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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 May 1881, p. 4

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& . Port Perry, March 1, 1881. a to build an immense cheese 'and eddar, stilton, aud guyor cheese from the 6,100 cows which could be sold or rented at the option of the scttfer, This scheme will be of great advantage to peor men having families who can milk stock thus saving the otherwise necessary outlay for labor. will doubtless case & stir in the cheese pro- ducing commuities of America and G reat Rritain. Conuected with this scheme 75000 acres of a ranch for feeding steers are requir- ed and ae expeoted fo be leased from the Government, A Rear Neozssity.---No house should be without a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil in case of accident. There is no prepara- tion offered to suffering humanity that has made so many permanent cures or relieved so much pain and misery. Itis called by some the Good Samaratin, by others the cure all and by the afficted an Angel of Mercy. .To Public Speakers. Public speakers and singers who would posgess a clear voice, freedom from hoarse- ness and sere throat should use Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, a safe, certain and pleasant healer for the throat and lungs; it speedily breaks up a cold and cures all pulmonary complaints that so often lead to incrable Guyssoro', May 8--This morning about ten o'clock the youngest child of Richardson Scidmore, aged two years, was drowned in & cistern. It must have been walking over it, when one of the beards which covered it tipped and let the child in. When found it was cold, and all efforts to restore it were without avail, re re The Liver, the Skin, the Kidneys and the Bowels are the natural cleansers of the system; secure their healthy action by uature's grand remedy Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures Scrofula--it cures Liver Complaint--it cures Dyspepsia--it cures Female Complaints and purifies the Blood while it restores strength and vitality to the shattered system. Trial Bottles 10 cents. Toronto Oil company and also manufactur ers of Castorine " Machine Oil--Infrivge~ ments will be proscuted- A Wonderful Discovery. For the speedy cure of Consumption, and all diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn Coughs, neglected Colds, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Asthma, pain in the side and chest, ry, hacking cough, tickling in the throat, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and all chronic or ngering Siseases of the Throat and Lungs, r. King's New Ciscovery has ne equal and tos established a world-wide reputation Many leading bhysiclans recommend and use it in their practice. The formula from which it is prepared is highly recommended by all medical journals. The clergy and press have complimented it in the most glowing terms. Go to your druggist and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a regular size for $1, For sale by all droggists. a True to the Trust. Too much can not be said of the every faitbful wife and mother, gonstantly watching and caring for her dear ones, never neglecting a 8 duty in their bebalf. When they are disease, the system should have a thorongh cleansing, the stomach and bowles regulated, blood purified, malaria! woison exterminated, she must know that Electric Bitters is the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world, and only cost fifty cents, Sold by all drug- NOTICE. 70 WHOM 1T MAY CONCERN : LL parties indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account will please call and settle the same ou or before the 1st day of April, 1881. No further no- tice shall be given. After this date Points and Repairs will be sold for cash only. Parties concerned will | very low. ingly. 2 please govern themselves accordingly Highest market price allowed for W. W. JOHNSON. |Bufter and Eggs. Imported Draught Stallion, OLEON, Ly eh lh Sica of season, 1881, as follows ayn 2 gli nights ced 5 Malson's to Beagrave butter factory for manufactariog | 5 tf A Stock of Raisins, Currants, &c., Cheap, in endless variety, baving been bought stom & TIN DEPOT PORT PERRY. a simple Boab Joacint the leaving beautiful; 'also instruction luxuriant growth of hair on a EL face. a Agdress, inclosing Beekman ih opie Vandelf & Co., 5 ) the recipe To for i wo die used, Ee of charge,) with the irections for prepuring and using the same which they 1 find d a Sue Gure for Con- sumption, ne Bronchitis, Parties wishing the Fresonprion ran please address, "194 Penn St.,'Williamsburgh, N. 7 GENTS WANTED. --Big Pay. Light Work. Steady Employment. I free. Address, M. L. BYRN, 49 pies New York. Errors of Youth, A SERIE AN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthtul indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, sentl free to all who need it, the recipe and direc- tion for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by ad+ dressiug in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN; 42 Cedar St., New York. $2; ates Vauhble catal THOMPSON & CO, 132 |" Pua] wo A FULL SUPPLY JUST TO HAND. "Wate Metal Hunting Case $5. Bu Sod pos $12. Cheapest and Imitation gold our own use or SPeculauive pur- ue stan St. NewYork. ATSO-- eld, Garden and Tower SEEDS, From the most reliable Wholesale Dealers -- Tee THOMAS MADILL Port Perry, March 50, 1881. UTICA AHEAD, TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks to the many friends and cus- tomers who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and would beg most respectfully to inform them that I bave coneluded to udopt the CASH SYSTEM In my business entirely. Having gone over the whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, &o ! Very carefully and marked every article in the above departments at the Very Lowest Living Profit I have no hesitation in affirming that my prices will bear comparison with the lowest quotations made by those who are continus ally blowing and boasting that they are underselling everybody else in the trade, Call and get BARGAINS in Cottons, Tweeds, Flannels, Wincies, and Wincey Shirtings, My Teas are extra good value, and a large Boots and Shoes, Rulibers and Over Shoes before the advance in price, will be sold JACOB DAFOE. Utica, Deo, 24, 1879. CRIFFITH'S Opposite the Ontario Bank, Queen 8t., VEE andeicaed mond RUSH & ELLIOTT, hes. Stem Winders $3.50. White est ISPAVIN CURE, Chemist and Druggist, DURHAM BULL. TE undersigned will keep for service-- lot 24, in the 14th con. of Reach, that fine Thorough-Bred Bull « Rosemond. tered Pedigree of Bull Calf No, 374, Rosg- 1818. Bred by Jos. Lie, Groenbank, Co. of ¢ Ontario. : GROCERS, --ses A nd Dealers ins m-- - (W. B. M¢Gaw?s Old Stand, Port Perry, March 30, 1881.0 WW. J. FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. # \& MAGNIFICENT HEARSE. <i HANG poe purchased two Deantiful sets of Plumes for my new Hearse, which is nicely trimmed in the latest. American style. Including two sets of Curtains, Masonic, Oddfellows', and Catholic Emblems, and MourningBo- quets, and owning a suitable team of Black Horses, my Undertaking Depart. ment is now fally completed, where evervthing that is necessary to the departed can be furnished on the briefest notice, and on the most moderate terms and at prices to suit thetimes. Funerals conducted with the utmost decorum, A full assortment of Caskets, Coffins, &¢. Without any exception I have the FINEST and BEsT APPOINTED HEARSE in Ontario County and equal to city hearses in style and finish, Farnitare.--A large and well assorted riock of Furniture on hand at all times, cheap for cash or on short credit to good buyers, Picture Framing. --Special attention given to this branch of my busi- ness. A full stock of all kinds of Mouldings--Walnut, Ebony, and Rustic Frames to select, from. anking my friends and patrons for the very liberal patronage given to me in the past, 1 hope by paying strict attention to business, fair dealing, and selling at prices consistent with a reasonable profit to merit a qpunuanceat NO' the Same. Sign of the Big. RE Rocking Chair. Port Perry, May Ist, NOTICE T0 BUILDERS AND OTHERS, LETCHER & RICHARDSON ----HAVING PURCHASED THE-- DOMINIGN. PLANING MILLS -! PORT PER Would inform the public that they are now prepared to fill on short notice, all orders for Planing, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, FLGORING, SCROLL-WORK, PICKETS, TURNING OF ALL KINDS And:everything in their line of business in first-class style. Thorough practical experience in every department of the business gives us confidence in guaranteeing full satisfaction to all who may patronize us--and we will do work Cheaper than any other firm in the County. Our Factory is fully supplied with the best Machinery mannfactured, Give us a call at the Dominion Planing Mills, opyosity the Foundry. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made oul free of cath J. LETCHER. Port Perry, March 2 1881. N OTT, RY, . F. RICHARDSON. " M. O'DONOVAN PRACTICAL CARRIAGE MAKER NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, 0 WHITBY, GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from the best Material -- Work made to order with neatness and despatch. Particular attention p"1 to re-! airing. THE MANHATTAN FEED, { (841) For HORSES, CATTLE, MILCH COWS, SHEEP AND PIGS. KENDALL'S Ging Livery Stables HE undersigned would inform the pnb- lic that he hus opened a Livery Estab- lishment OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE QUEEN-ST,, PORT | P. Customers may rely' on prof; nation, God 'aud Suitablé Rigs and moderate charges. A sharo of public patronage is solicited. R. G. VANSICKLER. Port: Perry, Nov. 2, 1880. : VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. HE andersiened hr for Sale 200 Acres of Lard, being lot 8, in the th conces- sion of the . TOWNSHIP OF REACH, 140 acres of which are cleared. and in a good | state of cultiv: , the balance of; the iat ood | sh. rd iv Will completely remove a Bene od Split, ete., without Blistering or causing any sore. NEW HORSE BOOK. " A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," hae 63 fine engravings. Price 35 cents, Agent, A. J. DAVIS. Bigelow's Blok, Pott Perry, Thorough-Bred during the season, 1881--at his place, Service $1. JOSEPH WILSON. Read the following :-- Certificate of Regis- 08D. Red and White, calved May 21st, | qo re are erected Prewises a Good, Erne Barn ro with ph Hm, good ou , comlorta frame Dwelling House and Wooashed. em. | There are on the premises 00d, thi Young Urshand, go 1 8 good Wel, i Water Privilege 'Also for Sales -gond Water Power (a never failing stream) and Got by Roseberry [613 9]. : Dam Miss Rose, by Kinellar [1610]. a Snow Drop, by Robin Hood [2134] "Gr. m Primrose, by Benator [659 See Herd Book. % od [JOHN R PAIG Signed, Sec Agr'l and Arts Assoc'n. Offer Agr'l and Arts Axsoc. nto, Oct. 15, 1878 SAW MILL, x An the Tth jon of t Ln el 1 a CF WINES AND ng such a harvestus the past und car rying off the Gold Meda fe nonriy as --ds and thoruby walks cur price list at lowest living |, ricus, Seay A : \ h el TE undorsighed ny = friends and the public "that his Dhue ESTABLISHMENT, One door West of the Walker House, PORT PERRY, Is now open for the Sale of everything in the Drug line. The Stock is cvmiplels; all new, caretully selected in the best markets and warranted PURE. Parties wanting anythingin the line may rely on getting that that is Genuine, My long experience and extensive practice in the Medicul Profession will be of advan. tage to customers purchasing Drugs. PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the St care and certainty. Come and see me at my Drug Store, one door West of the Walker House. TR N. McCLINTON, M. D. LOT FOR THE SLO ALL SHOULD SEE THOSE HANDSOME NEW SPRING STYLES I PEARCE'S Mecha Tili Establishment, The undersigned has pleasure in informing his customers and the public generally that a choice selection of his Spring Stock has already arrived and just such goods as cannot fail to please. The newest fashions, best quality and at such prices as will secure their sale. Leave your orders for Spring Suits. Satisfaction may be relied on. Prompt attention to all orders, Perfect fits guaranteed. All that.could be desired in the Gent's Furnishing line. spect my Stock, - Port Perry, Feb. 23, 1881. ( Come and in J. PEARCE. are finding their way; by their merits, inte almost EVERY HOUSE 'Where Machines are required. They are almost nciseless, light to run, de light and heavy work, sow any kind of thread, are alt made adjustable and warranted for five years. ALSO THE CELEBRATED Bell Organs ! HEINTZMAN PIANOS, Sold by aA. TUPPER, pe 8how Rooms second door east of Mr. W. J Nott's Cabinet Warerooms, Port Perry. A Port Perry, March 23, 1881 BAKERY! CONFECTIONERY &. FPHE Undersigned would remind his { sand the public generally that C. B. DIESFELD. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ee | Neen ALTHAM i! | ATCHES, won [ADIES" GOLD WATCHES. JUST TO HAND, ALSO, Ladies' Colored Gold ~¢'s, Lockets, Chains, NECKLETS, &C. A large line of WEDDING and GEM RINGS, very Cheap. A Large variety of all kinds of CLOCKS. Also, SPECTACLYS to suit all sights, very Cheap. A CA], RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Watch Repairing a Specialty, All work warranted, Port Perry, Sept. 30, 1880, C. B. DIESFELD. besides Choice Plain and Faucy Breads of every variety, the Best quality of Coufec tionery, &c., &c., he supplies everything in the Bakery and' Confectionery line at his establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert. Bridal and other Cakes Supplied en the shortest notice, Public Teas And other social entertainments promptly supplied and at moderate charges, The best quality of BOSTUN CHRYSTALIZE ICE CREA upplied by measure to the public, Handsomely fitted up PARLORS For the convenience of the public, wheto | are supplied of the best quality, those refreshments and dainties so° One of the best Fountains now in use for making cooling drinks, Childrens' Toys, good aud cheap, C. HISCOX, Port Perry, May 21,1879. Important Announcement. NEW CABINET SHOP ! New Furniture and New Prices {THE undersigned has opened out a good and well selected Btock of Furniture, cone citing of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Conches, Looking Glasses. Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. Chairs from 34 cents np. Mottoer Framed complete for 23 cents up. A large quantity of Pictures and Picture Frames. Mouldings very cheap, Great Bargains will be given, I will not be undersold by any in the trade, Pictures framed and unframed. Rustics and Walnut] Frames, prices low, Everything in the Undertaking line. Give men call and I will give vou Bargains, Nore THE PLacE--Queen Street, one door East of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store, Goods delivered Free in Town, COFFINS, SHEOUDS, &c. JOHN NOTT. Port Perry. Nov, 26,1879. --TO0 THE FARMERS -- DOMINION. We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the following first-class Farming Implements ; BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Im proved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (improved, J CAYUGA I MOWER, (improved) The ahove whaines require no coment from ns, rfter pussig through for Canada, We also notify all intending purchasers who want durable machinery and | urpose to pay CASH ON DELIVERY, to-eall at our office in 'Whitby, fore placing . orders elsewhere, as it is our intention to adopt the ASH SYSTEM! Give us a call, gine 1B yao, Wal TTI NEXT WEEK. re class Turing in al fts dopant the latest rind at MAN( "HESTER. HEARD S 4 4 ila ! Carriage AND GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. pax Subscriber has much pleasure in stat ing that he has secured the valuable, services of Oné of tne best wood-worsers in the Pro- vince, and is now hetter fitted than ever to fill all orders for Cutters, Sl-ighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch. All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with heatness and on short notice ' Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work- manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. B@™ All Charges Moderate and all wo Warranted. + Cy HEARD: Manchester, Dec. 17th Yo. 100: our FoR NEW OVGHTISENENT L. MCLEAN. FIRST CLASS TAILORING. n the shortest "notice moderate ates Marvels of Simplicity,| Combining all the latest improvements, and | . pleasant, | healthful and refreshing in hot weather, and 33s. ench Roa 1 and Ani iu prepared to supp) afl who'wen such, Price as low rh 'adders can possibly be made. CATLIN, a or Port Perry. Port Perry, April 20, 1881. SEWING MACHINE | we ALSO WHEELER & WILSON! And HOWE Sewing Machines, At Prices as before the New Tariff. The above machines fully warranted and kept in order for a number of years free. Machines, not kept in stock; supplied to order, at dealers lowest 'prices, The best Sewing Machine Oil ; ; Needles for all the leading Machines, and Sewing Machine Attachments kept constantly an hand, t. HEAP, Manchester. N.B.--All kinds-of Sewing Machipes and Clocks repaired. Also for sale a number of second-hand Loek Stitch Machines in running order, and warranted. Prices from $4 and upward. Man ter, May 2, , 1879. {Success the best test of Worth | THiS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE HOUSEHOLD FrayisizE LVE, 3? Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nervous System, and act must powertully yet Soothing: Iv on ihe Liver and Bowels, omatiog ton and assimilation, and endowing the ps bodily frame with Strength and vigor, Ners vous Headaches, Tiemblings with Lassitude i and General Debility quickly yield to the tent force of these well-known Pills, snd t! are unrivalled in their efficacy iu all FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, removing all "obstructions, skin blemishes, pimples and boils better than any other family mediciue known, J1AS A WORLD-WIEF REPUTATION. It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer nnd Wound more certainly than any otber known 'salve. 1ts marvelous penctrating powers render jt invaluable in all Throat and Chest Diseases, suriia Bronchitis, Quinseys, and A. A. ducing Glandular Larne: lore Asti ny bocesses and Fistulas, and for leviating th excruciating tortures of Rheumatism out a Neura, it is unsurpassed. It -never fs remove Scurf and every species of rihiao ease Manufactured. only at Professor HoLuoway's Estahliel Son: 533, OXFORD Taek es LO. Ls and sold at 1s 13d. 2: dh ih 36 2 20 sents; 150. > fk lhe La on the Pots ond Boxes. If the address is 638, Oxford Street, London, they are x ot The Trade Marks of my Nedicjoes are re gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washingjon, Si ? HI 583; Oxford Siroon. London as HOLLOWAY. Sept. 1st, 1980. yd

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