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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Jul 1880, p. 4

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=--r--=or--r] [THE VERDICT OF THE FURNISHING ae a 4 : oe ve 3 UNDERTAKER. 4 yy : TEE 5 B yawning and rubb- i] 7% M % : oo = : TRICE 3 ; y AGNIFICENT HEARSE. -cA%% A ok ) Sra we [0 apm melee FAP sob Evans BR BOOTS © pa a blll aay ARBLE WORKS! BE ER EEE FOR A LL. ment isnow fully emmpleted, where everything that at Js necessary 10 1. bY 8 r departed can be furnished on iho briefest notice, and on the most moderate > 0 Niog for wo o P "OR T "PE K RR Y torms and at pricos tou the times. Funcrald onnoied with the utmost > 4 x Se HE andersigned would ona 5 ; 4 A mil nasortment of Caskots, Coftine, &c. Without any exception I have Teme Ty of Fetumning bis sincere io io opr A the FixrsTand Bes APPOINTED HEARSE in Ontario County and equal to city large and sf g 2.300 3 (FERE mdérelzned woul would take this oppor= Tones in style and finish, | im since A juste business in Port Perry | tunity of expressing their thanks for Farniture.--A large and well assorted stock of Furniture on hand atall and would now intimate that with the view ad il he wen put. his etiow ov t0B® of a the very liberal patronage bestowed on them mes, sacar foro cash or on fon sheet Sredivso gee Vie ain. of i ual seal: grenteruseomumodation | have 1 have moved 5 form - 3 eture Frami al attention given s branch of 3 semablio post, Taid his chin on his bands, | fund Wosld bag 10 Sar 3 Be pile gener pom. A Ll Hock "of Fall Binds of Moldings Wainai, Ebony, and Rustic Spring and Summer Souk fall and complete; of tiniest THE HE SECOND hi BASE ot i! ay , and otto Jong look at the Drill Hall he facilities for filling orders more promptly, Thanking my friends and patrons for the very liberal patronage given to me the > ppy 1 1ho Puig urify tho Blood, correct to wait on all parties Ly {i chase. | disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidney fal ali L] tured and said-- with CHOICE MATERIAL, SUPERIOR a weby PAVING siricl, attention to, busin oss, Tni7 dealing, sod * GOOD AND CIIEAP FOR CASH AND TRADE. . and Bowels, and are invaluable in' all com= «T dunno exactly what I'm going to do; - WORKMANSHIP and at tho sa Yo Jer S ConHe NOTE Ger SEWING M ACHINES plaints incidental to Females, 1 did live out hero about cight miles, but LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, Sim or thes Big Rocking Chair. Fine Goods a Specialty. Custom Work second to The Omvmuenr is the only reliable remedy T'vosoparated from 'the old woman, Yes, . BE -- : Sewing Machine Attachments, |for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and eprsed Just night." Ou (GRARITE & MARBLE gin: May 27, 1880 0. TRI Di ish owever tong Handing. For « What's the trouble 7" agked the officer. erty, May 27,1880. i CK. The Best Machines Gotta R itis, Dipktheris Soighs,_ Colds 3 S ~ : nd all Skin «Waal, the was my sccond, and I was Pirtag 8, . Cheap for Cash has no equal, EWARE Oi hor second, aud we never got along any too Menuments, 5 ca" Law 5 T Repairing promptly attended to. AMERICAN OOUNTERFEITS Bu a Lo ra rin ian ep 0K ARIO CARRIAGE V/ORKS : A aka The publicare kindlyinvited to come and| I most respectfully take leave the everything, and neither ofus felt like giving and Tablets " |e' my show ty attention of the Public merally 12 boy fact, fo when questions arose." Are much admired by all who sce them : : "©. TUPPER that certain Houses in Now Y York Srosending . . "e . 1 But you came to the circus togothor ' As no agent is employed the expense is : Dec. 4, 1877, 4 TATION ars, of ie globe, JEusIouh "Yes, we came to sce the circus, avd saved and customers get tho advantage. PORT PERRY. These fruuds bear on their labels Some address. ) ; iia in New York. that's where the trouble came in. We oJ Come ond gee us in our New Works . 1 do not allow my Misdjsines to bes Sold Ju separated right in front of the sacred hyona ROSE & SHAW, |TJILE Subscriber has much pleasure in informing his customers and tho public generally : i any Jart of the Uuiled 5 5 tates. " . n ------ meine edici ne trom Japon. Port Porry, March 24, 1880. that he haa just finished and is now manufacturing some of the finest, most desirable AT v np are only 4A mighty good place," d the In the book of directions affixed to the spuri= ous make is a_caution, a the Public officer, Siig b | dadalee ees being deceived by counterfeits. Do « Yon know they advertised an' electric S Ly i not be misled by this audacious trick, as they n ' ; are the counterfeits they pretend to denounce. light there ? - / 7 RE These counterfeits are purehased by unprine 8: Yes; sald the ofjeer, ; OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE. WS) PEE Unsigned wold sowied Js De Datars oa arog re of wy # Well, we'd never scen one. When wo 3 yp Merchant Tailoring Hstablishment. customers and tho public generally that | genuine Hedicines. into the 'menagerie there stood the : besides Choice Plain aud Fancy Breads of | ~ I most earnestly appeal to that sense of juse got in 8 W Of thi ntoral and Workmanship. They will be sold at such Prices as will ensure every variety, the Best quality of Confec- Hise, which I feel sure I may venture upon elephants; then came the camels; then we their ready'and rapid sale. My manufacture is now being run and sought after over the The undersigned having had to bring on a tionory, &o,, &c., ho fupplics everything in BE ng Som 31 momble persons, 10 assist came to a darned old bear; further on wore larger portion of this Province, and every effort will be put forth to make the manu: the Bak ery and Confectionery line at his ein ho Puliie, 89 Tras ma; ie in thet, the lionsand tigers "and the monkeys, but RO i P APER | facture of tho ONTARIO CAmkIAGE Works, Port Perry, still more deservedly popular. establishments Port Perry und Prince Albert. | "pf, poy and [dy the pind Medicine, Hat : SECOND SUPPLY OF SPRINGGSUMIER GOODS ana ever coves 5 AER ui «That was too bad," said the officer, g&-AN EARLY CALL IS SOLICITED. @®q Eownox "engraved thraon: On' the. 1abe fo «Yea it was, for we'd paid a hull dollar -- Snpptied ra motos: the agiyess, 383, Orono Stele ALon - Has much pleasure in stating that his Stock has been fully toplenished and is now - Pu ic Teas e alone they areManufactured. Holloway's togoin ond eco it. Well, wo walked JAMES EMANEY. |plete with the choice of the Market. Everything in the line of Gent's wear of such style : © Pilla and Ointment bearing any other address And other social entertainments romptly | are counterfeits. Sound fhe si Bote tose te he Ying A id 0 N I 0 ADS Port Perry, April 10, 1878. and quality as all desire. opti Re wan prompi.y The el | Wark of thse. Heficines 'are x der " a - registered in Ottawa. Zence, any one throngh= ed one of the chaps inside tbe ropes, where BRING ON YOUR ORDERS! The newest styles of material, the Latest Fashions The best quality of y out the British Possessions, who may keep the d fect fit | teed. Pri 1 laced hy ible fi in thunders the cage with the electric light TE. O'DONOVAN, ol il es slays laced of tho lowest pussible Sure BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED Fi Coumerele rl oi in® The feller grinned all over while some Port Perry, May 11, 1880. J. PEARCE. 8 7 130] 7 Signed of the people laughed right out loud, ns well OF IT JUST RECEIVED AT ; ICE CREA A A 533, Oxford Sra Le HOLLOWAY. a8 one of tlie eleplants. See here, said I to - January 1st, 1879, the red-headed chap, if you don't show me 4 i upplicd by meacure to the public, the cage with the electric light in I want i i gio fitted up MANHOOD: my money back! Now, my wife, who tanks apne exes e datoov | Bigelow's Arcade, [PRACTICAL CARRIAGE M AKER | BUSINESS CH ANGE! (3 § ROW 10ST, HOW RESTORED nothin', laughed and called me a fool, stating : bie Bhi dtl Ie Sr * that the electric light wan't en animal but oe NEAR THE TOWN HALL, - -- id : 3 quality, A BL 7 Neil's Gelebrak ed Essay had something to do with the clown." The Quantity, Quality and Price : > rofroshments ond daiutive so plensant, | medicine) of Nervous iki pn # That, then, was the cause of the trouble." The under signed having purchased tho Business of Mn. I. J. Davis, | healthful and yerreshivg in hot weather, Physical | Incaprolty, ' Linpediments te ers. repaired ov a 3 « Just right you sre, Mr, Perlice Officer. will astonish purchasers. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. paired andofitted up the premises, and brought on a large aud Marringe, of iting from exoossen, ¢ Betsey and I are out! We jawed right ope, only 6 cents ' ii A i lg Re » T vi Bia on there and then, and when she smashed ne Howest Styles, Latest Designs, . 0 RB Childzens' Toyk, good and cheap, The celobrated anthor, in this admirable on the head with her parasol 1 just smashed i OiCe SY oC Port Pr SEI C. HISCOX, Eesay, Seny Jevinusiiates from thirty ith the best Material -- ort Perry, May 21,1 . years' successful praetice, that alarming con- that ginghim wlio smithereens, . Avi ws, d i { GOOD Assvimen of ha constantly on hand om : ti . pa iu to re= 2 may be radically cured without the parted. She went one way aad 1 went al [NES d HHA Work made to order wi i OF MAN CH ESTER dangerous nse of internal medicine or the tother." pairing. 2 - -- Vi v. a of the knifo; outa mode « And won't you ever make up again?" COME AND INSPECT THE STOCK. of enre at once simple certain and effectual, LJ by means of which every sul « Make up! Never! She ¢hn take -the THE H T GRAPHS V - t by meas of wien sve ret, wo mation electric light and bake and eat Lim, but I'm W. H. McCAW. : B H ils i R D Q chicfly, privately and RADICALLY. a man that never crawls. I'm going away | Port Perry, April 22, 1880. - : : pA bd « 0 od This Leeturo should be in the hands of down to Thurso, I am, and by. this time AKEN in all the . ; every youth and every man in the land. 1A: at Address . Mu anker'| TAY latest and most ap- A 4 \ : : to-morrow I'll Ls diunker'n a hors Fe er proved styles, and finished 3 J b O T&S aC nr (ULVERW VELL MEDICAL 0., « And you didw't sce the electric light I Sf fn that , T 84 3 [| . 53 - atin after all 7" m= ef ag t oot] D> TE Ta « No, 1 don't believe they had any; may T ARMERS : Sia SUPERB MANNER Post Office Box 4588, be they thought they conld work that ng now in use for Would embrace this opportunity of soliciting a share of public patronage Carriage Vorks ! i E Ww ioc ab her] £70U will find it your advantage to y oe ARDY AXD Fhinogeros off on the Dualis hy another Yo Will find 3 yous. Sdvaniagy to £0 7 For which our work is : | C U Ss T o ME Fae : B 8 name, but I tumbled in a minute. Iam an =e n 1 8 pgp ome AL old rhinos myself, and my wite's another, justly Coleviated so May rely on prompt attention, C'inien rocorics, every thing in GENERAL Bld! SMITHING LU \ ; ! Pi or dl Wi Se Lad ink of how 7 stood Hier wind {) 2 ii A + don for 30 days the Provision line, the best Brands of Wi i uors, &e., all at ESTADLISH MENT. oe 4 ol \¢ y N 1 res Pe -- Jet her call mo a fool and a jackass and iN iil i ; Call and see specimens before going elses LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. J CURR IE ii 2 IIE Subscriber has much pleasnre in stat . - othor choice names afore ull them people, r Pm mad cough to walk oleae Lome Rud Gold and Silver Eleotroplaiing done to M R . M E 1 4 1 1 S . ing that ho has sceured the valuable o'™ 1S for Salo a large and well solocted 'pizen her half of ¢ of ox Gina ob Somatien. Plier col Bat order in good style. EY Well known In thie sestion oF coditr : biath ro Li Wp Stock of A | Fora nds of Sceds, also Plaster and 8 "a 3 e nowp in this section of country, bas been engaged to Manage {h | One of tne best wood-workers in the Pio. i» i Te pid wot a 3 : ' : 3 J. LEONARD. business. ! gne id vince, and is now bettor fitted than ever to B 2 He i 8 ) fit all orders for I | { J Vi KE : : ot - - Opposite Brown & Currie's Perry St. VW. M fii a 0 COUIES AS tie po REULELY BUILDERS, b Port Perry, Nov, 26, 1879. Port Perry, Aug. 11, 1879, V B. cG AW. Cutters, Rleighs, Dob-Sleighs, strolicd away. or any dexcription of Carriage with dispatch. id ¥ Al repairsin Wood or Iron executed with Thousands of children are lost annually| We have just to hand a large supply of SEWING MACHINE | Cc A U T i le) RN i neatness and on short notice tora i § ol. : Customers may&ely on getting the best from chclera infantum, diarrhea. and the see ALSO mae A ! - - matorinl, latest styles and superior work- B [4] 1) ca yY g e o n summer complaint whose lives might be WwW 5 3 nr I p10.) A | Ann TRIER 1m Th manship, Special attention given to presercod by using Extract of Wild Straw- estern hite Lime WHEELER & WILSON! porta t 0 ce e t. DD ay ) berry. Physicians recommend and use it At a reasonable price per bushel. And HOWE Each Plug of the : ; HORSE SHORING Lx T TE BE! constantly. It is a remedy well known, and 5 ' = and the work done gnas fo secure the case more highly valued the longer known. It 1. A D i | i ) S|! 1 Sewing Machines, Myrtle Navy pi ein and Somryof she i on In bareol¥, always on hand: i . rey gC eter sale at all ong Stars, wi is witie We have choco Tlower Seeds, and a fine| At Prices as before the New Tariff. : NEW C A BIN Y Warranted, BEY" Orrick axp Yar, near the Eleyator, a oo ce advertiseiaents Inf, .o tment of Geraniums and Fuchsias, e W. OC. HEARD. | Port Perry, May 28, 1879. another column, 1S MARKED . Manchester, Dee. 17th 187 4 : hy FLO UR AND FEED The above machines fully warranted and ¥ * re -- el ---- ; kept in order for a number of years free. ; ; ing Atestiol to be Goruersd--in Huai tot ok, omits 3 OB New Furniture and New Prices! | Talurg Edablishment | | international () [} t di idle t prices, congress is to bo held in AS USUAL. order, at dealers lowost p ; Of ali a , under the i di of The best Sewing Machine Oil ; Necdles for 4 HE undersigned has opened. out a good and well selnctod Stock of Furniture, Tene OVER 'MESSRS. ZROWN & CURRIES 5 THAT THORO-BRED SHORT- HORN: King Leopold, in the first Vroxic of Augtst T MADIT.T., [a Aiacanant la ines and Sos Yestuos . In Bronze Letters. 5 Citing of B ds, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, ANRFUL ok many FRY ba y SLL for the discussion of questions in regard to , Tock ns ses. Chnire o ay Kinds. wand, ane aud spring seats, Chairs from 34 TT r many Pin of an Tianoaster 9nd. . 7 plete for 23 cents u t ict d " 7 the use and action of alcohol, It will bel port Perry, April 21, 1880. EE: HEAP, |None other Genuine, Pitre Frm." Mouldings very cheap. Great Dargaios wilt be ives. "1 wil mot bo ould inform his customers and tho genoral : ; one of tho most important and iuteresti undersold by any in the trade. Pictures fiamed and public that he Has got thoronghly arranged | (YHE undersiyned keeps fc i 3 y hester. . 1am unframed. Rustics: and Walnut iu eeps for service at his lies upon the subject hitherto beld: MONE Y TO LOAN N.B All Kinds of Sewin che er Frames, prices low. ' ; 1n his new premises over Mr, Brown's Store place Lor 19 in the 2nd Cox. of ReAcH 4 with increased accomuiodations for carrying | that Superior Short-Horn Bull Lancaster 2nd. Tho peokmamm: aut resent dawg an MONEY T0 LOAN--Aotes bought and Clocks ropafrod. Also fon sale & mumber_of Eveythigs 1 ie Urderenising line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, &. on.cvery dupartment of his business, All| Bervico 81 50. gontatns {twelve principal questions of in-| Vi "gg Apply to seqon sheng Fy Prices om - ning M ve me a call and I will give you Bargains. orders promptly filled. The 'NewestFashions| Laxoasten 250' pedigree from the Canada vestigation. : Among theso are the means J. A. TODD, iy arran : i Nor moe Price--Queen Street, one door East of Mr. Wright's Bost and Shoe Store, regularly roceived, The Iatest Styles, Bu-| Short-Hosn Herd Bouk of obtaining distilled liquors, which contain at Mr. J. Bigelow's Office, Manchester, May 21, 1879. Goods delivered Fez in Town perior Workmaugbip, and perfect fits wi ae Lancaster 2ud red and white, calved Feb, aye edit} Wel the sons wie Royal Arcade Buildings. . ranted, 23rd, 1870, bred by John D. Howden, Sol rE rokot pee antiad Port Perry, June 9, 1880. 26 J Zax: TAKE this o oppotuity of returning JAMES T1GGS. |umbis, Co. of Ontario, tho property "GREENBANK. {Increased Public Accommodation omer sie Bre" vil i ~ JOHN NOTT. | ==> >» De on the consumption of alcohol patronage In tho past, and would beg mogt| Port Perry, Nov. 26,1879, . : : ; ; 4215 ictoria, by Wol- nfirmod drunkennoss in TT: widened] would inform the pub- respectfally to 'inform them that I have| dl . FIRST CLASS Pe LEN wh: 3d. LE Drop, 1 bert 5 ic that he has rented term of 1d inform the + concluded to adopt the 3 - -- y b Ire signed world, ns i i EE T A I LOI RI NG. |Fmetit hel tls by Cottage EIotel, Rest t CASH SYSTEM Fm: a5 78. Sram | Restaurant (CASH SYSTEM logy mpg pg p MRR S| FES 0 oo vated now re- sits tari w ; 9 Seve guests, Lat pris op iy). . ovis wtiref my Sotico} AT HUGOR'S, PRINCE ALBERT, fm | Restanrant will be provide il DRY GOODS, : 2 Wor ork mado up on. the shortest noice in GOOD OPENING, |mumnet which cont hands. GROCERIES, J # OF THE : i a ATES, rates, A There is a splendid opeing In Brochais | EXOt and. Cold Meals BOOTS & SHOES, BEET OTRAS ep) DOMINION. YO BRUIT. Very carly and masked every atilo fn 3 A call at Cook's Restaurant will satisfy = lo of iin P Eg : . A me--O---- ; public require. Very 4 : : ofits JOSEPH COOK, LOWE I : We offer you for toe 'harvest of 1880, the Tollowing eaolas Farm 9 1 have no hestation in offirming that n ) : ; prices will bear parison with the lo conti

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