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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Oct 1881, p. 4

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o Bitters. You will wR aE 1d improvemen! IT! : N inspired with | W VASE TERRY & Lf 1 return; Change of Time and Additional Train u wil bo hand : d henceforth 'of Electric Bit- a bottle, by all A.J. kiem's Avnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, | rs, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, , ulcers, > - hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eraptions. T alve is guaran- | teed to give perfect satisfaction in every case SgEmonsy, nded. Price 26 cents per box. y A. J. Davis. PIMPLES, Froe) the recipe for a simple Jaen any that will remove, Tan, reckles, Pimples and -Biotches, leaviog the skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instruction or producing a luxariaut growth of hair on a Pe or smooth face. Address, inclosing 30 stamp, Ben. Vandelf & Co, 5 Beckman St, N. To Consumptives. The advertiser having been permanently cured of that red oe remedy, is anxious to make known 1 will 'mail ABLE z all who desire it he will send a copy of the rescription sed, (free of charge,) with the rections for! preparing and using the same which they will find a sure Cure for Con- sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Pacties wishiug the Prescription, will please ly REV. E. A. WILSON 194 Penn St., Williamsburgh, Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who suffered for vears 2 from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all' the effcrs of youthiul indiscretion. 4 will for the sak of suffering humanity, send #ree to all who ood it, the recipe and direc- tion for makin the simple remedy by which he was cured \fferers wishing to profic by heady § experience can do so by ad- dressing iu pe confidence. 42 Cedar St, New York, ------------------_ ---------------------------- Farm to Rent. + wa------ . ndcrsivned offers to Rent that fine n, 107 acres more or less, bring rt of lot 8, in the 3rd concession of Reach Thera are on the premises a Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, &o. The quality of the land is all that can be desired, there is a good supply of choice water. Terms moderate--Immediate possession. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, i ANGUS McEKAY. Resch, Oct. 12, 1881. rm ------ em Caution ! JprRcnasens OF THE LI-QU0R TEA COMPANY'S TEAS -Are informed that unprincipled parties have obtained possession of " half pound Vouch- ers' and make fraudnient nse of them, y It is' therefore mecessary to return all E: Vouchars to the AGENT at his Store, > HENRY CHARLES. Port Perry, Sept, 20, 1881. 3w DN Ny i) STRAYED HEIFER AME into the premises of the under- 5 8 C dersigned, Greenbank, October Lat, 1881, TWO HEIFERS about two years old hey are both Red with a dittle white on the forchend and some white behind the fore legs, one of them has a white spot ou the nigh fore leg. +s Phe owner ix requested to prove property, ly expenses and take them away or they will be sold a cording to law. J. V. THOMPSON. Greenbank, Oct. 1, 1881. * VIC TORIA-- iB ucHu&Uvalrst Fe AT FST PE CT NIA dread disense, Consumption, by 3 his fellow sufferers the means of care. To j ] DSAY. : rvice. nday, J ay 10th, hy Ww /5 Sun as Lf oy ng Nor! ving No.4, No.2 EXPRESS. MAIL. P.M, M.® 507 6 4 Takes this Special mean EXAMINE One of the largest and Cheapest Stocks of BOOTS AND SHOESK 2 915 65) 9% 708 48s 72 951 78 1000 7 10 06 745 1014 755 1095 i ba i 83 Til s3 10 FEeer wahibited 850 1120 902 1132 + . 910 140 Trains Going South. {Spec 0. 1. No. 3. No.5 fom MIXED. MAIL. EXPRESS, MM. P.M." P.M, BABLY, 300 ) IN GREENBANK. HE undersizned wonld Inform the pub- lic that he has rented for a term of years the premises formerly known as the ottage EIotel, Greepbank, aad having thoroughly reno- vated the samo he is now prepared to re- ceive guests, ' GOOD OPENING. There is a splendid opening in Greenbank for an enterprising man to open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker would find Greenbank a good 2 for his business. The village is » Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland. It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON, op situated on th May 3rd, 1880 Greenbank TAKEN TO AND FROM THE STATION AND AROUND TOWN. | HE Subscriber is prepared to convey Chests, Trunks, Boxes and-every other description of Luggage toand from the Rail. way Station or anywhere around town. All orders promptly attended to. ClLarges moderate, JOS. COOK Port Perry, Jan. 1, 1874. WATCHES, Clocksé& J ewelry. BUYERS (AHOULD examine my Stock of Jewelry > consist of GOLD AND SILVER SWISS WATCHES, COLORED GOLD GOLD LOCK EM RINGS, ROLLED SLATE ALBERTS, | 3 LINE.OF WALTHAM WATCHES, BOSS GOLD FILLED WATCHES, FRENCH CLOCKS in endless variety. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Black's Celebrated Spectacles to suit all Siglits. in Electro-Plate, &c. Undoubtedly the largest Stock ia the County, A call is respectfully solicited. ©. B. DIESTELD. * 1a RY. RCANS. ; vo ' Increased Public Accommodation TE HE undersigned wonld inform the public that he is opening a Restaurant In thé prowiscs opposite the Onturio Bank ~ where every thing supplied in a first-class Restaurant will be provided and served ina » nner which cannot be excelied as it wili 'be condncted by first-class hands, AT ALL HUURS OYSTERS SERVED Soa * ail that this is vl.at fhe public require, : JOSEPH COOK, "Port Pirry, Sept. 24,1879, ---- eg BOY YOUR ETct and Cold Meals T0 SUIT. iat Cook's Restaurant will satisfy THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO Part Perry, Sept. 14, 1881. A PERMANENT, SURE CURE FOR Lame Back, Piles, Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs, or complaints attendant thereon. Indubitable Evidenee fiom Doctors, Drug- gists, Merchants, Farmers. a GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Picton, April 20, 1881, Gentlemen,--[ find your Pads are giving eutire Sutisfuction, and wish you increased Sales for 80 valuable aremoedy for diseases of . "a 2 4 MORDEN. Asl ar Drogglst for Pamphlets, Testi moDlale, oi Tree fir eh Prices. --Child's Pad $1.50, Regular Pad, $2. Special Pad for Chronic Diseases, $3. 4 Sold byS. E. Allison, PortPerry. Eoniskillen. '4, J. Campbell, 1841. fo Bi a all at once and Secure Bargains, Custom work in all its branches warranted second to none for quality or style. TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. QUEEN STREET, Port Perry, Feb.723, 1881. ial inducements to CASH customers for 30 ID AY & inorder ake room for the large Stock of Spring Goods purchased to ARRIVE oY 8 < s of inviting you to * in Port Perry. C. TRICK, PORT PERRY. ) ## ALWAYS #IN ORDE i LAST WHR LIFETIME s § | . SURPASSES) OTHERS ohnsonlarks:eo. 20 UNIONSQ. NEW YORK 2 CHICAGO ILL: «<9 RANGE MASS. EGER i a Ry A Rs Rp Ry RR Re) WAITS. : HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. FFFECTED by them are radi- They do not cure one disease another, They will cure a larger t cases, and in less time than apy nown. PRICE, FRING 5. comes, 1. Fevers, Congestion, Inf 2 Neuralgh Toothac euralel ne lhenmatism, Rheumatic Pains, - 25 orms, Worm Fevers, Worn Colic, 26 b sed Breathing, - . 2b 8, Bronchitis, - - + 2 Periods - 25 ni enthin 25 25 y ver. Agues, 25 . (0 nflamed fen, 25 . Ki vel, Renal Caleuli, 25 28. Ner Debility, Spermatorthan, 30. Suppressed or Painful Menses, 332. Dysentery, Gripiog, Bilious Colie, - 26 34. Catarrh Acute or Chrome, Influenza, 2 35. Ear Discharges, Hardness of Hearing, 2 38. Disease of the Heart, Palpitation, 25 37. General I bility, Physical Weakness, It your t does not keep them, any num- rice. ber will be gent by mail on receipt of Send. fos Msn, roche TNE MARU. M0 PA J lo 5} YPORY, JOUN n WAIT,, Proprietor, Araprior, Ontario. told by A.J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry. UTICA AHEAL TAKE this opportunity of returning I thanks to the many friends and cus- tomers who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and would beg most respecttully to inform them that I bave concluded to adopt the, CASH SYSTEW |! in my business entirely. Having gone over the whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, &c | Very carefully and marked every article in the sbove departments at the Ven Lowest Living Profits 1} 1 have no hesitation in affirming that my prices will bear comparison with the lowest ally blowing and boasting that they are underselling everybody else in the trade, Call and get BARGAINS fn' Cottons, Tweeds, Flannels, Wincies, and Wincey Shirtings, My Tens are extra good value, and a large Stock of Raising, Currants, &c., Cheap. = Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Over Shoes in endless vaciety, having been bought before the advance in price, will be sold very low, pE5™ Highest market price allowed for Butter and Eggs. z _." JACOB DAFOE. 'Utica, Dec, 24, 1870. quotations made by those who are continue | | ship A PROMISSORY NOTE dited AA field, in December, 1880, for $61, | made by Fergos Black, and pugablo to the | | as payment thereof Port Perry, S¢pt, 28, 1881, CRIFF ITH'S Opposite the Ontario Bank, Queen St., PORT PERRY. (MHE undersigned would take this oppor- tunity of thanking their customers for the liberal pafropage received since open- ing business in Poit Perry, and would in- form the public thut they have on hand a large and carefully selected Stock of every- thing in the STOVE AND TINWARE LINES Of the best quality and pewest patterns.-- Hot.uir Furnaces of the most reliable and satisfactory kinds. Everything required in Tin, Sheet, or Gal- vanized Tron manufactured to order on short notice, at reasonable prices and in a work- manlike manner, We would call attention to our TAVE-THOUGIHING! WHICH WE MAKE A SPECIALTY. veatly and cheaply Repairs promptly, hurry of Business, 1 have STOVE & TIN DEPOT * Peas, &c., offered. Port Perry, Aug. 23, 1881, Goods of 1881 possible figure. ment was never more attractive. lar attention is called to it. P ot Penny, Aug 18, 1881. HE undersignea would inform his fiiends and the public generally that his DRUG ESTABLISHMENT One door West of the Walker House, | done, B57 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED"@&a Call and inspect our Stock, | J & B. GRIFFITH. | Port Perry, March 1, 1881. BI 11ND t" BH Be, very liber stowed on hi s po | ou wks pig § And would u inform the farming munity and others that ne canal found at the Blacksmithing Establishment lately occupied by Mr John Heard, where BLACKSMITHING In all its departments will be done prompt- ly, neatly and cheaply. Repairs carefully | attended to. Horse £hoeing A SPECIALTY, and done as it should be, . PP. B. ENSIGN, | Prince Albert, July 4, 1881, ee x : oo Ja) Livery Stables ! JE nudersigned would inform the pub- T lic that he hus opened a Livery Istab- lishment OPPOSITE THE MANSION HIUSE QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY. Customers may relyson prompt attention, Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate charges, © : A share of public patronage is solicited. R. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1880. PROPERTY FOR SALE. sion of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, 200d wood bush. Water Privilege Also for Sale good Water Power (a ? failing stream) and SAW WILL 'On lot 24, in the Tth concession of the town- of UXBRIDGE. It is about two miles the Hiulvieg village of Dsbridge, 'or {urther particulars, apply to * . II of : If by letter pri to Epsom 210. > Reach Peb. 3,1880, piano ts fat Saint "undersigned in October, 1881. 'Ihe public are cantioned against negotiating the same bys bern sf 2 gies N. McCLL ~ pus undersigned offers for Sale 200 Acres '1 of Land, being lot 3, in the 7th conces- 140 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance of the land is never PRACTICAL PORT PERRY. Is now open for the Bale of everything in the Drug line carctully selected in the best markets and warrmnte! PURE. the line muy rely on getting that that is Genuise My long experience and-extensive practice in the Medical Protession will be tage to customers purchasing Drugs. I Pre Arve My Gent's Furnishing Depart- Particu- The newest-style Fashion Plates. 74 J. Plr.A LOY PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the utmost care and certainty Come and soe me at my Drug Store, one door West of the Walker [Tons IN b. 9, 1881 port Penry, F Important EW C To Looking Glasses, cents up. Picture Frames, € Mouldings very cheap. undersold by any in the trade. Frames, prices low. Give me a call and IT will give you Bargains, Goods delivered Free in Town, Port Perry. Nov. 26,1879. 0 DOMI Implements: * or + CAYUGA Jeg MOWER, (Improved.) The above machines requireno 0 such a harvost as the past and carry' We also notify purpose to pay There are erected on' the prer a Good Frame Barn with underground Stables, good utbuilding, algo a good, comfor frame Dyelling House and Woodshed. prices, Give us a call There are on the premises a good, thriving ' i Young Orchard, and a good Well. Whitby, April, 1880. ABINE New Furniture and Vew Mottoes Framed complete for 23 cents up, Great Bargains will be given, McOTLI™ Ht TA T 5 AA Pictures fiamed and unframed, SHAGRAVE MARKHT. I will also buy at Seagrave so soon as a Storehouse to replace the one lately burned, has been built. I will there pay the the Highest Market Price for all the Wheat, Barley, Oats and JOSHUA WRIGHT. ~ \ " wn 9 Fond i a Everything in the Undertaking line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, &e. 'The Busy Market Season is at hand and in order to meet the had my elevator thoroughly over- hauled with a view to facilitate the handling of large quantities of Grain. I am now prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE For WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, PEAS, &C. NEW DRUG STORE nneuncemert. LOOK OUT ror vous FALL OUTFITS, The undersigned would anneunce the arrival of his EarlyFallStoek A complete Stock of the finest quality, newest styles and most attractive Fall The Stock is full, of choice quality gnd prices cat to the lowest Phe Stock is complite all new, Parties wanting any thingin of advan. FTYHE undersigned has opened out a good and well select «d Stock of Furniture, con< sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Matteasses, Cribs, Cradles. Sofas, Conches, Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. Chairs from 34 A large quantity of Pictures and I will not he Rustics and Walnut Note THE Prace--Queen Street, one door East of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store. JOHN NOTT. --TO0 THE FARME OF THE NIOW. - BROWN'S WHITBY HARVESTER, (Improved.) YOUNG CANADA MOWER, (Improved.) all intending purchasers who want dar: CASH ON DELIVERY, to call at ou before placing your orders elsewhere, as it is our intenti CASH SYSTEM! As nearly as practicable, and theruby make cur price list at lowest living BIOWN & PAT TERSCN MF COY. ble machinery ; r office in Whithy. on to adopt the RS-- We offer you for the harvest of 1880, the following first-class Farming mment from us, - fter passing thronuh ing off the Gold Medal for Canada. wwe | acamves Are Marvels of Simplicity, Combining all the latest improvements, and are finding their way, Wy their merits, into : almost ) EVERY HOUSE Where Machines are required. They are almost nciseless, light to run, do light and ee ALSO " heavy work, sow any kind of thread, are a F made adjustable and warranted for five 3 WHEELER & WILSONY | years. ® And HOWE + ALSO THE CELEBRATED Bell Organs ! HEINTZMAN PIANOS, Sold by . Corre R, a nad gE Show 'Rooms second door east of Mr. W J Notts Cabinet Warerooms, Port Perry. . Port Perry, March 23, 1881 would remind his ~ and the publ c generally that ¢ Plain and Fancy Bonds of v variety, the Best quality of Co fee tionery, &c., &c., applies everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his extaliishments Port Perey ane Prince Alben Bridal ud othe: ake Supplied on the shortest netiee, Lublic ff Bip = And other social cutortaiuments promptly supplicd and at moderate charges, "0 The best quality of Y Yul Irn at i he. SEWING MACHINE ! Sewirg "Machines, At Prices as before the New Tariff, The above worebinek fully warranted and kept in order fora number of years free, Machines not kept in stock, supplied to order, at dealers lowest prices. fl The best Sewing Machine Oil ; Needles for all the leadigg Machines, and Se Machine Attachments képt constantly on hand. 3 EE. HILAR, Manchester. N.B.--AllL kinds of Sewing Machines and . Clocks repaired Also for sale a number of second-hand-Lock Stitch Machines in running order, and warranted. Prices from $4 an upward. 3 Manchester, May 21, 1879, i ii UOAVERSAL MELICINGE IS HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE LVERY- WHERE. ELE Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nervous System, wid wei mos powertully yet soothing Lever and Bowels, promoti uw Liges insilation. and endowing the w hole i ' (RIAN public HAD 1 ' i upplicd by measure to th hy fire Lap Hundsen AND GENERAL BLACK-SHMITHING ESTABLISHMENT. HE Subscriber has much pleasnre in stat ing that he has secured the valuable serviees of fill all orders for Cutters. 81 iehs, Bob-Sleighs neatness and on short notice Special attention given to SHORING manship. HORSE and the and comfort of the horse in traveling. 8&5 All Charges Moderate and all wo Warranted WC. HEARD. LOOX OUT FCR NEW ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK. FIRST CLASS 'iy 3 tnd, Fata eT EL GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly LA fo , y "ig 3 vey dl 5) una' SYRERW I rade to order with neatness and despatch. hand made froin' the be attention Particular x. GDONOVAN. a pala st Material --| 10.70; ments, AL AU, v ING Work made up on the shortest not the latest styles and at moderate | 4 ood fit guaranteed. © 3% member the place, opposite Cook's Hotel Prince Alhert, April 2, 1874. : WHITBY ties, Monuments, &¢ Also, Agent for the Also Building One of the best wood-workers in the Pr- vince, and is now better fitted than ever to or any description of Carriage with dispatch, All repairsin Wood or Tron exceuted with Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work. ork done soax to secure the ease Manchester, Dec. 17th 1874. 15 FEN Gsl TMIRST cine Lidloring in all its deporte : ALBERT. rates, Al HUGOE | Sree [ARBLE WORKS| with Strength and viz or. Ner- | we adnehes. T embljves with Lassi ude 3 and General Lelality quickly Meld lo tha po- {tent foree of these well known Pills, -nd they ave unrivalled in their offiency iv al PiVALE COMPLAINTS, wil obistiverions. skin blemi and boils bo tier than any other fi WEE Ne#¥aliiai emove Scarf and ense Manufactured Pro only at : or Hotroway's Establishment, OXFORD STREET, LONDON; id, 43 6d. 11s., 22s. and in Cannda at 0, and the Inreer 533, and sold at 1s inp BE" CAUTION. --1 have no Agent i the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. I'urchasers should therefore look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes If the address is mot 533, Oxford Street, London, they dre spurious. The Trade Muiks of my Medicines sre re gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washis «tr Signed, THOMAS HOLLOWAY Street. London, A Great Jiser ~ ye a We have recently plished & EE, es edition of Br. (ulver- = well's Celebrated Essay on the radical and permanent cure (withow medicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments te Marr age, ete., resulting from excesses. : #~ Price, in asealed envelope, only 6 cent: or two postage stam ps. The celebrated anthor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, . from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con. sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or (he application of the knife; pomting out & mode of cure at once simple certnin and effeciua, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be,#may cure himsels chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. #3 This Lecture should be in the hands o every youth and every man in the land. : Address 4 ¥ 4 THT CULVERWELL M0IG-L CO. 41 Ann St, New York Post Office Box 4686. 5 3 LL adveek In Your own town. Terms and $68 2a free. Address H. HALLXTT & 4 and, Maine. & OHN CHRISTIE, == . ~ TOWNSHI: OLERE, Lo suer of Marriage ndts--Con veyancer, Soh ir a Mfice--~Manchester > Ne

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