@treet, Oshawa, other Cop the Registration of Trade Sopris ana the procured. Drawings, VOL. XXII, NO. 27.1 G PORT PERRY 9 NERAL ADVERTISER PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1880. | WHOLE p------ spa erly Onfarig Observer. A WEEKLY POLITICAL, ARRICUL- TURAL § FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT., ; EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, BY BAIRD & PARSONS. TERMS,--$1 per annum, if paid in ad. vance ; if Lah a will be charged. No subscription taken for less than six months; and no paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, 2 RATES OF ADVERTISING. © For ¢ach line, first insertion .. Subsequent insertions, per line . Cards, under 6 lines, per annum... So Ba Lifters ning money, when atl- dressed to this She pre-paid and regester- ed, will be at our risk. Advertisements measured by Nonpareil, and charged according to the space they oc- cupy. : Advertisements recived for publication. withont specific instructions, will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. No advertisement will be taken out untilpaid for. A liberal discount allowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year, pa These terms will in all cases be strictly a. weed to Job Department. Pamphlets, Thand Bills, Posters, Pro- grammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and solor, executed promptly aiid at lower rates than any other establishment in the County. | Parties from a distarice getting hand bills, &e. printed can have them done to take home with thom. J. BAIRD. "Professional CATs, TI. PARSONS. D. ANDERSON, MB. MD, F. TMS, e). M.C.P.S,, L.R.C.P.. Graduate of the University of Torongo, graduate of the Uni. vorsity of ' ity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Licentiate of the Royai College of Phys Edinburg, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. Office over M 0's Store, Port Perry. ANGSTH m and Acconchenr., Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. Ode aver Nott's Furniture Store, corner of Queen and Perry §trects, Office hours from 9 a.m. to 12 m. Residence, the dwelling recently occupied By Mrs. Geo, Paxton. R. WARE, Coronor for the County of ] Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- £oueliour, Office, opposite the town hall. Port Perry. uy's F. MCBRIEN, ) 8 ct. M.D, n.( as pital, London, Bagland, The ly way Oshawa, fic, &o., &c. . a Office over Brown & Currle's Store Port Perry. BILLINGS Barrister, ®olicl < Public, &e, Port Perry. £D A large amount of money to loan at 8 per cent. E. LAR Bolleitor, and eupiad by 8. y . Ofliee lately oe- Joehrane, 18sq., Brock street, Whitby. ¥ YMAN L. JASIT. LL. B., Solicitor in 4 Chaiicery, Attorney, Conveyaneer, &ec. Oshawa. eo--Simeéone street, oppnsit e the Post Office . B., Barrister, At- w, Solicitor in Chancery, , Notary Pablie, &o. Ian! ock, Brock street, hithy. J. A. MURRAY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist. Oflicc over Corrigan & Camp- bell's Store, Port . Perry. All work ¥ done in the very AA fittest and best style and warranted to give satisfaction, Port Perry, March 28, 1877. OC. N. VARS, I. D. 8S. EETH inscrted on all the latest prinei- ples of the art, and as cheap as the cheap- est, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted without pain by producing local anwmsth- esia. Dentical Rooms--in Cowan's new block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King Office--MeM a Hanning & Lally, y L. SURVEYORS, CIVIL EN- | if gingres, Draughtsmen, Solicitors of atents. Office, Gould's Block, Uxbridge. 0. G. MANNING. 0. W. LALLY. Moxey 10 Loax.--C. G. Hanning, Agent for the Frechold Loan & Savings Co, Uxbridge, March 26, 1879. RY GRIST, Parex SoyiciTor AND Dravaurnay, Ottawa, Canada. ransacts business with the Patent Office of the G and other Documents neces- to re Patents of Invention, prepared of the model of the Invention. * D. BATEMAN, in Veterinary Surgeon, tor, Notary « Business @ards. - ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $5,000,090) -- PORT PERRY BRAXomH. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. A Savings Department is now open in connection with this franch, Deposits of FiveDollars and npwfrds received and inter= est allowed thereon 4 No notice of withdrawal required. A.A. ALLEN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, ETURNING my sincere thanks to my numerous friends and patrons for their liberal patronage bestowed upon me as Auctioneer during the past cight years, I would now beg to offer my services to all who may have Farm Stock, Implements, or other property to sell by Auction anywhere in North Ontario, the township of Mariposa or Cartwright. My long and extensive practice as Auc- tioneer has enabled me to judge the value of Farm Stock with an accuracy second to none in the County, and this is of import- ance as it the Auctionecr is not a good judge of the value of Stock he may soon lose far more than his fee in any sale, Bill stamps always on hand. Sale Bills nrranged and notes sipplied free of charge, Days of Sale may be arranged at the rer Office, where a Sale Register will be kept, Terms Liberal, «WOM W, Port Perry, Sept. 4, 1877. _Maxaazn. ING. & D. J. 'ADAMS, | Money, & Insurance BROKERS, pottT PERRY, AVE ]¢rge sums of money on hand for Invessment. Mortgages Purchased. A number of excellent Farms for Sale Or to Rent. AGENTS FOR THE Of Steamships. JOHN & DAVID J. ADAMS, Oflice in Mr. Ross' Ontario Buildings, . Port Perry. Port Rerry, Jan, 23, 187, MONEY TO LOAN. IE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty ycars. Agont for Westery Canapa Loa asp Savinds Compaxy, [Te has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Intercst Eight per cent, No Commission, N. F. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Bolicitor NOTICE TO FARMERS & OTHERS MONEY TO LOAN. NHE undersigned would say to the owners of Real Estate, that he has in his hands n > ato funds whieh he is to suit borrow- nount of *d to Invest, re pr ry » per c B. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEFR. All parties 2 wishing his services "7 wn call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, and arrange for days of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1870. WM. GORDON, Auctioneer, Valuator, Licensed &e. OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, 1 Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, pes" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests, WAM. GORDON, : Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township I Mara & Rama in n the Connfy lected in Cannington, or prompt remittances mado. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. Remember-- WM. HEZZELWOOD, ers--interest at ejght Expedition and most reasonable terms assured. 8S. II, CHRISTIAN, Manchester, October 17, 1577. . MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned hasany amount of Money to lend upon Farin and Town Property, at Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit the borrower. Also several Improved Farms, and Wild Lands for sale, cheap, Investments made in Municipal Deben tures, Bank and other marketablo Stocks, Apply to ¢ JAMES HOLDEN, Broker, &c. Whitby, April 10, 1873, MONRKY [Private Funds,] T'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per conn 1 terest, : LYMAN ENGLISII, BARRISTER, &0., Oshawa November 21, 1866. 4 THE ONTARIO Farmers' Mutual Insuance Co'y Head Office, Whitby, = Licensed Auctioneer. 8 ---- FIYHE Undersigned having taken out a T License as Auctioneer is now prepared ' to attend to all sales entrusted to him --! Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as IHorses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple. ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c,, parties placing their salesin my hands may rely on getting all for the property that is poseible to bring, % All orders promptly attended to, sale bills made oul aud sale notes turnished free o charge. Parties leaying their orders at the Ouskrvee Office, Pert Perry, will receive immediate an.i careful attention, Charges Moderate, WM. HEZZELWOOD, Raglan, Raglan, Bept 10,1878. \ A TM. SPENCE, CoyTRACTOR, BUILDER, xc. The Subscriber in returning his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage be- stowed on him in the past would inform the public generally that having bought a pro- perty and moved into the Village of Prince Albert, he will in future give his whole attention to his business as Contractor, and {8 now ready to undertake Stone Work, Brick- Laying, Ulastéring and everything connecte therewith, which be will execute on the short- est notice and in the best and most durable style, and at the very lowest figure at which a good job ean be douc. The best material and first-class workmanship. WL. SPENCE, Prince Albert, Ap#il5, 1870 This Company is now fully organized and is prepared to ficcept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches, , Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportnnity. of doing se, either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any respon- sible Mutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--Opposite the Royal Hotel Brock St., Whitby, C. NOURSE, Seerctary, W. H. BROWNE, General Agent. PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES) in MY C. M'KENZIE, PROPRIETOR, HE Subscriber having now fully ectiipped his new and extensive Livery Stablas with a supply of superior Horses aud Carrlagoes, is propared to furnish first class LIVERY RIGS On IMModerate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878 Unusually Low Rates of Interest!| "ghotels. THE Walker House, PORT PERRY. . ---- paz Subscriber having leased the above hotel, it will be his endeavor to conduct it in every particular so as to merit the approbation and patronage of the public. THE WALKER HOUSE whether for extent or quality of accommo- dations is equalled by few Hotels in the Proyince and surpassed by none out of the best cities, C ial Travelers, the T Rg Public, Farmers and others doing business in the Village and the general public will find in THE WALKER HOUSE all that can be required in the matter of lation and deration in charges. Ihe Charges are No Higher at tho Walker House than at any » other Hotel in Town. The Iouse is fitted up throughout in FIRST CLASS STYLE. The Tables and Bar supplied with the choice of the market and theamtmost atten tion paid to the convénien id comfort of ALL GUESTS. _ No better stable and shed accommodation in the Province, Attentive hostlers, W, HASLAM. Port Perry, Dee, 4, 1879. por PERRY HOUSE, WE The undersigned having leased for a term of years this comfortable, pleasantly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the convenience and comfort of guests to make the "Port Perry Horse a desirable place of entertainment for the general public, Choice supplies for the table and bar, The stable and yard carefully attended to, JOIN RUDDY, Port Perry, Dec. 9,1879, . (OMMERCIAL noTEE, The subscriber having succeeded Mr, Dewart in the Commercial Tlotel, Williams- burg, Cartwright, intends fitting it up with a view to the comfort and convenience of guests The supplies for the table and bar care- fully selected, : PETER ITOLT, Cartwright, March 4, 1879. QUEENS nor, > , Corner of Cameron and Laidlaw Sts, CANNINGTON, Osr. D. CAMPBELL, Proruistonr This Hotel is now furnished in the best style, and offers every accommodation to travelers Je First class Sample Rooms. attached, Cannington, Oct, 20, 1875. LO-AMERICAN HOTEL, Livery 4 , PRINCE ALBERT. W. II. PARK, PROPRIETOR, Having purchased the above pleasantly situated Hotel, 1 have thoroughly repaired apd renovated the entire premises even to the Sheds. The ITotel has been furnished in First-Class Style and Stocked with the best Liquors and Cigars! Strict attention paid to the comfort of gnests, The tab.e and bar well supplied, W. II. PARK. Prince Albert, June 12, 1875 (LATE ALBION) AR STRONG HOUSE, WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR. ue QUEEN'S HOTEL, WINTEY, ONT, McCANN & TAYLOR, Prornimrors, Every accommodation for the traveling public, HITRY, PORT PERRY & LIN WiHALwAY: SHY & TRAY TABLE No. 2 TIME Taking effect Monday, Nov TORONTO TIME. 4, 21, 1870, Trains Going North. MATL, Dopart. 7.070. m* (33 Toronto, via G, T, T Whitby JunectionG Whithy Brooklin Myrtle ... {Summit , Mancheste: Prince Albe Port Perry OHN CHRISTIE, L. TOWNSHIP OLERE, Commissioner &c. Office--Manchester.. T." Marriage Licenses. One door west of the Walker House Port Perry. FOBMAN, ISSUER OF suer of Marriage Licenses--Conveyancer, R. RICHARDSON Re-appointed Issuer Marriage Licenses. Under the New Act. Office, lot 10, in the 1st con Brock, Brock, Aug, 5,1874. 33 rrive. Trains Going South, new Marriage Act. Port Perry, July 1st, 1874. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, 1880, Sings Of the Dvsion Cours be , tFlag stations--Trains stop on signal only. ERY SHeBLES having bust re-| Published by order of tha Court of Genera appoin larriage Lacense ent-- ions , BE PORT PERRY. (after LY yous duty) A fo fur- WESTERN ast pps . | nish Licenses as herctofore----at Port Perry. (LL CALLS hy day or night promptly . Elz|212|2(z(2/z|/ ASSURANCE COMPANY. a od to. Orders by mail or 3 2121515123148 Telograph will bo attended to without delay. | © HOR SATE GE al) Orton--Mary Street, directly south of . Hiya INCORPORATED 1851, paleo. The Anglo-American Hotel RE ~ palette boul papa, [118 ADI A Ae carraz, TT. sso00co. Port Perry, April 9, 1879. ° 24 18] [2 , - + ar ih os = PRINCE ALBERT. i AER L a : i 23] (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) "W. BURNITAM, Clork of tho Third Divi- me : TR ---- » som Court, Glo 1 elo Bo NE ee oe er "oo |G. BL DATNBLL, {irk otshareast| MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, : ry FB . T . Jr. Judge. County of Ontario. | - more in the Province and | \wiitny, sth January, 1880. pE&™ Insurances effected at the lowost .' W. H.McOAW. © |vya Sir shee share a Ho 3 goo bust . euient ates on Buildings, Merchandise, . ; I 0 mises are an an er pro h inst or dam: | ISSUBR OF MARRIAGE LIOENSES, coms and capa sat of ropi LUGG A Gr. J | un othr property, gaint" igor dosage ~ ONTARIO, i w ta AKEN z Lo Yon WA are all in good Fe i A psTaTION INO. & D. J. ADAMS, ly $1 dozen, at y _ AND AROUND 8 3 Gallery, in sifuato in the fig] of ha viings and Sibi : Pork Posey. Testes. Yous Agents, Port Perry. : for tony: connected with 6 8 good side | yy Subscriber is red to convey » y 1873, - Te re | walkand on tho th traffic of T Chests, Trunks, axes and every other me eee Ask Your Druggist parties passing toor from Port Porry ast, | jeseription of Luggage toand from the Rail. | ~YABINEF PHOTOGRAPHS, 'only $8 For Dr. Carson's old established and never | west or south. TE + | way Station or anywhere around town. All} J per dozen at McKenzies Gallery, Port faili 'Worm Symp. Sole t For pgrti apply to W. i PATE, orders promptly attended to. Perry. * : «H. moderate, . failing War Martin & Co, Oshawa. = 7 Akent, A, M, PENTLAND. . Proprietor, Prince Albert, March 17, 1880, . Druggist, Port Perev 4 JOS. COOK. MBBOTYPES, 4 for 50 cents, at Mc- Port Perry, Jan. 1, 1874, » Kenzie's Gallery, Port Perry. A JUDGE LYNCH COURT. AN Erisope Near Doveras CREEK Canon, BY WYOMING KIT. A canon in the mountains, near the prosperous mining town of Douglas Creek, in Wyoming Torri- tory. Grand and picturesque the peaks rise up on oither side, towering far up towards tho clouds, which hung in groups of golden beauty overhead. The crystal water of the areck, from which the town takes its name, danced merrily over its rocky bed, its plashing blending in rippling melody with tho soughing of the breezo through the lofty pines. -- Scattered here and there over a grassy plot were a number of de- torminod looking men; dressed in the garb of mountaineers, conversing in low, earnest tones. ns though their altontion was engrossed by some matter of more than ordinary im- port. A little apart from the rest, closely guarded by two brawny mountaineors, stood a youth of ap- parently not over cighteen years of ago, with features of the most re. markable beauty and form of the most porfect mould, Near him, coiled upon tho grass, lay a ropo, in ono end of which a noose had boen artistically formed. Thore was no mistaking tho scene-- Judge Lynch was about to hold a court, The youth had arrived in camp but three days before on the stage from Laramio City, and had regis- tered at tho hotel as larry Forrest, to told tho inquisitive landlord (all Westorn landlords aro inquisitive) that he was the son of & wealthy man in tho "States," and was on a tour of pleasure and observation in the mountains, IIo "circulated freely among the rough element, which isa marked feature of every mining camp, and on account of the unusual beauty of his faco was dubbed "IIandsomo IIarry" by the denizens of the town, Douglas Creok, like every other mining town, was infested with a large number of the "sporting fra- ternity," otherwise known as pro. fessional gamblers, Among those was 8 fine looking man named George Watson, Ilo had terned u in camp about threo months provi- ous to tho dato of which I write, with plenty of money, which be spent with a lavish hand, Ifis epon-handod generosity made him a favorife with all, and his ekfll in manipulating the cards conld be attested by every one > '| who had faced him at the gambling table.® It wassoon observed that "Iland- some Harry" was closly watching Watson's covery movement, and soveral frionds called the gambler's attention to the fact. To cach one ho replied that there was a familiar look on the youth's faco--an expres- sion that he had soon before, though whon or whoro ho had seen it his memory failed to divulge. "1 don't know what the boy is watchihg me for," he would say, yet a feeling of uneasiness which he could not hide would manifest itsolf and it was noticed that since Ilarry's advent in the mines he bogan drink- ing heavily. On the morning of the day at which our story opens Watson be- camo intoxicated, and whilo sitting in the El Dorado saloon began to joke good-naturedly with the imates A youug miner had just finished the roading of aJettor which had taken from the post; and while returning it to dainty white envelope Watson said : "A letter from your swoecthart back in the States, ch, Tdmmy ? I'll bet any man in the house ten to one that I've called tho turn." "That's just what you've done, Wat," replied the miner, "It's from my girl in Michigan and a prettier ora better girl don't live, If I ever strike pay-rock in this claim of mine I'll scoot back there quick, and give some proacher a chance to make a few dollars." "Clear gune on her, I soo, Tommy! Well, I've boen there myself. I had asweotness once, and I fed a gospel sharp for a two minutes' speech, but the felicity of the game didn't stick six months, Oh! but sho was a daisy, though, a high-tondd beauty, but I never cared a curse for her.You see theold man had just bushels of sheckels stored away, and the man's a groat fool not to 'tackle matri- mony when it's buried in a mine of of ready coined gold, The old bloke didn't seem. to cotton at all to his dear son<in-law, so whon I got a grabat tho pot I jumped the game and carried the pot with me, The old rooster's dead and roasting "in Hades, I reckon, and I supposc the {ornamented his belt, disappointed females do--supped a dose of cold poison, or joined the big army of females of easy virtuo that every city ----' The sharp crack ofa revolver echoed through - the room and Watson fell qnivering in doath, shot through the head, while Handsomo Harry's voice rang out : "Die! you thrice accursed villian, dio and remember Edna" "The gal's brother, for any amount o' dust," cried a gambler, as "No, Jedge ; he jist tho samo as acknowledged it. "Yon are srue {hat Ian'some Harry fired the shot that croaked George Watson ?" " Pertoc'ly sure Jodgo," 'Thats all thon," A number of witnesses wore call- ed, and all corroborated tho bar- keeper's story, When tho evidence was all heard tho Judge turned to tho d and said ; the crowd rushed up toward the youth, Io was at once disarmed and secured, a meoting called' on the spot, and, by unanimous approval a lynch court announced for 2 o'clock at the usual place, about five hundred yardsdown the canon, At tho appointed hour tho crowd with their prisoner in charge, re- paired to the spot. Watson had becn speedily buried, and Harry had persistently refused to offer any ex- planation of the cause of the murder further than to say : Ile deserved it all, the villain] Ilang me assoon as you choose,' "I mako a move that Tobe Allen bo elected Jedge o' this ero court,' cried ono the assembly, the motion was unanimously carried, Allen, a tall, sunbrowned mountaineer, with a faco almost covered with huge, black whiskers, stepped forward and seated himself upon a rock, Ile was dressed in the babiliments of a hunter, noarly every garment being partly or in a whole of buck- skin, and a brace of formidable look- ing revolvers of tho colt pattern Ie called for order, and said : 'Lapp'int Doc Woods, Lengthy Johnson and Arkansaw as officers 0' tho court, It'll bo their duty to preserve order, an' it the kid's foun' guilty to exocute tho sentence o' the court, The rest o' the crowd 'll act as jury, an' I want overy one of you to buckle down and take in |every word e' the witnesses' music {and givo tho lad every chance you | kin--for dum mo if [ don't kinder {like his looks, lot your verdict bo a |just 'un, accordin' tothe facts an' | evidence." | The officers designated took thoir | post, at the side of the prisoner, and tho mass jury silontly gathored around tho reat of justice, "Nobby Dyer!" Tho person addressed, a flashily attired young man, wearing a grand display eof broast-pin and watch chiaim, stopped to tho front, Said the judge: " Nobby, do you sw'ar that yo'll givo us a squar' story on this killin' business, 'an' ladle out nuthin' but solid facts, so help you God ?" "Yes, jodge." "Tuarn'er loose, them 1" "Well, gents, I'm the day gin slinger at the El Dorado ; guess you all know that, though, far I've had business dealin's with all o' you, Wat, deceased, como into the saloon this morning," I should judge about T o'clock--"twas just aftor I'd mixed your first cocktail, Jedge; about 7, warn't it?" "Jist about that time; go ahead." Well, us I said, Wat camo in an' begin to gin up purty lively, 1 soed ho was takin' on more"n usual ; so I cramped on his whisky a little, an' didn't put moro than about half the usual amount into cach cocktail. Io kep' a hitten' at the juice, though till he began to feel" purty comfort- ably happy, an' thon he turned to an' begin to chaff the boys kind o' good natured, you know. Wat was allers full o' fun when he had a good dose o' the fluid up his nose, and I never knowed him to pull a gun or act a darned bit ugly with anybody. He warsittin' with his back to- warcs the door when the kid thar came in an' leaned kind 0' careless- like agin tho pool table, Wat began to lot loos a game about some gal that got sweet on him afore he left the States, when I noticed the kid turn sort o' palo an' grit his teeth ! I was jist about to tackle the lad an ask him w'at racket he was on when Billy Harvy called for atoddy. Jist as I turned round to the sugar drawor I heerd the gun go off, an', looking roan', Isced that it wer' this kid that had turned her looso. I set the toddy up to Billy, an' when I seed that Wat had got his medicine dead sure, T hopped oven the tar and tuk tho pop away from the lad an' asked bim what 'n thunder he wanted to raisea row in tho house fur? Ie didn't say anythin' 'copt somethin' [about tho villain, meanin' the doceas- od, adescrvin' all he'd got, an' 1 couldn't git no. more out o' him. That's all I know, gents,' copt that tho shot war a daisy ! I've sced my share o' sich rackets, but I never high-strung danghter dono as most sood a man git it wouter than Wat did 1" Harry, hev yo any witnesses fur yer defence ?"" "I bave nome sir, but the Al- mighty 1" " Well, T don't suppose He'd pay any 'tention to a scpony from this court. Yo've heard the ovidence, and yo mus'see that it hits ye purty straight. The punishment fur per- miscuous shootin' in these mountains lays inthe ond 0' that 'air rope. You aira stranger to every one here: but its purty gonerally put up by the boys that ye areca brother o' tho gal that Wat wer' a chinnieg about when ye slang bim bis medi- cino, In somo parts that mout be edged in by fly law sharpsas a ox~ tenoatin, sarcumstance, but 1 can't advise yo to hook a hope onto it hyar. You hev mo far refused to open yer mouth regardin' tho matter but I'd advise yo to put ina word afore the case goos to the jury. It you want ter testify in yor own be. half now's yor time to sing yer song! Ilev ye anything to por- duco ?" erry stopped forward and faced the stern-looking crowd, With a clear and fearless eye he glanced over tho assembly a moment, and thon began to speaking a voico in which not a tremor could be detect- od : "Gentlomen, I stand beforo you as a convicted murderer, for I can read my fato in your cold, determin- od faces. I havo read enough, and heard enough, abont how such cases are disposed of in this wild country to know that in a fow moments 1 will hang suspended from a limb of ono of those trees! TI was fully conscious of this when I fired the shot which blotted a monster from tho face of the earth! Before you carry your sentence into execution I will tell my story, and then when [ am dead some of you may porhaps feel a little sympathy for Ilarry, as you call me, Do not for 8 moment think that I talk to consume time and delay the execution, for I truth- tully assure you that I donot foar the death which awaits me, "In oneof the most beauti{nl cities in the States of Ohio lived a wealthy, inoffensive old man named Forrester. That man, now in his grave, was my beloved father | Ile bad a daughted Edna, upon whom he doted, and she was, indeed the light and comfort of his old age. People called her amiablo and beaati- ful and as might bo expected, there were numerous suitors for her hand, and the fortune which awaited her upon her father's death. Among those suitors was a young man nam- od Fred Marston, the son of a wealthy merchant of the same city, and upon him Iidna bestowed tho purest love of hor innocent heart, The young man was somewhat wild aud a little inclined to dissipation, and on that account father violently opposed who union, Marston promised to re- form and Edns, poor girl, trusted implicitly in him, and they were secrotly married without her father's consent, When tho news was brok- on to the old man the shock so un- nerved him that be was taken to his bed by an attack of nervous prostras tion. The newly wedded couple took up their abode in the parental mansion, Edna positively refusing to leave her fathor in his illness, Faithfully sho watched by his bed sido, ministering to his overy want with tender, loving hands and pray- ing carnestly that he might recover and bestow upon herself and husband the blessing which she so coveted, "Marston proved a kind and loving husband for a brief period, and then again fell 'into his dissolute habits, frequently maltreating his wife in a cruel manner, The lifo of the young bride which sha had so fondly hoped would be one contiued gleam of sun- shine, became overcast with dark clouds of sorrow, "Ono morning Marston was miss ing from his bed when Fina awoke, and a letter upon his pillow inform- her that he had decided to forever leavo her and seok a home in the far Wost, * Almost crazed with grief she so'ation from his dear lips, but when she entored the door what a horrible sight met ber affrighted gaze!" Hero, for tho figst time, the «Did the kid deny tho shootin' ?" | flew to her father's chamber for cor-| covering his face ith Jia 'hand began to sob violently, crowd was listening with breathless a tion, bending forwhird towards youth as if fearing to lose a word tho story. : " Braco up, Ind : brace up' the judge, wiping his oyes in a picious manner, "Takoall the you want and real us off the whole business." : The youth rallied; and in 8 chok- ing voice, his oyes suffused with tears, resumed : ' Ob, gentlemen ! there, upon his bed, weltering in blood, lay her with a knife she had seen in ber husband's possession sticking in bis breast I She screamed for help and then swooned away, and a brain' fever beld her a raving maniac for eight long weeks! * When she recovered she learned. the murderer of her father had robb. od him of a large amount of money and tho detectives had utterly failed his to discover the slightest clew to whereabouts, When able to leave her room she sought her murdered father's" grave, and upon her bended knees above those loved remains she registered a fearful vow that she would not rest day or night until she had tracked the muderer to his hid- ing place and slain him as remorse. lessly as he had slain her only parent, " From the letter left bebind she interred that Marston had gone West and she: at once set out in that direction, Fortune favored her, for at Omaha she learned that a man answoring hisdeserption had left on the Union Pacific train about three or four days after the date of her father's death, © ticketed for Laramio City, She followed upon bis track and at Laramie City learned from the stage agont of his departure from this place. The noxt stage brought hor here liko a hlood-hound upon the 'murderer's trail I" With a sweeping movement of the hand the youth removed his hat, and a wealth of golden hair fell in lux- uriant beauty over iho shapely shoulders, » "Gentlemen, T am EdhmPorrestor! (I cannot call myself by hisaccurs- ed name) and the man, the villian! the fiend! I elew was my murderous husband, who has lived among you 1s Geo Watson, and who was boast- ing and gloating over his 'damnable work whon I sent his guilty soul in- to eternity! Now, hang me--Iam ready to die!" "An' I'm ready to blow the holy do lights onto tha first erooked son of gun thet lays a han' on her!" yelled tho judge, drawing his revolvers.-- "Jist sift this matter down to a bang up visitation of God an' give us your vordic'--guilty or not guilty? The crowd had long before decided that matter, and "not guilty" came forth in chorous, and then the deaf. oning cheers mado the old canon ring again and again, Edna was escorted back to the camp and placed in charge of the landlord's wife, who soon clothed her in the proper habliments of her sex. As usual over any grot excite ment, whisky flowed freely, and the health of tho lady was drunk again and again by tho excited crowd.-- One enthusiastic individual was loud in his suggestions that Marston should bo dig up and hanged with tho rope prepared foy "Handsome Harry, "for," he assorted, *"if evera man deserved hangin' hedoes I" The lady disappeared as quiet]; as "Horry orton had os and was never afterwards heard of in thomines, Tobe Allen went East a short time .ago, but as he has not yot returned, we will tno credit tho silly rumors that are afloat that AR Harry" knows what took tho worthy judgo so far from home. ~~ DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP, Having obtained the Agency of this cele= beated Soap for Sunderland, Brock, and inity, I take pl in apending th opinion ef some ef our best people as to merits, : I have used for some time p Electric Soap, made by I, L, Uingin & Co. Phila., Pa. aud consider it is the best le in the market, It costs n little more tham common soap, but less than half the quantity will do the same work, and its use is pleasure compared with other soaps, cheerfully recommend it to all. house= MES. C. ---- Having given Dobbins' impartial trial, I che this to speaker brake completely down und' Sand father ; bor idolizéd father, dead *