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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Mar 1882, p. 2

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: you 10.34 nays. duced snd rend 8 first time. Th rs "bill introduced many improvemen tments. wc bad 300 ladies' names '8 n The bill was Siter- into the civil service departmental ay 24th Feb, was aa important day in the House it being * Budget Day," | the great annual day of reck- oning Wheti the government of the day gave the country sn account of their stewardship during the past | power. of the people but went onto spieily important concessions'to be made in the public interest. The duty is to be taken off Tea and Coffee ; the stamp duty is to bo.takén) off gotes and bills of exchange and several othr alterations are to be made in the tariff which experience has pointed out as desirable and aemight be expected Sir Leonard y's budget is the all absorbing topic in Parlismwntary circles. The Finance Minister is at home on sach subjects and the Opposition lights glimmered sadly when baving to take the Speech. Sir Richard Cart- wright in desperation attempied a reply and so brought down upon bimself Sir Charles Tapper in one of his very best and most successful replies. Sir Richard's case was a weak oné and Bir Charles fairly crushed it 'in his hand.. The ora- torioal effect was really good but the encouaging facts brought out and is ts abouts of the route of the pro. year and ask supplies for the coming year, 1t would be diffienit to con- ceive of a miore interesting or more encouraging budget than that pre- sented by Sir. Leonard Tilley on this occasion, it proves s thorough and decisive vindication of the wis- dom of the policy of the present Ottawa Government. The Finance Minister and the Government of whieh he is a member richly deserve 'and bave already secured the thanks and congratulations of every one _ who prefers the interest of the sountry to party victory. A single moments comparson between established are what the People de- The Political Atmosphere. The present disturbed condition of the political atmosphere over the Province of Ontario appears to us quite unaccountable and we think altogether uncalled for; there cer. tainly bas not been a time singe the dawn of Confederation: when politi oul unrost was so inexcusable as now. The country fs prosperous, peaceful and bappy without either complaint or cause of complaint the budget now presented and any or sll of the budgets presented dar- ing the Mackenszie.Blake reign will convince eyen the most wilfally blind of the vast superiority of the against our federal Government, and there is not even the apology of an anticipated early election. There is still another Session of our local legislature and the Dominion House need have no election till 1884, then prosent régime and will secure "for thepresent Government the almost unanimous support of the entire Dominion, As a matter of course it is not to be expected that a Blake, a Mackenzie, a Cartwright ef al on whose bodies and minds the cold why all this tourmoil and anxiety in burrying up fresh candidates for elections which may not take place noone knows when and certainly not for a year or two, There may be sume excuse for our Grit friends becoming mare distant, will be * & pretence of finding fault for pur . purposes and if possible to detra meant. Sir Leonard's should not be simply read but sod gratitude. It is said and wi ly understands and the truth . strated in this instance. the country a statement of facts they may be misrepresented by i sas'ly be misunderstood by any. : vondition net uncommon to him, dreary shades of opposition have s0 damaging an effect and who are longing and thirsting for the sweets of office which-ace every day all pleased with the present state *. of things, they will doubtless make trom the popularity of the Govern- budget speech should be studied with care and all who do so will rise from its perusal with feelings of satisfaction, pride maoh truth that a man is always eloguent on that which he thorough- the proposition is abundantly illu- Mr Tilly baving nothing tq cop- eonl, denling with fucts luys before plain that all may undersizud them, torestel parties but they cannot Ta seiting out with bis address the Finanue Minister gently rebuk. . od Mr. Paterson for bis untimely © wpeech in seeking to discuss the matier ora il was submitted, and donbtiessMrPatorson' a explosion 'wag more bis misfortuue than his tacit be iad got into that pesuliar 'ho 'must lot of bis superfluous rons feeling nervous and it may be doing something desperate in way of offset against the disheartening outlook, inevitable disaster, As few if any of their candidates can at all hope for elootion, the eclat of playing candid- ate for a yearor two is about the best the friends can do for them and while it may please the cnndidate it won't hurt any one. Bat why Conseratives should get excited and trot out eandidates at this early day is 8 mystery, what have they got to tear ? with very many of them it will only bea walk over when elec- tionslcome. The Conservatives have the country at their backs and their continuance in offiee is a reliable guarantee for the continued peace and prosperity of the country,so that a vast majority of the electors find it to be not alone their duty but their interest to 'continue and heartily sustain the Conservative Govern- ment in Ottawa and ehange the political compléxion of the Local Government; but for Conservatives to get into a stew and rash into the manufacture of Candidates at. this early day borders closely on the k ridiculous. ' Qf course if the Ottawa opposition should doubt. the popu- larity of the Government or should dare them to a teat the Government may accommodate them by ordering new election on short notice. It will be well for the opposition that they do not provoke such a test for it could not fail in proving most dis- astrous to them. In such a cuse we might have an election within a at 1y ot it th of od m. n- 7 | bullot and Sess hos oa 14 Little wonder that the people of this 'vicinity should manifest some ihpatience arding the where posed Ontario and Quebec Railway, for years past the entire locality has been kept on the watch for the immediate location of a trunk line passiog east and went through our midagy After a three or four years hunt ufterone road,the Toronto and Ottawa, that vanished from view and was succeeded by one with better promise, the On- tario and Quebec, und all eyes were tarned towards the new comer.-- Knowing that Port Perry was the best business eentre on the line be- tween Ottawa and Toronto it was regarded as s settled fact that the line would pass through this im- mediate neighborhood with a station tapping the trade of all the sur- rounding municipalities and such is still the firm conviction of those who should know best. But it seoms tedious to wait in protracted un- certainty and if people manifest some impatience under the circumstances itis in no way surprising. "Hope deferred makes the heart sick" and the-Jong deferred hope of seeing the route péemanently located through this locality ' has a disagreeable effect. The active and efficient staff of engineers are doubtless pushing on the survey with vigor and without fear or favor trying to find such a route as will best contribute to the interests of the company and the prosperity of the road. In our case perhaps the wish is father of the thought but we cannot help thivking that the most practicable route will pass through this im- mediate neighborbood, and after a careful investigation of every route between here and the Whitby harbor, all thirge considered the route pass- ing through this village or itsim- mediate vicinity will be found to be to the advantage of all concerned.-- Such will be satisfactory to the on- tire surroundings. If the could. be got to pass through this village all would be satisfied and Reach, no less than Port Perry would rejoice and lend ber influence to secure the road as energetieally as the village will. On the other hand if it be found that the road cannot pass through the village but vonveniently through Reach then ill the villagers turn in with and line help to secure such a route. Buch will be found to be the best and wisest policy all reund. To talk of Reach refusing its co-operation or seeking to oppose the securing of the route through Port Perry is silly, meaningless twaddle without the slightest foundation or first par- ticle of truth; the people of Reach are too magnanimous, intelligent and enterprising to give oconnten- ance to any such contemptible dog- in-the-manger mearess. If theline can be at all secured through this locality whether within or without the bouuds of the corporation, all sarrounding municipalities will join in giving it a hearty and generous support in way of traffic, The Campaign in South Ontario. The Liberal Conservatives of South Ontario met--persuant lo notice--at the town of Whitby, on Monday, 28th ult, The chief bus- iness of the meeting was the select: ing of a candidate' to represent 8. Ontario in the uext Parliament of fifteen fismes were put in nomina: tion, not by any means wih the ex speaking and partly to show that a| available men were plentiful and to youd by {leave plenty of room for choice.-- | Only three conseoted goto the tthe hae proved both skillful and swocessful, '| fine 100 acre farm belonging to the estate, the Dominion of Canada. Some| amon mr 4 to afford them an opperiunity off edly services of Miss Padden to conduct the tho factory for the coming season, This is « matter of lution to the di T the stockholders, the patrons, aye, and the public fora skillful succesful cheese maker is of much importance to suy such factory there are but comparatively few really good choose makers and when such can be segdred it proves an adyantage to all d. Miss Paddon has already thoroughly established her reputation as a first-clads, energetic and successful cheese maker as well in the Reach Cheese Foctory as elsewhere, and all aro much pleased and join in welcoming the young lady back to Manchester, The officers have dene their duty well in secur- ing at a good price a fully competent maker and it now becomes the duty of the public to give to the Factory that hearty co-opera- tion and liberal patronage which will be to their own interest and secure the complete success of the Factory, Let it have that} which its imp and the liberality of the stockholders have a right te claim. ERE-------- Bound for Dakota. D. Bateman, V, 8, sftei an abssuce of about a year in Dakota has returned to town with the view of taking bis family along, himeelf.as much pleased with his new home in Dakota, and while regretting to part with bim and his interesting and respected family, all wish them a safe and pleasant journey and much prosperity and happiness in their American home, and while all would much prefer that they should stay amongst us the.best wishes ofall will accompany them. Professionally the Dr. will bean important acquisition to the entire surroundings wherever he may locate, he was an active, persevering and successful student of the Veterinary College, Toronto, passed his ex- aminations with credit, and as a practitioner -- A Generous Presentation. Miss Madden, teacher of the Cederdale public school, Cartwright, was made the re- cipient of a handsome present a fow days ago. The young lady's amiable qualities ad won for her the esteem and respect of all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance and the Shiloh Sunday School to which the young lady had rendered valuable services as organist and otherwise took the initiative in getting up a surprise and presentation as a tangible manifestation of - their high respect for her personally and their high appreciation of her valuable services, A pleasant and interesting evening was spent and the warmest expressions of kindly feelings were exchanged, all wishing the young lady pouch prosperity and happiness through life, Avcrion Sau, --Mr, Thomas Rod: has sold his farm and having ne longer any use for his stock, implements, &c., has instructed Mr. C. Dawes to sell the same by auction.-- The sale will take place on the. premises, lot 16 in the 7th con. of Reach, on Tuesday, March 21st, commencing at 1 o'clock.-- Make a note of the time and place and of 2 borses, 10 head of cattle, sheep, swine and sorts of Machines, Implements, &c. In the Right Directiop:--Our stock breeders ars now becoming keenly alive to the | of ly g their stock animals; in fact, there scems to be an active rivalry as to who cap secure the best stock animals. We notice with_much plea. sure that Mr. Jeseph Wilson, of the 14th con. of Reach, has secured a very superior thoro-bred goung bull. Abbs, Paterson & Reid are out with their Dashing, New, Spring Stock und are prepared te furnish all oomers, ladies and gents with just such goodsas suit the season, all that is new, fashionable and good, the prices cannot fail to please. (See their new adv.) eet eee To Christian's, Manchester for Chéics Searonable Goods, Newest Styles, Superior Quality and Prices which secure their Sale Bee the goods, their quality, style and price are their best recommend. (See his new adv.) et -- A Valuable Farm for Sale + A valusble farm in the township of Scu. gog for sale by auction. The Trustees of the estate of the late Wm. Gibson hye instruct. ed Mr, O. Dawes to sell by auction that being the south half of lot 4 in the Sth con. of Beugog. the premises are good nnd suitable. lan auctioneer on that day may secure Mi he looks exceedingly well and expresses | The land fis choice, 80 acres cleared and ins good state of cultivation the balance 1s bush land. Tbe buildings on The sale will take place at the Walker Hous Post Puy, on Saturday, March 18th tive and very a ds on the spirit with which odd to see parties creeping along sipping the benefits iu one way or another arising from such fairs but they would neither give a dollarto help them slong nor be at the trouble to take anything to the y are always first and fuadest in thelr oarplag against the g The 1 of every locality should know that a hearty and united effort on the part of all concern- ed never fails of success and without such an effort success is doubtful and success is impossible. Let all turn in and help, The committee have succeeded i securing the services of Mr. awes who will sell by auction the prize grain, prise seeds and prise. \potatovs, Parties wishing the services of Dawes as he will be present. T. 0. Forman & Son's new adver t on another page. Fresh goods arriving daily. Bee their Mantle Silks and how they sell them Dashing DressGoods such as are wanted by all. A choice lot of fine Tweeds, Everything which the season de. wanda for comfort and fashion. (See the adv) Stuek in the Mud. The Peterboro' Evie cowplains that while all the townsaround are straining every nerve to secure manufactures to locate in their midst, Peterboro' is apparently resting on its oars. If Mr, Review will look around his own towa he will find the cause which produces this "stick in the mud" effect. Who would dare to invest in a town so cursed with the disagirious effects of the N. P. as set forth in the weekly wailiogs of the Ezaminer Strangers reading that sheet would be apt to give Peterburo'a wide birth. ------------ es Pleasant Time. On Monday evening last the members of Warriper Lodge, No. 756, 1.0 O F. had the pleasure of a roturn visit froma number of their brother Oddfellows of Brooklin, in re- turn for a visit of Wariner Lodge and alvo to assistin the installation of a candidate into their noble Order. A very profitable time was spent in the lodge room, after closing about fitty repaired to the Mansion House where an Oyster supper was await- ing which received ample justice from all present. The remainder of the evening was taken up with the delivery of addresses in- terspersed with songs. Altogether a plea- sant evening was spent every one enjoying esch others company, fitly exemplyfying one of the three grand links of the Order; viz, Friendship. The meeting broke up with "Auld Lang Syne." Som, + -- A Plentiful Crop. From all present indications it would ap- pear that the sprouting crop of parliamentary p ives or rather aspi fo the position will at the coming elestions be one of the largest ever produced in this Canada of gurs, in fact there will be much danger of civil war amongst the aspirantsand ason all similar occasions "cheek" will play & pro- minent part in the struggle. At a meeting of the Grit element held at Barnia on the 18th ult., fer the purpose-of feeling the way as to & suovestor to Mr. McKensie as re- ive of the Grit interests in the Do- minion House in the next Parliament. The following aspirants to the position presented 1ves ready eut and dry for the position and even these, wo learn, only form a small installment of the number ready to rish in- to the breach. Here they are, twelve in number, viz: R. Gurd, T. F. Liste, James Gowans, Joshua Adams, Charles McKensie, George Leys, T.8ymington, ¥ Feming, 1 Fairbanks, D. Hossie, R. Ras, W. Ireland. The first four are lawyers, the next five are merchants, the Inst three are farmers. The prosperity than their own jadividual ad- vantage and so anxious.are all of them to sacrifice themselves for their country's apostlvs will be the chosen on. rE § A -- eee Body Snatching Made Basy. The younger sons of Esculapius have the body while yot alive, We clip the following from an exchange : + A social flutter in the county of Peel recently by the elope- her attending physician, past rumour united the name of th with, that of the doctor in aa: exhibitors take hold. 1¢ looks somewhat | disinterested (7) aspirants cepecially tie first four are more anxious for the country's good that each aspirant manifests the most profound dislike to all 'the others; but the chances are that neither of Sarnis's twelve long been rogarded with suspicion in the body snatching business but it remained for a practitioner in the County of Peel to re- duce the 'snatching to a science by taking been created in'a town ment of the wile of a prominent citizen with 'objectionable | manner, but no one thought them guilty "of more than an indiscretion. Early woek be- fore last, the woman io question bad a slight attack of illness, ;and ber favorite doctor | wascalled to attend her, Bis presence had | 8 wonderfully salutary effect on the ailing table. But of course much, Ola Dures, Bachman, bates, dt into of the whole to arrange a prise list for the coming Show, The bill having beeu completed, on motien of Mr. , the arose and reported the bill. The report was veseived and adopted and a selection of Judges was now made. coming Show, on motion of Mr, Coates, the meeting adjourned till 10 a. m. on the morning of the Show. S-- A Few of the fruits of the N. P. as culled fiom the Budget speech by the Mail of Tuesday, Rate of wages in 377 factories increased from 6 to 35 'per cent, Grey and whito cottons and brown sheet- ings 10 per cent lcss than in 1878. ' Sugar cheaper than undorthe tariff of 1878. | 'Tweeds and fabrics nade from Canada wools as low as at any time during ten years previous to 1878. Medium and fine wool fabrics made from imported goods at lower prices than at any time since these gogds were made in Canada, Flaonels as low in price as at any time during the past fourteet. years. Blankets as low as at any time during the ten years previous to 1878. Hats and eaps lower than in 1878. Wagoas, carriiges, buggies cheaper than in 1878. Plows cheaper by 15 per cent than in 1878. All agricultural implements from 5 to 20 per cent less than in 1878. Bewing machines ton dollars cheaper than in 1878. Boots and shoes, factory made, from 10 to 25 per cent less than in 1878. : Common furniture lower in most in 1878. Cat pails 5 per cent lower and finishing nails 9 per cent lower than in 1878. Press« ed spikes are 12 per cent lower than in 1878, and 1ailway spikes $2 per ton lower than in 1878. Tea and Coffee, free, Lamp Shades and glassware cheaper than in 1878, Ninty-five new factories employing 7 ,025 hands. Cotton factories in course of cone struction to employ 3,000 bands, in addition to these already employed, Increase of men employed to October, 1881, since 1878, 24,875. Increase of consumption of Nova Scotia coal since 1878, about 400,000 tens, Inciense output of Nova Scotia Coal since 1878, 717,246 toh. Number of men employed in sugar refin. erier, 1,200. A home market to the extent of 5,000,000 bushels of wheat has been provided for the farmers. In the cotton trade, 400,000 spindles will be working in twelve months, Taxation has been reduced to the extent of $1,500,000. Our public securities have increased from 90 to 104, and are now;2 per cent. higher than those of New South Wales. Bankruptcies agfewer than at any time in the past seven years. « . In threo years the revenue shows a proba. ble $12,000,000 of surplus, The average per capita tax during Mr, Mackenzie's Government was $1.88 ; the average per capita tax during the present regime 1s $4.65. --_------ Ssrvep Hix Ricar.--Bailey who gave in formation which led tuo the discovery of a Fenian armoury bas been found dead in the street in Dublin, cases than The Scott Act Defeated. -- Br Jon; N. B., Feb. 25.--Sheriff Harding held a court this morning to open the ballot- boxes, and announce the result of the voting on the Canada Temperance: Act. The official returns agree with the figureo before given, vis, 1,074 tor and 1,074 against, the petition therefor being. lost, There were 22 rejected Lallots. The advocates of the Act have decided that rhey will demsnd a scrutiny. Too Much Water --Hzumva, Ark, Feb. 27.--The overflowed section below Searcy township, twenty miles long and fifteen' wide, Five thousand . people are suffering. Many of them are very poor, The water is from ome to twelve fost deep over the city. Miuents, Feb. 27.--~The river now marks 35 feet 8 inches, which is up to the highest point reached this season, and continues to . For some time} rise slowly. Appeals for assistance coma from | oman below daily, and the condition of the people, surrounded by water, is lamentable. Great On motion of Mr Chriete the Board wen 09 of thsie visit the gir was sions, After completing arrangements for the |. Josie Harling, Katie Foy, Ediv McDermid, { has a beantifall plated metal. Screw top. -- Helena comprises 'nearly all Lake and! Lwho haye been living on rafts and os houses| suffering among the negroes is roported at|. ws takon enst on the 3 a, m, train, Oo -- ~ Continual. Unrest. A Limerick despatch says .--An armed party attacked -a farmer's house in Feacle yesterday, shot the farmer through the legs, stabbed his son in the head, and shot another son dead. Thirty-four farms, being the 'whole of Dursey Island in Munster, weresold on Satittday for non-payment of rent. The Land Leagucdeciars that houses will be built and the tcmants supperted on the island. tet A ------ ee More of thé Temporalities. -- Moxtaear, Feb, 34 --Messers McMaster § Tait, advocates, of this city, have entered an action on behalf of the Synod of the Church of Scotland in Canada for the re- covery from the united Presbyterian Church of the,University of Queen's College, King- ston, which is held by the latter body underan Act of the Ontario Legislature, which is claimed to be ultra vires. Honor Roll for Port Perry Public School for Febroary :--First Div.--Maude Sibley, Harry Dryden, Charlie Morgan, Bilas Urgnbart, 'Sidoey Guard. Second Div,-- Liggie Irvine, Eva Tummonde, Hattie Naylor, Alice Guard, Janet (Sim Campbell, Wille Tressider Charlie Mundy. Third Div.--Jane Littleproud, Eliza Brown, Nancy McMillan, Orren Sutliff, Fred Phil- ippo, Albert Urquhart, Fourth Div,.-- Minnie Marsh, Edith Parrish, Sarah Mc- Bride, Mildred" Ebbels, Edith Brown, Sarah Ross, Violet Mundy, Victoria Derby, Fanny 8ibly, Matilda Robinson, Hannah Phillippo, Hattie Trounce, Annie Corbman, Willie Shaw, Willie Armatrong, Charles Collet, Wesley Beacock, Alfred Donaldson, ------------ Unexpected Suceor. ProvipEnmial Escars or Smpwrecxep - Voy- AGERS. "At 9 o'clock on the morning ef the 30th of last December the steamer Moravian, of the Allan line, bound for Liverpool via Hali- fax, while on her way from Portland to the latter place, run ashore on the southwest point of Mud Island, some fifteen miles from the tewn of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. A stiff breeze was blowing at the time and a heavy surf rnaning, and the situation was one of peril. It was found that the forward com- were given to lighted cargo while prepara- tion wae made to land the passengers on the Iscland, with a supply of feod And cloth- ing. The landing was salely effected, but the cold was intense and seme of the party were severly frostbitten. On the ship's man. ifest was a consignment of 8t, Jacobs Oil which the Toronte Houre of A Vogeler &Co., of Baltimore, Md., had just sLipped to Francie Newberry & Sons, London to fill English orders. 'The part it played in the catastrophe is described io the following article, which we quote fiom the Yarmouth (Nova Scetia) Tribune of January 18th : « The passengers and the crew of the wrecked steamer Moravian, during their brief encampment at Mud Island, suffered severely from exposure to the weather, and some of them were severly frostbitter. Fortunately, among tho lading of the ship was a package of proj medicines;more fortunately still the bulk of this consisted of Bt Jacobs Oil, and by the prowpt and liberi use of this invaluable remedy, the parties were speedily relieved and all unpleasant after consequences averted." A $5,000 Bonus. A ar. Slater proposes to bullda factory for the of , de. in the neighborhood of but. oki the lim- ita of the. City of Brantford, the building to cost $10,000 with machinery valued at $40,- 000 on conaition that the city grant him a boous of $5,000, The council passed a by-law granting 'the amount and the same will be voted-on by the people on the 17th inst, Kiss Me--"Transrey." the new and ex. quisite little gem for the teoth and breath, Try a 5.cent sample. MARRIED, At the Walker House, Port Perry, on the 28th ult, by Rev. H. Crosier, Mr, John CUamack, of the township of Erphrasis, Co. Grey, 10 Artemesia, daughter of Mr. John Gibson, of the township of Reach. crime and wave extradition proceedings, and || of the Hop plantand the prosiiviasyol thove Bitters partments bad filled with water and orders x large sale, nnd are supplanting all 'other medicines, There is no denying the virtues have shown great shrewdness and ability in compoundiog a Bitter whose vir- tues are yaipable 4 to Fob Bi observa tion.-- Ezaminer and Chronicle. An Important Reduction. Non-payment of ataogment has reduced the list of persons entitled to vote at the forth- coming vlections in Moatreal from 29,000 to 12,000. x ap rr Mack's Magnetic Medicine--the great brain and nerve food--will restore lost nature to young, middle-aged and old.-- Lifu is too short to waste away Read 'the advertisement ju another colomn, and if you are afflicted make no delay in procuring the cheapest and best medicine ever sold, "Free of Charge. All persons suftering from C Colds, Asthma, Bi its Loss of Cah, Oo af- fostion of the it and Sings are requent. to call at A. J. Pavis', Drug re gota he Bottle of Dr. King's Ne very for n, Effie Cail oar - BIRTH. In Port Perry, on the 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Wm. Letcher, of a daughter, In Reach; onthe 28th ult, the wife of Mr. Seth Clwughton, of a son. In Port Perry, en the 2nd inat., the wife of Mr. Wm, Asling, of a deughter, DIED, In the Township of Scugog, on Wednes. day, 1st. inst, Abram, fufant son of Mr, Tsaac Johnston aged 14 weeks. The Markets. {OssnrvEr Orrice, March 2, 1882. Fall Wheat, ,.. $115 ¢0 8117 Spring Wheat, , 120 te 1122 Barley eenss tenes CloverBeed vivves nee Timothy Seed.. Rides .. vines . 4TBte is 085% ANTED immediately, a Servant Girl. Apply to V Port Perry, Mar. 2, 1882. MRS. H. GORDON. CERES MILLS! HESE well known Mills are still in active operation and in first-class order. GRISTING ! Continties to be done every working day.-- Good Wheat will always make good Flour. Choice Family Flour Always on hand at eurrvnt prices for Cass, and will deliver the same at any part ofthe Villeg», on short notice. H. GORDON, Port Perry, Mar. 1, 1882. AUCTION SALE "OF VALUABLE IN 'THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG. Ea T= Subscitbor has. has received: | y ; Stewart Bite sud Phomas Henry, Trastoes > under the Will of the 0° Lae Wim ey nt papers, secularand religious, sre hiaviog & -< PALM PROPERTY 4 Laconia Circle, where the water covers almost all the lands within a circumference | of twenty miles. The loss of cattle and

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