertising patronage | for the Globe, Martin was to receive $2000 a | year salary, At the end of five months Martin was dismissed without cause shown, | The injured agent demanded Lis pay but the Globe refused whereupon the Globe was sued | for $1,333 amount of salary. After the case | had been argued by a couple of smart coun- | scl it was given to a jury who at once give |a verdict for plaintiff to the full amount of | the claim $1,333 with costs. That dreadful N, P. is turning every | thing to destruction, social, intellectual and financial, ---- Our Advertising Columns. | Werecommend parties to give our Adver. | tising Columns more than a passing glance. | Tne Advertisements of all the reliable bus- | ness establishments will be found there, -- | Offers to sell and rent valuable and desir- | able properties will also be found thers ; also notices of Auctions and much other informa. tion worth knowing, Mr. Taylor offers to sell a desirable resid- ence in Port Perry--See his Adv. | Mr. Prince offers to lense fine pasture | farm near the city of Guelph --Sve bis Adv, | Mr. A Richardson offers to lease a 100 acre farm in Fenelon, Mr. Win Warren offers for sale 200 acres with a saw mill and water privilege, lot 8, in the 7th con. Reach, Mr. M, McFarlane offirs for gale the N. W. quarter of lot 6, in the 2ud con., Mari- posa., Mr. Wm McDonald offers to sell the south half of lot 8, iu the 141h con., Beach, Mr. W, H. Park offers to sell the Anglos American Hotel, Prince Albert, Reach, Beven Parcels of Valuable Property throughout the townships of Reach and Ux. bridge containing in all over 900 acres and A Grist Mill. The necessary | information will be furnished at Port Perry, on applica- to the Manager of the Ontario Bank, or Mr, H. Gorflon,or to J. A McGillivray, Barrister, Uxbridge, E------ Died for Lack of Patronage. We had in our midst for n short time, but only a short time, an unproductive establishe ment of doubtful reputation, but thanks to the good taste and unimpeachable morality of the ratepayers of the village and surround- ings the gentle trappers were starved out, had to pull up stukes, seck some more con- genial clime, and leave our society without a blot. AE------ Slow if not Sure --It is an old adage that "the mills of the gods grind slow and ioe." Buch may have becn the fact, we don't know what sort of millers the fabl.d gods were but we know that in the m.tter of slowness our SupremeCourt grinds as slow as the slowest of them, whether the product isguite as flue we are not so sure, That Court has been grinding Messrs, Gibbs and Wieler for several years past and the result of the operation was not yet made known.-- Tiis case was argued before the Court on Munday last and was ably argued Ly the counsel for both and doubtless the verdict will be all right when it comes, ifit ever does come, The Court adjoucned on Monday without giving a verdict E---- Live Stock. There is no branch of Canadian industry to which one can look with equal confidence to that of the live stock trade, and it cer- liberal and commendable spirit. Thanks to the enterprize and liberality of our stock iyers, Messrs, Morgan, Elliott, J. & A, 'y | the farmers of this and neighboring coun- | tien get the full advantage of this important _{'A. Bongard are sbomt to ship from Port | Agriovltural | The Reach, Scugog, Bongard, Stove, Blair, And: n, and others, and risiog trade; and when more of our shall bave gone into the raising of stock the profi'able outcome of this growing trade will be more fully enjoyed. Our actiye and liberal buyers are prepared to purchase at bighly remuncrative prices all the really good stock which our farmers can furnish, The Mesers. Eiliott and J. & Perry, some 400 bead of ar ine cattle as one -- and Port Perry Agricule. ea Socoly wit hold shee sna ERC To-morrow, Friady- {will be held at the Church of the Ascension | at the usual service hours, An Ugly Charge. Some (ltee months ago a Mex, Cooper died somewhat suddenly at the family resi dence, Tth con. gf Reach, and ugly rumors were circulated at the time as to the treat- ment of deceased by her husband, but matters passed on and nothing more was beard of it in this locality #ill Sunday even- ing, 21st inst,, when a Whitby constable came from Whitby and calledon our chelf constable, Mr. McKnight, and the two went out to Mr. Cooper's place and arrested him on the strength of 'an information lodged tagainst him, The prisoner was taken to Whitby. The Coroner, Dr. Ware, was re- quested to hold an inquest on the remains of deceased ; a jury was d and a Coroner's Court was opened in the public hall, Prince Albert, on Wednesday, 2ith ist, A most lively interest was taken in the proceedings as evinced Ly tle large number present to watch proceedings. The County Attorney was present to conduct t examinations for the crown, Instruction had been given to the sexton to take the body of deceased from the grave for the pu:poses of the inquest, so the body was taken up and brouglt to the hall. The sexton testified to the identity of the coffin and that neither the grave mor coffin bad Leen tampered with from the time of burial till it was taken up yesterday. Rosy, a thirteen year old daughter of deceased testified to having seea prisoner strike deceased a hard slap on the check afd when deceased said h= would sufler for that he kicked her on' the side with his big heavy boot knogking her against the wall, witness then saw blood coming from deceased's nore and aud mouth, decased ran out doors and thouted murder, prisoner palled her into the house and caught her by the neck before and behind, this was some time towards the end of October last, after this deceased went to Led and witness had to get up dinuer and supper as decensed was in bed deceased after. | wards complained of a headache, a |sore throat and a pain in her side, left home at that time returned home about a wonth before mother died, asked her what was the matter she replied that she had beer sick snee pa kicked ber, she bad a paia in her side, said she thought she would never get better, The mother of deceased was also called and fally corroborated the statements of the previons witness in all their main fea tures, Several other witnesses were' called but 1he points bronght out by the first wit- ness were the most yital and having to go. to press we have neither time nor space 'to give any further portion of the evidence and as the examination is not yet complete it would serve no good purpose it we did, A Howl from the Capital. The inhabitants of Canada's capital, ap: pear to be in a dreadful state of destitution, at least one wonld be led to that con¢lasion if he were se foolish as to place any reliance on the lacrimal wailing of Grit authorities on that to them, important subject, Now we have a hundred or so decoy birds sent howling through the streets of Ottawa and even into the lobbies of the parliament buildings bemosning their sad fate and de. manding work or bread while their Grit employers stand roond with open mouths and upturned eyes in make-believe holy horror at the sight of men secking work ini finding none, aud anathamatising the hurd hearted Tory Government for not furnishing immediate employment for the suffering workmen, Rut unfortunately for the den- ou ment a correspondent of Le Canada kicks the bottom out of this wailing tableau by almost bluntly asserting that the whole affair was the result of Grit political machinations. The correspondent asserts over his own signature that he had been to Otiawa to employ men for lumbering purposes not succeeding there, had to telegraph from that city to Lower St, Lawrence districts for a supply of bands. He isalso willing to furnish, if his statement is challenged, the names of men who took part in the demon. strations at the capital, and afterward re- fused bis offers of employment, But supposing that the case had been real and no fraud where wae the preferential claim of these men from the fact of their residing at the capital ? Every workman in the Dominion has just as much claim on the special interference of the Government as their Ottawa compatriots, and how would it look if every idle workman in the Dominion was to seck his way to Ottawa and demand work or bread from the Government? Ia order to render the plot if possible more ex- cruciating the Grit sheete join in the agony and lay before the world a full and doubt- less uuthentic statement of the almost ten entless condition of the city of Ottawa; in fact they would almost lead one to believe that the would.be capital was hastening back to the wilderness condition it was in previous to its becoming the capital of the Dominion, a condition which it should have retained and which it will again resume after it has ceused to be the capital, The wilderness condition is that for which_ alone it is fitted and the attempt to raise it to anything higher will prove about as fruitless as the cclebrat- ed attempt of the "Ethiopean to changé his skin" In order to give point and preci- sion to the agony the leading Grit sheets give the following statement : "The following isa comparative state. mont of the number of vacant houses in the city at tnd sent one : close of last quarter and the pre- Decemyer. March, 7 154 135 200 vees. 166 175 Totals..... 697 742 Three years ago there was scaigely vacant house in the city;'two years ago there was about 150; one year ago there were 350 which number has been doubled during the past year," Doubtless the above statement is all true but what does it amount to ? it only goes to show that Ottawa is becoming uninhabitable that people are glad to move out of it and that it is rapidly lapsing into its native wilderness state, Ite rapid relapse is a farther illustration of the truth of the adage --Servios 3 Sr ------ A ---- Good Stock.--8ee Mr. Jackson's new advertisement, Take your cows to bis place, lot 20,in the 2nd con. of Reach* ee --e--. : Oxford and Oambridge --The annual race between the famous Universities a) growing) sof the States the most en- ate twins Save Me f:om my Frinds: ed that the Emperor of Austria had told Sir | forvign policy, and he (the Emperor) hoped Lord Beaconsfield would be successful in the coming election, of the re finger and say « there Austria did good! So long ns a Pole or braye Hungarian lives to proclaim the heartless tyranny'of the Hapsburgs so long will the godess o freedom tremble when she sees one of that lina pot forth sinister finger in hollow pre- tence to stay the ark of freedom. No ruler or party in Britain be they otherwise ever 82 powerful would have the slightest chance of success it it were only supposed that they were in sympathy with or had the Approval of the. Austrian tyrant. -- mm a Snobbery. Zan © An unmitigated snob writes to the Lone don Zimes :--* T should be glad if you would suffer we to say a word of warping to those of your readers who have friends in Canada to whem they occasionally send presents, A conple of months ago 1 sent ny brother, a student at McGill Unjversity, Montreal, a present in the shape of some clothes, made by an English tailor, as colonial tailors us a | rule fit one most wretchedly, comprised; as far as 1 recollect, ¢ coats the same number of unmentionables and waistcoats; and a pair of gloves, For these items, under the new protection law, he was chargea as duty $43, or nearly £9. No wonder I got a letter soon after, begging me to restrain my generous impulses as long as this law was in force. 1 hope that my case may serve as a warning to others who have bad no experence of this protection law." 1f Mr, Snob will keep Lis boiled rags and his insolence to himself, get a long pretty well without both, for it is well known that Canadian scars-crows are generally better dressed than nine tenths of the friends and companions of this London bY a al h hi [a Canadians will «l Snob; and while our "protection law" goes far to prevent the importation of shoddy and' th second-hand rags it isa pity that it does not provide for the extradition of such importers ot insolence so that they might be brought here and get their lugs prlled --Ev O, Trouble. --- . o Onur K.O.T.M. brethren have had a spat on the occasion of the past chief officers of the Order visiting the city of Buffalo for the purpose of investigating charges preferred against the present officers installed last January, who, they claim, have *nnconstitu- tionally issued a call for a grand review, and have only deposited $270 ont of $1000 collected, Upon visiting the grand office, J A. Osborne, the present chief officer of the Order, ordered them out, and upon their refusing, the police were called in and the visiting officers were ejected. thes¢fafterwa d held a session at the Mansio decided to snsperd Buffalo A. Osborne, the chicf offi mence an action in Court borne and Captain Dicke: , the officer in charge of the police who efected them from the chief office. The Anditing Committee it ie stated by Mr, Qibofne, reported the books correct up to Makch ist, On the evening of the 19th inst. a general meeting of the mémbers was held in London, Ont., where the Order was' started, as to the action of theBuffalo brethren where charges were preferred and sustained by the meeting. On the following evening a mass meeting of the 'members was held and the matter again discussed and a resolution passd to the effect that the charges against the Buffalo brethren be not sustained. rr -- A ~------ Returns --The Grand Secretary of the Ontatio 1.0.0. F. in his semi-annual returns for the past half year gives the number of lodges at 184, number of members 12,286. members initiated during the past half year 1,845, the number receiving sick benefits during the half year was 1,211, widows re- relieved were 184. The amount paid to sick and widows was $23,926, The amount paid to Grand Lodge by subordinate lodges daring the half year was $103,945. Quite a hand- some amount, a ---. Killing no Murder. , hb th ¢ h ¢l of p 8 fi fl d a b The course being pursued by the Rnssian tyrant will ere long recder, if it has not al- ready rendered Lis continued existence a national calamity, Sr. Perirssrra, March 22--The President of the administrative council of eastern Siberia having reported a pressing necessity for new prisons owing to the great influx of political prisoners in the past year, addition. al prigons will be constructed i diate, on the River Ivanofka. Loxpox, March 22.--An Odessa despatch says the son of a priest, an expelled student and one of five Nihilists tried by court martial at Kieffe, have been condemned to death, These will the ti th in Russia for political offences in less than {wo years. Food Supply. In the midst of an increasing anxiety for the Present suppy of the famishing thousands of old Europo some anxiely is being mani. fested as to the general outlook of the food supply from the great American wheat fields After a careful investigation of the wheat Pp q a couraging reports are received as well from the breadth sowh as the appearance of the growing crops; Three million acres of fall wheat have been sown in California, the early and abundant rains enabling farmers to put in a full crop, which is said to be a very unusual thing. 0, Wictiax! Wituiax |--Rev. Wm, Et- terick, pastor of the Reformed Germun Con~ gregational Church, New York, and a war- ried man, is charged with kissing the young lady members of his churdh of taking otber libertics. The mip] pleads guilty of kissing. etl #0 PAO We are naturally tender-hearted but we cannot sympathize with any one who will |, suffer from Shaped havi or lips while is 8 pot of cream to pt heals hands lips and ents of the rendering" it smooth and soft. had. | 1 and The clothes { ed for the trial. Now she comes out with a statemen: rapid exhalation. the paltry $15 bounty. y by the the wonderful ¢ Electric Light," with whi the immense new pavilions are to be illu- minated. Messrs. Pullman & Hamilton being the first to introduce this greatest of inventions to our people, prove beyond attractions shall escape their notice. read in the reports, that the Electric Light produces the effect of a thousand jets of gas burners, or that one single light is equal to the blaze of ten thousand candles, or even more brilliant than the rays ofa dozen con- centrated suns, Something of General Interest. When the tyrannical House of Hapsburg:, Soe Jones Bros. & Co's, New Advertise. seck to take Beaconsfield by the hand the ment, 'I'his firm bave always made pro. latter may well ekclaim ; "save nid from my | vision for the full satisfaction of their custo- friends 1 A Vienna corres~pondent report- | mers as well in stylo atid qoality of goods as n the very marked moderation in prices. Henry Elliott, British Ambassador at Vienna! They are now offering still further induce that Mr, Gladstone disapproved of Austria's | ments, (Sve the Advertisement.) A Double Information. Toroxro, March 22.--There was a curious | Mr, Gladstone in one of his election ad- | case before the Police Magistrate this morn dresses in Scotland, referred to this interfer- ing, It appears that there are two houses ence of the Austria tyrant and stated that it beside each other on Bt, Elizabeth' street the electors approved of Austria's foreign in one of which a prayer meeting is held, policy, he would advise them to vote for the ' and the inmates of the other are of a social efield . Ministry. | turn. The raligions parties complained of " Austria," he said, " has ever been an nne loud rong singing and disorderly conduct, flinching enemy of freedom in every country | and the other ' parties said _that thirty or of Europe, and there is not a spot on the forty attendants at prayer meeting howling face of the earth where one could place his out popular hymns, were a greater nuis- » ance. The cass was remanded till Wednes- day. Sharp Practice. Miss Roseberry wanted to marry Mr, Deputy, at Seymour, Ind., but her father commanded her to marry Mr. Bowers, and appointed a day for the wedding. On the evening before she secretly became Mrs, Deputy. ceremony, smoothly as far as the question whether any- body objected, when Mr. Deputy remarked She was on hand for the other however, and it proceeded hat" he had an objection--a trifling one, which he had some reluctance about ment- oning--the lady was his wife eit --n Going Back on Her. The Rev. J. McDude, of Cleveland, was med by Lucy Jane Chumblin, a member of is church, for breach of promise to marry ; ut she failed to appear on the day appoint. Tbe case was dismissed nd the pastor received a vote of confidence nd the congratulations of his congreggtion. that e hired her to keep out ofthe way, and he as been arrested again, A Cure for Sleeplessness. Wet a towel ar picce of cloth and apply it to the back of the neck pressing it upwards towards the base of the brain and lay a dry loth over the wet one so as to prevent too The effect is prompt and harming, cooling, the Lrain and inducing calmer, sweeter sleep than any narcotic -- Warm water may be used though people prefer cold. froin over excitement of the brain, whether the result of brain work or pressing anxiety, most To those who suffer his simple remedy has proved an especial boun, --_---------- Royal Stinginess. A few week ago Mrs Joseph Spencer, of Burleigh, presented her noble lord with a tripple addition to his family, and as a matter f course expected to receive the royal bounty which usually rewards such achievements nd made application accordingly ; but to the disappointment and disgust of pater- familias the royal bounty was witheld, be- cause, forsvoth, the three young strangers appened to make their first appearance on his side of the Atlantic; a' rather flimsy xcuse we should judge, for getting rid of There is no great urry for britishers filling up the ranks ly threes, but Canadians should be encouraged to hurry up the population and it is nothing short of unmitigated stinginess to refuse the bounty, A Chance for Making Money.-- The Ontuiio Government has issued a pro- lamation ofliering a reward of $4,000 of the peoples' mouey for additional inforreation lending to the conviction of the JDonuelly murderers. All in favor of changing in the direction f monarchy shodld support Grant. All republicans, without distinction of party, should be agninst him as a candidate for the residency mow and always, --Cincinnati Commercial, --_---------- Mr. Michael Cummings, of Ward's Creek, ussex, N. B., has within a week buried ve of his children who diced of diphtheria. ------------ Coming Events. As the cold and bleak winter winds pass away, aod the warm and exhilarating in- ueuces of spring-time come to gladden the hearts of the millions who inhabit our inke-bound domain, se comes aunmally « iversity of sports, pastimes and entertaine ments in their proper season, to lift the clouds of care and despoudency, and let in little sunshine athwart the pathway of our usy life. And asjournali=ts, we are pleased to announce, that at no very distaut day, we ure to be visited with a superb tent exhibi= tion, known as Pullman & Hamilton's Great London Confederation, embracing in its of attractions, everything catalogue From the leasing, novel and attractive, lunny avtic of the clowns, fo the artistic feats of the gymnasiam, and from the perii- ous adventures of clond-walking bipeds, to the marvelous mauuvers of the cautoe and equine quadrupeds, a mirti-provoking cac- nival of Huwpty Dumpty, aud prolific street pageants, The whole crowned with 'master-mark of managerial perseverance, duction into the Dominion, of ich uestion, that they are "live managers," nd ined that nothing in the way of We A 30 horse-power engine nd 20,000 yards of insulated wire is used to produce the light, whick our citizens will be on-the gui vive to see, when the Great Elec- tric Light Show ariives, We might add, nd with pleasure too, that these gentle- 'men are qnite well and favorably known to or eur business men throughout the inion. "Aw, for the two winters past, the have kept their entire stock within our bor- ders and expended many thonsidds of dol lars in refitting and beautifying their popu lar exhibition 'paraphernalia, we feel more free to extend to them the right-hand of tellowship than we should to. some foreign enterprise, who merely drop in and take what money they can get, and then, during the winter, hunt their homes across the river, to expend their surplus there, only by C. ©. McGlashan, Chemist Druggist, Crops. The prospects of the winter' wheat crop in the West are .excellent, la cleven States the yield, it is estimated, will be about sixty per cent, larger than last season. Michigan reports an increasd of seventy per cent.; Indiana shows a marked acreage in- crease : Missourl, which had #n unexpected- ly larg: crops last season, well it is expect- ed, do fully as well this year. Equally fav- orable reports come from Obio, Kentucky, Kansas, Nebraska and Wisconsin. 'Put Them Through. All the appointments to the office of In= spectorand Assistant Inspectors of Weights and Measures have been made subject to the condition that the officials shall submit to such examination as may be demanded by the Department, and steps are to be taken to put the condition iuto force with all proper energy. % BIRTH. At Port Perry, on Wednesday, 24th inst. th: wife of Mr. W. H. Hall, of a son. MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's mother,Port Peny, by the Rev, C. A, Simpson, on Moo. | day, March 220d, 1880, Mr. George H. ADE] Merchant, Port Perry, to Miss Emma second daughter of the late George Paxton, . DIED, In Port Perry, oun Friday, 19th iuost., Delanty Maud, youngest daughter of Mr, N. Houck, aged 3 years and 8 months, -------------- The Markets. Osserver Orrice, March 25, 1880 Fall Wheat, . . $1 24t0 8129 Spring Wheat, , 125 to 127 Barley... 0b0to 0 65 Oats . 0 33t0 034 Peas ....... 055to 061 Hay perton ,. 600to 650 Clover Seed 326to 360 Potatoes. . 025to 030 Hides ,. 850 to 900 Sheep Skins 050to 145 Butter, , 0 18to 020 Cheese , 013 to 0416 Eggs 010to 010 A COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. 7§" HE undersigned offers for sale a most desirable property on Cochrane Street, Port Perry, four lots with a Comfortable Dwelling House and Stable, a good bearing Orchard of choice fruit, bard and soft water, with every other necessary convenience, For further particulars apply to the pro- prietor on the premises or at the Dominion Planing Mills, Port Perry. D. W. TAYLOR. 80. Greet their customers and friends on the com- mencement of another Season, and while they have always en= endeavored faithfully to serve the interests of their customers they were never in a better position to do so than at present.-- Their Stock is large and varied and will be' replenished from time to time by fresh arrivals of New and Desirable Goods.-- Anticipating the great advance in prices of all kinds of wool and cotton fabrics their purchases were made eatly in the season so that they are enabled to supply their customers with nearly every line of Goods at old prices. Their constant aim has been to foster and encourage a demand for the better class of goods and this will continuedo be their policy, believing it be the only one calculated to insure mutual confidence and per- manent success. been cheerfully shared with their customers, and to the fact that it has been appreciated, they are doubtless in a large measure indebted for the success which has attended their busi- ness. owing to the unfavorable winter and continued scarcity of cash, they are glad to be able to report' a successful year with sales in advance. fidence which will stimulate to more earnest and vigorous effort in future. departments of their business, yet they- cannot forbear calling the attention of their Lady Customers to their Dress Goods which are this season more than usually attractive and varied. F'hey have Silks, Satins, Fringesand all necessary trimmings to match. of White Goods of every description such as Muslins, Piques, Marseilles, Brilliants, Laces. Edgings and Embroideries. Shirtings, Ducks, Denims, Brown Hollands and Table Linens, on all of which there has been a decided advance since their purchases will be of advantage to customers. Tweeds much in advance of anything we hava ever shown heretofore for extent, variety and style. which are nsually much neglected by general stores, have re- ceived special attention and the stock presents attractions to any one wanting a really stylish Hat, a perfect fitting Shirt, or the latest novelties in Ties or Collars. any one in want of goods for the Spring should impiove the present opportunity to secure choice aud seasonable goods at less than actual value. they will be prepared to show a magnificent assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, and Trimmings. establishment will be esteemed a favor. Port Perry, March 23, 1880. . co, The benefit of all bargains in buying have Notwithstanding the almost universal falling off in trade, 'This they take as an evid-nce of increasing con- Want of space forbids special reference to the varions They have devoted particular attention to the selection Our unequalled stock of Prints, Bleached and Brown Cottons, .- Gentlemen will find the stock of Scotch and Canadian - Gent's Furnishings, 8 Prices are steadilgadvancing in the wholesale houses and Their Millinery department will be opened next week when A visit to their JONES BROS. & CO. 1 MARBLE WORKS! PORT PERRY YHE undersigned would take this oppor r | tunity of expressing their thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them and would beg to inform the public gener- ally that they now enjoy greatly increased Pini for filling orders more promptly, ith CHOICE MATERIAL, SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP and at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. (UR (GRANITE & NIARBLE Pillars, Monuments, Tomb Stones, and 'Tablets Are much admired by all who see them. As no agent is employed the expense is saved and customers get the advantage, BaF" Come and see us in our New Works near the Foundry, ROSE & SHAW. Port P: rry, March 24, 1880. FARM to RENT. HE undersigned offers to Rent his farm in the : TOWNSHIP OF FENELON, About 3} miles from the railway station -- The farn contains 100 acres, 30 acres of which are plowed and there are 7 acres of meadow, There are on the premises a good frame Dwelling House and Barn, For particulars apply to A. RICHARDSON, Port Perry, Port Perry, March 24, 1880. AN EXCELLENT PASTURE FARM! TO RENT. HE undersigned offers to'lease 75 Acres of fine pasture land, one mile from the city of Guelph. A comfortable Stone Dwelling House, Stone Darn and Stables, with a never failing stream of water running through the premises. Terms easy and im nediate possession. For particulars apply to ¢ JAMES PRINCE, Port Perry, Port Perry, March 24, 1880. . AlwaysAhead! | SPRING CGOODS Bim ¢ Clim New Dress Goods, New Hats, New Goods! Toonumerous to mention which will be sold at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPATITION, op 8 A New Prints, New Tweeds, New Worsted Coatings." New Ties, New H.aces, AND A HOST OF BROWN & CURRIE. THOROUGH-BRED BULL HE Undersigned keeps for service at his place, Lot 20 in the 2nd Con. of Reach, A THOROUSH-BRED YOUNG BULL with pedigree, | Ho is a fine animal ofa Dark Red color. Cbarge $2, to be paid not later than November 1st, 1880. EO. JACKSON. SEEDS, SEEDS. An sr et svouE i Field and Garden ~~ Seeds, Just Opened Up. Great care has been Port Petry, Mar. 23, 1880 For the variou G00D G00DS AT T. S. CORRIGAN s Departments of his business. And is ' recure a large share of public patronage, if dt A WITH UPRIGHT AND © CAN ATTAIN THAT END,