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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 May 1882, p. 2

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i On ron ana the large incroase in fouc additional reprosentatives in ario these fonr addi: tario out of her just rights for party © purposes and to please the other . Provinces. But when the Govern mont at once moves in the mater and-sdeks todo right by Ontario the bowl is changed and the manner of "doing it i3 made a pretext for fault finding and vitaperation._ This Proviace was eatitled to four additional = represealalives, but where were they to be located? No mat'er where they should be placed the Opposition howl would have greeted the arrangement, and cor- rupt molives would have been at- tributed as tho aim of the Gorern- ment, Parliamentary constituencies liko school -sections, in course of: time from ene causo or another, come lo lose their balance by some increasing in weaith and population * Jmorc rapidly them others. Daring "the fourteen years since confedera- tion the several electoral divisions -of this province had lest their bul ;ance'so to spoak and the principle -of "rep. by pop.," a fivorite phrase "with ourCppositi n friends, was being | fast lost sight of, and now thut four new conslituewces are to be given 'to -this Province the Ottawa Govern. 'ment wisely embraced the oppoc- tunity of readjosting the constituen- ~cies so that the famous "rep by pop" 'may agein be secured as mearly as le. But hore again the auction "of the Government is made the occa- . sion for an excruciating wail on the {part of the Opposition who attribute "the worst possible motives to the "Government in their readjustment 'acheme because, orsooth, the gov- ernmont was wet simple enough to allow the Oppesition to dictate as to W tho sdjestment should be con nected. In fact thore is no use try= their ewn way they would howl; it seems natural 10 them. Under the. vircumstances no one should blame tho Gorvern't if they consulted the'r "own 'interests as much at east ae . those of the Opposition. - No one can _ deny that sreadjustmont was neces Oppg@ition idol 'rep be ignored, and the that the readjustmefit has 7 it the several eonslituences as dwg fn 2 'bulanea as need be and - iin that re-acrangement the Gov- "ernment did not consult the whims Blake & Co, they ocugbt not to of arangement would their murmurings and this little storm will soon --- the. other Sou fry Act the, based 'upon the of this Province com- with tho others entitled her tho Dominion Parliament. Had the it neglected to ional 'seals tho opponents of that 'Government would have raiséd one aaiversal hol from one end of the "province tothe other charging the 'Governmont with defrauding' On- to satisfy them, if they got it all te howler cannot deny | : for nothing short of al- ite R Opposition to dictate then they would howl. Of ional sents uired than a a couple of tails, should ?uot much | But now awa: Government in Ontario are adding fonr Commons House, what a Blake; Mownt party are making becanse they ara.not allow. ed to dictate as to ho tha four additional seats ehould be placed. As with the Local House so with the Dominion House, there are vast- ly mere members than are required' ordo any good, and wo 'would say lot thore'be a biz reduction there ; but it mast be remembered that the Dominion House is composed of ro- presemiatives from theseveral prov. inces of the dominion and in justice to each province the relative number of répresentatives must bo maintain- ed until the confederation met is so amended as to change tho basis of rapresentation. Doubtless the time is not far distant when the act' will be so changed that in place of bav- ing a representutive in the Com- mons for every twenly thousand of inhabitants .the bases will bo in croased to fifty or sixty thousund while the Lioeul House will be re- duced to one filth of what it now is, . mEET-------- Hasten Slowly. The somewhat excitablo electors of the Provinee of Outarip have in many instances Yeen altogether pre- mature in placing candidates in the fisld for the coming Dominion elec- tions, especially. is this the caso in those constituancies coming undor re-distribution influence, as it cannot be expected but that rearranged constituenecs will demand a conven- tion so that they may have a voice in tho selection ofa candidate under their altered circumstances; in fact it would be fatal for any candidate chosen 'under the oll rogime to al- tempt to run on the strength of a nomination secured by the votes of many who are now outsiders, while vory many of those taken inte the riding had no veice in the selection. The interests of both electors and Erde i The South riding of Oatario will consist "© of the following : Port Perry, Reach, W, Whitty, E. Whitby, Whitby Town, Oshawa, This will be a lively political battlefield and ' the candidate who carries the day will have to win his spurs. The West ridig.of Ontafo will consist of Whitchurch, Uxbridge township, Ux- bridge Village, Pickering, Newmarket and Stouffville. This constituency will ' be al gosas-you- please for the Git candidate, the Conservatives may as walp let him havea walk over. The trath of the proposition that " Pro- 'vidence always belps th selves' is very marked. in the rendjustmen will certainly 'dome in "good" for the 1 they will gala largely by it and when the census retains of 1891 shall have come in the Totice being still in power, will readjust the Grits rights out. ofiexistence. The certamity of this is the| 'bei chief source of Globular anguish, Talk not of grief till thou hast seen the tears of the Toronto Glabe, Hamilton Zimes and London Advertiser in their lamentation over the gone cause. But the rank and file of both par- ties whether Grit or Tory have only one aim in view, the well being of the country, the greatest good to the greatest number, the weal of.the country is theie chief aim, watever is best for the eouatry is best for them, and certainly (he acts of the Ottawa Government are in (ho best inte et of the country at large, Tho Dowinion Parliament now eonsists of 208 members but after the change it will cousist pf 211 as the Province of Ontario gets four more members and Manitoba one wore, makiog 'in all five additional mem- bers, -- Honorable to all Concerned. A. A. Allen, Esq., Manager of the Ontario Bank, Port Petry, having been pro- moted to a similar position in the Ontario Bank, Toronto, and being about to move to his new appointment, was waited on Jbya number of 'the leading business men add olhers of Port Port and its surroundings on the evening of tho 28th ult, and made the recipient ot & handsome and valuable pre= sentation accompanied by sn address ex- pressive of the high esteem in which that gentleman is held by all who have done business with him as Manager of the Bank or had the pl of bis. acquni '¢ a8 a towneman. The high respect due Mrs, Allen, the amiable partner of his Ife, was | not overlooked, for a valuable and beau. tiful prescutation was made to her through Mr. Allen. The intrinsic worth of the part- ing gifts was'by no meaus inconsiderable running up as it did into the hundreds, but even that was nothing when compared to the manly and noble spirit evinced in the candidates in altered constit will be best sorved by holding other conventiona and bringing out can. didates anew just as if no candidate had been chosen; the fuct is that the selegtion of a candidate in a corsti- tnency before the change £annot be | considered as a selection of a candid- ato for an altered constituency. Ti would bave teen much better had no candida'e bhoen selected till 'after the change but there is nobody birt, the new coustituencies will have to make their own sclectinns and even if old candidates be set aside they have only themselves: to blame for allowing themselves to..be placed in nomination before the Eedistri- bution bad taken place. » eRe-- The First Round. [Grits of the new riding, West Ontarioshave fought their first battle. At their meeting at Stouffville on Tuesday last, the o, Wheler contingent took the field early in the day, form- ed a square*and dcemed. themselves invincible, but scarcely had they formed when down came Dr. Widdi- field with his logions from Whit church and Newmarket and broke right into the Wheler ranks causing much disorder. ~ Elgar, {the everlasting candidate, with bis Tow rotainers joined in the attack andi itonly remained for the retiring (Mr. Mulock and his two! aids to rush into the melee, complete disaster: 'and cause a 'without doing any b 8 of true g: worth.: The re- ij their fino, se Conservative candidate wil Lave a soft 2° who help them- his instance for active and kind, and is cer super- Lulso shown in {bis class, they are show ard ing to farmers supply isso liboral he varicty 80 eat that they have no difficulty in securing just such machines as thoy The show of Jive: stock was not very extensive but who saw ir ,mast admit that it wonld be difficult to find a better lot of animals In the Imposted Draught class rau off all eaidont thore were two particularly good |g. non-resident lund is 0 or ua aver. animals shown. Dumiriesshire Jock | age $1869 per sere. - xe tho preperty : of Me. (Allan Hayes, is one of tho best stallions ever shown on this continent, he isa faverite wherever he travels and he cannot little difference w ire. tion is high or low tions are jost and equitable. "The fo are the totals: Total pumber Tof 1,125 acres are non. Tho total value of personal property ani taxable income is $35,525, so that the total assessed value of the municipality is $725, 215. * The total altoaber of peveay in the muni- be beaten as a sure foul getter of | cipality is2,218,s0 that wery theassessud value | firat-class stock, British Lion is splendid looking horse. The Canadian Dranght class was well represented, Prideof Ontario is fine horse and much thought uf, In General Purpose Stallions there wero i ues. Hayes' Star of Wost a vorite and he should Wifes 'Wonderful Lad is also good horde." CuiriagoStallions made a big dash and crented quite an intorest, a splendid field of choies borses. Mr. Ralph's, L. H. Daniels, is all that could be desired.in a roadster, sound ior in bone, muscle and action and his superior stock 18 his best recommend. Hayes' Toronto , Chief was also shown, The Chief is a capital horse woll known and much thought of wherever he is known, he 'has lots of good stock to sustain his repula- tion Huinsback's Black Cloud = and Reynold's, Young Tom Allan' were fine horses and had lots offadmivers, The show of cattle. was not large equally divided among them there would be $327.42 to each man woman and child in the township. Total number of hornes 845, cattle 2003, sheep 1,637, hogs 1,013 ; persons from 21 to $0 years 421 ; number of ratepayers 561. a... --_ Port Perry Counei. The ceuncil of the corporation of Port' Perry met at the town hgll on Monday, lst inst, Mr. Major abgent, The mii of the previ ting were read and approvid. The Clerk rend a communication from J. W. Codd, Esq., President of the Lake Scugog Swamp Lands Drainage Co'y, regarding the proposed roadway across the swamp. . The communication set forth the advantages the rdadway would confer on the municipalities concerned, that 'the Co'y had no special in- terest in a roadway, that a dam would be all they would require for drainage purposes and that it could be made at very much less cost than a roadway, That in secking legislation to construct a roadway the Co'y had been induced té go into the cost by promises made by the authorities of the village ot assistance to the extent of ten or fifteen thousand dollars ; he, Mr. Codd, had boen assured that the promoters of the bat there were some fine. animals] scheme would receive such assistance, Were among them. the work to go on he considered that it In the Durham class Mr. Philpe | would be greatly to. the advantage of the showed a fine bull aged. In the young Durham bulls Messrs Foster and Werey each showed a fine one. ; town and neighberhood as little less than 200,000 a year might beexpected to- ciren- | late in the neighborhood in quen: of the work. That municipalities now con- sider it advautag to bonus factories and In aged Grado bulls Messrs § 1 and Ferguson both showed beauties. | other enterprises and the drainage enterprise Messrs. - Wright and Sanderson showed good yearling bulls, PRIZE LIST : would prove more profitable to the surround. ings than almost any other. enterprise, -- Ho proposes thut the town loan the Co'y, Imported Daught Stallion--1st prize A. [say $10,000 and suggests that the council Hayes' Dumfriesshire Jock; 20d Mastall's submit a by-law for the Issue of debentures Biitish Lion. > - Canadian Draught Stallion--1st Hinders Pride of Ontario ; 20d Chapman's * General Purpose Stallion=1s# Hayes amounting to $10,000, ten debentures of $1,000 each payable yearly without interest. Let the debentures be banded over ta the Star of the West; 2nd White's Wonderful Company in way of loan, and at the expica- Lad, Carriago Stallion--1st Ralph's L. H Danicle; 20d Hayes' Toronto Chief, tion of each ycar duiing the ten years thy Company would elther hand back one of Durham Bull--1et Philp's William Prince | the debentures to the town or $1,000 cash in of Orange Yearling Bull--1st J. Forder's; 20d T Werry's. lieu thereof The Company would agree to bivd themselves to have the roadway 'com- Grade Bull, aged--1st J, Samel's; 20d | Picted and open for traffic by October first of 8. T. Ferguson 8, the present year, and that ro' toll shall be ening Bull lsth B.A, Wright's; 2nd | collected on the roadway during the con- cipients are more to be gratulated on the possession ot those worthy and endearing traits of character calculated to win the esteem and respect of all than on thi re- coguition' these qualities ros jyed even from aa intelligent ana appreciative commuuity. Spring | Show. The Cartwright Agricaltural So- ciety held their Spring Show for 1882, at Williamsburg on Friday, 28h' inst. The early morn appear ed rather threatening bat the day turned out exceedingly fine, cold a littlo, of course, but dry and pleas~ ant, and highly favorable for farm work, this, together with the fuet that the work was somewhat behind, tended to diminish the attendance; | p but by noon 'parties began to come in in pumbors and create a life and activity which all like to see. The extensive and comfortable ac- cowmodation which Williamsburg can now offer to guests relieves all anxiety in parties attending Shows or other large gatherings there.-- Mine hosts. Holt and Lattimor have abundance of desirable accommoda- tion to offer to all comers, comfort- able houses, generous and corteous treatment while the (ables aro all that could be desired. The active officers: and dirgctors of the Society were busy making the necessary arrangements for the ac- commodation of the exhibitors und in 'onder to secure that order and regularity in the show 80 necessary | com to the comfort of all, exhibitors and season with an attractive concert, under their { ing of Friday, 12th fost. The programme will LA Fe tury Harvester; 2nd Max- well Harvester. v Mower--1st Champion; 2nd Sawyer's tinnanco of the loan from the town, Or the company will accept of a cash grant equa! to the difference in cost between the con- Ironclad. struction of a dam and roadway. As the Becder--Ist Beaver, Horse Rake-- Ist Maxwell Rake. General Purpose Plow--1st Porter & Son. promoters of the scheme were induced by promises of assistance to geek legislation to Judges--On horses and cattle : Thomas | build a roadway, if such assistance is not Graham, Manchester; Geo. shaw and 8 Bradshaw, On Implements; Messrs. Bailey, toParliament tojhavi Veal and Mason, coe Hard on the Professions. The Brethren and very likely the sisters too of "Lovely" Grange, North Victoria, forthcoming the Co ny would apply to e Act so ameaded that they may bnild adam and not a roadway. 7 The communication was quite a loog one we have only given its leading features. On motion of Mr. Phillippo, indigent, aid to the éxtent of §24 was granted as, follows: Mrs. Zwickéy-87, Mrs Koster $3, Mra. Smith. have sat dowa on the Professions and out $3, Mrs May $5, Mes Iivine $3, .. Tunstal! eiders as available representatives. If the|g3, Elec tors heed Bro. Knight's motion, neither ional men nor id Here is how he puts its On metion of Mr, Ham the first: sitting of seed apply. | the Court of Revision: to revise (he Assess- ent roll of the muicipality was sppolated " Resolved, that we, the members of Love- | to be held on the 5th of June, ly Grange, are of opinion; and desire that the candidate er candidates for the repre- sentation of North Victoria in the House of Mr. Bruce presented the petition of Messrs Wightman Bros. and 34 others praying to Commons of Canada, at the ensuing lee- | have a given portion of Queen S¢., watered, tion, shall be & bona fide resident of the| when required during the season, county, and also that (he said candidate or candidates shall bean agriculturist, a me- chunic or' a merchant. Mr, McKaight the town Tospecior pre- And- that we. the sented his ceport of the number, nationality members of Lovely Grange, pledge ourselves | 8d sex of the corporation guests during the that we will not support & resident or von. | past year, who found shelter in the 14k up id, tidat. to represent Noth Victoria in the Dominion Hopse of Commovs. t lawyer as a parliamentry and lunched at the P crib, the greater number of them being of the: genus | tramp, There were 48 in all one lady and] A --e ee A Pleasant Opening --The Port Perry | 47 gentlemen of whom 16 vere Canadians Lacrosse Club wishing to take the public into their qonfidengce from' the start will open the on the even. ausploes, in the Town Hall, bo. bighiy Inforesting they invite all to , They should § 28d Mey vie er= spectators... There was a fine display of Mach. ines and Implements, as well for 'variety as superior quality. Mach interest was taken in the show and the active agents were not 1 i foeie macs the many Season y r machi : somone oa oro will bg good. eet A -- gin. Party Patronage. The New York Herald' is doing its best to extend the Government patronage by de- the appointment of a nat haogman ; he points out how alritly the 13 English, 11 Irish, 6 Scotch and 2 French, Mr, Major entered and took his seat. * The petition for watering the streets again eoming up Mr. Ham remarked that it would be wrong to make the proprietor of the. elevator pay for watering as it was of no benefit to him he would suggest "that the wattering com nence at tho west sido of Water St. Moan vad aid fut | Mr. Gordon' been dismissed from treagurership. 4 action in the matter, On motion of Me, Bruce, the Treasurer was credited for said amount, Mr. Major stated 'that as' the settlement | orother, Mr. Gordon bad, then stated to the Council demanded on him and he bad then made a claims of the corporation' for $65 being balance of salary and balance the ratepayers. : * Tlie reeve stated that he remembered Mr. Gordon making certain statements but as they were not given in wiiting they bad so far escaped his memory that he could not Low gay what they really were, he does not knew how much he claimed. « Mr. Phillippo said the amount claimed was $65. Mr, Bruce said he did not think Mr. Gor- don demanded quite as much a's $65. Mr, Ham moved that an order be granted in favor of Mr. Gordon for $2.07 in full of balance of salary. Mr. Major said that it Mr, Gordo be not more than is set forth in Mr. Ham's motion the corporation may look out for a law suit 88 Mr. Gordon will enter a suit within » couple of days, Mr. Phillippo said the corporation does (not wish any man's services for nothing. -- Mr, Gordon certainly should be paid for his services what they were worth, able tronble connected with receiving the rates from the ratepayers as Mr. Gordon had to do, the thing was pew then none of the machinery was in order for it, no reecipts pay a paity to assist him in the work, corporation should get into a law suit, Mr. Gordon had already been paid $20 for extra services in connection with this work nd he did think that the corporation +had any- thing to fear from a law suit, The Reeve said that Mr. Gordon could make pothing by a law suit against the cor- poration under tho circumstances, but he (the Reeve) thinks that Mr Ham should have moved $5, Mr Ham said ho does not see where Mr. tion further than the balance he (Ham); has moved, the corporation has nothing to de as to. how Mr. Gordon, managed his business or whom he paid for doing the work ; if Mr. Gordon found that the work was more than he was paid for he shonjd have resigned at once and seeing he did not do so it may 'b taken for grauted that he was satisfied a (Ham) believes, that Mc Gordon had n tention of making an extra demand. ¥nch demand would have been made had Mr, Hams qotion was now put and d clared carried. The Town Inspector urged on the councl ing geitain strects repaired while the 'weather is covl and the roads soft and can Le repair: od at very much less expense than when hilldened with summer heat ; healso called | attention to the dangerons condition of por- tions of the sidewalks which cannot now be topaired for want of materia), that the party who was expected to furnish the lumber had not yet brought lton. , On motion of Mr. Major, The Inepéctor | was instructed to procéed with the repairs taking the most necessgry first, - school bells and mill whistles he' considers mills are running and it takes Mr. McKnight quitd a time to attend to the ringing of the town bull, wherever be is employed hrongh- out the town he has to be at the tow hall three fimos a day to ring the bell which Oécasions quite a loss of time not to Mr. three hands workiog with him there will be Mr. Ham sud thia was cutting tinge ins 2 by-law maki English official doa sirbi york a's iio seated Mr, Major replied that were in Ee ma saved in this as in 07 "Jas Dit for 30 Toads gravel, $150; Jus b iP work oo Jusster 1 line in' 3rd Gil cedar and work t Bong Bp T A Sloane, cedar i $2.25; Jus Me- rs done to scraper | © io 3 Mrs. Hilfe, tue in] 0 Mrs $1. with tho lato Tressncer hua' boen laid over |B: from Inst meeting the | Counlt ought' now to} proceed and deal 'with the matter in one way the Council that he had paid fn fall all that] 50°13 ¢ next at 10 Ad iy es a.m, of chatge for receiving taxes as paid in by a ote * A G proplimentary Send off. Viters the active and obliging host n House Port Perry, who is|- giving ugithe business and about to move to the Githt North West was met by a large pubes his friends on the 2nd instant, the leparture, and entertained to A + The greatest satisfaction y those present with the which Mr. Watters has condacted is general courtesy and attention the amount 'of comfort secured $eactivity and care of the worthy hostess were forcibly commented I regret" was expressed at Mr. pmoval, all joined in wishing him onnected "with hi much pros- ald happiness wherever they go. + ---------- §portant Industry.--Williams- | right bas added an important ;its other conveniences, a pump been, established in the village most favorable' circumstances.-- | leas . cising, active business man and mrs fairly dealt with, it he does not got| Mr. Major said that there was consider | prepared then as now. Mr. Gordon had to i Mr. Bruco said he. had no desire that the] or two of a hemp necktie might -| North Hides RiEAxs, April 20. --Jadge Romano | Eggs . pmival court, yesterday sentenced a twenty-four. hours of the parish prison fof contempt of court in appearing Public ie Solon Honor wens, Lizzie elson onde, ice Guard, Ale Platten, | ppp, Gordon has any. claim against the eorpom. 2 Mia ep Elza ae doph Renneayr faa | os om Nay Fi Trattic usichos Steamers and forall the m popular way vr to the United States and the Groat ost. + Full dire = ra : Stopping the Supplies. nd most The Scott Acts foot into foree in Halton on tho Ist inst. The hotels at' Milton were all closed, and there Was ab accommodation forutravelers, man or beast, THe town was quiet enough for a Sunday. ee ------------ Bright's Pisesse of of the Kidneys, No danger from these en if you use Hop Bitters; besides being medicine ever made, Fall Wheat, , Oats .,..... Hay perton CloverS8ced . Timothy Seed, , §8535888°¢ 8888883 Poco ouwrDeO® oCommeae® - -~ © gEr2R2383s8 E31 - 3582 MBER Jateeg or Commeneing hoa J, 1882. % 2 z Whitby thy. annction.. Ay , no their induess; had make an ge the winister of the parish for the urgent, necessition of a very { The ladies to furnish a subsidy of coal, to add a Je a The grateful recipient, rds, met the worth, or, the importance of guing on at once in hav=dpse th J. Pastors dor, in the course of fs " Eb, mivister," said the poor old , "it's a grand thing for the likes o* me 10 bide in this parish, f twa ghile leddics kecp mo 5 8 'the minister keeps ne: warm at rm ia the day | w Notling on Barth 80 Good. ninly a Hong opiuion, said one of ofr feporters; to whom the following wag #if Mr. Henry Kaschop, with Mr. nin street, Wor- 80 badly with Mr. Major said that béitween foundry bells, i the town bell as quite unnecessary when the | Oil 1 'was , Sompletely cured. 3 earth McKnight alone but when bo has two. of | Gainers, Prince Eom gs nesday, April, 26th, by a Rev Mr, | A precious little done while he is away, four it: pe, of ¢ hie 0, M. M. Church, {ames it be 00 him all the way as he ond terms. Oon 'charges y and some d The Tas: 2 WsEsEEE Fe KUNI NecaLH SeENSaa petal Bikorn Fired Ufo Insurance, I Real Estate Aga, h, Cece, kr, E have opened aa office in the Vill r ° gh Fa unt o na ip We have in add #3 Loan r I aye say the of Lrivate finds to ve the security offered. i; deal with private ndivion cnn have the option to re stalments or at the e; nd the loan is taken. We are also pre money dey ample seguri| ferme. ores, We pd se ral |

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