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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Feb 1882, p. 2

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nt an attempt at burk- or ' free discussion terol The loudest liberals are uniformly the tyrants. and the most in- inion House ida got the barness and it coming cast there shadows before it ill be an oily session. It is pleasant 'see the opposition tacitly admit- g that there is no eause of friction; acts of the goverament have n judicous, prompt and saccess- , just what the country required, and the pleasent effects of which are extending their salutary influence and more as they become better developed. The present session cannot be long for there is not a great doal to do; it cannot be noisy for there is really no cause of complaint and nothing to make [a noise about, Public confidence in tho government is now fully estab- lished ; the complote success which thas crowned the leglslation of the present government is a sufficient igusrantee for the safety of the ship of state while under their conirol and the people will not seon Joek|P fo change, Of course some dis- iti 'nay growl d that is scarcaly to be wondered an the cold, cold shades of opposi- tion have an irritating effect on the itive nerves of the more enviops bnes. A vigorous, vigilentand fear- less opposition is not only desirable but necessary and #0 long, as it is onorable and up right in its op- poition, it is vorthy of and will re- ceiro the respect of "all friends of re- ponsible government. i -------- The Budget. L Maesday last was budget day with wut Local Assembly and under or- | dinary circumstances would be a 'time of more than ordinary interest - Mowat and his backers hage @ 80 painfully nervous over ir slim prospect of re-election, the fearful, we had almost s«id abso- lute certainty of defeat at the next #lection is so greatly effecting their heads if not their hearts thut noth- ing ean come from théir hands with- out being stuffed full of electioneer- ing trap. What bave coal and ithe NN. P. got to do with the budget ipeech and still Mr. Wood had to indwich these in between the dol- and cents with the evident por- 8 of making a little electioneer- capital, but the fraud to too parent to effect any good for ir hopeless caude., 1t is ehieerfnl to nplate the gushing resources s prosperous and wealthy Pro It is also eafidfactory to with all the lamentable 5 of Mowat & Co., the of our resources is such they cannot he overcome and me exceeds our expenditure "half 8 million. Of course this surplus is flctitions, a8. it Is of moneys wrung several municipalities by p in the mode of collecting | ficenses and other meneys formerly paid into the but are 'now paid to for he coumait of ie Corparationiot Brock Sok shelfoun Hol Sunieninnle te ie Just prop actes are richer than many w ! two er three undeed sores : 'but &s no one complains of Tabor being done and parties lightly assessed ir then in oi tive of dictating as to the fee for the same,-- The right to, petition is all very well abd | every subject has a purtect right te exercise it ina ligitimate way ; but to attempt to | dictate to a munielpal council how wuch should be charged ns a license foo is carrying. the jokea little too far and savors too much of the oligarchioal proctivities. of the Mowat- A few an Ir. Patrick Keenan sold his 100 acre ng the north half of Tot 121n the .of Brock, to Mr, J. 'Waddle jr. for the handsome sum of $10,000. This looks healthy and goes far to prove that real estate in this Province is by ne means depreciating and that the township of Brock holds a formost place as to the -| value of her larids. Any locality 1a which 100 acres will sell for 10,000 may well be regarded as prosperous. S------------ Well Directed Haterprise. Mr, P. Fallowdown of 'the township ef | Brot¥ Ys one of our mest enterprising and successful stock raisers, his stock is much sought after and he has nq difficulty in securing high prices for anything he hag to sell ; heis a reliable man and one of our best breeders. On the 2ud inst he sold a gelding colt. sired Ly Damfrl Jock, Mr. Brethour introduced and carried through a by-law limiting the number of shop and tavern licenses within the township | and fixing the amounts to be paid therefor. In committee of the whole the blank "for the number' of taverns was filled by the number six and for shops one, aver. to pay $60 each and shop $75. Mr, St John introduced and canted through a by-law fixing the salary of the Clerk. In committee of the whols the blank was filled up with $400. 'to lessen every one small Pro) those assessed in small ¢ 'reduced and let the higher a4 they are, which would meet - a his scale would meet the approbati the labor on both small amounts and larger amounts would only Instone the evil that is now complained of Me. Brethoar said he did not expo that : did wrong in going tolaw yer | while be big 1 in in tncurring a heavy loss et 1 snit still ke believes thaf waship would bear the Council out. 1 ook 12 WASisn ho but his aim is to do justice snd to easo.ns far as possible those mssesed for pertios as if any class of men re- quire protection it is they, as many of them find it bard to get along under the best of 'Crooks Li | On motien the council adj d for '| dinner, ye Sale. Council resumed. proposed by Mr. Mr. Taylor applied to the Council for some arrangement as to the dividing line between Mr. Curtin's property and his as he (Taylor) has not all his land, Mr. W. E. Yarnold, P.L. 8. being present was heard on the matter and gave his advice as to the best way of getting over the difi- | culty, The reeve and Mr, Brethour went tully into the matter showing the course the par- tivs sbould take in order t i tion as Mr. St Jobn cannot see wherein the scale Brothour is going to im- prove matters in the least, he regards it as & move jn the wrong direction it would re- duce the total amount of statute labour while we require all the statate luboug we now have and quite a large amount of special grants besides, Mr Brethour says, the council may reject his scale and pass such a by-law as they |. please, but in moving this matter he is acting from a sense of duty which bis posi- arrangement of the difficulty. Mr. Taylor said he wanted nothing but Justice and was prepared to do whatever is necessary to obtain 76 he went away to follow the advice given him by Mr. Yarneld. Mr. Brethour introduced a 'sy-law for re- gulatiag the amennt of gtutute labor, and moved the Council into committee of the whole thereon, Mr. Brethour said his aim in introducing the present by-law was with the view of stitacats, to a Mr. Pickering for the handsome sum of $250 ; he sold nlro a sucking colt from the same sire to the same party for a very hand. Some sum, Mr. Keleer sold a 2 year old Kentucky colt at the same time tc the same party for $240. They have all been shipped to Essex Contre, ------------ Goon Stock wiLt Auwave Pav.--Oa the 6th inst,, Mr, H. Plum, Scugog sold a two year old Clydesdale colt to un American buyer for the nice sum of $200. -------- A Oomfortable Dwelling House Dn. --Mr I ing the of labor required of poor men ad the by-law as it now stands exacts toe much of them in propertion to their property ; the parties assessed for large amounts are not required to do as much statute labor in proportion as those assessed for small amounts. He has no desire to tuke an undue advantage of those who are highly assessed but he wishes to do justice between man and man and he did not con- sider that the by-law of last year secured that object as the number of days for small amounts of assessment was greater in pro- portion than for those with large amounts. The Reeve said he fully agreed with Mr arise, and Lot for sale by Auoti C Dawes will sell by auction on Saturday 18th inst. at the Walker Housn, Port Perry, on Lilla St. a few doors 87,uth of tha Town Bll, the property of Mrs. Mary Jacobs. As the preprictress is l2aving the locality the property must be sold, --Sale at 2 . M (Bee Bills.) -------- VaLuaBLYy Vinuacs Propurry iv WiLLiAMs- BURG, ConrwrignT, ror SALE BY PrivaTs Sate. The lot is } of an acre there are ov it-a Zood dwalling house, good horse and cow stable, and a black smith shop, The pro- perty belongs to Mr Robt. Henry. (See Bills.) PRERERRIRIIE Portable Saw Mills. portant position among the more recent of mechanical skill and is destined ble i that cemfortable Dwelling " House and Lot' | and rich, hie considers it just and equitable to of The Portable Saw Mill occupies an im- Breth in his ion and desire to make the statute labor bear as light as possible on those more lightly assessod, but - Mr Breth-- our's schedule lessens the proportion for the lower assessed it alse lowers the amount for those more highly assessed and consequently defeats its purpose, it does not change the rela. tive proporiton between the higher and lower assessed, it diminishes both and these bigher assessed fully as much as the lower ones ; it might be a change for the better te reduce the lower assessed a little and if Mr Brethour will confine the reduction te those he weuld not oppose the change. Mr Brethour urged that his scals was all that is required to make the by-law legal and just and a fair proportion tv beth poor council t all, . . The Reeve said - that all that is wanted is to secure @ fair scale such as would do justice to all, he knows that diminishing the t of statute labor would be a popular by being to effect a val t in cleari timber lands. These mills can bo taken right into the bush, the trees can be cut into logs of any desired length taken to the mill which stands by and cut into lumber er square timber as muy be required righ Mr W Hooper now owns one and is prepared to fill all orders for Hemlock or Elm lumber or timber. >» ---- The Ontario Parlimen! On Friday last thé"House satan hour and a halt during which they had a pleasant talk and nething more, Of course; the House did net sit on Satur- day but they made upfor it on Monday for they sat a whele hour ; they did not doany~ thing, they hadn't time. P! The Sons of "Merrie" Hngland. and tke 1a Pre I of y ex- worthy an Order. The officers of the G. L. sre expected in lodge there, The election of officers took place on Wednesday, 16th inst, with the following results: Bro. J. H Venables, RB, W. G. P., Toronto. Beas J, W. Higginbotham, BR. W.G. V. P.; * Bro.J. W. Carter, R. W. G, Sec'y. Bro, B. Hioehelifle, R, W. G. , Toronto. Bro. Rev. Dr. Clarke, L, L. PD; BW. a. Chaplin, Belleville. ~a._| The Grand Lodge of the Sons of England has been in session in Oshawa since Tues- day Jast. The representation was large session has proved - highly important one and the tension and increasing prosperty must be highly satisfactory, te every friend eof so Bowmanvile this, Thursday, to erganize a move and may at first sight meet the ap- probation of the ratepayers, butit would really be no advautage in the end for the roads must ba kept up either by statute labor or grants. If the scale of the past year has pressed unfairly on the lower ass. ogeed it certainly should be remedied but to uce both the higher and lower. assessed fun be ne remedy and it would only in- rease the evil if while reducing those with I ---- we at thesame time re- duce those with large a still Mr- Ruddy p Joseph Henderson and 57 ethers praying for the spening up and making fit for trave, a certain road in the second con..west of the Wieck Station, Mr Brethour of council imposes on him, ho is acting in the interest of his con. Mr Walker said that the statute Jabor system was not easily arranged to bo strictly just to all and the whole stattte labonr system was not quite satisfactory, quite an improvement might be made as well in the quantity of work done as in the manaer in which it 1s dene ; he does not regard the proposed scale as any improvement on that of last year and he will oppose the change. Mr Brethour moved that the blanks in}. the by-law be filled in accordence with the scale ho has made, As no one seconded, Mr Buird moved that the blanks be filled up tho same as tht of last year. As noone seeonded, Mr Brethour, second- ed by Mr St John moved that the committee The Reeve being in the chair said if this | motion is carried it kills all that has been done with the by-law and leaves the council just as they were before the by-law was introduced. The motion was put and declared carried and the committee arose. of he has no lagal claim sotsifisiading Mr St John says that ceuncit ean give anything ; If 'he had sup- posvd for a moment that Mr Jolinston 'had | any claim' on the corporation he would never | have consented to doled the suit. ~~ Mr Baird sy ised 'with Mr Johnst in the Joss of his factory but it would be an injustice to the ratepayers to ask them to giveanything under the circumstances. Mr Walker while feeling for Me. Johnston in the loss of his fiotory, cannot soe what in view of the action taken by him, No action was taken. : On motion of Mr St John $12 was ordered to be paid {o each of the auditors for their] services as said auditors. On motion of Mr Baird $10 was granted to Mrs Speiran for attencance and suppert of an indigent invalid named Teskey. On motion of Mr Baird, Mrs Anson's] in digent aid was increased §2 per month from Feb, 1st. " Me Brsthour imtroduced and carried through a by-law to regulate the statute labor within the corporation. In committee of the whole the blanks were filled up as follows. For all parties appearing on the assessment roll for $400 or under 2 days, from 400 te $1,000, 3 days; from $1,000 to $2,000. 4 | days ; from $3,000 to $3,000, 5 days; from $8,000 to $4,000 6 days; end fer every ad- 'ditiond! $1,500, 1 aditional day; over $750 Wdditional gives 1day. On motion the council adjourned. Reach "Council. The municipal council of Beach met at the town hall on Monday, I13th inst.-- Members all present. ted the il eo determine that. The Reove said if it was found practicable; {o put the read through the better way would be to go on and put it thiough at once, it is muth more economical aad parties get the use of the road at once and not be kept out of it year after year while much of the money being spent from time to time is lost left in an unfinished stato. Mr Baird gaid he would not consent to a very large expenditure on this or any other road in any one year if it can be avoided, as it would be laying -an unnecessary burden on the ratepayers in one year, but by divid- ing up the expenditure and carrying it over several years according to the amount re- quired the"work would be got through and the cost would never be felt. Mr, Brethour says the first question to settle is, isthe road at all practicable and the next is hew much will it take to put it in a condition for travel. tion it is found to be practicable $200 might be greater amount and this would be the effuct of Mr. Brethour's scale. Mr. St. John says in examining and.com- paring the scale proposed by Mr, Brethour with the scale of last year, he fails to see any improvement, he considers the scale of last year much preferable to the one propos- ed; the only effect of the new scale would be to reduce the total amount ef statute laber but it would not secure the object aim- ed at by Mr. Brethour. All know that the roads are not kept up as they ought to be, in place of less we would require more statute labor; he weuld Lo will ing for any scheme to secure justice if justice is net done by the present scale but he fails to see any injustice in the scale'of last year and if anything could be adopted by which more good could be got out of the statute labor be would gladly adopt it. Dut afterall it is enly right that those lower assessed should do their fair share of statute labor they travel quite as much, use the roads as much and require good roads as much as thoso that are highly taxed. Mr. Brethour is willing to admit that the maa of small property reqires good roads as much as any other but he wont admit a wan of small property uses the roads as much asa man of large property ;. surely no one will assert that there will be as much be worth Grand Musioal Convention. The Grand Musical Convention to be held | at Brookliu in the C. M. Church, on the 21st, 230d, Th, ¢ and 24th inst, under the ed Prof. T. KE. a of New York, bids fair ache gue. of thp greet treats evér enjoyed. by the inhabitan this County The fee ling to the market and otherwise from forty or fifty acres of land as there would be from ong hundred and fifty or two, hundred acres. All must knew that it is as much as aman can de to live on forty or fifty acres and such shonld be generously Wd ealt with in the matter of statute labor. Mr. Baird said as far as he was orsonally concerned the proposed scale might be of resent season. when built. On motion of Mr, Brethour the whole Council was appointed a Committee to go and examine the road. : On motion of Mr, Walker, $16.70 was or- dered to be paid to I Umphrey for 334 leads of gravel for the use of the corporation. Mr T H. Glendinning brought in the Anditers' report and read it enrefully over detail and abstract and the council took the same inte consideration, -- of Mr Baird, the Auditers' re- port as submitted was declared finally audit- ed and the Clerk was instructed to puklish the abstract as the Jaw directs ang have 200 'of the the detatled statement printed for. |mption ot propio' villiages Saucy as tey might be were of asked Mr Ruddy what amount he expected 'it would requirs to make the road ? Mr Ruddy said he did not know how much it would take it would be for the If upon examina ded this year as a commencement and it might thon be knowa how much more is required and the ceuncil weuld know what they were doirg 'The reeve said that he for one would be very unwilling to have the township expend $200 to find out how much it weuld take to complete the work; he would preper first ascertaing whether the work is practicable and if so what wenld be the probable cost and then if it is to be dede at all let it be put right through. Mi8t John says the Council is not in a po- sition now to say whether the road shall be made or not and nothing can new be said of the cost,it would serve no purpose to discuss now how the work sheuld proceed, as under any circumstances it cannot be put through duri Mr. Walker considers thatall road allew- ances in every municipality which are at all required for publie travel should be epened up it found practicable but it may be possible that a road may cost more to put it through than the Council weuld be warranted in expending, more in fact than the ros would The of the previ ti were read and approved, A ion was rend from the Provincial § y seeking i ion as te the number of members comprising the township council, the number thatgo to the County Council, the number of assessors employed aud the amount paid to such assessor or assexsors as the case may be. On motion ot Mr. Holman $4, was ordered to be paid to Mrs Go Wim: for nursing and assisting an indigent family. On motion of Mr Dabses, the council ad- journed for dinner. Council resumed. On motion of Mr Burnett, $10 was grant- ed to Mr T Clarkson for necessaries suppli- ed to an indigent family on the 11th con. Mr Parker came before tho council claim iug $2.25 for supplies furnished toa peor family. On motion of Mr, McFarlane, an order was granted for the ambdunt. Mr Joseph Barton complained of having had sheep worried by dogs and places the damage at $18. On motion of Mr. was granted for $12. Mr. A Williams complained of baviug had two sheep killed bv dogs and sets the damage at $18. On motion of Mr. Burnott, an erder was grated for $12, The Clerk handed in five sealed teaders McFarlane, an order that, 4 lambs worried by claim he has on the corporation especially : '| moved by Mr McKee soconded by Mr Brad- R, Stretton's claim fof was. granted for $18.66. Mr. Joshua Wright, as Sed behalfof said Board of Trustees to rel to school section No. 7 those partsof 'section No. 8 lying without the boundaries of the corporation of Port Perry prising lots or parts of lots 18, 17, 18 and 19 in' township | - of Reach. On motion the concil adjourned; Cartwiight Council. - Tows Hauw, CARTWRIGHT, Yebly 1 18th, 1863. 'The council met pursnant to adjournment Members all present ; the Reeve in the chair, The minutes of Inst meeting were read and confirmed, i Communications were received ; From the Secretary of the Immigration Department, From the Commission of Agriculture. From the Inspector of the Registrar Gen- eral's Department. The Reeve brought in and carried through a by-law to provide for the preformance of statute labour. Moved by Me M¢Keo seconded by Mr, Spinks, that the collector be allowed the sum of $5 for extra serviees, postage &c. Carried. The auditors submitted the township Treasurer's accoants as audited, faftor a care- ful inatl of the ts it was burn that the Treasurér's accounts as now submitted by the audifors be finally passed and adopted, and that the Clerk be instruct- ed to have one hundred eopies of the same printed for distribution. Carried, __ Mr John Hughos presented a petition sign- ed by T A Wright and 59 others praying the council to pass a by-law limiting the nuwber of tavern licenses to be issued in this townsbip to two, and fix the fees for each wuch license at thé sum of seventy-five dollars, and that such by-law be passed be- fore tho first day of March next 1882. On motion the petition was luid ovet till next meeting. with them. lalope. And one ughout may be relied en. - 2h _ 'The services on Sunday "willbe of un. usuml interest ; Re 3B: Steatton, of 00008: will hat 10:30 8. m. and 6:30 p, At 2:30 ~The ladies, are preparing au tu joyable ton for all who come, 'Tea will ill be served om from Sasy, m. popular Shon. "The Oil 8in./-- The ladies invite all to i AS and take tea All should hear this popular Lecture. ~~ Mr, Stratton's acknowledged ability is a sufficient guarantee for the ex- ceflence of the Lecture. (See Posters.) S------ eee. BEF" A Siudent Wanted-- J. A. Murray Dentist, Port Perry. ee Oe. Fees and Doetors. The fees of doctors is an item that very many persons are interested in just at pre. sent. We believe the schedule for visits is $3, which would tax a nan confined to his bed for a'year; and in need of daily visits, over $1000 a year for medical attendance single bottle of Hop Bitters taken in time would save the $1,000 and all the years sicknoss.-- Post, >--t--. Refusing to be Amputated.--A special meeting of the Mara Municipal Council was held on Saturday to consider the proposal to form a new county, to consist of the townships of Mara, Rama, Ty, Tay, and Flos, with Orillia"as the county town, The matter was discussed by the council, but was not approved of A delegation has been appointed to wait "on the Attorney- General as soon as possible, Ay . -- A Teatotal Bridegroom.--A mar- ringe which was to hare taken place in Alliston a few days ago was suddenly broken up, The preparations were complete and The Reeve signed orders on the T as follows. ; ' Robt. R Spinks, salary ds Treasurer and incidental o.oo. cuvoneouneel 862 00 Joha Hughes, salary as Audior and eXtra'BerviceS casas sacare sees. 10 00 John Montgomery, salary as Auditor 6 00 John « Trewin, salary as Collector, postage and expenses +s B55 00 Wm Spence; indigent ai Robert Wilson, indigent Wm Young, indigent aid, ... . ph Mes Hillier, indigent aid to Mrs * Lougheask...... eran anvsnani sare Wm Lucas, telegrapning and express ChATE8 e0uus cesasserenacane 108 Wm Muirhead, wood for town Hall. 1.60 On motion the Council adjourned until called together by the Reeve. WM. LUCAS, Tp. Clerk Orangelsm. The anvual meeting of the County Orange Association for the North Riding of the Co. of Ontario for 1882, was Lold in the Orange Hall, Sunderland, on Tuesday, 7th inst, It is gratifying to witness the decided man- in auswer tothe adverti t for cedar, as follows: John Parker $96 ; C Dawes $80; I D Ireland $80; H. Dunlop $90; J Moore $52 50. On motion of Mr. Holman, J Moore's tender, being the lowest, was accepted and the Clerk instructed to notify hia of the fact, Messrs D. and J. Smith came before the council seeking to be detached from school sction No. I und attached tos, 8. No. 2 as the road to the former is through the fivlds it of the p ity of the Associa tion as shown by the large d of the the mini and ing parties present. The prospective bride di d that her would-be husband was drunk, a fact which bad been apparant for seme time to those in attendance, Bhe refused to allow the cere. mony to proceed, and minister and guests departed. The jilted man went home to sober up. BE A Fit Subject fcr "Lynch.'-- Mount Hotry, N. J, Fob, 13.--David Wall, a wealthy farmer, took a gitl from a charit- able dmstitution as a domestic. The girl's brother sent her a lctter containing money to como to Illinois. Wall opened tlie letter, The girl d ded the money, w Wall stripped her and horsewhipped her till she fainted, He then poured strong brine over her. The girl is in a precarious con- dition, and the neighbors threaten Ei of ing. - Says an eminent physician, convinces me that the only way 10 dure nérvous exhaus- tion, andaweakness of the sexual organs, is to repair the waste by giving brain and nerve foods, and of all the remedics com- ded, Mack's Mag Medicine is the leading Orangemen of this County. The hall was filled with the wealthy, isteligent, farmers aud business men of the county, At 10 a. m. Rre. H Wilson teok the chair. the deputy chair was filled by Bro William Shier, After the usual opening ceremony, the Co, Master delivered his annual address, giving #8 interesting outline of the proceed- g all on the i of the and it is but seldom that the children can go, A + the Deminion for the while to the latter there is a good road, On motion of Mr Burnett, the Clerk was instructed to notify the trustees of the two sections concerned, informing them of the desired chauge and that the council will take action on the matter atits mext meot- ing. Mr Smith complained ofa poor woman residing at bis place, he had picked her off past year, large numbers of warrants have been revived and new ones issued, proving that on the whole thg.society is in a pros- perous condition, It is satisfactory to know that the Townships of Break and Reach are the bone and sinew of Orangeism in this county, The Treasurer's report was read aud proving satisfactory, was adopted. It showed the Lodge to be in good financial the gtreet in a dition, taken her into his house, she is now in an amfit state to be turned ont and he can't afford to sap- port her. He wishes to knew what the council will advise. Hero. the curtin dropped. Mr. Adam Michael came before the ncil presenting certain claims, one" for work doue in 1878, also one day and a half for eutting ice at the Nonquon bridge the present winter and claim of $8 for a lab killed by dogs about a year ago. He pro duced a document purporting to. be got up by Mr Major but without x signature, as to the value of - the lamb, hts { The council advised Mr Michasl to got Mr Ewers the Reove of the township in 1878, tocertify to the work dove at that time and it would be paid; but Mr, Ewers refused certify and the council refused to pay. The eotincil now advised Mr Michael, to} ot Mr Mido to give in writing, if be ould | tandi The good feeling among the Brethren speaks well for the future progress of Orangeism in this county. The reutine business having been transacted and reports received from the various districts; the election of officers them took place and re. sulted as follows: Bro Hugh Wilson, C. M, re-elected Wm, Silos 1 ih C. M,, re-elected Rev. J. A. Dowler, Chap., re-elected B.S, LF i Teen, re-elected 4 M. a EAN re-elected i Wan, eg, D. of 0, re-elected. Several of the lending members now ad- dressed' the - Brsthren and were rapturously applanded. The addeesscs were Aull of 1n- formation of much value sad conveyed many useful lessons, "The 'coming 12th of hy. is'to be cele- Goodwood, best. See advertisement in another column Almost Crazy. How often do we see the hard-wurkin, father straining every nerve and muscle, an doing his utmost to support his family. ing J his feclings when returning home from rd day's labor, to find his family and debts on every hand. It must be enou voldéd by using Ricetrie Bitters, which i doy and every disease from thesystem Free of Charge. Al persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, festion or the Throat and Lungs, are A.J. Davig', Drone and get a 'onsum pt! convince them of its, wonderful merits early. gom, Geta 5 cent sample. en at i BIRTHS: of Mr Wm, Hezzelwoud, ofa son, of Mr. J At Eprom, on Thursday, 16th mst. beloved mife.of Mi Ti: Watson, a Inet Pian Meet: ! After tea ton will lve eh Sets "Twenty-four year's Experience" Im- With disease, conscious of unpaid Aoolove bill bills to drive one almost crazy. All this ironble ings of the Grand Lodges for the past year, |S bringing joy and JaPpin ess Lo thousands. Bold at ttle, by A, J. Davis, druggists, Port Po Perry. sthma, Brorchits Loss of Voice, or any v aft nest- Sisal at Ai King's New Discovery for fon FREE OF CHARGE, which wil} show what a regular doilar size bottle wil ie SE r---- A ------e " Must say it's the nicest thing I ever used for the teeth and breath," says every one having tried « TganeRRY," the new teilet In East Whitby, on the oth inst., the wife 1n Port Perry, on the Tth inst., the wife son. RACES? The? eve teenth Meeting of the Port Perry ung Association ih will take place on ol Lake Seu Wednesday & Thursday, Feb. 22428. PORT PERRY, RACE. i halts or Minnic Hogan, Pi Laine, feed Hanlan, Harry Philp, BN Mack, Fearless Jack, Varden, Kellett's Brown Mare, NTav vin Mae, oy Wm. O Horse, Farm Coinbert's. Mase, Nate's Grey Mare. First horse $85, 2nd. nd $18, 'armer George, STALLION RACE.--Purs .--Crown Im- verial, Toronto Ohief.Gonern Kean, Rifleman, xtra, Aurora. Chief, Lapidist Cher Tom Aba, Ontarlo Chief, Strideaway. J stg, 2nd $20, 8rd $10. BECOND DAY. THREE gn. CoLT RACE-- Purse $i0--1st $25 nd $1 hi) RACE --Purse $80,--Luey barred--lst $50, 2nd $20), Sra $10, GREEN RACE. --Purao $35--Horses never started in any race; open to the County SE Qhs tario and the townships of Cartwright and Mar} Horses must be eligible 8 months avin lous tw the o dune of this bill.--lst §20,2nd 14 ne of Canadian Turf, will give an wu of Speed. with Running Mate. --Aaron McKenzle, Port Per May boty Woodville; Wm Craw ord, UX EN ih J. PHILLIPPO, Treas. J. Broxa, Segly. Port, HEEL Feb. 9, 1882, POSTERS, A Valuable Town PROPERTY FOR SALE. JE entotilenet offs offers for sale that valn- SHH town . property ~Khown"as' the Sexton Propeuty, consisting of 8 Houses and Lots ou Water Street, Port Perry," within a few Port Perry & Lindsay Railway. The pro- perty consiata of three fine lots with the late Sexton: family residence and twe smaller awellings. Phere are now Gve families living ou the Property at a rental. of over $200 A YEAR. The location is healthful convenient, and pleasant. to | Purchaser For particulars apply to LEWIS 'McLEAN, Port Perry, Feb. 8, 1882, i A GRAD QPPORTUNTY TO FPURCHASE ON EASY TERMS. pee ufdenigned havi having:gone into busi- ness at Manilla Station and finding that he cannot attend to both his Port Perry business and that at the Station, offers for Sale his business in Port Perry with the WHOLE STOCK OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &0, rods of the Port Perry Station of theWhitby, « Title indisputable, and terms to suit ~ Tho Stock, which bas been purchased with the : lis Sad Fries : hi

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